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[1/4] sentry git commit: SENTRY-1429, SENTRY-1454: fix flaky TestHDFSIntegration, refactor this huge test class, improve its cleanUp and setUp for temp HDFS dirs; divide test class into smoke test class and p2 test class; in post commit run, we will only

Repository: sentry
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/sentry-ha-redesign f88f82ae9 -> 7ff19b555
diff --git a/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/ b/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c791272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and
+ * limitations under the License.
+package org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hdfs;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclStatus;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction;
+import org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hive.StaticUserGroup;
+import org.junit.Assert;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import java.sql.Connection;
+import java.sql.Statement;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+ * This test class includes all HDFS Sync smoke tests
+ */
+public class TestHDFSIntegrationEnd2End extends TestHDFSIntegrationBase {
+  private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory
+      .getLogger(TestHDFSIntegrationEnd2End.class);
+  @Test
+  public void testEnd2End() throws Throwable {
+    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
+    dbNames = new String[]{"db1"};
+    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "db_role", "tab_role", "p1_admin"};
+    admin = "hive";
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group hive");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("create table p1 (s string) partitioned by (month int, day " +
+        "int)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=1, day=1)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=1, day=2)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=2, day=1)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=2, day=2)");
+    // db privileges
+    stmt.execute("create database db5");
+    stmt.execute("create role db_role");
+    stmt.execute("create role tab_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role db_role to group hbase");
+    stmt.execute("grant role tab_role to group flume");
+    stmt.execute("create table db5.p2(id int)");
+    stmt.execute("create role p1_admin");
+    stmt.execute("grant role p1_admin to group hbase");
+    // Verify default db is inaccessible initially
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse", null, "hbase", false);
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", null, "hbase", false);
+    stmt.execute("grant all on database db5 to role db_role");
+    stmt.execute("use db5");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on table p2 to role tab_role");
+    stmt.execute("use default");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db5.db", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db5.db/p2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db5.db/p2", FsAction.ALL, "flume", true);
+    verifyOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse/db5.db", FsAction.ALL, "flume", false);
+    loadData(stmt);
+    verifyHDFSandMR(stmt);
+    // Verify default db is STILL inaccessible after grants but tables are fine
+    verifyOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse", null, "hbase", false);
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE,
+        "hbase", true);
+    adminUgi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
+      @Override
+      public Void run() throws Exception {
+        // Simulate hdfs dfs -setfacl -m <aclantry> <path>
+        AclStatus existing =
+            miniDFS.getFileSystem()
+                .getAclStatus(new Path("/user/hive/warehouse/p1"));
+        ArrayList<AclEntry> newEntries =
+            new ArrayList<AclEntry>(existing.getEntries());
+        newEntries.add(AclEntry.parseAclEntry("user::---", true));
+        newEntries.add(AclEntry.parseAclEntry("group:bla:rwx", true));
+        newEntries.add(AclEntry.parseAclEntry("other::---", true));
+        miniDFS.getFileSystem().setAcl(new Path("/user/hive/warehouse/p1"),
+            newEntries);
+        return null;
+      }
+    });
+    stmt.execute("revoke select on table p1 from role p1_admin");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", null, "hbase", false);
+    // Verify default db grants work
+    stmt.execute("grant select on database default to role p1_admin");
+    verifyOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
+    // Verify default db grants are propagated to the tables
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE,
+        "hbase", true);
+    // Verify default db revokes work
+    stmt.execute("revoke select on database default from role p1_admin");
+    verifyOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse", null, "hbase", false);
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", null, "hbase", false);
+    stmt.execute("grant all on table p1 to role p1_admin");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    stmt.execute("revoke select on table p1 from role p1_admin");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
+    // Verify table rename works when locations are also changed
+    stmt.execute("alter table p1 rename to p3");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
+    //This is true as parent hive object's (p3) ACLS are used.
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3/month=1/day=1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
+    // Verify when oldName == newName and oldPath != newPath
+    stmt.execute("alter table p3 partition (month=1, day=1) rename to partition (month=1, day=3)");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3/month=1/day=3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
+    // Test DB case insensitivity
+    stmt.execute("create database extdb");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on database ExtDb to role p1_admin");
+    writeToPath("/tmp/external/ext100", 5, "foo", "bar");
+    writeToPath("/tmp/external/ext101", 5, "foo", "bar");
+    stmt.execute("use extdb");
+    stmt.execute(
+        "create table ext100 (s string) location \'/tmp/external/ext100\'");
+    verifyQuery(stmt, "ext100", 5);
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext100", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    stmt.execute("use default");
+    stmt.execute("use EXTDB");
+    stmt.execute(
+        "create table ext101 (s string) location \'/tmp/external/ext101\'");
+    verifyQuery(stmt, "ext101", 5);
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext101", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    // Test table case insensitivity
+    stmt.execute("grant all on table exT100 to role tab_role");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext100", FsAction.ALL, "flume", true);
+    stmt.execute("use default");
+    //TODO: SENTRY-795: HDFS permissions do not sync when Sentry restarts in HA mode.
+    if(!testSentryHA) {
+      long beforeStop = System.currentTimeMillis();
+      sentryServer.stopAll();
+      long timeTakenForStopMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - beforeStop;
+"Time taken for Sentry server stop: " + timeTakenForStopMs);
+      // Verify that Sentry permission are still enforced for the "stale" period only if stop did not take too long
+      if(timeTakenForStopMs < STALE_THRESHOLD) {
+        verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
+        Thread.sleep((STALE_THRESHOLD - timeTakenForStopMs));
+      } else {
+        LOGGER.warn("Sentry server stop took too long");
+      }
+      // Verify that Sentry permission are NOT enforced AFTER "stale" period
+      verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3", null, "hbase", false);
+      sentryServer.startAll();
+    }
+    // Verify that After Sentry restart permissions are re-enforced
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
+    // Create new table and verify everything is fine after restart...
+    stmt.execute("create table p2 (s string) partitioned by (month int, day int)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table p2 add partition (month=1, day=1)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table p2 add partition (month=1, day=2)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table p2 add partition (month=2, day=1)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table p2 add partition (month=2, day=2)");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p2", null, "hbase", false);
+    stmt.execute("grant select on table p2 to role p1_admin");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
+    stmt.execute("grant select on table p2 to role p1_admin");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
+    // Create external table
+    writeToPath("/tmp/external/ext1", 5, "foo", "bar");
+    stmt.execute("create table ext1 (s string) location \'/tmp/external/ext1\'");
+    verifyQuery(stmt, "ext1", 5);
+    // Ensure existing group permissions are never returned..
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext1", null, "bar", false);
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext1", null, "hbase", false);
+    stmt.execute("grant all on table ext1 to role p1_admin");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    stmt.execute("revoke select on table ext1 from role p1_admin");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
+    // Verify database operations works correctly
+    stmt.execute("create database db1");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db", null, "hbase", false);
+    stmt.execute("create table db1.tbl1 (s string)");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl1", null, "hbase", false);
+    stmt.execute("create table db1.tbl2 (s string)");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl2", null, "hbase", false);
+    // Verify default db grants do not affect other dbs
+    stmt.execute("grant all on database default to role p1_admin");
+    verifyOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db", null, "hbase", false);
+    // Verify table rename works
+    stmt.execute("create table q1 (s string)");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/q1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    stmt.execute("alter table q1 rename to q2");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/q2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    // Verify table GRANTS do not trump db GRANTS
+    stmt.execute("grant select on table q2 to role p1_admin");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/q2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    stmt.execute("create table q3 (s string)");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/q3", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/q2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    // Verify db privileges are propagated to tables
+    stmt.execute("grant select on database db1 to role p1_admin");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
+    // Verify default db revokes do not affect other dbs
+    stmt.execute("revoke all on database default from role p1_admin");
+    verifyOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse", null, "hbase", false);
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
+    stmt.execute("use db1");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on table tbl1 to role p1_admin");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
+    // Verify recursive revoke
+    stmt.execute("revoke select on database db1 from role p1_admin");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl2", null, "hbase", false);
+    // Verify cleanup..
+    stmt.execute("drop table tbl1");
+    Assert.assertFalse(miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(new Path("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl1")));
+    stmt.execute("drop table tbl2");
+    Assert.assertFalse(miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(new Path("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl2")));
+    stmt.execute("use default");
+    stmt.execute("drop database db1");
+    Assert.assertFalse(miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(new Path("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db")));
+    // START : Verify external table set location..
+    writeToPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1", 5, "foo", "bar");
+    writeToPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2", 5, "foo", "bar");
+    stmt.execute("create external table ext2 (s string) partitioned by (i int) location \'/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before\'");
+    stmt.execute("alter table ext2 add partition (i=1)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table ext2 add partition (i=2)");
+    verifyQuery(stmt, "ext2", 10);
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before", null, "hbase", false);
+    stmt.execute("grant all on table ext2 to role p1_admin");
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    writeToPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1", 6, "foo", "bar");
+    writeToPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=2", 6, "foo", "bar");
+    stmt.execute("alter table ext2 set location \'hdfs:///tmp/external/tables/ext2_after\'");
+    // Even though table location is altered, partition location is still old (still 10 rows)
+    verifyQuery(stmt, "ext2", 10);
+    // You have to explicitly alter partition location..
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before", null, "hbase", false);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    stmt.execute("alter table ext2 partition (i=1) set location \'hdfs:///tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1\'");
+    stmt.execute("alter table ext2 partition (i=2) set location \'hdfs:///tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=2\'");
+    // Now that partition location is altered, it picks up new data (12 rows instead of 10)
+    verifyQuery(stmt, "ext2", 12);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before", null, "hbase", false);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1", null, "hbase", false);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2", null, "hbase", false);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1/stuff.txt", null, "hbase", false);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2/stuff.txt", null, "hbase", false);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=2/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    // END : Verify external table set location..
+    //Create a new table partition on the existing partition
+    stmt.execute("create table tmp (s string) partitioned by (i int)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table tmp add partition (i=1)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table tmp partition (i=1) set location \'hdfs:///tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1\'");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on table tmp to role tab_role");
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1", FsAction.ALL, "flume", true);
+    //Alter table rename of external table => oldName != newName, oldPath == newPath
+    stmt.execute("alter table ext2 rename to ext3");
+    //Verify all original paths still have the privileges
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1", FsAction.ALL, "flume", true);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=2/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    // Restart HDFS to verify if things are fine after re-start..
+    // TODO : this is currently commented out since miniDFS.restartNameNode() does
+    //        not work corectly on the version of hadoop sentry depends on
+    //        This has been verified to work on a real cluster.
+    //        Once miniDFS is fixed, this should be uncommented..
+    // miniDFS.shutdown();
+    // miniDFS.restartNameNode(true);
+    // miniDFS.waitActive();
+    // verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
+    // verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+  }
+  //SENTRY-780
+  @Test
+  public void testViews() throws Throwable {
+    String dbName= "db1";
+    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
+    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
+    roles = new String[]{"admin_role"};
+    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    try {
+      stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
+      stmt.execute("create table test(a string)");
+      stmt.execute("create view testView as select * from test");
+      stmt.execute("create or replace view testView as select * from test");
+      stmt.execute("drop view testView");
+    } catch(Exception s) {
+      throw s;
+    }
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+  }
+  /*
+  @Test
+  public void testAllColumn() throws Throwable {
+    String dbName = "db2";
+    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
+    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
+    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "col_role"};
+    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role with grant option");
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("create table p1 (c1 string, c2 string) partitioned by (month int, day int)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=1, day=1)");
+    loadDataTwoCols(stmt);
+    stmt.execute("create role col_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant select(c1,c2) on p1 to role col_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role col_role to group "+ StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
+    Thread.sleep(100);
+    //User with privileges on all columns of the data cannot still read the HDFS files
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/p1", null, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, false);
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testColumnPrivileges() throws Throwable {
+    String dbName = "db2";
+    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
+    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
+    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "tab_role", "db_role", "col_role"};
+    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role with grant option");
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("use "+ dbName);
+    stmt.execute("create table p1 (s string) partitioned by (month int, day int)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=1, day=1)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=1, day=2)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=2, day=1)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=2, day=2)");
+    loadData(stmt);
+    stmt.execute("create role db_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant select on database " + dbName + " to role db_role");
+    stmt.execute("create role tab_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant select on p1 to role tab_role");
+    stmt.execute("create role col_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant select(s) on p1 to role col_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role col_role to group "+ StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
+    stmt.execute("grant role tab_role to group "+ StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP2);
+    stmt.execute("grant role col_role to group "+ StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP2);
+    stmt.execute("grant role db_role to group "+ StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3);
+    stmt.execute("grant role col_role to group "+ StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3);
+    stmt.execute("grant role col_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
+    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
+    //User with just column level privileges cannot read HDFS
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/p1", null, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, false);
+    //User with permissions on table and column can read HDFS file
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/p1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP2, true);
+    //User with permissions on db and column can read HDFS file
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/p1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3, true);
+    //User with permissions on server and column cannot read HDFS file
+    //TODO:SENTRY-751
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/p1", null, StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP, false);
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+  }
+  @Ignore("SENTRY-546")
+  @Test
+  public void testExternalTable() throws Throwable {
+    String dbName = "db2";
+    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
+    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
+    roles = new String[]{"admin_role"};
+    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on uri 'hdfs:///tmp/external' to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("create external table tab1(a int) location '/tmp/external/tab1_loc'");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tab1_loc", FsAction.ALL, StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP, true);
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+  }
diff --git a/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/ b/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/
index be6d082..a911e2f 100644
--- a/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/
+++ b/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ import org.junit.BeforeClass;
 import org.junit.Ignore;
 @Ignore ("Disable sentry HA tests for now")
-public class TestHDFSIntegrationWithHA extends TestHDFSIntegration {
+public class TestHDFSIntegrationWithHA extends TestHDFSIntegrationBase {
   public static void setup() throws Exception {
-    TestHDFSIntegration.testSentryHA = true;
-    TestHDFSIntegration.setup();
+    TestHDFSIntegrationBase.testSentryHA = true;
+    TestHDFSIntegrationBase.setup();

[4/4] sentry git commit: SENTRY-1429, SENTRY-1454: fix flaky TestHDFSIntegration, refactor this huge test class, improve its cleanUp and setUp for temp HDFS dirs; divide test class into smoke test class and p2 test class; in post commit run, we will only

Posted by
SENTRY-1429, SENTRY-1454: fix flaky TestHDFSIntegration, refactor this huge test class, improve its cleanUp and setUp for temp HDFS dirs; divide test class into smoke test class and p2 test class; in post commit run, we will only run smoke tests. (Anne Yu, reviewed by Sravya Tirukkovalur and Hao Hao)
SENTRY-1454:Fix intermittent time out issue for TestHDFSIntegration (Anne Yu, reviewed by Sravya Tirukkovalur)
SENTRY-1456: SENTRY-1454 follow up: Commit message and rat check failure. (Anne Yu, reviewed by
 Sravya Tirukkovalur).
Using project.version instead of version (Colm O hEigeartaigh)
 # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting


Branch: refs/heads/sentry-ha-redesign
Commit: 7ff19b555a43a32ca372a670acaa58a196d069f6
Parents: f88f82a
Author: Alexander Kolbasov <>
Authored: Mon Mar 13 01:25:13 2017 -0700
Committer: Alexander Kolbasov <>
Committed: Mon Mar 13 01:25:13 2017 -0700

 pom.xml                                         |    1 +
 sentry-provider/sentry-provider-db/pom.xml      |    2 +-
 .../tests/e2e/hdfs/     |    2 +-
 .../tests/e2e/hdfs/     | 2102 ------------------
 .../e2e/hdfs/   |  793 +++++++
 .../tests/e2e/hdfs/ |  779 +++++++
 .../e2e/hdfs/    |  549 +++++
 .../e2e/hdfs/     |    6 +-
 8 files changed, 2127 insertions(+), 2107 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index c75b68c..a52e5ac 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -975,6 +975,7 @@ limitations under the License.
             <excludes combine.children="append">
+              <exclude>%regex[org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hdfs.TestHDFS.*.class]</exclude>
diff --git a/sentry-provider/sentry-provider-db/pom.xml b/sentry-provider/sentry-provider-db/pom.xml
index a0ab56e..14ad6a2 100644
--- a/sentry-provider/sentry-provider-db/pom.xml
+++ b/sentry-provider/sentry-provider-db/pom.xml
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ limitations under the License.
-             <value>${version}</value>
+             <value>${project.version}</value>
diff --git a/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive-v2/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/ b/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive-v2/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/
index 5dab641..5e8b2fa 100644
--- a/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive-v2/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/
+++ b/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive-v2/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/
@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ public class TestHDFSIntegration {
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setPermission(tmpHDFSDir, FsPermission.valueOf("drwxrwx---"));
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setPermission(tmpHDFSDir, FsPermission.valueOf("drwxrwx--x"));
     Path partitionDir = new Path("/tmp/external/p1");
     if (!miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(partitionDir)) {

[2/4] sentry git commit: SENTRY-1429, SENTRY-1454: fix flaky TestHDFSIntegration, refactor this huge test class, improve its cleanUp and setUp for temp HDFS dirs; divide test class into smoke test class and p2 test class; in post commit run, we will only

Posted by
diff --git a/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/ b/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a425c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/
@@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hdfs;
+import java.sql.Connection;
+import java.sql.Statement;
+import org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.PathUtils;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
+import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.StorageDescriptor;
+import org.apache.sentry.hdfs.PathsUpdate;
+import org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hive.StaticUserGroup;
+import org.junit.Assert;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table;
+ * Advanced tests for HDFS Sync integration
+ */
+public class TestHDFSIntegrationAdvanced extends TestHDFSIntegrationBase {
+  private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory
+      .getLogger(TestHDFSIntegrationAdvanced.class);
+  @Test
+  public void testNoPartitionInsert() throws Throwable {
+    dbNames = new String[]{"db1"};
+    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "tab_role"};
+    admin = "hive";
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group hive");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
+    //Create table and grant select to user flume
+    stmt.execute("create database db1");
+    stmt.execute("use db1");
+    stmt.execute("create table t1 (s string)");
+    stmt.execute("create role tab_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant select on table t1 to role tab_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role tab_role to group flume");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/t1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "flume", true);
+    stmt.execute("INSERT INTO TABLE t1 VALUES (1)");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/t1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "flume", true);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Make sure non HDFS paths are not added to the object - location map.
+   * @throws Throwable
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testNonHDFSLocations() throws Throwable {
+    String dbName = "db2";
+    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
+    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "user_role"};
+    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on uri 'file:///tmp/external' to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on uri 'hdfs:///tmp/external' to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(admin, admin);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role user_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on database " + dbName + " to role user_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role user_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(admin, admin);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    //External table on local file system
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(new Path("/tmp/external/tab1_loc"));
+    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("create external table tab1(a int) location 'file:///tmp/external/tab1_loc'");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tab1_loc", null, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, false);
+    //External partitioned table on local file system
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(new Path("/tmp/external/tab2_loc/i=1"));
+    stmt.execute("create external table tab2 (s string) partitioned by (i int) location 'file:///tmp/external/tab2_loc'");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tab2_loc", null, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, false);
+    //Partition on local file system
+    stmt.execute("alter table tab2 add partition (i=1)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table tab2 partition (i=1) set location 'file:///tmp/external/tab2_loc/i=1'");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tab2_loc/i=1", null, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, false);
+    //HDFS to local file system, also make sure does not specifying scheme still works
+    stmt.execute("create external table tab3(a int) location '/tmp/external/tab3_loc'");
+    // SENTRY-546
+    // verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tab3_loc", FsAction.ALL, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tab3_loc", null, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
+    stmt.execute("alter table tab3 set location 'file:///tmp/external/tab3_loc'");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tab3_loc", null, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, false);
+    //Local file system to HDFS
+    stmt.execute("create table tab4(a int) location 'file:///tmp/external/tab4_loc'");
+    stmt.execute("alter table tab4 set location 'hdfs:///tmp/external/tab4_loc'");
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(new Path("/tmp/external/tab4_loc"));
+    // SENTRY-546
+    // verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tab4_loc", FsAction.ALL, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tab4_loc", null, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Make sure when events such as table creation fail, the path should not be sync to NameNode plugin.
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testTableCreationFailure() throws Throwable {
+    String dbName = "db1";
+    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
+    roles = new String[]{"admin_role"};
+    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on uri 'hdfs:///tmp/external' to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.HIVE);
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setOwner(tmpHDFSDir, "hdfs", "hdfs");
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setPermission(tmpHDFSDir, FsPermission.valueOf("drwxrwx---"));
+    // Expect table creation to fail because hive:hive does not have
+    // permission to write at parent directory.
+    try {
+      stmt.execute("create external table tab1(a int) location '" + tmpHDFSPartitionStr + "'");
+"Expect table creation to fail");
+    } catch  (Exception ex) {
+      LOGGER.error("Exception when creating table: " + ex.getMessage());
+    }
+    // When the table creation failed, the path will not be managed by sentry. And the
+    // permission of the path will not be hive:hive.
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/p1", null, StaticUserGroup.HIVE, true);
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Make sure when events such as add partition fail, the path should not be sync to NameNode plugin.
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testAddPartitionFailure() throws Throwable {
+    String dbName = "db1";
+    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
+    roles = new String[]{"admin_role"};
+    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("create external table tab2 (s string) partitioned by (month int)");
+    // Expect adding partition to fail because hive:hive does not have
+    // permission to write at parent directory.
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setOwner(tmpHDFSDir, "hdfs", "hdfs");
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setPermission(tmpHDFSDir, FsPermission.valueOf("drwxrwx---"));
+    try {
+      stmt.execute("alter table tab2 add partition (month = 1) location '" + tmpHDFSPartitionStr + "'");
+"Expect adding partition to fail");
+    } catch  (Exception ex) {
+      LOGGER.error("Exception when adding partition: " + ex.getMessage());
+    }
+    // When the table creation failed, the path will not be managed by sentry. And the
+    // permission of the path will not be hive:hive.
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/p1", null, StaticUserGroup.HIVE, true);
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Make sure when events such as drop table fail, the path should not be sync to NameNode plugin.
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testDropTableFailure() throws Throwable {
+    String dbName = "db1";
+    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
+    roles = new String[]{"admin_role"};
+    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
+"create external table in " + tmpHDFSPartitionStr);
+    stmt.execute("create external table tab1(a int) partitioned by (date string) location 'hdfs://" + tmpHDFSPartitionStr + "'");
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setOwner(tmpHDFSDir, "hdfs", "hdfs");
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setPermission(tmpHDFSDir, FsPermission.valueOf("drwxrwx---"));
+    // Expect dropping table to fail because hive:hive does not have
+    // permission to write at parent directory when
+    // property is true.
+    try {
+      stmt.execute("set");
+      stmt.execute("drop table tab1");
+"Expect dropping table to fail");
+    } catch  (Exception ex) {
+      LOGGER.error("Exception when creating table: " + ex.getMessage());
+    }
+    // When the table dropping failed, the path will still be managed by sentry. And the
+    // permission of the path still should be hive:hive.
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs(tmpHDFSPartitionStr, FsAction.ALL, StaticUserGroup.HIVE, true);
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Make sure when events such as drop table fail, the path should not be sync to NameNode plugin.
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testDropPartitionFailure() throws Throwable {
+    String dbName = "db1";
+    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
+    roles = new String[]{"admin_role"};
+    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("create table tab3 (s string) partitioned by (month int)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table tab3 add partition (month = 1) location '" + tmpHDFSPartitionStr + "'");
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setOwner(tmpHDFSDir, "hdfs", "hdfs");
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setPermission(tmpHDFSDir, FsPermission.valueOf("drwxrwx---"));
+    // Expect dropping partition to fail because because hive:hive does not have
+    // permission to write at parent directory.
+    try {
+      stmt.execute("ALTER TABLE tab3 DROP PARTITION (month = 1)");
+"Expect dropping partition to fail");
+    } catch  (Exception ex) {
+      LOGGER.error("Exception when dropping partition: " + ex.getMessage());
+    }
+    // When the partition dropping failed, the path for the partition will still
+    // be managed by sentry. And the permission of the path still should be hive:hive.
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs(tmpHDFSPartitionStr, FsAction.ALL, StaticUserGroup.HIVE, true);
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testURIsWithoutSchemeandAuthority() throws Throwable {
+    // In the local test environment, EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE is false,
+    // set the default URI scheme to be hdfs.
+    boolean testConfOff = Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty(EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE, "false"));
+    if (!testConfOff) {
+      PathUtils.getConfiguration().set("fs.defaultFS", fsURI);
+    }
+    String dbName= "db1";
+    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
+    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "db_role"};
+    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("create role db_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant create on database " + dbName +" to role db_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on URI '/tmp/external' to role db_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role db_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.USER1_1, StaticUserGroup.USER1_1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("create external table tab1 (s string) location '/tmp/external'");
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Test combination of "grant all on URI" where URI has scheme,
+   * followed by "create external table" where location URI has no scheme.
+   * Neither URI has authority.
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testURIsWithAndWithoutSchemeNoAuthority() throws Throwable {
+    // In the local test environment, EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE is false,
+    // set the default URI scheme to be hdfs.
+    boolean testConfOff = Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty(EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE, "false"));
+    if (!testConfOff) {
+      PathUtils.getConfiguration().set("fs.defaultFS", fsURI);
+    }
+    String dbName= "db1";
+    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
+    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "db_role"};
+    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("create role db_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on database " + dbName +" to role db_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on URI 'hdfs:///tmp/external' to role db_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role db_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.USER1_1, StaticUserGroup.USER1_1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("create external table tab1 (s string) location '/tmp/external'");
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Test combination of "grant all on URI" where URI has no scheme,
+   * followed by "create external table" where location URI has scheme.
+   * Neither URI has authority.
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testURIsWithoutAndWithSchemeNoAuthority() throws Throwable {
+    // In the local test environment, EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE is false,
+    // set the default URI scheme to be hdfs.
+    boolean testConfOff = Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty(EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE, "false"));
+    if (!testConfOff) {
+      PathUtils.getConfiguration().set("fs.defaultFS", fsURI);
+    }
+    String dbName= "db1";
+    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
+    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "db_role"};
+    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("create role db_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on database " + dbName +" to role db_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on URI '/tmp/external' to role db_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role db_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.USER1_1, StaticUserGroup.USER1_1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("create external table tab1 (s string) location 'hdfs:///tmp/external'");
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Test combination of "grant all on URI" where URI has scheme and authority,
+   * followed by "create external table" where location URI has neither scheme nor authority.
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testURIsWithAndWithoutSchemeAndAuthority() throws Throwable {
+    // In the local test environment, EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE is false,
+    // set the default URI scheme to be hdfs.
+    boolean testConfOff = Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty(EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE, "false"));
+    if (!testConfOff) {
+      PathUtils.getConfiguration().set("fs.defaultFS", fsURI);
+    }
+    String dbName= "db1";
+    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
+    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "db_role"};
+    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("create role db_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on database " + dbName +" to role db_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on URI 'hdfs://" + new URI(fsURI).getAuthority() + "/tmp/external' to role db_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role db_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.USER1_1, StaticUserGroup.USER1_1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("create external table tab1 (s string) location '/tmp/external'");
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+  }
+  //SENTRY-884
+  @Test
+  public void testAccessToTableDirectory() throws Throwable {
+    String dbName= "db1";
+    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
+    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "table_role"};
+    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("create table tb1(a string)");
+    stmt.execute("create role table_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on table tb1 to role table_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role table_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
+    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
+    //Verify user1 is able to access table directory
+    verifyAccessToPath(StaticUserGroup.USER1_1, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, "/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tb1", true);
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+  }
+  /* SENTRY-953 */
+  @Test
+  public void testAuthzObjOnPartitionMultipleTables() throws Throwable {
+    String dbName = "db1";
+    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
+    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "tab1_role", "tab2_role", "tab3_role"};
+    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
+    // Create external table tab1 on location '/tmp/external/p1'.
+    // Create tab1_role, and grant it with insert permission on table tab1 to user_group1.
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("create external table tab1 (s string) partitioned by (month int) location '/tmp/external/p1'");
+    stmt.execute("create role tab1_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant insert on table tab1 to role tab1_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role tab1_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
+    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
+    // Verify that user_group1 has insert(write_execute) permission on '/tmp/external/p1'.
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/p1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
+    // Create external table tab2 and partition on location '/tmp/external'.
+    // Create tab2_role, and grant it with select permission on table tab2 to user_group2.
+    stmt.execute("create external table tab2 (s string) partitioned by (month int)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table tab2 add partition (month = 1) location '" + tmpHDFSPartitionStr + "'");
+    stmt.execute("create role tab2_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant select on table tab2 to role tab2_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role tab2_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP2);
+    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
+    // Verify that user_group2 have select(read_execute) permission on both paths.
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/tab2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP2, true);
+    verifyOnPath(tmpHDFSDirStr, FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP2, true);
+    // Create table tab3 and partition on the same location '/tmp/external' as tab2.
+    // Create tab3_role, and grant it with insert permission on table tab3 to user_group3.
+    stmt.execute("create table tab3 (s string) partitioned by (month int)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table tab3 add partition (month = 1) location '" + tmpHDFSDirStr + "'");
+    stmt.execute("create role tab3_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant insert on table tab3 to role tab3_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role tab3_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3);
+    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
+    // When two partitions of different tables pointing to the same location with different grants,
+    // ACLs should have union (no duplicates) of both rules.
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/tab3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3, true);
+    verifyOnPath(tmpHDFSDirStr, FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP2, true);
+    verifyOnPath(tmpHDFSDirStr, FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3, true);
+    // When alter the table name (tab2 to be tabx), ACLs should remain the same.
+    stmt.execute("alter table tab2 rename to tabx");
+    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
+    verifyOnPath(tmpHDFSDirStr, FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP2, true);
+    verifyOnPath(tmpHDFSDirStr, FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3, true);
+    // When drop a partition that shares the same location with other partition belonging to
+    // other table, should still have the other table permissions.
+    stmt.execute("ALTER TABLE tabx DROP PARTITION (month = 1)");
+    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/tab3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3, true);
+    verifyOnPath(tmpHDFSDirStr, FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3, true);
+    // When drop a table that has a partition shares the same location with other partition
+    // belonging to other table, should still have the other table permissions.
+    stmt.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tabx");
+    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/tab3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3, true);
+    verifyOnPath(tmpHDFSDirStr, FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3, true);
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().delete(partitionDir, true);
+  }
+  /* SENTRY-953 */
+  @Test
+  public void testAuthzObjOnPartitionSameTable() throws Throwable {
+    String dbName = "db1";
+    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
+    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "tab1_role"};
+    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
+    // Create table tab1 and partition on the same location '/tmp/external/p1'.
+    // Create tab1_role, and grant it with insert permission on table tab1 to user_group1.
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("create table tab1 (s string) partitioned by (month int)");
+    stmt.execute("alter table tab1 add partition (month = 1) location '/tmp/external/p1'");
+    stmt.execute("create role tab1_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant insert on table tab1 to role tab1_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role tab1_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
+    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
+    // Verify that user_group1 has insert(write_execute) permission on '/tmp/external/p1'.
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/p1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
+    // When two partitions of the same table pointing to the same location,
+    // ACLS should not be repeated. Exception will be thrown if there are duplicates.
+    stmt.execute("alter table tab1 add partition (month = 2) location '/tmp/external/p1'");
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/p1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+  }
+  /* SENTRY-953 */
+  @Test
+  public void testAuthzObjOnMultipleTables() throws Throwable {
+    String dbName = "db1";
+    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
+    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "tab1_role", "tab2_role"};
+    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
+    // Create external table tab1 on location '/tmp/external/p1'.
+    // Create tab1_role, and grant it with insert permission on table tab1 to user_group1.
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
+    stmt.execute("create external table tab1 (s string) partitioned by (month int) location '/tmp/external/p1'");
+    stmt.execute("create role tab1_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant insert on table tab1 to role tab1_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role tab1_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
+    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
+    // Verify that user_group1 has insert(write_execute) permission on '/tmp/external/p1'.
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/p1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
+    // Create table tab2 on the same location '/tmp/external/p1' as table tab1.
+    // Create tab2_role, and grant it with select permission on table tab2 to user_group1.
+    stmt.execute("create table tab2 (s string) partitioned by (month int) location '/tmp/external/p1'");
+    stmt.execute("create role tab2_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant select on table tab2 to role tab2_role");
+    stmt.execute("grant role tab2_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
+    // When two tables pointing to the same location, ACLS should have union (no duplicates)
+    // of both rules.
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/p1", FsAction.ALL, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
+    // When drop table tab1, ACLs of tab2 still remain.
+    stmt.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tab1");
+    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
+    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/p1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+  }
+  /**
+   * SENTRY-1002:
+   * Ensure the paths with no scheme will not cause NPE during paths update.
+   */
+   @Test
+   public void testMissingScheme() throws Throwable {
+     // In the local test environment, EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE is false,
+     // set the default URI scheme to be hdfs.
+     boolean testConfOff = Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty(EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE, "false"));
+     if (!testConfOff) {
+       PathsUpdate.getConfiguration().set("fs.defaultFS", "hdfs:///");
+     }
+     String dbName = "db1";
+     String tblName = "tab1";
+     dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
+     roles = new String[]{"admin_role"};
+     admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
+     Connection conn;
+     Statement stmt;
+     conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+     stmt = conn.createStatement();
+     stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
+     stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
+     stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
+     stmt.close();
+     conn.close();
+     conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
+     stmt = conn.createStatement();
+     stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
+     stmt.execute("create external table " + dbName + "." + tblName + "(s string) location '/tmp/external/p1'");
+     // Deep copy of table tab1
+     Table tbCopy = hmsClient.getTable(dbName, tblName);
+     // Change the location of the table to strip the scheme.
+     StorageDescriptor sd = hmsClient.getTable(dbName, tblName).getSd();
+     sd.setLocation("/tmp/external");
+     tbCopy.setSd(sd);
+     // Alter table tab1 to be tbCopy which is at scheme-less location.
+     // And the corresponding path will be updated to sentry server.
+     hmsClient.alter_table(dbName, "tab1", tbCopy);
+     Assert.assertEquals(hmsClient.getTable(dbName, tblName).getSd().getLocation(), "/tmp/external");
+     verifyOnPath("/tmp/external", FsAction.ALL, StaticUserGroup.HIVE, true);
+     stmt.close();
+     conn.close();
+   }
diff --git a/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/ b/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4fc8e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/
@@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hdfs;
+import java.sql.Connection;
+import java.sql.ResultSet;
+import java.sql.SQLException;
+import java.sql.Statement;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.StringTokenizer;
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
+import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntryType;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclStatus;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
+import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.*;
+import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.EditLogFileOutputStream;
+import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf;
+import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf.ConfVars;
+import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient;
+import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapReduceBase;
+import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Mapper;
+import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector;
+import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reducer;
+import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter;
+import org.apache.sentry.binding.hive.SentryHiveAuthorizationTaskFactoryImpl;
+import org.apache.sentry.binding.hive.conf.HiveAuthzConf;
+import org.apache.sentry.hdfs.SentryINodeAttributesProvider;
+import org.apache.sentry.core.common.exception.SentryAlreadyExistsException;
+import org.apache.sentry.provider.file.LocalGroupResourceAuthorizationProvider;
+import org.apache.sentry.provider.file.PolicyFile;
+import org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hive.StaticUserGroup;
+import org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hive.fs.MiniDFS;
+import org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hive.hiveserver.HiveServerFactory;
+import org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hive.hiveserver.InternalHiveServer;
+import org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hive.hiveserver.InternalMetastoreServer;
+import org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.minisentry.SentrySrv;
+import org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.minisentry.SentrySrvFactory;
+import org.fest.reflect.core.Reflection;
+import org.apache.sentry.service.thrift.ServiceConstants.ServerConfig;
+import org.apache.sentry.provider.db.SimpleDBProviderBackend;
+import org.junit.*;
+import org.junit.rules.Timeout;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+ * Base abstract class for HDFS Sync integration
+ * (both Non-HA and HA modes)
+ */
+public abstract class TestHDFSIntegrationBase {
+  private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory
+      .getLogger(TestHDFSIntegrationBase.class);
+  @ClassRule
+  public static Timeout classTimeout = new Timeout(1200000); //millis, each class runs less than 600s (10m)
+  @Rule
+  public Timeout timeout = new Timeout(360000); //millis, each test runs less than 180s (3m)
+  public static class WordCountMapper extends MapReduceBase implements
+      Mapper<LongWritable, Text, String, Long> {
+    public void map(LongWritable key, Text value,
+                    OutputCollector<String, Long> output, Reporter reporter)
+        throws IOException {
+      StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value.toString());
+      while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
+        output.collect(st.nextToken(), 1L);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  public static class SumReducer extends MapReduceBase implements
+      Reducer<Text, Long, Text, Long> {
+    public void reduce(Text key, Iterator<Long> values,
+                       OutputCollector<Text, Long> output, Reporter reporter)
+        throws IOException {
+      long sum = 0;
+      while (values.hasNext()) {
+        sum +=;
+      }
+      output.collect(key, sum);
+    }
+  }
+  protected static final int NUM_RETRIES = 10;
+  protected static final int RETRY_WAIT = 1000; //ms
+  protected static final String EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE = "sentry.e2etest.external.sentry";
+  protected static MiniDFSCluster miniDFS;
+  protected static InternalHiveServer hiveServer2;
+  protected static InternalMetastoreServer metastore;
+  protected static HiveMetaStoreClient hmsClient;
+  protected static int sentryPort = -1;
+  protected static SentrySrv sentryServer;
+  protected static boolean testSentryHA = false;
+  protected static final long STALE_THRESHOLD = 5000;
+  protected static final long CACHE_REFRESH = 100; //Default is 500, but we want it to be low
+  // in our tests so that changes reflect soon
+  protected static String fsURI;
+  protected static int hmsPort;
+  protected static File baseDir;
+  protected static File policyFileLocation;
+  protected static UserGroupInformation adminUgi;
+  protected static UserGroupInformation hiveUgi;
+  // Variables which are used for cleanup after test
+  // Please set these values in each test
+  protected Path tmpHDFSDir;
+  protected String tmpHDFSDirStr;
+  protected String tmpHDFSPartitionStr;
+  protected Path partitionDir;
+  protected String[] dbNames;
+  protected String[] roles;
+  protected String admin;
+  protected static Configuration hadoopConf;
+  protected static File assertCreateDir(File dir) {
+    if(!dir.isDirectory()) {
+      Assert.assertTrue("Failed creating " + dir, dir.mkdirs());
+    }
+    return dir;
+  }
+  private static int findPort() throws IOException {
+    ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(0);
+    int port = socket.getLocalPort();
+    socket.close();
+    return port;
+  }
+  protected void verifyOnAllSubDirs(String path, FsAction fsAction, String group, boolean groupShouldExist) throws Throwable {
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs(path, fsAction, group, groupShouldExist, true);
+  }
+  protected void verifyOnPath(String path, FsAction fsAction, String group, boolean groupShouldExist) throws Throwable {
+    long elapsed_Time = 0, start_time = System.nanoTime();
+    final long TOTAL_SYNC_TIME = NUM_RETRIES * RETRY_WAIT; //ms
+    while (elapsed_Time <= TOTAL_SYNC_TIME) {
+      try {
+        verifyOnAllSubDirs(path, fsAction, group, groupShouldExist, false);
+        break;
+      } catch (Exception ex) {
+        LOGGER.warn("verifyOnAllSubDirs fails: elapsed time = " + elapsed_Time + " ms.");
+      }
+      elapsed_Time = (System.nanoTime() - start_time) / 1000000L; //ms
+    }
+    Assert.assertTrue(elapsed_Time <= TOTAL_SYNC_TIME);
+  }
+  protected void verifyOnAllSubDirs(String path, FsAction fsAction, String group, boolean groupShouldExist, boolean recurse) throws Throwable {
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs(new Path(path), fsAction, group, groupShouldExist, recurse, NUM_RETRIES);
+  }
+  protected void verifyOnAllSubDirs(Path p, FsAction fsAction, String group, boolean groupShouldExist, boolean recurse, int retry) throws Throwable {
+    Assert.assertTrue("Failed to verify ACLs on path and its children: " + p.getName(),
+        verifyOnAllSubDirsHelper(p, fsAction, group, groupShouldExist, recurse, retry));
+  }
+  private boolean verifyOnAllSubDirsHelper(Path p, FsAction fsAction, String group,
+                                           boolean groupShouldExist, boolean recurse, int retry) throws Throwable {
+    FileStatus fStatus = null;
+    boolean hasSucceeded = false;
+    // validate parent dir's acls
+    try {
+      fStatus = miniDFS.getFileSystem().getFileStatus(p);
+      if (groupShouldExist) {
+        Assert.assertEquals("Error at verifying Path action : " + p + " ;", fsAction, getAcls(p).get(group));
+      } else {
+        Assert.assertFalse("Error at verifying Path : " + p + " ," +
+            " group : " + group + " ;", getAcls(p).containsKey(group));
+      }
+"Successfully found acls for path = " + p.getName());
+      hasSucceeded = true;
+    } catch (Throwable th) {
+      if (retry > 0) {
+"Retry: " + retry);
+        Thread.sleep(RETRY_WAIT);
+        hasSucceeded = verifyOnAllSubDirsHelper(p, fsAction, group, groupShouldExist, recurse, retry - 1);
+      } else {
+"Successfully found ACLs for path = " + p.getName());
+        hasSucceeded = true;
+      }
+    }
+    if (!hasSucceeded) {
+      LOGGER.error("Failed to validate ACLs for path = " + p.getName());
+      return false;
+    }
+    // validate children dirs
+    if (recurse && fStatus.isDirectory()) {
+      FileStatus[] children = miniDFS.getFileSystem().listStatus(p);
+      for (FileStatus fs : children) {
+        if (!verifyOnAllSubDirsHelper(fs.getPath(), fsAction, group, groupShouldExist, recurse, NUM_RETRIES)) {
+          LOGGER.error("Failed to validate ACLs for child path = " + fs.getPath().getName());
+          return false;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  protected Map<String, FsAction> getAcls(Path path) throws Exception {
+    AclStatus aclStatus = miniDFS.getFileSystem().getAclStatus(path);
+    Map<String, FsAction> acls = new HashMap<String, FsAction>();
+    for (AclEntry ent : aclStatus.getEntries()) {
+      if (ent.getType().equals(AclEntryType.GROUP)) {
+        // In case of duplicate acl exist, exception should be thrown.
+        if (acls.containsKey(ent.getName())) {
+          throw new SentryAlreadyExistsException("The acl " + ent.getName() + " already exists.\n");
+        } else {
+          acls.put(ent.getName(), ent.getPermission());
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return acls;
+  }
+  protected void loadData(Statement stmt) throws IOException, SQLException {
+    FSDataOutputStream f1 = miniDFS.getFileSystem().create(new Path("/tmp/f1.txt"));
+    f1.writeChars("m1d1_t1\n");
+    f1.writeChars("m1d1_t2\n");
+    f1.writeChars("m1d1_t3\n");
+    f1.flush();
+    f1.close();
+    stmt.execute("load data inpath \'/tmp/f1.txt\' overwrite into table p1 partition (month=1, day=1)");
+    FSDataOutputStream f2 = miniDFS.getFileSystem().create(new Path("/tmp/f2.txt"));
+    f2.writeChars("m2d2_t4\n");
+    f2.writeChars("m2d2_t5\n");
+    f2.writeChars("m2d2_t6\n");
+    f2.flush();
+    f2.close();
+    stmt.execute("load data inpath \'/tmp/f2.txt\' overwrite into table p1 partition (month=2, day=2)");
+    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from p1");
+    List<String> vals = new ArrayList<String>();
+    while ( {
+      vals.add(rs.getString(1));
+    }
+    Assert.assertEquals(6, vals.size());
+    rs.close();
+  }
+  protected void verifyQuery(Statement stmt, String table, int n) throws Throwable {
+    verifyQuery(stmt, table, n, NUM_RETRIES);
+  }
+  protected void verifyQuery(Statement stmt, String table, int n, int retry) throws Throwable {
+    ResultSet rs = null;
+    boolean isSucceeded = false;
+    try {
+      rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from " + table);
+      int numRows = 0;
+      while ( { numRows++; }
+      Assert.assertEquals(n, numRows);
+      isSucceeded = true;
+    } catch (Throwable th) {
+      if (retry > 0) {
+"Retry: " + retry);
+        Thread.sleep(RETRY_WAIT);
+        verifyQuery(stmt, table, n, retry - 1);
+      } else {
+        isSucceeded = true;
+      }
+    }
+    Assert.assertTrue(isSucceeded);
+  }
+  protected void verifyAccessToPath(String user, String group, String path, boolean hasPermission) throws Exception{
+    Path p = new Path(path);
+    FileSystem fs = miniDFS.getFileSystem();
+    try {
+      fs.listFiles(p, true);
+      if(!hasPermission) {
+        Assert.assertFalse("Expected listing files to fail", false);
+      }
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+      if(hasPermission) {
+        throw e;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  protected void writeToPath(String path, int numRows, String user, String group) throws IOException {
+    Path p = new Path(path);
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(p);
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setOwner(p, user, group);
+    FSDataOutputStream f1 = miniDFS.getFileSystem().create(new Path(path + "/stuff.txt"));
+    for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
+      f1.writeChars("random" + i + "\n");
+    }
+    f1.flush();
+    f1.close();
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setOwner(new Path(path + "/stuff.txt"), "asuresh", "supergroup");
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setPermission(new Path(path + "/stuff.txt"),
+    FsPermission.valueOf("-rwxrwx--x"));
+  }
+  protected void verifyHDFSandMR(Statement stmt) throws Throwable {
+    // hbase user should not be allowed to read...
+    UserGroupInformation hbaseUgi = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting("hbase", new String[] {"hbase"});
+    hbaseUgi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
+      @Override
+      public Void run() throws Exception {
+        try {
+          miniDFS.getFileSystem().open(new Path("/user/hive/warehouse/p1/month=1/day=1/f1.txt"));
+"Should not be allowed !!");
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+          Assert.assertEquals("Wrong Error : " + e.getMessage(), true, e.getMessage().contains("Permission denied: user=hbase"));
+        }
+        return null;
+      }
+    });
+    // WordCount should fail..
+    // runWordCount(new JobConf(miniMR.getConfig()), "/user/hive/warehouse/p1/month=1/day=1", "/tmp/wc_out");
+    stmt.execute("grant select on table p1 to role p1_admin");
+    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
+    // hbase user should now be allowed to read...
+    hbaseUgi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
+      @Override
+      public Void run() throws Exception {
+        Path p = new Path("/user/hive/warehouse/p1/month=2/day=2/f2.txt");
+        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(miniDFS.getFileSystem().open(p)));
+        String line = null;
+        List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
+        do {
+          line = in.readLine();
+          if (line != null) {
+            lines.add(line);
+          }
+        } while (line != null);
+        Assert.assertEquals(3, lines.size());
+        in.close();
+        return null;
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  protected void loadDataTwoCols(Statement stmt) throws IOException, SQLException {
+    FSDataOutputStream f1 = miniDFS.getFileSystem().create(new Path("/tmp/f2.txt"));
+    f1.writeChars("m1d1_t1, m1d1_t2\n");
+    f1.writeChars("m1d1_t2, m1d1_t2\n");
+    f1.writeChars("m1d1_t3, m1d1_t2\n");
+    f1.flush();
+    f1.close();
+    stmt.execute("load data inpath \'/tmp/f2.txt\' overwrite into table p1 partition (month=1, day=1)");
+    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from p1");
+    List<String> vals = new ArrayList<String>();
+    while ( {
+      vals.add(rs.getString(1));
+    }
+    Assert.assertEquals(3, vals.size());
+    rs.close();
+  }
+  @BeforeClass
+  public static void setup() throws Exception {
+    Class.forName("org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver");
+    baseDir = Files.createTempDir();
+    policyFileLocation = new File(baseDir, HiveServerFactory.AUTHZ_PROVIDER_FILENAME);
+    PolicyFile policyFile = PolicyFile.setAdminOnServer1("hive")
+        .setUserGroupMapping(StaticUserGroup.getStaticMapping());
+    policyFile.write(policyFileLocation);
+    adminUgi = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting(
+        System.getProperty(""), new String[] { "supergroup" });
+    hiveUgi = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting(
+        "hive", new String[] { "hive" });
+    // Start Sentry
+    startSentry();
+    // Start HDFS and MR
+    startDFSandYARN();
+    // Start HiveServer2 and Metastore
+    startHiveAndMetastore();
+  }
+  @Before
+  public void setUpTempDir() throws IOException {
+    tmpHDFSDirStr = "/tmp/external";
+    tmpHDFSPartitionStr = tmpHDFSDirStr + "/p1";
+    tmpHDFSDir = new Path(tmpHDFSDirStr);
+    if (miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(tmpHDFSDir)) {
+      miniDFS.getFileSystem().delete(tmpHDFSDir, true);
+    }
+    Assert.assertTrue(miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(tmpHDFSDir));
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setOwner(tmpHDFSDir, "hive", "hive");
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setPermission(tmpHDFSDir, FsPermission.valueOf("drwxrwx--x"));
+    partitionDir  = new Path(tmpHDFSPartitionStr);
+    if (miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(partitionDir)) {
+      miniDFS.getFileSystem().delete(partitionDir, true);
+    }
+    Assert.assertTrue(miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(partitionDir));
+  }
+  private static void startHiveAndMetastore() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
+    startHiveAndMetastore(NUM_RETRIES);
+  }
+  private static void startHiveAndMetastore(final int retries) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
+    hiveUgi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
+      @Override
+      public Void run() throws Exception {
+        HiveConf hiveConf = new HiveConf();
+        hiveConf.set("sentry.metastore.plugins", "org.apache.sentry.hdfs.MetastorePlugin");
+        hiveConf.set("sentry.service.client.server.rpc-address", "localhost");
+        hiveConf.set("sentry.hdfs.service.client.server.rpc-address", "localhost");
+        hiveConf.set("sentry.hdfs.service.client.server.rpc-port", String.valueOf(sentryPort));
+        hiveConf.set("sentry.service.client.server.rpc-port", String.valueOf(sentryPort));
+//        hiveConf.set("sentry.service.server.compact.transport", "true");
+//        hiveConf.set("sentry.service.client.compact.transport", "true");
+        hiveConf.set("", "none");
+        hiveConf.set("", "none");
+        hiveConf.set("", "500");
+        hiveConf.set("sentry.hive.provider.backend", "org.apache.sentry.provider.db.SimpleDBProviderBackend");
+        hiveConf.set("sentry.provider", LocalGroupResourceAuthorizationProvider.class.getName());
+        hiveConf.set("sentry.hive.provider", LocalGroupResourceAuthorizationProvider.class.getName());
+        hiveConf.set("sentry.hive.provider.resource", policyFileLocation.getPath());
+        hiveConf.set("sentry.hive.testing.mode", "true");
+        hiveConf.set("sentry.hive.server", "server1");
+        hiveConf.set(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_GROUP_MAPPING_RESOURCE, policyFileLocation.getPath());
+        hiveConf.set("fs.defaultFS", fsURI);
+        hiveConf.set("", fsURI);
+        hiveConf.set("hive.metastore.execute.setugi", "true");
+        hiveConf.set("hive.metastore.warehouse.dir", "hdfs:///user/hive/warehouse");
+        hiveConf.set("javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL", "jdbc:derby:;databaseName=" + baseDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/metastore_db;create=true");
+        hiveConf.set("javax.jdo.option.ConnectionDriverName", "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver");
+        hiveConf.set("javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName", "hive");
+        hiveConf.set("javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword", "hive");
+        hiveConf.set("datanucleus.autoCreateSchema", "true");
+        hiveConf.set("datanucleus.fixedDatastore", "false");
+        hiveConf.set("datanucleus.autoStartMechanism", "SchemaTable");
+        hmsPort = findPort();
+"\n\n HMS port : " + hmsPort + "\n\n");
+        // Sets to true, so that
+        // disallow the operations such as drop-partition if the user in question
+        // doesn't have permissions to delete the corresponding directory
+        // on the storage.
+        hiveConf.set("", "true");
+        hiveConf.set("hive.metastore.uris", "thrift://localhost:" + hmsPort);
+        hiveConf.set("hive.metastore.pre.event.listeners", "org.apache.sentry.binding.metastore.MetastoreAuthzBinding");
+        hiveConf.set("hive.metastore.event.listeners", "org.apache.sentry.binding.metastore.SentryMetastorePostEventListener");
+        hiveConf.set("", "org.apache.sentry.binding.hive.SentryHiveAuthorizationTaskFactoryImpl");
+        hiveConf.set("hive.server2.session.hook", "org.apache.sentry.binding.hive.HiveAuthzBindingSessionHook");
+        hiveConf.set("sentry.metastore.service.users", "hive");// queries made by hive user (beeline) skip meta store check
+        HiveAuthzConf authzConf = new HiveAuthzConf(Resources.getResource("sentry-site.xml"));
+        authzConf.addResource(hiveConf);
+        File confDir = assertCreateDir(new File(baseDir, "etc"));
+        File accessSite = new File(confDir, HiveAuthzConf.AUTHZ_SITE_FILE);
+        OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(accessSite);
+        authzConf.set("fs.defaultFS", fsURI);
+        authzConf.writeXml(out);
+        out.close();
+        hiveConf.set("hive.sentry.conf.url", accessSite.getPath());
+"Sentry client file : " + accessSite.getPath());
+        File hiveSite = new File(confDir, "hive-site.xml");
+        hiveConf.set("hive.server2.enable.doAs", "false");
+        hiveConf.set(HiveAuthzConf.HIVE_SENTRY_CONF_URL, accessSite.toURI().toURL()
+            .toExternalForm());
+        out = new FileOutputStream(hiveSite);
+        hiveConf.writeXml(out);
+        out.close();
+        Reflection.staticField("hiveSiteURL")
+            .ofType(URL.class)
+            .in(HiveConf.class)
+            .set(hiveSite.toURI().toURL());
+        metastore = new InternalMetastoreServer(hiveConf);
+        new Thread() {
+          @Override
+          public void run() {
+            try {
+              metastore.start();
+              while (true) {
+                Thread.sleep(1000L);
+              }
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+    "Could not start Hive Server");
+            }
+          }
+        }.start();
+        hmsClient = new HiveMetaStoreClient(hiveConf);
+        startHiveServer2(retries, hiveConf);
+        return null;
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  private static void startHiveServer2(final int retries, HiveConf hiveConf)
+      throws IOException, InterruptedException, SQLException {
+    Connection conn = null;
+    Thread th = null;
+    final AtomicBoolean keepRunning = new AtomicBoolean(true);
+    try {
+      hiveServer2 = new InternalHiveServer(hiveConf);
+      th = new Thread() {
+        @Override
+        public void run() {
+          try {
+            hiveServer2.start();
+            while (keepRunning.get()) {
+              Thread.sleep(1000L);
+            }
+          } catch (Exception e) {
+  "Could not start Hive Server");
+          }
+        }
+      };
+      th.start();
+      Thread.sleep(RETRY_WAIT * 5);
+      conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    } catch (Exception ex) {
+      if (retries > 0) {
+        try {
+          keepRunning.set(false);
+          hiveServer2.shutdown();
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+          // Ignore
+        }
+"Re-starting Hive Server2 !!");
+        startHiveServer2(retries - 1, hiveConf);
+      }
+    }
+    if (conn != null) {
+      conn.close();
+    }
+  }
+  private static void startDFSandYARN() throws IOException,
+      InterruptedException {
+    adminUgi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
+      @Override
+      public Void run() throws Exception {
+        System.setProperty(MiniDFSCluster.PROP_TEST_BUILD_DATA, "target/test/data");
+        hadoopConf = new HdfsConfiguration();
+            SentryINodeAttributesProvider.class.getName());
+        hadoopConf.setBoolean(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_ACLS_ENABLED_KEY, true);
+        hadoopConf.setInt(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_REPLICATION_KEY, 1);
+        File dfsDir = assertCreateDir(new File(baseDir, "dfs"));
+        hadoopConf.set(MiniDFSCluster.HDFS_MINIDFS_BASEDIR, dfsDir.getPath());
+        hadoopConf.set("",
+            MiniDFS.PseudoGroupMappingService.class.getName());
+        Configuration.addDefaultResource("test.xml");
+        hadoopConf.set("sentry.authorization-provider.hdfs-path-prefixes", "/user/hive/warehouse,/tmp/external");
+        hadoopConf.set("", "5000");
+        hadoopConf.set("", String.valueOf(CACHE_REFRESH));
+        hadoopConf.set("", String.valueOf(STALE_THRESHOLD));
+        hadoopConf.set("", "none");
+        hadoopConf.set("sentry.hdfs.service.client.server.rpc-address", "localhost");
+        hadoopConf.set("sentry.hdfs.service.client.server.rpc-port", String.valueOf(sentryPort));
+        EditLogFileOutputStream.setShouldSkipFsyncForTesting(true);
+        miniDFS = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(hadoopConf).build();
+        Path tmpPath = new Path("/tmp");
+        Path hivePath = new Path("/user/hive");
+        Path warehousePath = new Path(hivePath, "warehouse");
+        miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(warehousePath);
+        boolean directory = miniDFS.getFileSystem().isDirectory(warehousePath);
+"\n\n Is dir :" + directory + "\n\n");
+"\n\n DefaultFS :" + miniDFS.getFileSystem().getUri() + "\n\n");
+        fsURI = miniDFS.getFileSystem().getUri().toString();
+        hadoopConf.set("fs.defaultFS", fsURI);
+        // Create Yarn cluster
+        // miniMR = MiniMRClientClusterFactory.create(this.getClass(), 1, conf);
+        miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(tmpPath);
+        miniDFS.getFileSystem().setPermission(tmpPath, FsPermission.valueOf("drwxrwxrwx"));
+        miniDFS.getFileSystem().setOwner(hivePath, "hive", "hive");
+        miniDFS.getFileSystem().setOwner(warehousePath, "hive", "hive");
+"\n\n Owner :"
+            + miniDFS.getFileSystem().getFileStatus(warehousePath).getOwner()
+            + ", "
+            + miniDFS.getFileSystem().getFileStatus(warehousePath).getGroup()
+            + "\n\n");
+"\n\n Owner tmp :"
+            + miniDFS.getFileSystem().getFileStatus(tmpPath).getOwner() + ", "
+            + miniDFS.getFileSystem().getFileStatus(tmpPath).getGroup() + ", "
+            + miniDFS.getFileSystem().getFileStatus(tmpPath).getPermission() + ", "
+            + "\n\n");
+        int dfsSafeCheckRetry = 30;
+        boolean hasStarted = false;
+        for (int i = dfsSafeCheckRetry; i > 0; i--) {
+          if (!miniDFS.getFileSystem().isInSafeMode()) {
+            hasStarted = true;
+  "HDFS safemode check num times : " + (31 - i));
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        if (!hasStarted) {
+          throw new RuntimeException("HDFS hasnt exited safe mode yet..");
+        }
+        return null;
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  private static void startSentry() throws Exception {
+    try {
+      hiveUgi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
+        @Override
+        public Void run() throws Exception {
+          Configuration sentryConf = new Configuration(false);
+          Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
+          properties.put(HiveServerFactory.AUTHZ_PROVIDER_BACKEND,
+              SimpleDBProviderBackend.class.getName());
+          properties.put(ConfVars.HIVE_AUTHORIZATION_TASK_FACTORY.varname,
+              SentryHiveAuthorizationTaskFactoryImpl.class.getName());
+          properties
+              .put(ConfVars.HIVE_SERVER2_THRIFT_MIN_WORKER_THREADS.varname, "2");
+          properties.put("hive.metastore.uris", "thrift://localhost:" + hmsPort);
+          properties.put("hive.exec.local.scratchdir", Files.createTempDir().getAbsolutePath());
+          properties.put(ServerConfig.SECURITY_MODE, ServerConfig.SECURITY_MODE_NONE);
+//        properties.put("sentry.service.server.compact.transport", "true");
+          properties.put("sentry.hive.testing.mode", "true");
+          properties.put("sentry.service.reporting", "JMX");
+          properties.put(ServerConfig.ADMIN_GROUPS, "hive,admin");
+          properties.put(ServerConfig.RPC_ADDRESS, "localhost");
+          properties.put(ServerConfig.RPC_PORT, String.valueOf(sentryPort > 0 ? sentryPort : 0));
+          properties.put(ServerConfig.SENTRY_VERIFY_SCHEM_VERSION, "false");
+          properties.put(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_GROUP_MAPPING, ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_LOCAL_GROUP_MAPPING);
+          properties.put(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_GROUP_MAPPING_RESOURCE, policyFileLocation.getPath());
+          properties.put(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_JDBC_URL,
+              "jdbc:derby:;databaseName=" + baseDir.getPath()
+                  + "/sentrystore_db;create=true");
+          properties.put(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_JDBC_PASS, "dummy");
+          properties.put("sentry.service.processor.factories",
+              "org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.thrift.SentryPolicyStoreProcessorFactory,org.apache.sentry.hdfs.SentryHDFSServiceProcessorFactory");
+          properties.put("", "org.apache.sentry.hdfs.SentryPlugin");
+          properties.put(ServerConfig.RPC_MIN_THREADS, "3");
+          for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
+            sentryConf.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
+          }
+          sentryServer = SentrySrvFactory.create(SentrySrvFactory.SentrySrvType.INTERNAL_SERVER,
+              sentryConf, testSentryHA ? 2 : 1);
+          sentryPort = sentryServer.get(0).getAddress().getPort();
+          sentryServer.startAll();
+"\n\n Sentry service started \n\n");
+          return null;
+        }
+      });
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+      //An exception happening in above block will result in a wrapped UndeclaredThrowableException.
+      throw new Exception(e.getCause());
+    }
+  }
+  @After
+  public void cleanAfterTest() throws Exception {
+    //Clean up database
+    Connection conn;
+    Statement stmt;
+    Preconditions.checkArgument(admin != null && dbNames !=null && roles != null && tmpHDFSDir != null,
+        "Test case did not set some of these values required for clean up: admin, dbNames, roles, tmpHDFSDir");
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(admin, admin);
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    for( String dbName: dbNames) {
+      stmt.execute("drop database if exists " + dbName + " cascade");
+    }
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+    //Clean up roles
+    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
+    stmt = conn.createStatement();
+    for( String role:roles) {
+      stmt.execute("drop role " + role);
+    }
+    stmt.close();
+    conn.close();
+    //Clean up hdfs directories
+    miniDFS.getFileSystem().delete(tmpHDFSDir, true);
+    tmpHDFSDir = null;
+    dbNames = null;
+    roles = null;
+    admin = null;
+  }
+  @AfterClass
+  public static void cleanUp() throws Exception {
+    try {
+      if (miniDFS != null) {
+        miniDFS.shutdown();
+      }
+    } finally {
+      try {
+        if (hiveServer2 != null) {
+          hiveServer2.shutdown();
+        }
+      } finally {
+        try {
+          if (metastore != null) {
+            metastore.shutdown();
+          }
+        } finally {
+          sentryServer.close();
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }

[3/4] sentry git commit: SENTRY-1429, SENTRY-1454: fix flaky TestHDFSIntegration, refactor this huge test class, improve its cleanUp and setUp for temp HDFS dirs; divide test class into smoke test class and p2 test class; in post commit run, we will only

Posted by
diff --git a/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/ b/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 762bcc6..0000000
--- a/sentry-tests/sentry-tests-hive/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/tests/e2e/hdfs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2102 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hdfs;
-import java.sql.Connection;
-import java.sql.ResultSet;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.sql.Statement;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.StringTokenizer;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
-import org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.PathUtils;
-import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntryType;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclStatus;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.*;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.EditLogFileOutputStream;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf.ConfVars;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.StorageDescriptor;
-import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapReduceBase;
-import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Mapper;
-import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector;
-import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reducer;
-import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter;
-import org.apache.sentry.binding.hive.SentryHiveAuthorizationTaskFactoryImpl;
-import org.apache.sentry.binding.hive.conf.HiveAuthzConf;
-import org.apache.sentry.hdfs.PathsUpdate;
-import org.apache.sentry.hdfs.SentryINodeAttributesProvider;
-import org.apache.sentry.core.common.exception.SentryAlreadyExistsException;
-import org.apache.sentry.provider.db.SimpleDBProviderBackend;
-import org.apache.sentry.provider.file.LocalGroupResourceAuthorizationProvider;
-import org.apache.sentry.provider.file.PolicyFile;
-import org.apache.sentry.service.thrift.ServiceConstants.ServerConfig;
-import org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hive.StaticUserGroup;
-import org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hive.fs.MiniDFS;
-import org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hive.hiveserver.HiveServerFactory;
-import org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hive.hiveserver.InternalHiveServer;
-import org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hive.hiveserver.InternalMetastoreServer;
-import org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.minisentry.SentrySrv;
-import org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.minisentry.SentrySrvFactory;
-import org.fest.reflect.core.Reflection;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.ClassRule;
-import org.junit.Ignore;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.rules.Timeout;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table;
-public class TestHDFSIntegration {
-  private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory
-      .getLogger(TestHDFSIntegration.class);
-  @ClassRule
-  public static Timeout classTimeout = new Timeout(600000); //millis, each class runs less than 600s (10m)
-  @Rule
-  public Timeout timeout = new Timeout(180000); //millis, each test runs less than 180s (3m)
-  public static class WordCountMapper extends MapReduceBase implements
-      Mapper<LongWritable, Text, String, Long> {
-    public void map(LongWritable key, Text value,
-        OutputCollector<String, Long> output, Reporter reporter)
-        throws IOException {
-      StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value.toString());
-      while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
-        output.collect(st.nextToken(), 1L);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  public static class SumReducer extends MapReduceBase implements
-      Reducer<Text, Long, Text, Long> {
-    public void reduce(Text key, Iterator<Long> values,
-        OutputCollector<Text, Long> output, Reporter reporter)
-        throws IOException {
-      long sum = 0;
-      while (values.hasNext()) {
-        sum +=;
-      }
-      output.collect(key, sum);
-    }
-  }
-  private static final int NUM_RETRIES = 10;
-  private static final int RETRY_WAIT = 1000;
-  private static final String EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE = "sentry.e2etest.external.sentry";
-  private static MiniDFSCluster miniDFS;
-  private static InternalHiveServer hiveServer2;
-  private static InternalMetastoreServer metastore;
-  private static HiveMetaStoreClient hmsClient;
-  private static int sentryPort = -1;
-  protected static SentrySrv sentryServer;
-  protected static boolean testSentryHA = false;
-  private static final long STALE_THRESHOLD = 5000;
-  private static final long CACHE_REFRESH = 100; //Default is 500, but we want it to be low
-                                                // in our tests so that changes reflect soon
-  private static String fsURI;
-  private static int hmsPort;
-  private static File baseDir;
-  private static File policyFileLocation;
-  private static UserGroupInformation adminUgi;
-  private static UserGroupInformation hiveUgi;
-  // Variables which are used for cleanup after test
-  // Please set these values in each test
-  private Path tmpHDFSDir;
-  private String[] dbNames;
-  private String[] roles;
-  private String admin;
-  private static Configuration hadoopConf;
-  protected static File assertCreateDir(File dir) {
-    if(!dir.isDirectory()) {
-      Assert.assertTrue("Failed creating " + dir, dir.mkdirs());
-    }
-    return dir;
-  }
-  private static int findPort() throws IOException {
-    ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(0);
-    int port = socket.getLocalPort();
-    socket.close();
-    return port;
-  }
-  @BeforeClass
-  public static void setup() throws Exception {
-    Class.forName("org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver");
-    baseDir = Files.createTempDir();
-    policyFileLocation = new File(baseDir, HiveServerFactory.AUTHZ_PROVIDER_FILENAME);
-    PolicyFile policyFile = PolicyFile.setAdminOnServer1("hive")
-        .setUserGroupMapping(StaticUserGroup.getStaticMapping());
-    policyFile.write(policyFileLocation);
-    adminUgi = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting(
-        System.getProperty(""), new String[] { "supergroup" });
-    hiveUgi = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting(
-        "hive", new String[] { "hive" });
-    // Start Sentry
-    startSentry();
-    // Start HDFS and MR
-    startDFSandYARN();
-    // Start HiveServer2 and Metastore
-    startHiveAndMetastore();
-  }
-  private static void startHiveAndMetastore() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
-    startHiveAndMetastore(NUM_RETRIES);
-  }
-  private static void startHiveAndMetastore(final int retries) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
-    hiveUgi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
-      @Override
-      public Void run() throws Exception {
-        HiveConf hiveConf = new HiveConf();
-        hiveConf.set("sentry.metastore.plugins", "org.apache.sentry.hdfs.MetastorePlugin");
-        hiveConf.set("sentry.service.client.server.rpc-address", "localhost");
-        hiveConf.set("sentry.hdfs.service.client.server.rpc-address", "localhost");
-        hiveConf.set("sentry.hdfs.service.client.server.rpc-port", String.valueOf(sentryPort));
-        hiveConf.set("sentry.service.client.server.rpc-port", String.valueOf(sentryPort));
-//        hiveConf.set("sentry.service.server.compact.transport", "true");
-//        hiveConf.set("sentry.service.client.compact.transport", "true");
-        hiveConf.set("", "none");
-        hiveConf.set("", "none");
-        hiveConf.set("", "500");
-        hiveConf.set("sentry.hive.provider.backend", "org.apache.sentry.provider.db.SimpleDBProviderBackend");
-        hiveConf.set("sentry.provider", LocalGroupResourceAuthorizationProvider.class.getName());
-        hiveConf.set("sentry.hive.provider", LocalGroupResourceAuthorizationProvider.class.getName());
-        hiveConf.set("sentry.hive.provider.resource", policyFileLocation.getPath());
-        hiveConf.set("sentry.hive.testing.mode", "true");
-        hiveConf.set("sentry.hive.server", "server1");
-        hiveConf.set(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_GROUP_MAPPING_RESOURCE, policyFileLocation.getPath());
-        hiveConf.set("fs.defaultFS", fsURI);
-        hiveConf.set("", fsURI);
-        hiveConf.set("hive.metastore.execute.setugi", "true");
-        hiveConf.set("hive.metastore.warehouse.dir", "hdfs:///user/hive/warehouse");
-        hiveConf.set("javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL", "jdbc:derby:;databaseName=" + baseDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/metastore_db;create=true");
-        hiveConf.set("javax.jdo.option.ConnectionDriverName", "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver");
-        hiveConf.set("javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName", "hive");
-        hiveConf.set("javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword", "hive");
-        hiveConf.set("datanucleus.autoCreateSchema", "true");
-        hiveConf.set("datanucleus.fixedDatastore", "false");
-        hiveConf.set("datanucleus.autoStartMechanism", "SchemaTable");
-        hmsPort = findPort();
-"\n\n HMS port : " + hmsPort + "\n\n");
-        // Sets to true, so that
-        // disallow the operations such as drop-partition if the user in question
-        // doesn't have permissions to delete the corresponding directory
-        // on the storage.
-        hiveConf.set("", "true");
-        hiveConf.set("hive.metastore.uris", "thrift://localhost:" + hmsPort);
-        hiveConf.set("hive.metastore.pre.event.listeners", "org.apache.sentry.binding.metastore.MetastoreAuthzBinding");
-        hiveConf.set("hive.metastore.event.listeners", "org.apache.sentry.binding.metastore.SentryMetastorePostEventListener");
-        hiveConf.set("", "org.apache.sentry.binding.hive.SentryHiveAuthorizationTaskFactoryImpl");
-        hiveConf.set("hive.server2.session.hook", "org.apache.sentry.binding.hive.HiveAuthzBindingSessionHook");
-        hiveConf.set("sentry.metastore.service.users", "hive");// queries made by hive user (beeline) skip meta store check
-        HiveAuthzConf authzConf = new HiveAuthzConf(Resources.getResource("sentry-site.xml"));
-        authzConf.addResource(hiveConf);
-        File confDir = assertCreateDir(new File(baseDir, "etc"));
-        File accessSite = new File(confDir, HiveAuthzConf.AUTHZ_SITE_FILE);
-        OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(accessSite);
-        authzConf.set("fs.defaultFS", fsURI);
-        authzConf.writeXml(out);
-        out.close();
-        hiveConf.set("hive.sentry.conf.url", accessSite.getPath());
-"Sentry client file : " + accessSite.getPath());
-        File hiveSite = new File(confDir, "hive-site.xml");
-        hiveConf.set("hive.server2.enable.doAs", "false");
-        hiveConf.set(HiveAuthzConf.HIVE_SENTRY_CONF_URL, accessSite.toURI().toURL()
-            .toExternalForm());
-        out = new FileOutputStream(hiveSite);
-        hiveConf.writeXml(out);
-        out.close();
-        Reflection.staticField("hiveSiteURL")
-            .ofType(URL.class)
-            .in(HiveConf.class)
-            .set(hiveSite.toURI().toURL());
-        metastore = new InternalMetastoreServer(hiveConf);
-        new Thread() {
-          @Override
-          public void run() {
-            try {
-              metastore.start();
-              while (true) {
-                Thread.sleep(1000L);
-              }
-            } catch (Exception e) {
-    "Could not start Hive Server");
-            }
-          }
-        }.start();
-        hmsClient = new HiveMetaStoreClient(hiveConf);
-        startHiveServer2(retries, hiveConf);
-        return null;
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  private static void startHiveServer2(final int retries, HiveConf hiveConf)
-      throws IOException, InterruptedException, SQLException {
-    Connection conn = null;
-    Thread th = null;
-    final AtomicBoolean keepRunning = new AtomicBoolean(true);
-    try {
-      hiveServer2 = new InternalHiveServer(hiveConf);
-      th = new Thread() {
-        @Override
-        public void run() {
-          try {
-            hiveServer2.start();
-            while (keepRunning.get()) {
-              Thread.sleep(1000L);
-            }
-          } catch (Exception e) {
-  "Could not start Hive Server");
-          }
-        }
-      };
-      th.start();
-      Thread.sleep(RETRY_WAIT * 5);
-      conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    } catch (Exception ex) {
-      if (retries > 0) {
-        try {
-          keepRunning.set(false);
-          hiveServer2.shutdown();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-          // Ignore
-        }
-"Re-starting Hive Server2 !!");
-        startHiveServer2(retries - 1, hiveConf);
-      }
-    }
-    if (conn != null) {
-      conn.close();
-    }
-  }
-  private static void startDFSandYARN() throws IOException,
-      InterruptedException {
-    adminUgi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
-      @Override
-      public Void run() throws Exception {
-        System.setProperty(MiniDFSCluster.PROP_TEST_BUILD_DATA, "target/test/data");
-        hadoopConf = new HdfsConfiguration();
-            SentryINodeAttributesProvider.class.getName());
-        hadoopConf.setBoolean(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_ACLS_ENABLED_KEY, true);
-        hadoopConf.setInt(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_REPLICATION_KEY, 1);
-        File dfsDir = assertCreateDir(new File(baseDir, "dfs"));
-        hadoopConf.set(MiniDFSCluster.HDFS_MINIDFS_BASEDIR, dfsDir.getPath());
-        hadoopConf.set("",
-            MiniDFS.PseudoGroupMappingService.class.getName());
-        Configuration.addDefaultResource("test.xml");
-        hadoopConf.set("sentry.authorization-provider.hdfs-path-prefixes", "/user/hive/warehouse,/tmp/external");
-        hadoopConf.set("", "5000");
-        hadoopConf.set("", String.valueOf(CACHE_REFRESH));
-        hadoopConf.set("", String.valueOf(STALE_THRESHOLD));
-        hadoopConf.set("", "none");
-        hadoopConf.set("sentry.hdfs.service.client.server.rpc-address", "localhost");
-        hadoopConf.set("sentry.hdfs.service.client.server.rpc-port", String.valueOf(sentryPort));
-        EditLogFileOutputStream.setShouldSkipFsyncForTesting(true);
-        miniDFS = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(hadoopConf).build();
-        Path tmpPath = new Path("/tmp");
-        Path hivePath = new Path("/user/hive");
-        Path warehousePath = new Path(hivePath, "warehouse");
-        miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(warehousePath);
-        boolean directory = miniDFS.getFileSystem().isDirectory(warehousePath);
-"\n\n Is dir :" + directory + "\n\n");
-"\n\n DefaultFS :" + miniDFS.getFileSystem().getUri() + "\n\n");
-        fsURI = miniDFS.getFileSystem().getUri().toString();
-        hadoopConf.set("fs.defaultFS", fsURI);
-        // Create Yarn cluster
-        // miniMR = MiniMRClientClusterFactory.create(this.getClass(), 1, conf);
-        miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(tmpPath);
-        miniDFS.getFileSystem().setPermission(tmpPath, FsPermission.valueOf("drwxrwxrwx"));
-        miniDFS.getFileSystem().setOwner(hivePath, "hive", "hive");
-        miniDFS.getFileSystem().setOwner(warehousePath, "hive", "hive");
-"\n\n Owner :"
-            + miniDFS.getFileSystem().getFileStatus(warehousePath).getOwner()
-            + ", "
-            + miniDFS.getFileSystem().getFileStatus(warehousePath).getGroup()
-            + "\n\n");
-"\n\n Owner tmp :"
-            + miniDFS.getFileSystem().getFileStatus(tmpPath).getOwner() + ", "
-            + miniDFS.getFileSystem().getFileStatus(tmpPath).getGroup() + ", "
-            + miniDFS.getFileSystem().getFileStatus(tmpPath).getPermission() + ", "
-            + "\n\n");
-        int dfsSafeCheckRetry = 30;
-        boolean hasStarted = false;
-        for (int i = dfsSafeCheckRetry; i > 0; i--) {
-          if (!miniDFS.getFileSystem().isInSafeMode()) {
-            hasStarted = true;
-  "HDFS safemode check num times : " + (31 - i));
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        if (!hasStarted) {
-          throw new RuntimeException("HDFS hasnt exited safe mode yet..");
-        }
-        return null;
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  private static void startSentry() throws Exception {
-    try {
-      hiveUgi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
-        @Override
-        public Void run() throws Exception {
-          Configuration sentryConf = new Configuration(false);
-          Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-          properties.put(HiveServerFactory.AUTHZ_PROVIDER_BACKEND,
-              SimpleDBProviderBackend.class.getName());
-          properties.put(ConfVars.HIVE_AUTHORIZATION_TASK_FACTORY.varname,
-              SentryHiveAuthorizationTaskFactoryImpl.class.getName());
-          properties
-              .put(ConfVars.HIVE_SERVER2_THRIFT_MIN_WORKER_THREADS.varname, "2");
-          properties.put("hive.metastore.uris", "thrift://localhost:" + hmsPort);
-          properties.put("hive.exec.local.scratchdir", Files.createTempDir().getAbsolutePath());
-          properties.put(ServerConfig.SECURITY_MODE, ServerConfig.SECURITY_MODE_NONE);
-//        properties.put("sentry.service.server.compact.transport", "true");
-          properties.put("sentry.hive.testing.mode", "true");
-          properties.put("sentry.service.reporting", "JMX");
-          properties.put(ServerConfig.ADMIN_GROUPS, "hive,admin");
-          properties.put(ServerConfig.RPC_ADDRESS, "localhost");
-          properties.put(ServerConfig.RPC_PORT, String.valueOf(sentryPort > 0 ? sentryPort : 0));
-          properties.put(ServerConfig.SENTRY_VERIFY_SCHEM_VERSION, "false");
-          properties.put(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_GROUP_MAPPING, ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_LOCAL_GROUP_MAPPING);
-          properties.put(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_GROUP_MAPPING_RESOURCE, policyFileLocation.getPath());
-          properties.put(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_JDBC_URL,
-              "jdbc:derby:;databaseName=" + baseDir.getPath()
-                  + "/sentrystore_db;create=true");
-          properties.put(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_JDBC_PASS, "dummy");
-          properties.put("sentry.service.processor.factories",
-              "org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.thrift.SentryPolicyStoreProcessorFactory,org.apache.sentry.hdfs.SentryHDFSServiceProcessorFactory");
-          properties.put("", "org.apache.sentry.hdfs.SentryPlugin");
-          properties.put(ServerConfig.RPC_MIN_THREADS, "3");
-          for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
-            sentryConf.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
-          }
-          sentryServer = SentrySrvFactory.create(SentrySrvFactory.SentrySrvType.INTERNAL_SERVER,
-              sentryConf, testSentryHA ? 2 : 1);
-          sentryPort = sentryServer.get(0).getAddress().getPort();
-          sentryServer.startAll();
-"\n\n Sentry service started \n\n");
-          return null;
-        }
-      });
-    } catch (Exception e) {
-      //An exception happening in above block will result in a wrapped UndeclaredThrowableException.
-      throw new Exception(e.getCause());
-    }
-  }
-  @After
-  public void cleanAfterTest() throws Exception {
-    //Clean up database
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    Preconditions.checkArgument(admin != null && dbNames !=null && roles != null && tmpHDFSDir != null,
-        "Test case did not set some of these values required for clean up: admin, dbNames, roles, tmpHDFSDir");
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(admin, admin);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    for( String dbName: dbNames) {
-      stmt.execute("drop database if exists " + dbName + " cascade");
-    }
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-    //Clean up roles
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    for( String role:roles) {
-       stmt.execute("drop role " + role);
-    }
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-    //Clean up hdfs directories
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().delete(tmpHDFSDir, true);
-    tmpHDFSDir = null;
-    dbNames = null;
-    roles = null;
-    admin = null;
-  }
-  @AfterClass
-  public static void cleanUp() throws Exception {
-    try {
-      if (miniDFS != null) {
-        miniDFS.shutdown();
-      }
-    } finally {
-      try {
-        if (hiveServer2 != null) {
-          hiveServer2.shutdown();
-        }
-      } finally {
-        try {
-          if (metastore != null) {
-            metastore.shutdown();
-          }
-        } finally {
-          sentryServer.close();
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testNoPartitionInsert() throws Throwable {
-    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
-    dbNames = new String[]{"db1"};
-    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "tab_role"};
-    admin = "hive";
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group hive");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
-    //Create table and grant select to user flume
-    stmt.execute("create database db1");
-    stmt.execute("use db1");
-    stmt.execute("create table t1 (s string)");
-    stmt.execute("create role tab_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant select on table t1 to role tab_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role tab_role to group flume");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/t1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "flume", true);
-    stmt.execute("INSERT INTO TABLE t1 VALUES (1)");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/t1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "flume", true);
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testEnd2End() throws Throwable {
-    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
-    dbNames = new String[]{"db1"};
-    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "db_role", "tab_role", "p1_admin"};
-    admin = "hive";
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group hive");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("create table p1 (s string) partitioned by (month int, day " +
-            "int)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=1, day=1)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=1, day=2)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=2, day=1)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=2, day=2)");
-    // db privileges
-    stmt.execute("create database db5");
-    stmt.execute("create role db_role");
-    stmt.execute("create role tab_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role db_role to group hbase");
-    stmt.execute("grant role tab_role to group flume");
-    stmt.execute("create table db5.p2(id int)");
-    stmt.execute("create role p1_admin");
-    stmt.execute("grant role p1_admin to group hbase");
-    // Verify default db is inaccessible initially
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse", null, "hbase", false);
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", null, "hbase", false);
-    stmt.execute("grant all on database db5 to role db_role");
-    stmt.execute("use db5");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on table p2 to role tab_role");
-    stmt.execute("use default");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db5.db", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db5.db/p2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db5.db/p2", FsAction.ALL, "flume", true);
-    verifyOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse/db5.db", FsAction.ALL, "flume", false);
-    loadData(stmt);
-    verifyHDFSandMR(stmt);
-    // Verify default db is STILL inaccessible after grants but tables are fine
-    verifyOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse", null, "hbase", false);
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE,
-            "hbase", true);
-    adminUgi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
-      @Override
-      public Void run() throws Exception {
-        // Simulate hdfs dfs -setfacl -m <aclantry> <path>
-        AclStatus existing =
-                miniDFS.getFileSystem()
-                        .getAclStatus(new Path("/user/hive/warehouse/p1"));
-        ArrayList<AclEntry> newEntries =
-                new ArrayList<AclEntry>(existing.getEntries());
-        newEntries.add(AclEntry.parseAclEntry("user::---", true));
-        newEntries.add(AclEntry.parseAclEntry("group:bla:rwx", true));
-        newEntries.add(AclEntry.parseAclEntry("other::---", true));
-        miniDFS.getFileSystem().setAcl(new Path("/user/hive/warehouse/p1"),
-                newEntries);
-        return null;
-      }
-    });
-    stmt.execute("revoke select on table p1 from role p1_admin");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", null, "hbase", false);
-    // Verify default db grants work
-    stmt.execute("grant select on database default to role p1_admin");
-    verifyOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
-    // Verify default db grants are propagated to the tables
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE,
-            "hbase", true);
-    // Verify default db revokes work
-    stmt.execute("revoke select on database default from role p1_admin");
-    verifyOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse", null, "hbase", false);
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", null, "hbase", false);
-    stmt.execute("grant all on table p1 to role p1_admin");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    stmt.execute("revoke select on table p1 from role p1_admin");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
-    // Verify table rename works when locations are also changed
-    stmt.execute("alter table p1 rename to p3");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
-    //This is true as parent hive object's (p3) ACLS are used.
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3/month=1/day=1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
-    // Verify when oldName == newName and oldPath != newPath
-    stmt.execute("alter table p3 partition (month=1, day=1) rename to partition (month=1, day=3)");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3/month=1/day=3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
-    // Test DB case insensitivity
-    stmt.execute("create database extdb");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on database ExtDb to role p1_admin");
-    writeToPath("/tmp/external/ext100", 5, "foo", "bar");
-    writeToPath("/tmp/external/ext101", 5, "foo", "bar");
-    stmt.execute("use extdb");
-    stmt.execute(
-            "create table ext100 (s string) location \'/tmp/external/ext100\'");
-    verifyQuery(stmt, "ext100", 5);
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext100", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    stmt.execute("use default");
-    stmt.execute("use EXTDB");
-    stmt.execute(
-            "create table ext101 (s string) location \'/tmp/external/ext101\'");
-    verifyQuery(stmt, "ext101", 5);
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext101", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    // Test table case insensitivity
-    stmt.execute("grant all on table exT100 to role tab_role");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext100", FsAction.ALL, "flume", true);
-    stmt.execute("use default");
-    //TODO: SENTRY-795: HDFS permissions do not sync when Sentry restarts in HA mode.
-    if(!testSentryHA) {
-      long beforeStop = System.currentTimeMillis();
-      sentryServer.stopAll();
-      long timeTakenForStopMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - beforeStop;
-"Time taken for Sentry server stop: " + timeTakenForStopMs);
-      // Verify that Sentry permission are still enforced for the "stale" period only if stop did not take too long
-      if(timeTakenForStopMs < STALE_THRESHOLD) {
-        verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
-        Thread.sleep((STALE_THRESHOLD - timeTakenForStopMs));
-      } else {
-        LOGGER.warn("Sentry server stop took too long");
-      }
-      // Verify that Sentry permission are NOT enforced AFTER "stale" period
-      verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3", null, "hbase", false);
-      sentryServer.startAll();
-    }
-    // Verify that After Sentry restart permissions are re-enforced
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
-    // Create new table and verify everything is fine after restart...
-    stmt.execute("create table p2 (s string) partitioned by (month int, day int)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table p2 add partition (month=1, day=1)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table p2 add partition (month=1, day=2)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table p2 add partition (month=2, day=1)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table p2 add partition (month=2, day=2)");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p2", null, "hbase", false);
-    stmt.execute("grant select on table p2 to role p1_admin");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
-    stmt.execute("grant select on table p2 to role p1_admin");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
-    // Create external table
-    writeToPath("/tmp/external/ext1", 5, "foo", "bar");
-    stmt.execute("create table ext1 (s string) location \'/tmp/external/ext1\'");
-    verifyQuery(stmt, "ext1", 5);
-    // Ensure existing group permissions are never returned..
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext1", null, "bar", false);
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext1", null, "hbase", false);
-    stmt.execute("grant all on table ext1 to role p1_admin");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    stmt.execute("revoke select on table ext1 from role p1_admin");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
-    // Verify database operations works correctly
-    stmt.execute("create database db1");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db", null, "hbase", false);
-    stmt.execute("create table db1.tbl1 (s string)");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl1", null, "hbase", false);
-    stmt.execute("create table db1.tbl2 (s string)");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl2", null, "hbase", false);
-    // Verify default db grants do not affect other dbs
-    stmt.execute("grant all on database default to role p1_admin");
-    verifyOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db", null, "hbase", false);
-    // Verify table rename works
-    stmt.execute("create table q1 (s string)");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/q1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    stmt.execute("alter table q1 rename to q2");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/q2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    // Verify table GRANTS do not trump db GRANTS
-    stmt.execute("grant select on table q2 to role p1_admin");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/q2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    stmt.execute("create table q3 (s string)");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/q3", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/q2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    // Verify db privileges are propagated to tables
-    stmt.execute("grant select on database db1 to role p1_admin");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
-    // Verify default db revokes do not affect other dbs
-    stmt.execute("revoke all on database default from role p1_admin");
-    verifyOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse", null, "hbase", false);
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
-    stmt.execute("use db1");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on table tbl1 to role p1_admin");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
-    // Verify recursive revoke
-    stmt.execute("revoke select on database db1 from role p1_admin");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl2", null, "hbase", false);
-    // Verify cleanup..
-    stmt.execute("drop table tbl1");
-    Assert.assertFalse(miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(new Path("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl1")));
-    stmt.execute("drop table tbl2");
-    Assert.assertFalse(miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(new Path("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl2")));
-    stmt.execute("use default");
-    stmt.execute("drop database db1");
-    Assert.assertFalse(miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(new Path("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db")));
-    // START : Verify external table set location..
-    writeToPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1", 5, "foo", "bar");
-    writeToPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2", 5, "foo", "bar");
-    stmt.execute("create external table ext2 (s string) partitioned by (i int) location \'/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before\'");
-    stmt.execute("alter table ext2 add partition (i=1)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table ext2 add partition (i=2)");
-    verifyQuery(stmt, "ext2", 10);
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before", null, "hbase", false);
-    stmt.execute("grant all on table ext2 to role p1_admin");
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    writeToPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1", 6, "foo", "bar");
-    writeToPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=2", 6, "foo", "bar");
-    stmt.execute("alter table ext2 set location \'hdfs:///tmp/external/tables/ext2_after\'");
-    // Even though table location is altered, partition location is still old (still 10 rows)
-    verifyQuery(stmt, "ext2", 10);
-    // You have to explicitly alter partition location..
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before", null, "hbase", false);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    stmt.execute("alter table ext2 partition (i=1) set location \'hdfs:///tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1\'");
-    stmt.execute("alter table ext2 partition (i=2) set location \'hdfs:///tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=2\'");
-    // Now that partition location is altered, it picks up new data (12 rows instead of 10)
-    verifyQuery(stmt, "ext2", 12);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before", null, "hbase", false);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1", null, "hbase", false);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2", null, "hbase", false);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1/stuff.txt", null, "hbase", false);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2/stuff.txt", null, "hbase", false);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=2/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    // END : Verify external table set location..
-    //Create a new table partition on the existing partition
-    stmt.execute("create table tmp (s string) partitioned by (i int)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table tmp add partition (i=1)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table tmp partition (i=1) set location \'hdfs:///tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1\'");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on table tmp to role tab_role");
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1", FsAction.ALL, "flume", true);
-    //Alter table rename of external table => oldName != newName, oldPath == newPath
-    stmt.execute("alter table ext2 rename to ext3");
-    //Verify all original paths still have the privileges
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1", FsAction.ALL, "flume", true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=2/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    // Restart HDFS to verify if things are fine after re-start..
-    // TODO : this is currently commented out since miniDFS.restartNameNode() does
-    //        not work corectly on the version of hadoop sentry depends on
-    //        This has been verified to work on a real cluster.
-    //        Once miniDFS is fixed, this should be uncommented..
-    // miniDFS.shutdown();
-    // miniDFS.restartNameNode(true);
-    // miniDFS.waitActive();
-    // verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
-    // verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Make sure non HDFS paths are not added to the object - location map.
-   * @throws Throwable
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testNonHDFSLocations() throws Throwable {
-    String dbName = "db2";
-    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
-    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
-    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "user_role"};
-    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on uri 'file:///tmp/external' to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on uri 'hdfs:///tmp/external' to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(admin, admin);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role user_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on database " + dbName + " to role user_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role user_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(admin, admin);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(tmpHDFSDir);
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setOwner(tmpHDFSDir, "hive", "hive");
-    //External table on local file system
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(new Path("/tmp/external/tab1_loc"));
-    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("create external table tab1(a int) location 'file:///tmp/external/tab1_loc'");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tab1_loc", null, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, false);
-    //External partitioned table on local file system
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(new Path("/tmp/external/tab2_loc/i=1"));
-    stmt.execute("create external table tab2 (s string) partitioned by (i int) location 'file:///tmp/external/tab2_loc'");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tab2_loc", null, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, false);
-    //Partition on local file system
-    stmt.execute("alter table tab2 add partition (i=1)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table tab2 partition (i=1) set location 'file:///tmp/external/tab2_loc/i=1'");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tab2_loc/i=1", null, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, false);
-    //HDFS to local file system, also make sure does not specifying scheme still works
-    stmt.execute("create external table tab3(a int) location '/tmp/external/tab3_loc'");
-    // SENTRY-546
-    // verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tab3_loc", FsAction.ALL, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tab3_loc", null, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
-    stmt.execute("alter table tab3 set location 'file:///tmp/external/tab3_loc'");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tab3_loc", null, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, false);
-    //Local file system to HDFS
-    stmt.execute("create table tab4(a int) location 'file:///tmp/external/tab4_loc'");
-    stmt.execute("alter table tab4 set location 'hdfs:///tmp/external/tab4_loc'");
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(new Path("/tmp/external/tab4_loc"));
-    // SENTRY-546
-    // verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tab4_loc", FsAction.ALL, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tab4_loc", null, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-  }
-  @Ignore("SENTRY-546")
-  @Test
-  public void testExternalTable() throws Throwable {
-    String dbName = "db2";
-    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
-    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
-    roles = new String[]{"admin_role"};
-    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on uri 'hdfs:///tmp/external' to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("create external table tab1(a int) location '/tmp/external/tab1_loc'");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tab1_loc", FsAction.ALL, StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP, true);
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Make sure when events such as table creation fail, the path should not be sync to NameNode plugin.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testTableCreationFailure() throws Throwable {
-    String dbName = "db1";
-    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
-    if (!miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(tmpHDFSDir)) {
-      miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(tmpHDFSDir);
-    }
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setPermission(tmpHDFSDir, FsPermission.valueOf("drwxrwx---"));
-    Path partitionDir = new Path("/tmp/external/p1");
-    if (!miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(partitionDir)) {
-      miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(partitionDir);
-    }
-    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
-    roles = new String[]{"admin_role"};
-    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on uri 'hdfs:///tmp/external' to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.HIVE);
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
-    // Expect table creation to fail because hive:hive does not have
-    // permission to write at parent directory.
-    try {
-      stmt.execute("create external table tab1(a int) location 'hdfs:///tmp/external/p1'");
-"Expect table creation to fail");
-    } catch  (Exception ex) {
-      LOGGER.error("Exception when creating table: " + ex.getMessage());
-    }
-    // When the table creation failed, the path will not be managed by sentry. And the
-    // permission of the path will not be hive:hive.
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/p1", null, StaticUserGroup.HIVE, true);
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Make sure when events such as add partition fail, the path should not be sync to NameNode plugin.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testAddPartitionFailure() throws Throwable {
-    String dbName = "db1";
-    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
-    if (!miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(tmpHDFSDir)) {
-      miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(tmpHDFSDir);
-    }
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setPermission(tmpHDFSDir, FsPermission.valueOf("drwxrwx---"));
-    Path partitionDir = new Path("/tmp/external/p1");
-    if (!miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(partitionDir)) {
-      miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(partitionDir);
-    }
-    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
-    roles = new String[]{"admin_role"};
-    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("create external table tab2 (s string) partitioned by (month int)");
-    // Expect adding partition to fail because hive:hive does not have
-    // permission to write at parent directory.
-    try {
-      stmt.execute("alter table tab2 add partition (month = 1) location '/tmp/external/p1'");
-"Expect adding partition to fail");
-    } catch  (Exception ex) {
-      LOGGER.error("Exception when adding partition: " + ex.getMessage());
-    }
-    // When the table creation failed, the path will not be managed by sentry. And the
-    // permission of the path will not be hive:hive.
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/p1", null, StaticUserGroup.HIVE, true);
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Make sure when events such as drop table fail, the path should not be sync to NameNode plugin.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testDropTableFailure() throws Throwable {
-    String dbName = "db1";
-    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
-    if (!miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(tmpHDFSDir)) {
-      miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(tmpHDFSDir);
-    }
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setPermission(tmpHDFSDir, FsPermission.valueOf("drwxrwxrwx"));
-    Path partitionDir = new Path("/tmp/external/p1");
-    if (!miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(partitionDir)) {
-      miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(partitionDir);
-    }
-    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
-    roles = new String[]{"admin_role"};
-    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("create external table tab1(a int) location 'hdfs:///tmp/external/p1'");
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setPermission(tmpHDFSDir, FsPermission.valueOf("drwxrwx---"));
-    // Expect dropping table to fail because hive:hive does not have
-    // permission to write at parent directory when
-    // property is true.
-    try {
-      stmt.execute("drop table tab1");
-"Expect dropping table to fail");
-    } catch  (Exception ex) {
-      LOGGER.error("Exception when creating table: " + ex.getMessage());
-    }
-    // When the table dropping failed, the path will still be managed by sentry. And the
-    // permission of the path still should be hive:hive.
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/p1", FsAction.ALL, StaticUserGroup.HIVE, true);
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Make sure when events such as drop table fail, the path should not be sync to NameNode plugin.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testDropPartitionFailure() throws Throwable {
-    String dbName = "db1";
-    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
-    if (!miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(tmpHDFSDir)) {
-      miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(tmpHDFSDir);
-    }
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setPermission(tmpHDFSDir, FsPermission.valueOf("drwxrwxrwx"));
-    Path partitionDir = new Path("/tmp/external/p1");
-    if (!miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(partitionDir)) {
-      miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(partitionDir);
-    }
-    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
-    roles = new String[]{"admin_role"};
-    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("create table tab3 (s string) partitioned by (month int)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table tab3 add partition (month = 1) location '/tmp/external/p1'");
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setPermission(tmpHDFSDir, FsPermission.valueOf("drwxrwx---"));
-    // Expect dropping partition to fail because because hive:hive does not have
-    // permission to write at parent directory.
-    try {
-      stmt.execute("ALTER TABLE tab3 DROP PARTITION (month = 1)");
-"Expect dropping partition to fail");
-    } catch  (Exception ex) {
-      LOGGER.error("Exception when dropping partition: " + ex.getMessage());
-    }
-    // When the partition dropping failed, the path for the partition will still
-    // be managed by sentry. And the permission of the path still should be hive:hive.
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/p1", FsAction.ALL, StaticUserGroup.HIVE, true);
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testColumnPrivileges() throws Throwable {
-    String dbName = "db2";
-    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
-    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
-    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "tab_role", "db_role", "col_role"};
-    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role with grant option");
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("use "+ dbName);
-    stmt.execute("create table p1 (s string) partitioned by (month int, day int)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=1, day=1)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=1, day=2)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=2, day=1)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=2, day=2)");
-    loadData(stmt);
-    stmt.execute("create role db_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant select on database " + dbName + " to role db_role");
-    stmt.execute("create role tab_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant select on p1 to role tab_role");
-    stmt.execute("create role col_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant select(s) on p1 to role col_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role col_role to group "+ StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
-    stmt.execute("grant role tab_role to group "+ StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP2);
-    stmt.execute("grant role col_role to group "+ StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP2);
-    stmt.execute("grant role db_role to group "+ StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3);
-    stmt.execute("grant role col_role to group "+ StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3);
-    stmt.execute("grant role col_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
-    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
-    //User with just column level privileges cannot read HDFS
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/p1", null, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, false);
-    //User with permissions on table and column can read HDFS file
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/p1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP2, true);
-    //User with permissions on db and column can read HDFS file
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/p1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3, true);
-    //User with permissions on server and column cannot read HDFS file
-    //TODO:SENTRY-751
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/p1", null, StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP, false);
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-  }
-  /*
-  */
-  @Test
-  public void testAllColumn() throws Throwable {
-    String dbName = "db2";
-    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
-    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
-    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "col_role"};
-    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role with grant option");
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("create table p1 (c1 string, c2 string) partitioned by (month int, day int)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=1, day=1)");
-    loadDataTwoCols(stmt);
-    stmt.execute("create role col_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant select(c1,c2) on p1 to role col_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role col_role to group "+ StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
-    Thread.sleep(100);
-    //User with privileges on all columns of the data cannot still read the HDFS files
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/p1", null, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, false);
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-  }
-  //SENTRY-780
-  @Test
-  public void testViews() throws Throwable {
-    String dbName= "db1";
-    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
-    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
-    roles = new String[]{"admin_role"};
-    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    try {
-      stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
-      stmt.execute("create table test(a string)");
-      stmt.execute("create view testView as select * from test");
-      stmt.execute("create or replace view testView as select * from test");
-      stmt.execute("drop view testView");
-    } catch(Exception s) {
-      throw s;
-    }
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testURIsWithoutSchemeandAuthority() throws Throwable {
-    // In the local test environment, EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE is false,
-    // set the default URI scheme to be hdfs.
-    boolean testConfOff = new Boolean(System.getProperty(EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE, "false"));
-    if (!testConfOff) {
-      PathUtils.getConfiguration().set("fs.defaultFS", fsURI);
-    }
-    String dbName= "db1";
-    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
-    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
-    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "db_role"};
-    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("create role db_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant create on database " + dbName +" to role db_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on URI '/tmp/external' to role db_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role db_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.USER1_1, StaticUserGroup.USER1_1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("create external table tab1 (s string) location '/tmp/external'");
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Test combination of "grant all on URI" where URI has scheme,
-   * followed by "create external table" where location URI has no scheme.
-   * Neither URI has authority.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testURIsWithAndWithoutSchemeNoAuthority() throws Throwable {
-    // In the local test environment, EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE is false,
-    // set the default URI scheme to be hdfs.
-    boolean testConfOff = new Boolean(System.getProperty(EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE, "false"));
-    if (!testConfOff) {
-      PathUtils.getConfiguration().set("fs.defaultFS", fsURI);
-    }
-    String dbName= "db1";
-    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
-    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
-    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "db_role"};
-    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("create role db_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on database " + dbName +" to role db_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on URI 'hdfs:///tmp/external' to role db_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role db_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.USER1_1, StaticUserGroup.USER1_1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("create external table tab1 (s string) location '/tmp/external'");
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Test combination of "grant all on URI" where URI has no scheme,
-   * followed by "create external table" where location URI has scheme.
-   * Neither URI has authority.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testURIsWithoutAndWithSchemeNoAuthority() throws Throwable {
-    // In the local test environment, EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE is false,
-    // set the default URI scheme to be hdfs.
-    boolean testConfOff = new Boolean(System.getProperty(EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE, "false"));
-    if (!testConfOff) {
-      PathUtils.getConfiguration().set("fs.defaultFS", fsURI);
-    }
-    String dbName= "db1";
-    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
-    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
-    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "db_role"};
-    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("create role db_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on database " + dbName +" to role db_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on URI '/tmp/external' to role db_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role db_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.USER1_1, StaticUserGroup.USER1_1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("create external table tab1 (s string) location 'hdfs:///tmp/external'");
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Test combination of "grant all on URI" where URI has scheme and authority,
-   * followed by "create external table" where location URI has neither scheme nor authority.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testURIsWithAndWithoutSchemeAndAuthority() throws Throwable {
-    // In the local test environment, EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE is false,
-    // set the default URI scheme to be hdfs.
-    boolean testConfOff = new Boolean(System.getProperty(EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE, "false"));
-    if (!testConfOff) {
-      PathUtils.getConfiguration().set("fs.defaultFS", fsURI);
-    }
-    String dbName= "db1";
-    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
-    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
-    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "db_role"};
-    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("create role db_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on database " + dbName +" to role db_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on URI 'hdfs://" + new URI(fsURI).getAuthority() + "/tmp/external' to role db_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role db_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.USER1_1, StaticUserGroup.USER1_1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("create external table tab1 (s string) location '/tmp/external'");
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-  }
-  //SENTRY-884
-  @Test
-  public void testAccessToTableDirectory() throws Throwable {
-    String dbName= "db1";
-    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
-    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
-    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "table_role"};
-    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("create table tb1(a string)");
-    stmt.execute("create role table_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on table tb1 to role table_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role table_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
-    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
-    //Verify user1 is able to access table directory
-    verifyAccessToPath(StaticUserGroup.USER1_1, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, "/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tb1", true);
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-  }
-  /* SENTRY-953 */
-  @Test
-  public void testAuthzObjOnPartitionMultipleTables() throws Throwable {
-    String dbName = "db1";
-    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(tmpHDFSDir);
-    Path partitionDir = new Path("/tmp/external/p1");
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(partitionDir);
-    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
-    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "tab1_role", "tab2_role", "tab3_role"};
-    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
-    // Create external table tab1 on location '/tmp/external/p1'.
-    // Create tab1_role, and grant it with insert permission on table tab1 to user_group1.
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("create external table tab1 (s string) partitioned by (month int) location '/tmp/external/p1'");
-    stmt.execute("create role tab1_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant insert on table tab1 to role tab1_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role tab1_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
-    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
-    // Verify that user_group1 has insert(write_execute) permission on '/tmp/external/p1'.
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/p1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
-    // Create external table tab2 and partition on location '/tmp/external'.
-    // Create tab2_role, and grant it with select permission on table tab2 to user_group2.
-    stmt.execute("create external table tab2 (s string) partitioned by (month int)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table tab2 add partition (month = 1) location '/tmp/external'");
-    stmt.execute("create role tab2_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant select on table tab2 to role tab2_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role tab2_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP2);
-    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
-    // Verify that user_group2 have select(read_execute) permission on both paths.
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/tab2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP2, true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP2, true);
-    // Create table tab3 and partition on the same location '/tmp/external' as tab2.
-    // Create tab3_role, and grant it with insert permission on table tab3 to user_group3.
-    stmt.execute("create table tab3 (s string) partitioned by (month int)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table tab3 add partition (month = 1) location '/tmp/external'");
-    stmt.execute("create role tab3_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant insert on table tab3 to role tab3_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role tab3_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3);
-    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
-    // When two partitions of different tables pointing to the same location with different grants,
-    // ACLs should have union (no duplicates) of both rules.
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/tab3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3, true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP2, true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3, true);
-    // When alter the table name (tab2 to be tabx), ACLs should remain the same.
-    stmt.execute("alter table tab2 rename to tabx");
-    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP2, true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3, true);
-    // When drop a partition that shares the same location with other partition belonging to
-    // other table, should still have the other table permissions.
-    stmt.execute("ALTER TABLE tabx DROP PARTITION (month = 1)");
-    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/tab3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3, true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3, true);
-    // When drop a table that has a partition shares the same location with other partition
-    // belonging to other table, should still have the other table permissions.
-    stmt.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tabx");
-    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/tab3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3, true);
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3, true);
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().delete(partitionDir, true);
-  }
-  /* SENTRY-953 */
-  @Test
-  public void testAuthzObjOnPartitionSameTable() throws Throwable {
-    String dbName = "db1";
-    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external/p1");
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(tmpHDFSDir);
-    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
-    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "tab1_role"};
-    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
-    // Create table tab1 and partition on the same location '/tmp/external/p1'.
-    // Create tab1_role, and grant it with insert permission on table tab1 to user_group1.
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("create table tab1 (s string) partitioned by (month int)");
-    stmt.execute("alter table tab1 add partition (month = 1) location '/tmp/external/p1'");
-    stmt.execute("create role tab1_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant insert on table tab1 to role tab1_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role tab1_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
-    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
-    // Verify that user_group1 has insert(write_execute) permission on '/tmp/external/p1'.
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/p1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
-    // When two partitions of the same table pointing to the same location,
-    // ACLS should not be repeated. Exception will be thrown if there are duplicates.
-    stmt.execute("alter table tab1 add partition (month = 2) location '/tmp/external/p1'");
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/p1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-  }
-  /* SENTRY-953 */
-  @Test
-  public void testAuthzObjOnMultipleTables() throws Throwable {
-    String dbName = "db1";
-    tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
-    if (!miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(tmpHDFSDir)) {
-      miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(tmpHDFSDir);
-    }
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setPermission(tmpHDFSDir, FsPermission.valueOf("drwxrwxrwx"));
-    Path partitionDir = new Path("/tmp/external/p1");
-    if (!miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(partitionDir)) {
-      miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(partitionDir);
-    }
-    dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
-    roles = new String[]{"admin_role", "tab1_role", "tab2_role"};
-    admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
-    Connection conn;
-    Statement stmt;
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
-    // Create external table tab1 on location '/tmp/external/p1'.
-    // Create tab1_role, and grant it with insert permission on table tab1 to user_group1.
-    conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();
-    stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
-    stmt.execute("create external table tab1 (s string) partitioned by (month int) location '/tmp/external/p1'");
-    stmt.execute("create role tab1_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant insert on table tab1 to role tab1_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role tab1_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
-    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
-    // Verify that user_group1 has insert(write_execute) permission on '/tmp/external/p1'.
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/p1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
-    // Create table tab2 on the same location '/tmp/external/p1' as table tab1.
-    // Create tab2_role, and grant it with select permission on table tab2 to user_group1.
-    stmt.execute("create table tab2 (s string) partitioned by (month int) location '/tmp/external/p1'");
-    stmt.execute("create role tab2_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant select on table tab2 to role tab2_role");
-    stmt.execute("grant role tab2_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
-    // When two tables pointing to the same location, ACLS should have union (no duplicates)
-    // of both rules.
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/p1", FsAction.ALL, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
-    // When drop table tab1, ACLs of tab2 still remain.
-    stmt.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tab1");
-    Thread.sleep(CACHE_REFRESH);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode
-    verifyOnPath("/tmp/external/p1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
-    stmt.close();
-    conn.close();
-  }
-  private void verifyAccessToPath(String user, String group, String path, boolean hasPermission) throws Exception{
-    Path p = new Path(path);
-    UserGroupInformation hadoopUser =
-        UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting(user, new String[] {group});
-    FileSystem fs = DFSTestUtil.getFileSystemAs(hadoopUser, hadoopConf);
-    try {
-      fs.listFiles(p, true);
-      if(!hasPermission) {
-        Assert.assertFalse("Expected listing files to fail", false);
-      }
-    } catch (Exception e) {
-      if(hasPermission) {
-        throw e;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  private void verifyQuery(Statement stmt, String table, int n) throws Throwable {
-    verifyQuery(stmt, table, n, NUM_RETRIES);
-  }
-  private void verifyQuery(Statement stmt, String table, int n, int retry) throws Throwable {
-    ResultSet rs = null;
-    try {
-      rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from " + table);
-      int numRows = 0;
-      while ( { numRows++; }
-      Assert.assertEquals(n, numRows);
-    } catch (Throwable th) {
-      if (retry > 0) {
-        Thread.sleep(RETRY_WAIT);
-        verifyQuery(stmt, table, n, retry - 1);
-      } else {
-        throw th;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * SENTRY-1002:
-   * Ensure the paths with no scheme will not cause NPE during paths update.
-   */
-   @Test
-   public void testMissingScheme() throws Throwable {
-     // In the local test environment, EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE is false,
-     // set the default URI scheme to be hdfs.
-     boolean testConfOff = new Boolean(System.getProperty(EXTERNAL_SENTRY_SERVICE, "false"));
-     if (!testConfOff) {
-       PathsUpdate.getConfiguration().set("fs.defaultFS", "hdfs:///");
-     }
-     tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
-     if (!miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(tmpHDFSDir)) {
-       miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(tmpHDFSDir);
-     }
-     Path partitionDir = new Path("/tmp/external/p1");
-     if (!miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(partitionDir)) {
-       miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(partitionDir);
-     }
-     String dbName = "db1";
-     String tblName = "tab1";
-     dbNames = new String[]{dbName};
-     roles = new String[]{"admin_role"};
-     admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;
-     Connection conn;
-     Statement stmt;
-     conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
-     stmt = conn.createStatement();
-     stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
-     stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
-     stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);
-     stmt.close();
-     conn.close();
-     conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
-     stmt = conn.createStatement();
-     stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
-     stmt.execute("create external table " + dbName + "." + tblName + "(s string) location '/tmp/external/p1'");
-     // Deep copy of table tab1
-     Table tbCopy = hmsClient.getTable(dbName, tblName);
-     // Change the location of the table to strip the scheme.
-     StorageDescriptor sd = hmsClient.getTable(dbName, tblName).getSd();
-     sd.setLocation("/tmp/external");
-     tbCopy.setSd(sd);
-     // Alter table tab1 to be tbCopy which is at scheme-less location.
-     // And the corresponding path will be updated to sentry server.
-     hmsClient.alter_table(dbName, "tab1", tbCopy);
-     Assert.assertEquals(hmsClient.getTable(dbName, tblName).getSd().getLocation(), "/tmp/external");
-     verifyOnPath("/tmp/external", FsAction.ALL, StaticUserGroup.HIVE, true);
-     stmt.close();
-     conn.close();
-   }
-  private void loadData(Statement stmt) throws IOException, SQLException {
-    FSDataOutputStream f1 = miniDFS.getFileSystem().create(new Path("/tmp/f1.txt"));
-    f1.writeChars("m1d1_t1\n");
-    f1.writeChars("m1d1_t2\n");
-    f1.writeChars("m1d1_t3\n");
-    f1.flush();
-    f1.close();
-    stmt.execute("load data inpath \'/tmp/f1.txt\' overwrite into table p1 partition (month=1, day=1)");
-    FSDataOutputStream f2 = miniDFS.getFileSystem().create(new Path("/tmp/f2.txt"));
-    f2.writeChars("m2d2_t4\n");
-    f2.writeChars("m2d2_t5\n");
-    f2.writeChars("m2d2_t6\n");
-    f2.flush();
-    f2.close();
-    stmt.execute("load data inpath \'/tmp/f2.txt\' overwrite into table p1 partition (month=2, day=2)");
-    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from p1");
-    List<String> vals = new ArrayList<String>(); 
-    while ( {
-      vals.add(rs.getString(1));
-    }
-    Assert.assertEquals(6, vals.size());
-    rs.close();
-  }
-  private void loadDataTwoCols(Statement stmt) throws IOException, SQLException {
-    FSDataOutputStream f1 = miniDFS.getFileSystem().create(new Path("/tmp/f2.txt"));
-    f1.writeChars("m1d1_t1, m1d1_t2\n");
-    f1.writeChars("m1d1_t2, m1d1_t2\n");
-    f1.writeChars("m1d1_t3, m1d1_t2\n");
-    f1.flush();
-    f1.close();
-    stmt.execute("load data inpath \'/tmp/f2.txt\' overwrite into table p1 partition (month=1, day=1)");
-    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from p1");
-    List<String> vals = new ArrayList<String>();
-    while ( {
-      vals.add(rs.getString(1));
-    }
-    Assert.assertEquals(3, vals.size());
-    rs.close();
-  }
-  private void writeToPath(String path, int numRows, String user, String group) throws IOException {
-    Path p = new Path(path);
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().mkdirs(p);
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setOwner(p, user, group);
-//    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setPermission(p, FsPermission.valueOf("-rwxrwx---"));
-    FSDataOutputStream f1 = miniDFS.getFileSystem().create(new Path(path + "/stuff.txt"));
-    for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
-      f1.writeChars("random" + i + "\n");
-    }
-    f1.flush();
-    f1.close();
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setOwner(new Path(path + "/stuff.txt"), "asuresh", "supergroup");
-    miniDFS.getFileSystem().setPermission(new Path(path + "/stuff.txt"), FsPermission.valueOf("-rwxrwx---"));
-  }
-  private void verifyHDFSandMR(Statement stmt) throws Throwable {
-    // hbase user should not be allowed to read...
-    UserGroupInformation hbaseUgi = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting("hbase", new String[] {"hbase"});
-    hbaseUgi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
-      @Override
-      public Void run() throws Exception {
-        try {
-          Path p = new Path("/user/hive/warehouse/p1/month=1/day=1/f1.txt");
-          miniDFS.getFileSystem().open(p);
-"Should not be allowed !!");
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-          Assert.assertEquals("Wrong Error : " + e.getMessage(), true, e.getMessage().contains("Permission denied: user=hbase"));
-        }
-        return null;
-      }
-    });
-    // WordCount should fail..
-    // runWordCount(new JobConf(miniMR.getConfig()), "/user/hive/warehouse/p1/month=1/day=1", "/tmp/wc_out");
-    stmt.execute("grant select on table p1 to role p1_admin");
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
-    // hbase user should now be allowed to read...
-    hbaseUgi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
-      @Override
-      public Void run() throws Exception {
-        Path p = new Path("/user/hive/warehouse/p1/month=2/day=2/f2.txt");
-        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(miniDFS.getFileSystem().open(p)));
-        String line = null;
-        List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
-        do {
-          line = in.readLine();
-          if (line != null) {
-            lines.add(line);
-          }
-        } while (line != null);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, lines.size());
-        in.close();
-        return null;
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  private void verifyOnAllSubDirs(String path, FsAction fsAction, String group, boolean groupShouldExist) throws Throwable {
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs(path, fsAction, group, groupShouldExist, true);
-  }
-  private void verifyOnPath(String path, FsAction fsAction, String group, boolean groupShouldExist) throws Throwable {
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs(path, fsAction, group, groupShouldExist, false);
-  }
-  private void verifyOnAllSubDirs(String path, FsAction fsAction, String group, boolean groupShouldExist, boolean recurse) throws Throwable {
-    verifyOnAllSubDirs(new Path(path), fsAction, group, groupShouldExist, recurse, NUM_RETRIES);
-  }
-  private void verifyOnAllSubDirs(Path p, FsAction fsAction, String group, boolean groupShouldExist, boolean recurse, int retry) throws Throwable {
-    FileStatus fStatus = null;
-    try {
-      fStatus = miniDFS.getFileSystem().getFileStatus(p);
-      if (groupShouldExist) {
-        Assert.assertEquals("Error at verifying Path action : " + p + " ;", fsAction, getAcls(p).get(group));
-      } else {
-        Assert.assertFalse("Error at verifying Path : " + p + " ," +
-                " group : " + group + " ;", getAcls(p).containsKey(group));
-      }
-    } catch (Throwable th) {
-      if (retry > 0) {
-        Thread.sleep(RETRY_WAIT);
-        verifyOnAllSubDirs(p, fsAction, group, groupShouldExist, recurse, retry - 1);
-      } else {
-        throw th;
-      }
-    }
-    if (recurse && fStatus.isDirectory()) {
-      FileStatus[] children = mi