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Posted to by Igor Bondarenko <> on 2015/12/25 10:17:47 UTC

[allura:tickets] #7987 Standardize fenced blocks in markdown

- **labels**: sf-current, sf-4 --> sf-current, sf-4, 42cc
- **status**: open --> in-progress
- **assigned_to**: Igor Bondarenko


** [tickets:#7987] Standardize fenced blocks in markdown**

**Status:** in-progress
**Milestone:** unreleased
**Labels:** sf-current sf-4 42cc 
**Created:** Mon Sep 14, 2015 05:18 PM UTC by Dave Brondsema
**Last Updated:** Mon Sep 21, 2015 03:49 PM UTC
**Owner:** Igor Bondarenko

Switch from our custom `FencedCodeProcessor` to the standard extension so that we can support \`\`\` style, and so that blank lines are not needed before and after the `~~~~` blocks.  This will get us more closely aligned with the CommonMark standard, and the syntax highlighting of the markdown editor, and the 

However, the format for denoting the language inside the block is different there than the [CodeHilite]( extension which we are already using (and our current `~~~~` uses as well since it simply makes an indented block).  So we'll have to figure out how to reconcile that.


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