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[25/51] [partial] incubator-trafficcontrol-website git commit: updates website files except for downloads dir
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/admin/quick_howto/multi_site.txt b/docs/latest/_sources/admin/quick_howto/multi_site.txt
index 514fd50..0811056 100644
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/admin/quick_howto/multi_site.txt
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/admin/quick_howto/multi_site.txt
@@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ Configure Multi Site Origin
 | Primary/back     | Round robin selection does not occur. The first origin server is selected unless it fails.                         |
 |                  | If the first fails, the second and other following origin servers will be tried by order.                          |
+|                  | Order is defined by 2 factors - if the origin server's cachegroup is configured as the                             |
+|                  | parent cachegroup for the mid, then this server will be used as the primary. The same rules                        |
+|                  | apply for secondary parents, in order.  Within the cachegroups, the rank parameter will sort                       |
+|                  | order further. If no parents are defined at the mid, then only rank is considered.                                 |  
 | Strict           | MID caches serve requests strictly in turn. For example: origin server 1 serves the first request,                 |
 | round-robin      | origin server 2 serves the second request, and so on.                                                              |
@@ -72,7 +76,7 @@ Configure Multi Site Origin
 | round-robin      |                                                                                                                    |
-7) Optionally, if "Primary/backup" is selected for "Multi Site Origin Algorithm", a new parameter \u201crank\u201d should be configured for each origin server profile. Origin servers with lower values of rank have higher ranking in the origin server list on MID caches, e.g. OS with rank of "2" precedes OS with the rank of "5". For any OS, if rank value is not defined in its profile, its rank value will default to \u201c1\u201d.
+7) Optionally, there are two configuration options that can set the order of the origins used if "Primary/backup" is selected for "Multi Site Origin Algorithm". By creating location-based cachegroups and assigning the origin servers accordingly and defining these cachegroups as parents for specific mids, location-based primary/secondary selection can be made.   If primary/secondary selection should be the same for all mids, then a new parameter \u201crank\u201d should be configured for each origin server profile. Origin servers with lower values of rank have higher ranking in the origin server list on MID caches, e.g. OS with rank of "2" precedes OS with the rank of "5". For any OS, if rank value is not defined in its profile, its rank value will default to \u201c1\u201d.  In the event that both location based cachegroups are used alongside rank, sorting will be by cachegroup first and rank second.  In this way it is possible to have specific backup servers for use at specific locations.
 .. image:: mso-rank.png
 	:scale: 60%
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_router.txt b/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_router.txt
index 774cfe9..8f274a7 100644
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_router.txt
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_router.txt
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
 Traffic Router Administration
+.. contents::
+  :depth: 2
+  :backlinks: top
 Installing Traffic Router
 The following are requirements to ensure an accurate set up:
@@ -387,3 +391,105 @@ The following needs to be completed for Steering to work correctly:
 For more information see the `steering how-to guide <quick_howto/steering.html>`_.
+HTTPS for Http Type Delivery Services
+Starting with version 1.7 Traffic Router added the ability to allow https traffic between itself and clients on a per http type delivery service basis.
+.. Warning::
+  The establishing of an HTTPS connection is much more computationally demanding than an HTTP connection.
+  Since each client will in turn get redirected to ATS, Traffic Router is most always creating a new HTTPS connection for all HTTPS traffic.
+  It is likely to mean that an existing Traffic Router will have some decrease in performance depending on the amount of https traffic you want to support
+  As noted for DNSSEC, you may need to plan to scale Traffic Router vertically and/or horizontally to handle the new load
+The summary for setting up https is to:
+#. Select one of 'https', 'http and https', or 'http to https' for the delivery service 
+#. Generate private keys for the delivery service using a wildcard domain such as ``*``
+#. Obtain and import signed certificate chain
+#. Snapshot CR Config
+Clients may make HTTPS requests delivery services only after Traffic Router receives the certificate chain from Traffic Ops and the new CR Config.
+Protocol Options
+*https only*
+  Traffic Router will only redirect (send a 302) to clients communicating with a secure connection, all other clients will receive a 503
+*http and https*
+  Traffic Router will redirect both secure and non-secure clients
+*http to https*
+  Traffic Router will redirect non-secure clients with a 302 and a location that is secure (i.e. starting with 'https' instead of 'http'), secure clients will remain on https
+  Any secure client will get an SSL handshake error. Non-secure clients will experience the same behavior as prior to 1.7
+Certificate Retrieval
+.. Warning::
+  If you have https delivery services in your CDN, Traffic Router will not accept **any** connections until it is able to
+  fetch certificates from Traffic Ops and load them into memory. Traffic Router does not persist certificates to the java keystore or anywhere else.
+Traffic Router fetches certificates into memory:
+* At startup time
+* When it receives a new CR Config
+* Once an hour from whenever the most recent of the last of the above occurred
+.. Note::
+  To adjust the frequency when Traffic Router fetches certificates add the parameter 'certificates.polling.interval' to CR Config and 
+  setting it to the desired time in milliseconds.
+.. Note::
+  Taking a snapshot of CR Config may be used at times to avoid waiting the entire polling cycle for a new set of certificates.
+.. Warning::
+  If a snapshot of CR Config is made that involves a delivery service missing its certificates, Traffic Router will ignore **ALL** changes in that CR-Config
+  until one of the following occurs:
+  * It receives certificates for that delivery service 
+  * Another snapshot of CR Config is created and the delivery service without certificates is changed so it's HTTP protocol is set to 'http'
+Certificate Chain Ordering
+The ordering of certificates within the certificate bundle matters. It must be:
+#. Primary Certificate (e.g. the one created for ``*``)
+#. Intermediate Certificate(s)
+#. Root Certificate from CA (optional)
+.. Warning::
+  If something is wrong with the certificate chain (e.g. the order of the certificates is backwards or for the wrong domain) the
+  client will get an SSL handshake.  Inspection of /opt/tomcat/logs/catalina.out is likely to yield information to reveal this.
+To see the ordering of certificates you may have to manually split up your certificate chain and use openssl on each individual certificate
+Suggested Way of Setting up an HTTPS Delivery Service
+Do the following in Traffic Ops:
+#. Select one of 'https', 'http and https', or 'http to https' for the protocol field of a delivery service and click 'Save'.
+#. Click 'Manage SSL Keys'.
+#. Click 'Generate New Keys'.
+#. Copy the contents of the Certificate Signing Request field and save it locally.
+#. Click 'Load Keys'.
+#. Select 'http' for the protocol field of the delivery service and click 'Save' (to avoid preventing other CR Config updates from being blocked by Traffic Router)
+#. Follow your standard procedure for obtaining your signed certificate chain from a CA.
+#. After receiving your certificate chain import it into Traffic Ops.
+#. Edit the delivery service.
+#. Restore your original choice for the protocol field and click save.
+#. Click 'Manage SSL Keys'.
+#. Click 'Paste Existing Keys'.
+#. Paste the certificate chain into the CRT field.
+#. Click 'Load Keys'.
+#. Take a new snapshot of CR Config.
+Once this is done you should be able to test you are getting correctly redirected by Traffic Router using curl commands to https destinations on your delivery service.
+A new testing tool was created for load testing traffic router, it allows you to generate requests from your local box to multiple delivery services of a single cdn.
+You can control which cdn, delivery services, how many transactions per delivery service, and how many concurrent requests.
+During the test it will provide feedback about request latency and transactions per second.
+While it is running it is suggested that you monitor your Traffic Router nodes for memory and CPU utilization.
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_stats.txt b/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_stats.txt
index 9231fc7..e8d9e78 100644
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_stats.txt
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_stats.txt
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 Traffic Stats Administration
-Traffic Stats actually consists of three seperate components:  Traffic Stats, InfluxDB, and Grafana.  See below for information on installing and configuring each component as well as configuring the integration between the three and Traffic Ops.
+Traffic Stats consists of three seperate components:  Traffic Stats, InfluxDB, and Grafana.  See below for information on installing and configuring each component as well as configuring the integration between the three and Traffic Ops.
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ Installation
 **Installing InfluxDB:**
-	**As of Traffic Stats 1.4.0, InfluxDb 0.9.6 or higher is required.  For InfluxDb versions less than 0.9.6 use Traffic Stats 1.3.0**
+	**As of Traffic Stats 1.8.0, InfluxDb 1.0.0 or higher is required.  For InfluxDb versions less than 1.0.0 use Traffic Stats 1.7.x**
-	In order to store traffic stats data you will need to install InfluxDB.  It is recommended InfluxDB be installed in a 3 server cluster; VMs are acceptable. The documentation for installing InfluxDB can be found on the InfluxDB `website <>`_.
+	In order to store traffic stats data you will need to install `InfluxDB <>`_.  While not required, it is recommended to use some sort of high availability option like `Influx enterprise <>`_, `Influxdb Relay <>`_, or another `high availability option <>`_.
 **Installing Grafana:**
-	Grafana is used to display Traffic Stats/InfluxDB data in Traffic Ops.  Grafana is typically run on the same server as Traffic Stats but this is not a requirement.  Grafana can be installed on any server that can access InfluxDB and be accessed by Traffic Ops.  Documentation on installing Grafana can be found `here <>`_.
+	Grafana is used to display Traffic Stats/InfluxDB data in Traffic Ops.  Grafana is typically run on the same server as Traffic Stats but this is not a requirement.  Grafana can be installed on any server that can access InfluxDB and can be accessed by Traffic Ops.  Documentation on installing Grafana can be found on the `Grafana website <>`_.
@@ -53,25 +53,26 @@ Configuration
 	     - *toUrl:*  The URL of the Traffic Ops server used by Traffic Stats
 	     - *influxUser:*  The user to use when connecting to InfluxDB (if configured on InfluxDB, else leave default)
 	     - *influxPassword:*  That password to use when connecting to InfluxDB (if configured, else leave blank)
-	     - *polling interval:*  The interval at which Traffic Monitor is polled and stats are stored in InfluxDB
+	     - *pollingInterval:*  The interval at which Traffic Monitor is polled and stats are stored in InfluxDB
 	     - *statusToMon:*  The status of Traffic Monitor to poll (poll ONLINE or OFFLINE traffic monitors)
 	     - *seelogConfig:*  The absolute path of the seelong config file
 	     - *dailySummaryPollingInterval:* The interval, in seconds, at which Traffic Stats checks to see if daily stats need to be computed and stored.
 	     - *cacheRetentionPolicy:* The default retention policy for cache stats
 	     - *dsRetentionPolicy:* The default retention policy for deliveryservice stats
 	     - *dailySummaryRetentionPolicy:* The retention policy to be used for the daily stats
+	     - *influxUrls:* An array of influxdb hosts for Traffic Stats to write stats to.
 **Configuring InfluxDB:**
-	It is HIGHLY recommended that InfluxDB be configured for clustering.  Documentation on clustering configuration can be found on the clustering page of the `InfluxDB Website <>`_.
+	As mentioned above, it is recommended that InfluxDb be running in some sort of high availability configuration.  There are several ways to achieve high availabilty so it is best to consult the high availability options on the `InfuxDB website <>`_.
-	Once InfluxDB is installed and clustering is configured, Databases and Retention Policies need to be created.  Traffic Stats writes to three different databases: cache_stats, deliveryservice_stats, and daily_stats.  More information about the databases and what data is stored in each can be found on the `overview <../overview/traffic_stats.html>`_ page.
+	Once InfluxDB is installed and configured, databases and retention policies need to be created.  Traffic Stats writes to three different databases: cache_stats, deliveryservice_stats, and daily_stats.  More information about the databases and what data is stored in each can be found on the `overview <../overview/traffic_stats.html>`_ page.
-	To easily create databases, retention policies, and continuous queries, run create_ts_databases.go from the influxdb_tools directory.  See the `InfluxDb Tools <traffic_stats.html#influxdb-tools>`_ section below for more information.
+	To easily create databases, retention policies, and continuous queries, run create_ts_databases from the /opt/traffic_stats/influxdb_tools directory on your Traffic Stats server.  See the `InfluxDb Tools <traffic_stats.html#influxdb-tools>`_ section below for more information.
 **Configuring Grafana:**
-		In Traffic Ops the Health -> Graph View tab can be configured to display grafana graphs using influxDb data.  In order for this to work correctly, you will need two things 1) a parameter added to traffic ops with the graph URL (we will discuss later) and 2) the graphs created in grafana.  See below for how to create some simple graphs in grafana.  These instructions assume that InfluxDB has been installed and conifugred and that data has been written to it.  If this is not true, you will not see any graphs.
+		In Traffic Ops the Health -> Graph View tab can be configured to display grafana graphs using influxDb data.  In order for this to work correctly, you will need two things 1) a parameter added to traffic ops with the graph URL (more information below) and 2) the graphs created in grafana.  See below for how to create some simple graphs in grafana.  These instructions assume that InfluxDB has been configured and that data has been written to it.  If this is not true, you will not see any graphs.
 		- Login to grafana as an admin user http://grafana_url:3000/login
 		- Choose Data Sources and then Add New
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops.txt b/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops.txt
index 520dc19..c2957a5 100644
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops.txt
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops.txt
@@ -606,13 +606,14 @@ API 1.2 Reference
+  traffic_ops_api/v12/division
+  traffic_ops_api/v12/profile_parameter
-  traffic_ops_api/v12/division  
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v11/asn.txt b/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v11/asn.txt
index 8ed5d5c..bd10bb7 100644
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v11/asn.txt
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v11/asn.txt
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ ASN
-**GET /api/1.1/asns.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/asns**
   Authentication Required: Yes
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v11/cachegroup.txt b/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v11/cachegroup.txt
index d0dd1d1..30a5732 100644
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v11/cachegroup.txt
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v11/cachegroup.txt
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Cache Group
-**GET /api/1.1/cachegroups.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cachegroups**
   Authentication Required: Yes
@@ -32,62 +32,72 @@ Cache Group
   **Response Properties**
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Parameter              | Type   | Description                                                              |
-  +========================+========+==========================================================================+
-  | ``longitude``          | string | Longitude for the Cache Group                                            |
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``parentCachegroupId`` | string | Identifier that refers to the 'id' field of different Cache Group entry. |
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``lastUpdated``        | string | The Time / Date this entry was last updated                              |
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``typeName``           | string | The name of the type of Cache Group entry                                |
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``name``               | string | The name of the Cache Group entry                                        |
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``typeId``             | string | Unique identifier for the 'Type' of Cache Group entry                    |
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``latitude``           | string | Latitude for the Cache Group                                             |
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``id``                 | string | Local unique identifier for the Cache Group                              |
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``shortName``          | string | Abbreviation of the Cache Group Name                                     |
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Parameter                         | Type   | Description                                                              |
+  +===================================+========+==========================================================================+
+  | ``id``                            | string | Local unique identifier for the Cache Group                              |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``lastUpdated``                   | string | The Time / Date this entry was last updated                              |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``latitude``                      | string | Latitude for the Cache Group                                             |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``longitude``                     | string | Longitude for the Cache Group                                            |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``name``                          | string | The name of the Cache Group entry                                        |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``parentCachegroupId``            | string | Parent cachegroup ID.                                                    |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``parentCachegroupName``          | string | Parent cachegroup name.                                                  |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``secondaryParentCachegroupId``   | string | Secondary parent cachegroup ID.                                          |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``secondaryParentCachegroupName`` | string | Secondary parent cachegroup name.                                        |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``shortName``                     | string | Abbreviation of the Cache Group Name                                     |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``typeId``                        | string | Unique identifier for the 'Type' of Cache Group entry                    |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``typeName``                      | string | The name of the type of Cache Group entry                                |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
   **Response Example** ::
      "response": [
-           "longitude": "0",
-           "parentCachegroupId": null,
+           "id": "21",
            "lastUpdated": "2012-09-25 20:27:28",
-           "typeName": "MID_LOC",
+           "latitude": "0",
+           "longitude": "0",
            "name": "dc-chicago",
+           "parentCachegroupId": null,
            "parentCachegroupName": null,
-           "typeId": "4",
-           "latitude": "0",
-           "id": "21",
-           "shortName": "dcchi"
+           "secondaryParentCachegroupId": null,
+           "secondaryParentCachegroupName": null,
+           "shortName": "dcchi",
+           "typeName": "MID_LOC",
+           "typeId": "4"
+           "id": "22",
+           "lastUpdated": "2012-09-25 20:27:28",
+           "latitude": "0",
            "longitude": "0",
+           "name": "dc-chicago-1",
            "parentCachegroupId": null,
-           "lastUpdated": "2012-09-25 20:32:03",
-           "typeName": "MID_LOC",
-           "name": "dc-cmc",
            "parentCachegroupName": null,
-           "typeId": "4",
-           "latitude": "0",
-           "id": "22",
-           "shortName": "dccmc"
+           "secondaryParentCachegroupId": null,
+           "secondaryParentCachegroupName": null,
+           "shortName": "dcchi",
+           "typeName": "MID_LOC",
+           "typeId": "4"
-**GET /api/1.1/cachegroups/trimmed.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cachegroups/trimmed**
   Authentication Required: Yes
@@ -116,7 +126,67 @@ Cache Group
-**GET /api/1.1/cachegroup/:parameter_id/parameter.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cachegroups/:id**
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Response Properties**
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Parameter                         | Type   | Description                                                              |
+  +===================================+========+==========================================================================+
+  | ``id``                            | string | Local unique identifier for the Cache Group                              |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``lastUpdated``                   | string | The Time / Date this entry was last updated                              |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``latitude``                      | string | Latitude for the Cache Group                                             |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``longitude``                     | string | Longitude for the Cache Group                                            |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``name``                          | string | The name of the Cache Group entry                                        |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``parentCachegroupId``            | string | Parent cachegroup ID.                                                    |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``parentCachegroupName``          | string | Parent cachegroup name.                                                  |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``secondaryParentCachegroupId``   | string | Secondary parent cachegroup ID.                                          |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``secondaryParentCachegroupName`` | string | Secondary parent cachegroup name.                                        |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``shortName``                     | string | Abbreviation of the Cache Group Name                                     |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``typeId``                        | string | Unique identifier for the 'Type' of Cache Group entry                    |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``typeName``                      | string | The name of the type of Cache Group entry                                |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "response": [
+        {
+           "id": "21",
+           "lastUpdated": "2012-09-25 20:27:28",
+           "latitude": "0",
+           "longitude": "0",
+           "name": "dc-chicago",
+           "parentCachegroupId": null,
+           "parentCachegroupName": null,
+           "secondaryParentCachegroupId": null,
+           "secondaryParentCachegroupName": null,
+           "shortName": "dcchi",
+           "typeName": "MID_LOC",
+           "typeId": "4"
+        }
+     ],
+    }
+**GET /api/1.1/cachegroup/:parameter_id/parameter**
   Authentication Required: Yes
@@ -160,7 +230,7 @@ Cache Group
-**GET /api/1.1/cachegroupparameters.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cachegroupparameters**
   Authentication Required: Yes
@@ -207,7 +277,7 @@ Cache Group
-**GET /api/1.1/cachegroups/:parameter_id/parameter/available.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cachegroups/:parameter_id/parameter/available**
   Authentication Required: Yes
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v11/cdn.txt b/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v11/cdn.txt
index 001398b..1173c84 100644
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v11/cdn.txt
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v11/cdn.txt
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ CDN
-**GET /api/1.1/cdns.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cdns**
   Authentication Required: Yes
@@ -32,50 +32,119 @@ CDN
   **Response Properties**
-  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  |    Parameter     |  Type  |                   Description                   |
-  +==================+========+=================================================+
-  | ``name``         | string | CDN name.                                       |
-  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``id``           |  int   | CDN id.                                         |
-  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                   Description                   |
+  +===================+========+=================================================+
+  | ``id``            | string | CDN id.                                         |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``name``          | string | CDN name.                                       |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``dnssecEnabled`` |  bool  | DNSSEC enabled.                                 |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``lastUpdated``   | string |                                                 |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
   **Response Example** ::
      "response": [
+              "id": "1"
               "name": "over-the-top",
-              "id": 1
+              "dnssecEnabled": false,
+              "lastUpdated": "2014-10-02 08:22:43"
+           },
+           {
+              "id": "2"
+              "name": "cdn2",
+              "dnssecEnabled": true,
+              "lastUpdated": "2014-10-02 08:22:43"
-**GET /api/1.1/cdns/name/:name.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cdns/:id**
   Authentication Required: Yes
   Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  +-----------+----------+---------------------------------------------+
+  |   Name    | Required |                Description                  |
+  +===========+==========+=============================================+
+  |   ``id``  |   yes    | CDN id.                                     |
+  +-----------+----------+---------------------------------------------+
   **Response Properties**
-  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  |    Parameter     |  Type  |                   Description                   |
-  +==================+========+=================================================+
-  | ``name``         | string | CDN name.                                       |
-  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``id``           |  int   | CDN id.                                         |
-  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                   Description                   |
+  +===================+========+=================================================+
+  | ``id``            | string | CDN id.                                         |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``name``          | string | CDN name.                                       |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``dnssecEnabled`` |  bool  | DNSSEC enabled.                                 |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``lastUpdated``   | string |                                                 |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
   **Response Example** ::
      "response": [
-              "name": "over-the-top",
-              "id": 1
+              "id": "2"
+              "name": "cdn2",
+              "dnssecEnabled": false,
+              "lastUpdated": "2014-10-02 08:22:43"
+           }
+        ]
+    }
+**GET /api/1.1/cdns/name/:name**
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  +-----------+----------+---------------------------------------------+
+  |   Name    | Required |                Description                  |
+  +===========+==========+=============================================+
+  |  ``name`` |   yes    | CDN name.                                   |
+  +-----------+----------+---------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Properties**
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                   Description                   |
+  +===================+========+=================================================+
+  | ``id``            | string | CDN id.                                         |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``name``          | string | CDN name.                                       |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``dnssecEnabled`` |  bool  | DNSSEC enabled.                                 |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``lastUpdated``   | string |                                                 |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "response": [
+           {
+              "id": "2"
+              "name": "cdn2",
+              "dnssecEnabled": false,
+              "lastUpdated": "2014-10-02 08:22:43"
@@ -85,7 +154,7 @@ CDN
-**GET /api/1.1/cdns/health.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cdns/health**
   Retrieves the health of all locations (cache groups) for all CDNs.
@@ -136,7 +205,7 @@ Health
-**GET /api/1.1/cdns/:name/health.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cdns/:name/health**
   Retrieves the health of all locations (cache groups) for a given CDN.
@@ -196,7 +265,7 @@ Health
-**GET /api/1.1/cdns/usage/overview.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cdns/usage/overview**
   Retrieves the high-level CDN usage metrics.
@@ -228,7 +297,7 @@ Health
-**GET /api/1.1/cdns/capacity.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cdns/capacity**
   Retrieves the aggregate capacity percentages of all locations (cache groups) for a given CDN.
@@ -268,7 +337,7 @@ Health
-**GET /api/1.1/cdns/routing.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cdns/routing**
   Retrieves the aggregate routing percentages of all locations (cache groups) for a given CDN.
@@ -314,7 +383,7 @@ Routing
-**GET /api/1.1/cdns/metric_types/:metric/start_date/:start/end_date/:end.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cdns/metric_types/:metric/start_date/:start/end_date/:end**
   Retrieves edge metrics of one or all locations (cache groups).
@@ -403,7 +472,7 @@ Metrics
-**GET /api/1.1/cdns/domains.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cdns/domains**
   Authentication Required: Yes
@@ -453,7 +522,7 @@ Domains
-**GET /api/1.1/cdns/:cdn_name/configs.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cdns/:cdn_name/configs**
   Retrieves CDN config information based upon the provided cdn name.
@@ -489,7 +558,7 @@ Topology
-**GET /api/1.1/cdns/:name/configs/monitoring.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cdns/:name/configs/monitoring**
   Retrieves CDN monitoring information.
@@ -627,7 +696,7 @@ Topology
-**GET /api/1.1/cdns/:name/configs/routing.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cdns/:name/configs/routing**
   Retrieves CDN routing information.
@@ -844,7 +913,7 @@ Topology
-**GET /api/1.1/cdns/name/:name/dnsseckeys.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cdns/name/:name/dnsseckeys**
   Gets a list of dnsseckeys for CDN and all associated Delivery Services.
   Before returning response to user, check to make sure keys aren't expired.  If they are expired, generate new ones.
@@ -932,7 +1001,7 @@ DNSSEC Keys
-**GET /api/1.1/cdns/name/:name/dnsseckeys/delete.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cdns/name/:name/dnsseckeys/delete**
   Delete dnssec keys for a cdn and all associated delivery services.