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Posted to by gilv <> on 2016/01/04 06:28:44 UTC

[GitHub] couchdb-fabric pull request: COUCHDB-769: Store attachments in the...

Github user gilv commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: src/fabric_attachments_handler.erl ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
    +%% @author gilv
    +%% @doc @todo Add description to fabric_swift_handler.
    +-export([inline_att_store/2, inline_att_handler/3, container_handler/2, normal_att_store/5, externalize_att/1]).
    +%% ====================================================================
    +%% External API functions. I try to keep them as general as possible, 
    +%% without correlation to specific object store that might be internally used.
    +%% ====================================================================
    +normal_att_store(FileName,Db,ContentLen,MimeType,Req) ->
    +    ContainerName = container_name(Db),
    +    couch_log:debug("Standard attachment handler",[]),
    +    couch_log:debug("Going to store ~p of length is ~p,  ~p in the container: ~n",[FileName,ContentLen,ContainerName]),
    +    %Bad implementation - no chunk reader. All kept in the memory. Should be fixed.
    +    Data = couch_httpd:recv(Req, ContentLen),
    +    case swift_put_object(ContainerName, FileName, MimeType, [], Data) of
    +        {ok,{201,NewUrl}} ->
    +            couch_log:debug("Created. Swift response code is 201 ~n",[]),
    +            {ObjectSize,EtagMD5} = swift_head_object(ContainerName, FileName),
    +            {unicode:characters_to_binary(NewUrl, unicode, utf8), ObjectSize, EtagMD5};
    +        {_,{Code,_}} ->
    +            couch_log:debug("Swift response code is ~p~n",[]),
    +            {Data, -1}
    +    end.
    +inline_att_store(Db, Docs) ->
    +    DbName = container_name(Db),
    +    couch_log:debug("Store inline base64 encoded attachment ~n",[]),
    +    if 
    +        is_list(Docs)  ->
    +            couch_log:debug("Going to handle document list",[]),
    +            DocsArray = Docs;
    +        true ->
    +            couch_log:debug("Going to handle single document",[]),
    +            DocsArray = [Docs]
    +    end,
    +    [#doc{atts=Atts0} = Doc | Rest] = DocsArray,
    +    if 
    +        length(Atts0) > 0 ->
    +            couch_log:debug("Att length is larger than 0",[]),
    +            Atts = [att_processor(DbName,Att) || Att <- Atts0],
    +            if 
    +                is_list(Docs)  ->
    +                    [Doc#doc{atts = Atts} | Rest];
    +            true ->
    +                Doc#doc{atts = Atts}
    +            end;
    +        true ->
    +            couch_log:debug("No attachments to handle",[]),
    +            Docs
    +    end.
    +inline_att_handler(get, Db, Att) ->
    +    DbName = container_name(Db),
    +    couch_log:debug("Retrieve attachment",[]),
    +    [Data,Name,AttLen,AttLenUser] = couch_att:fetch([data, name,att_len, att_external_size],Att),
    +    couch_log:debug("Going to retrieve ~p. DB length is: ~p, stored length: ~p~n",[Name, AttLen, AttLenUser]),
    +    NewData = swift_get_object(DbName, Name),
    +    NewAtt = couch_att:store([{data, NewData},{att_len,AttLenUser},{disk_len,AttLenUser}], Att),
    +    NewAtt;
    +inline_att_handler(delete,Db, Att) ->
    +    DbName = container_name(Db),
    +    couch_log:debug("Delete attachment ~p~n",[]).
    +container_handler(create,DbName) ->
    +    couch_log:debug("Create container ~p~n",[DbName]),
    +    case swift_create_container(DbName) of
    +        {ok,{201,Container}} ->
    +            couch_log:debug("Container ~p created succesfully ~n",[Container]),
    +            {ok,Container};
    +        {error,_} ->
    +            couch_log:debug("Container ~p creation failed ~n",[DbName]),
    +            {error,DbName}
    +    end;
    +container_handler(get,DbName) ->
    +    couch_log:debug("Get container ~p~n",[DbName]);
    +    couch_log:debug("Delete container ~p~n",[DbName]),
    +    swift_delete_container(DbName).
    +externalize_att(Db) ->
    +    Res = config:get("swift","attachments_offload","false"),
    +    Res.
    +%% ====================================================================
    +%% Internal general functions
    +%% ====================================================================
    +container_name(Db) ->
    +    Suffix = list_to_binary(mem3:shard_suffix(Db)),
    +    DbNameSuffix = erlang:iolist_to_binary([fabric:dbname(Db), Suffix]),
    +    couch_log:debug("Db to Container name ~p~n",[DbNameSuffix]),	
    +    DbNameSuffix.
    +hex_to_bin(Str) -> << << (erlang:list_to_integer([H], 16)):4 >> || H <- Str >>.
    --- End diff --
    @kxepal I am using hex_to_bin to transform Etag returned from Swift to the same format as it used by CouchDB.
    I did some tests
        A = hex_to_bin("39345d76817774864639d2bafb7c4551"),
        B = couch_util: to_hex("39345d76817774864639d2bafb7c4551"),
    They produce different results. B is not what is expected.
    A  = 4]v�wt�F9Һ� 
    B = 3339333435643736383137373734383634363339643262616662376334353531

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