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[Spamassassin Wiki] Update of "InstallingOnWindows" by DanielLemke

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The "InstallingOnWindows" page has been changed by DanielLemke.
The comment on this change is: modified for 3.3.1.


  Information on running SpamD on Windows: SpamdOnWindows
+ provides more detailed step by step information. The below info is largely a digest of said info.
- provides more detailed step by step information. The below info is largely a digest of said info. This site is experiencing temporary domain name issues, and may be reached
- at in the meantime. It has not been modified recently.
+ You'll also find a pre compiled version of SpamAssassin for Windows that can simply be extracted and run here:
- This installation procedure is for installing SpamAssassin in native Windows (not Cygwin) using Active``Perl or later 5.8.x. (Tested on Active``Perl
+ This installation procedure is for installing SpamAssassin in native Windows (not Cygwin) using Active``Perl (Tested on Active``Perl
    1. Install or upgrade Perl if required:
      * If upgrading, make note of any modules you need to reinstall, uninstall Active``Perl and delete the /perl folder tree.
-     * Download the current Active``Perl version 5.8.x from 
+     * Download Active``Perl version from 
      * Install it.
      * Get nmake from Microsoft:
      * Extract the nmake.exe and nmake.err files into your /perl/bin folder
      * Use PPM to install the required perl modules:{{{
- ppm install Win32-Registry-File
  ppm install Net-DNS
+ ppm install NetAddr-IP
+ }}}
+     * Use PPM to install the optional perl modules:{{{
+ ppm repo add tcool
  ppm install DB_File
+ ppm install Mail-SPF
  ppm install IP-Country
+ ppm install Net-Ident
+ ppm install IO-Socket-INET6
+ ppm install IO-Socket-SSL
+ ppm install Encode-Detect
+ ppm repo add bribes
- ppm install Mail-SPF
+ ppm install Mail-DKIM
- ppm install Error
- ppm install Digest-SHA
-   2. If you want to use DKIM or Domainkeys support, you'll need some additional modules:
-      * You will need a compiler for this process even if you use the precompiled openssl since the perl modules for openssl also require compilation at make time. I used Visual Studio 2003 for compiling.
-      * Download and compile openssl for Windows. You can get a precompiled 0.98d version at if you'd rather.
-      * Create and run a batch file that calls vcvars32.bat (from Visual Studio), adds the include and lib folders to the beginning of the path, or use the openssl.bat included in the precompiled version.
-      * Copy the items in the bin folder to c:\windows\system32.
-      * Download and install Crypt-OpenSSL-Big``Num from
-        * Extract the files to C:\
-        * Edit and change the lib line to:{{{
-      'LIBS'              => ['-llibeay32'],   # e.g., '-lm'}}}
-        * Run: perl
-        * Run: nmake
-        * Run: nmake install
-        * If you don't have a compiler, it might work to download a premade version from, unzip it and run only "nmake install".
-      * Download and install Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA from
-        * Extract the files to C:\
-        * Edit and change the lib line to:{{{
-      'LIBS'	=> ['-lssleay32 -llibeay32'],   # e.g., '-lm'}}}
-        * Run: perl
-        * Run: nmake
-        * Run: nmake install
-        * If you don't have a compiler, it might work to download a premade version from, unzip it and run only "nmake install".
-      * Download and install <nowiki>Mail-DKIM</nowiki> from
-        * Extract the files to C:\
-        * Run: perl
-        * Run: nmake
-        * Run: nmake install
    2. If you want to build spamc, install Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 or later. For instructions on getting a no-cost version see BuildSpamcOnWindowsForFree. When you build SpamAssassin use a command prompt in which the VC++ environment variables are set.
    3. Download the SpamAssassin zip file from
    4. Back up your settings if you already have it running.
@@ -69, +52 @@

      * LANG=en_US
        This used to be required for SpamAssassin to work with perl 5.8.x. It should no longer be necessary, but there is no harm in having it set. If you have trouble getting SpamAssassin to run, try setting this.
    8. Install SpamAssassin:
-     * extract it to the c:\ folder with use folder names
-     * in a command prompt: cd\mail-spamassassin-3.2.0
+     * extract the zip file (make sure your extraction tool is able to handle unix style files, WinRar is a good choice, IZArc IS NOT!)
+     * open command prompt and switch to your spamassassin source directory and type
      * perl
         Answer the questions as they are asked. Remember you can NOT build spamc without a C compiler installed and its environment set up.
      * nmake
@@ -78, +61 @@

      * nmake install
    9. Documentation should now be generated automatically by the install.
    10. Copy the backed up configuration files into the site configuration folder, probably c:\perl\site\etc\mail\spamassassin.
-   11. Simple test (you should have no errors): spamassassin -D < sample-spam.txt
-   12. Make a test folder. Copy sample-spam.txt and sample-nonspam.txt to that folder.
+   11. Make a test folder. Copy sample-spam.txt and sample-nonspam.txt to that folder.
-   13. Open a command prompt to that folder.
+   12. Open a command prompt to that folder.
+   13. Type sa-update --nogpgp
    14. Test the two files. Make sure they both run fine and the spam reports on each result file are appropriate.
      * spamassassin -D -t < sample-nonspam.txt > results-nonspam.txt
      * spamassassin -D -t < sample-spam.txt > results-spam.txt
  Once it's installed, you can edit the file in c:\perl\site\etc\mail\spamassassin. You may want to visit and get extra rulesets. These rulesets should also go in the c:\perl\site\etc\mail\spamassassin folder. (This assumes you've installed activeperl in c:\perl as it defaults to. If you install it somewhere else, you'll need to adjust the path accordingly.)
- Note: Active``Perl's ppm installer currently (2007-02-28) installs a separate copy of ERRNO if you install Mail-IMAPClient. The copy of ERRNO it installs is not complete and causes the SpamAssassin command-line interface to fail. If you need Mail-IMAPClient installed, download a copy from CPAN and use perl install to install it. You can install the Parse-RecDescent depencency using ppm if you need it-- just not Mail-IMAPClient itself.
- === Using sa-update ===
- To use sa-update with GPG, you should download [[|GPG for Windows]], install it and add the 8.3 file path to your system path. The default path would be C:\PROGRA~1\GNU\GNUPG. 
+ Note: To use sa-update with GPG, download [[|GPG for Windows]], install it and add the 8.3 file path to your system path. The default path would be C:\PROGRA~1\GNU\GNUPG. 
  by BretMiller
+ modified for 3.3.1 by DanielLemke