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[30/53] [abbrv] [partial] storm git commit: STORM-1202: Migrate APIs to org.apache.storm, but try to provide some form of backwards compatability
diff --git a/storm-core/src/clj/backtype/storm/daemon/logviewer.clj b/storm-core/src/clj/backtype/storm/daemon/logviewer.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index f17a63d..0000000
--- a/storm-core/src/clj/backtype/storm/daemon/logviewer.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1199 +0,0 @@
-;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-;; or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-;; distributed with this work for additional information
-;; regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-;; to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-;; "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-;; with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-;; limitations under the License.
-(ns backtype.storm.daemon.logviewer
-  (:use compojure.core)
-  (:use [clojure.set :only [difference intersection]])
-  (:use [clojure.string :only [blank? split]])
-  (:use [hiccup core page-helpers form-helpers])
-  (:use [backtype.storm config util log timer])
-  (:use [backtype.storm.ui helpers])
-  (:import [backtype.storm.utils Utils VersionInfo])
-  (:import [org.slf4j LoggerFactory])
-  (:import [java.util Arrays ArrayList HashSet])
-  (:import [ GZIPInputStream])
-  (:import [org.apache.logging.log4j LogManager])
-  (:import [org.apache.logging.log4j.core Appender LoggerContext])
-  (:import [org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender RollingFileAppender])
-  (:import [ BufferedInputStream File FileFilter FileInputStream
-            InputStream InputStreamReader])
-  (:import [java.nio.file Files Path Paths DirectoryStream])
-  (:import [java.nio ByteBuffer])
-  (:import [backtype.storm.utils Utils])
-  (:import [backtype.storm.daemon DirectoryCleaner])
-  (:import [org.yaml.snakeyaml Yaml]
-           [org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor SafeConstructor])
-  (:import [backtype.storm.ui InvalidRequestException]
-           [ AuthUtils])
-  (:require [backtype.storm.daemon common [supervisor :as supervisor]])
-  (:require [compojure.route :as route]
-            [compojure.handler :as handler]
-            [ring.middleware.keyword-params]
-            [ring.util.codec :as codec]
-            [ring.util.response :as resp]
-            [clojure.string :as string])
-  (:require [metrics.meters :refer [defmeter mark!]])
-  (:use [backtype.storm.daemon.common :only [start-metrics-reporters]])
-  (:gen-class))
-(def ^:dynamic *STORM-CONF* (read-storm-config))
-(def STORM-VERSION (VersionInfo/getVersion))
-(defmeter logviewer:num-log-page-http-requests)
-(defmeter logviewer:num-daemonlog-page-http-requests)
-(defmeter logviewer:num-download-log-file-http-requests)
-(defmeter logviewer:num-download-log-daemon-file-http-requests)
-(defmeter logviewer:num-list-logs-http-requests)
-(defn cleanup-cutoff-age-millis [conf now-millis]
-  (- now-millis (* (conf LOGVIEWER-CLEANUP-AGE-MINS) 60 1000)))
-(defn get-stream-for-dir
-  [^File f]
-  (try (Files/newDirectoryStream (.toPath f))
-    (catch Exception ex (log-error ex) nil)))
-(defn- last-modifiedtime-worker-logdir
-  "Return the last modified time for all log files in a worker's log dir.
-  Using stream rather than File.listFiles is to avoid large mem usage
-  when a directory has too many files"
-  [^File log-dir]
-  (let [^DirectoryStream stream (get-stream-for-dir log-dir)
-        dir-modified (.lastModified log-dir)
-        last-modified (try (reduce
-                        (fn [maximum path]
-                          (let [curr (.lastModified (.toFile path))]
-                            (if (> curr maximum)
-                              curr
-                              maximum)))
-                        dir-modified
-                        stream)
-                        (catch Exception ex
-                          (log-error ex) dir-modified)
-                        (finally
-                          (if (instance? DirectoryStream stream)
-                            (.close stream))))]
-    last-modified))
-(defn get-size-for-logdir
-  "Return the sum of lengths for all log files in a worker's log dir.
-   Using stream rather than File.listFiles is to avoid large mem usage
-   when a directory has too many files"
-  [log-dir]
-  (let [^DirectoryStream stream (get-stream-for-dir log-dir)]
-    (reduce
-      (fn [sum path]
-        (let [size (.length (.toFile path))]
-          (+ sum size)))
-      0
-      stream)))
-(defn mk-FileFilter-for-log-cleanup [conf now-millis]
-  (let [cutoff-age-millis (cleanup-cutoff-age-millis conf now-millis)]
-    (reify FileFilter (^boolean accept [this ^File file]
-                        (boolean (and
-                                   (not (.isFile file))
-                                   (<= (last-modifiedtime-worker-logdir file) cutoff-age-millis)))))))
-(defn select-dirs-for-cleanup [conf now-millis root-dir]
-  (let [file-filter (mk-FileFilter-for-log-cleanup conf now-millis)]
-    (reduce clojure.set/union
-            (sorted-set)
-            (for [^File topo-dir (.listFiles (File. root-dir))]
-              (into [] (.listFiles topo-dir file-filter))))))
-(defn get-topo-port-workerlog
-  "Return the path of the worker log with the format of topoId/port/worker.log.*"
-  [^File file]
-  (clojure.string/join file-path-separator
-                       (take-last 3
-                                  (split (.getCanonicalPath file) (re-pattern file-path-separator)))))
-(defn get-metadata-file-for-log-root-name [root-name root-dir]
-  (let [metaFile ( root-dir "metadata"
-                                       (str root-name ".yaml"))]
-    (if (.exists metaFile)
-      metaFile
-      (do
-        (log-warn "Could not find " (.getCanonicalPath metaFile)
-                  " to clean up for " root-name)
-        nil))))
-(defn get-metadata-file-for-wroker-logdir [logdir]
-  (let [metaFile ( logdir "worker.yaml")]
-    (if (.exists metaFile)
-      metaFile
-      (do
-        (log-warn "Could not find " (.getCanonicalPath metaFile)
-                  " to clean up for " logdir)
-        nil))))
-(defn get-worker-id-from-metadata-file [metaFile]
-  (get (clojure-from-yaml-file metaFile) "worker-id"))
-(defn get-topo-owner-from-metadata-file [metaFile]
-  (get (clojure-from-yaml-file metaFile) TOPOLOGY-SUBMITTER-USER))
-(defn identify-worker-log-dirs [log-dirs]
-  "return the workerid to worker-log-dir map"
-  (into {} (for [logdir log-dirs
-                 :let [metaFile (get-metadata-file-for-wroker-logdir logdir)]
-                 :when metaFile]
-             {(get-worker-id-from-metadata-file metaFile) logdir})))
-(defn get-alive-ids
-  [conf now-secs]
-  (->>
-    (supervisor/read-worker-heartbeats conf)
-    (remove
-      #(or (not (val %))
-           (supervisor/is-worker-hb-timed-out? now-secs
-                                               (val %)
-                                               conf)))
-    keys
-    set))
-(defn get-dead-worker-dirs
-  "Return a sorted set of that were written by workers that are
-  now dead"
-  [conf now-secs log-dirs]
-  (if (empty? log-dirs)
-    (sorted-set)
-    (let [alive-ids (get-alive-ids conf now-secs)
-          id->dir (identify-worker-log-dirs log-dirs)]
-      (apply sorted-set
-             (for [[id dir] id->dir
-                   :when (not (contains? alive-ids id))]
-               dir)))))
-(defn get-all-worker-dirs [^File root-dir]
-  (reduce clojure.set/union
-          (sorted-set)
-          (for [^File topo-dir (.listFiles root-dir)]
-            (into [] (.listFiles topo-dir)))))
-(defn get-alive-worker-dirs
-  "Return a sorted set of that were written by workers that are
-  now active"
-  [conf root-dir]
-  (let [alive-ids (get-alive-ids conf (current-time-secs))
-        log-dirs (get-all-worker-dirs root-dir)
-        id->dir (identify-worker-log-dirs log-dirs)]
-    (apply sorted-set
-           (for [[id dir] id->dir
-                 :when (contains? alive-ids id)]
-             (.getCanonicalPath dir)))))
-(defn get-all-logs-for-rootdir [^File log-dir]
-  (reduce concat
-          (for [port-dir (get-all-worker-dirs log-dir)]
-            (into [] (DirectoryCleaner/getFilesForDir port-dir)))))
-(defn is-active-log [^File file]
-  (re-find #"\.(log|err|out|current|yaml|pid)$" (.getName file)))
-(defn sum-file-size
-  "Given a sequence of Files, sum their sizes."
-  [files]
-  (reduce #(+ %1 (.length %2)) 0 files))
-(defn per-workerdir-cleanup!
-  "Delete the oldest files in each overloaded worker log dir"
-  [^File root-dir size ^DirectoryCleaner cleaner]
-  (dofor [worker-dir (get-all-worker-dirs root-dir)]
-    (.deleteOldestWhileTooLarge cleaner (ArrayList. [worker-dir]) size true nil)))
-(defn global-log-cleanup!
-  "Delete the oldest files in overloaded worker-artifacts globally"
-  [^File root-dir size ^DirectoryCleaner cleaner]
-  (let [worker-dirs (ArrayList. (get-all-worker-dirs root-dir))
-        alive-worker-dirs (HashSet. (get-alive-worker-dirs *STORM-CONF* root-dir))]
-    (.deleteOldestWhileTooLarge cleaner worker-dirs size false alive-worker-dirs)))
-(defn cleanup-empty-topodir!
-  "Delete the topo dir if it contains zero port dirs"
-  [^File dir]
-  (let [topodir (.getParentFile dir)]
-    (if (empty? (.listFiles topodir))
-      (rmr (.getCanonicalPath topodir)))))
-(defn cleanup-fn!
-  "Delete old log dirs for which the workers are no longer alive"
-  [log-root-dir]
-  (let [now-secs (current-time-secs)
-        old-log-dirs (select-dirs-for-cleanup *STORM-CONF*
-                                              (* now-secs 1000)
-                                              log-root-dir)
-        per-dir-size (min per-dir-size (* total-size 0.5))
-        cleaner (DirectoryCleaner.)
-        dead-worker-dirs (get-dead-worker-dirs *STORM-CONF*
-                                               now-secs
-                                               old-log-dirs)]
-    (log-debug "log cleanup: now=" now-secs
-               " old log dirs " (pr-str (map #(.getName %) old-log-dirs))
-               " dead worker dirs " (pr-str
-                                       (map #(.getName %) dead-worker-dirs)))
-    (dofor [dir dead-worker-dirs]
-           (let [path (.getCanonicalPath dir)]
-             (log-message "Cleaning up: Removing " path)
-             (try (rmr path)
-                  (cleanup-empty-topodir! dir)
-                  (catch Exception ex (log-error ex)))))
-    (per-workerdir-cleanup! (File. log-root-dir) (* per-dir-size (* 1024 1024)) cleaner)
-    (let [size (* total-size (* 1024 1024))]
-      (global-log-cleanup! (File. log-root-dir) size cleaner))))
-(defn start-log-cleaner! [conf log-root-dir]
-  (let [interval-secs (conf LOGVIEWER-CLEANUP-INTERVAL-SECS)]
-    (when interval-secs
-      (log-debug "starting log cleanup thread at interval: " interval-secs)
-      (schedule-recurring (mk-timer :thread-name "logviewer-cleanup"
-                                    :kill-fn (fn [t]
-                                               (log-error t "Error when doing logs cleanup")
-                                               (exit-process! 20 "Error when doing log cleanup")))
-                          0 ;; Start immediately.
-                          interval-secs
-                          (fn [] (cleanup-fn! log-root-dir))))))
-(defn- skip-bytes
-  "FileInputStream#skip may not work the first time, so ensure it successfully
-  skips the given number of bytes."
-  [^InputStream stream n]
-  (loop [skipped 0]
-    (let [skipped (+ skipped (.skip stream (- n skipped)))]
-      (if (< skipped n) (recur skipped)))))
-(defn logfile-matches-filter?
-  [log-file-name]
-  (let [regex-string (str "worker.log.*")
-        regex-pattern (re-pattern regex-string)]
-    (not= (re-seq regex-pattern (.toString log-file-name)) nil)))
-(defn page-file
-  ([path tail]
-    (let [zip-file? (.endsWith path ".gz")
-          flen (if zip-file? (Utils/zipFileSize ( path)) (.length ( path)))
-          skip (- flen tail)]
-      (page-file path skip tail)))
-  ([path start length]
-    (let [zip-file? (.endsWith path ".gz")
-          flen (if zip-file? (Utils/zipFileSize ( path)) (.length ( path)))]
-      (with-open [input (if zip-file? (GZIPInputStream. (FileInputStream. path)) (FileInputStream. path))
-                  output (]
-        (if (>= start flen)
-          (throw
-            (InvalidRequestException. "Cannot start past the end of the file")))
-        (if (> start 0) (skip-bytes input start))
-        (let [buffer (make-array Byte/TYPE 1024)]
-          (loop []
-            (when (< (.size output) length)
-              (let [size (.read input buffer 0 (min 1024 (- length (.size output))))]
-                (when (pos? size)
-                  (.write output buffer 0 size)
-                  (recur)))))
-        (.toString output))))))
-(defn get-log-user-group-whitelist [fname]
-  (let [wl-file (get-log-metadata-file fname)
-        m (clojure-from-yaml-file wl-file)]
-    (if (not-nil? m)
-      (do
-        (let [user-wl (.get m LOGS-USERS)
-              user-wl (if user-wl user-wl [])
-              group-wl (.get m LOGS-GROUPS)
-              group-wl (if group-wl group-wl [])]
-          [user-wl group-wl]))
-        nil)))
-(def igroup-mapper (AuthUtils/GetGroupMappingServiceProviderPlugin *STORM-CONF*))
-(defn user-groups
-  [user]
-  (if (blank? user) [] (.getGroups igroup-mapper user)))
-(defn authorized-log-user? [user fname conf]
-  (if (or (blank? user) (blank? fname) (nil? (get-log-user-group-whitelist fname)))
-    nil
-    (let [groups (user-groups user)
-          [user-wl group-wl] (get-log-user-group-whitelist fname)
-          logs-users (concat (conf LOGS-USERS)
-                             (conf NIMBUS-ADMINS)
-                             user-wl)
-          logs-groups (concat (conf LOGS-GROUPS)
-                              group-wl)]
-       (or (some #(= % user) logs-users)
-           (< 0 (.size (intersection (set groups) (set logs-groups))))))))
-(defn log-root-dir
-  "Given an appender name, as configured, get the parent directory of the appender's log file.
-   Note that if anything goes wrong, this will throw an Error and exit."
-  [appender-name]
-  (let [appender (.getAppender (.getConfiguration (LogManager/getContext)) appender-name)]
-    (if (and appender-name appender (instance? RollingFileAppender appender))
-      (.getParent (File. (.getFileName appender)))
-      (throw
-       (RuntimeException. "Log viewer could not find configured appender, or the appender is not a FileAppender. Please check that the appender name configured in storm and log4j agree.")))))
-(defnk to-btn-link
-  "Create a link that is formatted like a button"
-  [url text :enabled true]
-  [:a {:href ( url)
-       :class (str "btn btn-default " (if enabled "enabled" "disabled"))} text])
-(defn search-file-form [fname]
-  [[:form {:action "logviewer_search.html" :id "search-box"}
-    "Search this file:"
-    [:input {:type "text" :name "search"}]
-    [:input {:type "hidden" :name "file" :value fname}]
-    [:input {:type "submit" :value "Search"}]]])
-(defn log-file-selection-form [log-files type]
-  [[:form {:action type :id "list-of-files"}
-    (drop-down "file" log-files)
-    [:input {:type "submit" :value "Switch file"}]]])
-(defn pager-links [fname start length file-size]
-  (let [prev-start (max 0 (- start length))
-        next-start (if (> file-size 0)
-                     (min (max 0 (- file-size length)) (+ start length))
-                     (+ start length))]
-    [[:div
-      (concat
-          [(to-btn-link (url "/log"
-                          {:file fname
-                           :start (max 0 (- start length))
-                           :length length})
-                          "Prev" :enabled (< prev-start start))]
-          [(to-btn-link (url "/log"
-                           {:file fname
-                            :start 0
-                            :length length}) "First")]
-          [(to-btn-link (url "/log"
-                           {:file fname
-                            :length length})
-                        "Last")]
-          [(to-btn-link (url "/log"
-                          {:file fname
-                           :start (min (max 0 (- file-size length))
-                                       (+ start length))
-                           :length length})
-                        "Next" :enabled (> next-start start))])]]))
-(defn- download-link [fname]
-  [[:p (link-to (url-format "/download/%s" fname) "Download Full File")]])
-(defn- daemon-download-link [fname]
-  [[:p (link-to (url-format "/daemondownload/%s" fname) "Download Full File")]])
-(defn- is-txt-file [fname]
-  (re-find #"\.(log.*|txt|yaml|pid)$" fname))
-(def default-bytes-per-page 51200)
-(defn log-page [fname start length grep user root-dir]
-  (if (or (blank? (*STORM-CONF* UI-FILTER))
-          (authorized-log-user? user fname *STORM-CONF*))
-    (let [file (.getCanonicalFile (File. root-dir fname))
-          path (.getCanonicalPath file)
-          zip-file? (.endsWith path ".gz")
-          topo-dir (.getParentFile (.getParentFile file))]
-      (if (and (.exists file)
-               (= (.getCanonicalFile (File. root-dir))
-                  (.getParentFile topo-dir)))
-        (let [file-length (if zip-file? (Utils/zipFileSize ( path)) (.length ( path)))
-              log-files (reduce clojure.set/union
-                          (sorted-set)
-                          (for [^File port-dir (.listFiles topo-dir)]
-                            (into [] (filter #(.isFile %) (DirectoryCleaner/getFilesForDir port-dir))))) ;all types of files included
-              files-str (for [file log-files]
-                          (get-topo-port-workerlog file))
-              reordered-files-str (conj (filter #(not= fname %) files-str) fname)
-               length (if length
-                       (min 10485760 length)
-                       default-bytes-per-page)
-              log-string (escape-html
-                           (if (is-txt-file fname)
-                             (if start
-                               (page-file path start length)
-                               (page-file path length))
-                             "This is a binary file and cannot display! You may download the full file."))
-              start (or start (- file-length length))]
-          (if grep
-            (html [:pre#logContent
-                   (if grep
-                     (->> (.split log-string "\n")
-                          (filter #(.contains % grep))
-                          (string/join "\n"))
-                     log-string)])
-            (let [pager-data (if (is-txt-file fname) (pager-links fname start length file-length) nil)]
-              (html (concat (search-file-form fname)
-                            (log-file-selection-form reordered-files-str "log") ; list all files for this topology
-                            pager-data
-                            (download-link fname)
-                            [[:pre#logContent log-string]]
-                            pager-data)))))
-        (-> (resp/response "Page not found")
-            (resp/status 404))))
-    (if (nil? (get-log-user-group-whitelist fname))
-      (-> (resp/response "Page not found")
-        (resp/status 404))
-      (unauthorized-user-html user))))
-(defn daemonlog-page [fname start length grep user root-dir]
-  (let [file (.getCanonicalFile (File. root-dir fname))
-        file-length (.length file)
-        path (.getCanonicalPath file)
-        zip-file? (.endsWith path ".gz")]
-    (if (and (= (.getCanonicalFile (File. root-dir))
-                (.getParentFile file))
-             (.exists file))
-      (let [file-length (if zip-file? (Utils/zipFileSize ( path)) (.length ( path)))
-            length (if length
-                     (min 10485760 length)
-                     default-bytes-per-page)
-            log-files (into [] (filter #(.isFile %) (.listFiles (File. root-dir)))) ;all types of files included
-            files-str (for [file log-files]
-                        (.getName file))
-            reordered-files-str (conj (filter #(not= fname %) files-str) fname)
-            log-string (escape-html
-                         (if (is-txt-file fname)
-                           (if start
-                             (page-file path start length)
-                             (page-file path length))
-                           "This is a binary file and cannot display! You may download the full file."))
-            start (or start (- file-length length))]
-        (if grep
-          (html [:pre#logContent
-                 (if grep
-                   (->> (.split log-string "\n")
-                        (filter #(.contains % grep))
-                        (string/join "\n"))
-                   log-string)])
-          (let [pager-data (if (is-txt-file fname) (pager-links fname start length file-length) nil)]
-            (html (concat (log-file-selection-form reordered-files-str "daemonlog") ; list all daemon logs
-                          pager-data
-                          (daemon-download-link fname)
-                          [[:pre#logContent log-string]]
-                          pager-data)))))
-      (-> (resp/response "Page not found")
-          (resp/status 404)))))
-(defn download-log-file [fname req resp user ^String root-dir]
-  (let [file (.getCanonicalFile (File. root-dir fname))]
-    (if (.exists file)
-      (if (or (blank? (*STORM-CONF* UI-FILTER))
-              (authorized-log-user? user fname *STORM-CONF*))
-        (-> (resp/response file)
-            (resp/content-type "application/octet-stream"))
-        (unauthorized-user-html user))
-      (-> (resp/response "Page not found")
-          (resp/status 404)))))
-(def grep-max-search-size 1024)
-(def grep-buf-size 2048)
-(def grep-context-size 128)
-(defn logviewer-port
-  []
-(defn url-to-match-centered-in-log-page
-  [needle fname offset port]
-  (let [host (local-hostname)
-        port (logviewer-port)
-        fname (clojure.string/join file-path-separator (take-last 3 (split fname (re-pattern file-path-separator))))]
-    (url (str "http://" host ":" port "/log")
-      {:file fname
-       :start (max 0
-                (- offset
-                  (int (/ default-bytes-per-page 2))
-                  (int (/ (alength needle) -2)))) ;; Addition
-       :length default-bytes-per-page})))
-(defnk mk-match-data
-  [^bytes needle ^ByteBuffer haystack haystack-offset file-offset fname
-   :before-bytes nil :after-bytes nil]
-  (let [url (url-to-match-centered-in-log-page needle
-              fname
-              file-offset
-              (*STORM-CONF* LOGVIEWER-PORT))
-        haystack-bytes (.array haystack)
-        before-string (if (>= haystack-offset grep-context-size)
-                        (String. haystack-bytes
-                          (- haystack-offset grep-context-size)
-                          grep-context-size
-                          "UTF-8")
-                        (let [num-desired (max 0 (- grep-context-size
-                                                   haystack-offset))
-                              before-size (if before-bytes
-                                            (alength before-bytes)
-                                            0)
-                              num-expected (min before-size num-desired)]
-                          (if (pos? num-expected)
-                            (str (String. before-bytes
-                                   (- before-size num-expected)
-                                   num-expected
-                                   "UTF-8")
-                              (String. haystack-bytes
-                                0
-                                haystack-offset
-                                "UTF-8"))
-                            (String. haystack-bytes
-                              0
-                              haystack-offset
-                              "UTF-8"))))
-        after-string (let [needle-size (alength needle)
-                           after-offset (+ haystack-offset needle-size)
-                           haystack-size (.limit haystack)]
-                       (if (< (+ after-offset grep-context-size) haystack-size)
-                         (String. haystack-bytes
-                           after-offset
-                           grep-context-size
-                           "UTF-8")
-                         (let [num-desired (- grep-context-size
-                                             (- haystack-size after-offset))
-                               after-size (if after-bytes
-                                            (alength after-bytes)
-                                            0)
-                               num-expected (min after-size num-desired)]
-                           (if (pos? num-expected)
-                             (str (String. haystack-bytes
-                                    after-offset
-                                    (- haystack-size after-offset)
-                                    "UTF-8")
-                               (String. after-bytes 0 num-expected "UTF-8"))
-                             (String. haystack-bytes
-                               after-offset
-                               (- haystack-size after-offset)
-                               "UTF-8")))))]
-    {"byteOffset" file-offset
-     "beforeString" before-string
-     "afterString" after-string
-     "matchString" (String. needle "UTF-8")
-     "logviewerURL" url}))
-(defn- try-read-ahead!
-  "Tries once to read ahead in the stream to fill the context and resets the
-  stream to its position before the call."
-  [^BufferedInputStream stream haystack offset file-len bytes-read]
-  (let [num-expected (min (- file-len bytes-read)
-                       grep-context-size)
-        after-bytes (byte-array num-expected)]
-    (.mark stream num-expected)
-    ;; Only try reading once.
-    (.read stream after-bytes 0 num-expected)
-    (.reset stream)
-    after-bytes))
-(defn offset-of-bytes
-  "Searches a given byte array for a match of a sub-array of bytes.  Returns
-  the offset to the byte that matches, or -1 if no match was found."
-  [^bytes buf ^bytes value init-offset]
-  {:pre [(> (alength value) 0)
-         (not (neg? init-offset))]}
-  (loop [offset init-offset
-         candidate-offset init-offset
-         val-offset 0]
-    (if-not (pos? (- (alength value) val-offset))
-      ;; Found
-      candidate-offset
-      (if (>= offset (alength buf))
-        ;; We ran out of buffer for the search.
-        -1
-        (if (not= (aget value val-offset) (aget buf offset))
-          ;; The match at this candidate offset failed, so start over with the
-          ;; next candidate byte from the buffer.
-          (let [new-offset (inc candidate-offset)]
-            (recur new-offset new-offset 0))
-          ;; So far it matches.  Keep going...
-          (recur (inc offset) candidate-offset (inc val-offset)))))))
-(defn- buffer-substring-search!
-  "As the file is read into a buffer, 1/2 the buffer's size at a time, we
-  search the buffer for matches of the substring and return a list of zero or
-  more matches."
-  [file file-len offset-to-buf init-buf-offset stream bytes-skipped
-   bytes-read ^ByteBuffer haystack ^bytes needle initial-matches num-matches
-   ^bytes before-bytes]
-  (loop [buf-offset init-buf-offset
-         matches initial-matches]
-    (let [offset (offset-of-bytes (.array haystack) needle buf-offset)]
-      (if (and (< (count matches) num-matches) (not (neg? offset)))
-        (let [file-offset (+ offset-to-buf offset)
-              bytes-needed-after-match (- (.limit haystack)
-                                         grep-context-size
-                                         (alength needle))
-              before-arg (if (< offset grep-context-size) before-bytes)
-              after-arg (if (> offset bytes-needed-after-match)
-                          (try-read-ahead! stream
-                            haystack
-                            offset
-                            file-len
-                            bytes-read))]
-          (recur (+ offset (alength needle))
-            (conj matches
-              (mk-match-data needle
-                haystack
-                offset
-                file-offset
-                (.getCanonicalPath file)
-                :before-bytes before-arg
-                :after-bytes after-arg))))
-        (let [before-str-to-offset (min (.limit haystack)
-                                     grep-max-search-size)
-              before-str-from-offset (max 0 (- before-str-to-offset
-                                              grep-context-size))
-              new-before-bytes (Arrays/copyOfRange (.array haystack)
-                                 before-str-from-offset
-                                 before-str-to-offset)
-              ;; It's OK if new-byte-offset is negative.  This is normal if
-              ;; we are out of bytes to read from a small file.
-              new-byte-offset (if (>= (count matches) num-matches)
-                                (+ (get (last matches) "byteOffset")
-                                  (alength needle))
-                                (+ bytes-skipped
-                                  bytes-read
-                                  (- grep-max-search-size)))]
-          [matches new-byte-offset new-before-bytes])))))
-(defn- mk-grep-response
-  "This response data only includes a next byte offset if there is more of the
-  file to read."
-  [search-bytes offset matches next-byte-offset]
-  (merge {"searchString" (String. search-bytes "UTF-8")
-          "startByteOffset" offset
-          "matches" matches}
-    (and next-byte-offset {"nextByteOffset" next-byte-offset})))
-(defn rotate-grep-buffer!
-  [^ByteBuffer buf ^BufferedInputStream stream total-bytes-read file file-len]
-  (let [buf-arr (.array buf)]
-    ;; Copy the 2nd half of the buffer to the first half.
-    (System/arraycopy buf-arr
-      grep-max-search-size
-      buf-arr
-      0
-      grep-max-search-size)
-    ;; Zero-out the 2nd half to prevent accidental matches.
-    (Arrays/fill buf-arr
-      grep-max-search-size
-      (count buf-arr)
-      (byte 0))
-    ;; Fill the 2nd half with new bytes from the stream.
-    (let [bytes-read (.read stream
-                       buf-arr
-                       grep-max-search-size
-                       (min file-len grep-max-search-size))]
-      (.limit buf (+ grep-max-search-size bytes-read))
-      (swap! total-bytes-read + bytes-read))))
-(defnk substring-search
-  "Searches for a substring in a log file, starting at the given offset,
-  returning the given number of matches, surrounded by the given number of
-  context lines.  Other information is included to be useful for progressively
-  searching through a file for display in a UI. The search string must
-  grep-max-search-size bytes or fewer when decoded with UTF-8."
-  [file ^String search-string :num-matches 10 :start-byte-offset 0]
-  {:pre [(not (empty? search-string))
-         (<= (count (.getBytes search-string "UTF-8")) grep-max-search-size)]}
-  (let [zip-file? (.endsWith (.getName file) ".gz")
-        f-input-steam (FileInputStream. file)
-        gzipped-input-stream (if zip-file?
-                               (GZIPInputStream. f-input-steam)
-                               f-input-steam)
-        stream ^BufferedInputStream (BufferedInputStream.
-                                      gzipped-input-stream)
-        file-len (if zip-file? (Utils/zipFileSize file) (.length file))
-        buf ^ByteBuffer (ByteBuffer/allocate grep-buf-size)
-        buf-arr ^bytes (.array buf)
-        string nil
-        total-bytes-read (atom 0)
-        matches []
-        search-bytes ^bytes (.getBytes search-string "UTF-8")
-        num-matches (or num-matches 10)
-        start-byte-offset (or start-byte-offset 0)]
-    ;; Start at the part of the log file we are interested in.
-    ;; Allow searching when start-byte-offset == file-len so it doesn't blow up on 0-length files
-    (if (> start-byte-offset file-len)
-      (throw
-        (InvalidRequestException. "Cannot search past the end of the file")))
-    (when (> start-byte-offset 0)
-      (skip-bytes stream start-byte-offset))
-    (java.util.Arrays/fill buf-arr (byte 0))
-    (let [bytes-read (.read stream buf-arr 0 (min file-len grep-buf-size))]
-      (.limit buf bytes-read)
-      (swap! total-bytes-read + bytes-read))
-    (loop [initial-matches []
-           init-buf-offset 0
-           byte-offset start-byte-offset
-           before-bytes nil]
-      (let [[matches new-byte-offset new-before-bytes]
-            (buffer-substring-search! file
-              file-len
-              byte-offset
-              init-buf-offset
-              stream
-              start-byte-offset
-              @total-bytes-read
-              buf
-              search-bytes
-              initial-matches
-              num-matches
-              before-bytes)]
-        (if (and (< (count matches) num-matches)
-              (< (+ @total-bytes-read start-byte-offset) file-len))
-          (let [;; The start index is positioned to find any possible
-                ;; occurrence search string that did not quite fit in the
-                ;; buffer on the previous read.
-                new-buf-offset (- (min (.limit ^ByteBuffer buf)
-                                    grep-max-search-size)
-                                 (alength search-bytes))]
-            (rotate-grep-buffer! buf stream total-bytes-read file file-len)
-            (when (< @total-bytes-read 0)
-              (throw (InvalidRequestException. "Cannot search past the end of the file")))
-            (recur matches
-              new-buf-offset
-              new-byte-offset
-              new-before-bytes))
-          (mk-grep-response search-bytes
-            start-byte-offset
-            matches
-            (if-not (and (< (count matches) num-matches)
-                      (>= @total-bytes-read file-len))
-              (let [next-byte-offset (+ (get (last matches)
-                                          "byteOffset")
-                                       (alength search-bytes))]
-                (if (> file-len next-byte-offset)
-                  next-byte-offset)))))))))
-(defn- try-parse-int-param
-  [nam value]
-  (try
-    (Integer/parseInt value)
-    (catch java.lang.NumberFormatException e
-      (->
-        (str "Could not parse " nam " to an integer")
-        (InvalidRequestException. e)
-        throw))))
-(defn search-log-file
-  [fname user ^String root-dir search num-matches offset callback origin]
-  (let [file (.getCanonicalFile (File. root-dir fname))]
-    (if (.exists file)
-      (if (or (blank? (*STORM-CONF* UI-FILTER))
-            (authorized-log-user? user fname *STORM-CONF*))
-        (let [num-matches-int (if num-matches
-                                (try-parse-int-param "num-matches"
-                                  num-matches))
-              offset-int (if offset
-                           (try-parse-int-param "start-byte-offset" offset))]
-          (try
-            (if (and (not (empty? search))
-                  <= (count (.getBytes search "UTF-8")) grep-max-search-size)
-              (json-response
-                (substring-search file
-                  search
-                  :num-matches num-matches-int
-                  :start-byte-offset offset-int)
-                callback
-                :headers {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" origin
-                          "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" "true"})
-              (throw
-                (InvalidRequestException.
-                  (str "Search substring must be between 1 and 1024 UTF-8 "
-                    "bytes in size (inclusive)"))))
-            (catch Exception ex
-              (json-response (exception->json ex) callback :status 500))))
-        (json-response (unauthorized-user-json user) callback :status 401))
-      (json-response {"error" "Not Found"
-                      "errorMessage" "The file was not found on this node."}
-        callback
-        :status 404))))
-(defn find-n-matches [logs n file-offset offset search]
-  (let [logs (drop file-offset logs)
-        wrap-matches-fn (fn [matches]
-                          {"fileOffset" file-offset
-                           "searchString" search
-                           "matches" matches})]
-    (loop [matches []
-           logs logs
-           offset offset
-           file-offset file-offset
-           match-count 0]
-      (if (empty? logs)
-        (wrap-matches-fn matches)
-        (let [these-matches (try
-                              (log-debug "Looking through " (first logs))
-                              (substring-search (first logs)
-                                search
-                                :num-matches (- n match-count)
-                                :start-byte-offset offset)
-                              (catch InvalidRequestException e
-                                (log-error e "Can't search past end of file.")
-                                {}))
-              file-name (get-topo-port-workerlog (first logs))
-              new-matches (conj matches
-                            (merge these-matches
-                              { "fileName" file-name
-                                "port" (first (take-last 2 (split (.getCanonicalPath (first logs)) (re-pattern file-path-separator))))}))
-              new-count (+ match-count (count (these-matches "matches")))]
-          (if (empty? these-matches)
-            (recur matches (rest logs) 0 (+ file-offset 1) match-count)
-            (if (>= new-count n)
-              (wrap-matches-fn new-matches)
-              (recur new-matches (rest logs) 0 (+ file-offset 1) new-count))))))))
-(defn logs-for-port
-  "Get the filtered, authorized, sorted log files for a port."
-  [user port-dir]
-  (let [filter-authorized-fn (fn [user logs]
-                               (filter #(or
-                                          (blank? (*STORM-CONF* UI-FILTER))
-                                          (authorized-log-user? user (get-topo-port-workerlog %) *STORM-CONF*)) logs))]
-    (sort #(compare (.lastModified %2) (.lastModified %1))
-      (filter-authorized-fn
-        user
-        (filter #(re-find worker-log-filename-pattern (.getName %)) (DirectoryCleaner/getFilesForDir port-dir))))))
-(defn deep-search-logs-for-topology
-  [topology-id user ^String root-dir search num-matches port file-offset offset search-archived? callback origin]
-  (json-response
-    (if (or (not search) (not (.exists (File. (str root-dir file-path-separator topology-id)))))
-      []
-      (let [file-offset (if file-offset (Integer/parseInt file-offset) 0)
-            offset (if offset (Integer/parseInt offset) 0)
-            num-matches (or (Integer/parseInt num-matches) 1)
-            port-dirs (vec (.listFiles (File. (str root-dir file-path-separator topology-id))))
-            logs-for-port-fn (partial logs-for-port user)]
-        (if (or (not port) (= "*" port))
-          ;; Check for all ports
-          (let [filtered-logs (filter (comp not empty?) (map logs-for-port-fn port-dirs))]
-            (if search-archived?
-              (map #(find-n-matches % num-matches 0 0 search)
-                filtered-logs)
-              (map #(find-n-matches % num-matches 0 0 search)
-                (map (comp vector first) filtered-logs))))
-          ;; Check just the one port
-          (if (not (contains? (into #{} (map str (*STORM-CONF* SUPERVISOR-SLOTS-PORTS))) port))
-            []
-            (let [port-dir (File. (str root-dir file-path-separator topology-id file-path-separator port))]
-              (if (or (not (.exists port-dir)) (empty? (logs-for-port user port-dir)))
-                []
-                (let [filtered-logs (logs-for-port user port-dir)]
-                  (if search-archived?
-                    (find-n-matches filtered-logs num-matches file-offset offset search)
-                    (find-n-matches [(first filtered-logs)] num-matches 0 offset search)))))))))
-    callback
-    :headers {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" origin
-              "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" "true"}))
-(defn log-template
-  ([body] (log-template body nil nil))
-  ([body fname user]
-    (html4
-     [:head
-      [:title (str (escape-html fname) " - Storm Log Viewer")]
-      (include-css "/css/bootstrap-3.3.1.min.css")
-      (include-css "/css/jquery.dataTables.1.10.4.min.css")
-      (include-css "/css/style.css")
-      ]
-     [:body
-      (concat
-        (when (not (blank? user)) [[:div.ui-user [:p "User: " user]]])
-        [[:div.ui-note [:p "Note: the drop-list shows at most 1024 files for each worker directory."]]]
-        [[:h3 (escape-html fname)]]
-        (seq body))
-      ])))
-(def http-creds-handler (AuthUtils/GetUiHttpCredentialsPlugin *STORM-CONF*))
-(defn- parse-long-from-map [m k]
-  (try
-    (Long/parseLong (k m))
-    (catch NumberFormatException ex
-      (throw (InvalidRequestException.
-               (str "Could not make an integer out of the query parameter '"
-                    (name k) "'")
-               ex)))))
-(defn list-log-files
-  [user topoId port log-root callback origin]
-  (let [file-results
-        (if (nil? topoId)
-          (if (nil? port)
-            (get-all-logs-for-rootdir (File. log-root))
-            (reduce concat
-              (for [topo-dir (.listFiles (File. log-root))]
-                (reduce concat
-                  (for [port-dir (.listFiles topo-dir)]
-                    (if (= (str port) (.getName port-dir))
-                      (into [] (DirectoryCleaner/getFilesForDir port-dir))))))))
-          (if (nil? port)
-            (let [topo-dir (File. (str log-root file-path-separator topoId))]
-              (if (.exists topo-dir)
-                (reduce concat
-                  (for [port-dir (.listFiles topo-dir)]
-                    (into [] (DirectoryCleaner/getFilesForDir port-dir))))
-                []))
-            (let [port-dir (get-worker-dir-from-root log-root topoId port)]
-              (if (.exists port-dir)
-                (into [] (DirectoryCleaner/getFilesForDir port-dir))
-                []))))
-        file-strs (sort (for [file file-results]
-                          (get-topo-port-workerlog file)))]
-    (json-response file-strs
-      callback
-      :headers {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" origin
-                "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" "true"})))
-(defn get-profiler-dump-files
-  [dir]
-  (filter (comp not nil?)
-        (for [f (DirectoryCleaner/getFilesForDir dir)]
-          (let [name (.getName f)]
-            (if (or
-                  (.endsWith name ".txt")
-                  (.endsWith name ".jfr")
-                  (.endsWith name ".bin"))
-              (.getName f))))))
-(defroutes log-routes
-  (GET "/log" [:as req & m]
-    (try
-      (mark! logviewer:num-log-page-http-requests)
-      (let [servlet-request (:servlet-request req)
-            log-root (:log-root req)
-            user (.getUserName http-creds-handler servlet-request)
-            start (if (:start m) (parse-long-from-map m :start))
-            length (if (:length m) (parse-long-from-map m :length))
-            file (url-decode (:file m))]
-        (log-template (log-page file start length (:grep m) user log-root)
-          file user))
-      (catch InvalidRequestException ex
-        (log-error ex)
-        (ring-response-from-exception ex))))
-  (GET "/dumps/:topo-id/:host-port/:filename"
-       [:as {:keys [servlet-request servlet-response log-root]} topo-id host-port filename &m]
-     (let [user (.getUserName http-creds-handler servlet-request)
-           port (second (split host-port #":"))
-           dir (File. (str log-root
-                           file-path-separator
-                           topo-id
-                           file-path-separator
-                           port))
-           file (File. (str log-root
-                            file-path-separator
-                            topo-id
-                            file-path-separator
-                            port
-                            file-path-separator
-                            filename))]
-       (if (and (.exists dir) (.exists file))
-         (if (or (blank? (*STORM-CONF* UI-FILTER))
-               (authorized-log-user? user 
-                                     (str topo-id file-path-separator port file-path-separator "worker.log")
-                                     *STORM-CONF*))
-           (-> (resp/response file)
-               (resp/content-type "application/octet-stream"))
-           (unauthorized-user-html user))
-         (-> (resp/response "Page not found")
-           (resp/status 404)))))
-  (GET "/dumps/:topo-id/:host-port"
-       [:as {:keys [servlet-request servlet-response log-root]} topo-id host-port &m]
-     (let [user (.getUserName http-creds-handler servlet-request)
-           port (second (split host-port #":"))
-           dir (File. (str log-root
-                           file-path-separator
-                           topo-id
-                           file-path-separator
-                           port))]
-       (if (.exists dir)
-         (if (or (blank? (*STORM-CONF* UI-FILTER))
-               (authorized-log-user? user 
-                                     (str topo-id file-path-separator port file-path-separator "worker.log")
-                                     *STORM-CONF*))
-           (html4
-             [:head
-              [:title "File Dumps - Storm Log Viewer"]
-              (include-css "/css/bootstrap-3.3.1.min.css")
-              (include-css "/css/jquery.dataTables.1.10.4.min.css")
-              (include-css "/css/style.css")]
-             [:body
-              [:ul
-               (for [file (get-profiler-dump-files dir)]
-                 [:li
-                  [:a {:href (str "/dumps/" topo-id "/" host-port "/" file)} file ]])]])
-           (unauthorized-user-html user))
-         (-> (resp/response "Page not found")
-           (resp/status 404)))))
-  (GET "/daemonlog" [:as req & m]
-    (try
-      (mark! logviewer:num-daemonlog-page-http-requests)
-      (let [servlet-request (:servlet-request req)
-            daemonlog-root (:daemonlog-root req)
-            user (.getUserName http-creds-handler servlet-request)
-            start (if (:start m) (parse-long-from-map m :start))
-            length (if (:length m) (parse-long-from-map m :length))
-            file (url-decode (:file m))]
-        (log-template (daemonlog-page file start length (:grep m) user daemonlog-root)
-          file user))
-      (catch InvalidRequestException ex
-        (log-error ex)
-        (ring-response-from-exception ex))))
-  (GET "/download/:file" [:as {:keys [servlet-request servlet-response log-root]} file & m]
-    (try
-      (mark! logviewer:num-download-log-file-http-requests)
-      (let [user (.getUserName http-creds-handler servlet-request)]
-        (download-log-file file servlet-request servlet-response user log-root))
-      (catch InvalidRequestException ex
-        (log-error ex)
-        (ring-response-from-exception ex))))
-  (GET "/daemondownload/:file" [:as {:keys [servlet-request servlet-response daemonlog-root]} file & m]
-    (try
-      (mark! logviewer:num-download-log-daemon-file-http-requests)
-      (let [user (.getUserName http-creds-handler servlet-request)]
-        (download-log-file file servlet-request servlet-response user daemonlog-root))
-      (catch InvalidRequestException ex
-        (log-error ex)
-        (ring-response-from-exception ex))))
-  (GET "/search/:file" [:as {:keys [servlet-request servlet-response log-root]} file & m]
-    ;; We do not use servlet-response here, but do not remove it from the
-    ;; :keys list, or this rule could stop working when an authentication
-    ;; filter is configured.
-    (try
-      (let [user (.getUserName http-creds-handler servlet-request)]
-        (search-log-file (url-decode file)
-          user
-          log-root
-          (:search-string m)
-          (:num-matches m)
-          (:start-byte-offset m)
-          (:callback m)
-          (.getHeader servlet-request "Origin")))
-      (catch InvalidRequestException ex
-        (log-error ex)
-        (json-response (exception->json ex) (:callback m) :status 400))))
-  (GET "/deepSearch/:topo-id" [:as {:keys [servlet-request servlet-response log-root]} topo-id & m]
-    ;; We do not use servlet-response here, but do not remove it from the
-    ;; :keys list, or this rule could stop working when an authentication
-    ;; filter is configured.
-    (try
-      (let [user (.getUserName http-creds-handler servlet-request)]
-        (deep-search-logs-for-topology topo-id
-          user
-          log-root
-          (:search-string m)
-          (:num-matches m)
-          (:port m)
-          (:start-file-offset m)
-          (:start-byte-offset m)
-          (:search-archived m)
-          (:callback m)
-          (.getHeader servlet-request "Origin")))
-      (catch InvalidRequestException ex
-        (log-error ex)
-        (json-response (exception->json ex) (:callback m) :status 400))))
-  (GET "/searchLogs" [:as req & m]
-    (try
-      (let [servlet-request (:servlet-request req)
-            user (.getUserName http-creds-handler servlet-request)]
-        (list-log-files user
-          (:topoId m)
-          (:port m)
-          (:log-root req)
-          (:callback m)
-          (.getHeader servlet-request "Origin")))
-      (catch InvalidRequestException ex
-        (log-error ex)
-        (json-response (exception->json ex) (:callback m) :status 400))))
-  (GET "/listLogs" [:as req & m]
-    (try
-      (mark! logviewer:num-list-logs-http-requests)
-      (let [servlet-request (:servlet-request req)
-            user (.getUserName http-creds-handler servlet-request)]
-        (list-log-files user
-          (:topoId m)
-          (:port m)
-          (:log-root req)
-          (:callback m)
-          (.getHeader servlet-request "Origin")))
-      (catch InvalidRequestException ex
-        (log-error ex)
-        (json-response (exception->json ex) (:callback m) :status 400))))
-  (route/resources "/")
-  (route/not-found "Page not found"))
-(defn conf-middleware
-  "For passing the storm configuration with each request."
-  [app log-root daemonlog-root]
-  (fn [req]
-    (app (assoc req :log-root log-root :daemonlog-root daemonlog-root))))
-(defn start-logviewer! [conf log-root-dir daemonlog-root-dir]
-  (try
-    (let [header-buffer-size (int (.get conf UI-HEADER-BUFFER-BYTES))
-          filter-class (conf UI-FILTER)
-          filter-params (conf UI-FILTER-PARAMS)
-          logapp (handler/api (-> log-routes
-                                requests-middleware))  ;; query params as map
-          middle (conf-middleware logapp log-root-dir daemonlog-root-dir)
-          filters-confs (if (conf UI-FILTER)
-                          [{:filter-class filter-class
-                            :filter-params (or (conf UI-FILTER-PARAMS) {})}]
-                          [])
-          filters-confs (concat filters-confs
-                          [{:filter-class "org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.GzipFilter"
-                            :filter-name "Gzipper"
-                            :filter-params {}}])
-          https-port (int (or (conf LOGVIEWER-HTTPS-PORT) 0))
-          keystore-path (conf LOGVIEWER-HTTPS-KEYSTORE-PATH)
-          keystore-pass (conf LOGVIEWER-HTTPS-KEYSTORE-PASSWORD)
-          keystore-type (conf LOGVIEWER-HTTPS-KEYSTORE-TYPE)
-          key-password (conf LOGVIEWER-HTTPS-KEY-PASSWORD)
-          truststore-path (conf LOGVIEWER-HTTPS-TRUSTSTORE-PATH)
-          truststore-password (conf LOGVIEWER-HTTPS-TRUSTSTORE-PASSWORD)
-          truststore-type (conf LOGVIEWER-HTTPS-TRUSTSTORE-TYPE)
-          want-client-auth (conf LOGVIEWER-HTTPS-WANT-CLIENT-AUTH)
-          need-client-auth (conf LOGVIEWER-HTTPS-NEED-CLIENT-AUTH)]
-      (storm-run-jetty {:port (int (conf LOGVIEWER-PORT))
-                        :configurator (fn [server]
-                                        (config-ssl server
-                                                    https-port
-                                                    keystore-path
-                                                    keystore-pass
-                                                    keystore-type
-                                                    key-password
-                                                    truststore-path
-                                                    truststore-password
-                                                    truststore-type
-                                                    want-client-auth
-                                                    need-client-auth)
-                                        (config-filter server middle filters-confs))}))
-  (catch Exception ex
-    (log-error ex))))
-(defn -main []
-  (let [conf (read-storm-config)
-        log-root (worker-artifacts-root conf)
-        daemonlog-root (log-root-dir (conf LOGVIEWER-APPENDER-NAME))]
-    (setup-default-uncaught-exception-handler)
-    (start-log-cleaner! conf log-root)
-    (log-message "Starting logviewer server for storm version '"
-                 STORM-VERSION
-                 "'")
-    (start-logviewer! conf log-root daemonlog-root)
-    (start-metrics-reporters)))