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[11/13] incubator-hawq git commit: HAWQ-271. Remove external python modules.
diff --git a/tools/bin/ext/pg8000/ b/tools/bin/ext/pg8000/
deleted file mode 100644
index 377074b..0000000
--- a/tools/bin/ext/pg8000/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1340 +0,0 @@
-# vim: sw=4:expandtab:foldmethod=marker
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2009, Mathieu Fenniak
-# All rights reserved.
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-# met:
-# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
-# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
-# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
-# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-# * The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
-# derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
-__author__ = "Mathieu Fenniak"
-import socket
-import select
-import threading
-import struct
-import hashlib
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-from errors import *
-from util import MulticastDelegate
-import types
-# An SSLRequest message.  To initiate an SSL-encrypted connection, an
-# SSLRequest message is used rather than a {@link StartupMessage
-# StartupMessage}.  A StartupMessage is still sent, but only after SSL
-# negotiation (if accepted).
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class SSLRequest(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        pass
-    # Int32(8) - Message length, including self.<br>
-    # Int32(80877103) - The SSL request code.<br>
-    def serialize(self):
-        return struct.pack("!ii", 8, 80877103)
-# A StartupMessage message.  Begins a DB session, identifying the user to be
-# authenticated as and the database to connect to.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class StartupMessage(object):
-    # Greenplum utility mode
-    def __init__(self, user, database=None, options=None):
-        self.user = user
-        self.database = database
-        self.options = options
-    # Int32 - Message length, including self.
-    # Int32(196608) - Protocol version number.  Version 3.0.
-    # Any number of key/value pairs, terminated by a zero byte:
-    #   String - A parameter name (user, database, or options)
-    #   String - Parameter value
-    def serialize(self):
-        protocol = 196608
-        val = struct.pack("!i", protocol)
-        val += "user\x00" + self.user + "\x00"
-        if self.database:
-            val += "database\x00" + self.database + "\x00"
-        if self.options:
-            val += "options\x00" + self.options + "\x00"
-        val += "\x00"
-        val = struct.pack("!i", len(val) + 4) + val
-        return val
-# Parse message.  Creates a prepared statement in the DB session.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-# @param ps         Name of the prepared statement to create.
-# @param qs         Query string.
-# @param type_oids  An iterable that contains the PostgreSQL type OIDs for
-#                   parameters in the query string.
-class Parse(object):
-    def __init__(self, ps, qs, type_oids):
- = ps
-        self.qs = qs
-        self.type_oids = type_oids
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<Parse ps=%r qs=%r>" % (, self.qs)
-    # Byte1('P') - Identifies the message as a Parse command.
-    # Int32 -   Message length, including self.
-    # String -  Prepared statement name.  An empty string selects the unnamed
-    #           prepared statement.
-    # String -  The query string.
-    # Int16 -   Number of parameter data types specified (can be zero).
-    # For each parameter:
-    #   Int32 - The OID of the parameter data type.
-    def serialize(self):
-        val = + "\x00" + self.qs + "\x00"
-        val = val + struct.pack("!h", len(self.type_oids))
-        for oid in self.type_oids:
-            # Parse message doesn't seem to handle the -1 type_oid for NULL
-            # values that other messages handle.  So we'll provide type_oid 705,
-            # the PG "unknown" type.
-            if oid == -1: oid = 705
-            val = val + struct.pack("!i", oid)
-        val = struct.pack("!i", len(val) + 4) + val
-        val = "P" + val
-        return val
-# Bind message.  Readies a prepared statement for execution.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-# @param portal     Name of the destination portal.
-# @param ps         Name of the source prepared statement.
-# @param in_fc      An iterable containing the format codes for input
-#                   parameters.  0 = Text, 1 = Binary.
-# @param params     The parameters.
-# @param out_fc     An iterable containing the format codes for output
-#                   parameters.  0 = Text, 1 = Binary.
-# @param kwargs     Additional arguments to pass to the type conversion
-#                   methods.
-class Bind(object):
-    def __init__(self, portal, ps, in_fc, params, out_fc, **kwargs):
-        self.portal = portal
- = ps
-        self.in_fc = in_fc
-        self.params = []
-        for i in range(len(params)):
-            if len(self.in_fc) == 0:
-                fc = 0
-            elif len(self.in_fc) == 1:
-                fc = self.in_fc[0]
-            else:
-                fc = self.in_fc[i]
-            self.params.append(types.pg_value(params[i], fc, **kwargs))
-        self.out_fc = out_fc
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<Bind p=%r s=%r>" % (self.portal,
-    # Byte1('B') - Identifies the Bind command.
-    # Int32 - Message length, including self.
-    # String - Name of the destination portal.
-    # String - Name of the source prepared statement.
-    # Int16 - Number of parameter format codes.
-    # For each parameter format code:
-    #   Int16 - The parameter format code.
-    # Int16 - Number of parameter values.
-    # For each parameter value:
-    #   Int32 - The length of the parameter value, in bytes, not including this
-    #           this length.  -1 indicates a NULL parameter value, in which no
-    #           value bytes follow.
-    #   Byte[n] - Value of the parameter.
-    # Int16 - The number of result-column format codes.
-    # For each result-column format code:
-    #   Int16 - The format code.
-    def serialize(self):
-        retval = StringIO()
-        retval.write(self.portal + "\x00")
-        retval.write( + "\x00")
-        retval.write(struct.pack("!h", len(self.in_fc)))
-        for fc in self.in_fc:
-            retval.write(struct.pack("!h", fc))
-        retval.write(struct.pack("!h", len(self.params)))
-        for param in self.params:
-            if param == None:
-                # special case, NULL value
-                retval.write(struct.pack("!i", -1))
-            else:
-                retval.write(struct.pack("!i", len(param)))
-                retval.write(param)
-        retval.write(struct.pack("!h", len(self.out_fc)))
-        for fc in self.out_fc:
-            retval.write(struct.pack("!h", fc))
-        val = retval.getvalue()
-        val = struct.pack("!i", len(val) + 4) + val
-        val = "B" + val
-        return val
-# A Close message, used for closing prepared statements and portals.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-# @param typ    'S' for prepared statement, 'P' for portal.
-# @param name   The name of the item to close.
-class Close(object):
-    def __init__(self, typ, name):
-        if len(typ) != 1:
-            raise InternalError("Close typ must be 1 char")
-        self.typ = typ
- = name
-    # Byte1('C') - Identifies the message as a close command.
-    # Int32 - Message length, including self.
-    # Byte1 - 'S' for prepared statement, 'P' for portal.
-    # String - The name of the item to close.
-    def serialize(self):
-        val = self.typ + + "\x00"
-        val = struct.pack("!i", len(val) + 4) + val
-        val = "C" + val
-        return val
-# A specialized Close message for a portal.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class ClosePortal(Close):
-    def __init__(self, name):
-        Close.__init__(self, "P", name)
-# A specialized Close message for a prepared statement.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class ClosePreparedStatement(Close):
-    def __init__(self, name):
-        Close.__init__(self, "S", name)
-# A Describe message, used for obtaining information on prepared statements
-# and portals.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-# @param typ    'S' for prepared statement, 'P' for portal.
-# @param name   The name of the item to close.
-class Describe(object):
-    def __init__(self, typ, name):
-        if len(typ) != 1:
-            raise InternalError("Describe typ must be 1 char")
-        self.typ = typ
- = name
-    # Byte1('D') - Identifies the message as a describe command.
-    # Int32 - Message length, including self.
-    # Byte1 - 'S' for prepared statement, 'P' for portal.
-    # String - The name of the item to close.
-    def serialize(self):
-        val = self.typ + + "\x00"
-        val = struct.pack("!i", len(val) + 4) + val
-        val = "D" + val
-        return val
-# A specialized Describe message for a portal.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class DescribePortal(Describe):
-    def __init__(self, name):
-        Describe.__init__(self, "P", name)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<DescribePortal %r>" % (
-# A specialized Describe message for a prepared statement.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class DescribePreparedStatement(Describe):
-    def __init__(self, name):
-        Describe.__init__(self, "S", name)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<DescribePreparedStatement %r>" % (
-# A Flush message forces the backend to deliver any data pending in its
-# output buffers.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class Flush(object):
-    # Byte1('H') - Identifies the message as a flush command.
-    # Int32(4) - Length of message, including self.
-    def serialize(self):
-        return 'H\x00\x00\x00\x04'
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<Flush>"
-# Causes the backend to close the current transaction (if not in a BEGIN/COMMIT
-# block), and issue ReadyForQuery.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class Sync(object):
-    # Byte1('S') - Identifies the message as a sync command.
-    # Int32(4) - Length of message, including self.
-    def serialize(self):
-        return 'S\x00\x00\x00\x04'
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<Sync>"
-# Transmits a password.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class PasswordMessage(object):
-    def __init__(self, pwd):
-        self.pwd = pwd
-    # Byte1('p') - Identifies the message as a password message.
-    # Int32 - Message length including self.
-    # String - The password.  Password may be encrypted.
-    def serialize(self):
-        val = self.pwd + "\x00"
-        val = struct.pack("!i", len(val) + 4) + val
-        val = "p" + val
-        return val
-# Requests that the backend execute a portal and retrieve any number of rows.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-# @param row_count  The number of rows to return.  Can be zero to indicate the
-#                   backend should return all rows. If the portal represents a
-#                   query that does not return rows, no rows will be returned
-#                   no matter what the row_count.
-class Execute(object):
-    def __init__(self, portal, row_count):
-        self.portal = portal
-        self.row_count = row_count
-    # Byte1('E') - Identifies the message as an execute message.
-    # Int32 -   Message length, including self.
-    # String -  The name of the portal to execute.
-    # Int32 -   Maximum number of rows to return, if portal contains a query that
-    #           returns rows.  0 = no limit.
-    def serialize(self):
-        val = self.portal + "\x00" + struct.pack("!i", self.row_count)
-        val = struct.pack("!i", len(val) + 4) + val
-        val = "E" + val
-        return val
-# Informs the backend that the connection is being closed.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class Terminate(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        pass
-    # Byte1('X') - Identifies the message as a terminate message.
-    # Int32(4) - Message length, including self.
-    def serialize(self):
-        return 'X\x00\x00\x00\x04'
-# Base class of all Authentication[*] messages.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class AuthenticationRequest(object):
-    def __init__(self, data):
-        pass
-    # Byte1('R') - Identifies the message as an authentication request.
-    # Int32(8) - Message length, including self.
-    # Int32 -   An authentication code that represents different
-    #           authentication messages:
-    #               0 = AuthenticationOk
-    #               5 = MD5 pwd
-    #               2 = Kerberos v5 (not supported by pg8000)
-    #               3 = Cleartext pwd (not supported by pg8000)
-    #               4 = crypt() pwd (not supported by pg8000)
-    #               6 = SCM credential (not supported by pg8000)
-    #               7 = GSSAPI (not supported by pg8000)
-    #               8 = GSSAPI data (not supported by pg8000)
-    #               9 = SSPI (not supported by pg8000)
-    # Some authentication messages have additional data following the
-    # authentication code.  That data is documented in the appropriate class.
-    def createFromData(data):
-        ident = struct.unpack("!i", data[:4])[0]
-        klass = authentication_codes.get(ident, None)
-        if klass != None:
-            return klass(data[4:])
-        else:
-            raise NotSupportedError("authentication method %r not supported" % (ident,))
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-    def ok(self, conn, user, **kwargs):
-        raise InternalError("ok method should be overridden on AuthenticationRequest instance")
-# A message representing that the backend accepting the provided username
-# without any challenge.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class AuthenticationOk(AuthenticationRequest):
-    def ok(self, conn, user, **kwargs):
-        return True
-# A message representing the backend requesting an MD5 hashed password
-# response.  The response will be sent as md5(md5(pwd + login) + salt).
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class AuthenticationMD5Password(AuthenticationRequest):
-    # Additional message data:
-    #  Byte4 - Hash salt.
-    def __init__(self, data):
-        self.salt = "".join(struct.unpack("4c", data))
-    def ok(self, conn, user, password=None, **kwargs):
-        if password == None:
-            raise InterfaceError("server requesting MD5 password authentication, but no password was provided")
-        pwd = "md5" + hashlib.md5(hashlib.md5(password + user).hexdigest() + self.salt).hexdigest()
-        conn._send(PasswordMessage(pwd))
-        conn._flush()
-        reader = MessageReader(conn)
-        reader.add_message(AuthenticationRequest, lambda msg, reader: reader.return_value(msg.ok(conn, user)), reader)
-        reader.add_message(ErrorResponse, self._ok_error)
-        return reader.handle_messages()
-    def _ok_error(self, msg):
-        if msg.code == "28000":
-            raise InterfaceError("md5 password authentication failed")
-        else:
-            raise msg.createException()
-authentication_codes = {
-    0: AuthenticationOk,
-    5: AuthenticationMD5Password,
-# ParameterStatus message sent from backend, used to inform the frotnend of
-# runtime configuration parameter changes.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class ParameterStatus(object):
-    def __init__(self, key, value):
-        self.key = key
-        self.value = value
-    # Byte1('S') - Identifies ParameterStatus
-    # Int32 - Message length, including self.
-    # String - Runtime parameter name.
-    # String - Runtime parameter value.
-    def createFromData(data):
-        key = data[:data.find("\x00")]
-        value = data[data.find("\x00")+1:-1]
-        return ParameterStatus(key, value)
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-# BackendKeyData message sent from backend.  Contains a connection's process
-# ID and a secret key.  Can be used to terminate the connection's current
-# actions, such as a long running query.  Not supported by pg8000 yet.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class BackendKeyData(object):
-    def __init__(self, process_id, secret_key):
-        self.process_id = process_id
-        self.secret_key = secret_key
-    # Byte1('K') - Identifier.
-    # Int32(12) - Message length, including self.
-    # Int32 - Process ID.
-    # Int32 - Secret key.
-    def createFromData(data):
-        process_id, secret_key = struct.unpack("!2i", data)
-        return BackendKeyData(process_id, secret_key)
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-# Message representing a query with no data.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class NoData(object):
-    # Byte1('n') - Identifier.
-    # Int32(4) - Message length, including self.
-    def createFromData(data):
-        return NoData()
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-# Message representing a successful Parse.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class ParseComplete(object):
-    # Byte1('1') - Identifier.
-    # Int32(4) - Message length, including self.
-    def createFromData(data):
-        return ParseComplete()
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-# Message representing a successful Bind.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class BindComplete(object):
-    # Byte1('2') - Identifier.
-    # Int32(4) - Message length, including self.
-    def createFromData(data):
-        return BindComplete()
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-# Message representing a successful Close.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class CloseComplete(object):
-    # Byte1('3') - Identifier.
-    # Int32(4) - Message length, including self.
-    def createFromData(data):
-        return CloseComplete()
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-# Message representing data from an Execute has been received, but more data
-# exists in the portal.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class PortalSuspended(object):
-    # Byte1('s') - Identifier.
-    # Int32(4) - Message length, including self.
-    def createFromData(data):
-        return PortalSuspended()
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-# Message representing the backend is ready to process a new query.
-# <p>
-# Stability: This is an internal class.  No stability guarantee is made.
-class ReadyForQuery(object):
-    def __init__(self, status):
-        self._status = status
-    ##
-    # I = Idle, T = Idle in Transaction, E = idle in failed transaction.
-    status = property(lambda self: self._status)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<ReadyForQuery %s>" % \
-                {"I": "Idle", "T": "Idle in Transaction", "E": "Idle in Failed Transaction"}[self.status]
-    # Byte1('Z') - Identifier.
-    # Int32(5) - Message length, including self.
-    # Byte1 -   Status indicator.
-    def createFromData(data):
-        return ReadyForQuery(data)
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-# Represents a notice sent from the server.  This is not the same as a
-# notification.  A notice is just additional information about a query, such
-# as a notice that a primary key has automatically been created for a table.
-# <p>
-# A NoticeResponse instance will have properties containing the data sent
-# from the server:
-# <ul>
-# <li>severity -- "ERROR", "FATAL', "PANIC", "WARNING", "NOTICE", "DEBUG",
-# "INFO", or "LOG".  Always present.</li>
-# <li>code -- the SQLSTATE code for the error.  See Appendix A of the
-# PostgreSQL documentation for specific error codes.  Always present.</li>
-# <li>msg -- human-readable error message.  Always present.</li>
-# <li>detail -- Optional additional information.</li>
-# <li>hint -- Optional suggestion about what to do about the issue.</li>
-# <li>position -- Optional index into the query string.</li>
-# <li>where -- Optional context.</li>
-# <li>file -- Source-code file.</li>
-# <li>line -- Source-code line.</li>
-# <li>routine -- Source-code routine.</li>
-# </ul>
-# <p>
-# Stability: Added in pg8000 v1.03.  Required properties severity, code, and
-# msg are guaranteed for v1.xx.  Other properties should be checked with
-# hasattr before accessing.
-class NoticeResponse(object):
-    responseKeys = {
-        "S": "severity",  # always present
-        "C": "code",      # always present
-        "M": "msg",       # always present
-        "D": "detail",
-        "H": "hint",
-        "P": "position",
-        "p": "_position",
-        "q": "_query",
-        "W": "where",
-        "F": "file",
-        "L": "line",
-        "R": "routine",
-    }
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-        for arg, value in kwargs.items():
-            setattr(self, arg, value)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<NoticeResponse %s %s %r>" % (self.severity, self.code, self.msg)
-    def dataIntoDict(data):
-        retval = {}
-        for s in data.split("\x00"):
-            if not s: continue
-            key, value = s[0], s[1:]
-            key = NoticeResponse.responseKeys.get(key, key)
-            retval[key] = value
-        return retval
-    dataIntoDict = staticmethod(dataIntoDict)
-    # Byte1('N') - Identifier
-    # Int32 - Message length
-    # Any number of these, followed by a zero byte:
-    #   Byte1 - code identifying the field type (see responseKeys)
-    #   String - field value
-    def createFromData(data):
-        return NoticeResponse(**NoticeResponse.dataIntoDict(data))
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-# A message sent in case of a server-side error.  Contains the same properties
-# that {@link NoticeResponse NoticeResponse} contains.
-# <p>
-# Stability: Added in pg8000 v1.03.  Required properties severity, code, and
-# msg are guaranteed for v1.xx.  Other properties should be checked with
-# hasattr before accessing.
-class ErrorResponse(object):
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-        for arg, value in kwargs.items():
-            setattr(self, arg, value)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<ErrorResponse %s %s %r>" % (self.severity, self.code, self.msg)
-    def createException(self):
-        return ProgrammingError(self.severity, self.code, self.msg)
-    def createFromData(data):
-        return ErrorResponse(**NoticeResponse.dataIntoDict(data))
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-# A message sent if this connection receives a NOTIFY that it was LISTENing for.
-# <p>
-# Stability: Added in pg8000 v1.03.  When limited to accessing properties from
-# a notification event dispatch, stability is guaranteed for v1.xx.
-class NotificationResponse(object):
-    def __init__(self, backend_pid, condition, additional_info):
-        self._backend_pid = backend_pid
-        self._condition = condition
-        self._additional_info = additional_info
-    ##
-    # An integer representing the process ID of the backend that triggered
-    # the NOTIFY.
-    # <p>
-    # Stability: Added in pg8000 v1.03, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
-    backend_pid = property(lambda self: self._backend_pid)
-    ##
-    # The name of the notification fired.
-    # <p>
-    # Stability: Added in pg8000 v1.03, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
-    condition = property(lambda self: self._condition)
-    ##
-    # Currently unspecified by the PostgreSQL documentation as of v8.3.1.
-    # <p>
-    # Stability: Added in pg8000 v1.03, stability guaranteed for v1.xx.
-    additional_info = property(lambda self: self._additional_info)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<NotificationResponse %s %s %r>" % (self.backend_pid, self.condition, self.additional_info)
-    def createFromData(data):
-        backend_pid = struct.unpack("!i", data[:4])[0]
-        data = data[4:]
-        null = data.find("\x00")
-        condition = data[:null]
-        data = data[null+1:]
-        null = data.find("\x00")
-        additional_info = data[:null]
-        return NotificationResponse(backend_pid, condition, additional_info)
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-class ParameterDescription(object):
-    def __init__(self, type_oids):
-        self.type_oids = type_oids
-    def createFromData(data):
-        count = struct.unpack("!h", data[:2])[0]
-        type_oids = struct.unpack("!" + "i"*count, data[2:])
-        return ParameterDescription(type_oids)
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-class RowDescription(object):
-    def __init__(self, fields):
-        self.fields = fields
-    def createFromData(data):
-        count = struct.unpack("!h", data[:2])[0]
-        data = data[2:]
-        fields = []
-        for i in range(count):
-            null = data.find("\x00")
-            field = {"name": data[:null]}
-            data = data[null+1:]
-            field["table_oid"], field["column_attrnum"], field["type_oid"], field["type_size"], field["type_modifier"], field["format"] = struct.unpack("!ihihih", data[:18])
-            data = data[18:]
-            fields.append(field)
-        return RowDescription(fields)
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-class CommandComplete(object):
-    def __init__(self, command, rows=None, oid=None):
-        self.command = command
-        self.rows = rows
-        self.oid = oid
-    def createFromData(data):
-        values = data[:-1].split(" ")
-        args = {}
-        args['command'] = values[0]
-        if args['command'] in ("INSERT", "DELETE", "UPDATE", "MOVE", "FETCH", "COPY"):
-            args['rows'] = int(values[-1])
-            if args['command'] == "INSERT":
-                args['oid'] = int(values[1])
-        else:
-            args['command'] = data[:-1]
-        return CommandComplete(**args)
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-class DataRow(object):
-    def __init__(self, fields):
-        self.fields = fields
-    def createFromData(data):
-        count = struct.unpack("!h", data[:2])[0]
-        data = data[2:]
-        fields = []
-        for i in range(count):
-            val_len = struct.unpack("!i", data[:4])[0]
-            data = data[4:]
-            if val_len == -1:
-                fields.append(None)
-            else:
-                fields.append(data[:val_len])
-                data = data[val_len:]
-        return DataRow(fields)
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-class CopyData(object):
-    # "d": CopyData,
-    def __init__(self, data):
- = data
-    def createFromData(data):
-        return CopyData(data)
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-    def serialize(self):
-        return 'd' + struct.pack('!i', len( + 4) +
-class CopyDone(object):
-    # Byte1('c') - Identifier.
-    # Int32(4) - Message length, including self.
-    def createFromData(data):
-        return CopyDone()
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-    def serialize(self):
-        return 'c\x00\x00\x00\x04'
-class CopyOutResponse(object):
-    # Byte1('H')
-    # Int32(4) - Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
-    # Int8(1) - 0 textual, 1 binary
-    # Int16(2) - Number of columns
-    # Int16(N) - Format codes for each column (0 text, 1 binary)
-    def __init__(self, is_binary, column_formats):
-        self.is_binary = is_binary
-        self.column_formats = column_formats
-    def createFromData(data):
-        is_binary, num_cols = struct.unpack('!bh', data[:3])
-        column_formats = struct.unpack('!' + ('h' * num_cols), data[3:])
-        return CopyOutResponse(is_binary, column_formats)
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-class CopyInResponse(object):
-    # Byte1('G')
-    # Otherwise the same as CopyOutResponse
-    def __init__(self, is_binary, column_formats):
-        self.is_binary = is_binary
-        self.column_formats = column_formats
-    def createFromData(data):
-        is_binary, num_cols = struct.unpack('!bh', data[:3])
-        column_formats = struct.unpack('!' + ('h' * num_cols), data[3:])
-        return CopyInResponse(is_binary, column_formats)
-    createFromData = staticmethod(createFromData)
-class SSLWrapper(object):
-    def __init__(self, sslobj):
-        self.sslobj = sslobj
-    def send(self, data):
-        self.sslobj.write(data)
-    def recv(self, num):
-        return
-class MessageReader(object):
-    def __init__(self, connection):
-        self._conn = connection
-        self._msgs = []
-        # If true, raise exception from an ErrorResponse after messages are
-        # processed.  This can be used to leave the connection in a usable
-        # state after an error response, rather than having unconsumed
-        # messages that won't be understood in another context.
-        self.delay_raising_exception = False
-        self.ignore_unhandled_messages = False
-    def add_message(self, msg_class, handler, *args, **kwargs):
-        self._msgs.append((msg_class, handler, args, kwargs))
-    def clear_messages(self):
-        self._msgs = []
-    def return_value(self, value):
-        self._retval = value
-    def handle_messages(self):
-        exc = None
-        while 1:
-            msg = self._conn._read_message()
-            msg_handled = False
-            for (msg_class, handler, args, kwargs) in self._msgs:
-                if isinstance(msg, msg_class):
-                    msg_handled = True
-                    retval = handler(msg, *args, **kwargs)
-                    if retval:
-                        # The handler returned a true value, meaning that the
-                        # message loop should be aborted.
-                        if exc != None:
-                            raise exc
-                        return retval
-                    elif hasattr(self, "_retval"):
-                        # The handler told us to return -- used for non-true
-                        # return values
-                        if exc != None:
-                            raise exc
-                        return self._retval
-            if msg_handled:
-                continue
-            elif isinstance(msg, ErrorResponse):
-                exc = msg.createException()
-                if not self.delay_raising_exception:
-                    raise exc
-            elif isinstance(msg, NoticeResponse):
-                self._conn.handleNoticeResponse(msg)
-            elif isinstance(msg, ParameterStatus):
-                self._conn.handleParameterStatus(msg)
-            elif isinstance(msg, NotificationResponse):
-                self._conn.handleNotificationResponse(msg)
-            elif not self.ignore_unhandled_messages:
-                raise InternalError("Unexpected response msg %r" % (msg))
-def sync_on_error(fn):
-    def _fn(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        try:
-            self._sock_lock.acquire()
-            return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
-        except:
-            self._sync()
-            raise
-        finally:
-            self._sock_lock.release()
-    return _fn
-class Connection(object):
-    def __init__(self, unix_sock=None, host=None, port=5432, socket_timeout=60, ssl=False, records=False):
-        self._client_encoding = "ascii"
-        self._integer_datetimes = False
-        self._record_field_names = {}
-        self._sock_buf = ""
-        self._sock_buf_pos = 0
-        self._send_sock_buf = []
-        self._block_size = 8192
-        self.user_wants_records = records
-        if unix_sock == None and host != None:
-            self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-        elif unix_sock != None:
-            if not hasattr(socket, "AF_UNIX"):
-                raise InterfaceError("attempt to connect to unix socket on unsupported platform")
-            self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-        else:
-            raise ProgrammingError("one of host or unix_sock must be provided")
-        if unix_sock == None and host != None:
-            self._sock.connect((host, port))
-        elif unix_sock != None:
-            self._sock.connect(unix_sock)
-        if ssl:
-            self._send(SSLRequest())
-            self._flush()
-            resp = self._sock.recv(1)
-            if resp == 'S':
-                self._sock = SSLWrapper(socket.ssl(self._sock))
-            else:
-                raise InterfaceError("server refuses SSL")
-        else:
-            # settimeout causes ssl failure, on windows.  Python bug 1462352.
-            self._sock.settimeout(socket_timeout)
-        self._state = "noauth"
-        self._backend_key_data = None
-        self._sock_lock = threading.Lock()
-        self.NoticeReceived = MulticastDelegate()
-        self.ParameterStatusReceived = MulticastDelegate()
-        self.NotificationReceived = MulticastDelegate()
-        self.ParameterStatusReceived += self._onParameterStatusReceived
-    def verifyState(self, state):
-        if self._state != state:
-            raise InternalError("connection state must be %s, is %s" % (state, self._state))
-    def _send(self, msg):
-        assert self._sock_lock.locked()
-        #print "_send(%r)" % msg
-        data = msg.serialize()
-        self._send_sock_buf.append(data)
-    def _flush(self):
-        assert self._sock_lock.locked()
-        self._sock.sendall("".join(self._send_sock_buf))
-        del self._send_sock_buf[:]
-    def _read_bytes(self, byte_count):
-        retval = []
-        bytes_read = 0
-        while bytes_read < byte_count:
-            if self._sock_buf_pos == len(self._sock_buf):
-                self._sock_buf = self._sock.recv(1024)
-                self._sock_buf_pos = 0
-            rpos = min(len(self._sock_buf), self._sock_buf_pos + (byte_count - bytes_read))
-            addt_data = self._sock_buf[self._sock_buf_pos:rpos]
-            bytes_read += (rpos - self._sock_buf_pos)
-            assert bytes_read <= byte_count
-            self._sock_buf_pos = rpos
-            retval.append(addt_data)
-        return "".join(retval)
-    def _read_message(self):
-        assert self._sock_lock.locked()
-        bytes = self._read_bytes(5)
-        message_code = bytes[0]
-        data_len = struct.unpack("!i", bytes[1:])[0] - 4
-        bytes = self._read_bytes(data_len)
-        assert len(bytes) == data_len
-        msg = message_types[message_code].createFromData(bytes)
-        #print "_read_message() -> %r" % msg
-        return msg
-    def authenticate(self, user, **kwargs):
-        self.verifyState("noauth")
-        self._sock_lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            self._send(StartupMessage(user, database=kwargs.get("database",None), options=kwargs.get("options", None)))
-            self._flush()
-            msg = self._read_message()
-            if isinstance(msg, ErrorResponse):
-                raise msg.createException()
-            if not isinstance(msg, AuthenticationRequest):
-                raise InternalError("StartupMessage was responded to with non-AuthenticationRequest msg %r" % msg)
-            if not msg.ok(self, user, **kwargs):
-                raise InterfaceError("authentication method %s failed" % msg.__class__.__name__)
-            self._state = "auth"
-            reader = MessageReader(self)
-            reader.add_message(ReadyForQuery, self._ready_for_query)
-            reader.add_message(BackendKeyData, self._receive_backend_key_data)
-            reader.handle_messages()
-        finally:
-            self._sock_lock.release()
-        self._cache_record_attnames()
-    def _ready_for_query(self, msg):
-        self._state = "ready"
-        return True
-    def _receive_backend_key_data(self, msg):
-        self._backend_key_data = msg
-    def _cache_record_attnames(self):
-        if not self.user_wants_records:
-            return
-        parse_retval = self.parse("",
-            """SELECT
-                pg_type.oid, attname
-            FROM
-                pg_type
-                INNER JOIN pg_attribute ON (attrelid = pg_type.typrelid)
-                                  WHERE typreceive = 'record_recv'::regproc
-            ORDER BY pg_type.oid, attnum""",
-            [])
-        row_desc, cmd = self.bind("tmp", "", (), parse_retval, None)
-        eod, rows = self.fetch_rows("tmp", 0, row_desc)
-        self._record_field_names = {}
-        typoid, attnames = None, []
-        for row in rows:
-            new_typoid, attname = row
-            if new_typoid != typoid and typoid != None:
-                self._record_field_names[typoid] = attnames
-                attnames = []
-            typoid = new_typoid
-            attnames.append(attname)
-        self._record_field_names[typoid] = attnames
-    @sync_on_error
-    def parse(self, statement, qs, param_types):
-        self.verifyState("ready")
-        type_info = [types.pg_type_info(x) for x in param_types]
-        param_types, param_fc = [x[0] for x in type_info], [x[1] for x in type_info] # zip(*type_info) -- fails on empty arr
-        self._send(Parse(statement, qs, param_types))
-        self._send(DescribePreparedStatement(statement))
-        self._send(Flush())
-        self._flush()
-        reader = MessageReader(self)
-        # ParseComplete is good.
-        reader.add_message(ParseComplete, lambda msg: 0)
-        # Well, we don't really care -- we're going to send whatever we
-        # want and let the database deal with it.  But thanks anyways!
-        reader.add_message(ParameterDescription, lambda msg: 0)
-        # We're not waiting for a row description.  Return something
-        # destinctive to let bind know that there is no output.
-        reader.add_message(NoData, lambda msg: (None, param_fc))
-        # Common row description response
-        reader.add_message(RowDescription, lambda msg: (msg, param_fc))
-        return reader.handle_messages()
-    @sync_on_error
-    def bind(self, portal, statement, params, parse_data, copy_stream):
-        self.verifyState("ready")
-        row_desc, param_fc = parse_data
-        if row_desc == None:
-            # no data coming out
-            output_fc = ()
-        else:
-            # We've got row_desc that allows us to identify what we're going to
-            # get back from this statement.
-            output_fc = [types.py_type_info(f, self._record_field_names) for f in row_desc.fields]
-        self._send(Bind(portal, statement, param_fc, params, output_fc, client_encoding = self._client_encoding, integer_datetimes = self._integer_datetimes))
-        # We need to describe the portal after bind, since the return
-        # format codes will be different (hopefully, always what we
-        # requested).
-        self._send(DescribePortal(portal))
-        self._send(Flush())
-        self._flush()
-        # Read responses from server...
-        reader = MessageReader(self)
-        # BindComplete is good -- just ignore
-        reader.add_message(BindComplete, lambda msg: 0)
-        # NoData in this case means we're not executing a query.  As a
-        # result, we won't be fetching rows, so we'll never execute the
-        # portal we just created... unless we execute it right away, which
-        # we'll do.
-        reader.add_message(NoData, self._bind_nodata, portal, reader, copy_stream)
-        # Return the new row desc, since it will have the format types we
-        # asked the server for
-        reader.add_message(RowDescription, lambda msg: (msg, None))
-        return reader.handle_messages()
-    def _copy_in_response(self, copyin, fileobj, old_reader):
-        if fileobj == None:
-            raise CopyQueryWithoutStreamError()
-        while True:
-            data =
-            if not data:
-                break
-            self._send(CopyData(data))
-            self._flush()
-        self._send(CopyDone())
-        self._send(Sync())
-        self._flush()
-    def _copy_out_response(self, copyout, fileobj, old_reader):
-        if fileobj == None:
-            raise CopyQueryWithoutStreamError()
-        reader = MessageReader(self)
-        reader.add_message(CopyData, self._copy_data, fileobj)
-        reader.add_message(CopyDone, lambda msg: 1)
-        reader.handle_messages()
-    def _copy_data(self, copydata, fileobj):
-        fileobj.write(
-    def _bind_nodata(self, msg, portal, old_reader, copy_stream):
-        # Bind message returned NoData, causing us to execute the command.
-        self._send(Execute(portal, 0))
-        self._send(Sync())
-        self._flush()
-        output = {}
-        reader = MessageReader(self)
-        reader.add_message(CopyOutResponse, self._copy_out_response, copy_stream, reader)
-        reader.add_message(CopyInResponse, self._copy_in_response, copy_stream, reader)
-        reader.add_message(CommandComplete, lambda msg, out: out.setdefault('msg', msg) and False, output)
-        reader.add_message(ReadyForQuery, lambda msg: 1)
-        reader.delay_raising_exception = True
-        reader.handle_messages()
-        old_reader.return_value((None, output['msg']))
-    @sync_on_error
-    def fetch_rows(self, portal, row_count, row_desc):
-        self.verifyState("ready")
-        self._send(Execute(portal, row_count))
-        self._send(Flush())
-        self._flush()
-        rows = []
-        reader = MessageReader(self)
-        reader.add_message(DataRow, self._fetch_datarow, rows, row_desc)
-        reader.add_message(PortalSuspended, lambda msg: 1)
-        reader.add_message(CommandComplete, self._fetch_commandcomplete, portal)
-        retval = reader.handle_messages()
-        # retval = 2 when command complete, indicating that we've hit the
-        # end of the available data for this command
-        return (retval == 2), rows
-    def _fetch_datarow(self, msg, rows, row_desc):
-        rows.append(
-            [
-                types.py_value(
-                    msg.fields[i],
-                    row_desc.fields[i],
-                    client_encoding=self._client_encoding,
-                    integer_datetimes=self._integer_datetimes,
-                    record_field_names=self._record_field_names
-                )
-                for i in range(len(msg.fields))
-            ]
-        )
-    def _fetch_commandcomplete(self, msg, portal):
-        self._send(ClosePortal(portal))
-        self._send(Sync())
-        self._flush()
-        reader = MessageReader(self)
-        reader.add_message(ReadyForQuery, self._fetch_commandcomplete_rfq)
-        reader.add_message(CloseComplete, lambda msg: False)
-        reader.handle_messages()
-        return 2  # signal end-of-data
-    def _fetch_commandcomplete_rfq(self, msg):
-        self._state = "ready"
-        return True
-    # Send a Sync message, then read and discard all messages until we
-    # receive a ReadyForQuery message.
-    def _sync(self):
-        # it is assumed _sync is called from sync_on_error, which holds
-        # a _sock_lock throughout the call
-        self._send(Sync())
-        self._flush()
-        reader = MessageReader(self)
-        reader.ignore_unhandled_messages = True
-        reader.add_message(ReadyForQuery, lambda msg: True)
-        reader.handle_messages()
-    def close_statement(self, statement):
-        if self._state == "closed":
-            return
-        self.verifyState("ready")
-        self._sock_lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            self._send(ClosePreparedStatement(statement))
-            self._send(Sync())
-            self._flush()
-            reader = MessageReader(self)
-            reader.add_message(CloseComplete, lambda msg: 0)
-            reader.add_message(ReadyForQuery, lambda msg: 1)
-            reader.handle_messages()
-        finally:
-            self._sock_lock.release()
-    def close_portal(self, portal):
-        if self._state == "closed":
-            return
-        self.verifyState("ready")
-        self._sock_lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            self._send(ClosePortal(portal))
-            self._send(Sync())
-            self._flush()
-            reader = MessageReader(self)
-            reader.add_message(CloseComplete, lambda msg: 0)
-            reader.add_message(ReadyForQuery, lambda msg: 1)
-            reader.handle_messages()
-        finally:
-            self._sock_lock.release()
-    def close(self):
-        self._sock_lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            self._send(Terminate())
-            self._flush()
-            self._sock.close()
-            self._state = "closed"
-        finally:
-            self._sock_lock.release()
-    def _onParameterStatusReceived(self, msg):
-        if msg.key == "client_encoding":
-            self._client_encoding = msg.value
-        elif msg.key == "integer_datetimes":
-            self._integer_datetimes = (msg.value == "on")
-    def handleNoticeResponse(self, msg):
-        self.NoticeReceived(msg)
-    def handleParameterStatus(self, msg):
-        self.ParameterStatusReceived(msg)
-    def handleNotificationResponse(self, msg):
-        self.NotificationReceived(msg)
-    def fileno(self):
-        # This should be safe to do without a lock
-        return self._sock.fileno()
-    def isready(self):
-        self._sock_lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            rlst, _wlst, _xlst =[self], [], [], 0)
-            if not rlst:
-                return False
-            self._sync()
-            return True
-        finally:
-            self._sock_lock.release()
-message_types = {
-    "N": NoticeResponse,
-    "R": AuthenticationRequest,
-    "S": ParameterStatus,
-    "K": BackendKeyData,
-    "Z": ReadyForQuery,
-    "T": RowDescription,
-    "E": ErrorResponse,
-    "D": DataRow,
-    "C": CommandComplete,
-    "1": ParseComplete,
-    "2": BindComplete,
-    "3": CloseComplete,
-    "s": PortalSuspended,
-    "n": NoData,
-    "t": ParameterDescription,
-    "A": NotificationResponse,
-    "c": CopyDone,
-    "d": CopyData,
-    "G": CopyInResponse,
-    "H": CopyOutResponse,
-    }
diff --git a/tools/bin/ext/pg8000/ b/tools/bin/ext/pg8000/
deleted file mode 100644
index c622a7d..0000000
--- a/tools/bin/ext/pg8000/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,687 +0,0 @@
-# vim: sw=4:expandtab:foldmethod=marker
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2009, Mathieu Fenniak
-# All rights reserved.
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-# met:
-# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
-# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
-# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
-# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-# * The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
-# derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
-__author__ = "Mathieu Fenniak"
-import datetime
-import decimal
-import struct
-import math
-from errors import (NotSupportedError, ArrayDataParseError, InternalError,
-        ArrayContentEmptyError, ArrayContentNotHomogenousError,
-        ArrayContentNotSupportedError, ArrayDimensionsNotConsistentError)
-    from pytz import utc
-except ImportError:
-    ZERO = datetime.timedelta(0)
-    class UTC(datetime.tzinfo):
-        def utcoffset(self, dt):
-            return ZERO
-        def tzname(self, dt):
-            return "UTC"
-        def dst(self, dt):
-            return ZERO
-    utc = UTC()
-class Bytea(str):
-    pass
-class Interval(object):
-    def __init__(self, microseconds=0, days=0, months=0):
-        self.microseconds = microseconds
-        self.days = days
-        self.months = months
-    def _setMicroseconds(self, value):
-        if not isinstance(value, int) and not isinstance(value, long):
-            raise TypeError("microseconds must be an int or long")
-        elif not (min_int8 < value < max_int8):
-            raise OverflowError("microseconds must be representable as a 64-bit integer")
-        else:
-            self._microseconds = value
-    def _setDays(self, value):
-        if not isinstance(value, int) and not isinstance(value, long):
-            raise TypeError("days must be an int or long")
-        elif not (min_int4 < value < max_int4):
-            raise OverflowError("days must be representable as a 32-bit integer")
-        else:
-            self._days = value
-    def _setMonths(self, value):
-        if not isinstance(value, int) and not isinstance(value, long):
-            raise TypeError("months must be an int or long")
-        elif not (min_int4 < value < max_int4):
-            raise OverflowError("months must be representable as a 32-bit integer")
-        else:
-            self._months = value
-    microseconds = property(lambda self: self._microseconds, _setMicroseconds)
-    days = property(lambda self: self._days, _setDays)
-    months = property(lambda self: self._months, _setMonths)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<Interval %s months %s days %s microseconds>" % (self.months, self.days, self.microseconds)
-    def __cmp__(self, other):
-        if other == None: return -1
-        c = cmp(self.months, other.months)
-        if c != 0: return c
-        c = cmp(self.days, other.days)
-        if c != 0: return c
-        return cmp(self.microseconds, other.microseconds)
-def pg_type_info(typ):
-    value = None
-    if isinstance(typ, dict):
-        value = typ["value"]
-        typ = typ["type"]
-    data = py_types.get(typ)
-    if data == None:
-        raise NotSupportedError("type %r not mapped to pg type" % typ)
-    # permit the type data to be determined by the value, if provided
-    inspect_func = data.get("inspect")
-    if value != None and inspect_func != None:
-        data = inspect_func(value)
-    type_oid = data.get("typeoid")
-    if type_oid == None:
-        raise InternalError("type %r has no type_oid" % typ)
-    elif type_oid == -1:
-        # special case: NULL values
-        return type_oid, 0
-    # prefer bin, but go with whatever exists
-    if data.get("bin_out"):
-        format = 1
-    elif data.get("txt_out"):
-        format = 0
-    else:
-        raise InternalError("no conversion fuction for type %r" % typ)
-    return type_oid, format
-def pg_value(value, fc, **kwargs):
-    typ = type(value)
-    data = py_types.get(typ)
-    if data == None:
-        raise NotSupportedError("type %r not mapped to pg type" % typ)
-    # permit the type conversion to be determined by the value, if provided
-    inspect_func = data.get("inspect")
-    if value != None and inspect_func != None:
-        data = inspect_func(value)
-    # special case: NULL values
-    if data.get("typeoid") == -1:
-        return None
-    if fc == 0:
-        func = data.get("txt_out")
-    elif fc == 1:
-        func = data.get("bin_out")
-    else:
-        raise InternalError("unrecognized format code %r" % fc)
-    if func == None:
-        raise NotSupportedError("type %r, format code %r not supported" % (typ, fc))
-    return func(value, **kwargs)
-def py_type_info(description, record_field_names):
-    type_oid = description['type_oid']
-    data = pg_types.get(type_oid)
-    if data == None:
-        record_data = record_field_names.get(type_oid)
-        if record_data != None:
-            # records are in bin format
-            return 1
-        raise NotSupportedError("type oid %r not mapped to py type" % type_oid)
-    # prefer bin, but go with whatever exists
-    if data.get("bin_in"):
-        format = 1
-    elif data.get("txt_in"):
-        format = 0
-    else:
-        raise InternalError("no conversion fuction for type oid %r" % type_oid)
-    return format
-def py_value(v, description, record_field_names, **kwargs):
-    if v == None:
-        # special case - NULL value
-        return None
-    type_oid = description['type_oid']
-    format = description['format']
-    data = pg_types.get(type_oid)
-    if data == None:
-        record_data = record_field_names.get(type_oid)
-        if record_data != None:
-            data = {"bin_in": record_recv(record_data)}
-    if data == None:
-        raise NotSupportedError("type oid %r not supported" % type_oid)
-    if format == 0:
-        func = data.get("txt_in")
-    elif format == 1:
-        func = data.get("bin_in")
-    else:
-        raise NotSupportedError("format code %r not supported" % format)
-    if func == None:
-        raise NotSupportedError("data response format %r, type %r not supported" % (format, type_oid))
-    return func(v, **kwargs)
-def voidrecv(data, **kwargs):
-    return None
-def voidsend(v, **kwargs):
-    return None
-def boolrecv(data, **kwargs):
-    return data == "\x01"
-def boolsend(v, **kwargs):
-    if v:
-        return "\x01"
-    else:
-        return "\x00"
-min_int2, max_int2 = -2 ** 15, 2 ** 15
-min_int4, max_int4 = -2 ** 31, 2 ** 31
-min_int8, max_int8 = -2 ** 63, 2 ** 63
-def int_inspect(value):
-    if min_int2 < value < max_int2:
-        return {"typeoid": 21, "bin_out": int2send}
-    elif min_int4 < value < max_int4:
-        return {"typeoid": 23, "bin_out": int4send}
-    elif min_int8 < value < max_int8:
-        return {"typeoid": 20, "bin_out": int8send}
-    else:
-        return {"typeoid": 1700, "bin_out": numeric_send}
-def int2recv(data, **kwargs):
-    return struct.unpack("!h", data)[0]
-def int2send(v, **kwargs):
-    return struct.pack("!h", v)
-def int4recv(data, **kwargs):
-    return struct.unpack("!i", data)[0]
-def int4send(v, **kwargs):
-    return struct.pack("!i", v)
-def int8recv(data, **kwargs):
-    return struct.unpack("!q", data)[0]
-def int8send(v, **kwargs):
-    return struct.pack("!q", v)
-def float4recv(data, **kwargs):
-    return struct.unpack("!f", data)[0]
-def float8recv(data, **kwargs):
-    return struct.unpack("!d", data)[0]
-def float8send(v, **kwargs):
-    return struct.pack("!d", v)
-def datetime_inspect(value):
-    if value.tzinfo != None:
-        # send as timestamptz if timezone is provided
-        return {"typeoid": 1184, "bin_out": timestamptz_send}
-    else:
-        # otherwise send as timestamp
-        return {"typeoid": 1114, "bin_out": timestamp_send}
-def timestamp_recv(data, integer_datetimes, **kwargs):
-    if integer_datetimes:
-        # data is 64-bit integer representing milliseconds since 2000-01-01
-        val = struct.unpack("!q", data)[0]
-        return datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(microseconds = val)
-    else:
-        # data is double-precision float representing seconds since 2000-01-01
-        val = struct.unpack("!d", data)[0]
-        return datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(seconds = val)
-# return a timezone-aware datetime instance if we're reading from a
-# "timestamp with timezone" type.  The timezone returned will always be UTC,
-# but providing that additional information can permit conversion to local.
-def timestamptz_recv(data, **kwargs):
-    return timestamp_recv(data, **kwargs).replace(tzinfo=utc)
-def timestamp_send(v, integer_datetimes, **kwargs):
-    delta = v - datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1)
-    val = delta.microseconds + (delta.seconds * 1000000) + (delta.days * 86400000000)
-    if integer_datetimes:
-        # data is 64-bit integer representing milliseconds since 2000-01-01
-        return struct.pack("!q", val)
-    else:
-        # data is double-precision float representing seconds since 2000-01-01
-        return struct.pack("!d", val / 1000.0 / 1000.0)
-def timestamptz_send(v, **kwargs):
-    # timestamps should be sent as UTC.  If they have zone info,
-    # convert them.
-    return timestamp_send(v.astimezone(utc).replace(tzinfo=None), **kwargs)
-def date_in(data, **kwargs):
-    year = int(data[0:4])
-    month = int(data[5:7])
-    day = int(data[8:10])
-    return, month, day)
-def date_out(v, **kwargs):
-    return v.isoformat()
-def time_in(data, **kwargs):
-    hour = int(data[0:2])
-    minute = int(data[3:5])
-    sec = decimal.Decimal(data[6:])
-    return datetime.time(hour, minute, int(sec), int((sec - int(sec)) * 1000000))
-def time_out(v, **kwargs):
-    return v.isoformat()
-def numeric_in(data, **kwargs):
-    if data.find(".") == -1:
-        return int(data)
-    else:
-        return decimal.Decimal(data)
-def numeric_recv(data, **kwargs):
-    num_digits, weight, sign, scale = struct.unpack("!hhhh", data[:8])
-    data = data[8:]
-    digits = struct.unpack("!" + ("h" * num_digits), data)
-    weight = decimal.Decimal(weight)
-    retval = 0
-    for d in digits:
-        d = decimal.Decimal(d)
-        retval += d * (10000 ** weight)
-        weight -= 1
-    if sign:
-        retval *= -1
-    return retval
-def numeric_send(v, **kwargs):
-    sign = 0
-    if v < 0:
-        sign = 16384
-        v *= -1
-    max_weight = decimal.Decimal(int(math.floor(math.log(v) / math.log(10000))))
-    weight = max_weight
-    digits = []
-    while v != 0:
-        digit = int(math.floor(v / (10000 ** weight)))
-        v = v - (digit * (10000 ** weight))
-        weight -= 1
-        digits.append(digit)
-    retval = struct.pack("!hhhh", len(digits), max_weight, sign, 0)
-    retval += struct.pack("!" + ("h" * len(digits)), *digits)
-    return retval
-def numeric_out(v, **kwargs):
-    return str(v)
-# PostgreSQL encodings:
-# Python encodings:
-# Commented out encodings don't require a name change between PostgreSQL and
-# Python.  If the py side is None, then the encoding isn't supported.
-pg_to_py_encodings = {
-    # Not supported:
-    "mule_internal": None,
-    "euc_tw": None,
-    # Name fine as-is:
-    #"euc_jp",
-    #"euc_jis_2004",
-    #"euc_kr",
-    #"gb18030",
-    #"gbk",
-    #"johab",
-    #"sjis",
-    #"shift_jis_2004",
-    #"uhc",
-    #"utf8",
-    # Different name:
-    "euc_cn": "gb2312",
-    "iso_8859_5": "is8859_5",
-    "iso_8859_6": "is8859_6",
-    "iso_8859_7": "is8859_7",
-    "iso_8859_8": "is8859_8",
-    "koi8": "koi8_r",
-    "latin1": "iso8859-1",
-    "latin2": "iso8859_2",
-    "latin3": "iso8859_3",
-    "latin4": "iso8859_4",
-    "latin5": "iso8859_9",
-    "latin6": "iso8859_10",
-    "latin7": "iso8859_13",
-    "latin8": "iso8859_14",
-    "latin9": "iso8859_15",
-    "sql_ascii": "ascii",
-    "win866": "cp886",
-    "win874": "cp874",
-    "win1250": "cp1250",
-    "win1251": "cp1251",
-    "win1252": "cp1252",
-    "win1253": "cp1253",
-    "win1254": "cp1254",
-    "win1255": "cp1255",
-    "win1256": "cp1256",
-    "win1257": "cp1257",
-    "win1258": "cp1258",
-def encoding_convert(encoding):
-    return pg_to_py_encodings.get(encoding.lower(), encoding)
-def varcharin(data, client_encoding, **kwargs):
-    return unicode(data, encoding_convert(client_encoding))
-def textout(v, client_encoding, **kwargs):
-    return v.encode(encoding_convert(client_encoding))
-def byteasend(v, **kwargs):
-    return str(v)
-def bytearecv(data, **kwargs):
-    return Bytea(data)
-# interval support does not provide a Python-usable interval object yet
-def interval_recv(data, integer_datetimes, **kwargs):
-    if integer_datetimes:
-        microseconds, days, months = struct.unpack("!qii", data)
-    else:
-        seconds, days, months = struct.unpack("!dii", data)
-        microseconds = int(seconds * 1000 * 1000)
-    return Interval(microseconds, days, months)
-def interval_send(data, integer_datetimes, **kwargs):
-    if integer_datetimes:
-        return struct.pack("!qii", data.microseconds, data.days, data.months)
-    else:
-        return struct.pack("!dii", data.microseconds / 1000.0 / 1000.0, data.days, data.months)
-def array_recv(data, **kwargs):
-    dim, hasnull, typeoid = struct.unpack("!iii", data[:12])
-    data = data[12:]
-    # get type conversion method for typeoid
-    conversion = pg_types[typeoid]["bin_in"]
-    # Read dimension info
-    dim_lengths = []
-    element_count = 1
-    for idim in range(dim):
-        dim_len, dim_lbound = struct.unpack("!ii", data[:8])
-        data = data[8:]
-        dim_lengths.append(dim_len)
-        element_count *= dim_len
-    # Read all array values
-    array_values = []
-    for i in range(element_count):
-        element_len, = struct.unpack("!i", data[:4])
-        data = data[4:]
-        if element_len == -1:
-            array_values.append(None)
-        else:
-            array_values.append(conversion(data[:element_len], **kwargs))
-            data = data[element_len:]
-    if data != "":
-        raise ArrayDataParseError("unexpected data left over after array read")
-    # at this point, {{1,2,3},{4,5,6}}::int[][] looks like [1,2,3,4,5,6].
-    # go through the dimensions and fix up the array contents to match
-    # expected dimensions
-    for dim_length in reversed(dim_lengths[1:]):
-        val = []
-        while array_values:
-            val.append(array_values[:dim_length])
-            array_values = array_values[dim_length:]
-        array_values = val
-    return array_values
-def array_inspect(value):
-    # Check if array has any values.  If not, we can't determine the proper
-    # array typeoid.
-    first_element = array_find_first_element(value)
-    if first_element == None:
-        raise ArrayContentEmptyError("array has no values")
-    # supported array output
-    typ = type(first_element)
-    if issubclass(typ, int) or issubclass(typ, long):
-        # special int array support -- send as smallest possible array type
-        special_int_support = True
-        int2_ok, int4_ok, int8_ok = True, True, True
-        for v in array_flatten(value):
-            if v == None:
-                continue
-            if min_int2 < v < max_int2:
-                continue
-            int2_ok = False
-            if min_int4 < v < max_int4:
-                continue
-            int4_ok = False
-            if min_int8 < v < max_int8:
-                continue
-            int8_ok = False
-        if int2_ok:
-            array_typeoid = 1005 # INT2[]
-        elif int4_ok:
-            array_typeoid = 1007 # INT4[]
-        elif int8_ok:
-            array_typeoid = 1016 # INT8[]
-        else:
-            raise ArrayContentNotSupportedError("numeric not supported as array contents")
-    else:
-        special_int_support = False
-        array_typeoid = py_array_types.get(typ)
-        if array_typeoid == None:
-            raise ArrayContentNotSupportedError("type %r not supported as array contents" % typ)
-    # check for homogenous array
-    for v in array_flatten(value):
-        if v != None and not (isinstance(v, typ) or (typ == long and isinstance(v, int)) or (typ == int and isinstance(v, long))):
-            raise ArrayContentNotHomogenousError("not all array elements are of type %r" % typ)
-    # check that all array dimensions are consistent
-    array_check_dimensions(value)
-    type_data = py_types[typ]
-    if special_int_support:
-        if array_typeoid == 1005:
-            type_data = {"typeoid": 21, "bin_out": int2send}
-        elif array_typeoid == 1007:
-            type_data = {"typeoid": 23, "bin_out": int4send}
-        elif array_typeoid == 1016:
-            type_data = {"typeoid": 20, "bin_out": int8send}
-    else:
-        type_data = py_types[typ]
-    return {
-        "typeoid": array_typeoid,
-        "bin_out": array_send(type_data["typeoid"], type_data["bin_out"])
-    }
-def array_find_first_element(arr):
-    for v in array_flatten(arr):
-        if v != None:
-            return v
-    return None
-def array_flatten(arr):
-    for v in arr:
-        if isinstance(v, list):
-            for v2 in array_flatten(v):
-                yield v2
-        else:
-            yield v
-def array_check_dimensions(arr):
-    v0 = arr[0]
-    if isinstance(v0, list):
-        req_len = len(v0)
-        req_inner_lengths = array_check_dimensions(v0)
-        for v in arr:
-            inner_lengths = array_check_dimensions(v)
-            if len(v) != req_len or inner_lengths != req_inner_lengths:
-                raise ArrayDimensionsNotConsistentError("array dimensions not consistent")
-        retval = [req_len]
-        retval.extend(req_inner_lengths)
-        return retval
-    else:
-        # make sure nothing else at this level is a list
-        for v in arr:
-            if isinstance(v, list):
-                raise ArrayDimensionsNotConsistentError("array dimensions not consistent")
-        return []
-def array_has_null(arr):
-    for v in array_flatten(arr):
-        if v == None:
-            return True
-    return False
-def array_dim_lengths(arr):
-    v0 = arr[0]
-    if isinstance(v0, list):
-        retval = [len(v0)]
-        retval.extend(array_dim_lengths(v0))
-    else:
-        return [len(arr)]
-class array_send(object):
-    def __init__(self, typeoid, bin_out_func):
-        self.typeoid = typeoid
-        self.bin_out_func = bin_out_func
-    def __call__(self, arr, **kwargs):
-        has_null = array_has_null(arr)
-        dim_lengths = array_dim_lengths(arr)
-        data = struct.pack("!iii", len(dim_lengths), has_null, self.typeoid)
-        for i in dim_lengths:
-            data += struct.pack("!ii", i, 1)
-        for v in array_flatten(arr):
-            if v == None:
-                data += struct.pack("!i", -1)
-            else:
-                inner_data = self.bin_out_func(v, **kwargs)
-                data += struct.pack("!i", len(inner_data))
-                data += inner_data
-        return data
-class record_recv(object):
-    def __init__(self, record_field_names):
-        self.record_field_names = record_field_names
-    def __call__(self, data, **kwargs):
-        num_fields, = struct.unpack("!i", data[:4])
-        data = data[4:]
-        retval = {}
-        for i in range(num_fields):
-            typeoid, size = struct.unpack("!ii", data[:8])
-            data = data[8:]
-            conversion = pg_types[typeoid]["bin_in"]
-            value = conversion(data[:size], **kwargs)
-            data = data[size:]
-            retval[self.record_field_names[i]] = value
-        return retval
-py_types = {
-    bool: {"typeoid": 16, "bin_out": boolsend},
-    int: {"inspect": int_inspect},
-    long: {"inspect": int_inspect},
-    str: {"typeoid": 25, "bin_out": textout},
-    unicode: {"typeoid": 25, "bin_out": textout},
-    float: {"typeoid": 701, "bin_out": float8send},
-    decimal.Decimal: {"typeoid": 1700, "bin_out": numeric_send},
-    Bytea: {"typeoid": 17, "bin_out": byteasend},
-    datetime.datetime: {"typeoid": 1114, "bin_out": timestamp_send, "inspect": datetime_inspect},
- {"typeoid": 1082, "txt_out": date_out},
-    datetime.time: {"typeoid": 1083, "txt_out": time_out},
-    Interval: {"typeoid": 1186, "bin_out": interval_send},
-    type(None): {"typeoid": -1},
-    list: {"inspect": array_inspect},
-# py type -> pg array typeoid
-py_array_types = {
-    float: 1022,
-    bool: 1000,
-    str: 1009,      # TEXT[]
-    unicode: 1009,  # TEXT[]
-    decimal.Decimal: 1231, # NUMERIC[]
-pg_types = {
-    16: {"bin_in": boolrecv},
-    17: {"bin_in": bytearecv},
-    18: {"txt_in": varcharin}, # char type (Greenplum)
-    19: {"bin_in": varcharin}, # name type
-    20: {"bin_in": int8recv},
-    21: {"bin_in": int2recv},
-    23: {"bin_in": int4recv},
-    24: {"txt_in": varcharin}, # regproc    (Greenplum)
-    25: {"bin_in": varcharin}, # TEXT type
-    26: {"txt_in": numeric_in}, # oid type
-    28: {"txt_in": numeric_in}, # xid type  (Greenplum)
-    700: {"bin_in": float4recv},
-    701: {"bin_in": float8recv},
-    829: {"txt_in": varcharin}, # MACADDR type
-    1000: {"bin_in": array_recv}, # BOOL[]
-    1003: {"bin_in": array_recv}, # NAME[]
-    1005: {"bin_in": array_recv}, # INT2[]
-    1007: {"bin_in": array_recv}, # INT4[]
-    1009: {"bin_in": array_recv}, # TEXT[]
-    1014: {"bin_in": array_recv}, # CHAR[]
-    1015: {"bin_in": array_recv}, # VARCHAR[]
-    1016: {"bin_in": array_recv}, # INT8[]
-    1021: {"bin_in": array_recv}, # FLOAT4[]
-    1022: {"bin_in": array_recv}, # FLOAT8[]
-    1042: {"bin_in": varcharin}, # CHAR type
-    1043: {"bin_in": varcharin}, # VARCHAR type
-    1082: {"txt_in": date_in},
-    1083: {"txt_in": time_in},
-    1114: {"bin_in": timestamp_recv},
-    1184: {"bin_in": timestamptz_recv}, # timestamp w/ tz
-    1186: {"bin_in": interval_recv},
-    1231: {"bin_in": array_recv}, # NUMERIC[]
-    1263: {"bin_in": array_recv}, # cstring[]
-    1700: {"bin_in": numeric_recv},
-    2275: {"bin_in": varcharin}, # cstring
-    2278: {"txt_in": voidrecv}, # void - This is to allow the code to handle the situation where a SQL function returns void
diff --git a/tools/bin/ext/pg8000/ b/tools/bin/ext/pg8000/
deleted file mode 100644
index d99421e..0000000
--- a/tools/bin/ext/pg8000/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-class MulticastDelegate(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.delegates = []
-    def __iadd__(self, delegate):
-        self.add(delegate)
-        return self
-    def add(self, delegate):
-        self.delegates.append(delegate)
-    def __isub__(self, delegate):
-        self.delegates.remove(delegate)
-        return self
-    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        for d in self.delegates:
-            d(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/tools/bin/ext/pygresql/ b/tools/bin/ext/pygresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tools/bin/ext/simplejson/ b/tools/bin/ext/simplejson/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6f0f605..0000000
--- a/tools/bin/ext/simplejson/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-A simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder and decoder
-JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) <> is a subset of
-JavaScript syntax (ECMA-262 3rd edition) used as a lightweight data
-interchange format.
-simplejson exposes an API familiar to uses of the standard library
-marshal and pickle modules.
-Encoding basic Python object hierarchies::
-    >>> import simplejson
-    >>> simplejson.dumps(['foo', {'bar': ('baz', None, 1.0, 2)}])
-    '["foo", {"bar": ["baz", null, 1.0, 2]}]'
-    >>> print simplejson.dumps("\"foo\bar")
-    "\"foo\bar"
-    >>> print simplejson.dumps(u'\u1234')
-    "\u1234"
-    >>> print simplejson.dumps('\\')
-    "\\"
-    >>> print simplejson.dumps({"c": 0, "b": 0, "a": 0}, sort_keys=True)
-    {"a": 0, "b": 0, "c": 0}
-    >>> from StringIO import StringIO
-    >>> io = StringIO()
-    >>> simplejson.dump(['streaming API'], io)
-    >>> io.getvalue()
-    '["streaming API"]'
-Compact encoding::
-    >>> import simplejson
-    >>> simplejson.dumps([1,2,3,{'4': 5, '6': 7}], separators=(',',':'))
-    '[1,2,3,{"4":5,"6":7}]'
-Pretty printing::
-    >>> import simplejson
-    >>> print simplejson.dumps({'4': 5, '6': 7}, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
-    {
-        "4": 5, 
-        "6": 7
-    }
-Decoding JSON::
-    >>> import simplejson
-    >>> simplejson.loads('["foo", {"bar":["baz", null, 1.0, 2]}]')
-    [u'foo', {u'bar': [u'baz', None, 1.0, 2]}]
-    >>> simplejson.loads('"\\"foo\\bar"')
-    u'"foo\x08ar'
-    >>> from StringIO import StringIO
-    >>> io = StringIO('["streaming API"]')
-    >>> simplejson.load(io)
-    [u'streaming API']
-Specializing JSON object decoding::
-    >>> import simplejson
-    >>> def as_complex(dct):
-    ...     if '__complex__' in dct:
-    ...         return complex(dct['real'], dct['imag'])
-    ...     return dct
-    ... 
-    >>> simplejson.loads('{"__complex__": true, "real": 1, "imag": 2}',
-    ...     object_hook=as_complex)
-    (1+2j)
-Extending JSONEncoder::
-    >>> import simplejson
-    >>> class ComplexEncoder(simplejson.JSONEncoder):
-    ...     def default(self, obj):
-    ...         if isinstance(obj, complex):
-    ...             return [obj.real, obj.imag]
-    ...         return simplejson.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
-    ... 
-    >>> dumps(2 + 1j, cls=ComplexEncoder)
-    '[2.0, 1.0]'
-    >>> ComplexEncoder().encode(2 + 1j)
-    '[2.0, 1.0]'
-    >>> list(ComplexEncoder().iterencode(2 + 1j))
-    ['[', '2.0', ', ', '1.0', ']']
-Note that the JSON produced by this module's default settings
-is a subset of YAML, so it may be used as a serializer for that as well.
-__version__ = '1.7.3'
-__all__ = [
-    'dump', 'dumps', 'load', 'loads',
-    'JSONDecoder', 'JSONEncoder',
-from decoder import JSONDecoder
-from encoder import JSONEncoder
-_default_encoder = JSONEncoder(
-    skipkeys=False,
-    ensure_ascii=True,
-    check_circular=True,
-    allow_nan=True,
-    indent=None,
-    separators=None,
-    encoding='utf-8'
-def dump(obj, fp, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True,
-        allow_nan=True, cls=None, indent=None, separators=None,
-        encoding='utf-8', **kw):
-    """
-    Serialize ``obj`` as a JSON formatted stream to ``fp`` (a
-    ``.write()``-supporting file-like object).
-    If ``skipkeys`` is ``True`` then ``dict`` keys that are not basic types
-    (``str``, ``unicode``, ``int``, ``long``, ``float``, ``bool``, ``None``) 
-    will be skipped instead of raising a ``TypeError``.
-    If ``ensure_ascii`` is ``False``, then the some chunks written to ``fp``
-    may be ``unicode`` instances, subject to normal Python ``str`` to
-    ``unicode`` coercion rules. Unless ``fp.write()`` explicitly
-    understands ``unicode`` (as in ``codecs.getwriter()``) this is likely
-    to cause an error.
-    If ``check_circular`` is ``False``, then the circular reference check
-    for container types will be skipped and a circular reference will
-    result in an ``OverflowError`` (or worse).
-    If ``allow_nan`` is ``False``, then it will be a ``ValueError`` to
-    serialize out of range ``float`` values (``nan``, ``inf``, ``-inf``)
-    in strict compliance of the JSON specification, instead of using the
-    JavaScript equivalents (``NaN``, ``Infinity``, ``-Infinity``).
-    If ``indent`` is a non-negative integer, then JSON array elements and object
-    members will be pretty-printed with that indent level. An indent level
-    of 0 will only insert newlines. ``None`` is the most compact representation.
-    If ``separators`` is an ``(item_separator, dict_separator)`` tuple
-    then it will be used instead of the default ``(', ', ': ')`` separators.
-    ``(',', ':')`` is the most compact JSON representation.
-    ``encoding`` is the character encoding for str instances, default is UTF-8.
-    To use a custom ``JSONEncoder`` subclass (e.g. one that overrides the
-    ``.default()`` method to serialize additional types), specify it with
-    the ``cls`` kwarg.
-    """
-    # cached encoder
-    if (skipkeys is False and ensure_ascii is True and
-        check_circular is True and allow_nan is True and
-        cls is None and indent is None and separators is None and
-        encoding == 'utf-8' and not kw):
-        iterable = _default_encoder.iterencode(obj)
-    else:
-        if cls is None:
-            cls = JSONEncoder
-        iterable = cls(skipkeys=skipkeys, ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii,
-            check_circular=check_circular, allow_nan=allow_nan, indent=indent,
-            separators=separators, encoding=encoding, **kw).iterencode(obj)
-    # could accelerate with writelines in some versions of Python, at
-    # a debuggability cost
-    for chunk in iterable:
-        fp.write(chunk)
-def dumps(obj, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True,
-        allow_nan=True, cls=None, indent=None, separators=None,
-        encoding='utf-8', **kw):
-    """
-    Serialize ``obj`` to a JSON formatted ``str``.
-    If ``skipkeys`` is ``True`` then ``dict`` keys that are not basic types
-    (``str``, ``unicode``, ``int``, ``long``, ``float``, ``bool``, ``None``) 
-    will be skipped instead of raising a ``TypeError``.
-    If ``ensure_ascii`` is ``False``, then the return value will be a
-    ``unicode`` instance subject to normal Python ``str`` to ``unicode``
-    coercion rules instead of being escaped to an ASCII ``str``.
-    If ``check_circular`` is ``False``, then the circular reference check
-    for container types will be skipped and a circular reference will
-    result in an ``OverflowError`` (or worse).
-    If ``allow_nan`` is ``False``, then it will be a ``ValueError`` to
-    serialize out of range ``float`` values (``nan``, ``inf``, ``-inf``) in
-    strict compliance of the JSON specification, instead of using the
-    JavaScript equivalents (``NaN``, ``Infinity``, ``-Infinity``).
-    If ``indent`` is a non-negative integer, then JSON array elements and
-    object members will be pretty-printed with that indent level. An indent
-    level of 0 will only insert newlines. ``None`` is the most compact
-    representation.
-    If ``separators`` is an ``(item_separator, dict_separator)`` tuple
-    then it will be used instead of the default ``(', ', ': ')`` separators.
-    ``(',', ':')`` is the most compact JSON representation.
-    ``encoding`` is the character encoding for str instances, default is UTF-8.
-    To use a custom ``JSONEncoder`` subclass (e.g. one that overrides the
-    ``.default()`` method to serialize additional types), specify it with
-    the ``cls`` kwarg.
-    """
-    # cached encoder
-    if (skipkeys is False and ensure_ascii is True and
-        check_circular is True and allow_nan is True and
-        cls is None and indent is None and separators is None and
-        encoding == 'utf-8' and not kw):
-        return _default_encoder.encode(obj)
-    if cls is None:
-        cls = JSONEncoder
-    return cls(
-        skipkeys=skipkeys, ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii,
-        check_circular=check_circular, allow_nan=allow_nan, indent=indent,
-        separators=separators, encoding=encoding,
-        **kw).encode(obj)
-_default_decoder = JSONDecoder(encoding=None, object_hook=None)
-def load(fp, encoding=None, cls=None, object_hook=None, **kw):
-    """
-    Deserialize ``fp`` (a ``.read()``-supporting file-like object containing
-    a JSON document) to a Python object.
-    If the contents of ``fp`` is encoded with an ASCII based encoding other
-    than utf-8 (e.g. latin-1), then an appropriate ``encoding`` name must
-    be specified. Encodings that are not ASCII based (such as UCS-2) are
-    not allowed, and should be wrapped with
-    ``codecs.getreader(fp)(encoding)``, or simply decoded to a ``unicode``
-    object and passed to ``loads()``
-    ``object_hook`` is an optional function that will be called with the
-    result of any object literal decode (a ``dict``). The return value of
-    ``object_hook`` will be used instead of the ``dict``. This feature
-    can be used to implement custom decoders (e.g. JSON-RPC class hinting).
-    To use a custom ``JSONDecoder`` subclass, specify it with the ``cls``
-    kwarg.
-    """
-    return loads(,
-        encoding=encoding, cls=cls, object_hook=object_hook, **kw)
-def loads(s, encoding=None, cls=None, object_hook=None, **kw):
-    """
-    Deserialize ``s`` (a ``str`` or ``unicode`` instance containing a JSON
-    document) to a Python object.
-    If ``s`` is a ``str`` instance and is encoded with an ASCII based encoding
-    other than utf-8 (e.g. latin-1) then an appropriate ``encoding`` name
-    must be specified. Encodings that are not ASCII based (such as UCS-2)
-    are not allowed and should be decoded to ``unicode`` first.
-    ``object_hook`` is an optional function that will be called with the
-    result of any object literal decode (a ``dict``). The return value of
-    ``object_hook`` will be used instead of the ``dict``. This feature
-    can be used to implement custom decoders (e.g. JSON-RPC class hinting).
-    To use a custom ``JSONDecoder`` subclass, specify it with the ``cls``
-    kwarg.
-    """
-    if cls is None and encoding is None and object_hook is None and not kw:
-        return _default_decoder.decode(s)
-    if cls is None:
-        cls = JSONDecoder
-    if object_hook is not None:
-        kw['object_hook'] = object_hook
-    return cls(encoding=encoding, **kw).decode(s)
-def read(s):
-    """
-    json-py API compatibility hook. Use loads(s) instead.
-    """
-    import warnings
-    warnings.warn("simplejson.loads(s) should be used instead of read(s)",
-        DeprecationWarning)
-    return loads(s)
-def write(obj):
-    """
-    json-py API compatibility hook. Use dumps(s) instead.
-    """
-    import warnings
-    warnings.warn("simplejson.dumps(s) should be used instead of write(s)",
-        DeprecationWarning)
-    return dumps(obj)