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[44/51] [partial] incubator-usergrid git commit: Website directory MUST be named "content"
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b48f45e
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+++ b/content/content/docs/
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+title: Apache Usergrid data query overview
+category: docs
+layout: docs
+Apache Usergrid data query overview
+You can write code to query for data you've stored in your Apache Usergrid
+application. You'll most likely use queries as filters to retrieve
+specific entities. For example, you might want to get data about users
+who are "following" a specific other user, businesses in specific
+geographical locations, and so on.
+The following example retrieves a list of restaurants (from a
+restaurants collection) whose name property contains the value "diner",
+sorting the list in ascending order by name:
+    /restaurants?ql=select * where name contains 'diner' order by name asc
+> **Note:**Query examples in this content are shown unencoded to make
+> them easier to read. Keep in mind that you might need to encode query
+> strings if you're sending them as part of URLs, such as when you're
+> executing them with the cURL tool.
+Having retrieved the list of restaurants, your code could display the
+list to your users. You could also use a query to retrieve a list of
+diners that are located within a particular geographical area (such as
+near your user's current location).
+> **Important:** By default, results from queries of your Apache Usergrid
+> data are limited to 10 items at a time. You can control this with the
+> `limit` parameter, as discussed in [Working with
+> queries](/working-queries).
+You query your Apache Usergrid data by using a query syntax that's like
+Structured Query Language (SQL), the query language for relational
+databases. Unlike a relational database, where you specify tables and
+columns containing the data you want to query, in your Apache Usergrid
+queries you specify collections and entities.
+> **Note:** The syntax of Apache Usergrid queries only *resembles* SQL to
+> make queries familiar and easier to write. However, the language isn't
+> SQL. Only the syntax items documented here are supported.
+The examples in these topics illustrate queries using simple strings to
+make the queries easier to read. You can also use one of the Apigee
+SDKs, which provide functions through which you can pass query strings,
+and in some cases shortcuts for bypassing queries altogether.
+> **Note:** Queries replace filters, which are deprecated.
+For more detail about support for queries your Apache Usergrid database,
+see the following topics:
+-   [Basic query syntax](/basic-query-syntax)
+-   [Query response values](/query-response-values)
+-   [Data types supported in queries](/data-types-supported-queries)
+-   [Querying data from the admin portal](/querying-data-admin-portal)
+-   [Working with queries](/working-queries)
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new file mode 100644
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+title: Default Data Entities
+category: docs
+layout: docs
+Default Data Entities
+This following describes all of the default data entities available in
+Apache Usergrid, and their default properties. Each entity can be accessed
+in a corresponding collection, named with the plural form of the entity
+name (see [Apache Usergrid Data model](/app-services-data-model-1) for more
+information on how data is stored in Apache Usergrid).
+Properties marked 'required' must be set for the entity to be
+successfully created. Properties marked 'optional' are reserved by the
+API but not required. All other properties are automatically set and
+returned by the API when the entity is created.
+For information on creating custom entities or custom properties for any
+entity, see You do not have access to view this node.
+The *activity* entity represents a user activity, and is specifically
+designed for use in data streams as defined by the [JSON Activity
+Streams 1.0 specification](
+For more information on using the activity entity, see
+### Properties
+The following are the system-defined properties for activity entities:
+| Property                | Type                    | Description             |
+| uuid                    | UUID                    | Unique entity ID        |
+| type                    | string                  | Type of entity, in this |
+|                         |                         | case "activity"         |
+| created                 | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was created  |
+| modified                | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was last     |
+|                         |                         | modified                |
+| actor                   | ActivityObject          | **Required.** Entity    |
+|                         |                         | that performed the      |
+|                         |                         | 'action' of the         |
+|                         |                         | activity (see [JSON     |
+|                         |                         | Activity Streams 1.0    |
+|                         |                         | specification](http://a |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | son/1.0/)).             |
+|                         |                         | By default, the UUID of |
+|                         |                         | the user who performed  |
+|                         |                         | the action is recorded  |
+|                         |                         | as the value of the     |
+|                         |                         | 'uuid' property of this |
+|                         |                         | object.                 |
+| verb                    | string                  | **Required.** The       |
+|                         |                         | action performed by the |
+|                         |                         | user (for example,      |
+|                         |                         | *post*)                 |
+| published               | long                    | **Required.** [UTC      |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the activity was        |
+|                         |                         | published               |
+| content                 | string                  | *Optional.* Description |
+|                         |                         | of the activity         |
+| icon                    | MediaLink               | *Optional.* Visual      |
+|                         |                         | representation of a     |
+|                         |                         | media link resource     |
+|                         |                         | (see [JSON Activity     |
+|                         |                         | Streams 1.0             |
+|                         |                         | specification](http://a |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | son/1.0/))              |
+| category                | string                  | *Optional.* Category    |
+|                         |                         | used to organize        |
+|                         |                         | activities              |
+| verb                    | string                  | *Optional.* Action that |
+|                         |                         | the actor performs (for |
+|                         |                         | example, *post*)        |
+| published               | long                    | *Optional.* [UTC        |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds when    |
+|                         |                         | the activity was        |
+|                         |                         | published               |
+| object                  | ActivityObject          | *Optional.* Object on   |
+|                         |                         | which the action is     |
+|                         |                         | performed (see [JSON    |
+|                         |                         | Activity Streams 1.0    |
+|                         |                         | specification](http://a |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | son/1.0/))              |
+| title                   | string                  | *Optional.* Title or    |
+|                         |                         | headline for the        |
+|                         |                         | activity                |
+| metadata                | object                  | A nested,               |
+|                         |                         | JSON-formatted object   |
+|                         |                         | that provides the       |
+|                         |                         | relative path to the    |
+|                         |                         | activity entity, as     |
+|                         |                         | well as additional data |
+|                         |                         | entities associated     |
+|                         |                         | with the activity. The  |
+|                         |                         | following properties    |
+|                         |                         | are included in         |
+|                         |                         | metadata:               |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | **path**: Path to       |
+|                         |                         | retrieve the activity   |
+|                         |                         | entity, including the   |
+|                         |                         | UUID of the user entity |
+|                         |                         | associated with the     |
+|                         |                         | activity and the UUID   |
+|                         |                         | of the activity entity  |
+The *application* entity is the base entity for accessing your
+application data in Apache Usergrid. Aside from creating the application
+entity, most apps using Apache Usergrid will never need to access the
+application entity directly; however, you can add custom entities or
+make changes to the default properties of the entity for configuration
+purposes via the Apache Usergrid.
+For more information on creating and configuring applications in App
+Services, see [Creating a New Application with the Admin
+### Properties
+| Property                | Type                    | Description             |
+| uuid                    | UUID                    | Unique entity ID        |
+| type                    | String                  | Type of entity, in this |
+|                         |                         | case "application"      |
+| name                    | string                  | *Optional.* Application |
+|                         |                         | name                    |
+| created                 | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was created  |
+| modified                | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was last     |
+|                         |                         | modified                |
+| accesstokenttl          | long                    | *Optional.* Time to     |
+|                         |                         | live value for an       |
+|                         |                         | access token obtained   |
+|                         |                         | within the application  |
+| organizationName        | string                  | Name of the             |
+|                         |                         | organization the        |
+|                         |                         | application belongs to  |
+| applicationName         | string                  | Name of the application |
+| title                   | string                  | *Optional.* Application |
+|                         |                         | title                   |
+| description             | string                  | *Optional.* Application |
+|                         |                         | description             |
+| activated               | boolean                 | *Optional.* Whether     |
+|                         |                         | application is          |
+|                         |                         | activated               |
+| disabled                | boolean                 | *Optional.* Whether     |
+|                         |                         | application is          |
+|                         |                         | administratively        |
+|                         |                         | disabled                |
+| allowOpenRegistration   | boolean                 | *Optional.* Whether     |
+|                         |                         | application allows any  |
+|                         |                         | user to register        |
+| registrationRequiresEma | boolean                 | *Optional.* Whether     |
+| ilConfirmation          |                         | registration requires   |
+|                         |                         | email confirmation      |
+| registrationRequiresAdm | boolean                 | *Optional.* Whether     |
+| inApproval              |                         | registration requires   |
+|                         |                         | admin approval          |
+| notify\_admin\_of\_new\ | boolean                 | *Optional.* Whether     |
+| _users                  |                         | application admins      |
+|                         |                         | should be notified of   |
+|                         |                         | new users               |
+| metadata                | object                  | A nested,               |
+|                         |                         | JSON-formatted object   |
+|                         |                         | that provides a         |
+|                         |                         | 'collections' object    |
+|                         |                         | with the relative paths |
+|                         |                         | to all entity           |
+|                         |                         | collections associated  |
+|                         |                         | with the application.   |
+|                         |                         | The following           |
+|                         |                         | collections are         |
+|                         |                         | included in metadata by |
+|                         |                         | default:                |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | -   **users**: Path to  |
+|                         |                         |     retrieve the /users |
+|                         |                         |     collection          |
+|                         |                         | -   **groups**: Path to |
+|                         |                         |     retrieve the        |
+|                         |                         |     /groups collection  |
+|                         |                         | -   **folders**: Path   |
+|                         |                         |     to retrieve the     |
+|                         |                         |     /folders collection |
+|                         |                         | -   **events**: Path to |
+|                         |                         |     retrieve the        |
+|                         |                         |     /events collection  |
+|                         |                         | -   **assets**: Path to |
+|                         |                         |     retrieve the        |
+|                         |                         |     /assets collection  |
+|                         |                         | -   **activities**:     |
+|                         |                         |     Path to retrieve    |
+|                         |                         |     the /activities     |
+|                         |                         |     collection          |
+|                         |                         | -   **devices**: Path   |
+|                         |                         |     to retrieve the     |
+|                         |                         |     /devices collection |
+|                         |                         | -   **notifiers**: Path |
+|                         |                         |     to retrieve the     |
+|                         |                         |     /notifiers          |
+|                         |                         |     collection          |
+|                         |                         | -   **notifications**:  |
+|                         |                         |     Path to retrieve    |
+|                         |                         |     the /notifications  |
+|                         |                         |     collection          |
+|                         |                         | -   **receipts**: Path  |
+|                         |                         |     to retrieve the     |
+|                         |                         |     /receipts           |
+|                         |                         |     collection          |
+The *asset* entity represents a binary data object stored in App
+Services infrastructure, such as an image, video or audio file. The
+asset entity does not contain the binary data, but rather contains
+information about the data and points to the location where it can be
+accessed in Apache Usergrid infrastructure.
+For more information on using the asset entity, see [Assets](/assets).
+### Properties
+The following are the system-defined properties for asset entities:
+| Property                | Type                    | Description             |
+| uuid                    | UUID                    | Unique entity ID        |
+| type                    | string                  | Type of entity, in this |
+|                         |                         | case"asset"             |
+| name                    | string                  | *Optional.* Asset name  |
+| created                 | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was created  |
+| modified                | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was last     |
+|                         |                         | modified                |
+| owner                   | UUID                    | **Required.** UUID of   |
+|                         |                         | the user entity that    |
+|                         |                         | owns the asset          |
+| path                    | string                  | **Required.** Relative  |
+|                         |                         | path to the asset       |
+| content-type            | string                  | MIME media type that    |
+|                         |                         | describes the asset     |
+|                         |                         | (see [media             |
+|                         |                         | types](http://www.iana. |
+|                         |                         | org/assignments/media-t |
+|                         |                         | ypes))                  |
+| metadata                | object                  | A nested,               |
+|                         |                         | JSON-formatted object   |
+|                         |                         | that provides the       |
+|                         |                         | relative path to the    |
+|                         |                         | asset entity, as well   |
+|                         |                         | as additional data      |
+|                         |                         | entities associated     |
+|                         |                         | with the asset. The     |
+|                         |                         | following properties    |
+|                         |                         | are included in         |
+|                         |                         | metadata:               |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | -   **path**: Path to   |
+|                         |                         |     retrieve the asset  |
+|                         |                         |     entity              |
+The *device* entity represents a unique device that is being used to
+access your app. Device entities should be associated with a user
+entity. The Apache Usergrid push notification feature requires the device
+For more information on using the device entity, see [Device](/device).
+### Properties
+The following are the system-defined properties for device entities:
+| Property                | Type                    | Description             |
+| uuid                    | UUID                    | Unique entity ID        |
+| type                    | string                  | Type of entity, in this |
+|                         |                         | case "device"           |
+| name                    | string                  | *Optional.* Device name |
+| created                 | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was created  |
+| modified                | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was last     |
+|                         |                         | modified                |
+| metadata                | object                  | A nested,               |
+|                         |                         | JSON-formatted object   |
+|                         |                         | that provides the       |
+|                         |                         | relative path to the    |
+|                         |                         | device entity, as well  |
+|                         |                         | as additional data      |
+|                         |                         | entities associated     |
+|                         |                         | with the user. The      |
+|                         |                         | following properties    |
+|                         |                         | are included in         |
+|                         |                         | metadata:               |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | **path**: Path to       |
+|                         |                         | retrieve the device     |
+|                         |                         | entity, including the   |
+|                         |                         | device UUID             |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | **collections**: Nested |
+|                         |                         | object that contains    |
+|                         |                         | paths to data entity    |
+|                         |                         | collections associated  |
+|                         |                         | with the device.        |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | -   receipts: Receipt   |
+|                         |                         |     entities associated |
+|                         |                         |     with the device     |
+|                         |                         | -   users: User         |
+|                         |                         |     entities associated |
+|                         |                         |     with the device     |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+The *event* entity is used to log application data, primarily for
+performance and error monitoring. Event entities can be also associated
+with users and groups. The event mechanism in Apache Usergrid is optimized
+to handle large numbers of events, so it is an ideal mechanism for
+logging in your application.
+For more information on using the event entity, see [Events and
+### Properties
+| Property                | Type                    | Description             |
+| uuid                    | UUID                    | Unique entity ID        |
+| type                    | String                  | Type of entity, in this |
+|                         |                         | case "event"            |
+| created                 | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was created  |
+| modified                | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was last     |
+|                         |                         | modified                |
+| timestamp               | long                    | **Required.** [UTC      |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the application event   |
+|                         |                         | occurred                |
+| user                    | UUID                    | *Optional.* UUID of     |
+|                         |                         | application user that   |
+|                         |                         | posted the event        |
+| group                   | UUID                    | *Optional.* UUID of     |
+|                         |                         | application group that  |
+|                         |                         | posted the event        |
+| category                | string                  | *Optional.* Category    |
+|                         |                         | used for organizing     |
+|                         |                         | similar events          |
+| counters                | map                     | *Optional.* Counter     |
+|                         |                         | used for tracking       |
+|                         |                         | number of similar       |
+|                         |                         | events                  |
+| message                 | string                  | *Optional.* Message     |
+|                         |                         | describing event. Will  |
+|                         |                         | be *null* if no message |
+|                         |                         | is specified            |
+| metadata                | object                  | A nested,               |
+|                         |                         | JSON-formatted object   |
+|                         |                         | that provides the       |
+|                         |                         | relative path to the    |
+|                         |                         | event entity, as well   |
+|                         |                         | as additional data      |
+|                         |                         | entities associated     |
+|                         |                         | with the event. The     |
+|                         |                         | following properties    |
+|                         |                         | are included in         |
+|                         |                         | metadata:               |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | -   **path**: Path to   |
+|                         |                         |     retrieve the event  |
+|                         |                         |     entity              |
+The *folder* entity is used to emulate a file structure for the purpose
+of organizing assets or custom entities.
+For more information on using the folder entity, see [Folder](/folder).
+### Properties
+The following are the system-defined properties for folder entities:
+| Property                | Type                    | Description             |
+| uuid                    | UUID                    | Unique entity ID        |
+| type                    | string                  | Type of entity, in this |
+|                         |                         | case"folder"            |
+| name                    | string                  | *Optional.* Folder name |
+| created                 | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was created  |
+| modified                | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was last     |
+|                         |                         | modified                |
+| owner                   | UUID                    | **Required.** UUID of   |
+|                         |                         | the folder’s owner      |
+| path                    | string                  | **Required.** Relative  |
+|                         |                         | path to the folder      |
+| metadata                | object                  | A nested,               |
+|                         |                         | JSON-formatted object   |
+|                         |                         | that provides the       |
+|                         |                         | relative path to the    |
+|                         |                         | folder entity, as well  |
+|                         |                         | as additional data      |
+|                         |                         | entities associated     |
+|                         |                         | with the asset. The     |
+|                         |                         | following properties    |
+|                         |                         | are included in         |
+|                         |                         | metadata:               |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | -   **path**: Path to   |
+|                         |                         |     retrieve the folder |
+|                         |                         |     entity              |
+The *group* entity allows you to group users based on any criteria.
+Multiple group entities can be nested to create sub-groups. Users can
+also belong to multiple groups. Examples of uses for the group entity
+include grouping users by interest or location.
+The look-up properties for the entities of type group are UUID and path,
+that is, you can use the uuid or path property to reference a group in
+an API call. However, you can search on a group using any property of
+the group entity. See [Queries and parameters](/queries-and-parameters)
+for details on searching.
+For more information on using the group entity, see [Group](/group).
+### Properties
+The following are the system-defined properties for group entities
+| Property                | Type                    | Description             |
+| uuid                    | UUID                    | Unique entity UUID      |
+| type                    | string                  | Type of entity, in this |
+|                         |                         | case “group”            |
+| created                 | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was created  |
+| modified                | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was last     |
+|                         |                         | modified                |
+| path                    | string                  | **Required.** Relative  |
+|                         |                         | path where the group    |
+|                         |                         | can be retrieved        |
+| title                   | string                  | *Optional.* Display     |
+|                         |                         | name for the group      |
+|                         |                         | entity                  |
+| metadata                | object                  | A nested,               |
+|                         |                         | JSON-formatted object   |
+|                         |                         | that provides the       |
+|                         |                         | relative path to the    |
+|                         |                         | group entity, as well   |
+|                         |                         | as additional data      |
+|                         |                         | entities associated     |
+|                         |                         | with the group. The     |
+|                         |                         | following properties    |
+|                         |                         | are included in         |
+|                         |                         | metadata:               |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | **path**: Path to       |
+|                         |                         | retrieve the group      |
+|                         |                         | entity, including the   |
+|                         |                         | group UUID              |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | **sets**: Nested object |
+|                         |                         | that contains the       |
+|                         |                         | 'rolenames' and         |
+|                         |                         | 'permissions'           |
+|                         |                         | properties.             |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | -   rolenames: Path to  |
+|                         |                         |     retrieve a list of  |
+|                         |                         |     roles associated    |
+|                         |                         |     with the group.     |
+|                         |                         | -   permissions: Path   |
+|                         |                         |     to retrieve a list  |
+|                         |                         |     of all permissions  |
+|                         |                         |     directly associated |
+|                         |                         |     with the group. If  |
+|                         |                         |     the group is        |
+|                         |                         |     associated with a   |
+|                         |                         |     role, the list will |
+|                         |                         |     not include         |
+|                         |                         |     permissions         |
+|                         |                         |     associated with the |
+|                         |                         |     role entity.        |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | **collections**: Nested |
+|                         |                         | object that contains    |
+|                         |                         | paths to data entity    |
+|                         |                         | collections associated  |
+|                         |                         | with the group.         |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | -   activities:         |
+|                         |                         |     Activity entities   |
+|                         |                         |     associated with the |
+|                         |                         |     group               |
+|                         |                         | -   feed: A feed of all |
+|                         |                         |     activities          |
+|                         |                         |     published by users  |
+|                         |                         |     associated with the |
+|                         |                         |     group               |
+|                         |                         | -   roles: Role         |
+|                         |                         |     entities associated |
+|                         |                         |     with the group      |
+|                         |                         | -   users: User         |
+|                         |                         |     entities associated |
+|                         |                         |     with the group      |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+The *notification* entity represents a push notification, including
+notification message and details. A notification entity is sent in
+conjunction with a notifier entity to a notification service, such as
+Apple Push Notification Service, to initiate a push notification.
+For more information on using the notification entity, see [Create &
+Manage Notifications](/create-manage-notifications).
+### Properties
+| Property                | Type                    | Description             |
+| uuid                    | UUID                    | Unique entity ID        |
+| type                    | string                  | Type of entity, in this |
+|                         |                         | case “notification”     |
+| created                 | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was created  |
+| modified                | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was last     |
+|                         |                         | modified                |
+| payloads                | string                  | **Required.** The push  |
+|                         |                         | notifications to be     |
+|                         |                         | delivered, formatted as |
+|                         |                         | key-value pairs of      |
+|                         |                         | notifier entities and   |
+|                         |                         | messages                |
+|                         |                         | (\<notifier\_name1\>:\< |
+|                         |                         | message1\>,             |
+|                         |                         | \<notifier\_name2\>:\<m |
+|                         |                         | essage2\>,              |
+|                         |                         | ...)                    |
+| errorMessage            | string                  | Error message returned  |
+|                         |                         | by the notification     |
+|                         |                         | service (APNs or GCM)   |
+|                         |                         | if the notification     |
+|                         |                         | fails entirely          |
+| scheduled               | bool                    | Whether the             |
+|                         |                         | notification is         |
+|                         |                         | currently scheduled for |
+|                         |                         | delivery                |
+| state                   | string                  | The current delivery    |
+|                         |                         | status of the           |
+|                         |                         | notification:           |
+|                         |                         | "FINISHED", "SCHEDULED" |
+|                         |                         | or "CANCELED".          |
+| metadata                | object                  | A nested,               |
+|                         |                         | JSON-formatted object   |
+|                         |                         | that provides the       |
+|                         |                         | relative path to the    |
+|                         |                         | notification entity, as |
+|                         |                         | well as additional data |
+|                         |                         | entities associated     |
+|                         |                         | with the notification.  |
+|                         |                         | The following           |
+|                         |                         | properties are included |
+|                         |                         | in metadata:            |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | **path**: Path to       |
+|                         |                         | retrieve the            |
+|                         |                         | notification object     |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | **collections**: Nested |
+|                         |                         | object that contains    |
+|                         |                         | paths to data entity    |
+|                         |                         | collections associated  |
+|                         |                         | with the notification.  |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | -   **queue**: Device   |
+|                         |                         |     entities scheduled  |
+|                         |                         |     to receive the push |
+|                         |                         |     notification        |
+|                         |                         | -   **receipts**":      |
+|                         |                         |     Receipt entities    |
+|                         |                         |     for delivery        |
+|                         |                         |     attempts"           |
+The *notifier* entity contains the credentials necessary to securely
+access push notification service providers, which in turn send your
+notifications to targeted devices.
+For more information on using the notifier entity, see [Create
+### Properties
+| Property                | Type                    | Description             |
+| uuid                    | UUID                    | Unique entity ID        |
+| type                    | string                  | Type of entity, in this |
+|                         |                         | case “notifier”         |
+| name                    | string                  | *Optional.* Notifier    |
+|                         |                         | display name            |
+| created                 | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was created  |
+| modified                | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was last     |
+|                         |                         | modified                |
+| provider                | string                  | **Required.** Push      |
+|                         |                         | notification provider:  |
+|                         |                         | "apple" or "google"     |
+| environment             | string                  | **Required.** The       |
+|                         |                         | environment that        |
+|                         |                         | corresponds to your     |
+|                         |                         | app: "development" or   |
+|                         |                         | "production"            |
+| metadata                | object                  | A nested,               |
+|                         |                         | JSON-formatted object   |
+|                         |                         | that provides the       |
+|                         |                         | relative path to the    |
+|                         |                         | notifier entity         |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | **path**: Path to       |
+|                         |                         | retrieve the            |
+|                         |                         | notification object     |
+The *receipt* entity is created after a push notification has been sent
+using Apache Usergrid. The receipt is a record of an attempted push
+notification, including if the notification was successful, and when it
+was sent.
+For more information on the receipt entity, see [Create & Manage
+### Properties
+| Property                | Type                    | Description             |
+| uuid                    | UUID                    | Unique entity ID        |
+| type                    | string                  | Type of entity, in this |
+|                         |                         | case “receipt”          |
+| created                 | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was created  |
+| modified                | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was last     |
+|                         |                         | modified                |
+| payload                 | string                  | The push notification   |
+|                         |                         | message that was        |
+|                         |                         | specified in the        |
+|                         |                         | 'payload' property of   |
+|                         |                         | the notification entity |
+|                         |                         | associated with the     |
+|                         |                         | push notification.      |
+| errorMessage            | string                  | Error message returned  |
+|                         |                         | by the notification     |
+|                         |                         | service (APNs or GCM)   |
+|                         |                         | if delivery of the      |
+|                         |                         | notification to a       |
+|                         |                         | device fails            |
+| errorCode               | String                  | Error code returned by  |
+|                         |                         | the notification        |
+|                         |                         | service, if any.        |
+| sent                    | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds for     |
+|                         |                         | when the notification   |
+|                         |                         | was sent                |
+| metadata                | object                  | A nested,               |
+|                         |                         | JSON-formatted object   |
+|                         |                         | that provides the       |
+|                         |                         | relative path to the    |
+|                         |                         | notifier entity         |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | **path**: Path to       |
+|                         |                         | retrieve the            |
+|                         |                         | notification object     |
+The *role* entity is used to define standard permission sets that can be
+assigned to user and groups entities. For example, you might create an
+Administrator role to easily grant certain users full access to all app
+For more information on using the role entity, see [Role](/role).
+### Properties
+The following are the system-defined properties for role entities:
+| Property                | Type                    | Description             |
+| uuid                    | UUID                    | Unique entity ID        |
+| type                    | string                  | Type of entity, in this |
+|                         |                         | case "role"             |
+| name                    | string                  | *Optional.* Unique name |
+|                         |                         | that identifies the     |
+|                         |                         | role                    |
+| created                 | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was created  |
+| modified                | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was last     |
+|                         |                         | modified                |
+| roleName                | string                  | Identical to the value  |
+|                         |                         | of the 'name' property  |
+|                         |                         | by default              |
+| title                   | string                  | Identical to the value  |
+|                         |                         | of the 'name' property  |
+|                         |                         | by default              |
+| inactivity              | string                  | The amount of time, in  |
+|                         |                         | milliseconds, that a    |
+|                         |                         | user or group           |
+|                         |                         | associated with the     |
+|                         |                         | role can be inactive    |
+|                         |                         | before they lose the    |
+|                         |                         | permissions associated  |
+|                         |                         | with that role. By      |
+|                         |                         | default, 'inactivity'   |
+|                         |                         | is set to 0 so that the |
+|                         |                         | user/group never loses  |
+|                         |                         | the role.               |
+| metadata                | object                  | A nested,               |
+|                         |                         | JSON-formatted object   |
+|                         |                         | that provides the       |
+|                         |                         | relative path to the    |
+|                         |                         | role entity, as well as |
+|                         |                         | additional data         |
+|                         |                         | entities associated     |
+|                         |                         | with the role. The      |
+|                         |                         | following properties    |
+|                         |                         | are included in         |
+|                         |                         | metadata:               |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | **path**: Path to       |
+|                         |                         | retrieve the role       |
+|                         |                         | entity                  |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | **sets**: Nested object |
+|                         |                         | that contains the       |
+|                         |                         | 'permissions' property. |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | -   permissions: Path   |
+|                         |                         |     to retrieve a list  |
+|                         |                         |     of all permissions  |
+|                         |                         |     associated with the |
+|                         |                         |     role.               |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | **collections**: Nested |
+|                         |                         | object that contains    |
+|                         |                         | paths to data entity    |
+|                         |                         | collections associated  |
+|                         |                         | with the role.          |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | -   groups: Group       |
+|                         |                         |     entities associated |
+|                         |                         |     with the role       |
+|                         |                         | -   users: User         |
+|                         |                         |     entities associated |
+|                         |                         |     with the role       |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+The *user* entity represents a registered user of your app, and includes
+optional properties for common user details, such as real name, email
+address, and password.
+For more information on using the user entity, see [User](/user).
+### Properties
+The following are the system-defined properties for user entities:
+| Property                | Type                    | Description             |
+| uuid                    | UUID                    | Unique entity ID        |
+| type                    | string                  | Type of entity, in this |
+|                         |                         | case “user”             |
+| created                 | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was created  |
+| modified                | long                    | [UTC                    |
+|                         |                         | timestamp](http://en.wi |
+|                         |                         | |
+|                         |                         | nated_Universal_Time)   |
+|                         |                         | in milliseconds of when |
+|                         |                         | the entity was last     |
+|                         |                         | modified                |
+| username                | string                  | **Required.**Valid and  |
+|                         |                         | unique username         |
+| password                | string                  | *Optional.* User        |
+|                         |                         | password                |
+| name                    | string                  | *Optional.* *Optional.* |
+|                         |                         | User display name       |
+| email                   | string                  | *Optional.*User's email |
+|                         |                         | address. Note that this |
+|                         |                         | is a required field for |
+|                         |                         | user entities created   |
+|                         |                         | with the User           |
+|                         |                         | Management tool in the  |
+|                         |                         | Apache Usergrid console.   |
+| firstname               | string                  | *Optional.* User first  |
+|                         |                         | name                    |
+| middlename              | string                  | *Optional.* User middle |
+|                         |                         | name                    |
+| lastname                | string                  | *Optional.* User last   |
+|                         |                         | name                    |
+| picture                 | string                  | *Optional.* URL where   |
+|                         |                         | the user's profile      |
+|                         |                         | picture can be          |
+|                         |                         | retrieved               |
+| activated               | boolean                 | Whether the user        |
+|                         |                         | account is activated.   |
+|                         |                         | Set to 'true' by        |
+|                         |                         | default when the user   |
+|                         |                         | is created.             |
+| metadata                | object                  | A nested,               |
+|                         |                         | JSON-formatted object   |
+|                         |                         | that provides the       |
+|                         |                         | relative path to the    |
+|                         |                         | user entity, as well as |
+|                         |                         | additional data         |
+|                         |                         | entities associated     |
+|                         |                         | with the user. The      |
+|                         |                         | following properties    |
+|                         |                         | are included in         |
+|                         |                         | metadata:               |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | **path**: Path to       |
+|                         |                         | retrieve the user       |
+|                         |                         | entity                  |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | **sets**: Nested object |
+|                         |                         | that contains the       |
+|                         |                         | 'rolenames' and         |
+|                         |                         | 'permissions'           |
+|                         |                         | properties.             |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | -   rolenames:          |
+|                         |                         |     *Deprecated*. Use   |
+|                         |                         |     **/users/\\/roles** |
+|                         |                         |     instead. Path to    |
+|                         |                         |     retrieve a list of  |
+|                         |                         |     roles associated    |
+|                         |                         |     with the user.      |
+|                         |                         | -   permissions: Path   |
+|                         |                         |     to retrieve a list  |
+|                         |                         |     of all permissions  |
+|                         |                         |     directly associated |
+|                         |                         |     with the user. If   |
+|                         |                         |     the user is         |
+|                         |                         |     associated with a   |
+|                         |                         |     role or group, the  |
+|                         |                         |     list will not       |
+|                         |                         |     include permissions |
+|                         |                         |     associated with     |
+|                         |                         |     those entities.     |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | **collections**: Nested |
+|                         |                         | object that contains    |
+|                         |                         | paths to data entity    |
+|                         |                         | collections associated  |
+|                         |                         | with the user.          |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         | -   activities:         |
+|                         |                         |     Activity entities   |
+|                         |                         |     associated with the |
+|                         |                         |     user                |
+|                         |                         | -   devices: Device     |
+|                         |                         |     entities associated |
+|                         |                         |     with the user       |
+|                         |                         | -   feed: A feed of all |
+|                         |                         |     activities          |
+|                         |                         |     published by the    |
+|                         |                         |     user                |
+|                         |                         | -   groups: Group       |
+|                         |                         |     entities associated |
+|                         |                         |     with the user       |
+|                         |                         | -   roles: Role         |
+|                         |                         |     entities associated |
+|                         |                         |     with the user       |
+|                         |                         | -   following: Users    |
+|                         |                         |     that the user is    |
+|                         |                         |     following           |
+|                         |                         | -   followers: Users    |
+|                         |                         |     that are following  |
+|                         |                         |     the user            |
+|                         |                         |                         |
+|                         |                         |                         |