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cvs commit: jakarta-lucene build.xml

otis        2002/09/18 21:21:03

  Modified:    .        build.xml
  - Changed javadocs target to show package/protected/public classes and
  - Reindented.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.30      +560 -558  jakarta-lucene/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-lucene/build.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.29
  retrieving revision 1.30
  diff -u -r1.29 -r1.30
  --- build.xml	17 Jul 2002 22:11:33 -0000	1.29
  +++ build.xml	19 Sep 2002 04:21:02 -0000	1.30
  @@ -3,570 +3,571 @@
   <project name="Lucene" default="jar" basedir=".">
       <!-- Give user a chance to override without editing this file
  -        (and without typing -D each time it compiles it -->
  -  <property file="${user.home}/" />
  -  <property file="${user.home}/" />
  -  <property file="${basedir}/" />
  -  <property file="${basedir}/" />
  -  <!-- Build classpath -->
  -  <path id="classpath">
  -    <pathelement location="${build.classes}"/>
  -    <pathelement location="${build.demo.classes}"/>
  -    <pathelement location="${build.test.classes}"/>
  -    <pathelement location="."/>
  -    <fileset dir="lib">
  -      <include name="*.jar" />
  -    </fileset>
  -  </path>
  -  <path id="junit.classpath">
  -    <pathelement location="${junit.classes}" />
  -    <pathelement location="${build.classes}"/>
  -    <fileset dir="lib">
  -      <include name="*.jar" />
  -    </fileset>
  -    <pathelement path="${java.class.path}" />
  -  </path>
  -  <path id="anakia.classpath">
  -    <fileset dir="${jakarta.site2.home}/lib">
  -      <include name="*.jar" />
  -    </fileset>
  -  </path>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- Prepares the build directory                                       -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="init">
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.classes}"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.src}"/>
  -    <available
  -      property="javacc.present"
  -      classname="COM.sun.labs.javacc.Main"
  -      classpath="${}"
  -    />
  -    <available
  -      property="junit.present"
  -      classname=""
  -    />
  -  </target>
  -  <target name="javacc_check" depends="init" unless="javacc.present">
  -    <echo>
  -      ##################################################################
  -      JavaCC not found.
  -      JavaCC Home: ${javacc.home}
  -      JavaCC Zip: ${}
  -      Please download and install JavaCC 2.0 from:
  -      &lt;;
  -      Then, create a file either in your home
  -      directory, or within the Lucene directory and set the javacc.home
  -      property to the path where is located. For example,
  -      if you installed JavaCC in /usr/local/java/javacc2.0, then set the
  -      javacc.home property to:
  -      javacc.home=/usr/local/java/javacc2.0/bin
  -      If you get an error like the one below, then you have not installed
  -      things correctly. Please check all your paths and try again.
  -      java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: COM/sun/labs/javacc/Main
  -      ##################################################################
  -    </echo>
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- C O M P I L E                                                      -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--                                                                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="compile" depends="init,javacc_check" if="javacc.present">
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/analysis/standard"/>
  -    <javacc
  -      target="${src.dir}/org/apache/lucene/analysis/standard/StandardTokenizer.jj"
  -      javacchome="${}"
  -      outputdirectory="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/analysis/standard"
  -    />
  -    <delete file="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/analysis/standard/"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/queryParser"/>
  -    <javacc
  -      target="${src.dir}/org/apache/lucene/queryParser/QueryParser.jj"
  -      javacchome="${}"
  -      outputdirectory="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/queryParser"
  -    />
  -    <javac
  -      encoding="${build.encoding}"
  -      srcdir="${src.dir}:${build.src}"
  -      includes="org/**/*.java"
  -      destdir="${build.classes}"
  -      debug="${debug}">
  -      <classpath refid="classpath"/>
  -    </javac>
  -    <rmic classname=""
  -          base="${build.classes}">
  -      <classpath refid="classpath"/>
  -    </rmic>
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- J A R                                                              -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--                                                                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    (and without typing -D each time it compiles it -->
  +    <property file="${user.home}/" />
  +    <property file="${user.home}/" />
  +    <property file="${basedir}/" />
  +    <property file="${basedir}/" />
  +    <!-- Build classpath -->
  +    <path id="classpath">
  +        <pathelement location="${build.classes}"/>
  +        <pathelement location="${build.demo.classes}"/>
  +        <pathelement location="${build.test.classes}"/>
  +        <pathelement location="."/>
  +        <fileset dir="lib">
  +            <include name="*.jar" />
  +        </fileset>
  +    </path>
  +    <path id="junit.classpath">
  +        <pathelement location="${junit.classes}" />
  +        <pathelement location="${build.classes}"/>
  +        <fileset dir="lib">
  +            <include name="*.jar" />
  +        </fileset>
  +        <pathelement path="${java.class.path}" />
  +    </path>
  +    <path id="anakia.classpath">
  +        <fileset dir="${jakarta.site2.home}/lib">
  +            <include name="*.jar" />
  +        </fileset>
  +    </path>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- Prepares the build directory                                       -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="init">
  +        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
  +        <mkdir dir="${build.classes}"/>
  +        <mkdir dir="${build.src}"/>
  +        <available
  +                   property="javacc.present"
  +                   classname="COM.sun.labs.javacc.Main"
  +                   classpath="${}"
  +                   />
  +        <available
  +                   property="junit.present"
  +                   classname=""
  +                   />
  +    </target>
  +    <target name="javacc_check" depends="init" unless="javacc.present">
  +        <echo>
  +            ##################################################################
  +            JavaCC not found.
  +            JavaCC Home: ${javacc.home}
  +            JavaCC Zip: ${}
  +            Please download and install JavaCC 2.0 from:
  +            &lt;;
  +            Then, create a file either in your home
  +            directory, or within the Lucene directory and set the javacc.home
  +            property to the path where is located. For example,
  +            if you installed JavaCC in /usr/local/java/javacc2.0, then set the
  +            javacc.home property to:
  +            javacc.home=/usr/local/java/javacc2.0/bin
  +            If you get an error like the one below, then you have not installed
  +            things correctly. Please check all your paths and try again.
  +            java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: COM/sun/labs/javacc/Main
  +            ##################################################################
  +        </echo>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- C O M P I L E                                                      -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--                                                                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="compile" depends="init,javacc_check" if="javacc.present">
  +        <mkdir dir="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/analysis/standard"/>
  +        <javacc
  +                target="${src.dir}/org/apache/lucene/analysis/standard/StandardTokenizer.jj"
  +                javacchome="${}"
  +                outputdirectory="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/analysis/standard"
  +                />
  +        <delete file="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/analysis/standard/"/>
  +        <mkdir dir="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/queryParser"/>
  +        <javacc
  +                target="${src.dir}/org/apache/lucene/queryParser/QueryParser.jj"
  +                javacchome="${}"
  +                outputdirectory="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/queryParser"
  +                />
  +        <javac
  +               encoding="${build.encoding}"
  +               srcdir="${src.dir}:${build.src}"
  +               includes="org/**/*.java"
  +               destdir="${build.classes}"
  +               debug="${debug}">
  +            <classpath refid="classpath"/>
  +        </javac>
  +        <rmic classname=""
  +              base="${build.classes}">
  +            <classpath refid="classpath"/>
  +        </rmic>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- J A R                                                              -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--                                                                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
     <target name="jar" depends="compile" if="javacc.present">
  -    <jar
  -      jarfile="${build.dir}/${}.jar"
  -      basedir="${build.classes}"
  -      excludes="**/*.java"
  -    />
  -  </target>
  -  <target name="jardemo" depends="compile,demo" if="javacc.present">
  -    <jar
  -      jarfile="${build.demo}/${}.jar"
  -      basedir="${build.demo.classes}"
  -      excludes="**/*.java"
  -    />
  -  </target>
  -  <target name="wardemo" depends="compile,demo,jar,jardemo" if="javacc.present">
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.demo}/${}"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.demo}/${}/WEB-INF"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.demo}/${}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
  -    <copy todir="${build.demo}/${}">
  -      <fileset dir="${demo.jsp}">
  -        <include name="**/*.jsp"/>
  -        <include name="**/*.xml"/>
  -      </fileset>
  -    </copy>
  -    <copy todir="${build.demo}/${}/WEB-INF/lib">
  -      <fileset dir="${build.dir}">
  -        <include name="*.jar"/>
  -      </fileset>
  -    </copy>
  -    <copy todir="${build.demo}/${}/WEB-INF/lib">
  -      <fileset dir="${build.demo}">
  -        <include name="*.jar"/>
  -      </fileset>
  -    </copy>
  -   <jar
  -	jarfile="${build.demo}/${}.war"
  -	basedir="${build.demo}/${}"
  -	excludes="**/*.java"
  -   />
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- J A R  S O U R C E                                                 -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--                                                                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="jar-src" depends="init,javacc_check" if="javacc.present">
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/analysis/standard"/>
  -    <javacc
  -      target="${src.dir}/org/apache/lucene/analysis/standard/StandardTokenizer.jj"
  -      javacchome="${}"
  -      outputdirectory="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/analysis/standard"
  -    />
  -    <delete file="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/analysis/standard/"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/queryParser"/>
  -    <javacc
  -      target="${src.dir}/org/apache/lucene/queryParser/QueryParser.jj"
  -      javacchome="${}"
  -      outputdirectory="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/queryParser"
  -    />
  -    <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${}-src.jar">
  -      <fileset dir="${build.dir}" includes="**/*.java"/>
  -    </jar>
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- B U I L D  D E M O                                                 -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--                                                                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="demo" depends="compile" if="javacc.present">
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.demo}"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.demo.src}" />
  -    <copy todir="${build.demo.src}">
  -      <fileset dir="${demo.src}">
  -        <include name="**/*.java"/>
  -        <include name="**/*.jj"/>
  -      </fileset>
  -    </copy>
  -    <javacc
  -      target="${build.demo.src}/org/apache/lucene/demo/html/HTMLParser.jj"
  -      javacchome="${}"
  -      outputdirectory="${build.demo.src}/org/apache/lucene/demo/html"
  -    />
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.demo.classes}"/>
  -    <javac
  -      encoding="${build.encoding}"
  -      srcdir="${build.demo.src}"
  -      includes="**/*.java"
  -      destdir="${build.demo.classes}"
  -      debug="${debug}">
  -      <classpath refid="classpath"/>
  -    </javac>
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- B U I L D  T E S T                                                 -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--                                                                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="test" depends="compile,demo">
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.test}"/>
  -    <copy todir="${build.test.src}">
  -      <fileset dir="${test.src}">
  -        <include name="**/*.java"/>
  -      </fileset>
  -    </copy>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.test.classes}"/>
  -    <javac
  -      encoding="${build.encoding}"
  -      srcdir="${build.test.src}"
  -      includes="**/*.java"
  -      destdir="${build.test.classes}"
  -      debug="${debug}">
  -      <classpath refid="classpath"/>
  -    </javac>
  -  </target>
  +        <jar
  +             jarfile="${build.dir}/${}.jar"
  +             basedir="${build.classes}"
  +             excludes="**/*.java"
  +             />
  +    </target>
  +    <target name="jardemo" depends="compile,demo" if="javacc.present">
  +        <jar
  +             jarfile="${build.demo}/${}.jar"
  +             basedir="${build.demo.classes}"
  +             excludes="**/*.java"
  +             />
  +    </target>
  +    <target name="wardemo" depends="compile,demo,jar,jardemo" if="javacc.present">
  +        <mkdir dir="${build.demo}/${}"/>
  +        <mkdir dir="${build.demo}/${}/WEB-INF"/>
  +        <mkdir dir="${build.demo}/${}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
  +        <copy todir="${build.demo}/${}">
  +            <fileset dir="${demo.jsp}">
  +                <include name="**/*.jsp"/>
  +                <include name="**/*.xml"/>
  +            </fileset>
  +        </copy>
  +        <copy todir="${build.demo}/${}/WEB-INF/lib">
  +            <fileset dir="${build.dir}">
  +                <include name="*.jar"/>
  +            </fileset>
  +        </copy>
  +        <copy todir="${build.demo}/${}/WEB-INF/lib">
  +            <fileset dir="${build.demo}">
  +                <include name="*.jar"/>
  +            </fileset>
  +        </copy>
  +        <jar
  +             jarfile="${build.demo}/${}.war"
  +             basedir="${build.demo}/${}"
  +             excludes="**/*.java"
  +             />
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- J A R  S O U R C E                                                 -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--                                                                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="jar-src" depends="init,javacc_check" if="javacc.present">
  +        <mkdir dir="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/analysis/standard"/>
  +        <javacc
  +                target="${src.dir}/org/apache/lucene/analysis/standard/StandardTokenizer.jj"
  +                javacchome="${}"
  +                outputdirectory="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/analysis/standard"
  +                />
  +        <delete file="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/analysis/standard/"/>
  +        <mkdir dir="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/queryParser"/>
  +        <javacc
  +                target="${src.dir}/org/apache/lucene/queryParser/QueryParser.jj"
  +                javacchome="${}"
  +                outputdirectory="${build.src}/org/apache/lucene/queryParser"
  +                />
  +        <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${}-src.jar">
  +            <fileset dir="${build.dir}" includes="**/*.java"/>
  +        </jar>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- B U I L D  D E M O                                                 -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--                                                                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="demo" depends="compile" if="javacc.present">
  +        <mkdir dir="${build.demo}"/>
  +        <mkdir dir="${build.demo.src}" />
  +        <copy todir="${build.demo.src}">
  +            <fileset dir="${demo.src}">
  +                <include name="**/*.java"/>
  +                <include name="**/*.jj"/>
  +            </fileset>
  +        </copy>
  +        <javacc
  +                target="${build.demo.src}/org/apache/lucene/demo/html/HTMLParser.jj"
  +                javacchome="${}"
  +                outputdirectory="${build.demo.src}/org/apache/lucene/demo/html"
  +                />
  +        <mkdir dir="${build.demo.classes}"/>
  +        <javac
  +               encoding="${build.encoding}"
  +               srcdir="${build.demo.src}"
  +               includes="**/*.java"
  +               destdir="${build.demo.classes}"
  +               debug="${debug}">
  +            <classpath refid="classpath"/>
  +        </javac>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- B U I L D  T E S T                                                 -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--                                                                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="test" depends="compile,demo">
  +        <mkdir dir="${build.test}"/>
  +        <copy todir="${build.test.src}">
  +            <fileset dir="${test.src}">
  +                <include name="**/*.java"/>
  +            </fileset>
  +        </copy>
  +        <mkdir dir="${build.test.classes}"/>
  +        <javac
  +               encoding="${build.encoding}"
  +               srcdir="${build.test.src}"
  +               includes="**/*.java"
  +               destdir="${build.test.classes}"
  +               debug="${debug}">
  +            <classpath refid="classpath"/>
  +        </javac>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- R U N  T E S T S                                                   -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--                                                                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="test-unit" depends="compile,test" if="junit.present">
  +        <!-- Import JUnit task -->
  +        <taskdef
  +                 name="junit"
  +                 classname=""
  +                 />
  +        <mkdir dir="${junit.classes}"/>
  +        <mkdir dir="${junit.reports}"/>
  +        <javac
  +               encoding="${build.encoding}"
  +               srcdir="${junit.src}"
  +               includes="**/*.java"
  +               destdir="${junit.classes}"
  +               debug="${debug}">
  +            <classpath refid="classpath"/>
  +        </javac>
  +        <junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="no" >
  +            <classpath refid="junit.classpath"/>
  +            <formatter type="plain" />
  +            <batchtest fork="yes" todir="${junit.reports}">
  +                <fileset dir="${junit.src}" includes="**/Test*.java" />
  +            </batchtest>
  +        </junit>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- D O C U M E N T A T I O N                                          -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--                                                                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="docs-prepare">
  +        <available
  +                   classname="org.apache.velocity.anakia.AnakiaTask"
  +                   property="AnakiaTask.present"
  +                   classpathref="anakia.classpath"
  +                   />
  +    </target>
  +    <target name="prepare-error" depends="docs-prepare" unless="AnakiaTask.present">
  +        <echo>
  +            AnakiaTask is not present! Please check to make sure that
  +            you have jakarta.site2.home set correctly.
  +        </echo>
  +    </target>
  +    <target name="docs" depends="prepare-error" if="AnakiaTask.present">
  +        <taskdef
  +                 name="anakia"
  +                 classname="org.apache.velocity.anakia.AnakiaTask"
  +                 >
  +            <classpath refid="anakia.classpath"/>
  +        </taskdef>
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  +                basedir="${docs.src}"
  +                destdir="${docs.dest}/"
  +                extension=".html" style="./site.vsl"
  +                projectFile="stylesheets/project.xml"
  +                excludes="**/stylesheets/** empty.xml"
  +                includes="**/*.xml"
  +                lastModifiedCheck="true"
  +                templatePath="${jakarta.site2.home}/xdocs/stylesheets"
  +                >
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  +        <copy todir="${docs.dest}/images" filtering="no">
  +            <fileset dir="${docs.src}/images">
  +                <include name="**/*.gif"/>
  +                <include name="**/*.jpeg"/>
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  +        </copy>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- R U N  T E S T S                                                   -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--                                                                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="test-unit" depends="compile,test" if="junit.present">
  -    <!-- Import JUnit task -->
  -    <taskdef
  -      name="junit"
  -      classname=""
  -    />
  -    <mkdir dir="${junit.classes}"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${junit.reports}"/>
  -    <javac
  -      encoding="${build.encoding}"
  -      srcdir="${junit.src}"
  -      includes="**/*.java"
  -      destdir="${junit.classes}"
  -      debug="${debug}">
  -      <classpath refid="classpath"/>
  -    </javac>
  -    <junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="no" >
  -      <classpath refid="junit.classpath"/>
  -      <formatter type="plain" />
  -      <batchtest fork="yes" todir="${junit.reports}">
  -        <fileset dir="${junit.src}" includes="**/Test*.java" />
  -      </batchtest>
  -    </junit>
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- D O C U M E N T A T I O N                                          -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--                                                                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="docs-prepare">
  -    <available
  -      classname="org.apache.velocity.anakia.AnakiaTask"
  -      property="AnakiaTask.present"
  -      classpathref="anakia.classpath"
  -    />
  -  </target>
  -  <target name="prepare-error" depends="docs-prepare" unless="AnakiaTask.present">
  -    <echo>
  -      AnakiaTask is not present! Please check to make sure that
  -      you have jakarta.site2.home set correctly.
  -    </echo>
  -  </target>
  -  <target name="docs" depends="prepare-error" if="AnakiaTask.present">
  -    <taskdef
  -      name="anakia"
  -      classname="org.apache.velocity.anakia.AnakiaTask"
  -      >
  -      <classpath refid="anakia.classpath"/>
  -    </taskdef>
  -    <anakia
  -      basedir="${docs.src}"
  -      destdir="${docs.dest}/"
  -      extension=".html" style="./site.vsl"
  -      projectFile="stylesheets/project.xml"
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  -      lastModifiedCheck="true"
  -      templatePath="${jakarta.site2.home}/xdocs/stylesheets"
  -    >
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  -    <copy todir="${docs.dest}/images" filtering="no">
  -      <fileset dir="${docs.src}/images">
  -        <include name="**/*.gif"/>
  -        <include name="**/*.jpeg"/>
  -        <include name="**/*.jpg"/>
  -      </fileset>
  -    </copy>
  -    <!-- In case we have CSS someday
  +        <!-- In case we have CSS someday
       <copy todir="${docs.dest}" filtering="no">
  -      <fileset dir="${docs.src}">
  -        <include name="**/*.css"/>
  -      </fileset>
  -    </copy>
  -    -->
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- J A V A D O C                                                      -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--                                                                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="javadocs" depends="compile" if="javacc.present">
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.javadocs}"/>
  -    <javadoc
  -      sourcepath="${src.dir}:${build.src}"
  -      overview="${src.dir}/overview.html"
  -      packagenames="${packages}"
  -      destdir="${build.javadocs}"
  -      author="true"
  -      version="true"
  -      use="true"
  -      link="${}"
  -      windowtitle="${Name} ${version} API"
  -      doctitle="${Name} ${version} API"
  -      bottom="Copyright &amp;copy; ${year} Apache Software Foundation.  All Rights Reserved."
  -      >
  -      <classpath refid="classpath"/>
  -    </javadoc>
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- D I S T R I B U T I O N                                            -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--                                                                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="package" depends="jar, javadocs, demo, wardemo">
  -    <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/docs"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/docs/api"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/src/demo"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/src/jsp"/>
  -    <copy todir="${dist.dir}/docs">
  -      <fileset dir="${docs.dir}"/>
  -    </copy>
  -    <copy todir="${dist.dir}/docs/api">
  -      <fileset dir="${build.javadocs}"/>
  -    </copy>
  -    <copy todir="${dist.dir}/src/demo">
  -      <fileset dir="src/demo"/>
  -    </copy>
  -    <copy todir="${dist.dir}/src/jsp">
  -      <fileset dir="src/jsp"/>
  -    </copy>
  -    <copy todir="${dist.dir}/lib">
  -      <fileset dir="lib"/>
  -    </copy>
  -    <copy todir="${dist.dir}">
  -      <fileset dir=".">
  -        <include name="*.txt" />
  -      </fileset>
  -    </copy>
  -    <copy file="${build.dir}/${}.jar" todir="${dist.dir}"/>
  -    <copy file="${build.demo}/${}.jar" todir="${dist.dir}"/>
  -    <copy file="${build.demo}/${}.war" todir="${dist.dir}"/>
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- Packages the distribution with zip                                 -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--                                                                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="package-zip" depends="package"
  -	  description="--> Generates the Lucene distribution as .zip">
  -    <delete file="${basedir}/${}.zip"/>
  -    <zip
  -      zipfile="${basedir}/${}.zip"
  -      basedir="${basedir}/"
  -      includes="**/${}/**"
  -    />
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- packages the distribution with tar-gzip                            -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--                                                                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="package-tgz" depends="package"
  -    description="--> Generates the lucene distribution as .tar.gz">
  -    <delete file="${basedir}/${}.tar"/>
  -    <delete file="${basedir}/${}.tar.gz"/>
  -    <tar
  -      tarfile="${basedir}/${}.tar"
  -      basedir="${basedir}/"
  -      includes="**/${}/**"
  -    />
  -    <gzip
  -      zipfile="${basedir}/${}.tar.gz"
  -      src="${basedir}/${}.tar"
  -    />
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- packages the distribution with zip and tar-gzip                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--                                                                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="package-all" depends="package-zip, package-tgz"
  -    description="--> Generates the .tar.gz and .zip distributions">
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- same as package-all. it is just here for compatibility.            -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--                                                                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="dist" depends="package-all">
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- S O U R C E  D I S T R I B U T I O N                               -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--                                                                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="package-src" depends="jar-src">
  -    <mkdir dir="${dist-src.dir}"/>
  -    <copy todir="${dist-src.dir}/src">
  -      <fileset dir="src"/>
  -    </copy>
  -    <copy todir="${dist-src.dir}/lib">
  -      <fileset dir="lib"/>
  -    </copy>
  -    <copy todir="${dist-src.dir}/" file="build.xml"/>
  -    <copy todir="${dist-src.dir}/" file=""/>
  -    <copy todir="${dist-src.dir}">
  -      <fileset dir=".">
  -        <include name="*.txt" />
  -      </fileset>
  +    <fileset dir="${docs.src}">
  +    <include name="**/*.css"/>
  +    </fileset>
  -    <copy file="${build.dir}/${}-src.jar" todir="${dist-src.dir}"/>
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- Packages the sources with zip                                      -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--                                                                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="package-zip-src" depends="package-src"
  -	  description="--> Generates the Lucene sources as .zip">
  -    <delete file="${basedir}/${}"/>
  -    <zip
  -      zipfile="${basedir}/${}"
  -      basedir="${basedir}/"
  -      includes="**/${}-src/**"
  -    />
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- Packages the sources with tar-gzip                                 -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--                                                                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="package-tgz-src" depends="package-src"
  -	  description="--> Generates the Lucene distribution as .tar.gz">
  -    <delete file="${basedir}/${}-src.tar"/>
  -    <delete file="${basedir}/${}-src.tar.gz"/>
  -    <tar
  -      tarfile="${basedir}/${}-src.tar"
  -      basedir="${basedir}/"
  -      includes="**/${}-src/**"
  -    />
  -    <gzip
  -      zipfile="${basedir}/${}-src.tar.gz"
  -      src="${basedir}/${}-src.tar"
  -    />
  -  </target>
  +        -->
  +    </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- Packages the sources with zip and tar-gzip                         -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--                                                                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="package-all-src" depends="package-zip-src, package-tgz-src"
  -    description="--> Generates the .tar.gz and .zip source distributions">
  -  </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- J A V A D O C                                                      -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--                                                                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="javadocs" depends="compile" if="javacc.present">
  +        <mkdir dir="${build.javadocs}"/>
  +        <javadoc
  +                 sourcepath="${src.dir}:${build.src}"
  +                 overview="${src.dir}/overview.html"
  +                 packagenames="${packages}"
  +                 package="true"
  +                 destdir="${build.javadocs}"
  +                 author="true"
  +                 version="true"
  +                 use="true"
  +                 link="${}"
  +                 windowtitle="${Name} ${version} API"
  +                 doctitle="${Name} ${version} API"
  +                 bottom="Copyright &amp;copy; ${year} Apache Software Foundation.  All Rights Reserved."
  +                 >
  +            <classpath refid="classpath"/>
  +        </javadoc>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- D I S T R I B U T I O N                                            -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--                                                                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="package" depends="jar, javadocs, demo, wardemo">
  +        <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}"/>
  +        <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/docs"/>
  +        <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/docs/api"/>
  +        <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/src/demo"/>
  +        <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/src/jsp"/>
  +        <copy todir="${dist.dir}/docs">
  +            <fileset dir="${docs.dir}"/>
  +        </copy>
  +        <copy todir="${dist.dir}/docs/api">
  +            <fileset dir="${build.javadocs}"/>
  +        </copy>
  +        <copy todir="${dist.dir}/src/demo">
  +            <fileset dir="src/demo"/>
  +        </copy>
  +        <copy todir="${dist.dir}/src/jsp">
  +            <fileset dir="src/jsp"/>
  +        </copy>
  +        <copy todir="${dist.dir}/lib">
  +            <fileset dir="lib"/>
  +        </copy>
  +        <copy todir="${dist.dir}">
  +            <fileset dir=".">
  +                <include name="*.txt" />
  +            </fileset>
  +        </copy>
  +        <copy file="${build.dir}/${}.jar" todir="${dist.dir}"/>
  +        <copy file="${build.demo}/${}.jar" todir="${dist.dir}"/>
  +        <copy file="${build.demo}/${}.war" todir="${dist.dir}"/>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- Packages the distribution with zip                                 -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--                                                                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="package-zip" depends="package"
  +            description="--> Generates the Lucene distribution as .zip">
  +        <delete file="${basedir}/${}.zip"/>
  +        <zip
  +             zipfile="${basedir}/${}.zip"
  +             basedir="${basedir}/"
  +             includes="**/${}/**"
  +             />
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- packages the distribution with tar-gzip                            -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--                                                                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="package-tgz" depends="package"
  +            description="--> Generates the lucene distribution as .tar.gz">
  +        <delete file="${basedir}/${}.tar"/>
  +        <delete file="${basedir}/${}.tar.gz"/>
  +        <tar
  +             tarfile="${basedir}/${}.tar"
  +             basedir="${basedir}/"
  +             includes="**/${}/**"
  +             />
  +        <gzip
  +              zipfile="${basedir}/${}.tar.gz"
  +              src="${basedir}/${}.tar"
  +              />
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- packages the distribution with zip and tar-gzip                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--                                                                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="package-all" depends="package-zip, package-tgz"
  +            description="--> Generates the .tar.gz and .zip distributions">
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- same as package-all. it is just here for compatibility.            -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--                                                                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="dist" depends="package-all">
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- S O U R C E  D I S T R I B U T I O N                               -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--                                                                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="package-src" depends="jar-src">
  +        <mkdir dir="${dist-src.dir}"/>
  +        <copy todir="${dist-src.dir}/src">
  +            <fileset dir="src"/>
  +        </copy>
  +        <copy todir="${dist-src.dir}/lib">
  +            <fileset dir="lib"/>
  +        </copy>
  +        <copy todir="${dist-src.dir}/" file="build.xml"/>
  +        <copy todir="${dist-src.dir}/" file=""/>
  +        <copy todir="${dist-src.dir}">
  +            <fileset dir=".">
  +                <include name="*.txt" />
  +            </fileset>
  +        </copy>
  +        <copy file="${build.dir}/${}-src.jar" todir="${dist-src.dir}"/>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- Packages the sources with zip                                      -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--                                                                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="package-zip-src" depends="package-src"
  +            description="--> Generates the Lucene sources as .zip">
  +        <delete file="${basedir}/${}"/>
  +        <zip
  +             zipfile="${basedir}/${}"
  +             basedir="${basedir}/"
  +             includes="**/${}-src/**"
  +             />
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- Packages the sources with tar-gzip                                 -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--                                                                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="package-tgz-src" depends="package-src"
  +            description="--> Generates the Lucene distribution as .tar.gz">
  +        <delete file="${basedir}/${}-src.tar"/>
  +        <delete file="${basedir}/${}-src.tar.gz"/>
  +        <tar
  +             tarfile="${basedir}/${}-src.tar"
  +             basedir="${basedir}/"
  +             includes="**/${}-src/**"
  +             />
  +        <gzip
  +              zipfile="${basedir}/${}-src.tar.gz"
  +              src="${basedir}/${}-src.tar"
  +              />
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- Packages the sources with zip and tar-gzip                         -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--                                                                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="package-all-src" depends="package-zip-src, package-tgz-src"
  +            description="--> Generates the .tar.gz and .zip source distributions">
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- same as package-all-src. it is just here for compatibility.        -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--                                                                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="dist-src" depends="package-all-src">
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- C L E A N                                                          -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--                                                                    -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="clean" depends="init">
  +        <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
  +        <delete dir="${dist.dir}"/>
  +        <delete file="${basedir}/${}.tar"/>
  +        <delete file="${basedir}/${}.tar.gz"/>
  +        <delete file="${basedir}/${}.zip"/>
  +        <delete dir="${dist.dir}-src"/>
  +        <delete file="${basedir}/${}-src.tar"/>
  +        <delete file="${basedir}/${}-src.tar.gz"/>
  +        <delete file="${basedir}/${}"/>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- Build the Ant index task                                           -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!--
  +<target name="anttask-init">
  +<property name="anttask.classes" location="${build.dir}/anttask/classes"/>
  +<mkdir dir="${anttask.classes}"/>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- same as package-all-src. it is just here for compatibility.        -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--                                                                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="dist-src" depends="package-all-src">
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- C L E A N                                                          -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--                                                                    -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="clean" depends="init">
  -    <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
  -    <delete dir="${dist.dir}"/>
  -    <delete file="${basedir}/${}.tar"/>
  -    <delete file="${basedir}/${}.tar.gz"/>
  -    <delete file="${basedir}/${}.zip"/>
  -    <delete dir="${dist.dir}-src"/>
  -    <delete file="${basedir}/${}-src.tar"/>
  -    <delete file="${basedir}/${}-src.tar.gz"/>
  -    <delete file="${basedir}/${}"/>
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- Build the Ant index task                                           -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!--
  -  <target name="anttask-init">
  -    <property name="anttask.classes" location="${build.dir}/anttask/classes"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${anttask.classes}"/>
  -  </target>
  -  <target name="anttask-compile" depends="compile,anttask-init">
  -    <javac
  +<target name="anttask-compile" depends="compile,anttask-init">
  @@ -610,4 +611,5 @@

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Internal Documentation and Field Sorting

Posted by Peter Carlson <>.

This is really great. It provides clarity into the architecture of 
Lucene that I didn't have before.



On Thursday, September 19, 2002, at 10:56 AM, Doug Cutting wrote:

> Doug Cutting wrote:
>> For some reason the HTML conversion was dropped in the copy I 
>> received.
>> So here it is again.
> Looks like this mailing list drops HTML attachments...
> This time I zipped it.  We'll see if that works.
> Doug
> <>--
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:   
> <>
> For additional commands, e-mail: 
> <>

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Re: internal documentation

Posted by Doug Cutting <>.
Doug Cutting wrote:
> For some reason the HTML conversion was dropped in the copy I received.
> So here it is again.

Looks like this mailing list drops HTML attachments...

This time I zipped it.  We'll see if that works.


Re: internal documentation

Posted by Doug Cutting <>.
Doug Cutting wrote:
> I've attached this in Open Office format and as HTML.  The HTML 
> conversion is not great, but it's readable.  Perhaps I should maintain 
> this in HTML instead of Open Office, since it contains no diagrams...

For some reason the HTML conversion was dropped in the copy I received.

So here it is again.


Re: internal documentation

Posted by Eugene Gluzberg <>.
Kinda late reply, but can we put this into cvs??

Otis Gospodnetic wrote:
> Yummy, thanks, I've been craving for something like this.
> OpenOffice works for me.
> --- Doug Cutting <> wrote:
>>Otis Gospodnetic wrote:
>> > --- Doug Cutting <> wrote:
>> >>Maybe we should add another target: javadocs-internal or
>> >>That would be good encouragement to add javadoc comments to
>> >>classes.
>> >
>>>Sounds good to me.
>>>I think it would encourage documentation of internals (not really
>>>existent now) and help those who want to improve internals, develop
>>>additional core code, or at least understand the existing code.
>>I recently wrote some Lucene internal documentation for another
>>I'm working on.  It describes the binary format of Lucene's indexes. 
>>This is a reference document: it doesn't try to explain why
>>file structures are used, but rather only tries to precisely define 
>>those that are used.
>>I've attached this in Open Office format and as HTML.  The HTML 
>>conversion is not great, but it's readable.  Perhaps I should
>>this in HTML instead of Open Office, since it contains no diagrams...
>>ATTACHMENT part 2 application/vnd.sun.xml.writer name=FileFormats.sxw
>>To unsubscribe, e-mail:  
>>For additional commands, e-mail:
> <>
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> New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo!
> --
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:   <>
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Re: internal documentation

Posted by Otis Gospodnetic <>.
Yummy, thanks, I've been craving for something like this.
OpenOffice works for me.

--- Doug Cutting <> wrote:
> Otis Gospodnetic wrote:
>  > --- Doug Cutting <> wrote:
>  >>Maybe we should add another target: javadocs-internal or
> something.
>  >>That would be good encouragement to add javadoc comments to
> internal
>  >>classes.
>  >
> > Sounds good to me.
> > I think it would encourage documentation of internals (not really
> > existent now) and help those who want to improve internals, develop
> > additional core code, or at least understand the existing code.
> I recently wrote some Lucene internal documentation for another
> project 
> I'm working on.  It describes the binary format of Lucene's indexes. 
> This is a reference document: it doesn't try to explain why
> particular 
> file structures are used, but rather only tries to precisely define 
> those that are used.
> I've attached this in Open Office format and as HTML.  The HTML 
> conversion is not great, but it's readable.  Perhaps I should
> maintain 
> this in HTML instead of Open Office, since it contains no diagrams...
> Doug

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/vnd.sun.xml.writer name=FileFormats.sxw
> --
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:  
> <>
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New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo!

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internal documentation

Posted by Doug Cutting <>.
Otis Gospodnetic wrote:
 > --- Doug Cutting <> wrote:
 >>Maybe we should add another target: javadocs-internal or something.
 >>That would be good encouragement to add javadoc comments to internal
> Sounds good to me.
> I think it would encourage documentation of internals (not really
> existent now) and help those who want to improve internals, develop
> additional core code, or at least understand the existing code.

I recently wrote some Lucene internal documentation for another project 
I'm working on.  It describes the binary format of Lucene's indexes. 
This is a reference document: it doesn't try to explain why particular 
file structures are used, but rather only tries to precisely define 
those that are used.

I've attached this in Open Office format and as HTML.  The HTML 
conversion is not great, but it's readable.  Perhaps I should maintain 
this in HTML instead of Open Office, since it contains no diagrams...


Re: cvs commit: jakarta-lucene build.xml

Posted by Otis Gospodnetic <>.
Sounds good to me.
I think it would encourage documentation of internals (not really
existent now) and help those who want to improve internals, develop
additional core code, or at least understand the existing code.

--- Doug Cutting <> wrote:
> Otis Gospodnetic wrote:
> > Sorry about that, I'll put the old file back.
> > Regarding javadocs - I simply wanted a way to see the Javadocs of
> some
> > classes (FileInfos, I believe it was) that were not visible.
> Maybe we should add another target: javadocs-internal or something. 
> That would be good encouragement to add javadoc comments to internal 
> classes.
> Doug
> --
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:  
> <>
> For additional commands, e-mail:
> <>

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New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo!

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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-lucene build.xml

Posted by Doug Cutting <>.
Otis Gospodnetic wrote:
> Sorry about that, I'll put the old file back.
> Regarding javadocs - I simply wanted a way to see the Javadocs of some
> classes (FileInfos, I believe it was) that were not visible.

Maybe we should add another target: javadocs-internal or something. 
That would be good encouragement to add javadoc comments to internal 


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-lucene build.xml

Posted by Otis Gospodnetic <>.
Sorry about that, I'll put the old file back.
Regarding javadocs - I simply wanted a way to see the Javadocs of some
classes (FileInfos, I believe it was) that were not visible.


--- Doug Cutting <> wrote:
> wrote:
> >   - Changed javadocs target to show package/protected/public
> classes and
> >     members.
> I strongly disagree with this change.  The javadoc should not
> document 
> internals, but only the intended external API.  Package private
> methods 
> are not intended to be called by application code.
> >   - Reindented.
> I have two objections to this.
> First, unless indenting is way out of whack, I don't think we should 
> re-indent files.  Indenting is not always black-and-white, but a
> matter 
> of style on which reasonable people differ.  For example, for me, not
> exceeding 80 columns unless absolutely necessary is a high priority, 
> since I edit in 80 column wide Emacs windows.  For you, this is 
> apparently less of a priority, as the new file has twice the number
> of 
> lines that are over 80 columns wide.  I also prefer the xml indenting
> style used before, where, if "<longtagname arg=value>" is broken
> between 
> "longtagname" and "arg", then "arg" is aligned with the "o" in 
> "longtagname", or perhaps the "g", but not past the end as you did
> it.
> Second, if reindenting is done at all, it should be done in a
> separate 
> checkin, so that changes of substance are easy to find.
> Doug
> --
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:  
> <>
> For additional commands, e-mail:
> <>

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New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo!

To unsubscribe, e-mail:   <>
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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-lucene build.xml

Posted by Doug Cutting <>. wrote:
>   - Changed javadocs target to show package/protected/public classes and
>     members.

I strongly disagree with this change.  The javadoc should not document 
internals, but only the intended external API.  Package private methods 
are not intended to be called by application code.

>   - Reindented.

I have two objections to this.

First, unless indenting is way out of whack, I don't think we should 
re-indent files.  Indenting is not always black-and-white, but a matter 
of style on which reasonable people differ.  For example, for me, not 
exceeding 80 columns unless absolutely necessary is a high priority, 
since I edit in 80 column wide Emacs windows.  For you, this is 
apparently less of a priority, as the new file has twice the number of 
lines that are over 80 columns wide.  I also prefer the xml indenting 
style used before, where, if "<longtagname arg=value>" is broken between 
"longtagname" and "arg", then "arg" is aligned with the "o" in 
"longtagname", or perhaps the "g", but not past the end as you did it.

Second, if reindenting is done at all, it should be done in a separate 
checkin, so that changes of substance are easy to find.


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