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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2016/03/04 06:21:41 UTC

[Hadoop Wiki] Update of "HowToRelease" by AndrewWang

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The "HowToRelease" page has been changed by AndrewWang:

Remove manual CHANGES.txt related steps

  ## page was copied from HowToReleasePostMavenization
  ''This page is prepared for Hadoop Core committers. You need committer rights to create a new  Hadoop Core release.''
- These instructions have been updated for Hadoop 2.5.1 and later releases to reflect the changes to version-control (git), build-scripts and mavenization.
+ These instructions have been updated for Hadoop 2.8.0 and later releases to reflect the changes to version-control (git), build-scripts and mavenization.
- Earlier versions of this document are at HowToReleaseWithSvnAndAnt and HowToReleasePostMavenization
+ Earlier versions of this document are at HowToReleaseWithSvnAndAnt and HowToReleasePostMavenization and HowToReleasePre2.8
@@ -32, +32 @@

  = Branching =
  When releasing Hadoop X.Y.Z, the following branching changes are required. Note that a release can match more than one of the following if-conditions. For a major release, one needs to make the changes for minor and point releases as well. Similarly, a new minor release is also a new point release.
-  1. Add the release X.Y.Z to CHANGES.txt files if it doesn't already exist (leave the date as unreleased for now). Commit these changes to any '''live''' upstream branch. For example, if you are handling 2.6.2, commit the changes to trunk, branch-2, branch-2.6, and branch-2.7 (provided branch-2.7 is an active branch).
-  {{{
- git commit -a -m "Adding release X.Y.Z to CHANGES.txt"
- }}}
   1. If this is a new major release (i.e., Y = 0 and Z = 0)
    1. Create a new branch (branch-X) for all releases in this major release.
    1. Update the version on trunk to (X+1).0.0-SNAPSHOT
@@ -100, +96 @@

  mvn apache-rat:check
   1. Set environment variable version for later steps. {{{export version=X.Y.Z-RCN}}}
-  1. Set the release date for X.Y.Z to the current date in each CHANGES.txt file in branch-X.Y.Z and commit the changes.
-  {{{
- git commit -a -m "Set the release date for $version"
- }}}
   1. Tag the release candidate:
  git tag -s release-$version -m "Release candidate - $version"
@@ -139, +131 @@

  = Publishing =
  In 5 days if [[|the release vote passes]], the release may be published.
-  1. Update the release date in CHANGES.txt to the final release vote passage date, and commit them to all live upstream branches (e.g., trunk, branch-X, branch-X.Y) to reflect the one in branch-X.Y.Z. Commit and push those changes.
-  {{{
- git commit -a -m "Set the release date for X.Y.Z"
- }}}
   1. Tag the release. Do it from the release branch and push the created tag to the remote repository:
  git tag -s rel/release-X.Y.Z -m "Hadoop X.Y.Z release"
  git push origin rel/release-X.Y.Z
-  1. Use [[|this Jenkins job]] to create the final release files
   1. Copy release files to the distribution directory
    1. Check out the corresponding svn repo if need be
  svn co hadoop-dist
-   1. Generate new .mds files referring to the final release tarballs and not the RCs
    1. Copy the release files to hadoop-dist/hadoop-${version}
    1. Update the symlinks to current2 and stable2. The release directory usually contains just two releases, the most recent from two branches.
    1. Commit the changes (it requires a PMC privilege)