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Posted to by sia far <> on 2006/03/04 03:57:25 UTC

no value for h:message or t:message

Hello Everyone:

I have the following simple code:

I have defined an input text as required. However, I get the following for 
the validation error:

"{0}": Value is required

if I use h:message or t:message, neither the input id nor the label value is 
replaced for {0}. I even tried to deply the simple application put on the 
myfaces homepage, I get the same thing for validation. I am using RAD 6.01.1 
and WAS 6.2.7. I am following everything by the book. Can anyone be kind 
enough to point out what I doing wrong? Here is the code snippet (The first 
input is the on that is required).

I have also tried to replace <t:message ... in the following snippet with

          <h:message id="pmrError" for="form1:pmr" styleClass="red-dark"/>

but of no avail

<h:form id="form1" name="pmrSearch">
   <h:panelGrid columns="3" cellpadding="2" >
	   <h:outputLabel for="form1:pmr" value="#{msg['pmrNo']}" />
	   <h:inputText id="pmr" maxlength="6" size="6" 
value="#{searchPmrBean.pmr}" required="true" >
            	<f:validateLength minimum="1" maximum="6" />
           <t:message id="pmrError" for="form1:pmr" styleClass="red-dark" 

           <h:outputLabel for="form1:bno" value="#{msg['bno']}:" />
	   <h:inputText id="bno" value="#{searchPmrBean.bno}" maxlength="3" 
size="3" >
             <f:validateLength maximum="3" />

            <h:outputLabel for="form1:cno" value="#{msg['cno']}:" />
			<h:inputText id="cno" value="#{searchPmrBean.cno}" maxlength="3" size="3" 
               	<f:validateLength maximum="3" />
            <h:commandButton id="searchPmr" styleClass="button-blue" 
value="#{msg['go']}" action="#{searchPmrBean.searchPmr}"/>