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Posted to by Sven Ludwig <> on 2005/04/01 11:33:53 UTC

RE: compatibility


considering my post from yesterday, it was by no means complete
and I guess I missed some points.

For the first way of course not only different code is to be executed,
also the code importing absent classes directly or indirectly
must not be loaded. Unless maybe the libs to use exchangably have
a common interface.

And the second way I guess only such cases are tackled where
a lib provided with the release is left out of a lite edition
because it is provided somewhere else.

Anyway, I just wanted to point to the direction of having a
library which can integrate with different JDKs and/or 3rd party libs
to offer features/implementations depending on the environment.


Sven Ludwig

-----Original Message-----
From: Sven Ludwig 
Sent: Donnerstag, 31. März 2005 12:27
Subject: compatibility


a thought to add to the current compatibility discussion.

Maybe in some aspects, XML parsing, IO etc., XML-RPC 2 or 3 could be built up so that users can integrate it with libraries they want to use, of course not anything, just out of a set of declared, possible libraries and versions thereof.

This may be done so that there is only one, configurable release of XML-RPC to use in all JDKs and environments. Specific code gets executed, the selection depending on the requisites in the environment - of course the matter of such a configurable release can be complex and may have some disadvantages also.

Or there could be different editions (i.e. different archives) of one release. Like in Tomcat 4, for which two editions are available, one for older JDKs and one "lite" verison for 1.4, in which some libs are not included within the release since they are now in the JDK.

There may be other ways fo course, these two are the ones I just had in mind.


Sven Ludwig