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Posted to by Vijaya Kumar <> on 2001/06/21 12:34:44 UTC


        I'm new to Slide. And I found u also using the Slide API with better
knowledge. So I need your help. How to use the files using the Slide API.
I'm using Tomcat 4.0. I API documentation is not clear to me. And I'm really
got confused with the terms NodeRevisionDescriptors, ContentStore,
ActionNode. etc.,

        Do u have reference materials that will be useful for be to
familiarise myself on the above things. Where can I look for them. I can't
get them from the Slide Home Page. Thats not clear to me.

        If u don't mind can u send me some source code u have been
implemented using the Slide. Just for the reference if u send me them I can
easily underestand the concepts. So Plz send me them and help me regarding
the file handling using slide.

        Whether Slide allows all formats of files or only the xml files.
Please drop me mail with suggestion. Thanx




I'm using Slide API to get my files.

org.apache.slide.Content requires (in retrieve function)
Why is it impossible to get this one from NodeRevisionDescriptors.
It looks like I must create the new object NodeRevisionDescriptor
with NodeRevisionNumber and others parameters....
I think it's more easy to get this one from NodeRevisionDescriptors.
