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Posted to by on 2009/08/10 15:33:48 UTC

svn commit: r802788 [2/2] - in /xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc: NLS/EN_US/ framework/ util/MsgLoaders/ICU/resources/ util/MsgLoaders/InMemory/ util/MsgLoaders/MsgCatalog/ util/MsgLoaders/Win32/ validators/schema/

Modified: xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/Version.rc
--- xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/Version.rc (original)
+++ xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/Version.rc Mon Aug 10 13:33:48 2009
@@ -164,233 +164,228 @@
     60                L"invalid element following restriction or extension definition in complexContent"
     61                L"duplicate annotation in type '{0}'"
     62                L"type '{0}' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition"
-    63                L"value 'substitution' is already in the final list"
-    64                L"value 'union' is already in the final list"
-    65                L"value 'extension' is already in the final list"
-    66                L"value 'list' is already in the final list"
-    67                L"value 'restriction' is already in the final list"
-    68                L"block value '{0}' is invalid"
-    69                L"final value '{0}' is invalid"
-    70                L"element '{0}' cannot be part of the substitution group headed by '{1}'"
-    71                L"element '{0}' has a type which does not derive from the type of the element at the head of the substitution group"
-    72                L"element '{0}' declared more than once in the same scope"
-    73                L"value '{0}' invalid for attribute '{1}'"
-    74                L"attribute '{0}' has both 'ref' attribute and inline simpleType definition or 'form' or 'type' attribute"
-    75                L"duplicate reference attribute '{0}:{1}' in complexType definition"
-    76                L"derivation by restriction is forbidden by either base type '{0}' or globally"
-    77                L"derivation by extension is forbidden by either base type '{0}' or globally"
-    78                L"base type specified in complexContent definition must be a complex type"
-    79                L"imported schema '{0}' has different target namespace '{1}'; expected '{2}'"
-    80                L"'schemaLocation' attribute must be specified in element '{0}'"
-    81                L"included schema '{0}' has different target namespace '{1}'"
-    82                L"at most one annotation is allowed"
-    83                L"content of attribute '{0}' must match (annotation?, simpleType?)"
-    84                L"attribute '{0}' must appear in global {1} declarations"
-    85                L"attribute '{0}' must appear in local {1} declarations"
-    86                L"attribute '{0}' cannot appear in global {1} declarations"
-    87                L"attribute '{0}' cannot appear in local {1} declarations"
-    88                L"minOccurs value '{0}' must not be greater than maxOccurs value '{1}'"
-    89                L"duplicate annotation in anyAttribute declaration"
-    90                L"global {0} declaration must have name"
-    91                L"circular definition in '{0}'"
-    92                L"global type '{0}:{1}' declared more than once or also declared as {2}"
-    93                L"global {0} '{1}' declared more than once"
-    94                L"invalid value '{0}' for whiteSpace facet; expected 'collapse'"
-    95                L"namespace of import declaration must be different from target namespace of importing schema"
-    96                L"importing schema must have target namespace if namespace in import declaration is not present"
-    97                L"element '{0}' cannot have value constraint '{1}' if its type is derived from ID"
-    98                L"element/attribute '{0}' is of NOTATION type"
-    99                L"element '{0}' has mixed content type and the content type's particle must be emptiable"
-    100               L"complexType definition has empty content but base type is not empty or does not have emptiable particle"
-    101               L"content types of base type '{0}' and derived type '{1}' must both be mixed or element-only"
-    102               L"derived content type is not a valid restriction of base content type"
-    103               L"derivation by extension or restriction is forbidden by either base type '{0}' or globally"
-    104               L"item type definition must have variety of atomic or union where all member types must be atomic"
-    105               L"group '{0}' must contain all, choice, or sequence compositor"
-    106               L"content of attributeGroup '{0}' must match (annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))"
-    107               L"top-level compositor in a group must not have 'minOccurs' or 'maxOccurs' attribute"
-    108               L"{0} '{1}:{2}' not found"
-    109               L"group with the all compositor must only appear as content type of a complex type"
-    110               L"group with the all compositor constituting the content type of a complex type must have both minOccurs and maxOccurs equal 1"
-    111               L"element declaration in the all compositor must have minOccurs and maxOccurs equal 0 or 1"
-    112               L"attribute '{0}' is already defined in base"
-    113               L"intensional intersection of attribute wildcards must be expressible"
-    114               L"base type does not have any attributes"
-    115               L"attribute '{0}' has incompatible use value in the base"
-    116               L"type of attribute '{0}' must be derived by restriction from type of the corresponding attribute in the base"
-    117               L"attribute '{0}' does not have a fixed value or has a different fixed value from that of the base"
-    118               L"attribute '{0}' has invalid target namespace with respect to the base wildcard constraint or base has no wildcard"
-    119               L"attribute wildcard is present in the derived type but not in the base"
-    120               L"attribute wildcard in the derived type is not a valid subset of that in the base"
-    121               L"attribute '{0}' cannot have different use value in the derived type if the base attribute use value is 'prohibited'"
-    122               L"attribute wildcard in the derived type must be identical to or stricter than the one in the base"
-    123               L"unexpected '{0}' in the content of the all compositor; only elements are allowed"
-    124               L"redefined schema '{0}' has a different target namespace '{1}'"
-    125               L"simpleType in redefine must have a restriction definition"
-    126               L"simpleType base attribute in redefine must reference the original type with the same name"
-    127               L"complexType in redefine must have a restriction or extension definition"
-    128               L"complexType base attribute in redefine must reference the original type with the same name"
-    129               L"group '{0}' must have minOccurs and maxOccurs equal 1"
-    130               L"unable to find declaration in the schema being redefined corresponding to '{0}'"
-    131               L"group declaration in redefine may only contain one reference to itself"
-    132               L"attributeGroup declaration in redefine may only contain one reference to itself"
-    133               L"redefine declaration cannot contain '{0}'"
-    134               L"notation declaration '{0}:{1}' not found"
-    135               L"more than one identity constraint has name '{0}'"
-    136               L"identity constraint declaration must match (annotation?, selector, field+)"
-    137               L"key reference declaration '{0}' refers to unknown key '{1}'"
-    138               L"field cardinalities for keyref '{0}' and key '{1}' must match"
-    139               L"XPath expression is missing or empty"
-    140               L"fixed value in attribute reference is not set or differs from the fixed value of '{0}'"
-    141               L"attribute '{0}' is of ID type or type derived from ID and cannot have default/fixed value constraint"
-    142               L"attribute '{0}' is a subsequent attribute in this complex type with a type derived from ID"
-    143               L"attribute '{0}' is a subsequent attribute in this attribute group with a type derived from ID"
-    144               L"empty value illegal for 'targetNamespace' attribute; target namespace must be absent or contain non-empty value"
-    145               L"{0}"
-    146               L"'{0}' has already been included or redefined"
-    147               L"namespace '{0}' is referenced without import declaration"
-    148               L"all compositor that is part of a complex type definition must constitute the entire content of the definition"
-    149               L"annotation can only contain appinfo and documentation declarations"
-    150               L"invalid facet name '{0}'"
-    151               L"root element name of XML Schema document must be 'schema'"
-    152               L"circular substitution group in element '{0}'"
-    153               L"element '{0}' must be from the XML Schema namespace"
-    154               L"target namespace of attribute '{0}' cannot be"
-    155               L"invalid namespace declaration"
-    156               L"namespace fix-up cannot be performed on DOM Level 1 node"
-    157               L"more than one anyAttribute declaration found in complex type declaration"
-    158               L"anyAttribute must not be followed by other declarations"
-    161               L"parser has encountered more than '{0}' entity expansions in the document; this is the limit imposed by the application"
-    162               L"expected comment or CDATA section"
-    163               L"attribute name expected"
-    164               L"notation name expected"
-    165               L"illegal repetition of elements in mixed content model"
-    166               L"default attribute declaration expected"
-    167               L"equal sign expected"
-    168               L"element name expected"
-    169               L"comment must start with <!--"
-    170               L"invalid document structure"
-    171               L"expected version, encoding, or standalone declaration"
-    172               L"invalid XML version declaration"
-    173               L"unsupported XML version '{0}'"
-    174               L"unterminated XML declaration"
-    175               L"invalid XML encoding declaration '{0}'"
-    176               L"invalid standalone declaration"
-    177               L"unterminated comment"
-    178               L"processing instruction name expected"
-    179               L"unterminated processing instruction"
-    180               L"invalid character 0x{0}"
-    181               L"unterminated start tag '{0}'"
-    182               L"attribute value expected"
-    183               L"unterminated end tag '{0}'"
-    184               L"expected type for attribute '{0}' of element '{1}'"
-    185               L"expected end of tag '{0}'"
-    186               L"expected tag name, comment, PI, or other markup"
-    187               L"invalid content after root element's end tag"
-    188               L"comment expected"
-    189               L"comment or processing instruction expected"
-    190               L"whitespace expected"
-    191               L"expected root element in DOCTYPE declaration"
-    192               L"quoted string expected"
-    193               L"public id expected"
-    194               L"invalid character 0x{0} in public id"
-    195               L"unterminated DOCTYPE declaration"
-    196               L"invalid character 0x{0} in internal subset"
-    197               L"unexpected whitespace"
-    198               L"invalid character 0x{1} in attribute value '{0}'"
-    199               L"markup declaration expected"
-    200               L"TEXT declaration is illegal at this point"
-    201               L"conditional section in internal subset"
-    202               L"parameter entity name expected"
-    203               L"unterminated entity declaration '{0}'"
-    204               L"invalid character reference"
-    205               L"unterminated character reference"
-    206               L"expected entity name for reference"
-    207               L"entity '{0}' not found"
-    208               L"unparsed entity reference '{0}' is invalid at this point"
-    209               L"unterminated entity reference '{0}'"
-    210               L"recursive entity expansion '{0}'"
-    211               L"partial markup in entity value"
-    212               L"unterminated element declaration '{0}'"
-    213               L"expected content specification for element '{0}'"
-    214               L"'*' expected"
-    215               L"mixed content model '{0}' not terminated properly"
-    216               L"system or public id expected"
-    217               L"unterminated notation declaration"
-    218               L"expected ',', '|', or ')'"
-    219               L"expected '|' or ')'"
-    220               L"expected ',', '|', or ')' in content model of element '{0}'"
-    221               L"expected enumeration value for attribute '{0}'"
-    222               L"expected '|' or ')'"
-    223               L"unterminated entity literal"
-    224               L"unmatched end tag detected"
-    225               L"'(' expected"
-    226               L"attribute '{0}' is already specified for element '{1}'"
-    227               L"'<' character cannot be used in attribute value '{0}'; use &lt; instead"
-    228               L"leading surrogate character is not followed by a legal second character"
-    229               L"expected ']]>' sequence to end conditional section"
-    230               L"expected INCLUDE or IGNORE at this point"
-    231               L"expected '[' to follow INCLUDE or IGNORE"
-    232               L"unexpected end of entity '{0}'"
-    233               L"parameter entity propagated out of internal/external subset"
-    234               L"unmatched ']' character detected"
-    235               L"parameter entity references are not allowed inside markup in internal subset"
-    236               L"entity propagated out of the content section into miscellaneous"
-    237               L"expected &# to be followed by a numeric character value"
-    238               L"'[' expected"
-    239               L"']]>' sequence is not allowed in character data"
-    240               L"'--' sequence is illegal in comment"
-    241               L"unterminated CDATA section"
-    242               L"NDATA expected"
-    243               L"NDATA is illegal for parameter entities"
-    244               L"hex radix character references must use 'x', not 'X'"
-    245               L"{0} declaration already seen"
-    246               L"XML declarations must be in this order: version, encoding, standalone"
-    247               L"external entity cannot be referred to from attribute value"
-    248               L"XML or TEXT declaration must start with '<?xml ', not '<?XML '"
-    249               L"expected literal entity value or public/system id"
-    250               L"'{0}' is not a valid digit for the specified radix"
-    251               L"input ended before all started tags were ended; last tag started is '{0}'"
-    252               L"nested CDATA section illegal"
-    253               L"prefix '{0}' can not be resolved to namespace URI"
-    254               L"start and the end tags are in different entities"
-    255               L"XML document cannot be empty"
-    256               L"CDATA section is illegal outside the root element"
-    257               L"unexpected trailing surrogate character"
-    258               L"processing instruction cannot start with 'xml'"
-    259               L"XML or TEXT declaration must start at line 1, column 1"
-    260               L"version declaration is required in XML declaration"
-    261               L"standalone declaration is only legal in the main XML entity"
-    262               L"encoding declaration is required in TEXT declaration"
-    263               L"colon is illegal in names when namespaces are enabled"
-    264               L"{0}"
-    265               L"schemaLocation does not contain namespace-location pairs"
-    266               L"fatal error during schema scan"
-    267               L"reference to external entity declaration '{0}' is illegal in standalone document"
-    268               L"partial markup in parameter entity replacement text in complete declaration"
-    269               L"invalid namespace value in prefix-namespace mapping '{0}'"
-    270               L"prefix 'xmlns' cannot be explicitly bound to namespace"
-    271               L"namespace for 'xmlns' cannot be explicitly bound to prefix"
-    272               L"prefix 'xml' cannot be bound to namespace other than its canonical namespace"
-    273               L"namespace for 'xml' cannot be bound to prefix other than 'xml'"
-    274               L"element '{0}' cannot have 'xmlns' as its prefix"
-    275               L"restriction must contain simpleType definition"
-    276               L"invalid root element '{0}' in DOCTYPE declaration"
-    277               L"invalid element name '{0}'"
-    278               L"invalid attribute name '{0}'"
-    279               L"invalid entity reference name '{0}'"
-    280               L"DOCTYPE declaration already seen"
-    281               L"fallback element is not a direct child of include element"
-    282               L"include element without 'href' attribute"
-    283               L"include element with XPointer specification; XPointer is not yet supported"
-    284               L"invalid 'parse' attribute value '{0}'; expected 'text' or 'xml'"
-    285               L"multiple fallback elements in document '{0}'"
-    286               L"include failed and no fallback element found in document '{0}'"
-    287               L"circular inclusion in document '{0}'"
-    288               L"self-inclusion in document '{0}'"
-    289               L"element '{0}' is not allowed as a child of include element"
-    290               L"included notation '{0}' conflicts with notation already defined"
-    291               L"included entity '{0}' conflicts with entity already defined"
+    63                L"block value '{0}' is invalid"
+    64                L"final value '{0}' is invalid"
+    65                L"element '{0}' cannot be part of the substitution group headed by '{1}'"
+    66                L"element '{0}' has a type which does not derive from the type of the element at the head of the substitution group"
+    67                L"element '{0}' declared more than once in the same scope"
+    68                L"value '{0}' invalid for attribute '{1}'"
+    69                L"attribute '{0}' has both 'ref' attribute and inline simpleType definition or 'form' or 'type' attribute"
+    70                L"duplicate reference attribute '{0}:{1}' in complexType definition"
+    71                L"derivation by restriction is forbidden by either base type '{0}' or globally"
+    72                L"derivation by extension is forbidden by either base type '{0}' or globally"
+    73                L"base type specified in complexContent definition must be a complex type"
+    74                L"imported schema '{0}' has different target namespace '{1}'; expected '{2}'"
+    75                L"'schemaLocation' attribute must be specified in element '{0}'"
+    76                L"included schema '{0}' has different target namespace '{1}'"
+    77                L"at most one annotation is allowed"
+    78                L"content of attribute '{0}' must match (annotation?, simpleType?)"
+    79                L"attribute '{0}' must appear in global {1} declarations"
+    80                L"attribute '{0}' must appear in local {1} declarations"
+    81                L"attribute '{0}' cannot appear in global {1} declarations"
+    82                L"attribute '{0}' cannot appear in local {1} declarations"
+    83                L"minOccurs value '{0}' must not be greater than maxOccurs value '{1}'"
+    84                L"duplicate annotation in anyAttribute declaration"
+    85                L"global {0} declaration must have name"
+    86                L"circular definition in '{0}'"
+    87                L"global type '{0}:{1}' declared more than once or also declared as {2}"
+    88                L"global {0} '{1}' declared more than once"
+    89                L"invalid value '{0}' for whiteSpace facet; expected 'collapse'"
+    90                L"namespace of import declaration must be different from target namespace of importing schema"
+    91                L"importing schema must have target namespace if namespace in import declaration is not present"
+    92                L"element '{0}' cannot have value constraint '{1}' if its type is derived from ID"
+    93                L"element/attribute '{0}' is of NOTATION type"
+    94                L"element '{0}' has mixed content type and the content type's particle must be emptiable"
+    95                L"complexType definition has empty content but base type is not empty or does not have emptiable particle"
+    96                L"content types of base type '{0}' and derived type '{1}' must both be mixed or element-only"
+    97                L"derived content type is not a valid restriction of base content type"
+    98                L"derivation by extension or restriction is forbidden by either base type '{0}' or globally"
+    99                L"item type definition must have variety of atomic or union where all member types must be atomic"
+    100               L"group '{0}' must contain all, choice, or sequence compositor"
+    101               L"content of attributeGroup '{0}' must match (annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))"
+    102               L"top-level compositor in a group must not have 'minOccurs' or 'maxOccurs' attribute"
+    103               L"{0} '{1}:{2}' not found"
+    104               L"group with the all compositor must only appear as content type of a complex type"
+    105               L"group with the all compositor constituting the content type of a complex type must have both minOccurs and maxOccurs equal 1"
+    106               L"element declaration in the all compositor must have minOccurs and maxOccurs equal 0 or 1"
+    107               L"attribute '{0}' is already defined in base"
+    108               L"intensional intersection of attribute wildcards must be expressible"
+    109               L"base type does not have any attributes"
+    110               L"attribute '{0}' has incompatible use value in the base"
+    111               L"type of attribute '{0}' must be derived by restriction from type of the corresponding attribute in the base"
+    112               L"attribute '{0}' does not have a fixed value or has a different fixed value from that of the base"
+    113               L"attribute '{0}' has invalid target namespace with respect to the base wildcard constraint or base has no wildcard"
+    114               L"attribute wildcard is present in the derived type but not in the base"
+    115               L"attribute wildcard in the derived type is not a valid subset of that in the base"
+    116               L"attribute '{0}' cannot have different use value in the derived type if the base attribute use value is 'prohibited'"
+    117               L"attribute wildcard in the derived type must be identical to or stricter than the one in the base"
+    118               L"unexpected '{0}' in the content of the all compositor; only elements are allowed"
+    119               L"redefined schema '{0}' has a different target namespace '{1}'"
+    120               L"simpleType in redefine must have a restriction definition"
+    121               L"simpleType base attribute in redefine must reference the original type with the same name"
+    122               L"complexType in redefine must have a restriction or extension definition"
+    123               L"complexType base attribute in redefine must reference the original type with the same name"
+    124               L"group '{0}' must have minOccurs and maxOccurs equal 1"
+    125               L"unable to find declaration in the schema being redefined corresponding to '{0}'"
+    126               L"group declaration in redefine may only contain one reference to itself"
+    127               L"attributeGroup declaration in redefine may only contain one reference to itself"
+    128               L"redefine declaration cannot contain '{0}'"
+    129               L"notation declaration '{0}:{1}' not found"
+    130               L"more than one identity constraint has name '{0}'"
+    131               L"identity constraint declaration must match (annotation?, selector, field+)"
+    132               L"key reference declaration '{0}' refers to unknown key '{1}'"
+    133               L"field cardinalities for keyref '{0}' and key '{1}' must match"
+    134               L"XPath expression is missing or empty"
+    135               L"fixed value in attribute reference is not set or differs from the fixed value of '{0}'"
+    136               L"attribute '{0}' is of ID type or type derived from ID and cannot have default/fixed value constraint"
+    137               L"attribute '{0}' is a subsequent attribute in this complex type with a type derived from ID"
+    138               L"attribute '{0}' is a subsequent attribute in this attribute group with a type derived from ID"
+    139               L"empty value illegal for 'targetNamespace' attribute; target namespace must be absent or contain non-empty value"
+    140               L"{0}"
+    141               L"'{0}' has already been included or redefined"
+    142               L"namespace '{0}' is referenced without import declaration"
+    143               L"all compositor that is part of a complex type definition must constitute the entire content of the definition"
+    144               L"annotation can only contain appinfo and documentation declarations"
+    145               L"invalid facet name '{0}'"
+    146               L"root element name of XML Schema document must be 'schema'"
+    147               L"circular substitution group in element '{0}'"
+    148               L"element '{0}' must be from the XML Schema namespace"
+    149               L"target namespace of attribute '{0}' cannot be"
+    150               L"invalid namespace declaration"
+    151               L"namespace fix-up cannot be performed on DOM Level 1 node"
+    152               L"more than one anyAttribute declaration found in complex type declaration"
+    153               L"anyAttribute must not be followed by other declarations"
+    156               L"parser has encountered more than '{0}' entity expansions in the document; this is the limit imposed by the application"
+    157               L"expected comment or CDATA section"
+    158               L"attribute name expected"
+    159               L"notation name expected"
+    160               L"illegal repetition of elements in mixed content model"
+    161               L"default attribute declaration expected"
+    162               L"equal sign expected"
+    163               L"element name expected"
+    164               L"comment must start with <!--"
+    165               L"invalid document structure"
+    166               L"expected version, encoding, or standalone declaration"
+    167               L"invalid XML version declaration"
+    168               L"unsupported XML version '{0}'"
+    169               L"unterminated XML declaration"
+    170               L"invalid XML encoding declaration '{0}'"
+    171               L"invalid standalone declaration"
+    172               L"unterminated comment"
+    173               L"processing instruction name expected"
+    174               L"unterminated processing instruction"
+    175               L"invalid character 0x{0}"
+    176               L"unterminated start tag '{0}'"
+    177               L"attribute value expected"
+    178               L"unterminated end tag '{0}'"
+    179               L"expected type for attribute '{0}' of element '{1}'"
+    180               L"expected end of tag '{0}'"
+    181               L"expected tag name, comment, PI, or other markup"
+    182               L"invalid content after root element's end tag"
+    183               L"comment expected"
+    184               L"comment or processing instruction expected"
+    185               L"whitespace expected"
+    186               L"expected root element in DOCTYPE declaration"
+    187               L"quoted string expected"
+    188               L"public id expected"
+    189               L"invalid character 0x{0} in public id"
+    190               L"unterminated DOCTYPE declaration"
+    191               L"invalid character 0x{0} in internal subset"
+    192               L"unexpected whitespace"
+    193               L"invalid character 0x{1} in attribute value '{0}'"
+    194               L"markup declaration expected"
+    195               L"TEXT declaration is illegal at this point"
+    196               L"conditional section in internal subset"
+    197               L"parameter entity name expected"
+    198               L"unterminated entity declaration '{0}'"
+    199               L"invalid character reference"
+    200               L"unterminated character reference"
+    201               L"expected entity name for reference"
+    202               L"entity '{0}' not found"
+    203               L"unparsed entity reference '{0}' is invalid at this point"
+    204               L"unterminated entity reference '{0}'"
+    205               L"recursive entity expansion '{0}'"
+    206               L"partial markup in entity value"
+    207               L"unterminated element declaration '{0}'"
+    208               L"expected content specification for element '{0}'"
+    209               L"'*' expected"
+    210               L"mixed content model '{0}' not terminated properly"
+    211               L"system or public id expected"
+    212               L"unterminated notation declaration"
+    213               L"expected ',', '|', or ')'"
+    214               L"expected '|' or ')'"
+    215               L"expected ',', '|', or ')' in content model of element '{0}'"
+    216               L"expected enumeration value for attribute '{0}'"
+    217               L"expected '|' or ')'"
+    218               L"unterminated entity literal"
+    219               L"unmatched end tag detected"
+    220               L"'(' expected"
+    221               L"attribute '{0}' is already specified for element '{1}'"
+    222               L"'<' character cannot be used in attribute value '{0}'; use &lt; instead"
+    223               L"leading surrogate character is not followed by a legal second character"
+    224               L"expected ']]>' sequence to end conditional section"
+    225               L"expected INCLUDE or IGNORE at this point"
+    226               L"expected '[' to follow INCLUDE or IGNORE"
+    227               L"unexpected end of entity '{0}'"
+    228               L"parameter entity propagated out of internal/external subset"
+    229               L"unmatched ']' character detected"
+    230               L"parameter entity references are not allowed inside markup in internal subset"
+    231               L"entity propagated out of the content section into miscellaneous"
+    232               L"expected &# to be followed by a numeric character value"
+    233               L"'[' expected"
+    234               L"']]>' sequence is not allowed in character data"
+    235               L"'--' sequence is illegal in comment"
+    236               L"unterminated CDATA section"
+    237               L"NDATA expected"
+    238               L"NDATA is illegal for parameter entities"
+    239               L"hex radix character references must use 'x', not 'X'"
+    240               L"{0} declaration already seen"
+    241               L"XML declarations must be in this order: version, encoding, standalone"
+    242               L"external entity cannot be referred to from attribute value"
+    243               L"XML or TEXT declaration must start with '<?xml ', not '<?XML '"
+    244               L"expected literal entity value or public/system id"
+    245               L"'{0}' is not a valid digit for the specified radix"
+    246               L"input ended before all started tags were ended; last tag started is '{0}'"
+    247               L"nested CDATA section illegal"
+    248               L"prefix '{0}' can not be resolved to namespace URI"
+    249               L"start and the end tags are in different entities"
+    250               L"XML document cannot be empty"
+    251               L"CDATA section is illegal outside the root element"
+    252               L"unexpected trailing surrogate character"
+    253               L"processing instruction cannot start with 'xml'"
+    254               L"XML or TEXT declaration must start at line 1, column 1"
+    255               L"version declaration is required in XML declaration"
+    256               L"standalone declaration is only legal in the main XML entity"
+    257               L"encoding declaration is required in TEXT declaration"
+    258               L"colon is illegal in names when namespaces are enabled"
+    259               L"{0}"
+    260               L"schemaLocation does not contain namespace-location pairs"
+    261               L"fatal error during schema scan"
+    262               L"reference to external entity declaration '{0}' is illegal in standalone document"
+    263               L"partial markup in parameter entity replacement text in complete declaration"
+    264               L"invalid namespace value in prefix-namespace mapping '{0}'"
+    265               L"prefix 'xmlns' cannot be explicitly bound to namespace"
+    266               L"namespace for 'xmlns' cannot be explicitly bound to prefix"
+    267               L"prefix 'xml' cannot be bound to namespace other than its canonical namespace"
+    268               L"namespace for 'xml' cannot be bound to prefix other than 'xml'"
+    269               L"element '{0}' cannot have 'xmlns' as its prefix"
+    270               L"restriction must contain simpleType definition"
+    271               L"invalid root element '{0}' in DOCTYPE declaration"
+    272               L"invalid element name '{0}'"
+    273               L"invalid attribute name '{0}'"
+    274               L"invalid entity reference name '{0}'"
+    275               L"DOCTYPE declaration already seen"
+    276               L"fallback element is not a direct child of include element"
+    277               L"include element without 'href' attribute"
+    278               L"include element with XPointer specification; XPointer is not yet supported"
+    279               L"invalid 'parse' attribute value '{0}'; expected 'text' or 'xml'"
+    280               L"multiple fallback elements in document '{0}'"
+    281               L"include failed and no fallback element found in document '{0}'"
+    282               L"circular inclusion in document '{0}'"
+    283               L"self-inclusion in document '{0}'"
+    284               L"element '{0}' is not allowed as a child of include element"
+    285               L"included notation '{0}' conflicts with notation already defined"
+    286               L"included entity '{0}' conflicts with entity already defined"

Modified: xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/validators/schema/TraverseSchema.cpp
--- xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/validators/schema/TraverseSchema.cpp (original)
+++ xerces/c/trunk/src/xercesc/validators/schema/TraverseSchema.cpp Mon Aug 10 13:33:48 2009
@@ -5222,27 +5222,18 @@
             if ((blockSet & SchemaSymbols::XSD_SUBSTITUTION) == 0 ) {
                 blockSet += SchemaSymbols::XSD_SUBSTITUTION;
-            else {
-                reportSchemaError(elem, XMLUni::fgXMLErrDomain, XMLErrs::SubstitutionRepeated);
-            }
         else if (XMLString::equals(token, SchemaSymbols::fgATTVAL_EXTENSION)) {
             if ((blockSet & SchemaSymbols::XSD_EXTENSION) == 0) {
                 blockSet += SchemaSymbols::XSD_EXTENSION;
-            else {
-                reportSchemaError(elem, XMLUni::fgXMLErrDomain, XMLErrs::ExtensionRepeated);
-            }
         else if (XMLString::equals(token, SchemaSymbols::fgATTVAL_RESTRICTION)) {
             if ((blockSet & SchemaSymbols::XSD_RESTRICTION) == 0 ) {
                 blockSet += SchemaSymbols::XSD_RESTRICTION;
-            else {
-                reportSchemaError(elem, XMLUni::fgXMLErrDomain, XMLErrs::RestrictionRepeated);
-            }
         else {
             reportSchemaError(elem, XMLUni::fgXMLErrDomain, XMLErrs::InvalidBlockValue, blockVal);
@@ -5283,9 +5274,6 @@
             if ((finalSet & SchemaSymbols::XSD_UNION) == 0) {
                 finalSet += SchemaSymbols::XSD_UNION;
-            else {
-                reportSchemaError(elem, XMLUni::fgXMLErrDomain, XMLErrs::UnionRepeated);
-            }
         else if (XMLString::equals(token, SchemaSymbols::fgATTVAL_EXTENSION)
                  && (finalType == EC_Final || finalType == ECS_Final)) {
@@ -5293,9 +5281,6 @@
             if ((finalSet & SchemaSymbols::XSD_EXTENSION) == 0) {
                 finalSet += SchemaSymbols::XSD_EXTENSION;
-            else {
-                reportSchemaError(elem, XMLUni::fgXMLErrDomain, XMLErrs::ExtensionRepeated);
-            }
         else if (XMLString::equals(token, SchemaSymbols::fgELT_LIST)
                  && (finalType == S_Final || finalType == ECS_Final)) {
@@ -5303,18 +5288,12 @@
             if ((finalSet & SchemaSymbols::XSD_LIST) == 0 ) {
                 finalSet += SchemaSymbols::XSD_LIST;
-            else {
-                reportSchemaError(elem, XMLUni::fgXMLErrDomain, XMLErrs::ListRepeated);
-            }
         else if (XMLString::equals(token, SchemaSymbols::fgATTVAL_RESTRICTION)) {
             if ((finalSet & SchemaSymbols::XSD_RESTRICTION) == 0 ) {
                 finalSet += SchemaSymbols::XSD_RESTRICTION;
-            else {
-                reportSchemaError(elem, XMLUni::fgXMLErrDomain, XMLErrs::RestrictionRepeated);
-            }
         else {
             reportSchemaError(elem, XMLUni::fgXMLErrDomain, XMLErrs::InvalidFinalValue, finalVal);
@@ -7920,6 +7899,11 @@
                 reportSchemaError(elem, XMLUni::fgXMLErrDomain, XMLErrs::BadAttDerivation_2, childLocalPart);
+            // if the attribute in the derived type is prohibited, and it didn't try to override a required attribute,
+            // it's ok and shouldn't be tested for data type or fixed value
+            if (childAttDefType == XMLAttDef::Prohibited)
+                continue;
             // Constraint 2.1.2
             DatatypeValidator* baseDV = baseAttDef->getDatatypeValidator();
             DatatypeValidator* childDV = childAttDef.getDatatypeValidator();

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