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[61/84] incubator-corinthia git commit: moved schemas to /experiments
diff --git a/schemas/OOXML/transitional/dml-chartDrawing.rng b/schemas/OOXML/transitional/dml-chartDrawing.rng
deleted file mode 100644
index 82b9934..0000000
--- a/schemas/OOXML/transitional/dml-chartDrawing.rng
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<grammar ns="" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:a="" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:aa="" xmlns:cdr="" xmlns:w10="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="">
-  <define name="cdr_CT_ShapeNonVisual">
-    <element name="cNvPr">
-      <ref name="a_CT_NonVisualDrawingProps"/>
-    </element>
-    <element name="cNvSpPr">
-      <ref name="a_CT_NonVisualDrawingShapeProps"/>
-    </element>
-  </define>
-  <define name="cdr_CT_Shape">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="macro">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="textlink">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="fLocksText">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: true</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="boolean"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="fPublished">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: false</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="boolean"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <element name="nvSpPr">
-      <ref name="cdr_CT_ShapeNonVisual"/>
-    </element>
-    <element name="spPr">
-      <ref name="a_CT_ShapeProperties"/>
-    </element>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="style">
-        <ref name="a_CT_ShapeStyle"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="txBody">
-        <ref name="a_CT_TextBody"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="cdr_CT_ConnectorNonVisual">
-    <element name="cNvPr">
-      <ref name="a_CT_NonVisualDrawingProps"/>
-    </element>
-    <element name="cNvCxnSpPr">
-      <ref name="a_CT_NonVisualConnectorProperties"/>
-    </element>
-  </define>
-  <define name="cdr_CT_Connector">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="macro">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="fPublished">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: false</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="boolean"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <element name="nvCxnSpPr">
-      <ref name="cdr_CT_ConnectorNonVisual"/>
-    </element>
-    <element name="spPr">
-      <ref name="a_CT_ShapeProperties"/>
-    </element>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="style">
-        <ref name="a_CT_ShapeStyle"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="cdr_CT_PictureNonVisual">
-    <element name="cNvPr">
-      <ref name="a_CT_NonVisualDrawingProps"/>
-    </element>
-    <element name="cNvPicPr">
-      <ref name="a_CT_NonVisualPictureProperties"/>
-    </element>
-  </define>
-  <define name="cdr_CT_Picture">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="macro">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="fPublished">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: false</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="boolean"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <element name="nvPicPr">
-      <ref name="cdr_CT_PictureNonVisual"/>
-    </element>
-    <element name="blipFill">
-      <ref name="a_CT_BlipFillProperties"/>
-    </element>
-    <element name="spPr">
-      <ref name="a_CT_ShapeProperties"/>
-    </element>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="style">
-        <ref name="a_CT_ShapeStyle"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="cdr_CT_GraphicFrameNonVisual">
-    <element name="cNvPr">
-      <ref name="a_CT_NonVisualDrawingProps"/>
-    </element>
-    <element name="cNvGraphicFramePr">
-      <ref name="a_CT_NonVisualGraphicFrameProperties"/>
-    </element>
-  </define>
-  <define name="cdr_CT_GraphicFrame">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="macro">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="fPublished">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: false</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="boolean"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <element name="nvGraphicFramePr">
-      <ref name="cdr_CT_GraphicFrameNonVisual"/>
-    </element>
-    <element name="xfrm">
-      <ref name="a_CT_Transform2D"/>
-    </element>
-    <ref name="a_graphic"/>
-  </define>
-  <define name="cdr_CT_GroupShapeNonVisual">
-    <element name="cNvPr">
-      <ref name="a_CT_NonVisualDrawingProps"/>
-    </element>
-    <element name="cNvGrpSpPr">
-      <ref name="a_CT_NonVisualGroupDrawingShapeProps"/>
-    </element>
-  </define>
-  <define name="cdr_CT_GroupShape">
-    <element name="nvGrpSpPr">
-      <ref name="cdr_CT_GroupShapeNonVisual"/>
-    </element>
-    <element name="grpSpPr">
-      <ref name="a_CT_GroupShapeProperties"/>
-    </element>
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <choice>
-        <element name="sp">
-          <ref name="cdr_CT_Shape"/>
-        </element>
-        <element name="grpSp">
-          <ref name="cdr_CT_GroupShape"/>
-        </element>
-        <element name="graphicFrame">
-          <ref name="cdr_CT_GraphicFrame"/>
-        </element>
-        <element name="cxnSp">
-          <ref name="cdr_CT_Connector"/>
-        </element>
-        <element name="pic">
-          <ref name="cdr_CT_Picture"/>
-        </element>
-      </choice>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-  </define>
-  <define name="cdr_EG_ObjectChoices">
-    <choice>
-      <element name="sp">
-        <ref name="cdr_CT_Shape"/>
-      </element>
-      <element name="grpSp">
-        <ref name="cdr_CT_GroupShape"/>
-      </element>
-      <element name="graphicFrame">
-        <ref name="cdr_CT_GraphicFrame"/>
-      </element>
-      <element name="cxnSp">
-        <ref name="cdr_CT_Connector"/>
-      </element>
-      <element name="pic">
-        <ref name="cdr_CT_Picture"/>
-      </element>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="cdr_ST_MarkerCoordinate">
-    <data type="double">
-      <param name="minInclusive">0.0</param>
-      <param name="maxInclusive">1.0</param>
-    </data>
-  </define>
-  <define name="cdr_CT_Marker">
-    <element name="x">
-      <ref name="cdr_ST_MarkerCoordinate"/>
-    </element>
-    <element name="y">
-      <ref name="cdr_ST_MarkerCoordinate"/>
-    </element>
-  </define>
-  <define name="cdr_CT_RelSizeAnchor">
-    <element name="from">
-      <ref name="cdr_CT_Marker"/>
-    </element>
-    <element name="to">
-      <ref name="cdr_CT_Marker"/>
-    </element>
-    <ref name="cdr_EG_ObjectChoices"/>
-  </define>
-  <define name="cdr_CT_AbsSizeAnchor">
-    <element name="from">
-      <ref name="cdr_CT_Marker"/>
-    </element>
-    <element name="ext">
-      <ref name="a_CT_PositiveSize2D"/>
-    </element>
-    <ref name="cdr_EG_ObjectChoices"/>
-  </define>
-  <define name="cdr_EG_Anchor">
-    <choice>
-      <element name="relSizeAnchor">
-        <ref name="cdr_CT_RelSizeAnchor"/>
-      </element>
-      <element name="absSizeAnchor">
-        <ref name="cdr_CT_AbsSizeAnchor"/>
-      </element>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="cdr_CT_Drawing">
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <ref name="cdr_EG_Anchor"/>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-  </define>
diff --git a/schemas/OOXML/transitional/dml-diagram.rng b/schemas/OOXML/transitional/dml-diagram.rng
deleted file mode 100644
index 6827a56..0000000
--- a/schemas/OOXML/transitional/dml-diagram.rng
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2109 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<grammar ns="" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:s="" xmlns:r="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:ddgrm="" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:aa="" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns:w10="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="">
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_CTName">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="lang">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <attribute name="val">
-      <data type="string"/>
-    </attribute>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_CTDescription">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="lang">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <attribute name="val">
-      <data type="string"/>
-    </attribute>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_CTCategory">
-    <attribute name="type">
-      <data type="anyURI"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <attribute name="pri">
-      <data type="unsignedInt"/>
-    </attribute>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_CTCategories">
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <element name="cat">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_CTCategory"/>
-      </element>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_ClrAppMethod">
-    <choice>
-      <value>span</value>
-      <value>cycle</value>
-      <value>repeat</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_HueDir">
-    <choice>
-      <value>cw</value>
-      <value>ccw</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_Colors">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="meth">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: span</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ClrAppMethod"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="hueDir">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: cw</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_HueDir"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <ref name="a_EG_ColorChoice"/>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_CTStyleLabel">
-    <attribute name="name">
-      <data type="string"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="fillClrLst">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Colors"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="linClrLst">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Colors"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="effectClrLst">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Colors"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="txLinClrLst">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Colors"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="txFillClrLst">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Colors"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="txEffectClrLst">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Colors"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="extLst">
-        <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_ColorTransform">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="uniqueId">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="minVer">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <element name="title">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_CTName"/>
-      </element>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <element name="desc">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_CTDescription"/>
-      </element>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="catLst">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_CTCategories"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <element name="styleLbl">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_CTStyleLabel"/>
-      </element>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="extLst">
-        <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_colorsDef">
-    <element name="colorsDef">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_CT_ColorTransform"/>
-    </element>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_ColorTransformHeader">
-    <attribute name="uniqueId">
-      <data type="string"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="minVer">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="resId">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: 0</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="int"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <oneOrMore>
-      <element name="title">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_CTName"/>
-      </element>
-    </oneOrMore>
-    <oneOrMore>
-      <element name="desc">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_CTDescription"/>
-      </element>
-    </oneOrMore>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="catLst">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_CTCategories"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="extLst">
-        <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_colorsDefHdr">
-    <element name="colorsDefHdr">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_CT_ColorTransformHeader"/>
-    </element>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_ColorTransformHeaderLst">
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <element name="colorsDefHdr">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_ColorTransformHeader"/>
-      </element>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_colorsDefHdrLst">
-    <element name="colorsDefHdrLst">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_CT_ColorTransformHeaderLst"/>
-    </element>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_PtType">
-    <choice>
-      <value>node</value>
-      <value>asst</value>
-      <value>doc</value>
-      <value>pres</value>
-      <value>parTrans</value>
-      <value>sibTrans</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_Pt">
-    <attribute name="modelId">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ModelId"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="type">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: node</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_PtType"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="cxnId">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: 0</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ModelId"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="prSet">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_ElemPropSet"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="spPr">
-        <ref name="a_CT_ShapeProperties"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="t">
-        <ref name="a_CT_TextBody"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="extLst">
-        <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_PtList">
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <element name="pt">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Pt"/>
-      </element>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_CxnType">
-    <choice>
-      <value>parOf</value>
-      <value>presOf</value>
-      <value>presParOf</value>
-      <value>unknownRelationship</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_Cxn">
-    <attribute name="modelId">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ModelId"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="type">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: parOf</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_CxnType"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <attribute name="srcId">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ModelId"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <attribute name="destId">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ModelId"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <attribute name="srcOrd">
-      <data type="unsignedInt"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <attribute name="destOrd">
-      <data type="unsignedInt"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="parTransId">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: 0</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ModelId"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="sibTransId">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: 0</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ModelId"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="presId">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="extLst">
-        <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_CxnList">
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <element name="cxn">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Cxn"/>
-      </element>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_DataModel">
-    <element name="ptLst">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_CT_PtList"/>
-    </element>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="cxnLst">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_CxnList"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="bg">
-        <ref name="a_CT_BackgroundFormatting"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="whole">
-        <ref name="a_CT_WholeE2oFormatting"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="extLst">
-        <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_dataModel">
-    <element name="dataModel">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_CT_DataModel"/>
-    </element>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_AG_IteratorAttributes">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="axis">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: none</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_AxisTypes"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="ptType">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: all</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ElementTypes"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="hideLastTrans">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: true</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_Booleans"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="st">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: 1</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_Ints"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="cnt">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: 0</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_UnsignedInts"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="step">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: 1</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_Ints"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_AG_ConstraintAttributes">
-    <attribute name="type">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ConstraintType"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="for">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: self</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ConstraintRelationship"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="forName">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="ptType">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: all</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ElementType"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_AG_ConstraintRefAttributes">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="refType">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: none</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ConstraintType"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="refFor">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: self</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ConstraintRelationship"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="refForName">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="refPtType">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: all</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ElementType"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_Constraint">
-    <ref name="ddgrm_AG_ConstraintAttributes"/>
-    <ref name="ddgrm_AG_ConstraintRefAttributes"/>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="op">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: none</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_BoolOperator"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="val">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: 0</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="double"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="fact">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: 1</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="double"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="extLst">
-        <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_Constraints">
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <element name="constr">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Constraint"/>
-      </element>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_NumericRule">
-    <ref name="ddgrm_AG_ConstraintAttributes"/>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="val">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: NaN</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="double"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="fact">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: NaN</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="double"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="max">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: NaN</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="double"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="extLst">
-        <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_Rules">
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <element name="rule">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_NumericRule"/>
-      </element>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_PresentationOf">
-    <ref name="ddgrm_AG_IteratorAttributes"/>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="extLst">
-        <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_LayoutShapeType">
-    <choice>
-      <ref name="a_ST_ShapeType"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_OutputShapeType"/>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_Index1">
-    <data type="unsignedInt">
-      <param name="minInclusive">1</param>
-    </data>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_Adj">
-    <attribute name="idx">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_Index1"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <attribute name="val">
-      <data type="double"/>
-    </attribute>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_AdjLst">
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <element name="adj">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Adj"/>
-      </element>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_Shape">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="rot">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: 0</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="double"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="type">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: none</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_LayoutShapeType"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <ref name="r_blip"/>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="zOrderOff">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: 0</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="int"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="hideGeom">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: false</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="boolean"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="lkTxEntry">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: false</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="boolean"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="blipPhldr">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: false</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="boolean"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="adjLst">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_AdjLst"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="extLst">
-        <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_Parameter">
-    <attribute name="type">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ParameterId"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <attribute name="val">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ParameterVal"/>
-    </attribute>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_Algorithm">
-    <attribute name="type">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_AlgorithmType"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="rev">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: 0</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="unsignedInt"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <element name="param">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Parameter"/>
-      </element>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="extLst">
-        <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_LayoutNode">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="name">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="styleLbl">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="chOrder">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: b</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ChildOrderType"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="moveWith">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <choice>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="alg">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Algorithm"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="shape">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Shape"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="presOf">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_PresentationOf"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="constrLst">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Constraints"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="ruleLst">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Rules"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="varLst">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_LayoutVariablePropertySet"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <element name="forEach">
-          <ref name="ddgrm_CT_ForEach"/>
-        </element>
-        <element name="layoutNode">
-          <ref name="ddgrm_CT_LayoutNode"/>
-        </element>
-        <element name="choose">
-          <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Choose"/>
-        </element>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="extLst">
-            <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-      </choice>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_ForEach">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="name">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="ref">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <ref name="ddgrm_AG_IteratorAttributes"/>
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <choice>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="alg">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Algorithm"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="shape">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Shape"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="presOf">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_PresentationOf"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="constrLst">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Constraints"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="ruleLst">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Rules"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <element name="forEach">
-          <ref name="ddgrm_CT_ForEach"/>
-        </element>
-        <element name="layoutNode">
-          <ref name="ddgrm_CT_LayoutNode"/>
-        </element>
-        <element name="choose">
-          <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Choose"/>
-        </element>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="extLst">
-            <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-      </choice>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_When">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="name">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <ref name="ddgrm_AG_IteratorAttributes"/>
-    <attribute name="func">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_FunctionType"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="arg">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: none</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_FunctionArgument"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <attribute name="op">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_FunctionOperator"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <attribute name="val">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_FunctionValue"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <choice>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="alg">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Algorithm"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="shape">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Shape"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="presOf">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_PresentationOf"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="constrLst">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Constraints"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="ruleLst">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Rules"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <element name="forEach">
-          <ref name="ddgrm_CT_ForEach"/>
-        </element>
-        <element name="layoutNode">
-          <ref name="ddgrm_CT_LayoutNode"/>
-        </element>
-        <element name="choose">
-          <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Choose"/>
-        </element>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="extLst">
-            <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-      </choice>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_Otherwise">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="name">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <choice>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="alg">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Algorithm"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="shape">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Shape"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="presOf">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_PresentationOf"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="constrLst">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Constraints"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="ruleLst">
-            <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Rules"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-        <element name="forEach">
-          <ref name="ddgrm_CT_ForEach"/>
-        </element>
-        <element name="layoutNode">
-          <ref name="ddgrm_CT_LayoutNode"/>
-        </element>
-        <element name="choose">
-          <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Choose"/>
-        </element>
-        <optional>
-          <element name="extLst">
-            <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-          </element>
-        </optional>
-      </choice>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_Choose">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="name">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <oneOrMore>
-      <element name="if">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_When"/>
-      </element>
-    </oneOrMore>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="else">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Otherwise"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_SampleData">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="useDef">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: false</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="boolean"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="dataModel">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_DataModel"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_Category">
-    <attribute name="type">
-      <data type="anyURI"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <attribute name="pri">
-      <data type="unsignedInt"/>
-    </attribute>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_Categories">
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <element name="cat">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Category"/>
-      </element>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_Name">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="lang">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <attribute name="val">
-      <data type="string"/>
-    </attribute>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_Description">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="lang">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <attribute name="val">
-      <data type="string"/>
-    </attribute>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_DiagramDefinition">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="uniqueId">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="minVer">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="defStyle">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <element name="title">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Name"/>
-      </element>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <element name="desc">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Description"/>
-      </element>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="catLst">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Categories"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="sampData">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_SampleData"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="styleData">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_SampleData"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="clrData">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_SampleData"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <element name="layoutNode">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_CT_LayoutNode"/>
-    </element>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="extLst">
-        <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_layoutDef">
-    <element name="layoutDef">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_CT_DiagramDefinition"/>
-    </element>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_DiagramDefinitionHeader">
-    <attribute name="uniqueId">
-      <data type="string"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="minVer">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="defStyle">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="resId">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: 0</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="int"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <oneOrMore>
-      <element name="title">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Name"/>
-      </element>
-    </oneOrMore>
-    <oneOrMore>
-      <element name="desc">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Description"/>
-      </element>
-    </oneOrMore>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="catLst">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Categories"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="extLst">
-        <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_layoutDefHdr">
-    <element name="layoutDefHdr">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_CT_DiagramDefinitionHeader"/>
-    </element>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_DiagramDefinitionHeaderLst">
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <element name="layoutDefHdr">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_DiagramDefinitionHeader"/>
-      </element>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_layoutDefHdrLst">
-    <element name="layoutDefHdrLst">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_CT_DiagramDefinitionHeaderLst"/>
-    </element>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_RelIds">
-    <ref name="r_dm"/>
-    <ref name="r_lo"/>
-    <ref name="r_qs"/>
-    <ref name="r_cs"/>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_relIds">
-    <element name="relIds">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_CT_RelIds"/>
-    </element>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_ParameterVal">
-    <choice>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_DiagramHorizontalAlignment"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_VerticalAlignment"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ChildDirection"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ChildAlignment"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_SecondaryChildAlignment"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_LinearDirection"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_SecondaryLinearDirection"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_StartingElement"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_BendPoint"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ConnectorRouting"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ArrowheadStyle"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ConnectorDimension"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_RotationPath"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_CenterShapeMapping"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_NodeHorizontalAlignment"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_NodeVerticalAlignment"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_FallbackDimension"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_TextDirection"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_PyramidAccentPosition"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_PyramidAccentTextMargin"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_TextBlockDirection"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_TextAnchorHorizontal"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_TextAnchorVertical"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_DiagramTextAlignment"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_AutoTextRotation"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_GrowDirection"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_FlowDirection"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ContinueDirection"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_Breakpoint"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_Offset"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_HierarchyAlignment"/>
-      <data type="int"/>
-      <data type="double"/>
-      <data type="boolean"/>
-      <data type="string"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ConnectorPoint"/>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_ModelId">
-    <choice>
-      <data type="int"/>
-      <ref name="s_ST_Guid"/>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_PrSetCustVal">
-    <choice>
-      <ref name="s_ST_Percentage"/>
-      <data type="int"/>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_ElemPropSet">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="presAssocID">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ModelId"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="presName">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="presStyleLbl">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="presStyleIdx">
-        <data type="int"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="presStyleCnt">
-        <data type="int"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="loTypeId">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="loCatId">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="qsTypeId">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="qsCatId">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="csTypeId">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="csCatId">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="coherent3DOff">
-        <data type="boolean"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="phldrT">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="phldr">
-        <data type="boolean"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="custAng">
-        <data type="int"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="custFlipVert">
-        <data type="boolean"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="custFlipHor">
-        <data type="boolean"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="custSzX">
-        <data type="int"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="custSzY">
-        <data type="int"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="custScaleX">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_PrSetCustVal"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="custScaleY">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_PrSetCustVal"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="custT">
-        <data type="boolean"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="custLinFactX">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_PrSetCustVal"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="custLinFactY">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_PrSetCustVal"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="custLinFactNeighborX">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_PrSetCustVal"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="custLinFactNeighborY">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_PrSetCustVal"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="custRadScaleRad">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_PrSetCustVal"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="custRadScaleInc">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_PrSetCustVal"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="presLayoutVars">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_LayoutVariablePropertySet"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="style">
-        <ref name="a_CT_ShapeStyle"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_Direction">
-    <choice>
-      <value>norm</value>
-      <value>rev</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_HierBranchStyle">
-    <choice>
-      <value>l</value>
-      <value>r</value>
-      <value>hang</value>
-      <value>std</value>
-      <value>init</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_AnimOneStr">
-    <choice>
-      <value>none</value>
-      <value>one</value>
-      <value>branch</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_AnimLvlStr">
-    <choice>
-      <value>none</value>
-      <value>lvl</value>
-      <value>ctr</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_OrgChart">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="val">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: false</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="boolean"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_NodeCount">
-    <data type="int">
-      <param name="minInclusive">-1</param>
-    </data>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_ChildMax">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="val">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: -1</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_NodeCount"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_ChildPref">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="val">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: -1</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_NodeCount"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_BulletEnabled">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="val">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: false</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="boolean"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_Direction">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="val">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: norm</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_Direction"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_HierBranchStyle">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="val">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: std</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_HierBranchStyle"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_AnimOne">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="val">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: one</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_AnimOneStr"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_AnimLvl">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="val">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: none</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_AnimLvlStr"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_ResizeHandlesStr">
-    <choice>
-      <value>exact</value>
-      <value>rel</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_ResizeHandles">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="val">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: rel</aa:documentation>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ResizeHandlesStr"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_LayoutVariablePropertySet">
-    <optional>
-      <element name="orgChart">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_OrgChart"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="chMax">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_ChildMax"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="chPref">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_ChildPref"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="bulletEnabled">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_BulletEnabled"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="dir">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_Direction"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="hierBranch">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_HierBranchStyle"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="animOne">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_AnimOne"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="animLvl">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_AnimLvl"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="resizeHandles">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_ResizeHandles"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_SDName">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="lang">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <attribute name="val">
-      <data type="string"/>
-    </attribute>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_SDDescription">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="lang">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <attribute name="val">
-      <data type="string"/>
-    </attribute>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_SDCategory">
-    <attribute name="type">
-      <data type="anyURI"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <attribute name="pri">
-      <data type="unsignedInt"/>
-    </attribute>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_SDCategories">
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <element name="cat">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_SDCategory"/>
-      </element>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_TextProps">
-    <optional>
-      <ref name="a_EG_Text3D"/>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_StyleLabel">
-    <attribute name="name">
-      <data type="string"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="scene3d">
-        <ref name="a_CT_Scene3D"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="sp3d">
-        <ref name="a_CT_Shape3D"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="txPr">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_TextProps"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="style">
-        <ref name="a_CT_ShapeStyle"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="extLst">
-        <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_StyleDefinition">
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="uniqueId">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="minVer">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <element name="title">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_SDName"/>
-      </element>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <element name="desc">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_SDDescription"/>
-      </element>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="catLst">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_SDCategories"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="scene3d">
-        <ref name="a_CT_Scene3D"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <oneOrMore>
-      <element name="styleLbl">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_StyleLabel"/>
-      </element>
-    </oneOrMore>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="extLst">
-        <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_styleDef">
-    <element name="styleDef">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_CT_StyleDefinition"/>
-    </element>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_StyleDefinitionHeader">
-    <attribute name="uniqueId">
-      <data type="string"/>
-    </attribute>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="minVer">
-        <data type="string"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <attribute name="resId">
-        <aa:documentation>default value: 0</aa:documentation>
-        <data type="int"/>
-      </attribute>
-    </optional>
-    <oneOrMore>
-      <element name="title">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_SDName"/>
-      </element>
-    </oneOrMore>
-    <oneOrMore>
-      <element name="desc">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_SDDescription"/>
-      </element>
-    </oneOrMore>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="catLst">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_SDCategories"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-      <element name="extLst">
-        <ref name="a_CT_OfficeArtExtensionList"/>
-      </element>
-    </optional>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_styleDefHdr">
-    <element name="styleDefHdr">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_CT_StyleDefinitionHeader"/>
-    </element>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_CT_StyleDefinitionHeaderLst">
-    <zeroOrMore>
-      <element name="styleDefHdr">
-        <ref name="ddgrm_CT_StyleDefinitionHeader"/>
-      </element>
-    </zeroOrMore>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_styleDefHdrLst">
-    <element name="styleDefHdrLst">
-      <ref name="ddgrm_CT_StyleDefinitionHeaderLst"/>
-    </element>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_AlgorithmType">
-    <choice>
-      <value>composite</value>
-      <value>conn</value>
-      <value>cycle</value>
-      <value>hierChild</value>
-      <value>hierRoot</value>
-      <value>pyra</value>
-      <value>lin</value>
-      <value>sp</value>
-      <value>tx</value>
-      <value>snake</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_AxisType">
-    <choice>
-      <value>self</value>
-      <value>ch</value>
-      <value>des</value>
-      <value>desOrSelf</value>
-      <value>par</value>
-      <value>ancst</value>
-      <value>ancstOrSelf</value>
-      <value>followSib</value>
-      <value>precedSib</value>
-      <value>follow</value>
-      <value>preced</value>
-      <value>root</value>
-      <value>none</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_AxisTypes">
-    <list>
-      <zeroOrMore>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_AxisType"/>
-      </zeroOrMore>
-    </list>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_BoolOperator">
-    <choice>
-      <value>none</value>
-      <value>equ</value>
-      <value>gte</value>
-      <value>lte</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_ChildOrderType">
-    <choice>
-      <value>b</value>
-      <value>t</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_ConstraintType">
-    <choice>
-      <value>none</value>
-      <value>alignOff</value>
-      <value>begMarg</value>
-      <value>bendDist</value>
-      <value>begPad</value>
-      <value>b</value>
-      <value>bMarg</value>
-      <value>bOff</value>
-      <value>ctrX</value>
-      <value>ctrXOff</value>
-      <value>ctrY</value>
-      <value>ctrYOff</value>
-      <value>connDist</value>
-      <value>diam</value>
-      <value>endMarg</value>
-      <value>endPad</value>
-      <value>h</value>
-      <value>hArH</value>
-      <value>hOff</value>
-      <value>l</value>
-      <value>lMarg</value>
-      <value>lOff</value>
-      <value>r</value>
-      <value>rMarg</value>
-      <value>rOff</value>
-      <value>primFontSz</value>
-      <value>pyraAcctRatio</value>
-      <value>secFontSz</value>
-      <value>sibSp</value>
-      <value>secSibSp</value>
-      <value>sp</value>
-      <value>stemThick</value>
-      <value>t</value>
-      <value>tMarg</value>
-      <value>tOff</value>
-      <value>userA</value>
-      <value>userB</value>
-      <value>userC</value>
-      <value>userD</value>
-      <value>userE</value>
-      <value>userF</value>
-      <value>userG</value>
-      <value>userH</value>
-      <value>userI</value>
-      <value>userJ</value>
-      <value>userK</value>
-      <value>userL</value>
-      <value>userM</value>
-      <value>userN</value>
-      <value>userO</value>
-      <value>userP</value>
-      <value>userQ</value>
-      <value>userR</value>
-      <value>userS</value>
-      <value>userT</value>
-      <value>userU</value>
-      <value>userV</value>
-      <value>userW</value>
-      <value>userX</value>
-      <value>userY</value>
-      <value>userZ</value>
-      <value>w</value>
-      <value>wArH</value>
-      <value>wOff</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_ConstraintRelationship">
-    <choice>
-      <value>self</value>
-      <value>ch</value>
-      <value>des</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_ElementType">
-    <choice>
-      <value>all</value>
-      <value>doc</value>
-      <value>node</value>
-      <value>norm</value>
-      <value>nonNorm</value>
-      <value>asst</value>
-      <value>nonAsst</value>
-      <value>parTrans</value>
-      <value>pres</value>
-      <value>sibTrans</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_ElementTypes">
-    <list>
-      <zeroOrMore>
-        <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ElementType"/>
-      </zeroOrMore>
-    </list>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_ParameterId">
-    <choice>
-      <value>horzAlign</value>
-      <value>vertAlign</value>
-      <value>chDir</value>
-      <value>chAlign</value>
-      <value>secChAlign</value>
-      <value>linDir</value>
-      <value>secLinDir</value>
-      <value>stElem</value>
-      <value>bendPt</value>
-      <value>connRout</value>
-      <value>begSty</value>
-      <value>endSty</value>
-      <value>dim</value>
-      <value>rotPath</value>
-      <value>ctrShpMap</value>
-      <value>nodeHorzAlign</value>
-      <value>nodeVertAlign</value>
-      <value>fallback</value>
-      <value>txDir</value>
-      <value>pyraAcctPos</value>
-      <value>pyraAcctTxMar</value>
-      <value>txBlDir</value>
-      <value>txAnchorHorz</value>
-      <value>txAnchorVert</value>
-      <value>txAnchorHorzCh</value>
-      <value>txAnchorVertCh</value>
-      <value>parTxLTRAlign</value>
-      <value>parTxRTLAlign</value>
-      <value>shpTxLTRAlignCh</value>
-      <value>shpTxRTLAlignCh</value>
-      <value>autoTxRot</value>
-      <value>grDir</value>
-      <value>flowDir</value>
-      <value>contDir</value>
-      <value>bkpt</value>
-      <value>off</value>
-      <value>hierAlign</value>
-      <value>bkPtFixedVal</value>
-      <value>stBulletLvl</value>
-      <value>stAng</value>
-      <value>spanAng</value>
-      <value>ar</value>
-      <value>lnSpPar</value>
-      <value>lnSpAfParP</value>
-      <value>lnSpCh</value>
-      <value>lnSpAfChP</value>
-      <value>rtShortDist</value>
-      <value>alignTx</value>
-      <value>pyraLvlNode</value>
-      <value>pyraAcctBkgdNode</value>
-      <value>pyraAcctTxNode</value>
-      <value>srcNode</value>
-      <value>dstNode</value>
-      <value>begPts</value>
-      <value>endPts</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_Ints">
-    <list>
-      <zeroOrMore>
-        <data type="int"/>
-      </zeroOrMore>
-    </list>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_UnsignedInts">
-    <list>
-      <zeroOrMore>
-        <data type="unsignedInt"/>
-      </zeroOrMore>
-    </list>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_Booleans">
-    <list>
-      <zeroOrMore>
-        <data type="boolean"/>
-      </zeroOrMore>
-    </list>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_FunctionType">
-    <choice>
-      <value>cnt</value>
-      <value>pos</value>
-      <value>revPos</value>
-      <value>posEven</value>
-      <value>posOdd</value>
-      <value>var</value>
-      <value>depth</value>
-      <value>maxDepth</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_FunctionOperator">
-    <choice>
-      <value>equ</value>
-      <value>neq</value>
-      <value>gt</value>
-      <value>lt</value>
-      <value>gte</value>
-      <value>lte</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_DiagramHorizontalAlignment">
-    <choice>
-      <value>l</value>
-      <value>ctr</value>
-      <value>r</value>
-      <value>none</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_VerticalAlignment">
-    <choice>
-      <value>t</value>
-      <value>mid</value>
-      <value>b</value>
-      <value>none</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_ChildDirection">
-    <choice>
-      <value>horz</value>
-      <value>vert</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_ChildAlignment">
-    <choice>
-      <value>t</value>
-      <value>b</value>
-      <value>l</value>
-      <value>r</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_SecondaryChildAlignment">
-    <choice>
-      <value>none</value>
-      <value>t</value>
-      <value>b</value>
-      <value>l</value>
-      <value>r</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_LinearDirection">
-    <choice>
-      <value>fromL</value>
-      <value>fromR</value>
-      <value>fromT</value>
-      <value>fromB</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_SecondaryLinearDirection">
-    <choice>
-      <value>none</value>
-      <value>fromL</value>
-      <value>fromR</value>
-      <value>fromT</value>
-      <value>fromB</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_StartingElement">
-    <choice>
-      <value>node</value>
-      <value>trans</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_RotationPath">
-    <choice>
-      <value>none</value>
-      <value>alongPath</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_CenterShapeMapping">
-    <choice>
-      <value>none</value>
-      <value>fNode</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_BendPoint">
-    <choice>
-      <value>beg</value>
-      <value>def</value>
-      <value>end</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_ConnectorRouting">
-    <choice>
-      <value>stra</value>
-      <value>bend</value>
-      <value>curve</value>
-      <value>longCurve</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_ArrowheadStyle">
-    <choice>
-      <value>auto</value>
-      <value>arr</value>
-      <value>noArr</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_ConnectorDimension">
-    <choice>
-      <value>1D</value>
-      <value>2D</value>
-      <value>cust</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_ConnectorPoint">
-    <choice>
-      <value>auto</value>
-      <value>bCtr</value>
-      <value>ctr</value>
-      <value>midL</value>
-      <value>midR</value>
-      <value>tCtr</value>
-      <value>bL</value>
-      <value>bR</value>
-      <value>tL</value>
-      <value>tR</value>
-      <value>radial</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_NodeHorizontalAlignment">
-    <choice>
-      <value>l</value>
-      <value>ctr</value>
-      <value>r</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_NodeVerticalAlignment">
-    <choice>
-      <value>t</value>
-      <value>mid</value>
-      <value>b</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_FallbackDimension">
-    <choice>
-      <value>1D</value>
-      <value>2D</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_TextDirection">
-    <choice>
-      <value>fromT</value>
-      <value>fromB</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_PyramidAccentPosition">
-    <choice>
-      <value>bef</value>
-      <value>aft</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_PyramidAccentTextMargin">
-    <choice>
-      <value>step</value>
-      <value>stack</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_TextBlockDirection">
-    <choice>
-      <value>horz</value>
-      <value>vert</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_TextAnchorHorizontal">
-    <choice>
-      <value>none</value>
-      <value>ctr</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_TextAnchorVertical">
-    <choice>
-      <value>t</value>
-      <value>mid</value>
-      <value>b</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_DiagramTextAlignment">
-    <choice>
-      <value>l</value>
-      <value>ctr</value>
-      <value>r</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_AutoTextRotation">
-    <choice>
-      <value>none</value>
-      <value>upr</value>
-      <value>grav</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_GrowDirection">
-    <choice>
-      <value>tL</value>
-      <value>tR</value>
-      <value>bL</value>
-      <value>bR</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_FlowDirection">
-    <choice>
-      <value>row</value>
-      <value>col</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_ContinueDirection">
-    <choice>
-      <value>revDir</value>
-      <value>sameDir</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_Breakpoint">
-    <choice>
-      <value>endCnv</value>
-      <value>bal</value>
-      <value>fixed</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_Offset">
-    <choice>
-      <value>ctr</value>
-      <value>off</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_HierarchyAlignment">
-    <choice>
-      <value>tL</value>
-      <value>tR</value>
-      <value>tCtrCh</value>
-      <value>tCtrDes</value>
-      <value>bL</value>
-      <value>bR</value>
-      <value>bCtrCh</value>
-      <value>bCtrDes</value>
-      <value>lT</value>
-      <value>lB</value>
-      <value>lCtrCh</value>
-      <value>lCtrDes</value>
-      <value>rT</value>
-      <value>rB</value>
-      <value>rCtrCh</value>
-      <value>rCtrDes</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_FunctionValue">
-    <choice>
-      <data type="int"/>
-      <data type="boolean"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_Direction"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_HierBranchStyle"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_AnimOneStr"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_AnimLvlStr"/>
-      <ref name="ddgrm_ST_ResizeHandlesStr"/>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_VariableType">
-    <choice>
-      <value>none</value>
-      <value>orgChart</value>
-      <value>chMax</value>
-      <value>chPref</value>
-      <value>bulEnabled</value>
-      <value>dir</value>
-      <value>hierBranch</value>
-      <value>animOne</value>
-      <value>animLvl</value>
-      <value>resizeHandles</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_FunctionArgument">
-    <ref name="ddgrm_ST_VariableType"/>
-  </define>
-  <define name="ddgrm_ST_OutputShapeType">
-    <choice>
-      <value>none</value>
-      <value>conn</value>
-    </choice>
-  </define>
diff --git a/schemas/OOXML/transitional/dml-lockedCanvas.rng b/schemas/OOXML/transitional/dml-lockedCanvas.rng
deleted file mode 100644
index 30d3b6a..0000000
--- a/schemas/OOXML/transitional/dml-lockedCanvas.rng
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<grammar ns="" xmlns="">
-  <define name="dlckcnv_lockedCanvas">
-    <element name="lockedCanvas">
-      <ref name="a_CT_GvmlGroupShape"/>
-    </element>
-  </define>