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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2020/08/28 01:14:16 UTC

[GitHub] [madlib] khannaekta commented on a change in pull request #513: DL: [AutoML] Add support for 'diagonal' Hyperband optimized for MPP

khannaekta commented on a change in pull request #513:

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/madlib_keras_automl.py_in
@@ -17,17 +17,35 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
+from datetime import datetime
 import plpy
 import math
+from time import time
-from utilities.utilities import _assert
+from madlib_keras_validator import MstLoaderInputValidator
+from utilities.utilities import add_postfix, extract_keyvalue_params, _assert, _assert_equal
 from utilities.control import MinWarning
+from madlib_keras_fit_multiple_model import FitMultipleModel
+from madlib_keras_model_selection import MstSearch, ModelSelectionSchema
+from keras_model_arch_table import ModelArchSchema
+from utilities.validate_args import table_exists, drop_tables
 class AutoMLSchema:
     BRACKET = 's'
     ROUND = 'i'
     RESOURCES = 'r_i'
+    HYPERBAND = 'hyperband'
+    R = 'R'
+    ETA = 'eta'
+    SKIP_LAST = 'skip_last'
+    LOSS_METRIC = 'training_loss_final'
+    TEMP_MST_TABLE = 'temp_mst_table'
+    TEMP_MST_SUMMARY_TABLE = add_postfix(TEMP_MST_TABLE, '_summary')
+    TEMP_OUTPUT_TABLE = 'temp_output_table'

Review comment:

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/madlib_keras_automl.py_in
@@ -138,3 +156,389 @@ class HyperbandSchedule():
+class KerasAutoML():
+    """The core AutoML function for running AutoML algorithms such as Hyperband.
+    This function executes the hyperband rounds 'diagonally' to evaluate multiple configurations together
+    and leverage the compute power of MPP databases such as Greenplum.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, schema_madlib, source_table, model_output_table, model_arch_table, model_selection_table,
+                 model_id_list, compile_params_grid, fit_params_grid, automl_method='hyperband',
+                 automl_params='R=6, eta=3, skip_last=0', random_state=None, object_table=None,
+                 use_gpus=False, validation_table=None, metrics_compute_frequency=None,
+                 name=None, description=None, **kwargs):
+        self.schema_madlib = schema_madlib
+        self.source_table = source_table
+        self.model_output_table = model_output_table
+        if self.model_output_table:
+            self.model_info_table = add_postfix(self.model_output_table, '_info')
+            self.model_summary_table = add_postfix(self.model_output_table, '_summary')
+        self.model_arch_table = model_arch_table
+        self.model_selection_table = model_selection_table
+        self.model_selection_summary_table = add_postfix(
+            model_selection_table, "_summary")
+        self.model_id_list = sorted(list(set(model_id_list)))
+        self.compile_params_grid = compile_params_grid
+        self.fit_params_grid = fit_params_grid
+        MstLoaderInputValidator(
+            model_arch_table=self.model_arch_table,
+            model_selection_table=self.model_selection_table,
+            model_selection_summary_table=self.model_selection_summary_table,
+            model_id_list=self.model_id_list,
+            compile_params_list=compile_params_grid,
+            fit_params_list=fit_params_grid,
+            object_table=object_table,
+            module_name='madlib_keras_automl'
+        )
+        self.automl_method = automl_method
+        self.automl_params = automl_params
+        self.random_state = random_state
+        self.validate_and_define_inputs()
+        self.object_table = object_table
+        self.use_gpus = use_gpus
+        self.validation_table = validation_table
+        self.metrics_compute_frequency = metrics_compute_frequency
+ = name
+        self.description = description
+        if self.validation_table:
+            AutoMLSchema.LOSS_METRIC = 'validation_loss_final'
+        self.create_model_output_table()
+        self.create_model_output_info_table()
+        if AutoMLSchema.HYPERBAND.startswith(self.automl_method.lower()):
+            self.find_hyperband_config()
+    def create_model_output_table(self):
+        output_table_create_query = """
+                                    CREATE TABLE {self.model_output_table}
+                                    ({ModelSelectionSchema.MST_KEY} INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+                                     {ModelArchSchema.MODEL_WEIGHTS} BYTEA,
+                                     {ModelArchSchema.MODEL_ARCH} JSON)
+                                    """.format(self=self, ModelSelectionSchema=ModelSelectionSchema,
+                                               ModelArchSchema=ModelArchSchema)
+        with MinWarning('warning'):
+            plpy.execute(output_table_create_query)
+    def create_model_output_info_table(self):
+        info_table_create_query = """
+                                  CREATE TABLE {self.model_info_table}
+                                  ({ModelSelectionSchema.MST_KEY} INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+                                   {ModelArchSchema.MODEL_ID} INTEGER,
+                                   {ModelSelectionSchema.COMPILE_PARAMS} TEXT,
+                                   {ModelSelectionSchema.FIT_PARAMS} TEXT,
+                                   model_type TEXT,
+                                   model_size DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   metrics_elapsed_time DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   metrics_type TEXT[],
+                                   training_metrics_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   training_loss_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   training_metrics DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   training_loss DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   validation_metrics_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   validation_loss_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   validation_metrics DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   validation_loss DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   {AutoMLSchema.METRICS_ITERS} INTEGER[])
+                                       """.format(self=self, ModelSelectionSchema=ModelSelectionSchema,
+                                                  ModelArchSchema=ModelArchSchema, AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema)
+        with MinWarning('warning'):
+            plpy.execute(info_table_create_query)
+    def validate_and_define_inputs(self):
+        if AutoMLSchema.HYPERBAND.startswith(self.automl_method.lower()):
+            automl_params_dict = extract_keyvalue_params(self.automl_params,
+                                                         default_values={'R': 6, 'eta': 3, 'skip_last': 0},
+                                                         lower_case_names=False)
+            # casting dict values to int
+            for i in automl_params_dict:
+                automl_params_dict[i] = int(automl_params_dict[i])
+            _assert(len(automl_params_dict) >= 1 or len(automl_params_dict) <= 3,
+                    "DL: Only R, eta, and skip_last may be specified")
+            for i in automl_params_dict:
+                if i == AutoMLSchema.R:
+                    self.R = automl_params_dict[AutoMLSchema.R]
+                elif i == AutoMLSchema.ETA:
+                    self.eta = automl_params_dict[AutoMLSchema.ETA]
+                elif i == AutoMLSchema.SKIP_LAST:
+                    self.skip_last = automl_params_dict[AutoMLSchema.SKIP_LAST]
+                else:
+                    plpy.error("DL: {0} is an invalid param".format(i))
+            _assert(self.eta > 1, "DL: eta must be greater than 1")
+            _assert(self.R >= self.eta, "DL: R should not be less than eta")
+            self.s_max = int(math.floor(math.log(self.R, self.eta)))
+            _assert(self.skip_last >= 0 and self.skip_last < self.s_max+1, "DL: skip_last must be " +
+                    "non-negative and less than {0}".format(self.s_max))
+            # total number of resources/iterations (without reuse) per execution of Succesive Halving (n,r)
+            self.B = (self.s_max + 1) * self.R
+        else:
+            plpy.error("DL: Only hyperband is currently supported as the automl method")
+    def _is_valid_metrics_compute_frequency(self, num_iterations):
+        """
+        Utility function (same as that in the Fit Multiple function) to check validity of mcf value for computing
+        metrics during an AutoML algorithm run.
+        :param num_iterations: interations/resources to allocate for training.
+        :return: boolean on validity of the mcf value.
+        """
+        return self.metrics_compute_frequency is None or \
+               (self.metrics_compute_frequency >= 1 and \
+                self.metrics_compute_frequency <= num_iterations)
+    def find_hyperband_config(self):
+        """
+        Runs the diagonal hyperband algorithm.
+        """
+        initial_vals = {}
+        # get hyper parameter configs for each s
+        for s in reversed(range(self.s_max+1)):
+            n = int(math.ceil(int(self.B/self.R/(s+1))*math.pow(self.eta, s))) # initial number of configurations
+            r = self.R * math.pow(self.eta, -s) # initial number of iterations to run configurations for
+            initial_vals[s] = (n, int(round(r)))
+        self.start_training_time = self.get_current_timestamp()
+        random_search = MstSearch(self.model_arch_table, self.model_selection_table, self.model_id_list,
+                                  self.compile_params_grid, self.fit_params_grid, 'random',
+                                  sum([initial_vals[k][0] for k in initial_vals][self.skip_last:]), self.random_state,
+                                  self.object_table)
+        random_search.load() # for populating mst tables
+        # for creating the summary table for usage in fit multiple
+        plpy.execute("CREATE TABLE {AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_SUMMARY_TABLE} AS " \
+                     "SELECT * FROM {random_search.model_selection_summary_table}".format(
+            AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema, random_search=random_search))
+        ranges_dict = self.mst_key_ranges_dict(initial_vals)
+        # outer loop on diagonal
+        for i in range((self.s_max+1) - int(self.skip_last)):
+            # inner loop on s desc
+            temp_lst = []
+            configs_prune_lookup = {}
+            for s in range(self.s_max, self.s_max-i-1, -1):
+                n = initial_vals[s][0]
+                n_i = n * math.pow(self.eta, -i+self.s_max-s)
+                configs_prune_lookup[s] = int(round(n_i))
+                temp_lst.append("{0} configs under bracket={1} & round={2}".format(int(n_i), s, s-self.s_max+i))
+  '*** Diagonally evaluating ' + ', '.join(temp_lst) + ' with {0} iterations ***'.format(
+                int(initial_vals[self.s_max-i][1])))
+            self.reconstruct_temp_mst_table(i, ranges_dict, configs_prune_lookup)
+            self.warm_start = int(i != 0)
+            num_iterations = int(initial_vals[self.s_max-i][1])
+            mcf = self.metrics_compute_frequency if self._is_valid_metrics_compute_frequency(num_iterations) else None
+            model_training = FitMultipleModel(self.schema_madlib, self.source_table, AutoMLSchema.TEMP_OUTPUT_TABLE,
+                                              AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_TABLE, num_iterations, self.use_gpus,
+                                              self.validation_table, mcf, self.warm_start,, self.description)
+            self.update_model_output_table(model_training)
+            self.update_model_output_info_table(i, model_training,initial_vals)
+        self.end_training_time = self.get_current_timestamp()
+        self.update_model_selection_table()
+        self.generate_model_output_summary_table(model_training)
+        self.remove_temp_tables(model_training)
+    def get_current_timestamp(self):
+        """for start and end times for the chosen AutoML algorithm. Showcased in the output summary table"""
+        return datetime.fromtimestamp(time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+    def mst_key_ranges_dict(self, initial_vals):
+        """
+        Extracts the ranges of model configs (using mst_keys) belonging to / sampled as part of
+        executing a particular SHA bracket.
+        """
+        d = {}
+        for s_val in sorted(initial_vals.keys(), reverse=True): # going from s_max to 0
+            if s_val == self.s_max:
+                d[s_val] = (1, initial_vals[s_val][0])
+            else:
+                d[s_val] = (d[s_val+1][1]+1, d[s_val+1][1]+initial_vals[s_val][0])
+        return d
+    def reconstruct_temp_mst_table(self, i, ranges_dict, configs_prune_lookup):
+        """
+        Drops and Reconstructs a temp mst table for evaluation along particular diagonals of hyperband.
+        :param i: outer diagonal loop iteration.
+        :param ranges_dict: model config ranges to group by bracket number.
+        :param configs_prune_lookup: Lookup dictionary for configs to evaluate for a diagonal.
+        :return:
+        """
+        if i == 0:
+            _assert_equal(len(configs_prune_lookup), 1, "invalid args")
+            lower_bound, upper_bound = ranges_dict[self.s_max]
+            plpy.execute("CREATE TABLE {AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_TABLE} AS SELECT * FROM {self.model_selection_table} "
+                         "WHERE mst_key >= {lower_bound} AND mst_key <= {upper_bound}".format(self=self,
+                                                                                              AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema,
+                                                                                              lower_bound=lower_bound,
+                                                                                              upper_bound=upper_bound,))
+            return
+        # dropping and repopulating temp_mst_table
+        drop_tables([AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_TABLE])
+        # {mst_key} changed from SERIAL to INTEGER for safe insertions and preservation of mst_key values
+        create_query = """
+                        CREATE TABLE {AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_TABLE} (
+                            {mst_key} INTEGER,
+                            {model_id} INTEGER,
+                            {compile_params} VARCHAR,
+                            {fit_params} VARCHAR,
+                            unique ({model_id}, {compile_params}, {fit_params})
+                        );
+                       """.format(AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema,
+                                  mst_key=ModelSelectionSchema.MST_KEY,
+                                  model_id=ModelSelectionSchema.MODEL_ID,
+                                  compile_params=ModelSelectionSchema.COMPILE_PARAMS,
+                                  fit_params=ModelSelectionSchema.FIT_PARAMS)
+        with MinWarning('warning'):
+            plpy.execute(create_query)
+        query = ""
+        new_configs = True
+        for s_val in configs_prune_lookup:
+            lower_bound, upper_bound = ranges_dict[s_val]
+            if new_configs:
+                query += "INSERT INTO {AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_TABLE} SELECT mst_key, model_id, compile_params, fit_params " \
+                         "FROM {self.model_selection_table} WHERE mst_key >= {lower_bound} " \
+                         "AND mst_key <= {upper_bound};".format(self=self, AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema,
+                                                                lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound)
+                new_configs = False
+            else:
+                query += "INSERT INTO {AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_TABLE} SELECT mst_key, model_id, compile_params, fit_params " \
+                         "FROM {self.model_info_table} WHERE mst_key >= {lower_bound} " \
+                         "AND mst_key <= {upper_bound} ORDER BY {AutoMLSchema.LOSS_METRIC} " \
+                         "LIMIT {configs_prune_lookup_val};".format(self=self, AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema,
+                                                                    lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound,
+                                                                    configs_prune_lookup_val=configs_prune_lookup[s_val])
+        plpy.execute(query)
+    def update_model_output_table(self, model_training):
+        """
+        Updates gathered information of a hyperband diagonal run to the overall model output table.
+        :param model_training: Fit Multiple function call object.
+        """
+        # updates model weights for any previously trained configs
+        plpy.execute("UPDATE {self.model_output_table} a SET model_weights="
+                     "t.model_weights FROM {model_training.original_model_output_table} t " \
+                     "WHERE a.mst_key=t.mst_key".format(self=self, model_training=model_training))
+        # inserts any newly trained configs
+        plpy.execute("INSERT INTO {self.model_output_table} SELECT * FROM {model_training.original_model_output_table} " \
+                     "WHERE {model_training.original_model_output_table}.mst_key NOT IN "
+                     "(SELECT mst_key FROM {self.model_output_table})".format(self=self,
+                                                                              model_training=model_training))
+    def update_model_output_info_table(self, i, model_training, initial_vals):
+        """
+        Updates gathered information of a hyperband diagonal run to the overall model output info table.
+        :param i: outer diagonal loop iteration.
+        :param model_training: Fit Multiple function call object.
+        :param initial_vals: Dictionary of initial configurations and resources as part of the initial hyperband
+        schedule.
+        """
+        # normalizing factor for metrics_iters due to warm start
+        epochs_factor = sum([n[1] for n in initial_vals.values()][::-1][:i])
+        iters = plpy.execute("SELECT {AutoMLSchema.METRICS_ITERS} " \
+                             "FROM {model_training.model_summary_table}".format(AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema,
+                                                                                model_training=model_training))
+        metrics_iters_val = [epochs_factor+mi for mi in iters[0]['metrics_iters']]
+        # casting same metrics_iters values for the fit_multiple run with the chosen configs
+        # in order to update overall info table later
+        plpy.execute("ALTER TABLE {model_training.model_info_table} " \
+                     "ADD COLUMN {AutoMLSchema.METRICS_ITERS} INTEGER[]".format(model_training=model_training,
+                                                                                AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema))
+        plpy.execute("UPDATE {model_training.model_info_table} SET {AutoMLSchema.METRICS_ITERS} = " \
+                     "ARRAY{metrics_iters_val}::INTEGER[] FROM {model_training.model_summary_table}".format(
+            model_training=model_training, metrics_iters_val=metrics_iters_val, AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema))
+        validation_update_q = "validation_metrics_final=t.validation_metrics_final, " \
+                                     "validation_loss_final=t.validation_loss_final, " \
+                                     "validation_metrics=a.validation_metrics || t.validation_metrics, " \
+                                     "validation_loss=a.validation_loss || t.validation_loss, " \
+            if self.validation_table else ""
+        # updates train/val info for any previously trained configs
+        plpy.execute("UPDATE {self.model_info_table} a SET " \
+                     "metrics_elapsed_time=a.metrics_elapsed_time || t.metrics_elapsed_time, " \
+                     "training_metrics_final=t.training_metrics_final, " \
+                     "training_loss_final=t.training_loss_final, " \
+                     "training_metrics= a.training_metrics || t.training_metrics, " \
+                     "training_loss= a.training_loss || t.training_loss, ".format(self=self) + validation_update_q +
+                     "metrics_iters=a.metrics_iters || t.metrics_iters " \
+                     "FROM {model_training.model_info_table} t " \
+                     "WHERE a.mst_key=t.mst_key".format(model_training=model_training))
+        # inserts info about metrics and validation for newly trained model configs
+        plpy.execute("INSERT INTO {self.model_info_table} SELECT * FROM {model_training.model_info_table} " \
+                     "WHERE {model_training.model_info_table}.mst_key NOT IN "
+                     "(SELECT mst_key FROM {self.model_info_table})".format(self=self,
+                                                                            model_training=model_training))
+        # removes metrics_iters column from temp mst info table, for further use in warm started model training
+        plpy.execute("ALTER TABLE {model_training.model_info_table} " \
+                     "DROP COLUMN {AutoMLSchema.METRICS_ITERS}".format(model_training=model_training,
+                                                                       AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema))
+    def update_model_selection_table(self):
+        """
+        Drops and re-createst the mst table to only include the best performing model configuration.

Review comment:
       typo in re-createst

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/madlib_keras_automl.py_in
@@ -17,17 +17,35 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
+from datetime import datetime
 import plpy
 import math
+from time import time
-from utilities.utilities import _assert
+from madlib_keras_validator import MstLoaderInputValidator
+from utilities.utilities import add_postfix, extract_keyvalue_params, _assert, _assert_equal
 from utilities.control import MinWarning
+from madlib_keras_fit_multiple_model import FitMultipleModel
+from madlib_keras_model_selection import MstSearch, ModelSelectionSchema
+from keras_model_arch_table import ModelArchSchema
+from utilities.validate_args import table_exists, drop_tables
 class AutoMLSchema:
     BRACKET = 's'
     ROUND = 'i'
     RESOURCES = 'r_i'
+    HYPERBAND = 'hyperband'
+    R = 'R'
+    ETA = 'eta'
+    SKIP_LAST = 'skip_last'
+    LOSS_METRIC = 'training_loss_final'
+    TEMP_MST_TABLE = 'temp_mst_table'

Review comment:
       we should use `unique_string('temp_mst_table')` instead to create a unique name.

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/test/madlib_keras_automl.sql_in
@@ -21,6 +21,347 @@
+\i m4_regexp(MODULE_PATHNAME,
+             `\(.*\)libmadlib\.so',
+              `\1../../modules/deep_learning/test/madlib_keras_iris.setup.sql_in'
+m4_changequote(`<!', `!>')
+m4_ifdef(<!__POSTGRESQL__!>, <!!>, <!
+--------------------------- MADLIB KERAS AUTOML HYPERBAND TEST CASES ---------------------------
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS iris_train_packed, iris_train_packed_summary;
+SELECT training_preprocessor_dl('iris_train',         -- Source table
+                                       'iris_train_packed',  -- Output table
+                                       'class_text',         -- Dependent variable
+                                       'attributes'          -- Independent variable
+           );
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS iris_test_packed, iris_test_packed_summary;
+SELECT validation_preprocessor_dl('iris_test',          -- Source table
+                                         'iris_test_packed',   -- Output table

Review comment:

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/test/madlib_keras_automl.sql_in
@@ -21,6 +21,347 @@
+\i m4_regexp(MODULE_PATHNAME,
+             `\(.*\)libmadlib\.so',
+              `\1../../modules/deep_learning/test/madlib_keras_iris.setup.sql_in'
+m4_changequote(`<!', `!>')
+m4_ifdef(<!__POSTGRESQL__!>, <!!>, <!
+--------------------------- MADLIB KERAS AUTOML HYPERBAND TEST CASES ---------------------------
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS iris_train_packed, iris_train_packed_summary;
+SELECT training_preprocessor_dl('iris_train',         -- Source table
+                                       'iris_train_packed',  -- Output table

Review comment:
       indentation is off.

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/test/madlib_keras_automl.sql_in
@@ -21,6 +21,347 @@
+\i m4_regexp(MODULE_PATHNAME,
+             `\(.*\)libmadlib\.so',
+              `\1../../modules/deep_learning/test/madlib_keras_iris.setup.sql_in'
+m4_changequote(`<!', `!>')
+m4_ifdef(<!__POSTGRESQL__!>, <!!>, <!
+--------------------------- MADLIB KERAS AUTOML HYPERBAND TEST CASES ---------------------------
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS iris_train_packed, iris_train_packed_summary;
+SELECT training_preprocessor_dl('iris_train',         -- Source table
+                                       'iris_train_packed',  -- Output table

Review comment:
       You can remove these call to training_preprocessor_dl/validation_preprocessor_dl as they are called in the setup file `madlib_keras_iris.setup.sql_in ` and you can use iris_data_packed as the input table

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/madlib_keras_automl.py_in
@@ -138,3 +156,389 @@ class HyperbandSchedule():
+class KerasAutoML():
+    """The core AutoML function for running AutoML algorithms such as Hyperband.
+    This function executes the hyperband rounds 'diagonally' to evaluate multiple configurations together
+    and leverage the compute power of MPP databases such as Greenplum.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, schema_madlib, source_table, model_output_table, model_arch_table, model_selection_table,
+                 model_id_list, compile_params_grid, fit_params_grid, automl_method='hyperband',
+                 automl_params='R=6, eta=3, skip_last=0', random_state=None, object_table=None,
+                 use_gpus=False, validation_table=None, metrics_compute_frequency=None,
+                 name=None, description=None, **kwargs):
+        self.schema_madlib = schema_madlib
+        self.source_table = source_table
+        self.model_output_table = model_output_table
+        if self.model_output_table:
+            self.model_info_table = add_postfix(self.model_output_table, '_info')
+            self.model_summary_table = add_postfix(self.model_output_table, '_summary')
+        self.model_arch_table = model_arch_table
+        self.model_selection_table = model_selection_table
+        self.model_selection_summary_table = add_postfix(
+            model_selection_table, "_summary")
+        self.model_id_list = sorted(list(set(model_id_list)))
+        self.compile_params_grid = compile_params_grid
+        self.fit_params_grid = fit_params_grid
+        MstLoaderInputValidator(
+            model_arch_table=self.model_arch_table,
+            model_selection_table=self.model_selection_table,
+            model_selection_summary_table=self.model_selection_summary_table,
+            model_id_list=self.model_id_list,
+            compile_params_list=compile_params_grid,
+            fit_params_list=fit_params_grid,
+            object_table=object_table,
+            module_name='madlib_keras_automl'
+        )
+        self.automl_method = automl_method
+        self.automl_params = automl_params
+        self.random_state = random_state
+        self.validate_and_define_inputs()
+        self.object_table = object_table
+        self.use_gpus = use_gpus
+        self.validation_table = validation_table
+        self.metrics_compute_frequency = metrics_compute_frequency
+ = name
+        self.description = description
+        if self.validation_table:
+            AutoMLSchema.LOSS_METRIC = 'validation_loss_final'
+        self.create_model_output_table()
+        self.create_model_output_info_table()
+        if AutoMLSchema.HYPERBAND.startswith(self.automl_method.lower()):
+            self.find_hyperband_config()
+    def create_model_output_table(self):
+        output_table_create_query = """
+                                    CREATE TABLE {self.model_output_table}
+                                    ({ModelSelectionSchema.MST_KEY} INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+                                     {ModelArchSchema.MODEL_WEIGHTS} BYTEA,
+                                     {ModelArchSchema.MODEL_ARCH} JSON)
+                                    """.format(self=self, ModelSelectionSchema=ModelSelectionSchema,
+                                               ModelArchSchema=ModelArchSchema)
+        with MinWarning('warning'):
+            plpy.execute(output_table_create_query)
+    def create_model_output_info_table(self):
+        info_table_create_query = """
+                                  CREATE TABLE {self.model_info_table}
+                                  ({ModelSelectionSchema.MST_KEY} INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+                                   {ModelArchSchema.MODEL_ID} INTEGER,
+                                   {ModelSelectionSchema.COMPILE_PARAMS} TEXT,
+                                   {ModelSelectionSchema.FIT_PARAMS} TEXT,
+                                   model_type TEXT,
+                                   model_size DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   metrics_elapsed_time DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   metrics_type TEXT[],
+                                   training_metrics_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   training_loss_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   training_metrics DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   training_loss DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   validation_metrics_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   validation_loss_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   validation_metrics DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   validation_loss DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   {AutoMLSchema.METRICS_ITERS} INTEGER[])
+                                       """.format(self=self, ModelSelectionSchema=ModelSelectionSchema,
+                                                  ModelArchSchema=ModelArchSchema, AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema)
+        with MinWarning('warning'):
+            plpy.execute(info_table_create_query)
+    def validate_and_define_inputs(self):
+        if AutoMLSchema.HYPERBAND.startswith(self.automl_method.lower()):
+            automl_params_dict = extract_keyvalue_params(self.automl_params,
+                                                         default_values={'R': 6, 'eta': 3, 'skip_last': 0},
+                                                         lower_case_names=False)
+            # casting dict values to int
+            for i in automl_params_dict:
+                automl_params_dict[i] = int(automl_params_dict[i])
+            _assert(len(automl_params_dict) >= 1 or len(automl_params_dict) <= 3,
+                    "DL: Only R, eta, and skip_last may be specified")
+            for i in automl_params_dict:
+                if i == AutoMLSchema.R:
+                    self.R = automl_params_dict[AutoMLSchema.R]
+                elif i == AutoMLSchema.ETA:
+                    self.eta = automl_params_dict[AutoMLSchema.ETA]
+                elif i == AutoMLSchema.SKIP_LAST:
+                    self.skip_last = automl_params_dict[AutoMLSchema.SKIP_LAST]
+                else:
+                    plpy.error("DL: {0} is an invalid param".format(i))
+            _assert(self.eta > 1, "DL: eta must be greater than 1")
+            _assert(self.R >= self.eta, "DL: R should not be less than eta")
+            self.s_max = int(math.floor(math.log(self.R, self.eta)))
+            _assert(self.skip_last >= 0 and self.skip_last < self.s_max+1, "DL: skip_last must be " +
+                    "non-negative and less than {0}".format(self.s_max))
+            # total number of resources/iterations (without reuse) per execution of Succesive Halving (n,r)
+            self.B = (self.s_max + 1) * self.R
+        else:
+            plpy.error("DL: Only hyperband is currently supported as the automl method")
+    def _is_valid_metrics_compute_frequency(self, num_iterations):
+        """
+        Utility function (same as that in the Fit Multiple function) to check validity of mcf value for computing
+        metrics during an AutoML algorithm run.
+        :param num_iterations: interations/resources to allocate for training.
+        :return: boolean on validity of the mcf value.
+        """
+        return self.metrics_compute_frequency is None or \
+               (self.metrics_compute_frequency >= 1 and \
+                self.metrics_compute_frequency <= num_iterations)
+    def find_hyperband_config(self):
+        """
+        Runs the diagonal hyperband algorithm.
+        """
+        initial_vals = {}
+        # get hyper parameter configs for each s
+        for s in reversed(range(self.s_max+1)):
+            n = int(math.ceil(int(self.B/self.R/(s+1))*math.pow(self.eta, s))) # initial number of configurations
+            r = self.R * math.pow(self.eta, -s) # initial number of iterations to run configurations for
+            initial_vals[s] = (n, int(round(r)))
+        self.start_training_time = self.get_current_timestamp()
+        random_search = MstSearch(self.model_arch_table, self.model_selection_table, self.model_id_list,
+                                  self.compile_params_grid, self.fit_params_grid, 'random',
+                                  sum([initial_vals[k][0] for k in initial_vals][self.skip_last:]), self.random_state,
+                                  self.object_table)
+        random_search.load() # for populating mst tables
+        # for creating the summary table for usage in fit multiple
+        plpy.execute("CREATE TABLE {AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_SUMMARY_TABLE} AS " \
+                     "SELECT * FROM {random_search.model_selection_summary_table}".format(
+            AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema, random_search=random_search))
+        ranges_dict = self.mst_key_ranges_dict(initial_vals)
+        # outer loop on diagonal
+        for i in range((self.s_max+1) - int(self.skip_last)):
+            # inner loop on s desc
+            temp_lst = []
+            configs_prune_lookup = {}
+            for s in range(self.s_max, self.s_max-i-1, -1):
+                n = initial_vals[s][0]
+                n_i = n * math.pow(self.eta, -i+self.s_max-s)
+                configs_prune_lookup[s] = int(round(n_i))
+                temp_lst.append("{0} configs under bracket={1} & round={2}".format(int(n_i), s, s-self.s_max+i))
+  '*** Diagonally evaluating ' + ', '.join(temp_lst) + ' with {0} iterations ***'.format(
+                int(initial_vals[self.s_max-i][1])))
+            self.reconstruct_temp_mst_table(i, ranges_dict, configs_prune_lookup)
+            self.warm_start = int(i != 0)
+            num_iterations = int(initial_vals[self.s_max-i][1])
+            mcf = self.metrics_compute_frequency if self._is_valid_metrics_compute_frequency(num_iterations) else None
+            model_training = FitMultipleModel(self.schema_madlib, self.source_table, AutoMLSchema.TEMP_OUTPUT_TABLE,
+                                              AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_TABLE, num_iterations, self.use_gpus,
+                                              self.validation_table, mcf, self.warm_start,, self.description)
+            self.update_model_output_table(model_training)
+            self.update_model_output_info_table(i, model_training,initial_vals)
+        self.end_training_time = self.get_current_timestamp()
+        self.update_model_selection_table()
+        self.generate_model_output_summary_table(model_training)
+        self.remove_temp_tables(model_training)
+    def get_current_timestamp(self):
+        """for start and end times for the chosen AutoML algorithm. Showcased in the output summary table"""
+        return datetime.fromtimestamp(time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+    def mst_key_ranges_dict(self, initial_vals):
+        """
+        Extracts the ranges of model configs (using mst_keys) belonging to / sampled as part of
+        executing a particular SHA bracket.
+        """
+        d = {}
+        for s_val in sorted(initial_vals.keys(), reverse=True): # going from s_max to 0
+            if s_val == self.s_max:
+                d[s_val] = (1, initial_vals[s_val][0])
+            else:
+                d[s_val] = (d[s_val+1][1]+1, d[s_val+1][1]+initial_vals[s_val][0])
+        return d
+    def reconstruct_temp_mst_table(self, i, ranges_dict, configs_prune_lookup):
+        """
+        Drops and Reconstructs a temp mst table for evaluation along particular diagonals of hyperband.
+        :param i: outer diagonal loop iteration.
+        :param ranges_dict: model config ranges to group by bracket number.
+        :param configs_prune_lookup: Lookup dictionary for configs to evaluate for a diagonal.
+        :return:
+        """
+        if i == 0:
+            _assert_equal(len(configs_prune_lookup), 1, "invalid args")
+            lower_bound, upper_bound = ranges_dict[self.s_max]
+            plpy.execute("CREATE TABLE {AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_TABLE} AS SELECT * FROM {self.model_selection_table} "
+                         "WHERE mst_key >= {lower_bound} AND mst_key <= {upper_bound}".format(self=self,
+                                                                                              AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema,
+                                                                                              lower_bound=lower_bound,
+                                                                                              upper_bound=upper_bound,))
+            return
+        # dropping and repopulating temp_mst_table
+        drop_tables([AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_TABLE])
+        # {mst_key} changed from SERIAL to INTEGER for safe insertions and preservation of mst_key values
+        create_query = """
+                        CREATE TABLE {AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_TABLE} (
+                            {mst_key} INTEGER,
+                            {model_id} INTEGER,
+                            {compile_params} VARCHAR,
+                            {fit_params} VARCHAR,
+                            unique ({model_id}, {compile_params}, {fit_params})
+                        );
+                       """.format(AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema,
+                                  mst_key=ModelSelectionSchema.MST_KEY,
+                                  model_id=ModelSelectionSchema.MODEL_ID,
+                                  compile_params=ModelSelectionSchema.COMPILE_PARAMS,
+                                  fit_params=ModelSelectionSchema.FIT_PARAMS)
+        with MinWarning('warning'):
+            plpy.execute(create_query)
+        query = ""
+        new_configs = True
+        for s_val in configs_prune_lookup:
+            lower_bound, upper_bound = ranges_dict[s_val]
+            if new_configs:
+                query += "INSERT INTO {AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_TABLE} SELECT mst_key, model_id, compile_params, fit_params " \
+                         "FROM {self.model_selection_table} WHERE mst_key >= {lower_bound} " \
+                         "AND mst_key <= {upper_bound};".format(self=self, AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema,
+                                                                lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound)
+                new_configs = False
+            else:
+                query += "INSERT INTO {AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_TABLE} SELECT mst_key, model_id, compile_params, fit_params " \
+                         "FROM {self.model_info_table} WHERE mst_key >= {lower_bound} " \
+                         "AND mst_key <= {upper_bound} ORDER BY {AutoMLSchema.LOSS_METRIC} " \
+                         "LIMIT {configs_prune_lookup_val};".format(self=self, AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema,
+                                                                    lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound,
+                                                                    configs_prune_lookup_val=configs_prune_lookup[s_val])
+        plpy.execute(query)
+    def update_model_output_table(self, model_training):
+        """
+        Updates gathered information of a hyperband diagonal run to the overall model output table.
+        :param model_training: Fit Multiple function call object.
+        """
+        # updates model weights for any previously trained configs
+        plpy.execute("UPDATE {self.model_output_table} a SET model_weights="

Review comment:
       UPDATE is essentially DELETE/INSERT. In the past we saw that updating the table just doubles the size of the table since it is inside a UDF(single transaction). If this table is going to hold mst_key's >= the number of segments and update those many keys every diagonal that it trains, I think instead of calling update we should Truncate the table and Insert into it.

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/madlib_keras_automl.py_in
@@ -138,3 +156,389 @@ class HyperbandSchedule():
+class KerasAutoML():
+    """The core AutoML function for running AutoML algorithms such as Hyperband.
+    This function executes the hyperband rounds 'diagonally' to evaluate multiple configurations together
+    and leverage the compute power of MPP databases such as Greenplum.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, schema_madlib, source_table, model_output_table, model_arch_table, model_selection_table,
+                 model_id_list, compile_params_grid, fit_params_grid, automl_method='hyperband',
+                 automl_params='R=6, eta=3, skip_last=0', random_state=None, object_table=None,
+                 use_gpus=False, validation_table=None, metrics_compute_frequency=None,
+                 name=None, description=None, **kwargs):
+        self.schema_madlib = schema_madlib
+        self.source_table = source_table
+        self.model_output_table = model_output_table
+        if self.model_output_table:
+            self.model_info_table = add_postfix(self.model_output_table, '_info')
+            self.model_summary_table = add_postfix(self.model_output_table, '_summary')
+        self.model_arch_table = model_arch_table
+        self.model_selection_table = model_selection_table
+        self.model_selection_summary_table = add_postfix(
+            model_selection_table, "_summary")
+        self.model_id_list = sorted(list(set(model_id_list)))
+        self.compile_params_grid = compile_params_grid
+        self.fit_params_grid = fit_params_grid
+        MstLoaderInputValidator(
+            model_arch_table=self.model_arch_table,
+            model_selection_table=self.model_selection_table,
+            model_selection_summary_table=self.model_selection_summary_table,
+            model_id_list=self.model_id_list,
+            compile_params_list=compile_params_grid,
+            fit_params_list=fit_params_grid,
+            object_table=object_table,
+            module_name='madlib_keras_automl'
+        )
+        self.automl_method = automl_method
+        self.automl_params = automl_params
+        self.random_state = random_state
+        self.validate_and_define_inputs()
+        self.object_table = object_table
+        self.use_gpus = use_gpus
+        self.validation_table = validation_table
+        self.metrics_compute_frequency = metrics_compute_frequency
+ = name
+        self.description = description
+        if self.validation_table:
+            AutoMLSchema.LOSS_METRIC = 'validation_loss_final'
+        self.create_model_output_table()
+        self.create_model_output_info_table()
+        if AutoMLSchema.HYPERBAND.startswith(self.automl_method.lower()):
+            self.find_hyperband_config()
+    def create_model_output_table(self):
+        output_table_create_query = """
+                                    CREATE TABLE {self.model_output_table}
+                                    ({ModelSelectionSchema.MST_KEY} INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+                                     {ModelArchSchema.MODEL_WEIGHTS} BYTEA,
+                                     {ModelArchSchema.MODEL_ARCH} JSON)
+                                    """.format(self=self, ModelSelectionSchema=ModelSelectionSchema,
+                                               ModelArchSchema=ModelArchSchema)
+        with MinWarning('warning'):
+            plpy.execute(output_table_create_query)
+    def create_model_output_info_table(self):
+        info_table_create_query = """
+                                  CREATE TABLE {self.model_info_table}
+                                  ({ModelSelectionSchema.MST_KEY} INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+                                   {ModelArchSchema.MODEL_ID} INTEGER,
+                                   {ModelSelectionSchema.COMPILE_PARAMS} TEXT,
+                                   {ModelSelectionSchema.FIT_PARAMS} TEXT,
+                                   model_type TEXT,
+                                   model_size DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   metrics_elapsed_time DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   metrics_type TEXT[],
+                                   training_metrics_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   training_loss_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   training_metrics DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   training_loss DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   validation_metrics_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   validation_loss_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   validation_metrics DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   validation_loss DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   {AutoMLSchema.METRICS_ITERS} INTEGER[])
+                                       """.format(self=self, ModelSelectionSchema=ModelSelectionSchema,
+                                                  ModelArchSchema=ModelArchSchema, AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema)
+        with MinWarning('warning'):
+            plpy.execute(info_table_create_query)
+    def validate_and_define_inputs(self):
+        if AutoMLSchema.HYPERBAND.startswith(self.automl_method.lower()):
+            automl_params_dict = extract_keyvalue_params(self.automl_params,
+                                                         default_values={'R': 6, 'eta': 3, 'skip_last': 0},
+                                                         lower_case_names=False)
+            # casting dict values to int
+            for i in automl_params_dict:
+                automl_params_dict[i] = int(automl_params_dict[i])
+            _assert(len(automl_params_dict) >= 1 or len(automl_params_dict) <= 3,
+                    "DL: Only R, eta, and skip_last may be specified")
+            for i in automl_params_dict:
+                if i == AutoMLSchema.R:
+                    self.R = automl_params_dict[AutoMLSchema.R]
+                elif i == AutoMLSchema.ETA:
+                    self.eta = automl_params_dict[AutoMLSchema.ETA]
+                elif i == AutoMLSchema.SKIP_LAST:
+                    self.skip_last = automl_params_dict[AutoMLSchema.SKIP_LAST]
+                else:
+                    plpy.error("DL: {0} is an invalid param".format(i))
+            _assert(self.eta > 1, "DL: eta must be greater than 1")
+            _assert(self.R >= self.eta, "DL: R should not be less than eta")
+            self.s_max = int(math.floor(math.log(self.R, self.eta)))
+            _assert(self.skip_last >= 0 and self.skip_last < self.s_max+1, "DL: skip_last must be " +
+                    "non-negative and less than {0}".format(self.s_max))
+            # total number of resources/iterations (without reuse) per execution of Succesive Halving (n,r)
+            self.B = (self.s_max + 1) * self.R
+        else:
+            plpy.error("DL: Only hyperband is currently supported as the automl method")
+    def _is_valid_metrics_compute_frequency(self, num_iterations):
+        """
+        Utility function (same as that in the Fit Multiple function) to check validity of mcf value for computing
+        metrics during an AutoML algorithm run.
+        :param num_iterations: interations/resources to allocate for training.
+        :return: boolean on validity of the mcf value.
+        """
+        return self.metrics_compute_frequency is None or \
+               (self.metrics_compute_frequency >= 1 and \
+                self.metrics_compute_frequency <= num_iterations)
+    def find_hyperband_config(self):
+        """
+        Runs the diagonal hyperband algorithm.
+        """
+        initial_vals = {}
+        # get hyper parameter configs for each s
+        for s in reversed(range(self.s_max+1)):
+            n = int(math.ceil(int(self.B/self.R/(s+1))*math.pow(self.eta, s))) # initial number of configurations
+            r = self.R * math.pow(self.eta, -s) # initial number of iterations to run configurations for
+            initial_vals[s] = (n, int(round(r)))
+        self.start_training_time = self.get_current_timestamp()
+        random_search = MstSearch(self.model_arch_table, self.model_selection_table, self.model_id_list,
+                                  self.compile_params_grid, self.fit_params_grid, 'random',
+                                  sum([initial_vals[k][0] for k in initial_vals][self.skip_last:]), self.random_state,
+                                  self.object_table)
+        random_search.load() # for populating mst tables
+        # for creating the summary table for usage in fit multiple
+        plpy.execute("CREATE TABLE {AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_SUMMARY_TABLE} AS " \
+                     "SELECT * FROM {random_search.model_selection_summary_table}".format(
+            AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema, random_search=random_search))
+        ranges_dict = self.mst_key_ranges_dict(initial_vals)
+        # outer loop on diagonal
+        for i in range((self.s_max+1) - int(self.skip_last)):
+            # inner loop on s desc
+            temp_lst = []
+            configs_prune_lookup = {}
+            for s in range(self.s_max, self.s_max-i-1, -1):
+                n = initial_vals[s][0]
+                n_i = n * math.pow(self.eta, -i+self.s_max-s)
+                configs_prune_lookup[s] = int(round(n_i))
+                temp_lst.append("{0} configs under bracket={1} & round={2}".format(int(n_i), s, s-self.s_max+i))
+  '*** Diagonally evaluating ' + ', '.join(temp_lst) + ' with {0} iterations ***'.format(
+                int(initial_vals[self.s_max-i][1])))
+            self.reconstruct_temp_mst_table(i, ranges_dict, configs_prune_lookup)
+            self.warm_start = int(i != 0)
+            num_iterations = int(initial_vals[self.s_max-i][1])
+            mcf = self.metrics_compute_frequency if self._is_valid_metrics_compute_frequency(num_iterations) else None
+            model_training = FitMultipleModel(self.schema_madlib, self.source_table, AutoMLSchema.TEMP_OUTPUT_TABLE,

Review comment:
       The `FitMultipleModel` goes through additional validation logic of mst_table, output_table etc. for every diagonal that we are exploring, can we initialize the object(model_training) once and just call `model_training.run_training()` for each diagonal 

File path: src/ports/postgres/modules/deep_learning/madlib_keras_automl.py_in
@@ -138,3 +156,389 @@ class HyperbandSchedule():
+class KerasAutoML():
+    """The core AutoML function for running AutoML algorithms such as Hyperband.
+    This function executes the hyperband rounds 'diagonally' to evaluate multiple configurations together
+    and leverage the compute power of MPP databases such as Greenplum.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, schema_madlib, source_table, model_output_table, model_arch_table, model_selection_table,
+                 model_id_list, compile_params_grid, fit_params_grid, automl_method='hyperband',
+                 automl_params='R=6, eta=3, skip_last=0', random_state=None, object_table=None,
+                 use_gpus=False, validation_table=None, metrics_compute_frequency=None,
+                 name=None, description=None, **kwargs):
+        self.schema_madlib = schema_madlib
+        self.source_table = source_table
+        self.model_output_table = model_output_table
+        if self.model_output_table:
+            self.model_info_table = add_postfix(self.model_output_table, '_info')
+            self.model_summary_table = add_postfix(self.model_output_table, '_summary')
+        self.model_arch_table = model_arch_table
+        self.model_selection_table = model_selection_table
+        self.model_selection_summary_table = add_postfix(
+            model_selection_table, "_summary")
+        self.model_id_list = sorted(list(set(model_id_list)))
+        self.compile_params_grid = compile_params_grid
+        self.fit_params_grid = fit_params_grid
+        MstLoaderInputValidator(
+            model_arch_table=self.model_arch_table,
+            model_selection_table=self.model_selection_table,
+            model_selection_summary_table=self.model_selection_summary_table,
+            model_id_list=self.model_id_list,
+            compile_params_list=compile_params_grid,
+            fit_params_list=fit_params_grid,
+            object_table=object_table,
+            module_name='madlib_keras_automl'
+        )
+        self.automl_method = automl_method
+        self.automl_params = automl_params
+        self.random_state = random_state
+        self.validate_and_define_inputs()
+        self.object_table = object_table
+        self.use_gpus = use_gpus
+        self.validation_table = validation_table
+        self.metrics_compute_frequency = metrics_compute_frequency
+ = name
+        self.description = description
+        if self.validation_table:
+            AutoMLSchema.LOSS_METRIC = 'validation_loss_final'
+        self.create_model_output_table()
+        self.create_model_output_info_table()
+        if AutoMLSchema.HYPERBAND.startswith(self.automl_method.lower()):
+            self.find_hyperband_config()
+    def create_model_output_table(self):
+        output_table_create_query = """
+                                    CREATE TABLE {self.model_output_table}
+                                    ({ModelSelectionSchema.MST_KEY} INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+                                     {ModelArchSchema.MODEL_WEIGHTS} BYTEA,
+                                     {ModelArchSchema.MODEL_ARCH} JSON)
+                                    """.format(self=self, ModelSelectionSchema=ModelSelectionSchema,
+                                               ModelArchSchema=ModelArchSchema)
+        with MinWarning('warning'):
+            plpy.execute(output_table_create_query)
+    def create_model_output_info_table(self):
+        info_table_create_query = """
+                                  CREATE TABLE {self.model_info_table}
+                                  ({ModelSelectionSchema.MST_KEY} INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+                                   {ModelArchSchema.MODEL_ID} INTEGER,
+                                   {ModelSelectionSchema.COMPILE_PARAMS} TEXT,
+                                   {ModelSelectionSchema.FIT_PARAMS} TEXT,
+                                   model_type TEXT,
+                                   model_size DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   metrics_elapsed_time DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   metrics_type TEXT[],
+                                   training_metrics_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   training_loss_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   training_metrics DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   training_loss DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   validation_metrics_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   validation_loss_final DOUBLE PRECISION,
+                                   validation_metrics DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   validation_loss DOUBLE PRECISION[],
+                                   {AutoMLSchema.METRICS_ITERS} INTEGER[])
+                                       """.format(self=self, ModelSelectionSchema=ModelSelectionSchema,
+                                                  ModelArchSchema=ModelArchSchema, AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema)
+        with MinWarning('warning'):
+            plpy.execute(info_table_create_query)
+    def validate_and_define_inputs(self):
+        if AutoMLSchema.HYPERBAND.startswith(self.automl_method.lower()):
+            automl_params_dict = extract_keyvalue_params(self.automl_params,
+                                                         default_values={'R': 6, 'eta': 3, 'skip_last': 0},
+                                                         lower_case_names=False)
+            # casting dict values to int
+            for i in automl_params_dict:
+                automl_params_dict[i] = int(automl_params_dict[i])
+            _assert(len(automl_params_dict) >= 1 or len(automl_params_dict) <= 3,
+                    "DL: Only R, eta, and skip_last may be specified")
+            for i in automl_params_dict:
+                if i == AutoMLSchema.R:
+                    self.R = automl_params_dict[AutoMLSchema.R]
+                elif i == AutoMLSchema.ETA:
+                    self.eta = automl_params_dict[AutoMLSchema.ETA]
+                elif i == AutoMLSchema.SKIP_LAST:
+                    self.skip_last = automl_params_dict[AutoMLSchema.SKIP_LAST]
+                else:
+                    plpy.error("DL: {0} is an invalid param".format(i))
+            _assert(self.eta > 1, "DL: eta must be greater than 1")
+            _assert(self.R >= self.eta, "DL: R should not be less than eta")
+            self.s_max = int(math.floor(math.log(self.R, self.eta)))
+            _assert(self.skip_last >= 0 and self.skip_last < self.s_max+1, "DL: skip_last must be " +
+                    "non-negative and less than {0}".format(self.s_max))
+            # total number of resources/iterations (without reuse) per execution of Succesive Halving (n,r)
+            self.B = (self.s_max + 1) * self.R
+        else:
+            plpy.error("DL: Only hyperband is currently supported as the automl method")
+    def _is_valid_metrics_compute_frequency(self, num_iterations):
+        """
+        Utility function (same as that in the Fit Multiple function) to check validity of mcf value for computing
+        metrics during an AutoML algorithm run.
+        :param num_iterations: interations/resources to allocate for training.
+        :return: boolean on validity of the mcf value.
+        """
+        return self.metrics_compute_frequency is None or \
+               (self.metrics_compute_frequency >= 1 and \
+                self.metrics_compute_frequency <= num_iterations)
+    def find_hyperband_config(self):
+        """
+        Runs the diagonal hyperband algorithm.
+        """
+        initial_vals = {}
+        # get hyper parameter configs for each s
+        for s in reversed(range(self.s_max+1)):
+            n = int(math.ceil(int(self.B/self.R/(s+1))*math.pow(self.eta, s))) # initial number of configurations
+            r = self.R * math.pow(self.eta, -s) # initial number of iterations to run configurations for
+            initial_vals[s] = (n, int(round(r)))
+        self.start_training_time = self.get_current_timestamp()
+        random_search = MstSearch(self.model_arch_table, self.model_selection_table, self.model_id_list,
+                                  self.compile_params_grid, self.fit_params_grid, 'random',
+                                  sum([initial_vals[k][0] for k in initial_vals][self.skip_last:]), self.random_state,
+                                  self.object_table)
+        random_search.load() # for populating mst tables
+        # for creating the summary table for usage in fit multiple
+        plpy.execute("CREATE TABLE {AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_SUMMARY_TABLE} AS " \
+                     "SELECT * FROM {random_search.model_selection_summary_table}".format(
+            AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema, random_search=random_search))
+        ranges_dict = self.mst_key_ranges_dict(initial_vals)
+        # outer loop on diagonal
+        for i in range((self.s_max+1) - int(self.skip_last)):
+            # inner loop on s desc
+            temp_lst = []
+            configs_prune_lookup = {}
+            for s in range(self.s_max, self.s_max-i-1, -1):
+                n = initial_vals[s][0]
+                n_i = n * math.pow(self.eta, -i+self.s_max-s)
+                configs_prune_lookup[s] = int(round(n_i))
+                temp_lst.append("{0} configs under bracket={1} & round={2}".format(int(n_i), s, s-self.s_max+i))
+  '*** Diagonally evaluating ' + ', '.join(temp_lst) + ' with {0} iterations ***'.format(
+                int(initial_vals[self.s_max-i][1])))
+            self.reconstruct_temp_mst_table(i, ranges_dict, configs_prune_lookup)
+            self.warm_start = int(i != 0)
+            num_iterations = int(initial_vals[self.s_max-i][1])
+            mcf = self.metrics_compute_frequency if self._is_valid_metrics_compute_frequency(num_iterations) else None
+            model_training = FitMultipleModel(self.schema_madlib, self.source_table, AutoMLSchema.TEMP_OUTPUT_TABLE,
+                                              AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_TABLE, num_iterations, self.use_gpus,
+                                              self.validation_table, mcf, self.warm_start,, self.description)
+            self.update_model_output_table(model_training)
+            self.update_model_output_info_table(i, model_training,initial_vals)
+        self.end_training_time = self.get_current_timestamp()
+        self.update_model_selection_table()
+        self.generate_model_output_summary_table(model_training)
+        self.remove_temp_tables(model_training)
+    def get_current_timestamp(self):
+        """for start and end times for the chosen AutoML algorithm. Showcased in the output summary table"""
+        return datetime.fromtimestamp(time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+    def mst_key_ranges_dict(self, initial_vals):
+        """
+        Extracts the ranges of model configs (using mst_keys) belonging to / sampled as part of
+        executing a particular SHA bracket.
+        """
+        d = {}
+        for s_val in sorted(initial_vals.keys(), reverse=True): # going from s_max to 0
+            if s_val == self.s_max:
+                d[s_val] = (1, initial_vals[s_val][0])
+            else:
+                d[s_val] = (d[s_val+1][1]+1, d[s_val+1][1]+initial_vals[s_val][0])
+        return d
+    def reconstruct_temp_mst_table(self, i, ranges_dict, configs_prune_lookup):
+        """
+        Drops and Reconstructs a temp mst table for evaluation along particular diagonals of hyperband.
+        :param i: outer diagonal loop iteration.
+        :param ranges_dict: model config ranges to group by bracket number.
+        :param configs_prune_lookup: Lookup dictionary for configs to evaluate for a diagonal.
+        :return:
+        """
+        if i == 0:
+            _assert_equal(len(configs_prune_lookup), 1, "invalid args")
+            lower_bound, upper_bound = ranges_dict[self.s_max]
+            plpy.execute("CREATE TABLE {AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_TABLE} AS SELECT * FROM {self.model_selection_table} "
+                         "WHERE mst_key >= {lower_bound} AND mst_key <= {upper_bound}".format(self=self,
+                                                                                              AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema,
+                                                                                              lower_bound=lower_bound,
+                                                                                              upper_bound=upper_bound,))
+            return
+        # dropping and repopulating temp_mst_table
+        drop_tables([AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_TABLE])
+        # {mst_key} changed from SERIAL to INTEGER for safe insertions and preservation of mst_key values
+        create_query = """
+                        CREATE TABLE {AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_TABLE} (
+                            {mst_key} INTEGER,
+                            {model_id} INTEGER,
+                            {compile_params} VARCHAR,
+                            {fit_params} VARCHAR,
+                            unique ({model_id}, {compile_params}, {fit_params})
+                        );
+                       """.format(AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema,
+                                  mst_key=ModelSelectionSchema.MST_KEY,
+                                  model_id=ModelSelectionSchema.MODEL_ID,
+                                  compile_params=ModelSelectionSchema.COMPILE_PARAMS,
+                                  fit_params=ModelSelectionSchema.FIT_PARAMS)
+        with MinWarning('warning'):
+            plpy.execute(create_query)
+        query = ""
+        new_configs = True
+        for s_val in configs_prune_lookup:
+            lower_bound, upper_bound = ranges_dict[s_val]
+            if new_configs:
+                query += "INSERT INTO {AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_TABLE} SELECT mst_key, model_id, compile_params, fit_params " \
+                         "FROM {self.model_selection_table} WHERE mst_key >= {lower_bound} " \
+                         "AND mst_key <= {upper_bound};".format(self=self, AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema,
+                                                                lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound)
+                new_configs = False
+            else:
+                query += "INSERT INTO {AutoMLSchema.TEMP_MST_TABLE} SELECT mst_key, model_id, compile_params, fit_params " \
+                         "FROM {self.model_info_table} WHERE mst_key >= {lower_bound} " \
+                         "AND mst_key <= {upper_bound} ORDER BY {AutoMLSchema.LOSS_METRIC} " \
+                         "LIMIT {configs_prune_lookup_val};".format(self=self, AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema,
+                                                                    lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound,
+                                                                    configs_prune_lookup_val=configs_prune_lookup[s_val])
+        plpy.execute(query)
+    def update_model_output_table(self, model_training):
+        """
+        Updates gathered information of a hyperband diagonal run to the overall model output table.
+        :param model_training: Fit Multiple function call object.
+        """
+        # updates model weights for any previously trained configs
+        plpy.execute("UPDATE {self.model_output_table} a SET model_weights="
+                     "t.model_weights FROM {model_training.original_model_output_table} t " \
+                     "WHERE a.mst_key=t.mst_key".format(self=self, model_training=model_training))
+        # inserts any newly trained configs
+        plpy.execute("INSERT INTO {self.model_output_table} SELECT * FROM {model_training.original_model_output_table} " \
+                     "WHERE {model_training.original_model_output_table}.mst_key NOT IN "
+                     "(SELECT mst_key FROM {self.model_output_table})".format(self=self,
+                                                                              model_training=model_training))
+    def update_model_output_info_table(self, i, model_training, initial_vals):
+        """
+        Updates gathered information of a hyperband diagonal run to the overall model output info table.
+        :param i: outer diagonal loop iteration.
+        :param model_training: Fit Multiple function call object.
+        :param initial_vals: Dictionary of initial configurations and resources as part of the initial hyperband
+        schedule.
+        """
+        # normalizing factor for metrics_iters due to warm start
+        epochs_factor = sum([n[1] for n in initial_vals.values()][::-1][:i])
+        iters = plpy.execute("SELECT {AutoMLSchema.METRICS_ITERS} " \
+                             "FROM {model_training.model_summary_table}".format(AutoMLSchema=AutoMLSchema,
+                                                                                model_training=model_training))
+        metrics_iters_val = [epochs_factor+mi for mi in iters[0]['metrics_iters']]
+        # casting same metrics_iters values for the fit_multiple run with the chosen configs
+        # in order to update overall info table later
+        plpy.execute("ALTER TABLE {model_training.model_info_table} " \

Review comment:
       why do we alter table add/drop column every diagonal that we explore? Alter table rewrites the entire table.
   We should avoid it since we only care to add the metrics_iters values into `self.model_info_table`

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