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Posted to by TomazM <> on 2009/07/02 15:06:19 UTC


Is any body know the solution of sending utf-8 using axis2 & rampart 1.3(UsernameToken Timestamp).

I'm using axis2:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 ! Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation.
 ! Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 ! you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 ! You may obtain a copy of the License at
 ! Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 ! distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 ! See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 ! limitations under the License.
<axisconfig name="AxisJava2.0">

	<module ref="rampart" />
	<parameter name="OutflowSecurity">
        	<items>UsernameToken Timestamp</items>

        <!-- ================================================= -->
    <!-- Parameters -->
    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <parameter name="hotdeployment">true</parameter>
    <parameter name="hotupdate">false</parameter>
    <parameter name="enableMTOM">false</parameter>
    <parameter name="enableSwA">false</parameter>

    <!--Uncomment if you want to enable file caching for attachments -->
    <!--parameter name="cacheAttachments">true</parameter>
    <parameter name="attachmentDIR"></parameter>
    <parameter name="sizeThreshold">4000</parameter-->

    <!--Uncomment if you want to enable the reduction of the in-memory cache of WSDL definitions -->
    <!--In some server environments, the available memory heap is limited and can fill up under load -->
    <!--Since in-memory copies of WSDL definitions can be large, some steps can be taken-->
    <!--to reduce the memory needed for the cached WSDL definitions. -->
    <!--parameter name="reduceWSDLMemoryCache">true</parameter-->

    <!--This will give out the timout of the configuration contexts, in milliseconds-->
    <parameter name="ConfigContextTimeoutInterval">30000</parameter>

    <!--During a fault, stack trace can be sent with the fault message. The following flag will control -->
    <!--that behavior.-->
    <parameter name="sendStacktraceDetailsWithFaults">false</parameter>

    <!--If there aren't any information available to find out the fault reason, we set the message of the exception-->
    <!--as the faultreason/Reason. But when a fault is thrown from a service or some where, it will be -->
    <!--wrapped by different levels. Due to this the initial exception message can be lost. If this flag-->
    <!--is set, then Axis2 tries to get the first exception and set its message as the faultreason/Reason.-->
    <parameter name="DrillDownToRootCauseForFaultReason">false</parameter>

    <parameter name="userName">admin</parameter>
    <parameter name="password">axis2</parameter>

    <!--To override repository/services you need to uncomment following parameter and value SHOULD be absolute file path.-->
    <!--ServicesDirectory only works on the following cases-->
    <!---File based configurator and in that case the value should be a file URL (http:// not allowed)-->
    <!---When creating URL Based configurator with URL “file://”  -->
    <!--- War based configurator with expanded case , -->

    <!--All the other scenarios it will be ignored.-->
    <!--<parameter name="ServicesDirectory">service</parameter>-->
    <!--To override repository/modules you need to uncomment following parameter and value SHOULD be absolute file path-->
    <!--<parameter name="ModulesDirectory">modules</parameter>-->

    <!--Following params will set the proper context paths for invocations. All the endpoints will have a commons context-->
    <!--root which can configured using the following contextRoot parameter-->
    <!--<parameter name="contextRoot">axis2</parameter>-->

    <!--Our HTTP endpoints can handle both REST and SOAP. Following parameters can be used to distinguiush those endpoints-->
    <!--In case of a servlet, if you change this you have to manually change the settings of your servlet container to map this -->
    <!--context path to proper Axis2 servlets-->
    <!--<parameter name="servicePath">services</parameter>-->
    <!--<parameter name="restPath">rest</parameter>-->

    <!-- Following parameter will completely disable REST handling in Axis2-->
    <parameter name="disableREST" locked="true">false</parameter>

    <!-- Following parameter will suppress generation of SOAP 1.2 bindings in auto-generated WSDL files -->
    <parameter name="disableSOAP12" locked="true">false</parameter>

    <!--POJO deployer , this will alow users to drop .class file and make that into a service-->
    <deployer extension=".class" directory="pojo" class="org.apache.axis2.deployment.POJODeployer"/>
    <!--<deployer extension=".jsa" directory="rmiservices" class="org.apache.axis2.rmi.deploy.RMIServiceDeployer"/>-->

    <!-- Following parameter will set the host name for the epr-->
    <!--<parameter name="hostname" locked="true"></parameter>-->

    <!-- If you have a front end host which exposes this webservice using a different public URL  -->
    <!-- use this parameter to override autodetected url -->
    <!--<parameter name="httpFrontendHostUrl">https://someotherhost/context</parameter>-->

    <!--    The way of adding listener to the system-->
    <!--    <listener class="org.apache.axis2.ObserverIMPL">-->
    <!--        <parameter name="RSS_URL"></parameter>-->
    <!--    </listener>-->

    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <!-- Message Receivers -->
    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <!--This is the deafult MessageReceiver for the system , if you want to have MessageReceivers for -->
    <!--all the other MEP implement it and add the correct entry to here , so that you can refer from-->
    <!--any operation -->
    <!--Note : You can ovrride this for a particular service by adding the same element with your requirement-->
        <messageReceiver mep=""
        <messageReceiver mep=""
        <messageReceiver mep=""
        <messageReceiver mep=""

    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <!-- Message Formatter -->
    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <!--Following content type to message formatter mapping can be used to implement support for different message -->
    <!--format  serialization in Axis2. These message formats are expected to be resolved based on the content type. -->
        <messageFormatter contentType="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        <messageFormatter contentType="multipart/form-data"
        <messageFormatter contentType="application/xml"
        <messageFormatter contentType="text/xml"
        <messageFormatter contentType="application/soap+xml"

    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <!-- Message Builders -->
    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <!--Following content type to builder mapping can be used to implement support for different message -->
    <!--formats in Axis2. These message formats are expected to be resolved based on the content type. -->
        <messageBuilder contentType="application/xml"
        <messageBuilder contentType="application/xml"
        <messageBuilder contentType="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        <messageBuilder contentType="multipart/form-data"

    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <!-- Transport Ins -->
    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <transportReceiver name="http"
        <parameter name="port">8080</parameter>
        <!-- Here is the complete list of supported parameters (see example settings further below):
            port: the port to listen on (default 6060)
            hostname:  if non-null, url prefix used in reply-to endpoint references                                 (default null)
            originServer:  value of http Server header in outgoing messages                                         (default "Simple-Server/1.1")
            requestTimeout:  value in millis of time that requests can wait for data                                (default 20000)
            requestTcpNoDelay:  true to maximize performance and minimize latency                                   (default true)
                                false to minimize bandwidth consumption by combining segments
            requestCoreThreadPoolSize:  number of threads available for request processing (unless queue fills up)  (default 25)
            requestMaxThreadPoolSize:  number of threads available for request processing if queue fills up         (default 150)
                                       note that default queue never fills up:  see HttpFactory
            threadKeepAliveTime:  time to keep threads in excess of core size alive while inactive                  (default 180)
                                  note that no such threads can exist with default unbounded request queue
            threadKeepAliveTimeUnit:  TimeUnit of value in threadKeepAliveTime (default SECONDS)                    (default SECONDS)
        <!-- <parameter name="hostname"></parameter> -->
        <!-- <parameter name="originServer">My-Server/1.1</parameter>           -->
        <!-- <parameter name="requestTimeout">10000</parameter>                   -->
        <!-- <parameter name="requestTcpNoDelay">false</parameter>                   -->
        <!-- <parameter name="requestCoreThreadPoolSize">50</parameter>                      -->
        <!-- <parameter name="RequestMaxThreadPoolSize">100</parameter>                     -->
        <!-- <parameter name="threadKeepAliveTime">240000</parameter>                  -->
        <!-- <parameter name="threadKeepAliveTimeUnit">MILLISECONDS</parameter>            -->

    <!--Uncomment this and configure as appropriate for JMS transport support, after setting up your JMS environment (e.g. ActiveMQ)
    <transportReceiver name="jms" class="org.apache.axis2.transport.jms.JMSListener">
        <parameter name="myTopicConnectionFactory">
            <parameter name="java.naming.factory.initial">org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory</parameter>
            <parameter name="java.naming.provider.url">tcp://localhost:61616</parameter>
            <parameter name="transport.jms.ConnectionFactoryJNDIName">TopicConnectionFactory</parameter>

        <parameter name="myQueueConnectionFactory">
            <parameter name="java.naming.factory.initial">org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory</parameter>
            <parameter name="java.naming.provider.url">tcp://localhost:61616</parameter>
            <parameter name="transport.jms.ConnectionFactoryJNDIName">QueueConnectionFactory</parameter>

        <parameter name="default">
            <parameter name="java.naming.factory.initial">org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory</parameter>
            <parameter name="java.naming.provider.url">tcp://localhost:61616</parameter>
            <parameter name="transport.jms.ConnectionFactoryJNDIName">QueueConnectionFactory</parameter>

    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <!-- Non-blocking http/s Transport Listener  -->

    <!-- the non blocking http transport based on HttpCore + NIO extensions
    <transportReceiver name="http" class="org.apache.axis2.transport.nhttp.HttpCoreNIOListener">
        <parameter name="port" locked="false">9000</parameter>
        <parameter name="non-blocking" locked="false">true</parameter>

    <!-- the non blocking https transport based on HttpCore + SSL-NIO extensions
    <transportReceiver name="https" class="org.apache.axis2.transport.nhttp.HttpCoreNIOSSLListener">
        <parameter name="port" locked="false">9002</parameter>
        <parameter name="non-blocking" locked="false">true</parameter>
        <parameter name="keystore" locked="false">
        <parameter name="truststore" locked="false">
        <!--<parameter name="SSLVerifyClient">require</parameter>
            supports optional|require or defaults to none -->

    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <!-- Mail Transport Listener  -->
    <!-- This is a sample configuration. It assumes a mail server running in localhost.
         Listener pops  messages that comes to the email address red@localhost. Users
         password is red. Listener connect to the server every 3000 milliseconds.
         Parameters with "transport." prefix is Axis2 specific. Others are all from Java Mail API.
    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <!--<transportReceiver name="mailto" class="org.apache.axis2.transport.mail.SimpleMailListener">
        <parameter name="">localhost</parameter>
        <parameter name="mail.pop3.user">red</parameter>
        <parameter name="">pop3</parameter>
        <parameter name="transport.mail.pop3.password">red</parameter>
        <parameter name="transport.mail.replyToAddress">red@localhost</parameter>
        <parameter name="transport.listener.interval">3000</parameter>

    <!--Uncomment if you want to have TCP transport support-->
    <!--transportReceiver name="tcp"
        <parameter name="port">6060</parameter-->>
        <!--If you want to give your own host address for EPR generation-->
        <!--uncomment the following paramter , and set it as you required.-->
        <!--<parameter name="hostname">tcp://</parameter>-->
    <!-- /transportReceiver -->

    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <!-- Transport Outs -->
    <!-- ================================================= -->

    <transportSender name="tcp"
    <transportSender name="local"
    <transportSender name="http"
        <parameter name="PROTOCOL">HTTP/1.1</parameter>
        <parameter name="Transfer-Encoding">chunked</parameter>

        <!-- If following is set to 'true', optional action part of the Content-Type will not be added to the SOAP 1.2 messages -->
        <!--  <parameter name="OmitSOAP12Action">true</parameter>  -->

    <transportSender name="https"
        <parameter name="PROTOCOL">HTTP/1.1</parameter>
        <parameter name="Transfer-Encoding">chunked</parameter>
    <transportSender name="java"

    <!--<transportSender name="jms"-->

    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <!-- Non-blocking http/s Transport Sender  -->

    <!-- the non-blocking http transport sender based on HttpCore + NIO extensions
    <transportSender name="http"  class="org.apache.axis2.transport.nhttp.HttpCoreNIOSender">
        <parameter name="non-blocking" locked="false">true</parameter>

    <!-- the non-blocking https transport sender based on HttpCore + NIO SSL extensions
    <transportSender name="https" class="org.apache.axis2.transport.nhttp.HttpCoreNIOSSLSender">
        <parameter name="non-blocking" locked="false">true</parameter>
        <parameter name="keystore" locked="false">
        <parameter name="truststore" locked="false">
        <!--<parameter name="HostnameVerifier">DefaultAndLocalhost</parameter>
            supports Strict|AllowAll|DefaultAndLocalhost or the default if none specified -->

    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <!-- Mail Transport Sender  -->
    <!--Only need to uncomment the sender. Configuration is achieved with every client.
        At any instant mail host should be given. Sample configuration has been given.
    <!-- ================================================= -->
   <!--<transportSender name="mailto" class="org.apache.axis2.transport.mail.MailTransportSender">
        <parameter name="">localhost</parameter>

    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <!-- Global Modules  -->
    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <!-- Comment this to disable Addressing -->
    <module ref="addressing"/>

    <!--Configuring module , providing parameters for modules whether they refer or not-->
    <!--<moduleConfig name="addressing">-->
    <!--<parameter name="addressingPara">N/A</parameter>-->

    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <!-- Clustering  -->
    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <!-- Configure and uncomment following for preparing Axis2 to a clustered environment -->
    <cluster class="org.apache.axis2.cluster.tribes.TribesClusterManager">
        <parameter name="param1">value1</parameter>
        <parameter name="domain">apache.axis2.domain</parameter>
        <parameter name="synchronizeAll">true</parameter>
        <parameter name="maxRetries">10</parameter>
        <configurationManager class="org.apache.axis2.cluster.configuration.TribesConfigurationManager">
            <listener class="org.apache.axis2.cluster.configuration.DefaultConfigurationManagerListener"/>
        <contextManager class="org.apache.axis2.cluster.context.TribesContextManager">
            <listener class="org.apache.axis2.cluster.context.DefaultContextManagerListener"/>

    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <!-- Phases  -->
    <!-- ================================================= -->
    <phaseOrder type="InFlow">
        <!--  System predefined phases       -->
        <phase name="Transport">
            <handler name="RequestURIBasedDispatcher"
                <order phase="Transport"/>
            <handler name="SOAPActionBasedDispatcher"
                <order phase="Transport"/>
        <phase name="Addressing">
             <handler name="AddressingBasedDispatcher"
                 <order phase="Addressing"/>
        <phase name="Security"/>
        <phase name="PreDispatch"/>
        <phase name="Dispatch" class="org.apache.axis2.engine.DispatchPhase">
            <handler name="RequestURIBasedDispatcher"
            <handler name="SOAPActionBasedDispatcher"
            <handler name="RequestURIOperationDispatcher"
            <handler name="SOAPMessageBodyBasedDispatcher"

            <handler name="HTTPLocationBasedDispatcher"
        <phase name="RMPhase"/>
        <!--  System predefined phases       -->
        <!--   After Postdispatch phase module author or service author can add any phase he want      -->
        <phase name="OperationInPhase"/>
        <phase name="soapmonitorPhase"/>
    <phaseOrder type="OutFlow">
        <!--      user can add his own phases to this area  -->
        <phase name="soapmonitorPhase"/>
        <phase name="OperationOutPhase"/>
        <!--system predefined phase-->
        <!--these phase will run irrespective of the service-->
        <phase name="RMPhase"/>
        <phase name="PolicyDetermination"/>
        <phase name="MessageOut"/>
        <phase name="Security"/>
    <phaseOrder type="InFaultFlow">
        <phase name="Addressing">
             <handler name="AddressingBasedDispatcher"
                 <order phase="Addressing"/>
        <phase name="Security"/>
        <phase name="PreDispatch"/>
        <phase name="Dispatch" class="org.apache.axis2.engine.DispatchPhase">
            <handler name="RequestURIBasedDispatcher"
            <handler name="SOAPActionBasedDispatcher"
            <handler name="RequestURIOperationDispatcher"
            <handler name="SOAPMessageBodyBasedDispatcher"

            <handler name="HTTPLocationBasedDispatcher"
        <phase name="RMPhase"/>
        <!--      user can add his own phases to this area  -->
        <phase name="OperationInFaultPhase"/>
        <phase name="soapmonitorPhase"/>
    <phaseOrder type="OutFaultFlow">
        <!--      user can add his own phases to this area  -->
        <phase name="soapmonitorPhase"/>
        <phase name="OperationOutFaultPhase"/>
        <phase name="RMPhase"/>
        <phase name="PolicyDetermination"/>
        <phase name="MessageOut"/>
        <phase name="Security"/>


Exception in thread "main" org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Error in extracting message properties
	at org.apache.rampart.handler.RampartSender.invoke(
	at org.apache.axis2.engine.Phase.invoke(
	at org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.invoke(
	at org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.send(
	at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.send(
	at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.executeImpl(
	at org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient.execute(
	at axis.IPISOZStub.addTehcOrg(
	at odjemalec.OdjemalecWraper.main(
Caused by: org.apache.rampart.RampartException: Error in extracting message properties
	at org.apache.rampart.RampartMessageData.<init>(
	at org.apache.rampart.handler.RampartSender.invoke(
	... 8 more

Regards Tomaz