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Posted to by Vladimir Tretyakov <> on 2016/10/04 18:44:01 UTC

Re: Spark metrics when running with YARN?


When I start Spark v1.6 (cdh5.8.0) in YARN Master mode I don't see API (
http://localhost:4040/api/v1/applications is unavailable) on port 4040.

I started Spark application like this:

spark-submit     --master yarn-cluster     --class

Nothing on 4040 port:
telnet 4040
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Invalid argument

Any idea why that is?

I've checked the code and it looks like in Yarn Master mode port set to 0.

if (isClusterMode) {
  // Set the web ui port to be ephemeral for yarn so we don't conflict with
  // other spark processes running on the same box
  System.setProperty("spark.ui.port", "0")

Does that mean one cannot count on port 4040 always being available?

Is there ony other universal way to get information about Spark RUNNING

Best regards, Vladimir.