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[3/4] ambari git commit: AMBARI-11995 Remove add security wizard from Ambari. (ababiichuk)
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/controllers/main/admin/security/security_progress_controller.js b/ambari-web/app/controllers/main/admin/security/security_progress_controller.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bf93ee2..0000000
--- a/ambari-web/app/controllers/main/admin/security/security_progress_controller.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-var App = require('app');
-App.MainAdminSecurityProgressController = Em.Controller.extend({
-  name: 'mainAdminSecurityProgressController',
-  commands: [],
-  configs: [],
-  serviceConfigTags: [],
-  totalSteps: 3,
-  isSubmitDisabled: true,
-  hasHostPopup: true,
-  services: [],
-  serviceTimestamp: null,
-  operationsInfo: [
-    {
-      name: 'STOP_SERVICES',
-      realUrl: '/services',
-      testUrl: '/data/wizard/deploy/2_hosts/poll_1.json',
-      data: '{"RequestInfo": {"context" :"' + Em.I18n.t('requestInfo.stopAllServices') + '"}, "Body": {"ServiceInfo": {"state": "INSTALLED"}}}'
-    },
-    {
-      name: 'START_SERVICES',
-      realUrl: '/services?params/run_smoke_test=true',
-      testUrl: '/data/wizard/deploy/2_hosts/poll_1.json',
-      data: '{"RequestInfo": {"context": "' + Em.I18n.t('requestInfo.startAllServices') + '"}, "Body": {"ServiceInfo": {"state": "STARTED"}}}'
-    }
-  ],
-  secureMapping: require('data/HDP2/secure_mapping'),
-  secureProperties: require('data/HDP2/secure_properties').configProperties,
-  /**
-   * prepare and restart failed command
-   */
-  retry: function () {
-    var failedCommand = this.get('commands').findProperty('isError');
-    if (failedCommand) {
-      failedCommand.set('requestId', null);
-      failedCommand.set('isStarted', false);
-      failedCommand.set('isError', false);
-      this.startCommand(failedCommand);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * start updating current task in parallel
-   * @param requestId
-   * @param taskId
-   * @return {Boolean}
-   */
-  startUpdatingTask: function (requestId, taskId) {
-    if (!requestId || !taskId) return false;
-    var command = this.get('commands').findProperty('requestId', requestId);
-    command.updateTaskLog(taskId);
-    return true;
-  },
-  /**
-   * stop updating current task
-   * @param requestId
-   * @return {Boolean}
-   */
-  stopUpdatingTask: function (requestId) {
-    if (!requestId) return false;
-    var command = this.get('commands').findProperty('requestId', requestId);
-    command.set('currentTaskId', null);
-    return true;
-  },
-  /**
-   * update info about progress of operation of commands
-   */
-  updateServices: function () {
-    var services = this.get("services");
-    this.get("commands").forEach(function (command) {
-      var polledData = command.get('polledData');
-      var newService = Ember.Object.create({
-        name: command.get('label'),
-        hosts: []
-      });
-      if (polledData) {
-        var hostNames = polledData.mapProperty('Tasks.host_name').uniq();
-        hostNames.forEach(function (name) {
-          newService.hosts.push({
-            name: name,
-            publicName: name,
-            logTasks: polledData.filterProperty("Tasks.host_name", name)
-          });
-        });
-        services.push(newService);
-      }
-    });
-    this.set('serviceTimestamp', App.dateTime());
-  }.observes('commands.@each.polledData'),
-  /**
-   * initialize default commands
-   */
-  loadCommands: function () {
-    this.get('commands').pushObjects([
-      App.Poll.create({name: 'STOP_SERVICES', label: Em.I18n.translations[''], isPolling: true }),
-      App.Poll.create({name: 'APPLY_CONFIGURATIONS', label: Em.I18n.translations[''], isPolling: false }),
-      App.Poll.create({name: 'START_SERVICES', label: Em.I18n.translations[''], isPolling: true })
-    ]);
-  },
-  addObserverToCommands: function () {
-    this.setIndex(this.get('commands'));
-    this.addObserver('commands.@each.isSuccess', this, 'onCompleteCommand');
-  },
-  /**
-   * set index to each command
-   * @param commandArray
-   */
-  setIndex: function (commandArray) {
-    commandArray.forEach(function (command, index) {
-      command.set('index', index + 1);
-    }, this);
-    this.set('totalSteps', commandArray.length);
-  },
-  startCommand: function (command) {
-    if (this.get('commands').length === this.get('totalSteps')) {
-      if (!command) {
-        var startedCommand = this.get('commands').filterProperty('isStarted', true);
-        command = startedCommand.findProperty('isCompleted', false);
-      }
-      if (command) {
-        if (command.get('isPolling')) {
-          command.set('isStarted', true);
-          command.start();
-        } else if (command.get('name') === 'APPLY_CONFIGURATIONS') {
-          command.set('isStarted', true);
-          if (App.get('testMode')) {
-            command.set('isError', false);
-            command.set('isSuccess', true);
-          } else {
-            this.loadClusterConfigs();
-          }
-        } else if (command.get('name') === 'DELETE_ATS') {
-          command.set('isStarted', true);
-          if (App.get('testMode')) {
-            command.set('isError', false);
-            command.set('isSuccess', true);
-          } else {
-            var timeLineServer = App.HostComponent.find().findProperty('componentName', 'APP_TIMELINE_SERVER');
-            if (timeLineServer) {
-              this.deleteComponents('APP_TIMELINE_SERVER', timeLineServer.get('hostName'));
-            } else {
-              this.onDeleteComplete();
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        return true;
-      }
-    }
-    return false;
-  },
-  /**
-   * on command completion move to next command
-   * @return {Boolean}
-   */
-  onCompleteCommand: function () {
-    if (this.get('commands').length === this.get('totalSteps')) {
-      var index = this.get('commands').filterProperty('isSuccess', true).length;
-      if (index > 0) {
-        var lastCompletedCommandResult = this.get('commands').objectAt(index - 1).get('isSuccess');
-        if (lastCompletedCommandResult) {
-          var nextCommand = this.get('commands').objectAt(index);
-          this.moveToNextCommand(nextCommand);
-          return true;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return false;
-  },
-  /**
-   * move to next command
-   * @param nextCommand
-   */
-  moveToNextCommand: function (nextCommand) {
-    nextCommand = nextCommand || this.get('commands').findProperty('isStarted', false);
-    if (nextCommand) {
-      this.startCommand(nextCommand);
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  },
-  /**
-   * add query information(url, data) to commands
-   */
-  addInfoToCommands: function () {
-    var operationsInfo = this.get('operationsInfo');
-    var urlPrefix = App.apiPrefix + '/clusters/' + App.get('clusterName');
-    operationsInfo.forEach(function (operation) {
-      var command = this.get('commands').findProperty('name',;
-      var url = (App.get('testMode')) ? operation.testUrl : urlPrefix + operation.realUrl;
-      command.set('url', url);
-      command.set('data',;
-    }, this);
-  },
-  loadClusterConfigs: function () {
-    App.ajax.send({
-      name: '',
-      sender: this,
-      success: 'loadClusterConfigsSuccessCallback',
-      error: 'loadClusterConfigsErrorCallback'
-    });
-  },
-  loadClusterConfigsSuccessCallback: function (data) {
-    //prepare tags to fetch all configuration for a service
-    this.get('secureServices').forEach(function (_secureService) {
-      this.setServiceTagNames(_secureService, data.Clusters.desired_configs);
-    }, this);
-    this.getAllConfigurations();
-  },
-  loadClusterConfigsErrorCallback: function (request, ajaxOptions, error) {
-    var command = this.get('commands').findProperty('name', 'APPLY_CONFIGURATIONS');
-    command.set('isSuccess', false);
-    command.set('isError', true);
-    console.log("TRACE: error code status is: " + request.status);
-  },
-  /**
-   * set tag names according to installed services and desired configs
-   * @param secureService
-   * @param configs
-   * @return {Object}
-   */
-  setServiceTagNames: function (secureService, configs) {
-    //var serviceConfigTags = this.get('serviceConfigTags');
-    for (var index in configs) {
-      if (secureService.sites && secureService.sites.contains(index)) {
-        var serviceConfigObj = {
-          siteName: index,
-          tagName: configs[index].tag,
-          newTagName: null,
-          configs: {}
-        };
-        this.get('serviceConfigTags').pushObject(serviceConfigObj);
-      }
-    }
-    return serviceConfigObj;
-  },
-  /**
-   * form query data and apply security configurations to server
-   */
-  applyConfigurationsToCluster: function () {
-    var configData = this.get('serviceConfigTags').map(function (_serviceConfig) {
-      var res = {
-        type: _serviceConfig.siteName,
-        tag: _serviceConfig.newTagName,
-        properties: _serviceConfig.configs,
-        service_config_version_note: Em.I18n.t('')
-      };
-      if (_serviceConfig.properties_attributes) {
-        res['properties_attributes'] = _serviceConfig.properties_attributes
-      }
-      return res;
-    }, this);
-    var selectedServices = this.get('secureServices');
-    var allConfigData = [];
-    selectedServices.forEach(function (service) {
-      var stackService = App.StackService.find(service.serviceName);
-      if (stackService) {
-        var serviceConfigData = [];
-        Object.keys(stackService.get('configTypesRendered')).forEach(function (type) {
-          var serviceConfigTag = configData.findProperty('type', type);
-          if (serviceConfigTag) {
-            serviceConfigData.pushObject(serviceConfigTag);
-          }
-        }, this);
-        allConfigData.pushObject(JSON.stringify({
-          Clusters: {
-            desired_config: serviceConfigData
-          }
-        }));
-      }
-    }, this);
-    var clusterConfig = configData.findProperty('type', 'cluster-env');
-    if (clusterConfig) {
-      allConfigData.pushObject(JSON.stringify({
-        Clusters: {
-          desired_config: [clusterConfig]
-        }
-      }));
-    }
-    App.ajax.send({
-      name: '',
-      sender: this,
-      data: {
-        data: '[' + allConfigData.toString() + ']'
-      },
-      success: 'applyConfigurationToClusterSuccessCallback',
-      error: 'applyConfigurationToClusterErrorCallback'
-    });
-  },
-  applyConfigurationToClusterSuccessCallback: function (data) {
-    var command = this.get('commands').findProperty('name', 'APPLY_CONFIGURATIONS');
-    command.set('isSuccess', true);
-    command.set('isError', false);
-  },
-  applyConfigurationToClusterErrorCallback: function (request, ajaxOptions, error) {
-    var command = this.get('commands').findProperty('name', 'APPLY_CONFIGURATIONS');
-    command.set('isSuccess', false);
-    command.set('isError', true);
-  },
-  /**
-   * gets site config properties from server and sets it for every configuration
-   */
-  getAllConfigurations: function () {
-    var urlParams = [];
-    this.get('serviceConfigTags').forEach(function (_tag) {
-      urlParams.push('(type=' + _tag.siteName + '&tag=' + _tag.tagName + ')');
-    }, this);
-    if (urlParams.length > 0) {
-      App.ajax.send({
-        name: 'admin.get.all_configurations',
-        sender: this,
-        data: {
-          urlParams: urlParams.join('|')
-        },
-        success: 'getAllConfigurationsSuccessCallback',
-        error: 'getAllConfigurationsErrorCallback'
-      });
-    }
-  },
-  getAllConfigurationsSuccessCallback: function (data) {
-    console.log("TRACE: In success function for the GET getServiceConfigsFromServer call");
-    var command = this.get('commands').findProperty('name', 'APPLY_CONFIGURATIONS');
-    this.get('serviceConfigTags').forEach(function (_tag) {
-      if (!data.items.someProperty('type', _tag.siteName)) {
-        console.log("Error: Metadata for secure services (secure_configs.js) is having config tags that are not being retrieved from server");
-        command.set('isSuccess', false);
-        command.set('isError', true);
-      }
-      var cfg = data.items.findProperty('type', _tag.siteName);
-      _tag.configs = this.modifyConfigsForSecure(_tag.siteName, cfg);
-      if (cfg.properties_attributes) {
-        _tag.properties_attributes = cfg.properties_attributes;
-      }
-    }, this);
-    if (this.manageSecureConfigs()) {
-      this.applyConfigurationsToCluster();
-    }
-  },
-  propertiesToUpdate: [
-    {
-      siteName: 'storm-site',
-      name: 'ui.childopts',
-      append: ''
-    },
-    {
-      siteName: 'storm-site',
-      name: 'supervisor.childopts',
-      append: ''
-    },
-    {
-      siteName: 'storm-site',
-      name: 'nimbus.childopts',
-      append: ''
-    }
-  ],
-  /**
-   * updates some configs for correct work in secure mode
-   * @method modifyConfigsForSecure
-   * @param {String} siteName
-   * @param {Object} cfg
-   * {
-   *   properties: {
-   *    'ui.childopts': 'value1'
-   *    'property2': 'value2'
-   *   }
-   * };
-   * has other properties but required filed is "properties";
-   * @returns {Object}
-   *   properties: {
-   *    'ui.childopts': 'value1'
-   *    'property2': 'value2'
-   *   }
-   */
-  modifyConfigsForSecure: function(siteName, cfg) {
-    var propertiesToUpdate = this.get('propertiesToUpdate').filterProperty('siteName', siteName);
-    if (propertiesToUpdate.length) {
-      propertiesToUpdate.forEach(function(p) {
-[] += p.append;
-      }, this);
-    }
-    return
-  },
-  getAllConfigurationsErrorCallback: function (request, ajaxOptions, error) {
-    var command = this.get('commands').findProperty('name', 'APPLY_CONFIGURATIONS');
-    command.set('isSuccess', false);
-    command.set('isError', true);
-    console.log("TRACE: In error function for the getServiceConfigsFromServer call");
-    console.log("TRACE: error code status is: " + request.status);
-  },
-  /**
-   * save commands to server and local storage
-   */
-  saveCommands: function () {
-    var commands = [];
-    if (this.get('commands').length === this.get('totalSteps')) {
-      this.get('commands').forEach(function (_command) {
-        var command = {
-          name: _command.get('name'),
-          label: _command.get('label'),
-          isPolling: _command.get('isPolling'),
-          isVisible: _command.get('isVisible'),
-          isStarted: _command.get('isStarted'),
-          requestId: _command.get('requestId'),
-          isSuccess: _command.get('isSuccess'),
-          isError: _command.get('isError'),
-          url: _command.get('url'),
-          polledData: _command.get('polledData'),
-          data: _command.get('data')
-        };
-        commands.pushObject(command);
-      }, this);
-      App.db.setSecurityDeployCommands(commands);
-      if (!App.get('testMode')) {
-        App.clusterStatus.setClusterStatus({
-          clusterName: this.get('clusterName'),
-          clusterState: 'ADD_SECURITY_STEP_4',
-          wizardControllerName: App.router.get(''),
-          localdb:
-        });
-      }
-    }
-  }.observes('commands.@each.isCompleted', 'commands.@each.requestId')
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/controllers/main/host/details.js b/ambari-web/app/controllers/main/host/details.js
index 144465b..c0678f2 100644
--- a/ambari-web/app/controllers/main/host/details.js
+++ b/ambari-web/app/controllers/main/host/details.js
@@ -436,15 +436,6 @@ App.MainHostDetailsController = Em.Controller.extend({
       batchUtils.restartHostComponents([component], Em.I18n.t('rollingrestart.context.selectedComponentOnSelectedHost').format(component.get('displayName')), "HOST_COMPONENT");
-  /**
-   * get current status of security settings,
-   * if true security is enabled otherwise disabled
-   * @return {Boolean}
-   */
-  securityEnabled: function () {
-    return App.router.get('mainAdminSecurityController.securityEnabled');
-  }.property('App.router.mainAdminSecurityController.securityEnabled'),
    * add component as <code>addComponent<code> method but perform
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/controllers/wizard/step7_controller.js b/ambari-web/app/controllers/wizard/step7_controller.js
index 3cf8f56..be8aeab 100644
--- a/ambari-web/app/controllers/wizard/step7_controller.js
+++ b/ambari-web/app/controllers/wizard/step7_controller.js
@@ -58,14 +58,6 @@ App.WizardStep7Controller = Em.Controller.extend(App.ServerValidatorMixin, App.E
   secureConfigs: require('data/HDP2/secure_mapping'),
-   * config categories with secure properties
-   * use only for add service wizard when security is enabled;
-   */
-  secureServices: function () {
-    return $.extend(true, [], require('data/HDP2/secure_configs'));
-  }.property(),
-  /**
    * uses for add service - find out is security is enabled
   securityEnabled: function () {
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/data/HDP2/secure_configs.js b/ambari-web/app/data/HDP2/secure_configs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bac785f..0000000
--- a/ambari-web/app/data/HDP2/secure_configs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-var App = require('app');
-App.SecureConfigProperties = Ember.ArrayProxy.extend({
-  content: require('data/HDP2/secure_properties').configProperties
-var configProperties = App.SecureConfigProperties.create();
-var configs = [
-  {
-    serviceName: 'GENERAL',
-    displayName: 'General',
-    configCategories: [
-      App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'KERBEROS', displayName: 'Kerberos'}),
-      App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'AMBARI', displayName: 'Ambari'})
-    ],
-    sites: ['cluster-env'],
-    configs: configProperties.filterProperty('serviceName', 'GENERAL')
-  },
-  {
-    serviceName: 'HDFS',
-    displayName: 'HDFS',
-    filename: 'hdfs-site',
-    configCategories: [
-      App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'General', displayName: 'General', exclude:'HA'}),
-      App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'NameNode', displayName: 'NameNode'}),
-      App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'SNameNode', displayName: 'Secondary NameNode',exclude:'HA'}),
-      App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'JournalNode', displayName: 'JournalNode',exclude:'non-HA'}),
-      App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'DataNode', displayName: 'DataNode'})
-    ],
-    sites: ['hadoop-env','core-site', 'hdfs-site'],
-    configs: configProperties.filterProperty('serviceName', 'HDFS')
-  },
-  {
-    serviceName: 'MAPREDUCE2',
-    displayName: 'MapReduce2',
-    filename: 'mapred-site',
-    configCategories: [
-      App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'JobHistoryServer', displayName: 'History Server'})
-    ],
-    sites: ['mapred-site'],
-    configs: configProperties.filterProperty('serviceName', 'MAPREDUCE2')
-  },
-  {
-    serviceName: 'YARN',
-    displayName: 'YARN',
-    filename: 'yarn-site',
-    configCategories: [
-      App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'ResourceManager', displayName : 'ResourceManager'}),
-      App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'NodeManager', displayName : 'NodeManager'})
-    ], // these properties can be dynamic
-    sites: ['yarn-site', 'core-site'],
-    configs: configProperties.filterProperty('serviceName', 'YARN')
-  },
-  {
-    serviceName: 'HIVE',
-    displayName: 'Hive',
-    filename: 'hive-site',
-    configCategories: [
-      App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'Hive Metastore', displayName: 'Hive Metastore and Hive Server 2'}),
-      App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'WebHCat Server', displayName : 'WebHCat Server'})
-    ],
-    sites: ['hive-site','webhcat-site'],
-    configs: configProperties.filterProperty('serviceName', 'HIVE')
-  },
-  {
-    serviceName: 'HBASE',
-    displayName: 'HBase',
-    filename: 'hbase-site',
-    configCategories: [
-      App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'HBase Master', displayName: 'HBase Master'}),
-      App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'RegionServer', displayName: 'RegionServer'})
-    ],
-    sites: ['hbase-env','hbase-site'],
-    configs: configProperties.filterProperty('serviceName', 'HBASE')
-  },
-  {
-    serviceName: 'ZOOKEEPER',
-    displayName: 'ZooKeeper',
-    configCategories: [
-      App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'ZooKeeper Server', displayName: 'ZooKeeper Server'})
-    ],
-    sites: ['zookeeper-env'],
-    configs: configProperties.filterProperty('serviceName', 'ZOOKEEPER')
-  },
-  {
-    serviceName: 'OOZIE',
-    displayName: 'Oozie',
-    filename: 'oozie-site',
-    configCategories: [
-      App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'Oozie Server', displayName:  'Oozie Server'})
-    ],
-    sites: ['oozie-env','oozie-site'],
-    configs: configProperties.filterProperty('serviceName', 'OOZIE')
-  },
-  {
-    serviceName: 'STORM',
-    displayName: 'Storm',
-    filename: 'storm-site',
-    configCategories: [
-      App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'Storm Topology', displayName:  'Storm Client'})
-    ],
-    sites: ['storm-env','storm-site'],
-    configs: configProperties.filterProperty('serviceName', 'STORM')
-  },
-  {
-    serviceName: 'FALCON',
-    displayName: 'Falcon',
-    filename: '',
-    configCategories: [
-      App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'Falcon Server', displayName:  'Falcon Server startup properties'})
-    ],
-    sites: [''],
-    configs: configProperties.filterProperty('serviceName', 'FALCON')
-  },
-  {
-    serviceName: 'KNOX',
-    displayName: 'Knox',
-    filename: 'gateway-site.xml',
-    configCategories: [
-      App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'Knox Gateway', displayName:  'Knox Gateway'})
-    ],
-    sites: ['gateway-site','knox-env'],
-    configs: configProperties.filterProperty('serviceName', 'KNOX')
-  }
-  for(var i = 0; i < configs.length; i++){
-    var config = configs[i];
-    if( config.serviceName === 'STORM' ){
-      config.configCategories.unshift(App.ServiceConfigCategory.create({ name: 'Nimbus', displayName:  'Nimbus'}));
-    }
-  }
-module.exports = configs;
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/data/HDP2/secure_properties.js b/ambari-web/app/data/HDP2/secure_properties.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bb4560d..0000000
--- a/ambari-web/app/data/HDP2/secure_properties.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1268 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * Description of fields:
- * name: has to coincide with how the property will be saved to the file
- * displayName: how it will be shown in the Admin Security Wizard
- * serviceName: the tab in which it will appear in the Admin Security Wizard
- * filename: the file it is saved to, and the section of the command-#.json file
- * category: the accordion name in the tab shown in the Admin Security Wizard
- * component: Ambari component name
- */
-var props = {
-  "configProperties": [
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "security_enabled",
-      "displayName": "Enable security",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": 'true',
-      "description": "Enable kerberos security for the cluster",
-      "isVisible": false,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "GENERAL",
-      "filename": "cluster-env.xml",
-      "category": "KERBEROS"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "kerberos_install_type",
-      "displayName": "Type of security",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "MANUALLY_SET_KERBEROS",
-      "description": "Type of kerberos security for the cluster",
-      "isVisible": false,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "GENERAL",
-      "category": "KERBEROS"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "kerberos_domain",
-      "displayName": "Realm name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "EXAMPLE.COM",
-      "description": "Realm name to be used for all principal names",
-      "displayType": "advanced",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "GENERAL",
-      "filename": "cluster-env.xml",
-      "category": "KERBEROS"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "kinit_path_local",
-      "displayName": "Kerberos tool path",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/usr/bin",
-      "description": "Directoy path to installed kerberos tools like kinit, kdestroy etc. This can have multiple comma delimited paths",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "GENERAL",
-      "filename": "cluster-env.xml",
-      "category": "KERBEROS"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "smokeuser_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Smoke test user principal",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "ambari-qa",
-      "description": "This is the principal name for Smoke test user",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "isReconfigurable": false,
-      "serviceName": "GENERAL",
-      "category": "AMBARI"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "smokeuser_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to smoke test user keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/smokeuser.headless.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to keytab file for smoke test user",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "GENERAL",
-      "filename": "cluster-env.xml",
-      "category": "AMBARI"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "hdfs_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "HDFS user principal",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "hdfs",
-      "description": "This is the principal name for HDFS user",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": false,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "isReconfigurable": false,
-      "serviceName": "GENERAL",
-      "filename": "hadoop-env.xml",
-      "category": "AMBARI"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "hdfs_user_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to HDFS user keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/hdfs.headless.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to keytab file for HDFS user",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": false,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "GENERAL",
-      "filename": "hadoop-env.xml",
-      "category": "AMBARI"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "hbase_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "HBase user principal",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "hbase",
-      "description": "This is the principal name for HBase user",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": false,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "isReconfigurable": false,
-      "serviceName": "GENERAL",
-      "filename": "hbase-env.xml",
-      "category": "AMBARI"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "hbase_user_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to HBase user keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/hbase.headless.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to keytab file for Hbase user",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": false,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "GENERAL",
-      "filename": "hbase-env.xml",
-      "category": "AMBARI"
-    },
-  /**********************************************HDFS***************************************/
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "namenode_host",
-      "displayName": "NameNode hosts",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "",
-      "description": "The hosts that has been assigned to run NameNode",
-      "displayType": "masterHosts",
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "serviceName": "HDFS",
-      "category": "NameNode"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "namenode_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "nn/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for NameNode. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at an instance of NameNode",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HDFS",
-      "category": "NameNode",
-      "components": ["NAMENODE"]
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "namenode_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to Keytab File",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/nn.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to NameNode keytab file",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HDFS",
-      "category": "NameNode",
-      "components": ["NAMENODE"]
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "snamenode_host",
-      "displayName": "SNameNode host",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "localhost",
-      "description": "The host that has been assigned to run SecondaryNameNode",
-      "displayType": "masterHost",
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "serviceName": "HDFS",
-      "category": "SNameNode"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "snamenode_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "nn/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for SNameNode. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at an instance of SNameNode",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HDFS",
-      "category": "SNameNode",
-      "components": ["SECONDARY_NAMENODE"]
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "snamenode_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to Keytab File",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/nn.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to SNameNode keytab file",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HDFS",
-      "category": "SNameNode",
-      "components": ["SECONDARY_NAMENODE"]
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "journalnode_hosts",
-      "displayName": "JournalNode hosts",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "localhost",
-      "description": "The hosts that have been assigned to run JournalNodes",
-      "displayType": "masterHosts",
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "serviceName": "HDFS",
-      "category": "JournalNode"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "journalnode_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "jn/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for JournalNode. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at every instance of JournalNode",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HDFS",
-      "category": "JournalNode",
-      "component": "JOURNALNODE"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "journalnode_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/jn.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to JournalNode keytab file",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HDFS",
-      "category": "JournalNode",
-      "component": "JOURNALNODE"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "datanode_hosts", //not in the schema. For UI purpose
-      "displayName": "DataNode hosts",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "",
-      "description": "The hosts that have been assigned to run DataNode",
-      "displayType": "slaveHosts",
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "serviceName": "HDFS",
-      "category": "DataNode"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "dfs_datanode_address",
-      "displayName": "Datanode address",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "1019",
-      "description": "Address for DataNode",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": false,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HDFS",
-      "category": "DataNode"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "dfs_datanode_http_address",
-      "displayName": "Datanode HTTP address",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "1022",
-      "description": "Address for DataNode",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": false,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HDFS",
-      "category": "DataNode"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "datanode_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "dn/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for DataNode. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at every instance of DataNode",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HDFS",
-      "category": "DataNode",
-      "component": "DATANODE"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "datanode_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/dn.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to DataNode keytab file",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HDFS",
-      "category": "DataNode",
-      "component": "DATANODE"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "hadoop_http_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "DFS web principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "HTTP/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for SPNEGO access for HDFS components. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at instance of HDFS component",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HDFS",
-      "category": "General"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "hadoop_http_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to SPNEGO keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/spnego.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to SPNEGO keytab file for NameNode and SNameNode",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HDFS",
-      "category": "General"
-    },
-  /**********************************************MAPREDUCE2***************************************/
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "jobhistoryserver_host",
-      "displayName": "History Server host",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "",
-      "description": "The host that has been assigned to run History Server",
-      "displayType": "masterHost",
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "serviceName": "MAPREDUCE2",
-      "category": "JobHistoryServer"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "jobhistory_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "jhs/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for History Server. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at an instance of History Server",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "MAPREDUCE2",
-      "category": "JobHistoryServer",
-      "component": "HISTORYSERVER"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "jobhistory_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/jhs.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to History Server keytab file",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "MAPREDUCE2",
-      "category": "JobHistoryServer",
-      "component": "HISTORYSERVER"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "jobhistory_http_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Web principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "HTTP/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for SPNEGO access to Job History Server. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at an instance of Job History Server",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "MAPREDUCE2",
-      "category": "JobHistoryServer"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "jobhistory_http_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to SPNEGO keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/spnego.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to SPNEGO keytab file for Job History Server",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "MAPREDUCE2",
-      "category": "JobHistoryServer"
-    },
-  /**********************************************YARN***************************************/
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "resourcemanager_host",
-      "displayName": "ResourceManager host",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "",
-      "description": "The host that has been assigned to run ResourceManager",
-      "displayType": "masterHost",
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "serviceName": "YARN",
-      "category": "ResourceManager"
-    },
-    // YARN Application Timeline Server
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "apptimelineserver_host",
-      "displayName": "Application Timeline Server host",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "",
-      "description": "The host that has been assigned to run AppTimelineServer",
-      "displayType": "masterHost",
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "serviceName": "YARN",
-      "category": "AppTimelineServer"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "apptimelineserver_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "App Timeline Server Principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "yarn/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for App Timeline Server. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at an instance of App Timeline Server",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": true,
-      "serviceName": "YARN",
-      "category": "AppTimelineServer",
-      "component": "APP_TIMELINE_SERVER"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "apptimelineserver_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to App Timeline Server keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/yarn.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to App Timeline Server keytab file",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": true,
-      "serviceName": "YARN",
-      "category": "AppTimelineServer",
-      "component": "APP_TIMELINE_SERVER"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "apptimelineserver_http_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "App Timeline Server HTTP Principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "HTTP/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for App Timeline Server HTTP. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at an instance of App Timeline Server",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": true,
-      "serviceName": "YARN",
-      "category": "AppTimelineServer"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "apptimelineserver_http_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to App Timeline Server SPNEGO HTTP keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/spnego.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to App Timeline Server SPNEGO HTTP keytab file",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": true,
-      "serviceName": "YARN",
-      "category": "AppTimelineServer"
-    },
-    // YARN Resource Manager
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "resourcemanager_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "rm/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for ResourceManager. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at an instance of ResourceManager",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "YARN",
-      "category": "ResourceManager",
-      "component": "RESOURCEMANAGER"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "resourcemanager_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/rm.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to ResourceManager keytab file",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "YARN",
-      "category": "ResourceManager",
-      "component": "RESOURCEMANAGER"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "resourcemanager_http_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Web principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "HTTP/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for SPNEGO access to ResourceManager. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at an instance of ResourceManager",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "YARN",
-      "category": "ResourceManager"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "resourcemanager_http_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to SPNEGO keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/spnego.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to SPNEGO keytab file for ResourceManager",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "YARN",
-      "category": "ResourceManager"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "nodemanager_host",
-      "displayName": "NodeManager hosts",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "",
-      "description": "The hosts that has been assigned to run NodeManager",
-      "displayType": "slaveHosts",
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "serviceName": "YARN",
-      "category": "NodeManager"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "nodemanager_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "nm/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for NodeManager. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at all instances of NodeManager",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "YARN",
-      "category": "NodeManager",
-      "component": "NODEMANAGER"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "nodemanager_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/nm.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to NodeManager keytab file",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "YARN",
-      "category": "NodeManager",
-      "component": "NODEMANAGER"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "nodemanager_http_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Web principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "HTTP/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for SPNEGO access to NodeManager. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at all instances of NodeManager",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "YARN",
-      "category": "NodeManager"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "nodemanager_http_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to SPNEGO keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/spnego.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to SPNEGO keytab file for NodeManager",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "YARN",
-      "category": "NodeManager"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "yarn_nodemanager_container-executor_class",
-      "displayName": "yarn.nodemanager.container-executor.class",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.LinuxContainerExecutor",
-      "description": "Executor(launcher) of the containers",
-      "displayType": "advanced",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "YARN",
-      "category": "NodeManager"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "webhcatserver_host",
-      "displayName": "WebHCat Server host",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "localhost",
-      "description": "The host that has been assigned to run WebHCat Server",
-      "displayType": "masterHost",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HIVE",
-      "category": "WebHCat Server"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "webHCat_http_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "HTTP/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for SPNEGO access for WebHCat",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HIVE",
-      "category": "WebHCat Server"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "webhcat_http_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/spnego.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to SPNEGO keytab file for WebHCat",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HIVE",
-      "category": "WebHCat Server"
-    },
-  /**********************************************HBASE***************************************/
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "hbasemaster_host",
-      "displayName": "HBase Master hosts",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "",
-      "description": "The host that has been assigned to run HBase Master",
-      "displayType": "masterHosts",
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "serviceName": "HBASE",
-      "category": "HBase Master"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "hbase_master_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "hbase/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for HBase master. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at an instance of HBase Master",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HBASE",
-      "category": "HBase Master",
-      "components": ["HBASE_MASTER"]
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "hbase_master_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/hbase.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to HBase master keytab file",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HBASE",
-      "category": "HBase Master",
-      "components": ["HBASE_MASTER"]
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "regionserver_hosts",
-      "displayName": "RegionServer hosts",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "",
-      "description": "The hosts that have been assigned to run RegionServer",
-      "displayType": "slaveHosts",
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "serviceName": "HBASE",
-      "category": "RegionServer"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "hbase_regionserver_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "hbase/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for RegionServer. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at every instance of RegionServer",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HBASE",
-      "category": "RegionServer",
-      "components": ["HBASE_REGIONSERVER"]
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "hbase_regionserver_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/hbase.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to RegionServer keytab file",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HBASE",
-      "category": "RegionServer",
-      "components": ["HBASE_REGIONSERVER"]
-    },
-  /**********************************************HIVE***************************************/
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "hive_metastore",
-      "displayName": "Hive Metastore hosts",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "localhost",
-      "description": "The hosts that have been assigned to run Hive Metastore and HiveServer2",
-      "displayType": "masterHosts",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HIVE",
-      "category": "Hive Metastore"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "hive_metastore_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "hive/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for Hive Metastore and HiveServer2. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at an instance of Hive Metastore and HiveServer2",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HIVE",
-      "category": "Hive Metastore",
-      "components": ["HIVE_SERVER", "HIVE_METASTORE"]
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "hive_metastore_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/hive.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to Hive Metastore and HiveServer2 keytab file",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HIVE",
-      "category": "Hive Metastore",
-      "components": ["HIVE_SERVER", "HIVE_METASTORE"]
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "hive_metastore_http_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Web principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "HTTP/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for SPNEGO access to Hive Metastore and HiveServer2. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at an instance of Hive Metastore and HiveServer2",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HIVE",
-      "category": "Hive Metastore"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "hive_metastore_http_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to SPNEGO keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/spnego.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to SPNEGO keytab file for  Hive Metastore and HiveServer2",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "HIVE",
-      "category": "Hive Metastore"
-    },
-  /**********************************************OOZIE***************************************/
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "oozie_servername",
-      "displayName": "Oozie Server host",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "localhost",
-      "description": "Oozie server host name",
-      "displayType": "masterHost",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "OOZIE",
-      "category": "Oozie Server"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "oozie_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "oozie/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for Oozie server",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "OOZIE",
-      "category": "Oozie Server",
-      "component": "OOZIE_SERVER"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "oozie_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/oozie.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to Oozie server keytab file",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "OOZIE",
-      "filename": "oozie-env.xml",
-      "category": "Oozie Server",
-      "component": "OOZIE_SERVER"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "oozie_http_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Web principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "HTTP/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for SPNEGO access to Oozie",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "OOZIE",
-      "category": "Oozie Server"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "oozie_http_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to SPNEGO keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/spnego.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to SPNEGO keytab file for oozie",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "OOZIE",
-      "category": "Oozie Server"
-    },
-  /**********************************************ZOOKEEPER***************************************/
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "zookeeperserver_hosts",
-      "displayName": "ZooKeeper Server hosts",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "",
-      "description": "The host that has been assigned to run ZooKeeper Server",
-      "displayType": "masterHosts",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "ZOOKEEPER",
-      "category": "ZooKeeper Server"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "zookeeper_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "zookeeper/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for ZooKeeper. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at every instance of zookeeper server",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "ZOOKEEPER",
-      "filename": "zookeeper-env.xml",
-      "category": "ZooKeeper Server",
-      "component": "ZOOKEEPER_SERVER"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "zookeeper_keytab_path",
-      "displayName": "Path to keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/zk.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to ZooKeeper keytab file",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "ZOOKEEPER",
-      "filename": "zookeeper-env.xml",
-      "category": "ZooKeeper Server",
-      "component": "ZOOKEEPER_SERVER"
-    },
-  /**********************************************Falcon***************************************/
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "falcon_server_host",
-      "displayName": "Falcon server host",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "",
-      "description": "Falcon Server host",
-      "displayType": "masterHost",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "FALCON",
-      "category": "Falcon Server"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "falcon_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Falcon principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "falcon/_HOST",
-      "description": "This is the principal name for Falcon Server",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "FALCON",
-      "category": "Falcon Server",
-      "component": "FALCON_SERVER"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "falcon_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to Falcon server keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/falcon.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to the Falcon Server keytab file",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "FALCON",
-      "category": "Falcon Server",
-      "component": "FALCON_SERVER"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "falcon_http_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Web principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "HTTP/_HOST",
-      "description": "Principal name for SPNEGO access to Falcon",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "FALCON",
-      "category": "Falcon Server"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "falcon_http_keytab",
-      "displayName": "Path to SPNEGO keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/spnego.service.keytab",
-      "description": "Path to SPNEGO keytab file for Falcon",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "FALCON",
-      "category": "Falcon Server"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "namenode_principal_name_falcon",
-      "displayName": "NameNode principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "nn/_HOST",
-      "description": "NameNode principal to talk to config store",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "FALCON",
-      "category": "Falcon Server"
-    },
-  /**********************************************Knox***************************************/
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "knox_gateway_hosts",
-      "displayName": "Knox Gateway hosts",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "",
-      "description": "The hosts that has been assigned to run Knox Gateway",
-      "displayType": "masterHosts",
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "serviceName": "KNOX",
-      "category": "Knox Gateway"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "knox_principal_name",
-      "displayName": "Principal name",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "knox/_HOST",
-      "description": "This is the principal name for Knox Gateway",
-      "displayType": "principal",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "KNOX",
-      "filename": "knox-env.xml",
-      "category": "Knox Gateway",
-      "component": "KNOX_GATEWAY"
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "puppet var",
-      "name": "knox_keytab_path",
-      "displayName": "Path to keytab file",
-      "value": "",
-      "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/knox.service.keytab",
-      "description": "This is the keytab file for Knox Gateway",
-      "displayType": "directory",
-      "isVisible": true,
-      "isOverridable": false,
-      "serviceName": "KNOX",
-      "filename": "knox-env.xml",
-      "category": "Knox Gateway",
-      "component": "KNOX_GATEWAY"
-    }
-  ]
-var stormProperties = [
-  {
-    "id": "puppet var",
-    "name": "storm_host",
-    "displayName": "Storm component hosts",
-    "value": "",
-    "recommendedValue": "",
-    "description": "Storm component hosts",
-    "displayType": "slaveHosts",
-    "isVisible": true,
-    "isOverridable": false,
-    "serviceName": "STORM",
-    "category": "Storm Topology"
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "puppet var",
-    "name": "storm_principal_name",
-    "displayName": " Storm principal name",
-    "value": "",
-    "recommendedValue": "storm/_HOST",
-    "description": "Principal name for Supervisor. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at an instance of every storm component.",
-    "displayType": "principal",
-    "isVisible": true,
-    "isOverridable": false,
-    "serviceName": "STORM",
-    "filename": "storm-env.xml",
-    "category": "Storm Topology",
-    "components": ["SUPERVISOR", "NIMBUS", "STORM_UI_SERVER"]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "puppet var",
-    "name": "storm_keytab",
-    "displayName": "Path to Storm keytab file",
-    "value": "",
-    "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/storm.service.keytab",
-    "description": "Path to the storm keytab file",
-    "displayType": "directory",
-    "isVisible": true,
-    "isOverridable": false,
-    "serviceName": "STORM",
-    "filename": "storm-env.xml",
-    "category": "Storm Topology",
-    "components": ["SUPERVISOR", "NIMBUS"]
-  }
-var storm22Properties = [
-  {
-    "id": "puppet var",
-    "name": "storm_principal_name",
-    "displayName": " Storm principal name",
-    "value": "",
-    "recommendedValue": "storm/_HOST",
-    "description": "Principal name for Storm components. _HOST will get automatically replaced with actual hostname at an instance of every storm component.",
-    "displayType": "principal",
-    "isVisible": true,
-    "isOverridable": false,
-    "serviceName": "STORM",
-    "filename": "storm-env.xml",
-    "category": "Storm Topology",
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "puppet var",
-    "name": "storm_keytab",
-    "displayName": "Path to Storm keytab file",
-    "value": "",
-    "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/storm.service.keytab",
-    "description": "Path to the storm keytab file",
-    "displayType": "directory",
-    "isVisible": true,
-    "isOverridable": false,
-    "serviceName": "STORM",
-    "filename": "storm-env.xml",
-    "category": "Storm Topology",
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "puppet var",
-    "name": "nimbus_host",
-    "displayName": "Nimbus hosts",
-    "value": "",
-    "recommendedValue": "",
-    "description": "Nimbus component hosts",
-    "displayType": "slaveHosts",
-    "isVisible": true,
-    "isOverridable": false,
-    "serviceName": "STORM",
-    "category": "Nimbus"
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "puppet var",
-    "name": "nimbus_principal_name",
-    "displayName": " Nimbus principal name",
-    "value": "",
-    "recommendedValue": "nimbus/_HOST",
-    "description": "Nimbus Principal name",
-    "displayType": "principal",
-    "isVisible": true,
-    "isOverridable": false,
-    "serviceName": "STORM",
-    "filename": "storm-env.xml",
-    "category": "Nimbus",
-    "components": ["NIMBUS","DRPC_SERVER"]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "puppet var",
-    "name": "nimbus_keytab",
-    "displayName": "Path to Nimbus keytab file",
-    "value": "",
-    "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/nimbus.service.keytab",
-    "description": "Path to the nimbus keytab file",
-    "displayType": "directory",
-    "isVisible": true,
-    "isOverridable": false,
-    "serviceName": "STORM",
-    "filename": "storm-env.xml",
-    "category": "Nimbus",
-    "components": ["NIMBUS","DRPC_SERVER"]
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "puppet var",
-    "name": "storm_ui_principal_name",
-    "displayName": "Storm UI principal name",
-    "value": "",
-    "recommendedValue": "HTTP/_HOST",
-    "description": "Principal name for Storm UI",
-    "displayType": "principal",
-    "isVisible": false,
-    "isOverridable": false,
-    "serviceName": "STORM",
-    "filename": "storm-env.xml",
-    "category": "Nimbus"
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "puppet var",
-    "name": "storm_ui_keytab",
-    "displayName": "Path to Nimbus UI keytab file",
-    "value": "",
-    "recommendedValue": "/etc/security/keytabs/spnego.service.keytab",
-    "description": "Path to the Storm UI keytab file",
-    "displayType": "directory",
-    "isVisible": false,
-    "isOverridable": false,
-    "serviceName": "STORM",
-    "filename": "storm-env.xml",
-    "category": "Nimbus"
-  }
-if(App.get('isHadoop22Stack')) {
-  props.configProperties.pushObjects(storm22Properties);
-} else {
-  props.configProperties.pushObjects(stormProperties);
-module.exports = props;
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/data/controller_route.js b/ambari-web/app/data/controller_route.js
index d6319f5..d453c51 100644
--- a/ambari-web/app/data/controller_route.js
+++ b/ambari-web/app/data/controller_route.js
@@ -30,14 +30,6 @@ module.exports = [
     route: 'main.hostAdd'
-    wizardControllerName: App.router.get(''),
-    route: 'main.admin.adminSecurity'
-  },
-  {
-    wizardControllerName: App.router.get(''),
-    route: 'main.admin.adminSecurity'
-  },
-  {
     wizardControllerName: App.router.get(''),
     route: 'main.admin.adminKerberos.adminAddKerberos'
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/messages.js b/ambari-web/app/messages.js
index 6d579d5..955ef80 100644
--- a/ambari-web/app/messages.js
+++ b/ambari-web/app/messages.js
@@ -1303,7 +1303,6 @@ Em.I18n.translations = {
   '': 'Add security',
   '': 'Remove security',
   '': 'You are about to disable Kerberos on the cluster. This will stop all the services in your cluster and remove the Kerberos configurations. <strong>Are you sure you wish to proceed with disabling Kerberos?</strong>',
-  'admin.addSecurity.header': 'Enable Security Wizard',
   '': 'Get Started',
   '': 'Configure Services',
   '': 'Create Principals and Keytabs',
@@ -1331,32 +1330,7 @@ Em.I18n.translations = {
   '' : 'Disabling kerberos security on the cluster',
   '': 'Kerberos-based security has been disabled on your cluster. Please wait while services are started in non-secure mode.',
   '': 'Failed to disable Kerberos-based security on your cluster. Your cluster will keep running in secure mode.',
-  '': 'Stop Services',
-  '': 'Save Configurations',
-  '': 'Start Services',
-  'admin.addSecurity.apply.delete.ats': 'Delete ATS',
-  'admin.addSecurity.user.smokeUser': 'Ambari Smoke Test User',
-  'admin.addSecurity.user.hdfsUser': 'HDFS User',
-  'admin.addSecurity.user.hbaseUser': 'HBase User',
-  'admin.addSecurity.user.stormUser': 'Storm User',
-  'admin.addSecurity.hdfs.user.httpUser': 'HDFS SPNEGO User',
-  'admin.addSecurity.rm.user.httpUser': 'ResourceManager SPNEGO User',
-  'admin.addSecurity.nm.user.httpUser': 'NodeManager SPNEGO User',
-  'admin.addSecurity.historyServer.user.httpUser': 'History server SPNEGO User',
-  'admin.addSecurity.webhcat.user.httpUser': 'WebHCat SPNEGO User',
-  'admin.addSecurity.hive.user.httpUser': 'Hive SPNEGO User',
-  'admin.addSecurity.oozie.user.httpUser': 'Oozie SPNEGO User',
-  'admin.addSecurity.falcon.user.httpUser': 'Falcon SPNEGO User',
-  'admin.addSecurity.storm.user.httpUser': 'Storm UI Server',
-  'admin.addSecurity.user.yarn.atsHTTPUser': 'YARN ATS HTTP User',
-  'admin.addSecurity.knox.user': 'Knox Gateway',
-  'admin.addSecurity.enable.onClose': 'You are in the process of enabling security on your cluster. ' +
-    'Are you sure you want to quit? If you quit, ' +
-    'you may have to re-run the security wizard from the beginning to enable security.',
-  'admin.addSecurity.enable.after.stage2.onClose': 'Services are being started with the Kerberos settings you specified. '+
-    'It is recommended that you wait until all the services are started to ensure that they are set up properly. ' +
-    'Are you sure you want to quit?',
-  'admin.addSecurity.disable.onClose': 'You are in the process of disabling security on your cluster. ' +
+  '': 'You are in the process of disabling security on your cluster. ' +
     'Are you sure you want to quit?',
   'admin.removeSecurity.header': 'Disable Security',
   '': 'Applying Configurations',
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/mixins/wizard/addSecurityConfigs.js b/ambari-web/app/mixins/wizard/addSecurityConfigs.js
index 7e436ae..f8163e9 100644
--- a/ambari-web/app/mixins/wizard/addSecurityConfigs.js
+++ b/ambari-web/app/mixins/wizard/addSecurityConfigs.js
@@ -27,47 +27,6 @@ App.AddSecurityConfigs = Em.Mixin.create({
   kerberosDescriptor: {},
-  secureProperties: require('data/HDP2/secure_properties').configProperties,
-  secureMapping: require('data/HDP2/secure_mapping'),
-  serviceUsersBinding: 'App.router.mainAdminSecurityController.serviceUsers',
-  componentsConfig: [
-    {
-      serviceName: 'OOZIE',
-      componentName: 'OOZIE_SERVER',
-      configName: 'oozieserver_host'
-    },
-    {
-      serviceName: 'HIVE',
-      componentName: 'WEBHCAT_SERVER',
-      configName: 'webhcat_server'
-    }
-  ],
-  /**
-   * mock users used in testMode
-   */
-  testModeUsers: [
-    {
-      name: 'hdfs_user',
-      value: 'hdfs'
-    },
-    {
-      name: 'mapred_user',
-      value: 'mapred'
-    },
-    {
-      name: 'hbase_user',
-      value: 'hbase'
-    },
-    {
-      name: 'hive_user',
-      value: 'hive'
-    }
-  ],
    * security configs, which values should be modified after APPLY CONFIGURATIONS stage
@@ -95,289 +54,6 @@ App.AddSecurityConfigs = Em.Mixin.create({
     return configs;
-  secureServices: function () {
-    return this.get('');
-  }.property(''),
-  /**
-   * prepare secure configs
-   */
-  prepareSecureConfigs: function () {
-    var configs = this.get('content.serviceConfigProperties');
-    this.set('configs', configs);
-    this.loadStaticConfigs(); //Hack for properties which are declared in site_properties.js and not able to retrieve values declared in secure_properties.js
-    this.loadUsersToConfigs();
-    this.loadHostNames();
-    this.loadPrimaryNames();
-    var uiConfigs = this.loadUiSideSecureConfigs();
-    this.set('configs', this.get('configs').concat(uiConfigs));
-  },
-  /**
-   * push users to configs
-   */
-  loadUsersToConfigs: function () {
-    if (!this.get('serviceUsers').length) {
-      this.loadUsersFromServer();
-    }
-    App.router.get('mainAdminSecurityController.serviceUsers').forEach(function (_user) {
-      this.get('configs').pushObject(_user);
-    }, this);
-  },
-  /**
-   * add component config that contain host name as value
-   * @param serviceName
-   * @param componentName
-   * @param configName
-   * @return {Boolean}
-   */
-  addHostConfig: function (serviceName, componentName, configName) {
-    var service = App.Service.find(serviceName);
-    var isServiceSecure = this.get('secureServices').someProperty('serviceName', serviceName);
-    if (service.get('isLoaded') && isServiceSecure) {
-      var hostComponent = service.get('hostComponents').findProperty('componentName', componentName);
-      if (hostComponent) {
-        var hostName = hostComponent.get('hostName');
-        this.get('configs').push({
-          id: 'puppet var',
-          name: configName,
-          value: hostName
-        });
-        return true;
-      }
-    }
-    return false;
-  },
-  /**
-   * add hosts' names to configs
-   */
-  loadHostNames: function () {
-    var componentsConfig = this.get('componentsConfig');
-    componentsConfig.forEach(function (host) {
-      this.addHostConfig(host.serviceName, host.componentName, host.configName);
-    }, this);
-  },
-  /**
-   * load static configs
-   */
-  loadStaticConfigs: function () {
-    this.get('configs').forEach(function (_property) {
-      switch ( {
-        case 'security_enabled':
-          _property.value = 'true';
-          break;
-      }
-    }, this);
-  },
-  /**
-   * add principals to properties
-   */
-  loadPrimaryNames: function () {
-    var principalProperties = this.getPrincipalNames();
-    principalProperties.forEach(function (_principalProperty) {
-      var name ='principal', 'primary');
-      var value = _principalProperty.value.split('/')[0];
-      this.get('configs').push({name: name, value: value});
-    }, this);
-  },
-  /**
-   * gather and return properties with "principal_name"
-   * @return {Array}
-   */
-  getPrincipalNames: function () {
-    var principalNames = [];
-    this.get('configs').forEach(function (_property) {
-      if (/principal_name?$/.test( {
-        principalNames.push(_property);
-      }
-    }, this);
-    this.get('secureProperties').forEach(function (_secureProperty) {
-      if (/principal_name?$/.test( {
-        var principalName = principalNames.findProperty('name',;
-        if (!principalName) {
-          _secureProperty.value = _secureProperty.defaultValue;
-          principalNames.push(_secureProperty);
-        }
-      }
-    }, this);
-    return principalNames;
-  },
-  /**
-   * load users from server
-   */
-  loadUsersFromServer: function () {
-    if (App.get('testMode')) {
-      var serviceUsers = this.get('serviceUsers');
-      this.get('testModeUsers').forEach(function (user) {
- = 'puppet var';
-        serviceUsers.push(user);
-      }, this);
-    } else {
-      App.router.set('mainAdminSecurityController.serviceUsers', App.db.getSecureUserInfo());
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * load configs from UI side
-   * @return {Array}
-   */
-  loadUiSideSecureConfigs: function () {
-    var uiConfig = [];
-    var configs = this.get('secureMapping').filterProperty('foreignKey', null).filter(function (_configProperty) {
-      return (App.Service.find().mapProperty('serviceName').contains(_configProperty.serviceName));
-    }, this);
-    configs.forEach(function (_config) {
-      var value = _config.value;
-      if (_config.hasOwnProperty('dependedServiceName')) {
-        value = this.checkServiceForConfigValue(value, _config.dependedServiceName);
-      }
-      value = this.getConfigValue(_config.templateName, value,;
-      uiConfig.push({
-        "id": "site property",
-        "name":,
-        "value": value,
-        "filename": _config.filename
-      });
-    }, this);
-    var dependentConfig = this.get('secureMapping').filterProperty('foreignKey');
-    dependentConfig.forEach(function (_config) {
-      if (App.Service.find().mapProperty('serviceName').contains(_config.serviceName)) {
-        this.setConfigValue(_config);
-        this.formatConfigName(uiConfig, _config);
-        uiConfig.push({
-          "id": "site property",
-          "name": _config._name ||,
-          "value": _config.value,
-          "filename": _config.filename
-        });
-      }
-    }, this);
-    return uiConfig;
-  },
-  /**
-   * erase template rules from config value if service is not loaded
-   * @param value
-   * @param services
-   * @return {*}
-   */
-  checkServiceForConfigValue: function (value, services) {
-    services.forEach(function (_service) {
-      if (!App.Service.find('isLoaded')) {
-        value = value.replace(_service.replace, '');
-      }
-    }, this);
-    return value;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Set all site property that are derived from other puppet-variable
-   * @param templateName
-   * @param expression
-   * @param name
-   * @return {String|null}
-   */
-  getConfigValue: function (templateName, expression, name) {
-    var express = expression.match(/<(.*?)>/g);
-    var value = expression;
-    if (Em.isNone(express)) return expression;
-    express.forEach(function (_express) {
-      var index = parseInt(_express.match(/\[([\d]*)(?=\])/)[1]);
-      var configs = this.get('configs').findProperty('name', templateName[index]);
-      var configValue = templateName[index] == 'hive_metastore' ?
- (hostName) {
-          return 'thrift://' + hostName + ':9083';
-        }).join(',') : configs.value;
-      if (!!value) {
-        value = (configs) ? App.config.replaceConfigValues(name, _express, value, configValue) : null;
-      }
-    }, this);
-    return value;
-  },
-  /**
-   * format name of config values of configs which match foreignKey
-   * @param uiConfig
-   * @param config
-   * @return {Boolean}
-   */
-  formatConfigName: function (uiConfig, config) {
-    if (Em.isNone(config.value)) return false;
-    var fkValue =<(foreignKey.*?)>/g);
-    if (fkValue) {
-      fkValue.forEach(function (_fkValue) {
-        var index = parseInt(_fkValue.match(/\[([\d]*)(?=\])/)[1]);
-        var value;
-        if (uiConfig.someProperty('name', config.foreignKey[index])) {
-          value = uiConfig.findProperty('name', config.foreignKey[index]).value;
-          config._name =, value);
-        } else if (this.get('configs').someProperty('name', config.foreignKey[index])) {
-          value = this.get('configs').findProperty('name', config.foreignKey[index]).value;
-          config._name =, value);
-        }
-      }, this);
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Set config value with values of configs which match template
-   * @param config
-   * @return {Boolean}
-   */
-  setConfigValue: function (config) {
-    if (Em.isNone(config.value)) return false;
-    //For properties in the configMapping file having foreignKey and templateName properties.
-    var templateValue = config.value.match(/<(templateName.*?)>/g);
-    if (templateValue) {
-      templateValue.forEach(function (_value) {
-        var index = parseInt(_value.match(/\[([\d]*)(?=\])/)[1]);
-        var cfg = this.get('configs').findProperty('name', config.templateName[index]);
-        if (cfg) {
-          var cfgValue = config.templateName[index] == 'hive_metastore' ? cfg.value.join(',') : cfg.value;
-          config.value = config.value.replace(_value, cfgValue);
-        } else {
-          config.value = null;
-        }
-      }, this);
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  },
-  /**
-   * set value of principal property
-   * @param serviceName
-   * @param principalName
-   * @return {Boolean}
-   */
-  setPrincipalValue: function (serviceName, principalName) {
-    var siteProperties = this.get('configs');
-    var realmName = siteProperties.findProperty('name', 'kerberos_domain');
-    if (this.get('secureServices').someProperty('serviceName', serviceName)) {
-      var principalProperty = siteProperties.findProperty('name', principalName);
-      principalProperty.value = principalProperty.value + '@' + realmName.value;
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  },
    * Generate stack descriptor configs.