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Posted to by Chris <> on 2022/12/16 00:18:24 UTC

Doctor says slimming down after 40 comes down to this.

**What if I say your morning coffee could ignite your metabolism more so than
doing hours of worthless cardio?**

**I am here to tell you that US researchers have discovered a simple method
that helps people speed up their metabolism to burn off unwanted stubborn fat
without working out and letting your body do all the hard work on its own.**

**Below you will find a link to the video that explains it all. You will not
regret spending a few mins watching and learning how you can get to your
desired body.**

**[Your F.R.E.E. Video is

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Chris \- 8386 S Plaza Trail #8386, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23453, United


**All they could see was the blue water surrounding their sailboat. The
mysterious diary records the voice. He took one look at what was under the
table and noped the hell out of there. There are over 500 starfish in the
bathroom drawer. The murder hornet was disappointed by the preconceived ideas
people had of him. The old rusted farm equipment surrounded the house
predicting its demise. He was willing to find the depths of the rabbit hole in
order to be with her. Random words in front of other random words create a
random sentence. Situps are a terrible way to end your day. It was difficult
for Mary to admit that most of her workout consisted of exercising poor
judgment. He enjoys practicing his ballet in the bathroom. Imagine his
surprise when he discovered that the safe was full of pudding. He had a hidden
stash underneath the floorboards in the back room of the house. I was very
proud of my nickname throughout high school but today- I couldn 't be any
different to what my nickname was. The hand sanitizer was actually clear glue.
Jenny made the announcement that her baby was an alien. With the high wind
warning She wore green lipstick like a fashion icon. I used to live in my
neighbor's fishpond, but the aesthetic wasn't to my taste. It's never been my
responsibility to glaze the donuts. Flash photography is best used in full
sunlight. He used to get confused between soldiers and shoulders, but as a
military man, he now soldiers responsibility. He looked behind the door and
didn't like what he saw. She was disgusted he couldn't tell the difference
between lemonade and limeade. David subscribes to the "stuff your tent into
the bag" strategy over nicely folding it. The clouds formed beautiful animals
in the sky that eventually created a tornado to wreak havoc. The old rusted
farm equipment surrounded the house predicting its demise. I've always wanted
to go to Tajik istan, but my cat would miss me. The urgent care center was
flooded with patients after the news of a new deadly virus was made public.
There should have been a time and a place, but this wasn't it. She was too
busy always talking about what she wanted to do to actually do any of it. The
trick to getting kids to eat anything is to put catchup on it. The tears of a
clown make my lipstick run, but my shower cap is still intact. She found it
strange that people use their cellphones to actually talk to one another. A
purple pig and a green donkey flew a kite in the middle of the night and ended
up sunburnt. He swore he just saw his sushi move. Barking dogs and screaming
toddlers have the unique ability to turn friendly neighbors into cranky
enemies. Always bring cinnamon buns on a deep-sea diving expedition. Lets all
be unique together until we realise we are all the same. Sixty-Four comes
asking for bread. The knives were out and she was sharpening hers. Check back
tomorrow; I will see if the book has arrived. She moved forward only because
she trusted that the ending she now was going through must be followed by a
new beginning. She had some amazing news to share but nobody to share it with.
Tuesdays are free if you bring a gnome costume. There was no telling what
thoughts would come from the machine. Today I dressed my unicorn in
preparation for the race. I thought red would have felt warmer in summer but I
didn't think about the equator. I'm working on a sweet potato farm. After
coating myself in vegetable oil I found my success rate skyrocketed. The fog
was so dense even a laser decided it wasn't worth the effort. Hit me with your
pet shark! When I was little I had a car door slammed shut on my hand and I
still remember it quite vividly. He had accidentally hacked into his company's
server. The shooter says goodbye to his love. For the 216th time, he said he
would quit drinking soda after this last Coke. They wandered into a strange
Tiki bar on the edge of the small beach town. Greetings from the real
universe. Kevin embraced his ability to be at the wrong place at the wrong
time. Whenever he saw a red flag warning at the beach he grabbed his
surfboard. The pet shop stocks everything you need to keep your anaconda
happy. Jerry liked to look at paintings while eating garlic ice cream.
Chocolate covered crickets were his favorite snack. The hummingbird's wings
blurred while it eagerly sipped the sugar water from the feeder. The best key
lime pie is still up for debate. The crowd yells and screams for more memes.
Please put on these earmuffs because I can't you hear. I hear that Nancy is
very pretty. It was the scarcity that fueled his creativity. The fact that
there's a stairway to heaven and a highway to hell explains life well. I'm not
a party animal, but I do like animal parties. The tree fell unexpectedly
short. The group quickly understood that toxic waste was the most effective
barrier to use ag ainst the zombies. Grape jelly was leaking out the hole in
the roof. He always wore his sunglasses at night. The snow-covered path was no
help in finding his way out of the back-country. The bird had a belief that it
was really a groundhog. Strawberries must be the one food that doesn't go well
with this brand of paint. Sometimes, all you need to do is completely make an
ass of yourself and laugh it off to realise that life isn't so bad after all.
The complicated school homework left the parents trying to help their kids
quite confused. Courage and stupidity were all he had. She had a habit of
taking showers in lemonade. Fluffy pink unicorns are a popular status symbol
among macho men. Courage and stupidity were all he had. They improved
dramatically once the lead singer left. Her fragrance of choice was fresh
garlic. If my calculator had a history, it would be more embarrassing than my
browser history. Acres of almond trees lined the interstate highway which
complimented the crazy driving nuts. She had a habit of taking showers in
lemonade. When confronted with a rotary dial phone the teenager was perplexed.
It was at that moment that he learned there are certain parts of the body that
you should never Nair. He shaved the peach to prove a point. Siri became
confused when we reused to follow her directions. He loved eating his bananas
in hot dog buns. The gloves protect my feet from excess work. **