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[Struts Wiki] Update of "ShaleValidation" by WendySmoak

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The following page has been changed by WendySmoak:

The comment on the change is:
Added some examples of custom validation methods.  Corrections welcome!

New page:
== Shale Commons Validator Integration ==


=== Using Custom Validation Rules with Shale ===

To use a custom validation rule in your application, complete the following steps:

'''1. Define an xml file conforming to the Commons Validator 1.2.0 dtd.'''

In this example, the file will be named 'custom-rules.xml' and will be placed in /WEB-INF.

<!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
          "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons Validator Rules Configuration 1.2.0//EN"
       <validator name="evenNumber"

'''2. Write the validation method.'''

package com.example;
public class ValidationUtil implements Serializable
    public static boolean isEven( int value ) {
       return (value % 2 == 0);    

'''3. Configure the validation rules in web.xml.''' 

Include the default rule set by listing "/org/apache/shale/validator/validator-rules.xml" in addition to your custom rules.

    <!-- Shale Validator Configuration Resources -->

!CommonsValidator will pass the value entered by the user as the first parameter of your validation method, provided you have listed at least one type in the 'methodParams' attribute of your <validator> tag.

In addition, if you add them as attributes to the <s:commonsValidator> tag, !CommonsValidator will pass the following parameters through to your validation method:  min, max, minlength, maxlength, mask, and datePatternStrict.  These parameters are always passed in exactly this order, no matter how they are listed in <s:commonsValidator>.

'''4. Provide a resource bundle for messages.''' (Optional)

The !CommonsValidator class reads the messages from the application's resource bundle, then from the 'messages' bundle in org.apache.struts.validator (the (localized) file inside shale-core.jar).

If you can use one of the provided messages for your validator, then no action is necessary.

If you need to provide additional messages or override any of the provided messages, here's how:

Configure a resource bundle for your application in faces-config.xml.  For example:


And add your message to it. In this example, the file would be '/WEB-INF/classes/!'.

     errors.even={0} is not an even number.

The value of the field being validated is automatically passed as {0} for message parameter replacement.

'''5. Attach your new validation rule to a component.'''

In this example, we have a text field called "Priority" which will only accept an even number.

    <h:outputText value="#{messages['prompt.priority']}"/>
    <h:inputText     id="priority"
     <h:message           for="priority" styleClass="errors"/>

'''6. Reminders'''

Be sure to add the <s:validatorScript> at the end of your form, and to set the the 'onsubmit' attribute of the <h:form> tag.

  <h:form onsubmit="return validateForm(this);">
     <s:validatorScript functionName="validateForm"/>

=== Using Rules With Multiple Parameters ===

The following example demonstrates the use of all of the attributes accepted by the <s:commonsValidator> tag, though it's unlikely that a single validator would make use of all six method parameters:  min, max, minlength, maxlength, mask and datePatternStrict.  

Numbered as above:

       <validator name="allParams"

    public static boolean isValid( String value, double min, double max, int minlength, int maxlength,
                                   String mask, String datePatternStrict) {
        return false;

The attributes will be passed as parameters to your validation method in exactly this order, though most validators will only use a subset of the available attributes.

errors.all={0} must be at least {1}, not more than {2}, between {3} and {4} in length, and conform to mask {5} and date pattern {6}.  Good luck!

        datePatternStrict="MM/dd/yyyy" />

Note that this will ''always'' fail because the 'isValid' method returns false.

=== Required Validator ===

The 'required' validator is a special case.  The JSF framework will only call a Validator if a value was submitted.  Usually, you would set required="true" as an attribute on the input component.  

So that you don't have to remember to do something different for 'required', Shale allows <s:validator type="required">, which works by setting the required attribute of the surrounding input component to true.

The 'required' validator is defined in validator-rules.xml as:
      <validator name="required"

However, neither the 'isSupplied' method in !CommonsValidator, nor the 'errors.required' message is ever used.

To override the message that is displayed when a required field is missing, add an entry for "javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED" to your application's message bundle.

=== References ===

  * [ CommonsValidator API]
  * [ ValidatorScript API]

  * [ ValidatorResources API]
  * [ GenericValidator API]

 * David and Mike explaining about the 'required' validator on [ MARC] or [ mail-archive].


=== Enhancements ===

 * [ Bug 38042] - The default validator-rules.xml file is included in shale-core.jar (Since 1.0.1).

 * [ Bug 38044] - The filename and location of validator rules files are configurable (Since 1.0.1).

''Please address questions about Shale's Commons Validator integration to the [ struts-user] list.'''

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