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svn commit: r329715 - /struts/shale/trunk/xdocs/features-reusable-views.xml

Author: wsmoak
Date: Sun Oct 30 18:53:19 2005
New Revision: 329715

Removed Test Framework docs from the Reusable Views page.


Modified: struts/shale/trunk/xdocs/features-reusable-views.xml
--- struts/shale/trunk/xdocs/features-reusable-views.xml (original)
+++ struts/shale/trunk/xdocs/features-reusable-views.xml Sun Oct 30 18:53:19 2005
@@ -201,276 +201,6 @@
-    <section name="Shale Test Framework">
-    <a name="test"/>
-      <a name="test-introduction"/>
-      <subsection name="Introduction">
-        <p>Modern application development processes have embraced the idea of
-        <em>unit testing</em> as an integral step in creating high quality
-        software.  In the Java world, a popular framework for building and
-        executing such unit tests is the <a href="">JUnit</a>
-        framework.  It is straightforward for an application developer to
-        create a corresponding <em>test case</em> class for each class in the
-        application itsef, and ensure that the tests contained in the test case
-        get executed as part of the normal application build process.</p>
-        <p>One of the tenets of unit testing is that a test case should focus
-        <em>only</em> on the methods of the class under test, in isolation from
-        related application classes, or APIs provided by any container that the
-        class under test might be installed into at runtime.  But, how do you
-        test an application class that has dependencies on such APIs (such as
-        depending on the Servlet API to provide an <code>HttpServletRequest</code>
-        object representing an incoming HTTP request?</p>
-        <p>A popular answer to this dilemna is to utilize a library of
-        <em>mock objects</em> -- classes that implement and emulate the container
-        APIs, but still run in the isolated environment of a JUnit test case.
-        Shale provides mock object implementations for its own features, as
-        well as features of the underlying container (Servlet
-        and JavaServer Faces) environment.  In addition, convenient base classes
-        are provided to make it very easy to build your own test cases utilizing
-        these mock objects.  This library is used to create unit tests for Shale
-        components itself, but it is primarily focused on making it easy to
-        build unit tests for application classes such as
-        <code>ViewController</code>s.</p>
-      </subsection>
-      <a name="test-services"/>
-      <subsection name="Provided Services">
-        <p>The Shale Test Framework provides mock object libraries, plus base
-        classes for creating your own JUnit <code>TestCase</code>s.</p>
-        <p>Mock objects are provided in package <code>org.apache.shale.test.mock</code>
-        for the following container APIs:</p>
-        <ul>
-        <li>JavaServer Faces</li>
-        <li>Servlet</li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>These mock object classes implement the majority of the functionality
-        defined by the container API Javadocs (although some methods currently
-        throw <code>UnsupportedOperationException</code>).  In addition, many
-        of these classes support public methods, outside of the defined API,
-        for configuring the object in a test environment.  For example,
-        <code>MockServletContext</code> includes <code>addInitParameter()</code>
-        and <code>setDocumentRoot()</code> methods, to add context initialization
-        parameters to the set returned via <code>getInitParameter()</code> and
-        <code>getInitParameterNames()</code>, and to establish the base directory
-        for resolving servlet context resources, respectively.</p>
-        <p>The <code>org.apache.shale.test.base</code> package contains abstract
-        base classes that wire together instances of the various container API
-        mock objects, in a manner similar to the way they would become available
-        at runtime.  The following base classes are available:</p>
-        <ul>
-        <li><code>AbstractJsfTestCase</code> - Base class for unit tests that
-            require Servlet and JavaServer Faces objects to be available.</li>
-        <li><code>AbstractViewControllerTestCase</code> - Extension of
-            <code>AbstractJsfTestCase</code> that also provides convenient
-            utility methods needed to test common scenarios in unit tests for
-            <code>ViewController</code> implementation classes.</li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>If you use one of these base classes, the <code>setUp()</code> method
-        found there will initialize a set of <code>protected</code> instance
-        variables for the container-managed objects you might need to access.
-        The set of initialized variables includes (variable name and type):</p>
-        <ul>
-        <li><code>application</code> (<code>MockApplication</code>)</li>
-        <li><code>config</code> (<code>MockServletConfig</code>)</li>
-        <li><code>externalContext</code> (<code>MockExternalContext</code>)</li>
-        <li><code>facesContext</code> (<code>MockFacesContext</code>)</li>
-        <li><code>lifecycle</code> (<code>MockLifecycle</code>)</li>
-        <li><code>request</code> (<code>MockHttpServletRequest</code>)</li>
-        <li><code>response</code> (<code>MockHttpServletResonse</code>)</li>
-        <li><code>servletContext</code> (<code>MockServletContext</code>)</li>
-        <li><code>session</code> (<code>MockHttpSession</code>)</li>
-        </ul>
-      </subsection>
-      <a name="test-using"/>
-      <subsection name="Using View Controller">
-        <p>The most common scenario for using the Test Framework is to construct
-        test cases for <code>ViewController</code> implementation classes.
-        Because the runtime environment of a <code>ViewController</code> is
-        quite constrained, it is easy to construct isolated unit tests that
-        exercise the methods exposed by a <code>ViewController</code> class.
-        The <em>Shale Use Cases</em> web application (included in the distribution)
-        contains many examples of such test cases, in the <code>src/test</code>
-        directory.  We will use <code>org.apache.shale.usecases.locale.SelectTestCase</code>
-        (which tests the <code>org.apache.shale.usecases.locale.Select</code>
-        implementation) as an example of how such a test case can be constructed.</p>
-        <ol>
-        <li>Create a new Java class <code>SelectTestCase</code>, in a package
-            directory (typically under <code>src/test</code> in your project)
-            that is the same as the package directory for the class you will be
-            testing.  This allows your test case to access package private and
-            protected variables and methods in the class being tested.</li>
-        <li>Make sure that the package declaration matches that of the class to
-            be tested (in this case, <code>org.apache.shale.usecases.locale</code>.</li>
-        <li>Declare your class to extend <code>AbstractViewControllerTestCase</code>
-            (or, if you are not testing a <code>ViewController</code> implementation,
-            extend <code>AbstractJsfTestCase</code>):
-public class SelectTestCase extends AbstractViewControllerTestCase {
-  ...
-        <li>Create a constructor that takes a <code>String</code> parameter, and
-            passes it to the superclass constructor:
-public SelectTestCase(String name) {
-    super(name);
-        <li>Create a <code>setUp()</code> method and <strong>be sure</strong>
-            to call <code>super.setUp()</code> at the beginning.  This method
-            will be called by JUnit immediately before it executes each
-            test method.
-public void setUp() {
-    super.setUp();
-    // Customization will go here
-        <li>After the call to the superclass <code>setUp()</code> method,
-            perform any other initialization required to execute the tests
-            in this test case.  In our example case, a configuration method
-            on the <code>MockApplication</code> instance will be used to
-            define the default and supported <code>Locale</code>s for this
-            set of tests.  This corresponds to what would happen at runtime,
-            when the JavaServer Faces initialization process used the contents
-            of the <code>/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml</code> resource to initialize
-            these values.  In addition, we will create a new instance of the
-            <code>Select</code> class to be tested.  It is important to create
-            a new instance for each test, to ensure that execution of one test
-            does not get influenced by the leftover property settings from a
-            previous test.
-public void setUp() {
-    super.setUp();
-    // Configure the supported locales for this application
-    List list = new ArrayList();
-    list.add(new Locale("en"));
-    list.add(new Locale("fr"));
-    list.add(new Locale("de"));
-    list.add(new Locale("es"));
-    application.setSupportedLocales(list);
-    // Construct a new ViewController instance
-    vc = new Select();
-        <li>Create a static <code>suite()</code> method that identifies the
-            test methods to be provided by this test case.  The simplest
-            approach is to leverage a constructor of the <code>TestSuite</code>
-            class that accepts the <code>Class</code> instance for this test
-            suite:
-public static suite() {
-    return new TestSuite(SelectTestCase.class);
-        <li>Create a <code>tearDown()</code> method that cleans up any custom
-            variables you allocated in your <code>setUp()</code> method, and
-            then calls the <code>super.tearDown()</code> method.  This will be
-            called by JUnit after each test is executed.
-public void tearDown() {
-    vc = null;
-    super.tearDown();
-        <li>Declare the custom instance variable(s) that you are setting up
-            in your <code>setUp()</code> method.  In this case, we create an
-            instance of the <code>ViewController</code> class to be tested.
-            A new instance will be created (via a call from JUnit to the
-            <code>setUp()</code> method) before each test method is executed.
-// The instance to be tested
-Select vc = null;
-        <li>Create one or more individual test methods (which must be
-            <code>public</code>, return <code>void</code>, take no arguments,
-            and have a method name of the form <code>testXXXX</code>.  For
-            advice on how to construct such methods, consult the
-            <a href="">JUnit Web Site</a>, or any of the
-            large number of resources on the web describing how to use JUnit
-            to build unit tests.  The following example tests what happens
-            when the <code>select()</code> method (which is executed when
-            the <em>Go</em> button is pressed), but the value entered is not
-            one of the valid options.  <strong>NOTE</strong> that the test
-            method must emulate the runtime calls to the <code>ViewController</code>
-            event methods, because there is no actual runtime container
-            available to perform these tasks automatically:
-// Test behavior of select() with an invalid value
-public void testSelectInvalid() {
-    Locale locale = new Locale("en");
-    facesContext.getViewRoot().setLocale(locale);
-    vc.init();
-    vc.preprocess();
-    vc.setLocale("it");
-    String result =;
-    assertEquals(Select.FAILURE, result);
-    checkMessageCount(1);
-    assertEquals(locale, facesContext.getViewRoot().getLocale());
-            The test case sets the <code>locale</code> property (which is
-            bound to a dropdown component at runtime, but we are simulating
-            the behavior of Update Model Values here) to an invalid value,
-            then calls the <code>select()</code> method.  The test then
-            verifies that the logical outcome returned matches that which
-            is expected (<code>Select.FAILURE</code>), that there was an error
-            message queued to be displayed, and that the <code>locale</code>
-            for the current view was <strong>NOT</strong> actually changed.
-            <br/></li>
-        <li>Finally, integrate the execution of this test case into your
-            build script.  Many IDEs will take care of this for you; however,
-            if you are creating an Ant build script by hand, you might find
-            the <code>test</code> target from the Shale Use Cases example
-            a useful starting point.  It locates <em>all</em> the test cases
-            related to the entire application, and executes them:
-  &lt;target name="test" depends="test.compile"
-   description="Execute unit tests">
-    &lt;mkdir          dir="${build.home}/test-results"/>
-    &lt;echo       message="Running unit tests ..."/>
-    &lt;junit printSummary="no" fork="yes"
-          haltonfailure="yes" haltonerror="yes">
-      &lt;classpath  refid="test.classpath"/>
-      &lt;formatter   type="plain"
-                usefile="false"/>
-      &lt;formatter   type="xml"
-                usefile="true"/>
-      &lt;batchtest todir="${build.home}/test-results">
-        &lt;fileset    dir="${build.home}/test-classes"
-               includes="org/apache/shale/usecases/*/*TestCase.class"/>
-      &lt;/batchtest>
-    &lt;/junit>
-  &lt;/target>
-        </ol>
-      </subsection>
-    </section>

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