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Posted to by on 2006/07/25 01:59:27 UTC

svn commit: r425254 [4/5] - /incubator/adffaces/branches/matzew-repackaging-trinidad/plugins/maven-faces-plugin/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/trinidadbuild/plugin/faces/

Modified: incubator/adffaces/branches/matzew-repackaging-trinidad/plugins/maven-faces-plugin/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/trinidadbuild/plugin/faces/
--- incubator/adffaces/branches/matzew-repackaging-trinidad/plugins/maven-faces-plugin/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/trinidadbuild/plugin/faces/ (original)
+++ incubator/adffaces/branches/matzew-repackaging-trinidad/plugins/maven-faces-plugin/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/trinidadbuild/plugin/faces/ Mon Jul 24 18:59:25 2006
@@ -13,41 +13,41 @@
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
-package org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild.plugin.faces;
-import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.TreeSet;
-import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
-import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
-import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
-import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
-import javax.xml.transform.Result;
-import javax.xml.transform.Source;
-import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
-import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
-import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
-import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource;
+package org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild.plugin.faces;
+import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.TreeSet;
+import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
+import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
+import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
+import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
+import javax.xml.transform.Result;
+import javax.xml.transform.Source;
+import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
+import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
+import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
+import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource;
 import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild.plugin.faces.parse.ComponentBean;
 import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild.plugin.faces.parse.ConverterBean;
@@ -61,1964 +61,1964 @@
 import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild.plugin.faces.util.Util;
 import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild.plugin.faces.util.ValidatorFilter;
 import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild.plugin.faces.util.XIncludeFilter;
-import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
-import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
-import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
-import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
-import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
-import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
-import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
- * @version $Id$
- * @requiresDependencyResolution compile
- * @goal generate-jsp-taglibs
- * @phase generate-sources
- */
-public class GenerateJspTaglibsMojo extends AbstractFacesMojo
-  /**
-   * Execute the Mojo.
-   */
-  public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException
-  {
-    try
-    {
-      processIndex(project, resourcePath);
-      _generateTagHandlers();
-      _generateTagLibraryDescriptors();
-    }
-    catch (IOException e)
-    {
-      throw new MojoExecutionException("Error generating components", e);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Generates tag library descriptors for parsed component metadata.
-   */
-  private void _generateTagLibraryDescriptors() throws MojoExecutionException
-  {
-    try
-    {
-      // always add resources directory to project resource root
-      addResourceRoot(project, generatedResourcesDirectory.getCanonicalPath());
-      // taglibs map syntax requires distinct shortNames,
-      // which is a Good Thing!
-      for (Iterator i = taglibs.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
-      {
-        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
-        String shortName = (String)entry.getKey();
-        String namespaceURI = (String)entry.getValue();
-        FacesConfigBean facesConfig = getFacesConfig();
-        Iterator components = facesConfig.components();
-        components = new FilteredIterator(components, new SkipFilter());
-        components = new FilteredIterator(components, new ComponentTagLibraryFilter(namespaceURI));
-        Iterator validators = facesConfig.validators();
-        validators = new FilteredIterator(validators, new ValidatorTagLibraryFilter(namespaceURI));
-        Iterator converters = facesConfig.converters();
-        converters = new FilteredIterator(converters, new ConverterTagLibraryFilter(namespaceURI));
-        String targetPath = "META-INF/" + shortName + ".tld";
-        File targetFile = new File(generatedResourcesDirectory, targetPath);
-        String configPath = "META-INF/" + shortName + "-base.tld";
-        File configFile = new File(configSourceDirectory, configPath);
-        targetFile.delete();
-        boolean hasGeneratedTags = (components.hasNext() ||
-                                    converters.hasNext() ||
-                                    validators.hasNext());
-        if (hasGeneratedTags && configFile.exists())
-        {
-          ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-          XMLOutputFactory outputFactory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance();
-          XMLStreamWriter stream = outputFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(out);
-          _writeStartTagLibrary(stream, _XINCLUDE_JSP_TAG_LIBRARY_DTD);
-          // base goes first
-          stream.writeStartElement("xi", "include",
-                                   XIncludeFilter.XINCLUDE_NAMESPACE);
-          stream.writeNamespace("xi", XIncludeFilter.XINCLUDE_NAMESPACE);
-          stream.writeAttribute("href", configFile.toURL().toExternalForm());
-          stream.writeAttribute("xpointer", "/taglib/*");
-          stream.writeEndElement();
-          while (components.hasNext())
-          {
-            ComponentBean component = (ComponentBean);
-            _writeTag(stream, component);
-          }
-          while (converters.hasNext())
-          {
-            ConverterBean converter = (ConverterBean);
-            _writeTag(stream, converter);
-          }
-          while (validators.hasNext())
-          {
-            ValidatorBean validator = (ValidatorBean);
-            _writeTag(stream, validator);
-          }
-          _writeEndTagLibrary(stream);
-          stream.close();
-          InputStream mergedStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());
-          // expand all the xi:include elements
-          SAXParserFactory saxFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
-          saxFactory.setNamespaceAware(true);
-          saxFactory.setValidating(false);
-          SAXParser saxParser = saxFactory.newSAXParser();
-          XMLReader mergedReader = saxParser.getXMLReader();
-          mergedReader = new XIncludeFilter(mergedReader, configFile.toURL());
-          // even with validating=false, DTD is still downloaded so that
-          // any entities contained in the document can be expanded.
-          // the following disables that behavior, also saving the time
-          // spent to parse the DTD
-          mergedReader.setEntityResolver(new EntityResolver()
-            {
-              public InputSource resolveEntity(
-                String publicId,
-                String systemId)
-              {
-                return new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]));
-              }
-            });
-          InputSource mergedInput = new InputSource(mergedStream);
-          Source mergedSource = new SAXSource(mergedReader, mergedInput);
-          targetFile.delete();
-          targetFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
-          Result mergedResult = new StreamResult(new FileOutputStream(targetFile));
-          TransformerFactory transFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
-          Transformer identity = transFactory.newTransformer();
-          identity.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC,
-                                     _JSP_TAG_LIBRARY_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC);
-          identity.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM,
-                                     _JSP_TAG_LIBRARY_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM);
-          identity.transform(mergedSource, mergedResult);
-          targetFile.setReadOnly();
-        }
-        else if (hasGeneratedTags)
-        {
-          targetFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
-          OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(targetFile);
-          XMLOutputFactory outputFactory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance();
-          XMLStreamWriter stream = outputFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(out);
-          _writeStartTagLibrary(stream, "1.2", shortName, namespaceURI);
-          while (components.hasNext())
-          {
-            ComponentBean component = (ComponentBean);
-            _writeTag(stream, component);
-          }
-          while (converters.hasNext())
-          {
-            ConverterBean converter = (ConverterBean);
-            _writeTag(stream, converter);
-          }
-          while (validators.hasNext())
-          {
-            ValidatorBean validator = (ValidatorBean);
-            _writeTag(stream, validator);
-          }
-          _writeEndTagLibrary(stream);
-          stream.close();
-        }
-        else if (configFile.exists())
-        {
-          // copy if newer
-          if (configFile.lastModified() > targetFile.lastModified())
-          {
-            targetFile.delete();
-            targetFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
-            FileUtils.copyFile(configFile, targetFile);
-            targetFile.setReadOnly();
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    catch (SAXException e)
-    {
-      throw new MojoExecutionException("Error generating tag library", e);
-    }
-    catch (ParserConfigurationException e)
-    {
-      throw new MojoExecutionException("Error generating tag library", e);
-    }
-    catch (TransformerException e)
-    {
-      throw new MojoExecutionException("Error generating tag library", e);
-    }
-    catch (XMLStreamException e)
-    {
-      throw new MojoExecutionException("Error generating tag library", e);
-    }
-    catch (IOException e)
-    {
-      throw new MojoExecutionException("Error generating tag libraries", e);
-    }
-  }
-  private void _writeStartTagLibrary(
-    XMLStreamWriter stream,
-    String          dtd) throws XMLStreamException
-  {
-    stream.writeStartDocument("1.0");
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n");
-    stream.writeDTD(dtd);
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n");
-    stream.writeStartElement("taglib");
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
-  }
-  private void _writeStartTagLibrary(
-    XMLStreamWriter stream,
-    String          version,
-    String          shortName,
-    String          namespaceURI) throws XMLStreamException
-  {
-    _writeStartTagLibrary(stream, _JSP_TAG_LIBRARY_DTD);
-    stream.writeStartElement("tlib-version");
-    stream.writeCharacters(project.getVersion());
-    stream.writeEndElement();
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
-    stream.writeStartElement("jsp-version");
-    stream.writeCharacters(version);
-    stream.writeEndElement();
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
-    stream.writeStartElement("short-name");
-    stream.writeCharacters(shortName);
-    stream.writeEndElement();
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
-    stream.writeStartElement("uri");
-    stream.writeCharacters(namespaceURI);
-    stream.writeEndElement();
-  }
-  private void _writeEndTagLibrary(
-    XMLStreamWriter stream) throws XMLStreamException
-  {
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n");
-    stream.writeEndElement();
-    stream.writeEndDocument();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Generates tag library descriptor for parsed component metadata.
-   */
-  private void _writeTag(
-    XMLStreamWriter stream,
-    ComponentBean   component) throws XMLStreamException
-  {
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
-    stream.writeStartElement("tag");
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
-    stream.writeStartElement("name");
-    stream.writeCharacters(component.getTagName().getLocalPart());
-    stream.writeEndElement();
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
-    stream.writeStartElement("tag-class");
-    stream.writeCharacters(component.getTagClass());
-    stream.writeEndElement();
-    if (component.getDescription() != null)
-    {
-      stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
-      stream.writeStartElement("description");
-      stream.writeCData(component.getDescription());
-      stream.writeEndElement();
-    }
-    Iterator properties =;
-    properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
-    while (properties.hasNext())
-    {
-      PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-      _writeTagAttribute(stream,
-                         property.getPropertyName(),
-                         property.getDescription(),
-                         property.getUnsupportedAgents());
-    }
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
-    stream.writeEndElement();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Generates tag library descriptor for parsed converter metadata.
-   */
-  private void _writeTag(
-    XMLStreamWriter stream,
-    ConverterBean   converter) throws XMLStreamException
-  {
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
-    stream.writeStartElement("tag");
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
-    stream.writeStartElement("name");
-    stream.writeCharacters(converter.getTagName().getLocalPart());
-    stream.writeEndElement();
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
-    stream.writeStartElement("tag-class");
-    stream.writeCharacters(converter.getTagClass());
-    stream.writeEndElement();
-    if (converter.getDescription() != null)
-    {
-      stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
-      stream.writeStartElement("description");
-      stream.writeCData(converter.getDescription());
-      stream.writeEndElement();
-    }
-    // converters need an id attribute
-    _writeTagAttribute(stream, "id", "the identifier for the component", null);
-    Iterator properties =;
-    properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
-    while (properties.hasNext())
-    {
-      PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-      _writeTagAttribute(stream,
-                         property.getPropertyName(),
-                         property.getDescription(),
-                         property.getUnsupportedAgents());
-    }
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
-    stream.writeEndElement();
-  }
-  private void _writeTagAttribute(
-    XMLStreamWriter stream,
-    String          propertyName,
-    String          description,
-    String[]        unsupportedAgents) throws XMLStreamException
-  {
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
-    stream.writeStartElement("attribute");
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n      ");
-    stream.writeStartElement("name");
-    stream.writeCharacters(propertyName);
-    stream.writeEndElement();
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n      ");
-    stream.writeStartElement("rtexprvalue");
-    stream.writeCharacters("false");
-    stream.writeEndElement();
-    if (description != null ||
-        unsupportedAgents.length > 0)
-    {
-      stream.writeCharacters("\n      ");
-      stream.writeStartElement("description");
-      if (unsupportedAgents != null &&
-          unsupportedAgents.length > 0)
-      {
-        if (description == null)
-          description = "";
-        description += "\n\n    This attribute is not supported on the following agent types:\n";
-        for (int i=0; i < unsupportedAgents.length; i++)
-        {
-          description += " " + unsupportedAgents[i];
-          description += (i < unsupportedAgents.length - 1) ? "," : ".";
-        }
-      }
-      stream.writeCData(description);
-      stream.writeEndElement();
-    }
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
-    stream.writeEndElement();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Generates tag library descriptor for parsed validator metadata.
-   */
-  private void _writeTag(
-    XMLStreamWriter stream,
-    ValidatorBean   validator) throws XMLStreamException
-  {
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
-    stream.writeStartElement("tag");
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
-    stream.writeStartElement("name");
-    stream.writeCharacters(validator.getTagName().getLocalPart());
-    stream.writeEndElement();
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
-    stream.writeStartElement("tag-class");
-    stream.writeCharacters(validator.getTagClass());
-    stream.writeEndElement();
-    if (validator.getDescription() != null)
-    {
-      stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
-      stream.writeStartElement("description");
-      stream.writeCData(validator.getDescription());
-      stream.writeEndElement();
-    }
-    // validators need an id attribute
-    _writeTagAttribute(stream, "id", "the identifier for the component", null);
-    Iterator properties =;
-    properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
-    while (properties.hasNext())
-    {
-      PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-      _writeTagAttribute(stream,
-                         property.getPropertyName(),
-                         property.getDescription(),
-                         property.getUnsupportedAgents());
-    }
-    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
-    stream.writeEndElement();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Generates tag handlers for parsed component metadata.
-   */
-  private void _generateTagHandlers() throws IOException
-  {
-    // Make sure generated source directory
-    // is added to compilation source path
-    project.addCompileSourceRoot(generatedSourceDirectory.getCanonicalPath());
-    FacesConfigBean facesConfig = getFacesConfig();
-    if (!facesConfig.hasComponents())
-    {
-      getLog().info("Nothing to generate - no components found");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      Iterator components = facesConfig.components();
-      components = new FilteredIterator(components, new SkipFilter());
-      components = new FilteredIterator(components, new ComponentTagFilter());
-      components = new FilteredIterator(components, new ComponentTagClassFilter(packageContains));
-      Iterator validators = facesConfig.validators();
-      validators = new FilteredIterator(validators, new ValidatorTagFilter());
-      validators = new FilteredIterator(validators, new ValidatorTagClassFilter(packageContains));
-      Iterator converters = facesConfig.converters();
-      converters = new FilteredIterator(converters, new ConverterTagFilter());
-      converters = new FilteredIterator(converters, new ConverterTagClassFilter(packageContains));
-      // incremental unless forced
-      if (!force)
-      {
-        components = new FilteredIterator(components, new IfComponentModifiedFilter());
-        converters = new FilteredIterator(converters, new IfConverterModifiedFilter());
-        validators = new FilteredIterator(validators, new IfValidatorModifiedFilter());
-      }
-      if (!components.hasNext() && !converters.hasNext())
-      {
-        getLog().info("Nothing to generate - all JSP tags are up to date");
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        ComponentTagGenerator componentGen = new ComponentTagGenerator();
-        ConverterTagGenerator converterGen = new ConverterTagGenerator();
-        ValidatorTagGenerator validatorGen = new ValidatorTagGenerator();
-        int count = 0;
-        while (components.hasNext())
-        {
-          componentGen.generateTagHandler((ComponentBean);
-          count++;
-        }
-        while (converters.hasNext())
-        {
-          converterGen.generateTagHandler((ConverterBean);
-          count++;
-        }
-        while (validators.hasNext())
-        {
-          validatorGen.generateTagHandler((ValidatorBean);
-          count++;
-        }
-        getLog().info("Generated " + count + " JSP tag(s)");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  class ConverterTagGenerator
-  {
-    public void generateTagHandler(
-      ConverterBean converter)
-    {
-      String fullClassName = converter.getTagClass();
-      try
-      {
-        getLog().debug("Generating " + fullClassName);
-        String sourcePath = Util.convertClassToSourcePath(fullClassName, ".java");
-        File targetFile = new File(generatedSourceDirectory, sourcePath);
-        targetFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
-        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
-        PrettyWriter out = new PrettyWriter(sw);
-        String className = Util.getClassFromFullClass(fullClassName);
-        String packageName = Util.getPackageFromFullClass(fullClassName);
-        // header/copyright
-        writePreamble(out);
-        // package
-        out.println("package " + packageName + ";");
-        out.println();
-        _writeImports(out, converter);
-        out.println("/**");
-        // TODO: remove this blank line.
-        out.println();
-        out.println(" * Auto-generated tag class.");
-        out.println(" */");
-        out.println("public class " + className +
-                          " extends ConverterTag");
-        out.println("{");
-        out.indent();
-        _writeConstructor(out, converter);
-        _writePropertyMethods(out, converter);
-        _writeDoStartTag(out, converter);
-        _writeCreateConverter(out, converter);
-        _writeSetProperties(out, converter);
-        _writeRelease(out, converter);
-        out.unindent();
-        out.println("}");
-        out.close();
-        // delay write in case of error
-        // timestamp should not be updated when an error occurs
-        // delete target file first, because it is readonly
-        targetFile.delete();
-        FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(targetFile);
-        StringBuffer buf = sw.getBuffer();
-        fw.write(buf.toString());
-        fw.close();
-        targetFile.setReadOnly();
-      }
-      catch (Throwable e)
-      {
-        getLog().error("Error generating " + fullClassName, e);
-      }
-    }
-    private void _writeImports(
-      PrettyWriter   out,
-      ConverterBean  converter)
-    {
-      Set imports = new TreeSet();
-      imports.add("javax.faces.webapp.ConverterTag");
-      imports.add("javax.servlet.jsp.JspException");
-      imports.add(converter.getConverterClass());
-      Iterator properties =;
-      properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
-      if (properties.hasNext())
-      {
-        imports.add("javax.faces.convert.Converter");
-        imports.add("javax.faces.el.ValueBinding");
-        imports.add("org.apache.myfaces.adfinternal.taglib.util.TagUtils");
-      }
-      while (properties.hasNext())
-      {
-        PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-        String propertyClass = property.getPropertyClass();
-        if (propertyClass != null)
-          imports.add(propertyClass);
-        if ("java.lang.String[]".equals(propertyClass))
-        {
-          imports.add("java.text.ParseException");
-        }
-      }
-      // do not import implicit!
-      imports.removeAll(Util.PRIMITIVE_TYPES);
-      String tagClass = converter.getTagClass();
-      String packageName = Util.getPackageFromFullClass(tagClass);
-      writeImports(out, packageName, imports);
-    }
-    private void _writeConstructor(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      ConverterBean converter) throws IOException
-    {
-      String fullClassName = converter.getTagClass();
-      String className = Util.getClassFromFullClass(fullClassName);
-      out.println();
-      out.println("/**");
-      // TODO: restore this correctly phrased comment (tense vs. command)
-      //out.println(" * Constructs an instance of " + className + ".");
-      out.println(" * Construct an instance of the " + className + ".");
-      out.println(" */");
-      out.println("public " + className + "()");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.println("}");
-    }
-    private void _writePropertyMethods(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      ConverterBean converter) throws IOException
-    {
-      Iterator properties =;
-      properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
-      while (properties.hasNext())
-      {
-        PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-        out.println();
-        _writePropertyMember(out, property);
-        _writePropertySet(out, property);
-      }
-    }
-    private void _writePropertyMember(
-     PrettyWriter  out,
-     PropertyBean  property) throws IOException
-    {
-      String propName = property.getPropertyName();
-      String propVar = "_" + Util.getVariableFromName(propName);
-      out.println("private String " + propVar + ";");
-    }
-    private void _writePropertySet(
-     PrettyWriter  out,
-     PropertyBean  property) throws IOException
-    {
-      String propName = property.getPropertyName();
-      String propVar = Util.getVariableFromName(propName);
-      String setMethod = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("set", propName);
-      // TODO: restore coding standards, and make final
-      out.println("public void " + setMethod + "(String " + propVar + ")");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("_" + propVar + " = " + propVar + ";");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-    }
-    private void _writeDoStartTag(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      ConverterBean converter) throws IOException
-    {
-      String converterFullClass = converter.getConverterClass();
-      String converterClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(converterFullClass);
-      out.println();
-      // TODO: restore coding standards, and make final
-      out.println("public int doStartTag() throws JspException");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("super.setConverterId(" + converterClass + ".CONVERTER_ID);");
-      out.println("return super.doStartTag();");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-    }
-    private void _writeCreateConverter(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      ConverterBean converter) throws IOException
-    {
-      Iterator properties =;
-      properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
-      if (properties.hasNext())
-      {
-        String converterFullClass = converter.getConverterClass();
-        String converterClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(converterFullClass);
-        out.println();
-        // TODO: restore coding standards, and make final
-        out.println("protected Converter createConverter() throws JspException");
-        out.println("{");
-        out.indent();
-        out.println(converterClass + " converter = " +
-                    "(" + converterClass + ")super.createConverter();");
-        out.println("_setProperties(converter);");
-        out.println("return converter;");
-        out.unindent();
-        out.println("}");
-      }
-    }
-    private void _writeSetProperties(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      ConverterBean converter) throws IOException
-    {
-      Iterator properties =;
-      properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
-      if (properties.hasNext())
-      {
-        String converterFullClass = converter.getConverterClass();
-        String converterClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(converterFullClass);
-        out.println();
-        out.println("private void _setProperties(");
-        out.indent();
-        out.println(converterClass + " converter) throws JspException");
-        out.unindent();
-        out.println("{");
-        out.indent();
-        while (properties.hasNext())
-        {
-          PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-          _writeSetProperty(out, property);
-        }
-        out.unindent();
-        out.println("}");
-      }
-    }
-    private void _writeSetProperty(
-      PrettyWriter out,
-      PropertyBean property)
-    {
-      String propName = property.getPropertyName();
-      String propFullClass = property.getPropertyClass();
-      String propClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(propFullClass);
-      String propVar = "_" + Util.getVariableFromName(propName);
-      out.println("if (" + propVar + " != null)");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("if (TagUtils.isValueReference(" + propVar + "))");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("ValueBinding vb = TagUtils.getValueBinding(" + propVar + ");");
-      out.println("converter.setValueBinding(\"" + propName + "\", vb);");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-      String propType = _resolveType(propFullClass);
-      if (propType != null)
-      {
-        out.println("else");
-        out.println("{");
-        out.indent();
-        if ("StringArray".equals(propType))
-        {
-          out.println("try");
-          out.println("{");
-        }
-        out.println(propClass + " value = TagUtils.get" + propType + "(" + propVar + ");");
-        String setMethod = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("set", propName);
-        out.println("converter." + setMethod + "(value);");
-        if ("StringArray".equals(propType))
-        {
-          out.println("}");
-          out.println("catch (ParseException pe)");
-          out.println("{");
-          out.indent();
-          out.println("throw new JspException(");
-          out.println("  pe.getMessage() + \": \" + \"Position \" + pe.getErrorOffset());");
-          out.unindent();
-          out.println("}");
-        }
-        out.unindent();
-        out.println("}");
-      }
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-    }
-    private void _writeRelease(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      ConverterBean converter) throws IOException
-    {
-      Iterator properties =;
-      properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
-      if (properties.hasNext())
-      {
-        out.println();
-        out.println("public void release()");
-        out.println("{");
-        out.indent();
-        out.println("super.release();");
-        while (properties.hasNext())
-        {
-          PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-          String propName = property.getPropertyName();
-          String propVar = "_" + Util.getVariableFromName(propName);
-          out.println(propVar + " = null;");
-        }
-        out.unindent();
-        out.println("}");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  class ValidatorTagGenerator
-  {
-    public void generateTagHandler(
-      ValidatorBean validator)
-    {
-      String fullClassName = validator.getTagClass();
-      try
-      {
-        getLog().debug("Generating " + fullClassName);
-        String sourcePath = Util.convertClassToSourcePath(fullClassName, ".java");
-        File targetFile = new File(generatedSourceDirectory, sourcePath);
-        targetFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
-        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
-        PrettyWriter out = new PrettyWriter(sw);
-        String className = Util.getClassFromFullClass(fullClassName);
-        String packageName = Util.getPackageFromFullClass(fullClassName);
-        // header/copyright
-        writePreamble(out);
-        // package
-        out.println("package " + packageName + ";");
-        out.println();
-        _writeImports(out, validator);
-        out.println("/**");
-        // TODO: remove this blank line.
-        out.println();
-        out.println(" * Auto-generated tag class.");
-        out.println(" */");
-        out.println("public class " + className +
-                          " extends ValidatorTag");
-        out.println("{");
-        out.indent();
-        _writeConstructor(out, validator);
-        _writePropertyMethods(out, validator);
-        _writeDoStartTag(out, validator);
-        _writeCreateValidator(out, validator);
-        _writeSetProperties(out, validator);
-        _writeRelease(out, validator);
-        out.unindent();
-        out.println("}");
-        out.close();
-        // delay write in case of error
-        // timestamp should not be updated when an error occurs
-        // delete target file first, because it is readonly
-        targetFile.delete();
-        FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(targetFile);
-        StringBuffer buf = sw.getBuffer();
-        fw.write(buf.toString());
-        fw.close();
-        targetFile.setReadOnly();
-      }
-      catch (Throwable e)
-      {
-        getLog().error("Error generating " + fullClassName, e);
-      }
-    }
-    private void _writeImports(
-      PrettyWriter   out,
-      ValidatorBean  validator)
-    {
-      Set imports = new TreeSet();
-      imports.add("javax.faces.webapp.ValidatorTag");
-      imports.add("javax.servlet.jsp.JspException");
-      imports.add(validator.getValidatorClass());
-      Iterator properties =;
-      properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
-      if (properties.hasNext())
-      {
-        imports.add("javax.faces.validator.Validator");
-        imports.add("javax.faces.el.ValueBinding");
-        imports.add("org.apache.myfaces.adfinternal.taglib.util.TagUtils");
-      }
-      while (properties.hasNext())
-      {
-        PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-        String propertyClass = property.getPropertyClass();
-        if (propertyClass != null)
-          imports.add(propertyClass);
-        if ("java.lang.String[]".equals(propertyClass))
-        {
-          imports.add("java.text.ParseException");
-        }
-      }
-      // do not import implicit!
-      imports.removeAll(Util.PRIMITIVE_TYPES);
-      String tagClass = validator.getTagClass();
-      String packageName = Util.getPackageFromFullClass(tagClass);
-      writeImports(out, packageName, imports);
-    }
-    private void _writeConstructor(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      ValidatorBean validator) throws IOException
-    {
-      String fullClassName = validator.getTagClass();
-      String className = Util.getClassFromFullClass(fullClassName);
-      out.println();
-      out.println("/**");
-      // TODO: restore this correctly phrased comment (tense vs. command)
-      //out.println(" * Constructs an instance of " + className + ".");
-      out.println(" * Construct an instance of the " + className + ".");
-      out.println(" */");
-      out.println("public " + className + "()");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.println("}");
-    }
-    private void _writePropertyMethods(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      ValidatorBean validator) throws IOException
-    {
-      Iterator properties =;
-      properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
-      while (properties.hasNext())
-      {
-        PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-        out.println();
-        _writePropertyMember(out, property);
-        _writePropertySet(out, property);
-      }
-    }
-    private void _writePropertyMember(
-     PrettyWriter  out,
-     PropertyBean  property) throws IOException
-    {
-      String propName = property.getPropertyName();
-      String propVar = "_" + Util.getVariableFromName(propName);
-      out.println("private String " + propVar + ";");
-    }
-    private void _writePropertySet(
-     PrettyWriter  out,
-     PropertyBean  property) throws IOException
-    {
-      String propName = property.getPropertyName();
-      String propVar = Util.getVariableFromName(propName);
-      String setMethod = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("set", propName);
-      // TODO: restore coding standards, and make final
-      out.println("public void " + setMethod + "(String " + propVar + ")");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("_" + propVar + " = " + propVar + ";");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-    }
-    private void _writeDoStartTag(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      ValidatorBean validator) throws IOException
-    {
-      String validatorFullClass = validator.getValidatorClass();
-      String validatorClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(validatorFullClass);
-      out.println();
-      // TODO: restore coding standards, and make final
-      out.println("public int doStartTag() throws JspException");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("super.setValidatorId(" + validatorClass + ".VALIDATOR_ID);");
-      out.println("return super.doStartTag();");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-    }
-    private void _writeCreateValidator(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      ValidatorBean validator) throws IOException
-    {
-      Iterator properties =;
-      properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
-      if (properties.hasNext())
-      {
-        String validatorFullClass = validator.getValidatorClass();
-        String validatorClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(validatorFullClass);
-        out.println();
-        // TODO: restore coding standards, and make final
-        out.println("protected Validator createValidator() throws JspException");
-        out.println("{");
-        out.indent();
-        out.println(validatorClass + " validator = " +
-                    "(" + validatorClass + ")super.createValidator();");
-        out.println("_setProperties(validator);");
-        out.println("return validator;");
-        out.unindent();
-        out.println("}");
-      }
-    }
-    private void _writeSetProperties(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      ValidatorBean validator) throws IOException
-    {
-      Iterator properties =;
-      properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
-      if (properties.hasNext())
-      {
-        String validatorFullClass = validator.getValidatorClass();
-        String validatorClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(validatorFullClass);
-        out.println();
-        out.println("private void _setProperties(");
-        out.indent();
-        out.println(validatorClass + " validator) throws JspException");
-        out.unindent();
-        out.println("{");
-        out.indent();
-        while (properties.hasNext())
-        {
-          PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-          _writeSetProperty(out, property);
-        }
-        out.unindent();
-        out.println("}");
-      }
-    }
-    private void _writeSetProperty(
-      PrettyWriter out,
-      PropertyBean property)
-    {
-      String propName = property.getPropertyName();
-      String propFullClass = property.getPropertyClass();
-      String propClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(propFullClass);
-      String propVar = "_" + Util.getVariableFromName(propName);
-      out.println("if (" + propVar + " != null)");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("if (TagUtils.isValueReference(" + propVar + "))");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("ValueBinding vb = TagUtils.getValueBinding(" + propVar + ");");
-      out.println("validator.setValueBinding(\"" + propName + "\", vb);");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-      String propType = _resolveType(propFullClass);
-      if (propType != null)
-      {
-        out.println("else");
-        out.println("{");
-        out.indent();
-        if ("StringArray".equals(propType))
-        {
-          out.println("try");
-          out.println("{");
-        }
-        out.println(propClass + " value = TagUtils.get" + propType + "(" + propVar + ");");
-        String setMethod = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("set", propName);
-        out.println("validator." + setMethod + "(value);");
-        if ("StringArray".equals(propType))
-        {
-          out.println("}");
-          out.println("catch (ParseException pe)");
-          out.println("{");
-          out.indent();
-          out.println("throw new JspException(");
-          out.println("  pe.getMessage() + \": \" + \"Position \" + pe.getErrorOffset());");
-          out.unindent();
-          out.println("}");
-        }
-        out.unindent();
-        out.println("}");
-      }
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-    }
-    private void _writeRelease(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      ValidatorBean validator) throws IOException
-    {
-      Iterator properties =;
-      properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
-      if (properties.hasNext())
-      {
-        out.println();
-        out.println("public void release()");
-        out.println("{");
-        out.indent();
-        out.println("super.release();");
-        while (properties.hasNext())
-        {
-          PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-          String propName = property.getPropertyName();
-          String propVar = "_" + Util.getVariableFromName(propName);
-          out.println(propVar + " = null;");
-        }
-        out.unindent();
-        out.println("}");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  class ComponentTagGenerator
-  {
-    public void generateTagHandler(
-      ComponentBean component)
-    {
-      String fullClassName = component.getTagClass();
-      try
-      {
-        getLog().debug("Generating " + fullClassName);
-        String sourcePath = Util.convertClassToSourcePath(fullClassName, ".java");
-        File targetFile = new File(generatedSourceDirectory, sourcePath);
-        targetFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
-        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
-        PrettyWriter out = new PrettyWriter(sw);
-        String className = Util.getClassFromFullClass(fullClassName);
-        String packageName = Util.getPackageFromFullClass(fullClassName);
-        String fullSuperclassName = component.findJspTagSuperclass();
-        if (fullSuperclassName == null)
-          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing JSP Tag superclass");
-        String superclassName = Util.getClassFromFullClass(fullSuperclassName);
-        if (superclassName.equals(className))
-          superclassName = fullSuperclassName;
-        String componentFullClass = component.getComponentClass();
-        String componentClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(componentFullClass);
-        // header/copyright
-        writePreamble(out);
-        // package
-        out.println("package " + packageName + ";");
-        out.println();
-        _writeImports(out, fullSuperclassName, superclassName,
-                      componentFullClass, component);
-        out.println("/**");
-        // TODO: remove this blank line.
-        out.println();
-        out.println(" * Auto-generated tag class.");
-        out.println(" */");
-        // TODO: eliminate <mfp:tag-class-modifier> metadata
-        int modifiers = component.getTagClassModifiers();
-        String classStart = Modifier.toString(modifiers);
-        // TODO: use canonical ordering
-        classStart = classStart.replaceAll("public abstract", "abstract public");
-        out.println(classStart + " class " + className +
-                                 " extends " + superclassName);
-        out.println("{");
-        out.indent();
-        _writeConstructor(out, component);
-        if (!Modifier.isAbstract(modifiers))
-        {
-          _writeGetComponentType(out, component);
-          _writeGetRendererType(out, component);
-        }
-        _writePropertyMethods(out, component);
-        _writeSetProperties(out, componentClass, component);
-        _writeRelease(out, component);
-        out.unindent();
-        out.println("}");
-        out.close();
-        // delay write in case of error
-        // timestamp should not be updated when an error occurs
-        // delete target file first, because it is readonly
-        targetFile.delete();
-        FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(targetFile);
-        StringBuffer buf = sw.getBuffer();
-        fw.write(buf.toString());
-        fw.close();
-        targetFile.setReadOnly();
-      }
-      catch (Throwable e)
-      {
-        getLog().error("Error generating " + fullClassName, e);
-      }
-    }
-    private void _writeImports(
-      PrettyWriter   out,
-      String         fullSuperclassName,
-      String         superclassName,
-      String         componentFullClass,
-      ComponentBean  component)
-    {
-      Set imports = new TreeSet();
-      Iterator properties =;
-      properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
-      if (properties.hasNext())
-      {
-        imports.add("org.apache.myfaces.adf.bean.FacesBean");
-        imports.add(componentFullClass);
-      }
-      // TODO: only add FacesBean import when properties exist
-      imports.add("org.apache.myfaces.adf.bean.FacesBean");
-      // TODO: remove these imports
-      imports.add("javax.faces.component.UIComponent");
-      imports.add("javax.faces.el.ValueBinding");
-      imports.add("org.apache.myfaces.adfinternal.taglib.util.VirtualAttributeUtils");
-      // superclassName is fully qualified if it collides
-      // with the generated class name and should not be
-      // imported when such a collision would occur
-      if (!superclassName.equals(fullSuperclassName))
-        imports.add(fullSuperclassName);
-      while (properties.hasNext())
-      {
-        PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-        String   propertyClass = property.getPropertyClass();
-        String[] propertyClassParams = property.getPropertyClassParameters();
-        if (propertyClass != null)
-          imports.add(propertyClass);
-        if (_isConverter(propertyClass) ||
-            _isKeyStroke(propertyClass) ||
-            _isColorList(propertyClass, propertyClassParams) ||
-            property.isVirtual())
-        {
-          imports.add("javax.faces.el.ValueBinding");
-        }
-        if (_isColorList(propertyClass, propertyClassParams))
-        {
-          imports.add("java.text.ParseException");
-          imports.add("org.apache.myfaces.adfinternal.taglib.util.TagUtils");
-        }
-        // TODO: restore import and make reference to
-        //       ConstantMethodBinding relative rather
-        //       than absolute
-        //if (property.isMethodBinding() &&
-        //    isStringMethodBindingReturnType(property))
-        //{
-        //  imports.add("org.apache.myfaces.adfinternal.taglib.ConstantMethodBinding");
-        //}
-        if (property.isVirtual())
-        {
-          imports.add("org.apache.myfaces.adfinternal.taglib.util.VirtualAttributeUtils");
-        }
-      }
-      // do not import implicit!
-      imports.removeAll(Util.PRIMITIVE_TYPES);
-      String tagClass = component.getTagClass();
-      String packageName = Util.getPackageFromFullClass(tagClass);
-      writeImports(out, packageName, imports);
-    }
-    private void _writeConstructor(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      ComponentBean component) throws IOException
-    {
-      String fullClassName = component.getTagClass();
-      String className = Util.getClassFromFullClass(fullClassName);
-      out.println();
-      out.println("/**");
-      // TODO: restore this correctly phrased comment (tense vs. command)
-      //out.println(" * Constructs an instance of " + className + ".");
-      out.println(" * Construct an instance of the " + className + ".");
-      out.println(" */");
-      out.println("public " + className + "()");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.println("}");
-    }
-    private void _writeGetComponentType(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      ComponentBean component) throws IOException
-    {
-      String componentType = component.getComponentType();
-      out.println();
-      out.println("public String getComponentType()");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("return \"" + componentType + "\";");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-    }
-    private void _writeGetRendererType(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      ComponentBean component) throws IOException
-    {
-      String rendererType = component.getRendererType();
-      out.println();
-      out.println("public String getRendererType()");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("return " + convertStringToLiteral(rendererType) + ";");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-    }
-    private void _writeRelease(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      ComponentBean component) throws IOException
-    {
-      Iterator properties =;
-      properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
-      // TODO: remove special case for UIXFormTag
-      if (properties.hasNext() ||
-          "org.apache.myfaces.adfinternal.taglib.UIXFormTag".equals(component.getTagClass()))
-      {
-        out.println();
-        out.println("public void release()");
-        out.println("{");
-        out.indent();
-        out.println("super.release();");
-        while (properties.hasNext())
-        {
-          PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-          String propName = property.getPropertyName();
-          String propVar = "_" + Util.getVariableFromName(propName);
-          out.println(propVar + " = null;");
-        }
-        out.unindent();
-        out.println("}");
-      }
-    }
-    private void _writePropertyMethods(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      ComponentBean component) throws IOException
-    {
-      Iterator properties =;
-      properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
-      while (properties.hasNext())
-      {
-        PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-        out.println();
-        _writePropertyMember(out, property);
-        _writePropertySet(out, property);
-      }
-    }
-    private void _writePropertyMembers(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      ComponentBean component) throws IOException
-    {
-      Iterator properties =;
-      properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
-      if (properties.hasNext())
-      {
-        out.println();
-        while (properties.hasNext())
-        {
-          PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-          _writePropertyMember(out, property);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    private void _writePropertyMember(
-     PrettyWriter  out,
-     PropertyBean  property) throws IOException
-    {
-      String propName = property.getPropertyName();
-      String propVar = "_" + Util.getVariableFromName(propName);
-      out.println("private String " + propVar + ";");
-    }
-    private void _writePropertySet(
-     PrettyWriter  out,
-     PropertyBean  property) throws IOException
-    {
-      String propName = property.getPropertyName();
-      String propVar = Util.getVariableFromName(propName);
-      String setMethod = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("set", propName);
-      // TODO: restore coding standards, and make final
-      out.println("public void " + setMethod + "(String " + propVar + ")");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("_" + propVar + " = " + propVar + ";");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-    }
-    private void _writeSetProperties(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      String        componentClass,
-      ComponentBean component) throws IOException
-    {
-      Iterator properties =;
-      properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
-      // TODO: only write out setProperties when properties exist
-  //    if (properties.hasNext())
-  //    {
-        out.println();
-        out.println("protected void setProperties(");
-        out.indent();
-        out.println("FacesBean bean)");
-        out.unindent();
-        out.println("{");
-        out.indent();
-        out.println("super.setProperties(bean);");
-        while (properties.hasNext())
-        {
-          PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-          _writeSetPropertiesCase(out, componentClass, property);
-        }
-        out.unindent();
-        out.println("}");
-  //    }
-    }
-    private void _writeSetPropertiesCase(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      String             componentClass,
-      PropertyBean        property) throws IOException
-    {
-      String propName = property.getPropertyName();
-      String propClass = property.getPropertyClass();
-      String propVar = "_" + Util.getVariableFromName(propName);
-      if (property.isVirtual())
-      {
-        _writeVirtualSetMethod(out, componentClass, propName);
-      }
-      else if (property.isMethodBinding())
-      {
-        _writeSetMethodBinding(out, componentClass, property);
-      }
-      else if (_isKeyStroke(propClass))
-      {
-        _writeSetKeyStroke(out, componentClass, propName);
-      }
-      else if (_isColorList(propClass, property.getPropertyClassParameters()))
-      {
-        _writeSetColorList(out, componentClass, propName);
-      }
-      else if (_isConverter(propClass))
-      {
-        _writeSetConverter(out, componentClass, propName);
-      }
-      else if (property.isLiteralOnly())
-      {
-        _writeSetLiteral(out, componentClass, propName, propClass, propVar);
-      }
-      else //if (_hasPropertySetter(property))
-      {
-        _writeSetProperty(out, componentClass, propName, propClass, propVar);
-      }
-  //    else
-  //    {
-  //      _writeSetValueBinding(out, componentClass, propName, propVar);
-  //    }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if this property is a complex Object.
-     *
-     * @return true  if this property is a complex Object,
-     *         otherwise false
-     */
-    private boolean _hasPropertySetter(
-      PropertyBean property)
-    {
-      String propertyClass = property.getPropertyClass();
-      return (Util.PRIMITIVE_TYPES.contains(propertyClass) ||
-              "java.lang.Object".equals(propertyClass) ||
-              "java.lang.String".equals(propertyClass) ||
-              "java.lang.String[]".equals(propertyClass));
-    }
-    private boolean _isConverter(
-      String propClass)
-    {
-      return ("javax.faces.convert.Converter".equals(propClass));
-    }
-    private String[] _getAccessKeyPropertyKeys(
-      String componentClass,
-      String propName)
-    {
-      String[] propKeys = new String[2];
-      int offset = propName.indexOf("AndAccessKey");
-      if (offset != -1)
-      {
-        String mainProp = propName.substring(0, offset);
-        propKeys[0] = componentClass + "." +
-                      Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(mainProp, "_KEY");
-        propKeys[1] = componentClass + "." +
-                      Util.getConstantNameFromProperty("accessKey", "_KEY");
-      }
-      return propKeys;
-    }
-    private boolean _isKeyStroke(
-      String propClass)
-    {
-      return ("javax.swing.KeyStroke".equals(propClass));
-    }
-    private boolean _isColorList(
-      String   propClass,
-      String[] propClassParams)
-    {
-      return ("java.util.List".equals(propClass) &&
-              propClassParams.length == 1 &&
-              "java.awt.Color".equals(propClassParams[0]));
-    }
-    private void _writeSetLiteral(
-      PrettyWriter out,
-      String       componentClass,
-      String       propName,
-      String       propClass,
-      String       propVar)
-    {
-        // TODO: reject value binding expressions for literal-only
-      _writeSetProperty(out, componentClass, propName, propClass, propVar);
-    }
-    private void _writeSetProperty(
-      PrettyWriter out,
-      String       componentClass,
-      String       propName,
-      String       propFullClass,
-      String       propVar)
-    {
-      String propKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(propName, "_KEY");
-      String propClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(propFullClass);
-      String boxedClass = Util.getBoxedClass(propClass);
-      String setProperty = "setProperty";
-      if (!boxedClass.equals(propClass) ||
-           "java.util.Date".equals(propFullClass) ||
-          (boxedClass.indexOf("[]") != -1))
-      {
-        String propType = boxedClass.replaceAll("\\[\\]", "Array");
-        setProperty = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("set", propType + "Property");
-      }
-      out.println(setProperty + "(bean, " +
-                                  componentClass + "." + propKey + ", " +
-                                  propVar + ");" );
-    }
-    private void _writeSetValueBinding(
-      PrettyWriter out,
-      String       componentClass,
-      String       propName,
-      String       propVar)
-    {
-      String propKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(propName, "_KEY");
-      out.println("bean.setValueBinding(" + componentClass + "." + propKey + ", " +
-                                        "createValueBinding(" + propVar + "));" );
-    }
-    private void _writeVirtualSetMethod(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      String        componentClass,
-      String        propName) throws IOException
-    {
-      String[] propKeys = _getAccessKeyPropertyKeys(componentClass, propName);
-      String propVar = "_" + propName;
-      out.println("if (" + propVar + " != null)");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("if (isValueReference(" + propVar + "))");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("ValueBinding vb = createValueBinding(" + propVar + ");");
-      out.println("VirtualAttributeUtils.setAccessKeyAttribute(");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("bean,");
-      out.println("vb,");
-      out.println(propKeys[0] + ",");
-      out.println(propKeys[1] +  ");");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-      out.println("else");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("VirtualAttributeUtils.setAccessKeyAttribute(");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("bean,");
-      out.println(propVar + ",");
-      out.println(propKeys[0] + ",");
-      out.println(propKeys[1] +  ");");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-    }
-    private void _writeSetMethodBinding(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      String             componentClass,
-      PropertyBean        property) throws IOException
-    {
-      String propName = property.getPropertyName();
-      String propKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(propName, "_KEY");
-      String propVar = "_" + propName;
-      MethodSignatureBean signature = property.getMethodBindingSignature();
-      String[] paramTypes = (signature != null) ? signature.getParameterTypes() : null;
-      String classArray;
-      if (paramTypes == null || paramTypes.length == 0)
-      {
-        classArray = "new Class[0]";
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
-        sb.append("new Class[]{");
-        for (int i=0; i < paramTypes.length; i++)
-        {
-          if (i > 0)
-            sb.append(',');
-          sb.append(paramTypes[i]);
-          sb.append(".class");
-        }
-        // TODO: remove trailing comma
-        sb.append(',');
-        sb.append('}');
-        classArray = sb.toString();
-      }
-      out.println("if (" + propVar + " != null)");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      if (isStringMethodBindingReturnType(signature))
-      {
-        out.println("MethodBinding mb;");
-        out.println("if (isValueReference(" + propVar + "))");
-        out.indent();
-        out.println("mb = createMethodBinding(" + propVar + ", " + classArray + ");");
-        out.unindent();
-        out.println("else");
-        out.indent();
-        out.println("mb = new org.apache.myfaces.adfinternal.taglib.ConstantMethodBinding(" + propVar + ");");
-        out.unindent();
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        // never a literal, no need for ConstantMethodBinding
-        out.println("MethodBinding mb = createMethodBinding(" + propVar + ", " +
-                                                            classArray + ");");
-      }
-      out.println("bean.setProperty(" + componentClass + "." + propKey + ", mb);");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-    }
-    private void _writeSetKeyStroke(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      String        componentClass,
-      String        propName) throws IOException
-    {
-      String propKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(propName, "_KEY");
-      String propVar = "_" + propName;
-      out.println("if (" + propVar + " != null)");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("if (isValueReference(" + propVar + "))");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("ValueBinding vb = createValueBinding(" + propVar + ");");
-      out.println("bean.setValueBinding(" + componentClass + "." + propKey + ", vb);");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-      out.println("else");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("bean.setProperty(" + componentClass + "." + propKey + ",");
-      out.println("\tKeyStroke.getKeyStroke(" + propVar + "));");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-    }
-    private void _writeSetColorList(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      String        componentClass,
-      String        propName) throws IOException
-    {
-      String propKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(propName, "_KEY");
-      String propVar = "_" + propName;
-      out.println("if (" + propVar + " != null)");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("if (isValueReference(" + propVar + "))");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("ValueBinding vb = createValueBinding(" + propVar + ");");
-      out.println("bean.setValueBinding(" + componentClass + "." + propKey + ", vb);");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-      out.println("else");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("try");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("bean.setProperty(" + componentClass + "." + propKey + ",");
-      out.println("                 TagUtils.getColorList(" + propVar + "));");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-      out.println("catch (ParseException pe)");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("setValidationError(");
-      out.println("  pe.getMessage() + \": \" + \"Position \" + pe.getErrorOffset());");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-    }
-    private void _writeSetConverter(
-      PrettyWriter  out,
-      String             componentClass,
-      String             propName) throws IOException
-    {
-      String propKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(propName, "_KEY");
-      String propVar = "_" + propName;
-      out.println("if (" + propVar + " != null)");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("if (isValueReference(" + propVar + "))");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("ValueBinding vb = createValueBinding(" + propVar + ");");
-      out.println("bean.setValueBinding(" + componentClass + "." + propKey + ", vb);");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-      out.println("else");
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("Converter converter = getFacesContext().getApplication().");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("createConverter(" + propVar + ");");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("bean.setProperty(" + componentClass + "." + propKey + ", converter);");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-    }
-  }
-  private boolean isStringMethodBindingReturnType(
-    MethodSignatureBean sig)
-  {
-    return (sig != null && "java.lang.String".equals(sig.getReturnType()));
-  }
-  private class IfComponentModifiedFilter extends ComponentFilter
-  {
-    protected boolean accept(
-      ComponentBean component)
-    {
-      String tagClass = component.getTagClass();
-      String sourcePath = Util.convertClassToSourcePath(tagClass, ".java");
-      String templatePath = Util.convertClassToSourcePath(tagClass, "");
-      File targetFile = new File(generatedSourceDirectory, sourcePath);
-      File templateFile = new File(templateSourceDirectory, templatePath);
-      // accept if templateFile is newer or component has been modified
-      return (templateFile.lastModified() > targetFile.lastModified() ||
-              component.isModifiedSince(targetFile.lastModified()));
-    }
-  }
-  private class IfConverterModifiedFilter extends ConverterFilter
-  {
-    protected boolean accept(
-      ConverterBean converter)
-    {
-      String tagClass = converter.getTagClass();
-      String sourcePath = Util.convertClassToSourcePath(tagClass, ".java");
-      String templatePath = Util.convertClassToSourcePath(tagClass, "");
-      File targetFile = new File(generatedSourceDirectory, sourcePath);
-      File templateFile = new File(templateSourceDirectory, templatePath);
-      // accept if templateFile is newer or component has been modified
-      return (templateFile.lastModified() > targetFile.lastModified() ||
-              converter.isModifiedSince(targetFile.lastModified()));
-    }
-  }
-  private class IfValidatorModifiedFilter extends ValidatorFilter
-  {
-    protected boolean accept(
-      ValidatorBean validator)
-    {
-      String tagClass = validator.getTagClass();
-      String sourcePath = Util.convertClassToSourcePath(tagClass, ".java");
-      String templatePath = Util.convertClassToSourcePath(tagClass, "");
-      File targetFile = new File(generatedSourceDirectory, sourcePath);
-      File templateFile = new File(templateSourceDirectory, templatePath);
-      // accept if templateFile is newer or component has been modified
-      return (templateFile.lastModified() > targetFile.lastModified() ||
-              validator.isModifiedSince(targetFile.lastModified()));
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * @parameter expression="${project}"
-   * @required
-   * @readonly
-   */
-  private MavenProject project;
-  /**
-   * @parameter
-   * @required
-   */
-  private Map taglibs;
-  /**
-   * @parameter expression="META-INF/maven-faces-plugin/faces-config.xml"
-   * @required
-   * @readonly
-   */
-  private String resourcePath;
-  /**
-   * @parameter expression="src/main/conf"
-   * @required
-   */
-  private File configSourceDirectory;
-  /**
-   * @parameter expression="src/main/java-templates"
-   * @required
-   */
-  private File templateSourceDirectory;
-  /**
-   * @parameter expression="${}/maven-faces-plugin/main/java"
-   * @required
-   */
-  private File generatedSourceDirectory;
-  /**
-   * @parameter expression="${}/maven-faces-plugin/main/resources"
-   * @required
-   */
-  private File generatedResourcesDirectory;
-  /**
-   * @parameter
-   * @required
-   */
-  private String packageContains;
-  /**
-   * @parameter
-   */
-  private boolean force;
-  static private String _resolveType(
-    String className)
-  {
-    return (String)_RESOLVABLE_TYPES.get(className);
-  }
-  static private Map _createResolvableTypes()
-  {
-    Map resolvableTypes = new HashMap();
-    resolvableTypes.put("boolean", "Boolean");
-    resolvableTypes.put("char", "Character");
-    resolvableTypes.put("java.util.Date", "Date");
-    resolvableTypes.put("int", "Integer");
-    resolvableTypes.put("float", "Float");
-    resolvableTypes.put("java.util.Locale", "Locale");
-    resolvableTypes.put("long", "Long");
-    resolvableTypes.put("java.lang.String", "String");
-    resolvableTypes.put("java.lang.String[]", "StringArray");
-    resolvableTypes.put("java.util.TimeZone", "TimeZone");
-    return Collections.unmodifiableMap(resolvableTypes);
-  }
-  static final private Map _RESOLVABLE_TYPES = _createResolvableTypes();
-  static final private String _JSP_TAG_LIBRARY_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC =
-              "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.2//EN";
-  static final private String _JSP_TAG_LIBRARY_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM =
-              "";
-  static final private String _JSP_TAG_LIBRARY_DTD =
-    "<!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC \n" +
-    "  \"" + _JSP_TAG_LIBRARY_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC + "\"\n" +
-    "  \"" + _JSP_TAG_LIBRARY_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM + "\" >\n";
-  static final private String _XINCLUDE_JSP_TAG_LIBRARY_DTD =
-    "<!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC\n" +
-    "  \"" + _JSP_TAG_LIBRARY_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC + "\"\n" +
-    "  \"" + _JSP_TAG_LIBRARY_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM + "\" [\n" +
-    "      <!ELEMENT xi:include EMPTY>\n" +
-    "      <!ATTLIST xi:include\n" +
-    "          xmlns:xi CDATA #FIXED  \"" + XIncludeFilter.XINCLUDE_NAMESPACE + "\"\n" +
-    "          href     CDATA #IMPLIED\n" +
-    "          xpointer CDATA #IMPLIED>\n" +
-    "]>\n";
+import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
+import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
+import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
+import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
+import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
+import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
+import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @requiresDependencyResolution compile
+ * @goal generate-jsp-taglibs
+ * @phase generate-sources
+ */
+public class GenerateJspTaglibsMojo extends AbstractFacesMojo
+  /**
+   * Execute the Mojo.
+   */
+  public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException
+  {
+    try
+    {
+      processIndex(project, resourcePath);
+      _generateTagHandlers();
+      _generateTagLibraryDescriptors();
+    }
+    catch (IOException e)
+    {
+      throw new MojoExecutionException("Error generating components", e);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Generates tag library descriptors for parsed component metadata.
+   */
+  private void _generateTagLibraryDescriptors() throws MojoExecutionException
+  {
+    try
+    {
+      // always add resources directory to project resource root
+      addResourceRoot(project, generatedResourcesDirectory.getCanonicalPath());
+      // taglibs map syntax requires distinct shortNames,
+      // which is a Good Thing!
+      for (Iterator i = taglibs.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
+      {
+        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
+        String shortName = (String)entry.getKey();
+        String namespaceURI = (String)entry.getValue();
+        FacesConfigBean facesConfig = getFacesConfig();
+        Iterator components = facesConfig.components();
+        components = new FilteredIterator(components, new SkipFilter());
+        components = new FilteredIterator(components, new ComponentTagLibraryFilter(namespaceURI));
+        Iterator validators = facesConfig.validators();
+        validators = new FilteredIterator(validators, new ValidatorTagLibraryFilter(namespaceURI));
+        Iterator converters = facesConfig.converters();
+        converters = new FilteredIterator(converters, new ConverterTagLibraryFilter(namespaceURI));
+        String targetPath = "META-INF/" + shortName + ".tld";
+        File targetFile = new File(generatedResourcesDirectory, targetPath);
+        String configPath = "META-INF/" + shortName + "-base.tld";
+        File configFile = new File(configSourceDirectory, configPath);
+        targetFile.delete();
+        boolean hasGeneratedTags = (components.hasNext() ||
+                                    converters.hasNext() ||
+                                    validators.hasNext());
+        if (hasGeneratedTags && configFile.exists())
+        {
+          ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+          XMLOutputFactory outputFactory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance();
+          XMLStreamWriter stream = outputFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(out);
+          _writeStartTagLibrary(stream, _XINCLUDE_JSP_TAG_LIBRARY_DTD);
+          // base goes first
+          stream.writeStartElement("xi", "include",
+                                   XIncludeFilter.XINCLUDE_NAMESPACE);
+          stream.writeNamespace("xi", XIncludeFilter.XINCLUDE_NAMESPACE);
+          stream.writeAttribute("href", configFile.toURL().toExternalForm());
+          stream.writeAttribute("xpointer", "/taglib/*");
+          stream.writeEndElement();
+          while (components.hasNext())
+          {
+            ComponentBean component = (ComponentBean);
+            _writeTag(stream, component);
+          }
+          while (converters.hasNext())
+          {
+            ConverterBean converter = (ConverterBean);
+            _writeTag(stream, converter);
+          }
+          while (validators.hasNext())
+          {
+            ValidatorBean validator = (ValidatorBean);
+            _writeTag(stream, validator);
+          }
+          _writeEndTagLibrary(stream);
+          stream.close();
+          InputStream mergedStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());
+          // expand all the xi:include elements
+          SAXParserFactory saxFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
+          saxFactory.setNamespaceAware(true);
+          saxFactory.setValidating(false);
+          SAXParser saxParser = saxFactory.newSAXParser();
+          XMLReader mergedReader = saxParser.getXMLReader();
+          mergedReader = new XIncludeFilter(mergedReader, configFile.toURL());
+          // even with validating=false, DTD is still downloaded so that
+          // any entities contained in the document can be expanded.
+          // the following disables that behavior, also saving the time
+          // spent to parse the DTD
+          mergedReader.setEntityResolver(new EntityResolver()
+            {
+              public InputSource resolveEntity(
+                String publicId,
+                String systemId)
+              {
+                return new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]));
+              }
+            });
+          InputSource mergedInput = new InputSource(mergedStream);
+          Source mergedSource = new SAXSource(mergedReader, mergedInput);
+          targetFile.delete();
+          targetFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
+          Result mergedResult = new StreamResult(new FileOutputStream(targetFile));
+          TransformerFactory transFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
+          Transformer identity = transFactory.newTransformer();
+          identity.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC,
+                                     _JSP_TAG_LIBRARY_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC);
+          identity.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM,
+                                     _JSP_TAG_LIBRARY_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM);
+          identity.transform(mergedSource, mergedResult);
+          targetFile.setReadOnly();
+        }
+        else if (hasGeneratedTags)
+        {
+          targetFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
+          OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(targetFile);
+          XMLOutputFactory outputFactory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance();
+          XMLStreamWriter stream = outputFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(out);
+          _writeStartTagLibrary(stream, "1.2", shortName, namespaceURI);
+          while (components.hasNext())
+          {
+            ComponentBean component = (ComponentBean);
+            _writeTag(stream, component);
+          }
+          while (converters.hasNext())
+          {
+            ConverterBean converter = (ConverterBean);
+            _writeTag(stream, converter);
+          }
+          while (validators.hasNext())
+          {
+            ValidatorBean validator = (ValidatorBean);
+            _writeTag(stream, validator);
+          }
+          _writeEndTagLibrary(stream);
+          stream.close();
+        }
+        else if (configFile.exists())
+        {
+          // copy if newer
+          if (configFile.lastModified() > targetFile.lastModified())
+          {
+            targetFile.delete();
+            targetFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
+            FileUtils.copyFile(configFile, targetFile);
+            targetFile.setReadOnly();
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    catch (SAXException e)
+    {
+      throw new MojoExecutionException("Error generating tag library", e);
+    }
+    catch (ParserConfigurationException e)
+    {
+      throw new MojoExecutionException("Error generating tag library", e);
+    }
+    catch (TransformerException e)
+    {
+      throw new MojoExecutionException("Error generating tag library", e);
+    }
+    catch (XMLStreamException e)
+    {
+      throw new MojoExecutionException("Error generating tag library", e);
+    }
+    catch (IOException e)
+    {
+      throw new MojoExecutionException("Error generating tag libraries", e);
+    }
+  }
+  private void _writeStartTagLibrary(
+    XMLStreamWriter stream,
+    String          dtd) throws XMLStreamException
+  {
+    stream.writeStartDocument("1.0");
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n");
+    stream.writeDTD(dtd);
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n");
+    stream.writeStartElement("taglib");
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
+  }
+  private void _writeStartTagLibrary(
+    XMLStreamWriter stream,
+    String          version,
+    String          shortName,
+    String          namespaceURI) throws XMLStreamException
+  {
+    _writeStartTagLibrary(stream, _JSP_TAG_LIBRARY_DTD);
+    stream.writeStartElement("tlib-version");
+    stream.writeCharacters(project.getVersion());
+    stream.writeEndElement();
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
+    stream.writeStartElement("jsp-version");
+    stream.writeCharacters(version);
+    stream.writeEndElement();
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
+    stream.writeStartElement("short-name");
+    stream.writeCharacters(shortName);
+    stream.writeEndElement();
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
+    stream.writeStartElement("uri");
+    stream.writeCharacters(namespaceURI);
+    stream.writeEndElement();
+  }
+  private void _writeEndTagLibrary(
+    XMLStreamWriter stream) throws XMLStreamException
+  {
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n");
+    stream.writeEndElement();
+    stream.writeEndDocument();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Generates tag library descriptor for parsed component metadata.
+   */
+  private void _writeTag(
+    XMLStreamWriter stream,
+    ComponentBean   component) throws XMLStreamException
+  {
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
+    stream.writeStartElement("tag");
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
+    stream.writeStartElement("name");
+    stream.writeCharacters(component.getTagName().getLocalPart());
+    stream.writeEndElement();
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
+    stream.writeStartElement("tag-class");
+    stream.writeCharacters(component.getTagClass());
+    stream.writeEndElement();
+    if (component.getDescription() != null)
+    {
+      stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
+      stream.writeStartElement("description");
+      stream.writeCData(component.getDescription());
+      stream.writeEndElement();
+    }
+    Iterator properties =;
+    properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
+    while (properties.hasNext())
+    {
+      PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
+      _writeTagAttribute(stream,
+                         property.getPropertyName(),
+                         property.getDescription(),
+                         property.getUnsupportedAgents());
+    }
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
+    stream.writeEndElement();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Generates tag library descriptor for parsed converter metadata.
+   */
+  private void _writeTag(
+    XMLStreamWriter stream,
+    ConverterBean   converter) throws XMLStreamException
+  {
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
+    stream.writeStartElement("tag");
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
+    stream.writeStartElement("name");
+    stream.writeCharacters(converter.getTagName().getLocalPart());
+    stream.writeEndElement();
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
+    stream.writeStartElement("tag-class");
+    stream.writeCharacters(converter.getTagClass());
+    stream.writeEndElement();
+    if (converter.getDescription() != null)
+    {
+      stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
+      stream.writeStartElement("description");
+      stream.writeCData(converter.getDescription());
+      stream.writeEndElement();
+    }
+    // converters need an id attribute
+    _writeTagAttribute(stream, "id", "the identifier for the component", null);
+    Iterator properties =;
+    properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
+    while (properties.hasNext())
+    {
+      PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
+      _writeTagAttribute(stream,
+                         property.getPropertyName(),
+                         property.getDescription(),
+                         property.getUnsupportedAgents());
+    }
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
+    stream.writeEndElement();
+  }
+  private void _writeTagAttribute(
+    XMLStreamWriter stream,
+    String          propertyName,
+    String          description,
+    String[]        unsupportedAgents) throws XMLStreamException
+  {
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
+    stream.writeStartElement("attribute");
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n      ");
+    stream.writeStartElement("name");
+    stream.writeCharacters(propertyName);
+    stream.writeEndElement();
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n      ");
+    stream.writeStartElement("rtexprvalue");
+    stream.writeCharacters("false");
+    stream.writeEndElement();
+    if (description != null ||
+        unsupportedAgents.length > 0)
+    {
+      stream.writeCharacters("\n      ");
+      stream.writeStartElement("description");
+      if (unsupportedAgents != null &&
+          unsupportedAgents.length > 0)
+      {
+        if (description == null)
+          description = "";
+        description += "\n\n    This attribute is not supported on the following agent types:\n";
+        for (int i=0; i < unsupportedAgents.length; i++)
+        {
+          description += " " + unsupportedAgents[i];
+          description += (i < unsupportedAgents.length - 1) ? "," : ".";
+        }
+      }
+      stream.writeCData(description);
+      stream.writeEndElement();
+    }
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
+    stream.writeEndElement();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Generates tag library descriptor for parsed validator metadata.
+   */
+  private void _writeTag(
+    XMLStreamWriter stream,
+    ValidatorBean   validator) throws XMLStreamException
+  {
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
+    stream.writeStartElement("tag");
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
+    stream.writeStartElement("name");
+    stream.writeCharacters(validator.getTagName().getLocalPart());
+    stream.writeEndElement();
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
+    stream.writeStartElement("tag-class");
+    stream.writeCharacters(validator.getTagClass());
+    stream.writeEndElement();
+    if (validator.getDescription() != null)
+    {
+      stream.writeCharacters("\n    ");
+      stream.writeStartElement("description");
+      stream.writeCData(validator.getDescription());
+      stream.writeEndElement();
+    }
+    // validators need an id attribute
+    _writeTagAttribute(stream, "id", "the identifier for the component", null);
+    Iterator properties =;
+    properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new TagAttributeFilter());
+    while (properties.hasNext())
+    {
+      PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
+      _writeTagAttribute(stream,
+                         property.getPropertyName(),
+                         property.getDescription(),
+                         property.getUnsupportedAgents());
+    }
+    stream.writeCharacters("\n  ");
+    stream.writeEndElement();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Generates tag handlers for parsed component metadata.
+   */
+  private void _generateTagHandlers() throws IOException
+  {
+    // Make sure generated source directory
+    // is added to compilation source path
+    project.addCompileSourceRoot(generatedSourceDirectory.getCanonicalPath());
+    FacesConfigBean facesConfig = getFacesConfig();
+    if (!facesConfig.hasComponents())
+    {
+      getLog().info("Nothing to generate - no components found");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      Iterator components = facesConfig.components();
+      components = new FilteredIterator(components, new SkipFilter());
+      components = new FilteredIterator(components, new ComponentTagFilter());
+      components = new FilteredIterator(components, new ComponentTagClassFilter(packageContains));
+      Iterator validators = facesConfig.validators();
+      validators = new FilteredIterator(validators, new ValidatorTagFilter());
+      validators = new FilteredIterator(validators, new ValidatorTagClassFilter(packageContains));
+      Iterator converters = facesConfig.converters();
+      converters = new FilteredIterator(converters, new ConverterTagFilter());
+      converters = new FilteredIterator(converters, new ConverterTagClassFilter(packageContains));
+      // incremental unless forced
+      if (!force)
+      {
+        components = new FilteredIterator(components, new IfComponentModifiedFilter());
+        converters = new FilteredIterator(converters, new IfConverterModifiedFilter());

[... 1498 lines stripped ...]