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Posted to by on 2002/11/17 09:16:04 UTC

cvs commit: xml-xindice/src/documentation/content/xdocs/dev book.xml guide-administrator.xml guide-commandline.xml guide-developer.xml guide-user.xml index.xml news.xml

vladimir    2002/11/17 00:16:03

  Added:       src/documentation/content/xdocs/dev book.xml
                        guide-administrator.xml guide-commandline.xml
                        guide-developer.xml guide-user.xml index.xml
  initial import
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  xml-xindice/src/documentation/content/xdocs/dev/book.xml
  Index: book.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Cocoon Documentation Book V1.0//EN" "book-cocoon-v10.dtd">
    - Version: $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2002/11/17 08:16:03 $
    - Author: Vladimir R. Bossicard (
  <book software="Xindice"
        title="Xindice development zone"
        copyright="2002 The Apache Foundation"
     <menu label="Project">
        <menu-item label="Overview" href="index.html"/>
        <menu-item label="News" href="news.html"/>
     <menu label="Documentation">
        <menu-item label="Administrator Guide" href="guide-administrator.html"/>
        <menu-item label="User Guide" href="guide-user.html"/>
        <menu-item label="Developer Guide" href="guide-developer.html"/>
        <menu-item label="Commandline Tool Guide" href="guide-commandline.html"/>
  1.1                  xml-xindice/src/documentation/content/xdocs/dev/guide-administrator.xml
  Index: guide-administrator.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
    - Version: $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2002/11/17 08:16:03 $
    - Author: Kimbro Staken (
        <title>Administrator guide</title>
           <person id="ks" name="Kimbro Staken" email=""/>
        <warning>This documentation is a work in progress and is only applicable to the CVS version of Xindice. There is absolutely no guarantee that this information is accurate. You have been warned.
           <title>Database Administration</title>
              Database administration of Xindice is accomplished from the command
              line using the
              <code>xindice</code> command. This command
              allows you to view and alter the database configuration on the fly
              on a running system. A complete list of available commands and more
              detail about each command can be found in the
              <link href="guide-tools.html">Command Line Tools Reference Guide</link>.
              <title>Managing Collections</title>
                 <title>Adding a Collection</title>
                    Adds a collection named products under the collection /db/data.
                 <source>xindice add_collection -c /db/data -n products</source>
                 <title>Deleting a Collection</title>
                 <p>Deletes the collection named products from the collection /db/data.</p>
                 <source>xindice delete_collection -c /db/data/products</source>
                 <title>Listing the Collections</title>
                 <p>This will display a list of all child collections under the collection /db/data</p>
                 <source>xindice list_collections -c /db/data</source>
              <title>Managing Indexes</title>
                 The Xindice indexing system allows you to define indexes to speed
                 performance on commonly used XPath queries. If no indexes are defined
                 you can still execute queries but performance will suffer
                 because the
                 query engine will need to scan the entire collection to create the
                 result node-set.
                 Indexes can be added using the
                 <title>Adding an Index</title>
                    Using this simple XML file you might want to index the product_id
                    element because searches for products by product_id are common.
  <?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
  <description&gt;Glazed Ham</description&gt;
                    This can be accomplished by running the following command.
                    This will create an index named idindex on all product_id
                    elements in the collection /db/data/catalog.
  xindice add_indexer -c /db/data/catalog -n idindex -p product_id
                    Once this is done the query engine will now use this index to
                    help resolve XPath queries that involve restriction on the
                    value of the product_id element.
                 The -p parameter to the command specifies the pattern to use in the
                 index. These patterns are used by the Indexing system to determine
                 best-fit and match-based Indexers for queries and index updating.
                 The pattern used
                 MUST resemble the following scheme.
  Pattern           Description
  =========== ====================================================
  elem                The value of the named element
  elem@attr       The value of the attribute for the named element
  *                      The value for all elements
  *@attr             The value of the named attribute for all elements
  elem@*           The value of all attributes for the named element
  *@*                 The value of all attributes for all elements
                 Note: In order to index a namespace other than the default
                 namespace, you must prepend your pattern components with a
                 URI placed in square brackets.  Example:
                 Do not include a prefix in these patterns, as the indexing
                 system, like most Namespace processing applications, processes
                 namespaced elements and attributes independently of the prefix
                 that is used.
                 <title>Indexing both Elements and Attributes</title>
                    Because the patterns recognize either an element or an attribute,
                    and not both, in order to index all element and attribute values
                    in a collection, you'd have to create two index entries. The *
                    pattern will index all elements and the *@* pattern will index
                    all attributes of all elements.
  xindice add_collection_indexer -c /db/data/catalog -n idindex -p '*'
  xindice add_collection_indexer -c /db/data/catalog -n idindex -p '*@*'
           Excessive use of wildcard indexes can adversely affect the
           performance of the indexing system. Best practice would be to use
           specific element or attribute indexes whenever possible, and only
           define wildcard indexes when it is absolutely necessary.
     <title>Server Administration</title>
        <title>Starting the Server</title>
           The server must be started from within the Xindice directory.
           A future revision of the server will fix this limitation.
           <title>Starting the Server on UNIX</title>
  cd Xindice
           <title>Starting the Server on Windows</title>
  cd Xindice
        <title>Stopping the Server</title>
           The Xindice server can be easily shutdown from the command line. You
           must provide the name of the server instance to shutdown.
           <title>Stopping the Server</title>
              This example assumes that the Xindice/bin directory
              is in your path.
  xindice shutdown -c /db
        <title>Backing up Your Data</title>
           Currently backing up Xindice consists of simply shutting down the
           server and copying the
           entire contents of the Xindice/db directory to the backup
           <title>Backing up the server</title>
              This example assumes that the Xindice/bin directory
              is in your path.
  cd Xindice
  xindice shutdown
  cp -pr db /backup/db
           <title>Restoring the Data</title>
              Restoring the data is simply removing the current database and
              reversing the backup process.
              This example assumes that the Xindice/bin directory
              is in your path.
  cd Xindice
  xindice shutdown
  rm -rf db
  cp -pr /backup/db db
        <title>Exporting the Contents of the Database</title>
           Xindice includes tools to export data to a directory hierarchy and to also import
           data from a directory hierarchy. Each directory in the hierachy corresponds to a
           collection in Xindice. Each XML document is stored in a separate file named with
           the key from the database.
           <title>Exporting the database</title>
              This example assumes that the Xindice/bin directory
              is in your path.
  xindice export -c /db/root -f /path/to/data
              The entire contents of the collection /db/root will be exported to the
              directory /path/to/data.
           <title>Importing the database</title>
              This example assumes that the Xindice/bin directory
              is in your path.
  xindice import -c /db  -f /path/to/data/root
              Each directory under /path/to/data will be used to create a collection and
              all XML documents in the hierarchy will be imported in to the database. You
              can also restrict the documents that are imported by adding -i and the
              extension of the files you want to import.
  1.1                  xml-xindice/src/documentation/content/xdocs/dev/guide-commandline.xml
  Index: guide-commandline.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
    - Version: $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2002/11/17 08:16:03 $
    - Author: Kimbro Staken (
        <title>Commandline Tool Guide</title>
           <person id="jk" name="Jay Kalafus" email=""/>
           <person id="ks" name="Kimbro Staken" email=""/>
        <warning>This documentation is a work in progress and is only applicable to the CVS version of Xindice. There is absolutely no guarantee that this information is accurate. You have been warned.
           <title>Collection Management Commands</title>
              <title>Adding a Collection</title>
                 Adds a new collection to the database. When adding a collection
                 under an existing collection hierarchy all parent collections must
                 already exist in the database.
                 <code>xindice add_collection-c
                    (or context)
                    (or name)
                    (or )
                    <td>Access Level:</td>
                    <code>-c</code> The collection context under which to create the new
                    <code>-n</code> The name of the collection to create
                    <code>-v</code> Show verbose output
                 <title>Creating a Top Level Collection</title>
  xindice add_collection -c /db -n pebbles
                 <title>Creating a Sub Collection Under an Existing Collection</title>
  xindice add_collection -c /db/pebbles -n boulder
              <title>Deleting a Collection</title>
                 Deletes a collection or subcollection from the database.  If deleting a collection that has subcollections and documents
                 they will also be deleted.
                 <code>xindice delete_collection-c
                    (or context)
                    (or name)
                    (or )
                    <td>Access Level:</td>
                    <code>-c</code> The collection context under which to delete the collection.
                    <code>-n</code> The name of the collection to delete.
                    <code>-v</code> Show verbose output
                 <title>Deleting a Top Level Collection</title>
  xindice delete_collection -c /db -n pebbles
                 <title>Deleting a Sub Collection</title>
  xindice delete_collection -c /db/pebbles -n boulder
              <title>List Collections</title>
                 List all collections under the collection context given.  If no collection is given then the root
                 collection will be asumed.
                 <code>xindice list_collections
                    (or context)
                    (or )
                    <td>Access Level:</td>
                    <code>-c</code> The collection context under which all sub collections are listed
                    <code>-v</code> Show verbose output
                 <title>Listing the Top Level Collections</title>
  xindice list_collections -c /db
                 <title>Listing a Sub Collection</title>
  xindice list_collections -c /db/pebbles
           <title>Document Management Commands</title>
              <title>Adding a Document</title>
                 Adds a document to a collection or nested collection.  Adding a document requires two parameters -
                 the collection it will be stored under, and the file path to the document.  If a document key
                 is not provided an auto-generated system key will be used for the document.  Documents cannot be added to
                 collections that do not already exist.  When entering the file path be sure to include the path and
                 file extension.
                 <code>xindice add_document-c
                    (or context)
                    (or file path)
                    (or key to assign to document)
                    (or )
                    <td>Access Level:</td>
                    <code>-c</code> The collection context under which to add the document
                    <code>-f</code> The complete file path to the document being added
                    <code>-n</code> The key to assign to the document
                    <code>-v</code> Show verbose output
                 <title>Adding a document to a collection with a key of "stones"</title>
  xindice add_document -c /db/pebbles -f /tmp/stones.xml -n stones
                 <title>Adding a document to the root collection with an automatically generated key</title>
  xindice add_document -c /db -f /tmp/bookmarks.xml
              <title>Adding Multiple Documents</title>
                 Adds multiple documents to a collection or a nested collection.  This command requires two arguments: the
                 collection to store the documents under and the directory path containing the documents.  Documents can be added
                 to collections as well as subcollections as long as they exist.  Documents added will be assigned their file name
                 as the document key.  The optional "extension" parameter can be used to import documents with a certain file extension.
                 Document keys are shown as they are created.
                 <code>xindice add_multiple_documents-c
                    (or context)
                    (or Directory to use )
                    (or file extenstion )
                    (or )
                    <td>Access Level:</td>
                    <code>-c</code> The collection context under which to add the documents
                    <code>-f</code> The path to the directory to import documents from
                    <code>-e</code> The file extension to use when importing documents
                    <code>-v</code> Show verbose output
                 <title>Adding all files from a directory to a collection</title>
  xindice add_multiple_documents -c /db/pebbles -f /tmp/mydocs
                 <title>Adding all files from a directory with an extension of ".xml" </title>
  xindice add_multiple_documents -c /db/pebbles -f /tmp/mydocs -e xml
              <title>Deleting a Document</title>
                 Deletes an existing document from a collection or nested collection within the database.
                 <code>xindice delete_document-c
                    (or context)
                    (or document key)
                    (or )
                    <td>Access Level:</td>
                    <code>-c</code> The collection context under which to delete the document
                    <code>-n</code> The key of the document to be deleted
                    <code>-v</code> Show verbose output
                 <title>Deleting a Document from a collection</title>
  xindice delete_document -c /db/pebbles -n stones
              <title>Retrieving a Document</title>
                 Retrieves an existing document from a collection or nested collection within the database.  The complete path where
                 the document will be stored is required.  If the file path passed in does not exist, it will be created .
                 If the file argument given already exists, it will be overwritten automatically.
                 <code>xindice retrieve_document-c
                    (or context)
                    (or document key)
                    (or file path and name )
                    (or )
                    <td>Access Level:</td>
                    <code>-c</code> The collection context under which to retrieve the document
                    <code>-n</code> The key of the document to be retrieved
                    <code>-f</code> The file path to store the document under
                    <code>-v</code> Show verbose output
                    <code>-u</code> The URI for the Xindice host to use.
                 <title>Retrieving a document from a collection</title>
  xindice retrieve_document -c /db/pebbles -n stones -f /tmp/stones.xml
              <title>Importing a Directory Tree</title>
                 Adds multiple documents into a collection or a nested collection within the database, copying the directory structure into
                 the database as collections.  This command is designed to take a directory and create a collection from it's name.
                 Directories under the directory will also be created as collections, duplicating the directory tree.  The files within the
                 specified directory are converted into Documents and then stored into the newly created collection with their filenames
                 as the document keys.  The optional "extension" parameter can be used to only import documents with a certain file extension.
                 If the collection name used already exists it will be overwritten.  Collection and document keys will are shown as they are created.
                 <code>xindice import-c
                    (or context)
                    (or file path and name )
                    (or file extenstion )
                    (or )
                    <td>Access Level:</td>
                    <code>-c</code> The collection context under which to import the documents
                    <code>-f</code> The path to the documents being added
                    <code>-e</code> The file extension to use when importing documents
                    <code>-v</code> Show verbose output
                 <title>Importing all directories and documents</title>
  xindice import -c /db/pebbles -f /tmp/flintstones
                 <title>Importing all directories and documents with an extension of ".xml" </title>
  xindice import -c /db/pebbles -f /tmp/flintstones -e xml
              <title>Exporting a Directory Tree</title>
                 Creates an identical directory tree from a collection including any subcollections.
                 The directory tree will be created starting at the directory passed in as an argument.
                 This command requires the collection which you are eporting and the directory to export to as arguments.
                 <code>xindice export-c
                    (or context)
                    (or directory path)
                    (or )
                    <td>Access Level:</td>
                    <code>-c</code> The collection context under which to export the document tree
                    <code>-f</code> The directory to create the collection structure under
                    <code>-v</code> Show verbose output
                 <title>Creating a directory tree indentical to a collection</title>
  xindice export -c /db/pebbles -f /tmp/pebbles
     <title>XMLObject Management Actions</title>
     <title>Adding a XMLObject</title>
        Adds a new XMLObject or nested XMLObject to the database.  Adding an XMLObject requires
        an implementing class and a name.  In order to add the XMLObject the collection that it is being added
        to must already exist.  to sucessfully complete this topertation, the implementing class must be in the server's classpath.
     <bridgehead renderas="sect2">Summary:</bridgehead>
        <command>xindice add_xmlobject</command>
        <arg choice="req">-c <replaceable>context</replaceable></arg>
        <arg choice="req">-i <replaceable>implementing class</replaceable></arg>
        <arg choice="req">-n <replaceable>object name </replaceable></arg>
        <arg choice="opt">-v <replaceable></replaceable></arg>
     <informaltable frame="none">
        <tgroup cols="2">
              <row><entry>Action:</entry><entry><command>add_xmlobject  </command></entry></row>
              <row><entry>Abberviated-Action:</entry><entry><command>ao  </command></entry></row>
              <row><entry>Access Level:</entry><entry>Admin  </entry></row>
     <bridgehead renderas="sect2">Parameters:</bridgehead>
           <command>-c</command> The collection context under which to add the XMLObject
           <command>-i</command> The fully qualified class name for the implementing class
           <command>-n</command> The name to assign to the XMLObject
           <command>-v</command> Show verbose output
     <bridgehead renderas="sect2">Examples:</bridgehead>
        <title>Create a XMLObject in the pebbles collection  </title>
           xindice add_xmlobject -c /db/pebbles -i example.XmlRockObject -n rockXMLObject
        <title>Create a XMLObject in a sub collection</title>
           xindice add_xmlobject -c /db/pebbles/boulder -i example.XmlRockObject -n rockXMLObject
     <title>Deleting a XMLObject</title>
        Deletes an XMLObject or nested XMLObject from the database.  Deleting an XMLObject requires the collection name and the
        XMLObject name.
     <bridgehead renderas="sect2">Summary:</bridgehead>
        <command>xindice delete_xmlobject</command>
        <arg choice="req">-c <replaceable>context</replaceable></arg>
        <arg choice="req">-n <replaceable>name </replaceable></arg>
        <arg choice="opt">-v <replaceable></replaceable></arg>
     <informaltable frame="none">
        <tgroup cols="2">
              <row><entry>Action:</entry><entry><command>delete_xmlobject  </command></entry></row>
              <row><entry>Abberviated-Action:</entry><entry><command>do </command></entry></row>
              <row><entry>Access Level:</entry><entry>Admin  </entry></row>
     <bridgehead renderas="sect2">Parameters:</bridgehead>
           <command>-c</command> The collection context under which to delete the XMLObject
           <command>-n</command> The name of the XMLObject to delete
           <command>-v</command> Show verbose output
     <bridgehead renderas="sect2">Examples:</bridgehead>
        <title>Delete an XMLObject in the pebbles collection  </title>
           xindice delete_xmlobject -c /db/pebbles -n rockXMLObject
        <title>Delete an XMLObject from the boulder sub collection</title>
           xindice delete_xmlobject -c /db/pebbles/boulder -n rockXMLObject
     <title>Listing XMLObjects</title>
        Lists all XMLObjects or nested XMLObjects in the database.  The listing of XMLObjects works in a similar fashion to
        listing collections.
     <bridgehead renderas="sect2">Summary:</bridgehead>
        <command>xindice lists_xmlobjects</command>
        <arg choice="req">-c <replaceable>context</replaceable></arg>
        <arg choice="opt">-v <replaceable></replaceable></arg>
     <informaltable frame="none">
        <tgroup cols="2">
              <row><entry>Action:</entry><entry><command>list_xmlobjects  </command></entry></row>
              <row><entry>Abberviated-Action:</entry><entry><command>lo </command></entry></row>
              <row><entry>Access Level:</entry><entry>User </entry></row>
     <bridgehead renderas="sect2">Parameters:</bridgehead>
           <command>-c</command> The collection context under which to list the XMLObjects
           <command>-v</command> Show verbose output
     <bridgehead renderas="sect2">Examples:</bridgehead>
        <title>List all XMLObjects in the pebbles collection  </title>
           xindice list_xmlobjects -c /db/pebbles
        <title>List all XMLObjects in the boulder sub collection</title>
           xindice list_xmlobjects -c /db/pebbles/boulder
     <title>Invoke an XMLObject</title>
        Allows the invocation of an XMLObject in the database.
        This command requires two arguments - the collection
        to invoke the object under and the URI for the XMLObject.
        The URI given can be either relative or the absolute path.
        (See the users guide for more information on URI's)
     <bridgehead renderas="sect2">Summary:</bridgehead>
        <command>xindice invoke</command>
        <arg choice="req">-c <replaceable>context</replaceable></arg>
        <arg choice="req">-o <replaceable>object URI</replaceable></arg>
        <arg choice="opt">-v <replaceable></replaceable></arg>
     <informaltable frame="none">
        <tgroup cols="2">
              <row><entry>Action:</entry><entry><command>invoke  </command></entry></row>
              <row><entry>Abberviated-Action:</entry><entry><command>invoke  </command></entry></row>
              <row><entry>Access Level:</entry><entry>User  </entry></row>
     <bridgehead renderas="sect2">Parameters:</bridgehead>
           <command>-c</command> The collection context under which to invoke the XMLObject
           <command>-o</command> The XMLObject that is being invoked
           <command>-v</command> Show verbose output
     <bridgehead renderas="sect2">Examples:</bridgehead>
        <title> Invoke the rockXMLObject in the pebbles collection</title>
           xindice invoke -c /db/pebbles -o rockXMLObject
           Invoke a rockXMLObject with a method named crush that takes a
           name parameter named rock
           xindice invoke -c /db/pebbles -o rockXMLObject/crush?rock=boulder
           <title>Collection Indexer Actions</title>
              <title>Adding a Collection Indexer</title>
                 Adds a new collection index or nested collection index to the database.  In order to add the collection index,
                 the collection it is being added to must already exist.  This command allows you to supply optional parameters
                 for setting the index page size, setting the maximum key size for the index, and the index data type.
                 <code>xindice add_indexer-c
                    (or context)
                    (or index name )
                    (or index pattern)
                    (or pagesize)
                    (or max key size)
                    (or  index type)
                    (or )
                    <td>Access Level:</td>
                    <code>-c</code> The collection context under which to add the indexer
                    <code>-n</code> The name of the index being added
                    <code>-p</code> The pattern used to create the index
                    <code>--maxkeysize</code> The MaxKeySize for the index ( default: 0 = none )
                    <code>--pagesize</code> The PageSize for the index ( default: 4096)
                    The data type for the index to create.  Possible values are:
                    <code><![CDATA[      string   Non-normalized string value
                    trimmed  Normalized (whitespace stripped) string value
                    short    16-bit signed short integer
                    int      32-bit signed integer
                    long     64-bit signed integer
                    float    32-bit floating point value
                    double   64-bit floating point value (XPath number)
                    byte     8-bit signed byte
                    char     16-bit signed character
                    boolean  8-bit boolean value
                    name     Store document keys that contain the pattern]]></code>
                    <code>-v</code> Show verbose output
                 <title>To create a collection index in the pebbles collection for docuemnts with a "rock" element</title>
  xindice add_indexer -c /db/pebbles -n rockindex -p rock
                 <title>To create a collection index in the boulder sub collection for documents containing a rock elements with an attribute of "hard"</title>
  xindice add_indexer -c /db/pebbles/boulder -n hardindex -p rock@type
              <title>Deleting a Collection Indexer</title>
                 Deletes a collection index or a nested collection index from the database.  Deleting an index requires the collection and index name.
                 If a collection index is deleted, the collection will still remain.
                 <code>xindice delete_indexer-c
                    (or context)
                    (or index name)
                    (or )
                       <code>delete_indexer  </code>
                       <code>di  </code>
                    <td>Access Level:</td>
                    <td>Admin  </td>
                    <code>-c</code> The collection context under which to delete the index
                    <code>-n</code> The name of the indexer being deleted
                    <code>-v</code> Show verbose output
                 <title>Delete a collecion index in the pebbles collection</title>
  xindice delete_indexer -c /db/pebbles -n hardindex
              <title>Listing Collection Indexers</title>
                 Lists all collection indexers or nested collection indexes in the database.  The listing of indexes works
                 in a similar fashion to listing collections
                 <code>xindice list_indexers-c
                    (or context)
                    (or )
                    <td>Access Level:</td>
                    <code>-c</code> The collection context under which to list the indexers
                    <code>-v</code> Show verbose output
                 <title>To list all collection indexes from the pebbles collection  </title>
  xindice list_indexers -c /db/pebbles
           <title>Xpath Query Actions</title>
              <title>Executing an Xpath Query against a Collection</title>
                 Execute an Xpath query against a collection or nested collection.  The command requires two arguments : the collection to
                 query against and the query string to use.
                 <code>xindice xpath-c
                    (or context)
                    (or query)
                    (or prefix=namespace)
                    (or )
                    <td>Access Level:</td>
                    <code>-c</code> The collection context under which to execute the query
                    <code>-q</code> The query to execute against the collection
                    <code>-s</code> Semi-colon delimited list of namespaces for query in the form prefix=namespace-uri
                    <code>-v</code> Show verbose output
                    Run an Xpath query against all documents in the pebbles collection with "rock" node that has the type
                    attribute = "hard"
  xindice xpath -c /db/pebbles -q /rock[@type="hard"]
                    Run an Xpath query against all documents in the pebbles collection with "rock" node that has the type
                    attribute = "hard" when the rock element is in the namespace
  xindice xpath -c /db/pebbles -s "br=" -q /br:rock[@type="hard"]
           <title>Miscellaneous Actions</title>
              <title>Shutting down the server</title>
                 Shutdown the Xindice server
                 <code>xindice shutdown
                    (or )
                    <td>Access Level:</td>
                    <code>-v</code> Show verbose output
                 <title>Shutdown the server </title>
  xindice shutdown
              <title>Accessing online Help</title>
                 Show the online help
                 <code>xindice help
                    (or )
                    <td>Access Level:</td>
                    <code>-v</code> Show verbose output
                 <title>Show online Help</title>
  xindice help
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  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
    - Version: $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2002/11/17 08:16:03 $
    - Author: Kimbro Staken (
        <title>Developer Guide</title>
           <person id="ks" name="Kimbro Staken" email=""/>
        <warning>This documentation is a work in progress and is only applicable to the CVS version of Xindice. There is absolutely no guarantee that this information is accurate. You have been warned.
           <title>Introduction to Programming Xindice</title>
              <title>Accessing the Server</title>
                 The Xindice server can be accessed either programmatically through
                 the server's APIs or from the command line using the provided
                 command line tools. This document covers programmatic access,
                 for more information on using the command
                 line interface please refer to the
                 <link href="guide-user.html">Xindice Users Guide</link>.
                    Xindice currently offers three layers of APIs that can be used to
                    develop applications.
                       XML:DB XML Database API used to develop Xindice applications
                       in Java. This is the primary API used to develop
                       applications and will be the API given the most coverage in
                       this manual. The XML:DB API is built on top of the Xindice
                       CORBA API. Xindice currently implements the May 07, 2001 draft
                       of the XML:DB API. This API will change slightly in the
                       future to track the development of the XML:DB API.
                       CORBA API used when accessing Xindice from a language other
                       then Java. The CORBA API is built on top of the Core Server
                       API. It is likely that the CORBA API will be replaced with a
                       new network API in a later version of Xindice.
                       Core Server API is the internal Java API of the core
                       database engine. This API is used to build the CORBA API and
                       is also used when writing XMLObject server extensions. This is
                       the lowest level API and is only available to software running
                       in the same Java VM as the database engine itself. the most
                       common use of this API is in developing XMLObject server
                 The most common API for end user
                 applications is the XML:DB XML Database API that was developed
                 by the
                 <link href="">XML:DB Initiative</link>.
                 This API is
                 a vendor neutral API intended to make it possible to build
                 applications that will work with more then one XML database
                 without too much difficulty. This is similar to the
                 capabilities provided by JDBC for relational databases. More
                 information about this
                 API can be found on the XML:DB Initiative web site.
                 <link href=""></link> Most
                 programming examples in this manual will use the XML:DB API. The
                 Xindice implementation of the API is a Core Level 1 implementation.
                 The Xindice server also exposes a CORBA API that is used to
                 implement the XML:DB API. The CORBA API will mainly be of
                 interest to those who want to access Xindice from a language other
                 then Java. Any language that supports a CORBA binding should be
                 able to utilize the services of the Xindice server via the CORBA
                 API. This document
                 does not cover development with the CORBA API as the XML:DB API
                 is the preferred mechanism for developing Xindice applications. If
                 you are developing applications in Java you can safely ignore the
                 existence of this API. The CORBA API will be covered in a
                 seperate document to be written at a later time.
                 The final API for Xindice is the Core Server API.  <!-- that is used when
                    writing XMLObject server extensions. This API is the lowest level
                    API available for the Xindice server and will be covered briefly
                    when looking at the development of XMLObjects.
              <title>Introducing the XML:DB XML Database API</title>
                 XML:DB API is being developed by the
                 <link href="">XML:DB Initiative</link> to
                 facilitate the development of applications that function with
                 minimal change on more then one XML database.
                 This is roughly
                 equivalent to the functionality provided by JDBC or ODBC for
                 providing access to relational databases. Xindice provides an
                 implementation of the XML:DB API that also serves as the primary
                 programming API for Xindice.
                 The XML:DB API is based around the concept of collections that store
                 resources. A resource can be an XML Document, a binary blob or
                 some type that is not currently defined. Collections can be arranged
                 in a hierarchical fashion. This makes the architecture very similar
                 to that of a typical Windows or UNIX file system. What is different
                 however, is that collections also expose services that allow you to
                 do things such as query XML documents using XPath or update resources in a
                 transactionally secure manner.
                 The XML:DB API defines several levels of interoperability called
                 Core Levels in XML:DB terminology. The Xindice implementation of the
                 API is a Core Level 1 implementation plus implementations of some
                 of the optional services.
                 The additional supported services include.</p>
                    XUpdateQueryService - Enables execution of XUpdate queries
                    against the database.
                    CollectionManagementService - Provides basic facilities to
                    create and remove collections.
                 In addition to Core Level 1 support the Xindice implementation also
                 supports a few added services that are specific to Xindice. These
                 services exist because the functionality is necessary to fully
                 utilize all the capabilities provided by Xindice. However, they are
                 proprietary to Xindice and will not function unchanged on other XML
                 The following services are currently provided by Xindice and are not
                 part of the common XML:DB API.
                    DatabaseInstanceManager - Provides the ability to control the
                    operation of the server programatically.
                    CollectionManager - Provides the ability to create and
                    configure collection instances within the server. This is a
                    much more functional version of CollectionManagementService
                    that will only work with Xindice.
                          XMLObjectService - Provides a mechanism to invoke XMLObjects
                          within the server.
                 While this guide aims to provide some useful examples and to guide
                 you in the process of getting to know how to program Xindice it is
                 useful to know that there is a good source of example code within
                 the server it self. The Xindice command line tools are built 100% on
                 the XML:DB API and provide a pretty comprehensive set of
                 examples in how to use the API. This is especially true when it
                 comes to the Xindice
                 specific services that are included with the server. The source code
                 for all the command line tools can be found in
              <title>Setting up Your Build Environment</title>
                 Before you can build applications for Xindice you need to make sure you
                 have your build environment properly setup. This mainly consists of
                 making sure that you have the proper VM version and a properly
                 To build applications for Xindice you must be using JDK 1.3. At this time
                 there appear to be problems with JDK 1.4. JDK 1.2 and below will not
                 work at all. If you have more than one Java VM installed make sure that
                 <code>JAVA_HOME</code> environment variable and
                 <code>PATH</code> environment variable both include the correct
                 Once you have your Java VM properly configured you need to add a few
                 jar files to your
                 <code>CLASSPATH</code>. The following list of
                 jars are required and should be made available on your
                 <code>CLASSPATH</code>. All required jars can be found in
                    xindice.jar - contains the main Xindice classes that are used by
                    the client API.
                    xmldb.jar - contains the XML:DB API interfaces.
                    openorb-1.2.0.jar - contains the CORBA ORB implementation used
                    by the client API to communicate with the server.
                    xerces-1.4.3.jar - contains the Xerces XML parser.
                    xalan-2.0.1.jar - contains the Xalan XSL-T engine. This
                    jar isn't absolutely required but you'll probably want it so
                    it's worth adding it.
              <title>Preparing the Server For the Examples</title>
                 Before we get to some example code, we need to do a little work to setup the
                 server. Don't worry nothing hard.
                 First we need to make sure the addressbook collection exists. If you followed
                 the install instructions completely you should have already created this,
                 but if not you should do so now. To find out if the collection exists you
                 can run:
              <source><![CDATA[xindice lc -c /db]]></source>
                 If you don't see 'addressbook' listed in the result then you need to create
                 the collection. To create it just run:
              <source><![CDATA[xindice ac -c /db -n addressbook]]></source>
                 Now that we have the collection, we can add a few example documents
                 so that we have something to play with. You can find the examples in your
                 Xindice installation in the directory
                 <code>java/examples/guide/xml</code>. Run these commands to add
                 the documents.
              cd $XINDICE_HOME/java/examples/guide/xml
              xindice ad -c /db/addressbook -f address1.xml -n address1
              xindice ad -c /db/addressbook -f address2.xml -n address2
                 If you're on Windows you'll need to adjust the path in the cd command
                 for your platform. Most of the examples in the manual will be written for
                 UNIX but will work fine in Windows if you just replace / with \ and
                 $XINDICE_HOME with %XINDICE_HOME%.
                 That wasn't so bad and now we're set to look at some example code.
              <title>Diving in With an Example Program</title>
                 <title>Simple XML:DB Example Program</title>
                 <p>This example simply executes an XPath query against a
                    collection, retrieves the results as text and prints them out.
                    You can find the source code for this example in
                 <source><![CDATA[package org.apache.xindice.examples;
  import org.xmldb.api.base.*;
  import org.xmldb.api.modules.*;
  import org.xmldb.api.*;
  public class Example1 {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  Collection col = null;
  try {
  String driver = "org.apache.xindice.client.xmldb.DatabaseImpl";
  Class c = Class.forName(driver);
  Database database = (Database) c.newInstance();
  col = DatabaseManager.getCollection("xmldb:xindice:///db/addressbook");
  String xpath = "//person[fname='John']";
  XPathQueryService service =
  (XPathQueryService) col.getService("XPathQueryService", "1.0");
  ResourceSet resultSet = service.query(xpath);
  ResourceIterator results = resultSet.getIterator();
  while (results.hasMoreResources()) {
  Resource res = results.nextResource();
  System.out.println((String) res.getContent());
  catch (XMLDBException e) {
  System.err.println("XML:DB Exception occured " + e.errorCode);
  finally {
  if (col != null) {
                 Before diving into the gory detail of what this program is doing, let's
                 run it and see what we get back.
                 If you have a binary build of Xindice the examples are already built
                 and you can run this example by typing.
  cd $XINDICE_HOME/java/examples/guide
  ./run org.apache.xindice.examples.Example1
                 If all goes well, you should see a result that looks something like this.
              <source><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <person xmlns:src="" src:col="/db/addressbook" src:key="address1">
  <phone type="work">563-456-7890</phone>
  <phone type="home">534-567-8901</phone>
  <email type="home"></email>
  <email type="work"></email>
  <address type="home">34 S. Colon St.</address>
  <address type="work">9967 W. Shrimp Ave.</address>
                 Now that we've seen the result, let's dive in and look at the code in
                 While this isn't the simplest possible example program to start with
                 it does a nice job of showing all the basic techniques used when
                 building applications with the XML:DB API.
                 To begin the program imports several XML:DB packages.
  import org.xmldb.api.base.*;
  import org.xmldb.api.modules.*;
  import org.xmldb.api.*;
                 These import the basic classes required by the API.
                 <code>import org.xmldb.api.base.*;</code> is the base API module
                 and is required for all XML:DB applications.
                 <code>import org.xmldb.api.*;</code> imports the all
                 <code>DatabaseManager</code> class which is the
                 entry point into the API.
                 <code>import org.xmldb.api.modules.*;</code> brings in the
                 optional modules defined for the API. In this case the module we're
                 interested in is
                 Before we can use the API we need to create and register the
                 database driver we want to use. In this case since we're writing for
                 Xindice we use
                 for our driver and register it with the
  String driver = "org.apache.xindice.client.xmldb.DatabaseImpl";
  Class c = Class.forName(driver);
  Database database = (Database) c.newInstance();
                 Now that our driver is registered we're ready to retrieve the
                 collection that we want to work with.
  Collection col =
                 In the XML:DB API collections are retrieved
                 by calling
                 <code>getCollection</code> and
                 handing it a URI that specifies the collection we want. The format
                 of this URI will vary depending on the database implementation being
                 used but will always begin with
                 <code>xmldb:</code> and be followed by a database
                 specific database name,
                 <code>xindice:</code> in
                 the case of Xindice.
                 The rest of the URI is a path used to locate the collection you want
                 to work with. This path begins with the name of the root collection
                 for the Xindice instance that you are trying to connect with. All
                 Xindice instances must have a unique name for the root collection. The
                 reason for this is that the name of the root collection is also the
                 name of the database instance and that name is what the Xindice server
                 uses to register itself with the naming service. In all examples in
                 this guide the root collection is called
                 <code>db</code>. This
                 is the default name used for a newly installed instance of Xindice. If
                 you have more then one instance of Xindice running that you must be
                 sure to change the names on all other instances so that they are
                 Once you do this you can switch between the instances by simply
                 changing the first component of the path.
                 These paths will switch between a Xindice server
                 with a root collection of db and one of db2. These instances could
                 be on the same machine or on two completely different machines and
                 to your application there is no significant difference.
                 After the root collection name the rest of the URI
                 simply consists of the path to locate the collection you want to work with.
                 Now that we have a reference to the collection that we want to work
                 with we need to get a reference to the
                 service for that collection.
  String xpath = "//person[fname='John']";
  XPathQueryService service =
  (XPathQueryService) col.getService("XPathQueryService", "1.0");
  ResourceSet resultSet = service.query(xpath);
                 Services provide a way to extend the
                 functionality of the XML:DB API as well as enabling the definition
                 of optional functionality. In this case the
                 <code>XPathQueryService</code> is an optional part of Core
                 Level 0 but is a required part of Core Level 1. Since Xindice
                 provides a Core Level 1 XML:DB API implementation the
                 <code>XPathQueryService</code> is available.
                 To retrieve a service you must know the name of the service that
                 you want as well as the version. Services define their own custom
                 interfaces so you must cast the result of the getService() call to
                 the appropriate service type before you can call its methods. The
                 <code>XPathQueryService</code> defines a method
                 <code>query()</code> that takes an XPath string as an argument.
                 Different services will define different sets of methods.
                 Now that we have an
                 <code>XPathQueryService</code> reference
                 and have called the
                 <code>query()</code> method we get a
                 <code>ResourceSet</code> containing the results. Since we just
                 want to print out the results of the query, we need to get an
                 iterator for our results and then use it to print out the results.
  ResourceIterator results = resultSet.getIterator();
  while (results.hasMoreResources()) {
  Resource res = results.nextResource();
  System.out.println((String) res.getContent());
                 Resources are another important concept within the XML:DB API. Since
                 XML can be accessed with multiple APIs and since an XML database
                 could potentialy store more the one type of data, resources provide
                 an abstract way to access the data in the database. The Xindice
                 implementation only supports XMLResource but other vendors may
                 support additional resource types as well.
                 XMLResource provides access to the underlying XML data as either
                 text, a DOM Node or via SAX ContentHandlers. In our example we're
                 simply working with the content as text but we could just as easily
                 have called
                 <code>getContentAsDom()</code> to get the content
                 as a DOM Node. Since we just want to print the XML out to the screen
                 it is easier to just work with text.
                 The final element about our example program worth noting is the
                 finally clause.
  finally {
  if (col != null) {
                 The finally clause closes the collection that we created earlier.
                 This is vitally important and should never be overlooked. Closing
                 the collection releases all the resources consumed by the
                 collection. In the Xindice implementation this will make sure that the
                 CORBA resources are released properly. Failure to properly call
                 close on the collection will result in a
                 resource leak within the server.
              <title>Accessing Xindice Remotely</title>
                 By default Xindice assumes that the client and server are running on
                 the same machine. In most configurations this will not be the case
                 so it will be necessary to include the hostname and port of the
                 server where Xindice is running in your URIs. The port you use is the
                 port that the Xindice HTTP server is listening on. The port setting is
                 displayed when you start the server. By default the
                 configuration used is
                 To access the collection /db/addressbook on host port
                 4090 the URI would look something like this
                 <code>xindice://</code>. If you
                 are running the client and server on the same machine you do not
                 need to specify a host or port. All examples in this document assume
                 the client and server are on the same machine.
                 If you are having problems accessing Xindice remotely this may be the
                 result of the server publishing an incorrect IP address as part of
                 its CORBA IOR. The IOR is generated by the ORB using the hostname
                 setting of the server. If the hostname is set to a
                 fully qualified domain name that can not be resolved by the client
                 you will not be able to remotely access the server. To fix this
                 you must insure the host name on the server is resolvable by the
                 client. To see the setting of the host name on the server you should
                 be able to type
                 <code>hostname</code> at a command prompt. If
                 the hostname is not a fully qualified domain name then the ORB will
                 use the IP address of the server instead of the name and you
                 shouldn't have any problems.
           <title>Managing Documents</title>
              In this chapter we'll look at using the XML:DB API to manage documents
              within the Xindice server. As part of this we'll look at some sample code
              that could be used to manage the data used by the AddressBook example
              application included with the server and discussed in more detail later.
              When looking at managing documents with the XML:DB API the first thing
              we need to confront is that the API doesn't actually work directly with
              documents. It works with what the API calls resources that are an
              abstraction of a document. This abstraction allows you to work with the same
              document as either text, a DOM tree or SAX events. This is important to
              understand as the use of resources runs as a common thread throughout the
              XML:DB API. The XML:DB API actually defines more then one type of resource
              however Xindice does not implement anything beyond XMLResource.
              <title>Creating a Collection</title>
                 Before we can work with any data in the database we need to create
                 a collection to hold our data.
                 While we could easily create this collection using the command line
                 tools it will be more fun to see how you might do this from your own
                 program. This will also show you a quick example of using the Xindice
                 <code>CollectionManager</code> service to manage
                 collections. This guide doesn't go into detail about using this
                 service but you can find lots of examples by looking at the source
                 code to the command line tool commands in the package
                 The collection we want to create will be named
                 <code>mycollection</code> and will be a child of the root
                 <title>Creating a Collection</title>
                 <source><![CDATA[package org.apache.xindice.examples;
  import org.xmldb.api.base.*;
  import org.xmldb.api.modules.*;
  import org.xmldb.api.*;
  // For the Xindice specific CollectionManager service
  import org.apache.xindice.xml.dom.*;
  public class CreateCollection {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  Collection col = null;
  try {
  String driver = "org.apache.xindice.client.xmldb.DatabaseImpl";
  Class c = Class.forName(driver);
  Database database = (Database) c.newInstance();
  col =
  String collectionName = "mycollection";
  CollectionManager service =
  (CollectionManager) col.getService("CollectionManager", "1.0");
  // Build up the Collection XML configuration.
  String collectionConfig =
  "<collection compressed=\"true\" name=\"" + collectionName + "\">" +
  "   <filer class=\"org.apache.xindice.core.filer.BTreeFiler\" gzip=\"true\"/>" +
  System.out.println("Collection " + collectionName + " created.");
  catch (XMLDBException e) {
  System.err.println("XML:DB Exception occured " + e.errorCode);
  finally {
  if (col != null) {
                 With this example you can see a basic example of how to create the
                 <code>CollectionManager</code> service and use it to create
                 the collection. This service is proprietary to Xindice so if you use
                 it in your application you will not be able to port it to another
                 server. However, if you have the need to create collections within
                 your programs this is currently the most powerful way to do it.
                 The trickiest part of creating a collection is creating the
                 proper XML configuration to hand to the
                 <code>createCollection</code> method. This XML
                 is the exact same thing that is placed into the system.xml file.
                 At this time these XML configurations are not documented so to
                 see what they need to be you should look for examples in system.xml
                 and the source code for the command line tools. Future versions of
                 this documentation will cover this area in more detail.
              <title>Working with Documents</title>
                 Now that we have a collection to store our data, we need to add
                 some data to it. We could use the command line tools
                 to do this but since we want to learn how the XML:DB API works we'll
                 look at how we can do this in a program that we write.
                 For our examples in this chapter we'll work with some very simple
                 XML files that could be used to represent a person in an
                 address book. Later in the guide we'll look at an example
                 application that implements the actual address book functionality.
                 Each address book entry is stored in a seperate XML file.
                 <title>Example Document</title>
  <phone type="work">563-456-7890</phone>
  <phone type="home">534-567-8901</phone>
  <email type="home"></email>
  <email type="work"></email>
  <address type="home">34 S. Colon St.</address>
  <address type="work">9967 W. Shrimp Ave.</address>
                 If we store this example XML into a file we can then load it into
                 our addressbook collection using a simple program.
                 <title>Adding an XML File to the Database</title>
                 <source><![CDATA[package org.apache.xindice.examples;
  import org.xmldb.api.base.*;
  import org.xmldb.api.modules.*;
  import org.xmldb.api.*;
  public class AddDocument {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  Collection col = null;
  try {
  String driver = "org.apache.xindice.client.xmldb.DatabaseImpl";
  Class c = Class.forName(driver);
  Database database = (Database) c.newInstance();
  col =
  String data = readFileFromDisk(args[0]);
  XMLResource document = (XMLResource) col.createResource(null,
  System.out.println("Document " + args[0] + " inserted");
  catch (XMLDBException e) {
  System.err.println("XML:DB Exception occured " + e.errorCode);
  finally {
  if (col != null) {
  public static String readFileFromDisk(String fileName) throws Exception {
  File file = new File(fileName);
  FileInputStream insr = new FileInputStream(file);
  byte[] fileBuffer = new byte[(int)file.length()];;
  return new String(fileBuffer);
                 Much of this program is similar to what we've already seen in our
                 other XML:DB programs. Really the only difference is the code to add
                 the document.
                 Documents are added to the server
                 by first creating a new resource implementation from a
                 setting its content and then storing the resource to the collection.
                 The type of resource that is created is an XMLResource this can be
                 used to store XML as either text, a DOM Node or a SAX
                 If you had your content already in a DOM tree you could also add
                 the document as a DOM.
  XMLResource document = (XMLResource) col.createResource(null);
  document.setContentAsDOM(doc); // doc is a DOM document
                 The only difference here is that you must have the document as a DOM
                 Document already and then call
                 <code>setContentAsDOM()</code>. From there the
                 resource works the same as always.
                 One thing to note is that a resource must be stored in the same
                 collection from which it was originally created.
                 <title>Retrieving an XML Document from the Database</title>
                 <source><![CDATA[package org.apache.xindice.examples;
  import org.xmldb.api.base.*;
  import org.xmldb.api.modules.*;
  import org.xmldb.api.*;
  public class RetrieveDocument {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  Collection col = null;
  try {
  String driver = "org.apache.xindice.client.xmldb.DatabaseImpl";
  Class c = Class.forName(driver);
  Database database = (Database) c.newInstance();
  col =
  XMLResource document = (XMLResource) col.getResource(args[0]);
  if (document != null) {
  System.out.println("Document " + args[0]);
  else {
  System.out.println("Document not found");
  catch (XMLDBException e) {
  System.err.println("XML:DB Exception occured " + e.errorCode);
  finally {
  if (col != null) {
                 <title>Deleting an XML Document from the Database</title>
                 <source><![CDATA[package org.apache.xindice.examples;
  import org.xmldb.api.base.*;
  import org.xmldb.api.modules.*;
  import org.xmldb.api.*;
  public class DeleteDocument {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  Collection col = null;
  try {
  String driver = "org.apache.xindice.client.xmldb.DatabaseImpl";
  Class c = Class.forName(driver);
  Database database = (Database) c.newInstance();
  col =
  Resource document = col.getResource(args[0]);
  System.out.println("Document " + args[0] + " removed");
  catch (XMLDBException e) {
  System.err.println("XML:DB Exception occured " + e.errorCode);
  finally {
  if (col != null) {
           <title>Using XPath to Query the Database</title>
                 Xindice currently supports XPath as a query language. In many
                 applications XPath is only applied at the document level but in
                 Xindice XPath queries are executed at the collection level. This
                 means that a query can be run against multiple documents and the
                 result set will contain all matching nodes from all documents
                 in the collection.
                 The Xindice server also support the creation of indexes on
                 particular XPaths to speed up commonly used XPath queries.
              <title>Using the XML:DB Java API</title>
                 The XML:DB API defines operations for searching single documents as
                 well as collections of XML documents using XPath. These operations
                 are exposed through the XPathQueryService. In order to query single
                 documents you use the
                 <code>queryResource()</code> method and to query an entire
                 collection you use the
                 <code>query()</code> method.
                 <title>Querying with XPath</title>
                 <p>This example simply executes an XPath query against a
                    collection, retrieves the results as text and prints them out.
                    You can find the source code for this example in
                 <source><![CDATA[package org.apache.xindice.examples;
  import org.xmldb.api.base.*;
  import org.xmldb.api.modules.*;
  import org.xmldb.api.*;
  public class Example1 {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  Collection col = null;
  try {
  String driver = "org.apache.xindice.client.xmldb.DatabaseImpl";
  Class c = Class.forName(driver);
  Database database = (Database) c.newInstance();
  col = DatabaseManager.getCollection("xmldb:xindice:///db/addressbook");
  String xpath = "//person[fname='John']";
  XPathQueryService service =
  (XPathQueryService) col.getService("XPathQueryService", "1.0");
  ResourceSet resultSet = service.query(xpath);
  ResourceIterator results = resultSet.getIterator();
  while (results.hasMoreResources()) {
  Resource res = results.nextResource();
  System.out.println((String) res.getContent());
  catch (XMLDBException e) {
  System.err.println("XML:DB Exception occured " + e.errorCode);
  finally {
  if (col != null) {
              <p>TODO: cover namespace support</p>
           <title>Using XUpdate to Modify the Database</title>
                 XUpdate is a specification under development by the XML:DB Initiative
                 to enable simpler updating of XML documents. It is useful within the
                 context of an XML database as well as in standalone implementations
                 for general XML applications. XUpdate gives you a declarative method
                 to insert nodes, remove nodes, and change nodes within an XML
                 document. The syntax is specified in the
                 <link href="">
                    XUpdate working draft</link> available on the XML:DB
                 Initiative website.
                 The XUpdate implementation in Xindice is based around the
                 Lexus XUpdate implementation that was developed by the
                 <link href="">Infozone Group</link>.
                 The general model around XUpdate is to use an
                 container to batch a series of XUpdate commands. All commands
                 will be performed in series against either a single XML document or
                 an entire collection of XML documents as specified by the developer.
                 Execution of XUpdate commands is performed in two phases.
                 First selecting a node set
                 within the document or collection and then applying a change to the
                 selected nodes.
                 <title>Basic XUpdate Insert Command</title>
                 <source><![CDATA[<xupdate:modifications version="1.0"
  <xupdate:insert-after select="/addresses/address[1]" >
  <xupdate:element name="address">
  <xupdate:attribute name="id">2</xupdate:attribute>
  <fullname>John Smith</fullname>
  <born day='2' month='12' year='1974'/>
              <title>XUpdate Commands</title>
                    <code>xupdate:insert-before</code> - Inserts a new node in document order before the selected node.
                    <code>xupdate:insert-after</code> - Inserts a new node in document order after the selected node.
                    <code>xupdate:update</code> - Replaces all child nodes of the selected node with the specified nodes.
                    <code>xupdate:append</code> - Appends the specified node to the content of the selected node.
                    <code>xupdate:remove</code> - Remove the selected node
                    <code>xupdate:rename</code> - Renames the selected node
                    <code>xupdate:variable</code> - Defines a variable containing a node list that can be reused in later operations.
              <title>XUpdate Node Construction</title>
                    <code>xupdate:element</code> - Creates a new element in the document.
                    <code>xupdate:attribute</code> -
                    Creates a new attribute node
                    associated with an
                    <code>xupdate:text</code> - Creates a text content node in the
                    <code>xupdate:processing-instruction</code> - Creates a
                    processing instruction node in the document.
                    <code>xupdate:comment</code> - Creates a new comment node in the
              <title>Using the XML:DB API for XUpdate</title>
                 The XML:DB API provides an XUpdateQueryService to enable executing
                 XUpdate commands against single documents or collections of
                 documents. To update a single document you use the
                 <code>updateResource()</code> method and to apply the updates
                 to an entire collection you use the
                 The next example program applies a set of XUpdate modifications to
                 an entire collection of data. It first removes all elements that
                 match the XPath
                 <code>/person/phone[@type = 'home']</code>
                 and then adds a new entry after all elements that match the XPath
                 <code>/person/phone[@type = 'work']</code>
                 <title>Using XUpdate to modify the database</title>
  import org.xmldb.api.base.*;
  import org.xmldb.api.modules.*;
  import org.xmldb.api.*;
  * Simple XML:DB API example to update the database.
  public class XUpdate {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  Collection col = null;
  try {
  String driver = "org.apache.xindice.client.xmldb.DatabaseImpl";
  Class c = Class.forName(driver);
  Database database = (Database) c.newInstance();
  col =
  String xupdate = "<xu:modifications version=\"1.0\"" +
  "      xmlns:xu=\"\">" +
  "   <xu:remove select=\"/person/phone[@type = 'home']\"/>" +
  "   <xu:update select=\"/person/phone[@type = 'work']\">" +
  "       480-300-3003" +
  "   </xu:update>" +
  XUpdateQueryService service =
  (XUpdateQueryService) col.getService("XUpdateQueryService", "1.0");
  catch (XMLDBException e) {
  System.err.println("XML:DB Exception occured " + e.errorCode + " " +
  finally {
  if (col != null) {
           <title>Using XMLObjects</title>
        XMLObjects provide a mechanism for extending the functionality of
        the Xindice server. They are implemented in Java and are
        configured at the collection level within the server. Building and
        installing XMLObjects is quite simple but they still provide significant
        power to extend the server with new functionality.
        The uses for XMLObjects are many i.e. updating documents on the
        server side, implementing a
        custom query language or any other functionality where doing the
        operation on the server side would be more efficient. The example
        XMLObject included here will show you how you could implement a
        single document query mechanism in the server even when Xindice by
        default queries at the collection level.
        Note: When writing XMLObjects you use the internal APIs for Xindice and
        therefore have full access to the internals of the server. Because
        of this you should exercise caution in the code that you write to
        insure that it is robust and does not harm the operation of the
                 <title>A Simple XMLObject</title>
        XMLObjects are simply Java classes that extend SimpleXMLObject to
        provide custom functionality within the server.
        To get started let's take a look at a very simple Hello World XMLObject.
                       <title>A Hello World XMLObject</title>
                       <source><![CDATA[package org.apache.xindice.examples;
        import org.apache.xindice.core.objects.*;
        public class HelloWorldXMLObject extends SimpleXMLObject {
        public String execute() {
        return "Hello World";
        This simple XMLObject just defines one method
        <code>execute()</code> that takes no parameters
        and returns a String. The <code>execute()</code>
        method name is special within the
        context of XMLObjects because if no explicit method is specified
        in the invocation request the XMLObject framework will call the
        <code>execute()</code> method automatically.
        To compile and install this XMLObject you need to make sure that you
        have <code>xindice.jar</code> and the directory where the
        XMLObject class file can be found in your
        <code>CLASSPATH</code> environment variable. The
        directory for the class file must also be available to the Xindice
        server before you start it.
        Once you have your classpath setup you can compile the XMLObject
        like any other Java class and then install it in the
        <code>/db/addressbook</code> collection.
        xindice add_xmlobject -i org.apache.xindice.examples.HelloWorldXMLObject -n Hello -c /db/addressbook
        And then you can run it.
        xindice invoke -c /db/addressbook -o Hello
        One thing to note about this is that when you invoke the
        XMLObject you need to use the name that you configured with the
        parameter to <code>add_xmlobject</code> not the
        name of the class. In this case we named the object
        <code>Hello</code> so that is
        what we use to invoke it.
        If all went well you should see something like this
        Results =
        Hello World
                 <title>Building the XPath Query XMLObject</title>
        By default the Xindice XPath query functionality takes an XPath and
        applies it against all documents stored in a collection to find a
        set of matching nodes. Depending on our application this may not be
        what we really want. The
        <code>XPathQueryService</code> does support
        doing this but it will be instructive to look at how we could roll
        our own implementation to do the same thing.
        To do this we first need to decide what information is required to
        execute the query. First we need the XPath we want to execute and
        second we need the key of the document within the collection. We
        also need the collection itself but since XMLObjects are configured
        at the collection level within the system this is taken care of
        Now that we know what data we need we can see that we're going to
        need a method that takes two parameters, the xpath and the id. Once
        we have these parameters we'll need to retrieve the document and
        then use an XPath engine to select the nodes we want from the
        document. Our solution might look something like this.
                       <title>Single Document XPath Query XMLObject</title>
                       <source><![CDATA[package org.apache.xindice.examples;
        import org.apache.xindice.core.*;
        import org.apache.xindice.core.objects.*;
        import org.apache.xindice.xml.dom.*;
        import org.w3c.dom.*;
        import org.apache.xpath.*;
        public class XPathQueryXMLObject extends SimpleXMLObject {
        public static final String [] PARAMS_query = {"xpath", "id"};
        public static final String [] DEFAULTS_query = {"/", ""};
        public Document query(String xpath, String id) throws Exception {
        Collection col = getCollection();
        Document target = col.getDocument(id);
        NodeList result = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(target, xpath);
        // Turn the NodeList into a document.
        Document doc = new DocumentImpl();
        Element root = doc.createElement("result");
        int i = 0;
        while ( (result != null) &amp;&amp; (i < result.getLength()) ) {
        root.appendChild(doc.importNode(result.item(i), true));
        return doc;
        Delving into this in a little more detail we see several obvious
        differences from our simple example.
        First we're no longer using the default
        <code>execute()</code> method and have defined
        our own method named <code>query()</code>.
        Next, we also have now added two contants to our class
        <code>PARAMS_query</code> and
        <code>DEFAULTS_query</code>. <code>PARAMS_query</code>
        is used to define the names of the parameters that are required by
        the query method. <code>DEFAULTS_query</code> defines the
        default values that are provided for those parameters if the user
        leaves out a parameter when invoking the XMLObject. These constants
        are necessary to provide hints to the XMLObject engine on how to map
        incoming parameters to the proper parameters on the method.
        This XML Object is installed just like before except this time we're
        going to configure it for the
        <code>addressbook</code> collection.
        xindice add_xmlobject -i org.apache.xindice.examples.XPathQueryXMLObject -n XPath -c /db/addressbook
        Before we can use it though we need some sample data. Again we're
        using the familiar person XML. This should be
        added to the database under the key address1.
                 <source><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <phone type="work">563-456-7890</phone>
        <phone type="home">534-567-8901</phone>
        <email type="home"></email>
        <email type="work"></email>
        <address type="home">34 S. Colon St.</address>
        <address type="work">9967 W. Shrimp Ave.</address>
        xindice add_document -c /db/addressbook -n address1 -f address1.xml]]></source>
        After adding this data we can now use our XMLObject
        to retrieve nodes from just this document.
                 <source><![CDATA[xindice invoke -c /db/addressbook -o XPath/query?xpath='/person/fname'&amp;id=address1]]></source>
        Note: on UNIX you will need to
        escape the '&amp;' with a '\' character to prevent its evaluation
        by the shell. If all goes well the result will be.
                 <source><![CDATA[Results =
        <!xml version="1.0"?>
                 <title>Putting the XPath Query XMLObject to Work</title>
        So far we've seen how to create a couple different XMLObjects, how
        to install them in the server and how to invoke them from the
        command line. While this alone is very useful, XMLObjects are really
        much more useful when you use them from within another program.
        Note: Since XMLObjects are a proprietary feature of Xindice we have to use a
        Xindice specific extension service for the XML:DB API to invoke them
        from within our programs. This is important to note because
        programs built to use XMLObjects will not be portable to other XML
        In this example we'll use our XPathQueryXMLObject to build a very
        simple program that queries for the street and then prints the the
        value out.
        For this example we'll use the same object configuration and sample
        data as used in the previous section.
                       <title>Invoking the XPathQueryXMLObject via the XML:DB API</title>
                       <source><![CDATA[package org.apache.xindice.examples;
        import org.xmldb.api.base.*;
        import org.xmldb.api.modules.*;
        import org.xmldb.api.*;
        // Import the Xindice specific XMLObjectService
        public class XPathQueryInvoke {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Collection col = null;
        try {
        String driver = "org.apache.xindice.client.xmldb.DatabaseImpl";
        Class c = Class.forName(driver);
        Database database = (Database) c.newInstance();
        col =
        String xpath = "/person/fname";
        String key = "address1";
        XMLObjectService service =
        (XMLObjectService) col.getService("XMLObjectService", "1.0");
        Resource result = service.invokeXMLObject("/db/addressbook/XPath/query?xpath=" +
        xpath + "&amp;id=" + key);
        System.out.println((String) result.getContent());
        catch (XMLDBException e) {
        System.err.println("XML:DB Exception occured " + e.errorCode);
        finally {
        if (col != null) {
        As you can see from the example calling an XMLObject from a program
        is pretty similar to calling it from the command line. You simply
        create the <code>XMLObjectService</code>
        and then call <code>invokeXMLObject()</code>
        handing it the URI just like you did on the command line.
        The result that you receive is a Resource that will either contain a
        string result or an XML result depending on the return type of the
        XMLObject. If the XMLObject returns it's result as anything other
        then a DOM Node or Document then the results are treated as a string
        and should only be retrieved with
        <code>result.getOutput()</code>. If the
        XMLObject you are calling returns a DOM
        <code>Node</code> or
        <code>Document</code> then you can cast the
        result to an XMLObject and use the
        <code>getContentAsDOM</code> and
        <code>getContentAsSAX</code> methods to retrieve
        the content as well.
        We've now seen how to contruct XMLObjects, install them in the
        server and invoke them from the command line and our custom
        programs. Hopefully you see the value in these powerful server side
        extensions for Xindice and can use them when necessary to improve your
           <title>Address Book Example Application</title>
                 The address book example is a simple servlet based application
                 constructued using Xindice. For more information on this example look
                 in the
                 TODO: Add more detail about building servlet applications.
           <title>Experimental Features</title>
              There are a couple features in Xindice that are definitely
              experimental. These features can be interesing to explore to see some
              things that could be useful in future versions of Xindice but they should
              not be considered complete or stable.
                 <title>Auto Linking</title>
     Xindice provides a facility for automating relational links between
     managed documents called AutoLinking.  This allows you to break out
     duplicate data into shared documents or include a dynamic element
     such as the output of a query or XMLObject invocation into an XML
     file stored in the repository.
     AutoLinking is specified by adding special attributes to the XML
     tag defining the link. This works in a similar manner to Xlink from
     the W3C. The attributes must use the
     xmlns:db="" namespace. There are two
     attributes to be concerned with href and type.
     db:href attribute:
     Defines the URI for the resource that this AutoLink should retrieve.
     db:type attribute:
     Specifies how this link should be processed. The following
     mechanisms are available.
              replace - Replaces the linking element with the content of
              the href URI
              content - Replaces all child content of the linking element
              with the content of the href URI. The linking element is not
              append - Appends the content of the href URI to the content
              of the linking element.
              insert - Inserts the content of the href URI as the first
              child of the linking element.
                       <title>Auto-Linking Using Replace</title>
        This example will replace the some-element element with the
        contents of the URI xindice:///db/ocs/test/some-document.
  <some-element xmlns:db=""
                       <p>After expanding the link it will look something like this.</p>
                       <title>Auto-Linking Using Insert</title>
        The following link will insert the content of the document found
        at xindice:///db/ocs/test/some-document as the first child of
        the element some-element.
  <some-element xmlns:db=""
        After linking the document will look like.
  <some-element xmlns:db=""
  1.1                  xml-xindice/src/documentation/content/xdocs/dev/guide-user.xml
  Index: guide-user.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
    - Version: $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2002/11/17 08:16:03 $
    - Author: Kimbro Staken (
        <title>User Guide</title>
           <person id="ks" name="Kimbro Staken" email=""/>
        <warning>This documentation is a work in progress and is only applicable to the CVS version of Xindice. There is absolutely no guarantee that this information is accurate. You have been warned.
           <title>Introduction to Xindice</title>
              <title>What Is Xindice</title>
                 The Xindice Core server is a database server designed from the
                 ground up to store XML data. The
                 Xindice server is what is termed by
                 <link href="">XML:DB Initiative</link>
                 as a Native XML Database. You could also refer to it as a
                 seamless XML database which might be an easier to understand
                 What this means is that to the largest extent possible you work
                 with XML tools and technologies when working with the data in the
                 server. All data that goes into and out of the server is XML. The
                 query language used is XPath and the programming APIs support DOM
                 and SAX. All things that should be familiar to a developer used
                 to using XML in their applications. When working with XML data and
                 Xindice there is no mapping between different data models. You simply
                 design your data as XML and store it as XML.
                 What this gives you can be summed up in one word, flexibility. XML
                 provides an extremely flexible mechanism for modeling application
                 data and in many cases will allow you to model constructs that are
                 difficult or impossible to model in more traditional systems. This
                 model is a semi-structured model and for some applications it is
                 an essential component. By
                 using a native XML database such as Xindice to store this data you can
                 focus on building your applications and not worry about how the
                 complex XML construct maps to the underlying data store or trying
                 force a flexible data model into a rigid set of schema constraints.
                 Ultimately though, Xindice is a tool. It will be right for some jobs
                 and completely wrong for others. The job it is best at is simply
                 storing XML data. In fact, that's all it does. If you have lots of
                 XML data then Xindice may just be the right tool. However, if your
                 data isn't XML or if you have the need for precise control over
                 the structure of the data you might be better off using another
                 database solution.
              <title>Current Status</title>
                 Native XML database technology is a very new area and Xindice is very
                 much a project still in development.
                 The server currently supports storing well formed XML documents.
                 This means it does not have any schema that constrains what
                 can be placed into a document collection. This makes Xindice a
                 semi-structured database and provides tremendous
                 flexiblity in how you store your data, but, also means you give up
                 some common database functionality such as data
                 In its current
                 state Xindice is already a powerful tool for managing XML data.
                 However, there is still much that needs to be done. Feedback and
                 contributions are actively encouraged.
                 This document attempts to
                 describe those features that are working and can be used today.
                 You should review the README file that is part of the Xindice
                 distribution for the most current status on the project.
                 NOTE: Both the Xindice server and this document are works in
                 progress. Any comments are welcome and encouraged.
              <title>Feature Summary</title>
                 Document Collections: Documents are stored in collections that can
                 be queried as a whole. You can create collections that contain just
                 documents of the same type or you can create a collection to store
                 all your documents together. The database doesn't care.
                 XPath Query Engine: To query the Document Collections you use
                 <link href="">XPath</link> as defined
                 by the W3C. This provides a reasonably flexible mechanism for
                 querying documents by navigating and restricting the result tree
                 that is returned.
                 XML Indexing: In order to improve the performance of queries over
                 large numbers of documents you can define indexes on element and
                 attribute values. This can dramatically speed up query response
                 XML:DB XUpdate Implementation: When you store XML in the database
                 you may want to be able to change that data without retrieving the
                 entire document. XUpdate is the mechanism to use when you want to do
                 server side updates of the data. It is an XML based language for
                 specifying XML modifications and allows those modifications to be
                 applied to entire document collections as well as single documents.
                 Java XML:DB API Implementation: For Java programmers Xindice provides
                 an implementation of the XML:DB API. This API is intended to bring
                 portability to XML database applications just as JDBC has done for
                 relational databases. Most applications developed for Xindice will use
                 the XML:DB API.
                 XMLObjects: XMLObject provide a server extension mechanism for
                 adding extra functionality to the server. They can be used to
                 execute complex operations within the database engine to cut down on
                 network bandwidth or to add functionality that doesn't currently
                 exist in the server.
                 Command Line Management Tools: To aid the administrator Xindice
                 provides a full suite of command line driven management tools. Just
                 about everything you can do through the XML:DB API can also be done
                 from the command line.
                 CORBA Network API: For developers who are interested in working in
                 languages other then Java, Xindice provides a CORBA API that can be
                 used to build applications. All functionality available through the
                 XML:DB API is also available through the CORBA API. In fact the
                 XML:DB API is built on top of the CORBA API. Most Java developers
                 though, will never even need to know that the CORBA API exists.
                 Modular Architecture: The Xindice server is constructed in a very
                 modular manner. This makes it easy to add and remove components to
                 tailor the server to a particular environment or to embed it into
                 another application.
              <title>Database Structure</title>
                 The Xindice server is designed to store collections of XML documents.
                 Collections can be arranged in a hierarchy similar to that of a
                 typical UNIX or Windows file system.
                 In Xindice the data store is rooted in a database instance that can
                 also be used as a document collection. This
                 database instance can then contain any number of child collections.
                 In a default install of Xindice the database instance is called
                 'db' and all collection paths will begin with /db. It is possible to
                 rename the database instance if desired though it is not necessary
                 to do so.
                 Collections are referenced in a similar manner to how you
                 would work with a hierarchical file system.
                 <title>Collection Path Example</title>
                    If you had a collection
                    created under 'db' called my-collection and a collection under
                    that called my-child-collection the path used when accessing the
                    my-child-collection collection would be
                 Within collections there are several types of objects that can be
                 stored. You can store XML documents, XMLObjects and other
                 collections. Each of these objects can also be referenced via a
                 <title>Collection Path Referencing a Document</title>
                    Extending the previous example by adding a document to
                    my-child-collection named my-document it to could be
                    referenced via a path.
                 There is one catch to this however. Since you can have more then one
                 object in a collection with the same name
                 there is an order of precedence that is applied when evaluating a
                 path. The order of precendence is collection followed by XMLObject
                 and then document. What this means is that if you have a document
                 and a collection with the same name you will not be able to retrieve
                 the document.
                 You can also access collections on remote machines by specifying the host
                 and port of the server.
                 <title>Collection Path Referencing a remote Document</title>
                    If the previous example was on a remote machine the path would look
                    something like this.
                    This can also take the form of a Xindice URI.
              <title>Introducing the Command Line Tools</title>
                 The Xindice server includes a command line program named
                 <code>xindice</code> that allows you to manage the
                 data stored in the server.
                 A complete list of available commands and more
                 detail about each command can be found in the
                 <link href="guide-tools.html">Command Line Tools Reference Guide</link>.
                 <code>xindice</code> tool is located in the
                 Xindice-Core/bin directory and it is
                 probably a good idea to add this directory to your PATH environment
                 variable. All examples in this manual will assume that the
                 Xindice-Core/bin directory is on the operating system path.
           <title>Managing Documents</title>
                 In many ways the Xindice database can be viewed as a simple file
                 store. This is of course a highly simplified view of things but
                 is a useful place to get started in learning the functionality of
                 the server.
                 The Xindice server provides facilities to store, retrieve and
                 delete well formed XML documents.
              <title>Adding Documents</title>
                 <title>Adding a Document With a Given Key</title>
                    The document fx102.xml will be added to the collection
                    /db/data/products and will be stored under the key fx102.
  xindice add_document -c /db/data/products -f fx102.xml -n fx102
                 <title>Adding a Document Without a Key</title>
                    The document fx102.xml will be added to the collection
                    /db/data/products. No key is provided so one will be generated
                    automatically by the server. The generated key will look similar
                    to this 0625df6b0001a5d4000bc49d0060b6f5
  xindice add_document -c /db/data/products -f fx102.xml
              <title>Retrieving Documents</title>
                 Documents can be retrieved from the database using the ID that
                 they were inserted under.
                 <title>Retrieving a Document Using an ID</title>
                    The document identified by the key fx102 will be retrieved from
                    the /db/data/products collection and stored in the file fx102.xml
  xindice retrieve_document -c /db/data/products -n fx102 -f fx102.xml
              <title>Deleting Documents</title>
                 <title>Deleting a document using an ID</title>
                    The document identified by the key fx102 will be removed from the
                    collection /db/data/products.
  xindice delete_document -c /db/data/products -n fx102
           <title>Querying the Database</title>
              Xindice currently supports XPath as a query language. In many
              applications XPath is only applied at the document level but in
              Xindice XPath queries can be executed at either the document level
              or the collection level. This
              means that a query can be run against multiple documents and the
              result set will contain all matching nodes from all documents
              in the collection.
              The Xindice server also supports the creation of indexes on
              XML documents to speed up commonly used XPath queries. Please refer
              to the
              <link href="guide-administrator.html">Administrators
                 Guide</link> for more detail about configuring indexes.
              You can execute XPath queries against the database using the command
              line tools and the result of the query will be displayed.
                 Executing an XPath query against a collection of XML documents
                 Here we assume we have a collection /db/data/products that contains
                 documents that are similar to the following.
              <source><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <product product_id="120320">
  <description>Glazed Ham</description>
                 The XPath /product[@product_id="120320"] will be executed against
                 the collection /db/data/products and all matching product entries
                 will be returned.
  xindice xpath_query -c /db/data/products -q /product[@product_id="120320"]
                 The result of the query is an XPath node-set that contains one
                 node for each result. In this particular example there is only
                 one result and the node that matches is the root element so you
                 get back basically the whole document.
                 To make it easy to link the result node back to the originating
                 document, Xindice adds a few attributes to the result. These attributes
                 are added in the NodeSource namespace that has the URI
                 <code>col</code> attribute specifies the
                 collection where the document can be found and the
                 <code>key</code> attribute
                 provides the key of the original document. Using this information it
                 is possible to retrieve the original document that this node was
                 selected from for further processing.
              <source><![CDATA[<product product_id="120320" xmlns:src=""
  src:col="/db/data/products" src:key="120320">
  <description>Glazed Ham</description>
                 If more then one result is found the results look something like
                 this. This could be the result of the query /product
  <product product_id="120320" xmlns:src=""
  src:col="/db/data/products" src:key="120320">
  <description>Glazed Ham</description>
  <product product_id="120321" xmlns:src=""
  src:col="/db/data/products" src:key="120321">
  <description>Boiled Ham</description>
  <product product_id="120322" xmlns:src=""
  src:col="/db/data/products" src:key="120322">
  <description>Honey Ham</description>
              While it is certainly useful to be able to query from the command
              line it is  probably more useful to be able to use the results of a
              query in an application. For more information on building
              applications for Xindice, please refer to the
              <link href="guide-user.html">Developers Guide</link>.
              <title>XMLDB Error codes</title>
                 public static final int UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0;
                 public static final int VENDOR_ERROR = 1;
                 public static final int NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 2;
                 public static final int WRONG_CONTENT_TYPE = 3;
                 public static final int PERMISSION_DENIED = 4;
                 public static final int INVALID_URI = 5;
                 public static final int NO_SUCH_SERVICE = 100;
                 public static final int NO_SUCH_COLLECTION = 200;
                 public static final int INVALID_COLLECTION = 201;
                 public static final int COLLECTION_CLOSED = 202;
                 public static final int NO_SUCH_RESOURCE = 300;
                 public static final int INVALID_RESOURCE = 301;
                 public static final int UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_TYPE = 302;
                 public static final int NO_SUCH_DATABASE = 400;
                 public static final int INVALID_DATABASE = 401;
  1.1                  xml-xindice/src/documentation/content/xdocs/dev/index.xml
  Index: index.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
    - Version: $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2002/11/17 08:16:03 $
    - Author: Vladimir R. Bossicard (
        <title>Dev Zone</title>
           <person name="Vladimir R. Bossicard" email=""/>
           <p>The Xindice team is currently preparing a major release and try to
              catch up with the numerous points still open. These pages describe
              what has been done but also the amount of work that still needs to
              be done. If you have interest in the project, your help is welcome!</p>
           <title>Development Status</title>
           <p>The project really needs your help in the following areas:</p>
                 <strong>bug reports</strong>: according to the number of bugs
                 found in the bug database, Xindice has almost no bugs at all.
                 Well the experience shows that the reality is different. We
                 can't fix bugs if we don't know where they are! So if you find
                 a bug, please report it with information.
                 <strong>new documentation</strong>: everyone who uses Xindice
                 must contribute to the documentation. Period. Simply read the
                 guides, correct the mistakes and send a patch would already
                 help tremendoulsy.
                 <strong>accurate how-tos</strong>: installing Xindice is for a
                 lot of users a real nightmare. And this shouldn't be the case.
                 The goal is to provide simple and detailed
                 <link href="../howto/index.html">how-tos</link>. If you are
                 installing Xindice, please follow the how-to and review its
                 accuracy. If there is none, you'll have to write and and send
                 it to use.
                 <strong>local patches</strong>: if you have locally modified
                 Xindice to fix a bug, please provide a patch! Or at least
                 discuss the modifications on the
                 <link href="../mail.html">mailing list</link>.
  1.1                  xml-xindice/src/documentation/content/xdocs/dev/news.xml
  Index: news.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
    - Version: $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2002/11/17 08:16:03 $
    - Author: Vladimir R. Bossicard (
        <title>Dev News</title>
              <strong>17 November 2002</strong>: the new website is published.
              Many thanks to Kevin (guides), Nicola (logo) and Jeff (Forrest
              hotline).  And me (Vladimir) for the overall migration :-)