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[10/51] [abbrv] [partial] brooklyn-library git commit: move subdir from incubator up a level as it is promoted to its own repo (first non-incubator commit!)
diff --git a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/riak/ b/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/riak/
deleted file mode 100644
index e21260a..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/riak/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.brooklyn.entity.nosql.riak;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.api.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.ImplementedBy;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.api.sensor.AttributeSensor;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.annotation.Effector;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.annotation.EffectorParam;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.effector.MethodEffector;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.Attributes;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.sensor.AttributeSensorAndConfigKey;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.sensor.PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.sensor.Sensors;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.SetFromFlag;
-@Catalog(name="Riak Node", description="Riak is a distributed NoSQL key-value data store that offers "
-        + "extremely high availability, fault tolerance, operational simplicity and scalability.")
-public interface RiakNode extends SoftwareProcess, UsesJava {
-    @SetFromFlag("version")
-    ConfigKey<String> SUGGESTED_VERSION = ConfigKeys.newConfigKeyWithDefault(SoftwareProcess.SUGGESTED_VERSION,
-            "Version to install (Default 2.0.5)", "2.0.5");
-    @SetFromFlag("optimizeNetworking")
-    ConfigKey<Boolean> OPTIMIZE_HOST_NETWORKING  = ConfigKeys.newBooleanConfigKey("riak.networking.optimize", "Optimize host networking when running in a VM", Boolean.TRUE);
-    // vm.args and app.config are used for pre-version 2.0.0. Later versions use the (simplified) riak.conf
-    // see
-    @SetFromFlag("vmArgsTemplateUrl")
-    ConfigKey<String> RIAK_VM_ARGS_TEMPLATE_URL = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
-            "riak.vmArgs.templateUrl", "Template file (in freemarker format) for the vm.args config file",
-            "classpath://org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/riak/vm.args");
-    @SetFromFlag("appConfigTemplateUrl")
-    ConfigKey<String> RIAK_APP_CONFIG_TEMPLATE_URL = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
-            "riak.appConfig.templateUrl", "Template file (in freemarker format) for the app.config config file",
-            "classpath://org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/riak/app.config");
-    @SetFromFlag("appConfigTemplateUrlLinux")
-    ConfigKey<String> RIAK_CONF_TEMPLATE_URL_LINUX = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
-            "riak.riakConf.templateUrl.linux", "Template file (in freemarker format) for the app.config config file",
-            "classpath://org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/riak/riak.conf");
-    @SetFromFlag("appConfigTemplateUrlMac")
-    ConfigKey<String> RIAK_CONF_TEMPLATE_URL_MAC = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
-            "riak.riakConf.templateUrl.mac", "Template file (in freemarker format) for the app.config config file",
-            "classpath://org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/riak/riak-mac.conf");
-    ConfigKey<String> RIAK_CONF_ADDITIONAL_CONTENT = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
-            "riak.riakConf.additionalContent", "Template file (in freemarker format) for setting up additional settings in the riak.conf file", "");
-    // maxOpenFiles' default value (65536) is based on the Basho's recommendation - 
-    @SetFromFlag("maxOpenFiles")
-    ConfigKey<Integer> RIAK_MAX_OPEN_FILES = ConfigKeys.newIntegerConfigKey(
-            "", "Number of the open files required by Riak", 65536);
-    @SetFromFlag("downloadUrlRhelCentos")
-    AttributeSensorAndConfigKey<String, String> DOWNLOAD_URL_RHEL_CENTOS = ConfigKeys.newTemplateSensorAndConfigKey("download.url.rhelcentos",
-            "URL pattern for downloading the linux RPM installer (will substitute things like ${version} automatically)",
-            "${entity.majorVersion}/${entity.fullVersion}/rhel/" +
-                    "${entity.osMajorVersion}/riak-${entity.fullVersion}-1.el${entity.osMajorVersion}.x86_64.rpm");
-    @SetFromFlag("downloadUrlUbuntu")
-    AttributeSensorAndConfigKey<String, String> DOWNLOAD_URL_UBUNTU = ConfigKeys.newTemplateSensorAndConfigKey("download.url.ubuntu",
-            "URL pattern for downloading the linux Ubuntu installer (will substitute things like ${version} automatically)",
-            "${entity.majorVersion}/${entity.fullVersion}/ubuntu/" +
-                    "$OS_RELEASE/riak_${entity.fullVersion}-1_amd64.deb");
-    @SetFromFlag("downloadUrlDebian")
-    AttributeSensorAndConfigKey<String, String> DOWNLOAD_URL_DEBIAN = ConfigKeys.newTemplateSensorAndConfigKey("download.url.debian",
-            "URL pattern for downloading the linux Debian installer (will substitute things like ${version} automatically)",
-            "${entity.majorVersion}/${entity.fullVersion}/debian/" +
-                    "$OS_RELEASE/riak_${entity.fullVersion}-1_amd64.deb");
-    @SetFromFlag("downloadUrlMac")
-    AttributeSensorAndConfigKey<String, String> DOWNLOAD_URL_MAC = ConfigKeys.newTemplateSensorAndConfigKey("download.url.mac",
-            "URL pattern for downloading the MAC binaries tarball (will substitute things like ${version} automatically)",
-            "${entity.majorVersion}/${entity.fullVersion}/osx/10.8/riak-${entity.fullVersion}-OSX-x86_64.tar.gz");
-    // NB these two needed for clients to access
-    @SetFromFlag("riakWebPort")
-    PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey RIAK_WEB_PORT = new PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey("riak.webPort", "Riak Web Port", "8098+");
-    @SetFromFlag("riakPbPort")
-    PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey RIAK_PB_PORT = new PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey("riak.pbPort", "Riak Protocol Buffers Port", "8087+");
-    @SetFromFlag("useHttpMonitoring")
-    ConfigKey<Boolean> USE_HTTP_MONITORING = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey("httpMonitoring.enabled", "HTTP(S) monitoring enabled", Boolean.TRUE);
-    AttributeSensor<Boolean> RIAK_PACKAGE_INSTALL = Sensors.newBooleanSensor(
-            "riak.install.package", "Flag to indicate whether Riak was installed using an OS package");
-    AttributeSensor<Boolean> RIAK_ON_PATH = Sensors.newBooleanSensor(
-            "riak.install.onPath", "Flag to indicate whether Riak is available on the PATH");
-    AttributeSensor<Boolean> RIAK_NODE_HAS_JOINED_CLUSTER = Sensors.newBooleanSensor(
-            "riak.node.riakNodeHasJoinedCluster", "Flag to indicate whether the Riak node has joined a cluster member");
-    AttributeSensor<String> RIAK_NODE_NAME = Sensors.newStringSensor("riak.node", "Returns the riak node name as defined in vm.args");
-    // these needed for nodes to talk to each other, but not clients (so ideally set up in the security group for internal access)
-    PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey HANDOFF_LISTENER_PORT = new PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey("handoffListenerPort", "Handoff Listener Port", "8099+");
-    PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey EPMD_LISTENER_PORT = new PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey("epmdListenerPort", "Erlang Port Mapper Daemon Listener Port", "4369");
-    PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey ERLANG_PORT_RANGE_START = new PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey("erlangPortRangeStart", "Erlang Port Range Start", "6000+");
-    PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey ERLANG_PORT_RANGE_END = new PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey("erlangPortRangeEnd", "Erlang Port Range End", "7999+");
-    @SetFromFlag("searchEnabled")
-    ConfigKey<Boolean> SEARCH_ENABLED = ConfigKeys.newBooleanConfigKey("", "Deploy Solr and configure Riak to use it", false);
-    /**
-     *
-     * Solr is powered by Riak's Yokozuna engine and it is used through the riak webport
-     * So SEARCH_SOLR_PORT shouldn't be exposed
-     */
-    ConfigKey<Integer> SEARCH_SOLR_PORT = ConfigKeys.newIntegerConfigKey("search.solr.port", "Solr port", 8983);
-    ConfigKey<Integer> SEARCH_SOLR_JMX_PORT = ConfigKeys.newIntegerConfigKey("search.solr.jmx_port", "Solr port", 8985);
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> NODE_GETS = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("riak.node.gets", "Gets in the last minute");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> NODE_GETS_TOTAL = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("", "Total gets since node started");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> NODE_PUTS = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("riak.node.puts", "Puts in the last minute");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> NODE_PUTS_TOTAL = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("", "Total puts since node started");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> VNODE_GETS = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("riak.vnode.gets");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> VNODE_GETS_TOTAL = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("");
-    //Sensors for Riak Node Counters (within 1 minute window or lifetime of node.
-    //
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> VNODE_PUTS = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("riak.vnode.puts");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> VNODE_PUTS_TOTAL = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> READ_REPAIRS_TOTAL = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> COORD_REDIRS_TOTAL = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("");
-    //Additional Riak node counters
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> MEMORY_PROCESSES_USED = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("riak.memory.processes.used");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> SYS_PROCESS_COUNT = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("riak.sys.process.count");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> PBC_CONNECTS = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("riak.pbc.connects");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> PBC_ACTIVE = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("");
-    @SuppressWarnings("serial")
-    AttributeSensor<List<String>> RING_MEMBERS = Sensors.newSensor(new TypeToken<List<String>>() {},
-            "ring.members", "all the riak nodes in the ring");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> NODE_OPS = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("riak.node.ops", "Sum of node gets and puts in the last minute");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> NODE_OPS_TOTAL = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("", "Sum of node gets and puts since the node started");
-    MethodEffector<Void> JOIN_RIAK_CLUSTER = new MethodEffector<Void>(RiakNode.class, "joinCluster");
-    MethodEffector<Void> LEAVE_RIAK_CLUSTER = new MethodEffector<Void>(RiakNode.class, "leaveCluster");
-    MethodEffector<Void> REMOVE_FROM_CLUSTER = new MethodEffector<Void>(RiakNode.class, "removeNode");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> RIAK_NODE_GET_FSM_TIME_MEAN = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("riak.node_get_fsm_time_mean", "Time between reception of client read request and subsequent response to client");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> RIAK_NODE_PUT_FSM_TIME_MEAN = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("riak.node_put_fsm_time_mean", "Time between reception of client write request and subsequent response to client");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> RIAK_OBJECT_COUNTER_MERGE_TIME_MEAN = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("riak.object_counter_merge_time_mean", "Time it takes to perform an Update Counter operation");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> RIAK_OBJECT_SET_MERGE_TIME_MEAN = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("riak.object_set_merge_time_mean", "Time it takes to perform an Update Set operation");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> RIAK_OBJECT_MAP_MERGE_TIME_MEAN = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("riak.object_map_merge_time_mean", "Time it takes to perform an Update Map operation");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> RIAK_CONSISTENT_GET_TIME_MEAN = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("riak.consistent_get_time_mean", "Strongly consistent read latency");
-    AttributeSensor<Integer> RIAK_CONSISTENT_PUT_TIME_MEAN = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("riak.consistent_put_time_mean", "Strongly consistent write latency");
-    AttributeSensor<URI> RIAK_CONSOLE_URI = Attributes.MAIN_URI;
-    // accessors, for use from template file
-    Integer getRiakWebPort();
-    Integer getRiakPbPort();
-    Integer getHandoffListenerPort();
-    Integer getEpmdListenerPort();
-    Integer getErlangPortRangeStart();
-    Integer getErlangPortRangeEnd();
-    Boolean isSearchEnabled();
-    Integer getSearchSolrPort();
-    Integer getSearchSolrJmxPort();
-    String getFullVersion();
-    String getMajorVersion();
-    String getOsMajorVersion();
-    // TODO add commitCluster() effector and add effectors joinCluster, leaveCluster, removeNode, recoverFailedNode which do not execute commitCluster()
-    // the commit where the commitCluster effector was available is adbf2dc1cb5df98b1e52d3ab35fa6bb4983b722f
-    @Effector(description = "Join the Riak cluster on the given node")
-    void joinCluster(@EffectorParam(name = "nodeName") String nodeName);
-    @Effector(description = "Leave the Riak cluster")
-    void leaveCluster();
-    @Effector(description = "Remove the given node from the Riak cluster")
-    void removeNode(@EffectorParam(name = "nodeName") String nodeName);
-    @Effector(description = "Recover and join the Riak cluster on the given node")
-    void recoverFailedNode(@EffectorParam(name = "nodeName") String nodeName);
-    @Effector(description = "Create or modify a bucket type before activation")
-    void bucketTypeCreate(@EffectorParam(name = "bucketTypeName") String bucketTypeName,
-                          @EffectorParam(name = "bucketTypeProperties") String bucketTypeProperties);
-    @Effector(description = "List all currently available bucket types and their activation status")
-    List<String> bucketTypeList();
-    @Effector(description = "Display the status and properties of a specific bucket type")
-    List<String> bucketTypeStatus(@EffectorParam(name = "bucketTypeName") String bucketTypeName);
-    @Effector(description = "Update a bucket type after activation")
-    void bucketTypeUpdate(@EffectorParam(name = "bucketTypeName") String bucketTypeName,
-                          @EffectorParam(name = "bucketTypeProperties") String bucketTypeProperties);
-    @Effector(description = "Activate a bucket type")
-    void bucketTypeActivate(@EffectorParam(name = "bucketTypeName") String bucketTypeName);
diff --git a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/riak/ b/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/riak/
deleted file mode 100644
index f42c85d..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/riak/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.brooklyn.entity.nosql.riak;
-import java.util.List;
-public interface RiakNodeDriver extends SoftwareProcessDriver {
-    String getRiakEtcDir();
-    void joinCluster(String nodeName);
-    void leaveCluster();
-    void removeNode(String nodeName);
-    void recoverFailedNode(String nodeName);
-    String getOsMajorVersion();
-    void bucketTypeCreate(String bucketTypeName, String bucketTypeProperties);
-    List<String> bucketTypeList();
-    List<String> bucketTypeStatus(String bucketTypeName);
-    void bucketTypeUpdate(String bucketTypeName, String bucketTypeProperties);
-    void bucketTypeActivate(String bucketTypeName);
diff --git a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/riak/ b/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/riak/
deleted file mode 100644
index 60358a4..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/riak/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.brooklyn.entity.nosql.riak;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
-import javax.annotation.Nullable;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.MachineProvisioningLocation;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.api.sensor.AttributeSensor;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.Entities;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.access.BrooklynAccessUtils;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.sensor.AttributeSensorAndConfigKey;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.enricher.stock.Enrichers;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.entity.webapp.WebAppServiceMethods;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.feed.http.HttpFeed;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.feed.http.HttpPollConfig;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.feed.http.HttpValueFunctions;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableSet;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.config.ConfigBag;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.util.guava.Functionals;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Duration;
-public class RiakNodeImpl extends SoftwareProcessImpl implements RiakNode {
-    private volatile HttpFeed httpFeed;
-    @Override
-    public RiakNodeDriver getDriver() {
-        return (RiakNodeDriver) super.getDriver();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Class<RiakNodeDriver> getDriverInterface() {
-        return RiakNodeDriver.class;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void init() {
-        super.init();
-        // fail fast if config files not avail
-        Entities.getRequiredUrlConfig(this, RIAK_VM_ARGS_TEMPLATE_URL);
-        Entities.getRequiredUrlConfig(this, RIAK_APP_CONFIG_TEMPLATE_URL);
-        Integer defaultMaxOpenFiles = RIAK_MAX_OPEN_FILES.getDefaultValue();
-        Integer maxOpenFiles = getConfig(RiakNode.RIAK_MAX_OPEN_FILES);
-        Preconditions.checkArgument(maxOpenFiles >= defaultMaxOpenFiles , "Specified number of open files : %s : is less than the required minimum",
-                maxOpenFiles, defaultMaxOpenFiles);
-    }
-    @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
-    public boolean isPackageDownloadUrlProvided() {
-        AttributeSensorAndConfigKey[] downloadProperties = { DOWNLOAD_URL_RHEL_CENTOS, DOWNLOAD_URL_UBUNTU, DOWNLOAD_URL_DEBIAN };
-        for (AttributeSensorAndConfigKey property : downloadProperties) {
-            if (!((ConfigurationSupportInternal) config()).getRaw(property).isAbsent()) {
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected Map<String, Object> obtainProvisioningFlags(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") MachineProvisioningLocation location) {
-        ConfigBag result = ConfigBag.newInstance(super.obtainProvisioningFlags(location));
-        result.configure(CloudLocationConfig.OS_64_BIT, true);
-        return result.getAllConfig();
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected Collection<Integer> getRequiredOpenPorts() {
-        // TODO this creates a huge list of inbound ports; much better to define on a security group using range syntax!
-        int erlangRangeStart = getConfig(ERLANG_PORT_RANGE_START).iterator().next();
-        int erlangRangeEnd = getConfig(ERLANG_PORT_RANGE_END).iterator().next();
-        Set<Integer> ports = MutableSet.copyOf(super.getRequiredOpenPorts());
-        Set<Integer> erlangPorts = ContiguousSet.create(, erlangRangeEnd), DiscreteDomain.integers());
-        ports.addAll(erlangPorts);
-        return ports;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void connectSensors() {
-        super.connectSensors();
-        connectServiceUpIsRunning();
-        HostAndPort accessible = BrooklynAccessUtils.getBrooklynAccessibleAddress(this, getRiakWebPort());
-        if (isHttpMonitoringEnabled()) {
-            HttpFeed.Builder httpFeedBuilder = HttpFeed.builder()
-                    .entity(this)
-                    .period(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
-                    .baseUri(String.format("http://%s/stats", accessible.toString()))
-                    .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Integer>(NODE_GETS)
-                            .onSuccess(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents("node_gets", Integer.class))
-                            .onFailureOrException(Functions.constant(-1)))
-                    .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Integer>(NODE_GETS_TOTAL)
-                            .onSuccess(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents("node_gets_total", Integer.class))
-                            .onFailureOrException(Functions.constant(-1)))
-                    .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Integer>(NODE_PUTS)
-                            .onSuccess(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents("node_puts", Integer.class))
-                            .onFailureOrException(Functions.constant(-1)))
-                    .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Integer>(NODE_PUTS_TOTAL)
-                            .onSuccess(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents("node_puts_total", Integer.class))
-                            .onFailureOrException(Functions.constant(-1)))
-                    .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Integer>(VNODE_GETS)
-                            .onSuccess(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents("vnode_gets", Integer.class))
-                            .onFailureOrException(Functions.constant(-1)))
-                    .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Integer>(VNODE_GETS_TOTAL)
-                            .onSuccess(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents("vnode_gets_total", Integer.class))
-                            .onFailureOrException(Functions.constant(-1)))
-                    .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Integer>(VNODE_PUTS)
-                            .onSuccess(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents("vnode_puts", Integer.class))
-                            .onFailureOrException(Functions.constant(-1)))
-                    .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Integer>(VNODE_PUTS_TOTAL)
-                            .onSuccess(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents("vnode_puts_total", Integer.class))
-                            .onFailureOrException(Functions.constant(-1)))
-                    .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Integer>(READ_REPAIRS_TOTAL)
-                            .onSuccess(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents("read_repairs_total", Integer.class))
-                            .onFailureOrException(Functions.constant(-1)))
-                    .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Integer>(COORD_REDIRS_TOTAL)
-                            .onSuccess(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents("coord_redirs_total", Integer.class))
-                            .onFailureOrException(Functions.constant(-1)))
-                    .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Integer>(MEMORY_PROCESSES_USED)
-                            .onSuccess(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents("memory_processes_used", Integer.class))
-                            .onFailureOrException(Functions.constant(-1)))
-                    .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Integer>(SYS_PROCESS_COUNT)
-                            .onSuccess(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents("sys_process_count", Integer.class))
-                            .onFailureOrException(Functions.constant(-1)))
-                    .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Integer>(PBC_CONNECTS)
-                            .onSuccess(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents("pbc_connects", Integer.class))
-                            .onFailureOrException(Functions.constant(-1)))
-                    .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Integer>(PBC_ACTIVE)
-                            .onSuccess(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents("pbc_active", Integer.class))
-                            .onFailureOrException(Functions.constant(-1)))
-                    .poll(new HttpPollConfig<List<String>>(RING_MEMBERS)
-                            .onSuccess(Functionals.chain(
-                                    HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents("ring_members", String[].class),
-                                    new Function<String[], List<String>>() {
-                                        @Nullable
-                                        @Override
-                                        public List<String> apply(@Nullable String[] strings) {
-                                            return Arrays.asList(strings);
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                            ))
-                            .onFailureOrException(Functions.constant(Arrays.asList(new String[0]))));
-            for (AttributeSensor<Integer> sensor : ONE_MINUTE_SENSORS) {
-                httpFeedBuilder.poll(new HttpPollConfig<Integer>(sensor)
-                        .period(Duration.ONE_MINUTE)
-                        .onSuccess(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents(sensor.getName().substring(5), Integer.class))
-                        .onFailureOrException(Functions.constant(-1)));
-            }
-            httpFeed =;
-        }
-        enrichers().add(Enrichers.builder().combining(NODE_GETS, NODE_PUTS).computingSum().publishing(NODE_OPS).build());
-        enrichers().add(Enrichers.builder().combining(NODE_GETS_TOTAL, NODE_PUTS_TOTAL).computingSum().publishing(NODE_OPS_TOTAL).build());
-        WebAppServiceMethods.connectWebAppServerPolicies(this);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void disconnectSensors() {
-        super.disconnectSensors();
-        if (httpFeed != null) {
-            httpFeed.stop();
-        }
-        disconnectServiceUpIsRunning();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void joinCluster(String nodeName) {
-        getDriver().joinCluster(nodeName);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void leaveCluster() {
-        getDriver().leaveCluster();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void removeNode(String nodeName) {
-        getDriver().removeNode(nodeName);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void bucketTypeCreate(String bucketTypeName, String bucketTypeProperties) {
-        getDriver().bucketTypeCreate(bucketTypeName, bucketTypeProperties);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public List<String> bucketTypeList() {
-        return getDriver().bucketTypeList();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public List<String> bucketTypeStatus(String bucketTypeName) {
-        return getDriver().bucketTypeStatus(bucketTypeName);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void bucketTypeUpdate(String bucketTypeName, String bucketTypeProperties) {
-        getDriver().bucketTypeUpdate(bucketTypeName, bucketTypeProperties);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void bucketTypeActivate(String bucketTypeName) {
-        getDriver().bucketTypeActivate(bucketTypeName);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void recoverFailedNode(String nodeName) {
-        getDriver().recoverFailedNode(nodeName);
-    }
-    protected boolean isHttpMonitoringEnabled() {
-        return Boolean.TRUE.equals(getConfig(USE_HTTP_MONITORING));
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Integer getRiakWebPort() {
-        return getAttribute(RiakNode.RIAK_WEB_PORT);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Integer getRiakPbPort() {
-        return getAttribute(RiakNode.RIAK_PB_PORT);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Integer getHandoffListenerPort() {
-        return getAttribute(RiakNode.HANDOFF_LISTENER_PORT);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Integer getEpmdListenerPort() {
-        return getAttribute(RiakNode.EPMD_LISTENER_PORT);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Integer getErlangPortRangeStart() {
-        return getAttribute(RiakNode.ERLANG_PORT_RANGE_START);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Integer getErlangPortRangeEnd() {
-        return getAttribute(RiakNode.ERLANG_PORT_RANGE_END);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Boolean isSearchEnabled() {
-        return getConfig(RiakNode.SEARCH_ENABLED);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Integer getSearchSolrPort() {
-        return getConfig(RiakNode.SEARCH_SOLR_PORT);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Integer getSearchSolrJmxPort() {
-        return getConfig(RiakNode.SEARCH_SOLR_JMX_PORT);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public String getMajorVersion() {
-        return getFullVersion().substring(0, 3);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public String getFullVersion() {
-        return getConfig(RiakNode.SUGGESTED_VERSION);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public String getOsMajorVersion() {
-        return getDriver().getOsMajorVersion();
-    }
diff --git a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/riak/ b/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/riak/
deleted file mode 100644
index 65879a7..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/riak/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,613 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.brooklyn.entity.nosql.riak;
-import static java.lang.String.format;
-import static org.apache.brooklyn.util.ssh.BashCommands.INSTALL_CURL;
-import static org.apache.brooklyn.util.ssh.BashCommands.INSTALL_TAR;
-import static org.apache.brooklyn.util.ssh.BashCommands.addSbinPathCommand;
-import static org.apache.brooklyn.util.ssh.BashCommands.sbinPath;
-import static org.apache.brooklyn.util.ssh.BashCommands.alternatives;
-import static org.apache.brooklyn.util.ssh.BashCommands.chainGroup;
-import static org.apache.brooklyn.util.ssh.BashCommands.commandToDownloadUrlAs;
-import static org.apache.brooklyn.util.ssh.BashCommands.ifExecutableElse;
-import static org.apache.brooklyn.util.ssh.BashCommands.ifNotExecutable;
-import static org.apache.brooklyn.util.ssh.BashCommands.ok;
-import static org.apache.brooklyn.util.ssh.BashCommands.sudo;
-import static org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.StringEscapes.BashStringEscapes.escapeLiteralForDoubleQuotedBash;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.OsDetails;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.effector.ssh.SshEffectorTasks;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.Attributes;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.Entities;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.location.ssh.SshMachineLocation;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.DynamicTasks;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.ssh.SshTasks;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.util.os.Os;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.util.ssh.BashCommands;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.Strings;
-// TODO: Alter -env ERL_CRASH_DUMP path in vm.args
-public class RiakNodeSshDriver extends JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver implements RiakNodeDriver {
-    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RiakNodeSshDriver.class);
-    private static final String INSTALLING_FALLBACK = INSTALLING + "_fallback";
-    public RiakNodeSshDriver(final RiakNodeImpl entity, final SshMachineLocation machine) {
-        super(entity, machine);
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected String getLogFileLocation() {
-        return "/var/log/riak/solr.log";
-    }
-    @Override
-    public RiakNodeImpl getEntity() {
-        return RiakNodeImpl.class.cast(super.getEntity());
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Map<String, String> getShellEnvironment() {
-        MutableMap<String, String> result = MutableMap.copyOf(super.getShellEnvironment());
-        // how to change epmd port, according to
-        //
-        if (getEntity().getEpmdListenerPort() != null) {
-            result.put("ERL_EPMD_PORT", Integer.toString(getEntity().getEpmdListenerPort()));
-        }
-        result.put("WAIT_FOR_ERLANG", "60");
-        return result;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void preInstall() {
-        resolver = Entities.newDownloader(this);
-        setExpandedInstallDir(Os.mergePaths(getInstallDir(), resolver.getUnpackedDirectoryName(format("riak-%s", getVersion()))));
-        // Set package install attribute
-        OsDetails osDetails = getMachine().getMachineDetails().getOsDetails();
-        if (osDetails.isLinux()) {
-            entity.sensors().set(RiakNode.RIAK_PACKAGE_INSTALL, true);
-        } else if (osDetails.isMac()) {
-            entity.sensors().set(RiakNode.RIAK_PACKAGE_INSTALL, false);
-        }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void install() {
-        if (entity.getConfig(Attributes.DOWNLOAD_URL) != null) {
-            LOG.warn("Ignoring download.url {}, use download.url.rhelcentos or download.url.mac", entity.getConfig(Attributes.DOWNLOAD_URL));
-        }
-        OsDetails osDetails = getMachine().getMachineDetails().getOsDetails();
-        List<String> commands = Lists.newLinkedList();
-        if (osDetails.isLinux()) {
-            if (getEntity().isPackageDownloadUrlProvided()) {
-                commands.addAll(installLinuxFromPackageUrl());
-            } else {
-                commands.addAll(installFromPackageCloud());
-            }
-        } else if (osDetails.isMac()) {
-            commands.addAll(installMac());
-        } else if (osDetails.isWindows()) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("RiakNode not supported on Windows instances");
-        } else {
-            throw new IllegalStateException("Machine was not detected as linux, mac or windows! Installation does not know how to proceed with " +
-                    getMachine() + ". Details: " + getMachine().getMachineDetails().getOsDetails());
-        }
-        int result = newScript(INSTALLING)
-                .body.append(commands)
-                .failIfBodyEmpty()
-                .execute();
-        if (result != 0 && osDetails.isLinux()) {
-            result = newScript(INSTALLING_FALLBACK)
-                    .body.append(installLinuxFromPackageUrl())
-                    .execute();
-        }
-        if (result != 0) {
-            throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Install failed with result %d", result));
-        }
-    }
-    private List<String> installLinuxFromPackageUrl() {
-        DynamicTasks.queueIfPossible(SshTasks.dontRequireTtyForSudo(getMachine(), SshTasks.OnFailingTask.WARN_OR_IF_DYNAMIC_FAIL_MARKING_INESSENTIAL)).orSubmitAndBlock();
-        String expandedInstallDir = getExpandedInstallDir();
-        String installBin = Urls.mergePaths(expandedInstallDir, "bin");
-        String saveAsYum = "riak.rpm";
-        String saveAsApt = "riak.deb";
-        OsDetails osDetails = getMachine().getOsDetails();
-        String downloadUrl;
-        String osReleaseCmd;
-        if ("debian".equalsIgnoreCase(osDetails.getName())) {
-            // TODO osDetails.getName() is returning "linux", instead of debian/ubuntu on AWS with jenkins image,
-            //      running as integration test targetting localhost.
-            // TODO Debian support (default debian image fails with 'sudo: command not found')
-            downloadUrl = (String)entity.getAttribute(RiakNode.DOWNLOAD_URL_DEBIAN);
-            osReleaseCmd = osDetails.getVersion().substring(0, osDetails.getVersion().indexOf("."));
-        } else {
-            // assume Ubuntu
-            downloadUrl = (String)entity.getAttribute(RiakNode.DOWNLOAD_URL_UBUNTU);
-            osReleaseCmd = "`lsb_release -sc` && " +
-                    "export OS_RELEASE=`([[ \"lucid natty precise\" =~ (^| )\\$OS_RELEASE($| ) ]] && echo $OS_RELEASE || echo precise)`";
-        }
-        String apt = chainGroup(
-                //debian fix
-                addSbinPathCommand(),
-                "which apt-get",
-                ok(sudo("apt-get -y --allow-unauthenticated install logrotate libpam0g-dev libssl0.9.8")),
-                "export OS_NAME=" + Strings.toLowerCase(osDetails.getName()),
-                "export OS_RELEASE=" + osReleaseCmd,
-                String.format("wget -O %s %s", saveAsApt, downloadUrl),
-                sudo(String.format("dpkg -i %s", saveAsApt)));
-        String yum = chainGroup(
-                "which yum",
-                ok(sudo("yum -y install openssl")),
-                String.format("wget -O %s %s", saveAsYum, entity.getAttribute(RiakNode.DOWNLOAD_URL_RHEL_CENTOS)),
-                sudo(String.format("yum localinstall -y %s", saveAsYum)));
-        return ImmutableList.<String>builder()
-                .add("mkdir -p " + installBin)
-                .add(INSTALL_CURL)
-                .add(alternatives(apt, yum))
-                .add("ln -s `which riak` " + Urls.mergePaths(installBin, "riak"))
-                .add("ln -s `which riak-admin` " + Urls.mergePaths(installBin, "riak-admin"))
-                .build();
-    }
-    private List<String> installFromPackageCloud() {
-        OsDetails osDetails = getMachine().getMachineDetails().getOsDetails();
-        return ImmutableList.<String>builder()
-                .add(osDetails.getName().toLowerCase().contains("debian") ? addSbinPathCommand() : "")
-                .add(ifNotExecutable("curl", INSTALL_CURL))
-                .addAll(ifExecutableElse("yum", installDebianBased(), installRpmBased()))
-                .build();
-    }
-    private ImmutableList<String> installDebianBased() {
-        return ImmutableList.<String>builder()
-                .add("curl | " + BashCommands.sudo("bash"))
-                .add(BashCommands.sudo("apt-get install --assume-yes riak=" + getEntity().getFullVersion() + "-1"))
-                .build();
-    }
-    private ImmutableList<String> installRpmBased() {
-        return ImmutableList.<String>builder()
-                .add("curl | " + BashCommands.sudo("bash"))
-                .add(BashCommands.sudo("yum install -y riak-" + getEntity().getFullVersion() + "*"))
-                .build();
-    }
-    protected List<String> installMac() {
-        String saveAs = resolver.getFilename();
-        String url = entity.getAttribute(RiakNode.DOWNLOAD_URL_MAC);
-        return ImmutableList.<String>builder()
-                .add(INSTALL_TAR)
-                .add(INSTALL_CURL)
-                .add(commandToDownloadUrlAs(url, saveAs))
-                .add("tar xzvf " + saveAs)
-                .build();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void customize() {
-        checkRiakOnPath();
-        //create entity's runDir
-        newScript(CUSTOMIZING).execute();
-        OsDetails osDetails = getMachine().getMachineDetails().getOsDetails();
-        List<String> commands = Lists.newLinkedList();
-        commands.add(sudo("mkdir -p " + getRiakEtcDir()));
-        if (isVersion1()) {
-            String vmArgsTemplate = processTemplate(entity.getConfig(RiakNode.RIAK_VM_ARGS_TEMPLATE_URL));
-            String saveAsVmArgs = Urls.mergePaths(getRunDir(), "vm.args");
-            DynamicTasks.queue(SshEffectorTasks.put(saveAsVmArgs).contents(vmArgsTemplate));
-            commands.add(sudo("mv " + saveAsVmArgs + " " + getRiakEtcDir()));
-            String appConfigTemplate = processTemplate(entity.getConfig(RiakNode.RIAK_APP_CONFIG_TEMPLATE_URL));
-            String saveAsAppConfig = Urls.mergePaths(getRunDir(), "app.config");
-            DynamicTasks.queue(SshEffectorTasks.put(saveAsAppConfig).contents(appConfigTemplate));
-            commands.add(sudo("mv " + saveAsAppConfig + " " + getRiakEtcDir()));
-        } else {
-            String templateUrl = osDetails.isMac() ? entity.getConfig(RiakNode.RIAK_CONF_TEMPLATE_URL_MAC) :
-                    entity.getConfig(RiakNode.RIAK_CONF_TEMPLATE_URL_LINUX);
-            String riakConfContent = processTemplate(templateUrl);
-            String saveAsRiakConf = Urls.mergePaths(getRunDir(), "riak.conf");
-            if(Strings.isNonBlank(entity.getConfig(RiakNode.RIAK_CONF_ADDITIONAL_CONTENT))) {
-                String additionalConfigContent = processTemplateContents(entity.getConfig(RiakNode.RIAK_CONF_ADDITIONAL_CONTENT));
-                riakConfContent += "\n## Brooklyn note: additional config\n";
-                riakConfContent += additionalConfigContent;
-            }
-            DynamicTasks.queue(SshEffectorTasks.put(saveAsRiakConf).contents(riakConfContent));
-            commands.add(sudo("mv " + saveAsRiakConf + " " + getRiakEtcDir()));
-        }
-        //increase open file limit (default min for riak is: 4096)
-        //TODO: detect the actual limit then do the modification.
-        //TODO: modify ulimit for linux distros
-        //    commands.add(sudo("launchctl limit maxfiles 4096 32768"));
-        if (osDetails.isMac()) {
-            commands.add("ulimit -n 4096");
-        }
-        if (osDetails.isLinux() && isVersion1()) {
-            commands.add(sudo("chown -R riak:riak " + getRiakEtcDir()));
-        }
-        // TODO platform_*_dir
-        // TODO riak config log
-        ScriptHelper customizeScript = newScript(CUSTOMIZING)
-                .failOnNonZeroResultCode()
-                .body.append(commands);
-        if (!isRiakOnPath()) {
-            addRiakOnPath(customizeScript);
-        }
-        customizeScript.failOnNonZeroResultCode().execute();
-        if (osDetails.isLinux()) {
-            ImmutableMap<String, String> sysctl = ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder()
-                    .put("vm.swappiness", "0")
-                    .put("net.core.somaxconn", "40000")
-                    .put("net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog", "40000")
-                    .put("net.ipv4.tcp_sack",  "1")
-                    .put("net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling",  "15")
-                    .put("net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout",     "1")
-                    .put("net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl", "30")
-                    .put("net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse",        "1")
-                    .put("net.ipv4.tcp_moderate_rcvbuf", "1")
-                    .build();
-            ScriptHelper optimize = newScript(CUSTOMIZING + "network")
-                .body.append(sudo("sysctl " + Joiner.on(' ').withKeyValueSeparator("=").join(sysctl)));
-            Optional<Boolean> enable = Optional.fromNullable(entity.getConfig(RiakNode.OPTIMIZE_HOST_NETWORKING));
-            if (!enable.isPresent()) optimize.inessential();
-            if (enable.or(true)) optimize.execute();
-        }
-        //set the riak node name
-        entity.sensors().set(RiakNode.RIAK_NODE_NAME, format("riak@%s", getSubnetHostname()));
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void launch() {
-        List<String> commands = Lists.newLinkedList();
-        if (isPackageInstall()) {
-            commands.add(addSbinPathCommand());
-            commands.add(sudo(format("sh -c \"ulimit -n %s && service riak start\"", maxOpenFiles())));
-        } else {
-            // NOTE: See instructions at
-            // for increasing the system limit for number of open files
-            commands.add("ulimit -n 65536 || true"); // `BashCommands.ok` will put this in parentheses, which will set ulimit -n in the subshell
-            commands.add(format("%s start >/dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &", getRiakCmd()));
-        }
-        ScriptHelper launchScript = newScript(LAUNCHING)
-                .body.append(commands);
-        if (!isRiakOnPath()) {
-            addRiakOnPath(launchScript);
-        }
-        launchScript.failOnNonZeroResultCode().execute();
-        String mainUri = String.format("http://%s:%s/admin", entity.getAttribute(Attributes.HOSTNAME), entity.getAttribute(RiakNode.RIAK_WEB_PORT));
-        entity.sensors().set(Attributes.MAIN_URI, URI.create(mainUri));
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void stop() {
-        leaveCluster();
-        String command = format("%s stop", getRiakCmd());
-        command = isPackageInstall() ? sudo(command) : command;
-        ScriptHelper stopScript = newScript(ImmutableMap.of(USE_PID_FILE, false), STOPPING)
-                .body.append(command);
-        if (!isRiakOnPath()) {
-            addRiakOnPath(stopScript);
-        }
-        int result = stopScript.failOnNonZeroResultCode().execute();
-        if (result != 0) {
-            newScript(ImmutableMap.of(USE_PID_FILE, false), STOPPING).execute();
-        }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean isRunning() {
-        // Version 2.0.0 requires sudo for `riak ping`
-        ScriptHelper checkRunningScript = newScript(CHECK_RUNNING)
-                .body.append(sudo(format("%s ping", getRiakCmd())));
-        if (!isRiakOnPath()) {
-            addRiakOnPath(checkRunningScript);
-        }
-        return (checkRunningScript.execute() == 0);
-    }
-    public boolean isPackageInstall() {
-        return entity.getAttribute(RiakNode.RIAK_PACKAGE_INSTALL);
-    }
-    public boolean isRiakOnPath() {
-        return entity.getAttribute(RiakNode.RIAK_ON_PATH);
-    }
-    public String getRiakEtcDir() {
-        return isPackageInstall() ? "/etc/riak" : Urls.mergePaths(getExpandedInstallDir(), "etc");
-    }
-    protected String getRiakCmd() {
-        return isPackageInstall() ? "riak" : Urls.mergePaths(getExpandedInstallDir(), "bin/riak");
-    }
-    protected String getRiakAdminCmd() {
-        return isPackageInstall() ? "riak-admin" : Urls.mergePaths(getExpandedInstallDir(), "bin/riak-admin");
-    }
-    // TODO find a way to batch commit the changes, instead of committing for every operation.
-    @Override
-    public void joinCluster(String nodeName) {
-        if (getRiakName().equals(nodeName)) {
-            log.warn("Cannot join Riak node: {} to itself", nodeName);
-        } else {
-            if (!hasJoinedCluster()) {
-                ScriptHelper joinClusterScript = newScript("joinCluster")
-                        .body.append(sudo(format("%s cluster join %s", getRiakAdminCmd(), nodeName)))
-                        .body.append(sudo(format("%s cluster plan", getRiakAdminCmd())))
-                        .body.append(sudo(format("%s cluster commit", getRiakAdminCmd())))
-                        .failOnNonZeroResultCode();
-                if (!isRiakOnPath()) {
-                    addRiakOnPath(joinClusterScript);
-                }
-                joinClusterScript.execute();
-                entity.sensors().set(RiakNode.RIAK_NODE_HAS_JOINED_CLUSTER, Boolean.TRUE);
-            } else {
-                log.warn("entity {}: is already in the riak cluster", entity.getId());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void leaveCluster() {
-        if (hasJoinedCluster()) {
-            ScriptHelper leaveClusterScript = newScript("leaveCluster")
-                    .body.append(sudo(format("%s cluster leave", getRiakAdminCmd())))
-                    .body.append(sudo(format("%s cluster plan", getRiakAdminCmd())))
-                    .body.append(sudo(format("%s cluster commit", getRiakAdminCmd())))
-                    .failOnNonZeroResultCode();
-            if (!isRiakOnPath()) {
-                addRiakOnPath(leaveClusterScript);
-            }
-            leaveClusterScript.execute();
-            entity.sensors().set(RiakNode.RIAK_NODE_HAS_JOINED_CLUSTER, Boolean.FALSE);
-        } else {
-            log.warn("entity {}: has already left the riak cluster", entity.getId());
-        }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void removeNode(String nodeName) {
-        ScriptHelper removeNodeScript = newScript("removeNode")
-                .body.append(sudo(format("%s cluster force-remove %s", getRiakAdminCmd(), nodeName)))
-                .body.append(sudo(format("%s down %s", getRiakAdminCmd(), nodeName)))
-                .body.append(sudo(format("%s cluster plan", getRiakAdminCmd())))
-                .body.append(sudo(format("%s cluster commit", getRiakAdminCmd())))
-                .failOnNonZeroResultCode();
-        if (!isRiakOnPath()) {
-            addRiakOnPath(removeNodeScript);
-        }
-        removeNodeScript.execute();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void bucketTypeCreate(String bucketTypeName, String bucketTypeProperties) {
-        ScriptHelper bucketTypeCreateScript = newScript("bucket-type_create " + bucketTypeName)
-                .body.append(sudo(format("%s bucket-type create %s %s",
-                        getRiakAdminCmd(),
-                        bucketTypeName,
-                        escapeLiteralForDoubleQuotedBash(bucketTypeProperties))));
-        if(!isRiakOnPath()) {
-            addRiakOnPath(bucketTypeCreateScript);
-        }
-        bucketTypeCreateScript.body.append(sudo(format("%s bucket-type activate %s", getRiakAdminCmd(), bucketTypeName)))
-                .failOnNonZeroResultCode();
-        bucketTypeCreateScript.execute();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public List<String> bucketTypeList() {
-        ScriptHelper bucketTypeListScript = newScript("bucket-types_list")
-                .body.append(sudo(format("%s bucket-type list", getRiakAdminCmd())))
-                .gatherOutput()
-                .noExtraOutput()
-                .failOnNonZeroResultCode();
-        if (!isRiakOnPath()) {
-            addRiakOnPath(bucketTypeListScript);
-        }
-        bucketTypeListScript.execute();
-        String stdout = bucketTypeListScript.getResultStdout();
-        return Arrays.asList(stdout.split("[\\r\\n]+"));
-    }
-    @Override
-    public List<String> bucketTypeStatus(String bucketTypeName) {
-        ScriptHelper bucketTypeStatusScript = newScript("bucket-type_status")
-                .body.append(sudo(format("%s bucket-type status %s", getRiakAdminCmd(), bucketTypeName)))
-                .gatherOutput()
-                .noExtraOutput()
-                .failOnNonZeroResultCode();
-        if (!isRiakOnPath()) {
-            addRiakOnPath(bucketTypeStatusScript);
-        }
-        bucketTypeStatusScript.execute();
-        String stdout = bucketTypeStatusScript.getResultStdout();
-        return Arrays.asList(stdout.split("[\\r\\n]+"));
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void bucketTypeUpdate(String bucketTypeName, String bucketTypeProperties) {
-        ScriptHelper bucketTypeStatusScript = newScript("bucket-type_update")
-                .body.append(sudo(format("%s bucket-type update %s %s",
-                        getRiakAdminCmd(),
-                        bucketTypeName,
-                        escapeLiteralForDoubleQuotedBash(bucketTypeProperties))))
-                .failOnNonZeroResultCode();
-        if (!isRiakOnPath()) {
-            addRiakOnPath(bucketTypeStatusScript);
-        }
-        bucketTypeStatusScript.execute();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void bucketTypeActivate(String bucketTypeName) {
-        ScriptHelper bucketTypeStatusScript = newScript("bucket-type_activate")
-                .body.append(sudo(format("%s bucket-type activate %s", getRiakAdminCmd(), bucketTypeName)))
-                .failOnNonZeroResultCode();
-        if (!isRiakOnPath()) {
-            addRiakOnPath(bucketTypeStatusScript);
-        }
-        bucketTypeStatusScript.execute();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void recoverFailedNode(String nodeName) {
-        //TODO find ways to detect a faulty/failed node
-        //argument passed 'node' is any working node in the riak cluster
-        //following the instruction from:
-        if (hasJoinedCluster()) {
-            String failedNodeName = getRiakName();
-            String stopCommand = format("%s stop", getRiakCmd());
-            stopCommand = isPackageInstall() ? sudo(stopCommand) : stopCommand;
-            String startCommand = format("%s start > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &", getRiakCmd());
-            startCommand = isPackageInstall() ? sudo(startCommand) : startCommand;
-            ScriptHelper recoverNodeScript = newScript("recoverNode")
-                    .body.append(stopCommand)
-                    .body.append(format("%s down %s", getRiakAdminCmd(), failedNodeName))
-                    .body.append(sudo(format("rm -rf %s", getRingStateDir())))
-                    .body.append(startCommand)
-                    .body.append(sudo(format("%s cluster join %s", getRiakAdminCmd(), nodeName)))
-                    .body.append(sudo(format("%s cluster plan", getRiakAdminCmd())))
-                    .body.append(sudo(format("%s cluster commit", getRiakAdminCmd())))
-                    .failOnNonZeroResultCode();
-            if (!isRiakOnPath()) {
-                addRiakOnPath(recoverNodeScript);
-            }
-            recoverNodeScript.execute();
-        } else {
-            log.warn("entity {}: is not in the riak cluster", entity.getId());
-        }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void setup() {
-        if(entity.getConfig(RiakNode.SEARCH_ENABLED)) {
-            // JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver.setup() is called in order to install java
-            super.setup();
-        }
-    }
-    private Boolean hasJoinedCluster() {
-        return Boolean.TRUE.equals(entity.getAttribute(RiakNode.RIAK_NODE_HAS_JOINED_CLUSTER));
-    }
-    protected void checkRiakOnPath() {
-        boolean riakOnPath = newScript("riakOnPath")
-                .body.append("which riak")
-                .execute() == 0;
-        entity.sensors().set(RiakNode.RIAK_ON_PATH, riakOnPath);
-    }
-    private String getRiakName() {
-        return entity.getAttribute(RiakNode.RIAK_NODE_NAME);
-    }
-    private String getRingStateDir() {
-        //TODO: check for non-package install.
-        return isPackageInstall() ? "/var/lib/riak/ring" : Urls.mergePaths(getExpandedInstallDir(), "lib/ring");
-    }
-    protected boolean isVersion1() {
-        return getVersion().startsWith("1.");
-    }
-    @Override
-    public String getOsMajorVersion() {
-        OsDetails osDetails = getMachine().getMachineDetails().getOsDetails();
-        String osVersion = osDetails.getVersion();
-        return osVersion.contains(".") ? osVersion.substring(0, osVersion.indexOf(".")) : osVersion;
-    }
-    private void addRiakOnPath(ScriptHelper scriptHelper) {
-        Map<String, String> newPathVariable = ImmutableMap.of("PATH", sbinPath());
-//        log.warn("riak command not found on PATH. Altering future commands' environment variables from {} to {}", getShellEnvironment(), newPathVariable);
-        scriptHelper.environmentVariablesReset(newPathVariable);
-    }
-    public Integer maxOpenFiles() {
-        return entity.getConfig(RiakNode.RIAK_MAX_OPEN_FILES);
-    }
diff --git a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/solr/ b/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/solr/
deleted file mode 100644
index 702d595..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/solr/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.brooklyn.entity.nosql.solr;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.api.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.ImplementedBy;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.BrooklynConfigKeys;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.PortRanges;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.sensor.BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.sensor.PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.SetFromFlag;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Duration;
- * An {@link org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Entity} that represents a Solr node.
- */
-@Catalog(name="Apache Solr Node", description="Solr is the popular, blazing fast open source enterprise search " +
-        "platform from the Apache Lucene project.", iconUrl="classpath:///solr-logo.jpeg")
-public interface SolrServer extends SoftwareProcess, UsesJava, UsesJmx, UsesJavaMXBeans {
-    @SetFromFlag("version")
-    ConfigKey<String> SUGGESTED_VERSION = ConfigKeys.newConfigKeyWithDefault(SoftwareProcess.SUGGESTED_VERSION, "4.7.2");
-    @SetFromFlag("downloadUrl")
-    BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey<String> DOWNLOAD_URL = new BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey<String>(
-            SoftwareProcess.DOWNLOAD_URL, "${driver.mirrorUrl}/${version}/solr-${version}.tgz");
-    /** download mirror, if desired */
-    @SetFromFlag("mirrorUrl")
-    ConfigKey<String> MIRROR_URL = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("solr.install.mirror.url", "URL of mirror",
-            "");
-    @SetFromFlag("solrPort")
-    PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey SOLR_PORT = new PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey("solr.http.port", "Solr HTTP communications port",
-            PortRanges.fromString("8983+"));
-    @SetFromFlag("solrConfigTemplateUrl")
-    ConfigKey<String> SOLR_CONFIG_TEMPLATE_URL = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
-            "solr.config.templateUrl", "Template file (in freemarker format) for the solr.xml config file", 
-            "classpath://org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/solr/solr.xml");
-    @SetFromFlag("coreConfigMap")
-    ConfigKey<Map<String, String>> SOLR_CORE_CONFIG = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() { },
-            "solr.core.config", "Map of core names to core configuration archive URL",
-            Maps.<String, String>newHashMap());
-    ConfigKey<Duration> START_TIMEOUT = ConfigKeys.newConfigKeyWithDefault(BrooklynConfigKeys.START_TIMEOUT, Duration.FIVE_MINUTES);
-    /* Accessors used from template */
-    Integer getSolrPort();
diff --git a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/solr/ b/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/solr/
deleted file mode 100644
index 866aedb..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/solr/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.brooklyn.entity.nosql.solr;
-public interface SolrServerDriver extends JavaSoftwareProcessDriver {
-    Integer getSolrPort();
-    String getSolrConfigTemplateUrl();
diff --git a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/solr/ b/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/solr/
deleted file mode 100644
index 98fa91e..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/solr/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.brooklyn.entity.nosql.solr;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.Attributes;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.access.BrooklynAccessUtils;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.feed.http.HttpFeed;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.feed.http.HttpPollConfig;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.feed.http.HttpValueFunctions;
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
- * Implementation of {@link SolrServer}.
- */
-public class SolrServerImpl extends SoftwareProcessImpl implements SolrServer {
-    @Override
-    public Integer getSolrPort() {
-        return getAttribute(SolrServer.SOLR_PORT);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Class<SolrServerDriver> getDriverInterface() {
-        return SolrServerDriver.class;
-    }
-    private volatile HttpFeed httpFeed;
-    @Override 
-    protected void connectSensors() {
-        super.connectSensors();
-        HostAndPort hp = BrooklynAccessUtils.getBrooklynAccessibleAddress(this, getSolrPort());
-        String solrUri = String.format("http://%s:%d/solr", hp.getHostText(), hp.getPort());
-        sensors().set(Attributes.MAIN_URI, URI.create(solrUri));
-        httpFeed = HttpFeed.builder()
-                .entity(this)
-                .period(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
-                .baseUri(solrUri)
-                .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Boolean>(SERVICE_UP)
-                        .onSuccess(HttpValueFunctions.responseCodeEquals(200))
-                        .onFailureOrException(Functions.constant(false)))
-                .build();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void disconnectSensors() {
-        super.disconnectSensors();
-        if (httpFeed != null) httpFeed.stop();
-    }
diff --git a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/solr/ b/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/solr/
deleted file mode 100644
index 773083e..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/entity/nosql/solr/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.brooklyn.entity.nosql.solr;
-import static java.lang.String.format;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.Location;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.Entities;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.location.ssh.SshMachineLocation;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.file.ArchiveUtils;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.util.os.Os;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.util.ssh.BashCommands;
- * Start a {@link SolrServer} in a {@link Location} accessible over ssh.
- */
-public class SolrServerSshDriver extends JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver implements SolrServerDriver {
-    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SolrServerSshDriver.class);
-    public SolrServerSshDriver(SolrServerImpl entity, SshMachineLocation machine) {
-        super(entity, machine);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Integer getSolrPort() { return entity.getAttribute(SolrServer.SOLR_PORT); }
-    @Override
-    public String getSolrConfigTemplateUrl() { return entity.getConfig(SolrServer.SOLR_CONFIG_TEMPLATE_URL); }
-    public String getMirrorUrl() { return entity.getConfig(SolrServer.MIRROR_URL); }
-    public String getPidFile() { return Os.mergePaths(getRunDir(), ""); }
-    @Override
-    public void preInstall() {
-        resolver = Entities.newDownloader(this);
-        setExpandedInstallDir(Os.mergePaths(getInstallDir(), resolver.getUnpackedDirectoryName(format("solr-%s", getVersion()))));
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void install() {
-        List<String> urls = resolver.getTargets();
-        String saveAs = resolver.getFilename();
-        List<String> commands = ImmutableList.<String>builder()
-                .addAll(BashCommands.commandsToDownloadUrlsAs(urls, saveAs))
-                .add(BashCommands.INSTALL_TAR)
-                .add("tar xzfv " + saveAs)
-                .build();
-        newScript(INSTALLING)
-                .failOnNonZeroResultCode()
-                .body.append(commands)
-                .execute();
-    }
-    public Set<Integer> getPortsUsed() {
-        Set<Integer> result = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(super.getPortsUsed());
-        result.addAll(getPortMap().values());
-        return result;
-    }
-    private Map<String, Integer> getPortMap() {
-        return ImmutableMap.<String, Integer>builder()
-                .put("solrPort", getSolrPort())
-                .put("jmxPort", entity.getAttribute(UsesJmx.JMX_PORT))
-                .put("rmiPort", entity.getAttribute(UsesJmx.RMI_REGISTRY_PORT))
-                .build();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void customize() {
-        log.debug("Customizing {}", entity);
-        Networking.checkPortsValid(getPortMap());
-        ImmutableList.Builder<String> commands = new ImmutableList.Builder<String>()
-                .add("mkdir contrib")
-                .add("mkdir solr")
-                .add(String.format("cp -R %s/example/{etc,contexts,lib,logs,resources,webapps} .", getExpandedInstallDir()))
-                .add(String.format("cp %s/example/start.jar .", getExpandedInstallDir()))
-                .add(String.format("cp %s/dist/*.jar lib/", getExpandedInstallDir()))
-                .add(String.format("cp %s/contrib/*/lib/*.jar contrib/", getExpandedInstallDir()));
-        newScript(CUSTOMIZING)
-                .body.append(
-                .execute();
-        // Copy the solr.xml configuration file across
-        String configFileContents = processTemplate(getSolrConfigTemplateUrl());
-        String destinationConfigFile = String.format("%s/solr/solr.xml", getRunDir());
-        getMachine().copyTo(Streams.newInputStreamWithContents(configFileContents), destinationConfigFile);
-        // Copy the core definitions across
-        Map<String, String> coreConfig = entity.getConfig(SolrServer.SOLR_CORE_CONFIG);
-        for (String core : coreConfig.keySet()) {
-            String url = coreConfig.get(core);
-            String solr = Urls.mergePaths(getRunDir(), "solr");
-            ArchiveUtils.deploy(url, getMachine(), solr);
-        }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void launch() {
-        newScript(MutableMap.of(USE_PID_FILE, getPidFile()), LAUNCHING)
-                .body.append("nohup java $JAVA_OPTS -jar start.jar > ./logs/console.log 2>&1 &")
-                .execute();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean isRunning() {
-        return newScript(MutableMap.of(USE_PID_FILE, getPidFile()), CHECK_RUNNING).execute() == 0;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void stop() {
-        newScript(MutableMap.of(USE_PID_FILE, getPidFile()), STOPPING).execute();
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected String getLogFileLocation() {
-        return Urls.mergePaths(getRunDir(), "solr", "logs", "solr.log");
-    }
diff --git a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/resources/cassandra-logo.png b/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/resources/cassandra-logo.png
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index be27504..0000000
Binary files a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/resources/cassandra-logo.png and /dev/null differ
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index 94daf5d..0000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 196b6f9..0000000
Binary files a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/resources/couchdb-logo.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 81e4bfe..0000000
Binary files a/brooklyn-library/software/nosql/src/main/resources/mongodb-logo.png and /dev/null differ