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Posted to by on 2006/11/13 23:55:14 UTC

svn commit: r474551 [13/49] - in /struts/struts2/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/struts2/static/dojo: ./ src/ src/alg/ src/animation/ src/cal/ src/charting/ src/charting/svg/ src/charting/vml/ src/collections/ src/crypto/ src/data/ src/data/cs...

Added: struts/struts2/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/struts2/static/dojo/src/event/common.js
--- struts/struts2/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/struts2/static/dojo/src/event/common.js (added)
+++ struts/struts2/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/struts2/static/dojo/src/event/common.js Mon Nov 13 14:54:45 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,878 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+// TODO: connection filter functions
+//			these are functions that accept a method invocation (like around
+//			advice) and return a boolean based on it. That value determines
+//			whether or not the connection proceeds. It could "feel" like around
+//			advice for those who know what it is (calling proceed() or not),
+//			but I think presenting it as a "filter" and/or calling it with the
+//			function args and not the MethodInvocation might make it more
+//			palletable to "normal" users than around-advice currently is
+// TODO: execution scope mangling
+//			YUI's event facility by default executes listeners in the context
+//			of the source object. This is very odd, but should probably be
+//			supported as an option (both for the source and for the dest). It
+//			can be thought of as a connection-specific hitch().
+// TODO: more resiliency for 4+ arguments to connect()
+dojo.event = new function(){
+	this._canTimeout = dojo.lang.isFunction(dj_global["setTimeout"])||dojo.lang.isAlien(dj_global["setTimeout"]);
+	// FIXME: where should we put this method (not here!)?
+	function interpolateArgs(args, searchForNames){
+		var dl = dojo.lang;
+		var ao = {
+			srcObj: dj_global,
+			srcFunc: null,
+			adviceObj: dj_global,
+			adviceFunc: null,
+			aroundObj: null,
+			aroundFunc: null,
+			adviceType: (args.length>2) ? args[0] : "after",
+			precedence: "last",
+			once: false,
+			delay: null,
+			rate: 0,
+			adviceMsg: false
+		};
+		switch(args.length){
+			case 0: return;
+			case 1: return;
+			case 2:
+				ao.srcFunc = args[0];
+				ao.adviceFunc = args[1];
+				break;
+			case 3:
+				if((dl.isObject(args[0]))&&(dl.isString(args[1]))&&(dl.isString(args[2]))){
+					ao.adviceType = "after";
+					ao.srcObj = args[0];
+					ao.srcFunc = args[1];
+					ao.adviceFunc = args[2];
+				}else if((dl.isString(args[1]))&&(dl.isString(args[2]))){
+					ao.srcFunc = args[1];
+					ao.adviceFunc = args[2];
+				}else if((dl.isObject(args[0]))&&(dl.isString(args[1]))&&(dl.isFunction(args[2]))){
+					ao.adviceType = "after";
+					ao.srcObj = args[0];
+					ao.srcFunc = args[1];
+					var tmpName  = dl.nameAnonFunc(args[2], ao.adviceObj, searchForNames);
+					ao.adviceFunc = tmpName;
+				}else if((dl.isFunction(args[0]))&&(dl.isObject(args[1]))&&(dl.isString(args[2]))){
+					ao.adviceType = "after";
+					ao.srcObj = dj_global;
+					var tmpName  = dl.nameAnonFunc(args[0], ao.srcObj, searchForNames);
+					ao.srcFunc = tmpName;
+					ao.adviceObj = args[1];
+					ao.adviceFunc = args[2];
+				}
+				break;
+			case 4:
+				if((dl.isObject(args[0]))&&(dl.isObject(args[2]))){
+					// we can assume that we've got an old-style "connect" from
+					// the sigslot school of event attachment. We therefore
+					// assume after-advice.
+					ao.adviceType = "after";
+					ao.srcObj = args[0];
+					ao.srcFunc = args[1];
+					ao.adviceObj = args[2];
+					ao.adviceFunc = args[3];
+				}else if((dl.isString(args[0]))&&(dl.isString(args[1]))&&(dl.isObject(args[2]))){
+					ao.adviceType = args[0];
+					ao.srcObj = dj_global;
+					ao.srcFunc = args[1];
+					ao.adviceObj = args[2];
+					ao.adviceFunc = args[3];
+				}else if((dl.isString(args[0]))&&(dl.isFunction(args[1]))&&(dl.isObject(args[2]))){
+					ao.adviceType = args[0];
+					ao.srcObj = dj_global;
+					var tmpName  = dl.nameAnonFunc(args[1], dj_global, searchForNames);
+					ao.srcFunc = tmpName;
+					ao.adviceObj = args[2];
+					ao.adviceFunc = args[3];
+				}else if((dl.isString(args[0]))&&(dl.isObject(args[1]))&&(dl.isString(args[2]))&&(dl.isFunction(args[3]))){
+					ao.srcObj = args[1];
+					ao.srcFunc = args[2];
+					var tmpName  = dl.nameAnonFunc(args[3], dj_global, searchForNames);
+					ao.adviceObj = dj_global;
+					ao.adviceFunc = tmpName;
+				}else if(dl.isObject(args[1])){
+					ao.srcObj = args[1];
+					ao.srcFunc = args[2];
+					ao.adviceObj = dj_global;
+					ao.adviceFunc = args[3];
+				}else if(dl.isObject(args[2])){
+					ao.srcObj = dj_global;
+					ao.srcFunc = args[1];
+					ao.adviceObj = args[2];
+					ao.adviceFunc = args[3];
+				}else{
+					ao.srcObj = ao.adviceObj = ao.aroundObj = dj_global;
+					ao.srcFunc = args[1];
+					ao.adviceFunc = args[2];
+					ao.aroundFunc = args[3];
+				}
+				break;
+			case 6:
+				ao.srcObj = args[1];
+				ao.srcFunc = args[2];
+				ao.adviceObj = args[3]
+				ao.adviceFunc = args[4];
+				ao.aroundFunc = args[5];
+				ao.aroundObj = dj_global;
+				break;
+			default:
+				ao.srcObj = args[1];
+				ao.srcFunc = args[2];
+				ao.adviceObj = args[3]
+				ao.adviceFunc = args[4];
+				ao.aroundObj = args[5];
+				ao.aroundFunc = args[6];
+				ao.once = args[7];
+				ao.delay = args[8];
+				ao.rate = args[9];
+				ao.adviceMsg = args[10];
+				break;
+		}
+		if(dl.isFunction(ao.aroundFunc)){
+			var tmpName  = dl.nameAnonFunc(ao.aroundFunc, ao.aroundObj, searchForNames);
+			ao.aroundFunc = tmpName;
+		}
+		if(dl.isFunction(ao.srcFunc)){
+			ao.srcFunc = dl.getNameInObj(ao.srcObj, ao.srcFunc);
+		}
+		if(dl.isFunction(ao.adviceFunc)){
+			ao.adviceFunc = dl.getNameInObj(ao.adviceObj, ao.adviceFunc);
+		}
+		if((ao.aroundObj)&&(dl.isFunction(ao.aroundFunc))){
+			ao.aroundFunc = dl.getNameInObj(ao.aroundObj, ao.aroundFunc);
+		}
+		if(!ao.srcObj){
+			dojo.raise("bad srcObj for srcFunc: "+ao.srcFunc);
+		}
+		if(!ao.adviceObj){
+			dojo.raise("bad adviceObj for adviceFunc: "+ao.adviceFunc);
+		}
+		if(!ao.adviceFunc){
+			dojo.debug("bad adviceFunc for srcFunc: "+ao.srcFunc);
+			dojo.debugShallow(ao);
+		} 
+		return ao;
+	}
+	this.connect = function(/*...*/){
+		// summary:
+		//		dojo.event.connect is the glue that holds most Dojo-based
+		//		applications together. Most combinations of arguments are
+		//		supported, with the connect() method attempting to disambiguate
+		//		the implied types of positional parameters. The following will
+		//		all work:
+		//			dojo.event.connect("globalFunctionName1", "globalFunctionName2");
+		//			dojo.event.connect(functionReference1, functionReference2);
+		//			dojo.event.connect("globalFunctionName1", functionReference2);
+		//			dojo.event.connect(functionReference1, "globalFunctionName2");
+		//			dojo.event.connect(scope1, "functionName1", "globalFunctionName2");
+		//			dojo.event.connect("globalFunctionName1", scope2, "functionName2");
+		//			dojo.event.connect(scope1, "functionName1", scope2, "functionName2");
+		//			dojo.event.connect("after", scope1, "functionName1", scope2, "functionName2");
+		//			dojo.event.connect("before", scope1, "functionName1", scope2, "functionName2");
+		//			dojo.event.connect("around", 	scope1, "functionName1", 
+		//											scope2, "functionName2",
+		//											aroundFunctionReference);
+		//			dojo.event.connect("around", 	scope1, "functionName1", 
+		//											scope2, "functionName2",
+		//											scope3, "aroundFunctionName");
+		//			dojo.event.connect("before-around", 	scope1, "functionName1", 
+		//													scope2, "functionName2",
+		//													aroundFunctionReference);
+		//			dojo.event.connect("after-around", 		scope1, "functionName1", 
+		//													scope2, "functionName2",
+		//													aroundFunctionReference);
+		//			dojo.event.connect("after-around", 		scope1, "functionName1", 
+		//													scope2, "functionName2",
+		//													scope3, "aroundFunctionName");
+		//			dojo.event.connect("around", 	scope1, "functionName1", 
+		//											scope2, "functionName2",
+		//											scope3, "aroundFunctionName", true, 30);
+		//			dojo.event.connect("around", 	scope1, "functionName1", 
+		//											scope2, "functionName2",
+		//											scope3, "aroundFunctionName", null, null, 10);
+		// adviceType: 
+		//		Optional. String. One of "before", "after", "around",
+		//		"before-around", or "after-around". FIXME
+		// srcObj:
+		//		the scope in which to locate/execute the named srcFunc. Along
+		//		with srcFunc, this creates a way to dereference the function to
+		//		call. So if the function in question is "", the
+		//		srcObj/srcFunc pair would be foo and "bar", where "bar" is a
+		//		string and foo is an object reference.
+		// srcFunc:
+		//		the name of the function to connect to. When it is executed,
+		//		the listener being registered with this call will be called.
+		//		The adviceType defines the call order between the source and
+		//		the target functions.
+		// adviceObj:
+		//		the scope in which to locate/execute the named adviceFunc.
+		// adviceFunc:
+		//		the name of the function being conected to srcObj.srcFunc
+		// aroundObj:
+		//		the scope in which to locate/execute the named aroundFunc.
+		// aroundFunc:
+		//		the name of, or a reference to, the function that will be used
+		//		to mediate the advice call. Around advice requires a special
+		//		unary function that will be passed a "MethodInvocation" object.
+		//		These objects have several important properties, namely:
+		//			- args
+		//				a mutable array of arguments to be passed into the
+		//				wrapped function
+		//			- proceed
+		//				a function that "continues" the invocation. The result
+		//				of this function is the return of the wrapped function.
+		//				You can then manipulate this return before passing it
+		//				back out (or take further action based on it).
+		// once:
+		//		boolean that determines whether or not this connect() will
+		//		create a new connection if an identical connect() has already
+		//		been made. Defaults to "false".
+		// delay:
+		//		an optional delay (in ms), as an integer, for dispatch of a
+		//		listener after the source has been fired.
+		// rate:
+		//		an optional rate throttling parameter (integer, in ms). When
+		//		specified, this particular connection will not fire more than
+		//		once in the interval specified by the rate
+		// adviceMsg:
+		//		boolean. Should the listener have all the parameters passed in
+		//		as a single argument?
+		/*
+				ao.adviceType = args[0];
+				ao.srcObj = args[1];
+				ao.srcFunc = args[2];
+				ao.adviceObj = args[3]
+				ao.adviceFunc = args[4];
+				ao.aroundObj = args[5];
+				ao.aroundFunc = args[6];
+				ao.once = args[7];
+				ao.delay = args[8];
+				ao.rate = args[9];
+				ao.adviceMsg = args[10];
+		*/
+		if(arguments.length == 1){
+			var ao = arguments[0];
+		}else{
+			var ao = interpolateArgs(arguments, true);
+		}
+		if(dojo.lang.isString(ao.srcFunc) && (ao.srcFunc.toLowerCase() == "onkey") ){
+			if({
+				ao.srcFunc = "onkeydown";
+				this.connect(ao);
+			}
+			ao.srcFunc = "onkeypress";
+		}
+		if(dojo.lang.isArray(ao.srcObj) && ao.srcObj!=""){
+			var tmpAO = {};
+			for(var x in ao){
+				tmpAO[x] = ao[x];
+			}
+			var mjps = [];
+			dojo.lang.forEach(ao.srcObj, function(src){
+				if((dojo.render.html.capable)&&(dojo.lang.isString(src))){
+					src = dojo.byId(src);
+					// dojo.debug(src);
+				}
+				tmpAO.srcObj = src;
+				// dojo.debug(tmpAO.srcObj, tmpAO.srcFunc);
+				// dojo.debug(tmpAO.adviceObj, tmpAO.adviceFunc);
+				mjps.push(, tmpAO));
+			});
+			return mjps;
+		}
+		// FIXME: just doing a "getForMethod()" seems to be enough to put this into infinite recursion!!
+		var mjp = dojo.event.MethodJoinPoint.getForMethod(ao.srcObj, ao.srcFunc);
+		if(ao.adviceFunc){
+			var mjp2 = dojo.event.MethodJoinPoint.getForMethod(ao.adviceObj, ao.adviceFunc);
+		}
+		mjp.kwAddAdvice(ao);
+		// advanced users might want to fsck w/ the join point manually
+		return mjp; // a MethodJoinPoint object
+	}
+	this.log = function(/*object or funcName*/ a1, /*funcName*/ a2){
+		// summary:
+		//		a function that will wrap and log all calls to the specified
+		//		a1.a2() function. If only a1 is passed, it'll be used as a
+		//		function or function name on the global context. Logging will
+		//		be sent to dojo.debug
+		// a1:
+		//		if a2 is passed, this should be an object. If not, it can be a
+		//		function or function name.
+		// a2:
+		//		a function name
+		var kwArgs;
+		if((arguments.length == 1)&&(typeof a1 == "object")){
+			kwArgs = a1;
+		}else{
+			kwArgs = {
+				srcObj: a1,
+				srcFunc: a2
+			};
+		}
+		kwArgs.adviceFunc = function(){
+			var argsStr = [];
+			for(var x=0; x<arguments.length; x++){
+				argsStr.push(arguments[x]);
+			}
+			dojo.debug("("+kwArgs.srcObj+")."+kwArgs.srcFunc, ":", argsStr.join(", "));
+		}
+		this.kwConnect(kwArgs);
+	}
+	this.connectBefore = function(){
+		// summary:
+		//	 	takes the same parameters as dojo.event.connect(), except that
+		//	 	the advice type will always be "before"
+		var args = ["before"];
+		for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){ args.push(arguments[i]); }
+		return this.connect.apply(this, args); // a MethodJoinPoint object
+	}
+	this.connectAround = function(){
+		// summary:
+		//	 	takes the same parameters as dojo.event.connect(), except that
+		//	 	the advice type will always be "around"
+		var args = ["around"];
+		for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){ args.push(arguments[i]); }
+		return this.connect.apply(this, args); // a MethodJoinPoint object
+	}
+	this.connectOnce = function(){
+		// summary:
+		//	 	takes the same parameters as dojo.event.connect(), except that
+		//	 	the "once" flag will always be set to "true"
+		var ao = interpolateArgs(arguments, true);
+		ao.once = true;
+		return this.connect(ao); // a MethodJoinPoint object
+	}
+	this._kwConnectImpl = function(kwArgs, disconnect){
+		var fn = (disconnect) ? "disconnect" : "connect";
+		if(typeof kwArgs["srcFunc"] == "function"){
+			kwArgs.srcObj = kwArgs["srcObj"]||dj_global;
+			var tmpName  = dojo.lang.nameAnonFunc(kwArgs.srcFunc, kwArgs.srcObj, true);
+			kwArgs.srcFunc = tmpName;
+		}
+		if(typeof kwArgs["adviceFunc"] == "function"){
+			kwArgs.adviceObj = kwArgs["adviceObj"]||dj_global;
+			var tmpName  = dojo.lang.nameAnonFunc(kwArgs.adviceFunc, kwArgs.adviceObj, true);
+			kwArgs.adviceFunc = tmpName;
+		}
+		kwArgs.srcObj = kwArgs["srcObj"]||dj_global;
+		kwArgs.adviceObj = kwArgs["adviceObj"]||kwArgs["targetObj"]||dj_global;
+		kwArgs.adviceFunc = kwArgs["adviceFunc"]||kwArgs["targetFunc"];
+		// pass kwargs to avoid unrolling/repacking
+		return dojo.event[fn](kwArgs);
+	}
+	this.kwConnect = function(/*Object*/ kwArgs){
+		// summary:
+		//		A version of dojo.event.connect() that takes a map of named
+		//		parameters instead of the positional parameters that
+		//		dojo.event.connect() uses. For many advanced connection types,
+		//		this can be a much more readable (and potentially faster)
+		//		alternative.
+		// kwArgs:
+		// 		An object that can have the following properties:
+		//			- adviceType
+		//			- srcObj
+		//			- srcFunc
+		//			- adviceObj
+		//			- adviceFunc 
+		//			- aroundObj
+		//			- aroundFunc
+		//			- once
+		//			- delay
+		//			- rate
+		//			- adviceMsg
+		//		As with connect, only srcFunc and adviceFunc are generally
+		//		required
+		return this._kwConnectImpl(kwArgs, false); // a MethodJoinPoint object
+	}
+	this.disconnect = function(){
+		// summary:
+		//		Takes the same parameters as dojo.event.connect() but destroys
+		//		an existing connection instead of building a new one. For
+		//		multiple identical connections, multiple disconnect() calls
+		//		will unroll one each time it's called.
+		if(arguments.length == 1){
+			var ao = arguments[0];
+		}else{
+			var ao = interpolateArgs(arguments, true);
+		}
+		if(!ao.adviceFunc){ return; } // nothing to disconnect
+		if(dojo.lang.isString(ao.srcFunc) && (ao.srcFunc.toLowerCase() == "onkey") ){
+			if({
+				ao.srcFunc = "onkeydown";
+				this.disconnect(ao);
+			}
+			ao.srcFunc = "onkeypress";
+		}
+		var mjp = dojo.event.MethodJoinPoint.getForMethod(ao.srcObj, ao.srcFunc);
+		return mjp.removeAdvice(ao.adviceObj, ao.adviceFunc, ao.adviceType, ao.once); // a MethodJoinPoint object
+	}
+	this.kwDisconnect = function(kwArgs){
+		// summary:
+		//		Takes the same parameters as dojo.event.kwConnect() but
+		//		destroys an existing connection instead of building a new one.
+		return this._kwConnectImpl(kwArgs, true);
+	}
+// exactly one of these is created whenever a method with a joint point is run,
+// if there is at least one 'around' advice.
+dojo.event.MethodInvocation = function(/*dojo.event.MethodJoinPoint*/join_point, /*Object*/obj, /*Array*/args){
+	// summary:
+	//		a class the models the call into a function. This is used under the
+	//		covers for all method invocations on both ends of a
+	//		connect()-wrapped function dispatch. This allows us to "pickle"
+	//		calls, such as in the case of around advice.
+	// join_point:
+	//		a dojo.event.MethodJoinPoint object that represents a connection
+	// obj:
+	//		the scope the call will execute in
+	// args:
+	//		an array of parameters that will get passed to the callee
+	this.jp_ = join_point;
+	this.object = obj;
+	this.args = [];
+	// make sure we don't lock into a mutable object which can change under us.
+	// It's ok if the individual items change, though.
+	for(var x=0; x<args.length; x++){
+		this.args[x] = args[x];
+	}
+	// the index of the 'around' that is currently being executed.
+	this.around_index = -1;
+dojo.event.MethodInvocation.prototype.proceed = function(){
+	// summary:
+	//		proceed with the method call that's represented by this invocation
+	//		object
+	this.around_index++;
+	if(this.around_index >= this.jp_.around.length){
+		return this.jp_.object[this.jp_.methodname].apply(this.jp_.object, this.args);
+		// return this.jp_.run_before_after(this.object, this.args);
+	}else{
+		var ti = this.jp_.around[this.around_index];
+		var mobj = ti[0]||dj_global;
+		var meth = ti[1];
+		return mobj[meth].call(mobj, this);
+	}
+dojo.event.MethodJoinPoint = function(/*Object*/obj, /*String*/funcName){
+	this.object = obj||dj_global;
+	this.methodname = funcName;
+	this.methodfunc = this.object[funcName];
+	this.squelch = false;
+	// this.before = [];
+	// this.after = [];
+	// this.around = [];
+dojo.event.MethodJoinPoint.getForMethod = function(/*Object*/obj, /*String*/funcName){
+	// summary:
+	//		"static" class function for returning a MethodJoinPoint from a
+	//		scoped function. If one doesn't exist, one is created.
+	// obj:
+	//		the scope to search for the function in
+	// funcName:
+	//		the name of the function to return a MethodJoinPoint for
+	if(!obj){ obj = dj_global; }
+	if(!obj[funcName]){
+		// supply a do-nothing method implementation
+		obj[funcName] = function(){};
+		if(!obj[funcName]){
+			// e.g. cannot add to inbuilt objects in IE6
+			dojo.raise("Cannot set do-nothing method on that object "+funcName);
+		}
+	}else if((!dojo.lang.isFunction(obj[funcName]))&&(!dojo.lang.isAlien(obj[funcName]))){
+		// FIXME: should we throw an exception here instead?
+		return null; 
+	}
+	// we hide our joinpoint instance in obj[funcName + '$joinpoint']
+	var jpname = funcName + "$joinpoint";
+	var jpfuncname = funcName + "$joinpoint$method";
+	var joinpoint = obj[jpname];
+	if(!joinpoint){
+		var isNode = false;
+		if(dojo.event["browser"]){
+			if( (obj["attachEvent"])||
+				(obj["nodeType"])||
+				(obj["addEventListener"]) ){
+				isNode = true;
+				dojo.event.browser.addClobberNodeAttrs(obj, [jpname, jpfuncname, funcName]);
+			}
+		}
+		var origArity = obj[funcName].length;
+		obj[jpfuncname] = obj[funcName];
+		// joinpoint = obj[jpname] = new dojo.event.MethodJoinPoint(obj, funcName);
+		joinpoint = obj[jpname] = new dojo.event.MethodJoinPoint(obj, jpfuncname);
+		obj[funcName] = function(){ 
+			var args = [];
+			if((isNode)&&(!arguments.length)){
+				var evt = null;
+				try{
+					if(obj.ownerDocument){
+						evt = obj.ownerDocument.parentWindow.event;
+					}else if(obj.documentElement){
+						evt = obj.documentElement.ownerDocument.parentWindow.event;
+					}else if(obj.event){ //obj is a window
+						evt = obj.event;
+					}else{
+						evt = window.event;
+					}
+				}catch(e){
+					evt = window.event;
+				}
+				if(evt){
+					args.push(dojo.event.browser.fixEvent(evt, this));
+				}
+			}else{
+				for(var x=0; x<arguments.length; x++){
+					if((x==0)&&(isNode)&&(dojo.event.browser.isEvent(arguments[x]))){
+						args.push(dojo.event.browser.fixEvent(arguments[x], this));
+					}else{
+						args.push(arguments[x]);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// return, arguments); 
+			return, args); 
+		}
+		obj[funcName].__preJoinArity = origArity;
+	}
+	return joinpoint; // dojo.event.MethodJoinPoint
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.event.MethodJoinPoint, {
+	unintercept: function(){
+		// summary: 
+		//		destroy the connection to all listeners that may have been
+		//		registered on this joinpoint
+		this.object[this.methodname] = this.methodfunc;
+		this.before = [];
+		this.after = [];
+		this.around = [];
+	},
+	disconnect: dojo.lang.forward("unintercept"),
+	run: function(){
+		// summary:
+		//		execute the connection represented by this join point. The
+		//		arguments passed to run() will be passed to the function and
+		//		its listeners.
+		var obj = this.object||dj_global;
+		var args = arguments;
+		// optimization. We only compute once the array version of the arguments
+		// pseudo-arr in order to prevent building it each time advice is unrolled.
+		var aargs = [];
+		for(var x=0; x<args.length; x++){
+			aargs[x] = args[x];
+		}
+		var unrollAdvice  = function(marr){ 
+			if(!marr){
+				dojo.debug("Null argument to unrollAdvice()");
+				return;
+			}
+			var callObj = marr[0]||dj_global;
+			var callFunc = marr[1];
+			if(!callObj[callFunc]){
+				dojo.raise("function \"" + callFunc + "\" does not exist on \"" + callObj + "\"");
+			}
+			var aroundObj = marr[2]||dj_global;
+			var aroundFunc = marr[3];
+			var msg = marr[6];
+			var undef;
+			var to = {
+				args: [],
+				jp_: this,
+				object: obj,
+				proceed: function(){
+					return callObj[callFunc].apply(callObj, to.args);
+				}
+			};
+			to.args = aargs;
+			var delay = parseInt(marr[4]);
+			var hasDelay = ((!isNaN(delay))&&(marr[4]!==null)&&(typeof marr[4] != "undefined"));
+			if(marr[5]){
+				var rate = parseInt(marr[5]);
+				var cur = new Date();
+				var timerSet = false;
+				if((marr["last"])&&((cur-marr.last)<=rate)){
+					if(dojo.event._canTimeout){
+						if(marr["delayTimer"]){
+							clearTimeout(marr.delayTimer);
+						}
+						var tod = parseInt(rate*2); // is rate*2 naive?
+						var mcpy = dojo.lang.shallowCopy(marr);
+						marr.delayTimer = setTimeout(function(){
+							// FIXME: on IE at least, event objects from the
+							// browser can go out of scope. How (or should?) we
+							// deal with it?
+							mcpy[5] = 0;
+							unrollAdvice(mcpy);
+						}, tod);
+					}
+					return;
+				}else{
+					marr.last = cur;
+				}
+			}
+			// FIXME: need to enforce rates for a connection here!
+			if(aroundFunc){
+				// NOTE: around advice can't delay since we might otherwise depend
+				// on execution order!
+				aroundObj[aroundFunc].call(aroundObj, to);
+			}else{
+				// var tmjp = dojo.event.MethodJoinPoint.getForMethod(obj, methname);
+				if((hasDelay)&&((dojo.render.html)||(dojo.render.svg))){  // FIXME: the render checks are grotty!
+					dj_global["setTimeout"](function(){
+						if(msg){
+							callObj[callFunc].call(callObj, to); 
+						}else{
+							callObj[callFunc].apply(callObj, args); 
+						}
+					}, delay);
+				}else{ // many environments can't support delay!
+					if(msg){
+						callObj[callFunc].call(callObj, to); 
+					}else{
+						callObj[callFunc].apply(callObj, args); 
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		var unRollSquelch = function(){
+			if(this.squelch){
+				try{
+					return unrollAdvice.apply(this, arguments);
+				}catch(e){ 
+					dojo.debug(e);
+				}
+			}else{
+				return unrollAdvice.apply(this, arguments);
+			}
+		}
+		if((this["before"])&&(this.before.length>0)){
+			// pass a cloned array, if this event disconnects this event forEach on this.before wont work
+			dojo.lang.forEach(this.before.concat(new Array()), unRollSquelch);
+		}
+		var result;
+		try{
+			if((this["around"])&&(this.around.length>0)){
+				var mi = new dojo.event.MethodInvocation(this, obj, args);
+				result = mi.proceed();
+			}else if(this.methodfunc){
+				result = this.object[this.methodname].apply(this.object, args);
+			}
+		}catch(e){ if(!this.squelch){ dojo.raise(e); } }
+		if((this["after"])&&(this.after.length>0)){
+			// see comment on this.before above
+			dojo.lang.forEach(this.after.concat(new Array()), unRollSquelch);
+		}
+		return (this.methodfunc) ? result : null;
+	},
+	getArr: function(/*String*/kind){
+		// summary: return a list of listeners of the past "kind"
+		// kind:
+		//		can be one of: "before", "after", "around", "before-around", or
+		//		"after-around"
+		var type = "after";
+		// FIXME: we should be able to do this through props or
+		if((typeof kind == "string")&&(kind.indexOf("before")!=-1)){
+			type = "before";
+		}else if(kind=="around"){
+			type = "around";
+		}
+		if(!this[type]){ this[type] = []; }
+		return this[type]; // Array
+	},
+	kwAddAdvice: function(/*Object*/args){
+		// summary:
+		//		adds advice to the joinpoint with arguments in a map
+		// args:
+		// 		An object that can have the following properties:
+		//			- adviceType
+		//			- adviceObj
+		//			- adviceFunc 
+		//			- aroundObj
+		//			- aroundFunc
+		//			- once
+		//			- delay
+		//			- rate
+		//			- adviceMsg
+		this.addAdvice(	args["adviceObj"], args["adviceFunc"], 
+						args["aroundObj"], args["aroundFunc"], 
+						args["adviceType"], args["precedence"], 
+						args["once"], args["delay"], args["rate"], 
+						args["adviceMsg"]);
+	},
+	addAdvice: function(	thisAdviceObj, thisAdvice, 
+							thisAroundObj, thisAround, 
+							adviceType, precedence, 
+							once, delay, rate, asMessage){
+		// summary:
+		//		add advice to this joinpoint using positional parameters
+		// thisAdviceObj:
+		//		the scope in which to locate/execute the named adviceFunc.
+		// thisAdviceFunc:
+		//		the name of the function being conected
+		// thisAroundObj:
+		//		the scope in which to locate/execute the named aroundFunc.
+		// thisAroundFunc:
+		//		the name of the function that will be used to mediate the
+		//		advice call.
+		// adviceType: 
+		//		Optional. String. One of "before", "after", "around",
+		//		"before-around", or "after-around". FIXME
+		// once:
+		//		boolean that determines whether or not this advice will create
+		//		a new connection if an identical advice set has already been
+		//		provided. Defaults to "false".
+		// delay:
+		//		an optional delay (in ms), as an integer, for dispatch of a
+		//		listener after the source has been fired.
+		// rate:
+		//		an optional rate throttling parameter (integer, in ms). When
+		//		specified, this particular connection will not fire more than
+		//		once in the interval specified by the rate
+		// adviceMsg:
+		//		boolean. Should the listener have all the parameters passed in
+		//		as a single argument?
+		var arr = this.getArr(adviceType);
+		if(!arr){
+			dojo.raise("bad this: " + this);
+		}
+		var ao = [thisAdviceObj, thisAdvice, thisAroundObj, thisAround, delay, rate, asMessage];
+		if(once){
+			if(this.hasAdvice(thisAdviceObj, thisAdvice, adviceType, arr) >= 0){
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+		if(precedence == "first"){
+			arr.unshift(ao);
+		}else{
+			arr.push(ao);
+		}
+	},
+	hasAdvice: function(thisAdviceObj, thisAdvice, adviceType, arr){
+		// summary:
+		//		returns the array index of the first existing connection
+		//		betweened the passed advice and this joinpoint. Will be -1 if
+		//		none exists.
+		// thisAdviceObj:
+		//		the scope in which to locate/execute the named adviceFunc.
+		// thisAdviceFunc:
+		//		the name of the function being conected
+		// adviceType: 
+		//		Optional. String. One of "before", "after", "around",
+		//		"before-around", or "after-around". FIXME
+		// arr:
+		//		Optional. The list of advices to search. Will be found via
+		//		adviceType if not passed
+		if(!arr){ arr = this.getArr(adviceType); }
+		var ind = -1;
+		for(var x=0; x<arr.length; x++){
+			var aao = (typeof thisAdvice == "object") ? (new String(thisAdvice)).toString() : thisAdvice;
+			var a1o = (typeof arr[x][1] == "object") ? (new String(arr[x][1])).toString() : arr[x][1];
+			if((arr[x][0] == thisAdviceObj)&&(a1o == aao)){
+				ind = x;
+			}
+		}
+		return ind; // Integer
+	},
+	removeAdvice: function(thisAdviceObj, thisAdvice, adviceType, once){
+		// summary:
+		//		returns the array index of the first existing connection
+		//		betweened the passed advice and this joinpoint. Will be -1 if
+		//		none exists.
+		// thisAdviceObj:
+		//		the scope in which to locate/execute the named adviceFunc.
+		// thisAdviceFunc:
+		//		the name of the function being conected
+		// adviceType: 
+		//		Optional. String. One of "before", "after", "around",
+		//		"before-around", or "after-around". FIXME
+		// once:
+		//		Optional. Should this only remove the first occurance of the
+		//		connection?
+		var arr = this.getArr(adviceType);
+		var ind = this.hasAdvice(thisAdviceObj, thisAdvice, adviceType, arr);
+		if(ind == -1){
+			return false;
+		}
+		while(ind != -1){
+			arr.splice(ind, 1);
+			if(once){ break; }
+			ind = this.hasAdvice(thisAdviceObj, thisAdvice, adviceType, arr);
+		}
+		return true;
+	}

Propchange: struts/struts2/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/struts2/static/dojo/src/event/common.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Modified: struts/struts2/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/struts2/static/dojo/src/event/topic.js
--- struts/struts2/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/struts2/static/dojo/src/event/topic.js (original)
+++ struts/struts2/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/struts2/static/dojo/src/event/topic.js Mon Nov 13 14:54:45 2006
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-	Copyright (c) 2004-2005, The Dojo Foundation
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
 	All Rights Reserved.
 	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
@@ -8,82 +8,193 @@
 dojo.event.topic = new function(){
 	this.topics = {};
-	this.getTopic = function(topicName){
-		if(!this.topics[topicName]){
-			this.topics[topicName] = new this.TopicImpl(topicName);
+	this.getTopic = function(/*String*/topic){
+		// summary:
+		//		returns a topic implementation object of type
+		//		dojo.event.topic.TopicImpl
+		// topic:
+		//		a unique, opaque string that names the topic
+		if(!this.topics[topic]){
+			this.topics[topic] = new this.TopicImpl(topic);
-		return this.topics[topicName];
+		return this.topics[topic]; // a dojo.event.topic.TopicImpl object
-	this.registerPublisher = function(topic, obj, funcName){
+	this.registerPublisher = function(/*String*/topic, /*Object*/obj, /*String*/funcName){
+		// summary:
+		//		registers a function as a publisher on a topic. Subsequent
+		//		calls to the function will cause a publish event on the topic
+		//		with the arguments passed to the function passed to registered
+		//		listeners.
+		// topic: 
+		//		a unique, opaque string that names the topic
+		// obj:
+		//		the scope to locate the function in
+		// funcName:
+		//		the name of the function to register
 		var topic = this.getTopic(topic);
 		topic.registerPublisher(obj, funcName);
-	this.subscribe = function(topic, obj, funcName){
+	this.subscribe = function(/*String*/topic, /*Object*/obj, /*String*/funcName){
+		// summary:
+		//		susbscribes the function to the topic. Subsequent events
+		//		dispached to the topic will create a function call for the
+		//		obj.funcName() function.
+		// topic: 
+		//		a unique, opaque string that names the topic
+		// obj:
+		//		the scope to locate the function in
+		// funcName:
+		//		the name of the function to being registered as a listener
 		var topic = this.getTopic(topic);
 		topic.subscribe(obj, funcName);
-	this.unsubscribe = function(topic, obj, funcName){
+	this.unsubscribe = function(/*String*/topic, /*Object*/obj, /*String*/funcName){
+		// summary:
+		//		unsubscribes the obj.funcName() from the topic
+		// topic: 
+		//		a unique, opaque string that names the topic
+		// obj:
+		//		the scope to locate the function in
+		// funcName:
+		//		the name of the function to being unregistered as a listener
 		var topic = this.getTopic(topic);
 		topic.unsubscribe(obj, funcName);
-	this.publish = function(topic, message){
+	this.destroy = function(/*String*/topic){
+		// summary: 
+		//		destroys the topic and unregisters all listeners
+		// topic:
+		//		a unique, opaque string that names the topic
+		this.getTopic(topic).destroy();
+		delete this.topics[topic];
+	}
+	this.publishApply = function(/*String*/topic, /*Array*/args){
+		// summary: 
+		//		dispatches an event to the topic using the args array as the
+		//		source for the call arguments to each listener. This is similar
+		//		to JavaScript's built-in Function.apply()
+		// topic:
+		//		a unique, opaque string that names the topic
+		// args:
+		//		the arguments to be passed into listeners of the topic
+		var topic = this.getTopic(topic);
+		topic.sendMessage.apply(topic, args);
+	}
+	this.publish = function(/*String*/topic, /*Object*/message){
+		// summary: 
+		//		manually "publish" to the passed topic
+		// topic:
+		//		a unique, opaque string that names the topic
+		// message:
+		//		can be an array of parameters (similar to publishApply), or
+		//		will be treated as one of many arguments to be passed along in
+		//		a "flat" unrolling
 		var topic = this.getTopic(topic);
 		// if message is an array, we treat it as a set of arguments,
 		// otherwise, we just pass on the arguments passed in as-is
 		var args = [];
-		if((arguments.length == 2)&&(message.length)&&(typeof message != "string")){
-			args = message;
-		}else{
-			var args = [];
-			for(var x=1; x<arguments.length; x++){
-				args.push(arguments[x]);
-			}
+		// could we use concat instead here?
+		for(var x=1; x<arguments.length; x++){
+			args.push(arguments[x]);
 		topic.sendMessage.apply(topic, args);
 dojo.event.topic.TopicImpl = function(topicName){
+	// summary: a class to represent topics
 	this.topicName = topicName;
-	var self = this;
-	self.subscribe = function(listenerObject, listenerMethod){
+	this.subscribe = function(/*Object*/listenerObject, /*Function or String*/listenerMethod){
+		// summary:
+		//		use dojo.event.connect() to attach the passed listener to the
+		//		topic represented by this object
+		// listenerObject:
+		//		if a string and listenerMethod is ommitted, this is treated as
+		//		the name of a function in the global namespace. If
+		//		listenerMethod is provided, this is the scope to find/execute
+		//		the function in.
+		// listenerMethod:
+		//		Optional. The function to register.
 		var tf = listenerMethod||listenerObject;
 		var to = (!listenerMethod) ? dj_global : listenerObject;
-		dojo.event.kwConnect({
-			srcObj:		self, 
+		return dojo.event.kwConnect({ // dojo.event.MethodJoinPoint
+			srcObj:		this, 
 			srcFunc:	"sendMessage", 
 			adviceObj:	to,
 			adviceFunc: tf
-	self.unsubscribe = function(listenerObject, listenerMethod){
+	this.unsubscribe = function(/*Object*/listenerObject, /*Function or String*/listenerMethod){
+		// summary:
+		//		use dojo.event.disconnect() to attach the passed listener to the
+		//		topic represented by this object
+		// listenerObject:
+		//		if a string and listenerMethod is ommitted, this is treated as
+		//		the name of a function in the global namespace. If
+		//		listenerMethod is provided, this is the scope to find the
+		//		function in.
+		// listenerMethod:
+		//		Optional. The function to unregister.
 		var tf = (!listenerMethod) ? listenerObject : listenerMethod;
 		var to = (!listenerMethod) ? null : listenerObject;
-		dojo.event.kwDisconnect({
-			srcObj:		self, 
+		return dojo.event.kwDisconnect({ // dojo.event.MethodJoinPoint
+			srcObj:		this, 
 			srcFunc:	"sendMessage", 
 			adviceObj:	to,
 			adviceFunc: tf
-	self.registerPublisher = function(publisherObject, publisherMethod){
-		dojo.event.connect(publisherObject, publisherMethod, self, "sendMessage");
+	this._getJoinPoint = function(){
+		return dojo.event.MethodJoinPoint.getForMethod(this, "sendMessage");
+	}
+	this.setSquelch = function(/*Boolean*/shouldSquelch){
+		// summary: 
+		//		determine whether or not exceptions in the calling of a
+		//		listener in the chain should stop execution of the chain.
+		this._getJoinPoint().squelch = shouldSquelch;
+	}
+	this.destroy = function(){
+		// summary: disconnects all listeners from this topic
+		this._getJoinPoint().disconnect();
+	}
+	this.registerPublisher = function(	/*Object*/publisherObject, 
+										/*Function or String*/publisherMethod){
+		// summary:
+		//		registers the passed function as a publisher on this topic.
+		//		Each time the function is called, an event will be published on
+		//		this topic.
+		// publisherObject:
+		//		if a string and listenerMethod is ommitted, this is treated as
+		//		the name of a function in the global namespace. If
+		//		listenerMethod is provided, this is the scope to find the
+		//		function in.
+		// publisherMethod:
+		//		Optional. The function to register.
+		dojo.event.connect(publisherObject, publisherMethod, this, "sendMessage");
-	self.sendMessage = function(message){
+	this.sendMessage = function(message){
+		// summary: a stub to be called when a message is sent to the topic.
 		// The message has been propagated

Added: struts/struts2/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/struts2/static/dojo/src/experimental.js
--- struts/struts2/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/struts2/static/dojo/src/experimental.js (added)
+++ struts/struts2/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/struts2/static/dojo/src/experimental.js Mon Nov 13 14:54:45 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.experimental = function(/* String */ moduleName, /* String? */ extra){
+	// summary: Marks code as experimental.
+	// description: 
+	//    This can be used to mark a function, file, or module as experimental.
+	//    Experimental code is not ready to be used, and the APIs are subject
+	//    to change without notice.  Experimental code may be completed deleted
+	//    without going through the normal deprecation process.
+	// moduleName: The name of a module, or the name of a module file or a specific function
+	// extra: some additional message for the user
+	// examples:
+	//    dojo.experimental("");
+	//    dojo.experimental("", "PENDING approval from NOAA");
+	var message = "EXPERIMENTAL: " + moduleName;
+	message += " -- Not yet ready for use.  APIs subject to change without notice.";
+	if(extra){ message += " " + extra; }
+	dojo.debug(message);

Propchange: struts/struts2/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/struts2/static/dojo/src/experimental.js
    svn:eol-style = native