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Posted to by James Cooper <> on 2001/11/14 17:47:54 UTC

Extending the Turbine User

Recently I came a number of posts relating to this topics. I'm having exactly the same problems. I'm using Turbine 2.1 and it seems most of the follow on mails on the subject people seem to have used fulcrum and TDK 3 to overcome the limitation of not being able to override the the signature method of TurbineUserPeer.

Based on this I have the same problem

The method row2Object(com.workingdogs.village.Record, int, java.lang.Class) declared in class cannot override the method of the same signature declared in class They must have the same return type. public static FlsUser row2Object 

I've added my new colums to the turbine-schema.xml as per the mail-archive. Hopefully someone may know a way around based on using TDK 2.1...if so any help would really be appreciated. I've not had problems generating the OM layer, its compiling the resulting code thats the issue. 

