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Posted to by isaranto <> on 2016/06/27 12:02:23 UTC

GraphX :Running on a Cluster

I have been trying to run some algorithms i have implemented using GraphX
and Spark.
I have been running these algorithms locally by starting a local spark
instance through IntelliJ (in scala).
However when I try to run them on a cluster with 10 machines I get 

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.centrality.spark.DegreeCentrality

when running 

spark-submit --master spark://sparkmaster:7077 --class
org.centrality.spark.DegreeCentrality target/spark-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

the jar is a fat jar which includes all the dependencies..

I also tried running each algorithm as a script which is being loaded in
spark shell ("spark-shell -i DegreeCentrality.scala", I also include the
System.exit(0) at the end.) . However when I ran the script it gets stuck
while the graph is being created "val graph = GraphLoader.edgeListFile(sc,
"hdfs://sparkmaster:7077/user/ilias/graphx/followers.txt"). I have been able
to run a simple WordCount (by reading from an hdfs file as well) example but
have still not been able to create a graph from a textfile.

Thanks a lot...

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