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Posted to by Gabriel Sjoberg <> on 2003/05/31 18:29:38 UTC

Docbook plugin major update

Here's a partial diff of the work I've been doing with the docbook 
plugin.  It doesn't include many of the files I've added.  I've merged 
the two docbook plugins (the one currently in the repo and the sdocbook 
plugin) and added the ability to use full DocBook and chunked DocBook.  
The plugin can now generate xdocs, PDF, FO, and HTML.  Also, with the 
docbook:javadoc command, you can create an entity list to help link your 
docs to javadocs (similar to the Tapestry docbook).  I plan to add rtf 
and a few others formats in the near future.  This is my first patch, so 
let me know what you think!

BTW, I've very tentatively versioned this 2.0 (it IS a large-scale change).

--Gabriel Sjoberg

Index: plugin.jelly
RCS file: /home/cvspublic/maven/src/plugins-build/docbook/plugin.jelly,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 plugin.jelly
--- plugin.jelly    27 May 2003 23:25:55 -0000    1.5
+++ plugin.jelly    31 May 2003 16:14:46 -0000
@@ -1,12 +1,287 @@
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project xmlns:j="jelly:core"
-         xmlns:ant="jelly:ant">
+  xmlns:ant="jelly:ant"
+  xmlns:util="jelly:util">
+  <goal name="docbook"
+        description="Create HTML and PDF generated from Docbook"
+  </goal>
+  <goal
+    name="docbook:prepare-filesystem"
+    description="Prepares the proper directory structure">
+    <mkdir dir="${}"/>
+    <mkdir dir="${}"/>
+    <mkdir dir="${}"/>
+    <mkdir dir="${}"/>
+  </goal>
+  <goal
+    name="docbook:init-simple"
+    description="Init for processing sdocbooks">
+    <!-- get all *.xml and *.sgml -->  
+    <fileScanner var="scanner">
+      <fileset dir="${maven.docbook.src.dir}" includes="**/*.xml, 
+    </fileScanner>  
+  </goal>
+  <goal name="docbook:init-full"
+    description="Init for processing full docbooks">
+    <fileScanner var="scanner">
+      <fileset dir="${maven.docbook.src.dir}" includes="**/*.xml"/>
+    </fileScanner>
+  </goal>
+  <goal name="docbook:init-chunk"
+    description="Init for processing chunked docbooks">
+    <j:if test="${context.getVariable('maven.docbook.chunk.base') == 
+      <echo message="You need to set maven.docbook.chunk.base in your file."/>
+    </j:if>
+    <j:if test="${context.getVariable('maven.docbook.chunk.base') != 
+      <fileScanner var="scanner">
+        <fileset dir="${maven.docbook.src.dir}" 
+      </fileScanner>
+    </j:if>
+  </goal>
+  <!-- 
================================================================== -->
+  <!-- G E N E R A T E  H T M 
L                                           -->
+  <!-- 
================================================================== -->
+  <goal
+    name="docbook:generate-html"
+    description="DEPRECATED: Generate HTML for all sdocbooks in 
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:generate-html-simple"/>
+  </goal>
+  <goal
+    name="docbook:generate-html-simple"
+    prereqs="docbook:init-simple"
+    description="Generate HTML for all sdocbooks in 
+    <j:set var="stylesheet" 
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:prepare-filesystem"/>
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:do-generate-html"/>
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:move"/>
+  </goal>
+  <goal
+    name="docbook:generate-html-chunk"
+    prereqs="docbook:init-chunk"
+    description="Generate chunked HTML for docbook at 
+    <j:set var="stylesheet" 
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:prepare-filesystem"/>
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:do-generate-html"/>
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:move"/>
+  </goal>
+  <goal
+    name="docbook:generate-html-full"
+    prereqs="docbook:init-full"
+    description="Generate HTML for all full docbooks in 
+    <j:set var="stylesheet" 
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:prepare-filesystem"/>
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:do-generate-html"/>
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:move"/>
+  </goal>
+  <goal
+    name="docbook:do-generate-html"
+    description="This actually calls the processor.  CAUTION: Do not 
assert this goal directly.">
+    <!-- create target directory for generated HTML -->
+    <mkdir dir="${}"/>
+    <j:forEach var="file" items="${scanner.iterator()}">
+      <echo>Processing ${file.absolutePath}</echo>
+      <!-- strip the extension from the file name -->
+      <j:set var="index" value="${'.')}"/>
+      <j:set var="basename" value="${,index)}"/>
+      <!-- Use XSLT processor to transform DOCBOOK into HTML -->
+      <java dir="${}" 
classname="org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process" fork="yes">
+        <classpath>
+          <pathelement location="${plugin.dir}/jars/jimi.jar"/>
+          <pathelement location="${plugin.getDependencyPath('batik')}"/>
+          <pathelement location="${plugin.getDependencyPath('fop')}"/>
+          <pathelement location="${plugin.getDependencyPath('xalan')}"/>
+          <pathelement 
+          <pathelement location="${plugin.getDependencyPath('xml-apis')}"/>
+        </classpath>
+        <arg value="-in"/>
+        <arg value="${file.absolutePath}"/>
+        <arg value="-out"/>
+        <arg value="${}/${basename}.html"/>
+        <arg value="-xsl"/>
+        <arg value="${stylesheet}"/>
+      </java>
+    </j:forEach>
+  </goal>
+  <!-- 
================================================================== -->
+  <!-- G E N E R A T E  F 
O                                               -->
+  <!-- 
================================================================== -->
+  <goal
+    name="docbook:generate-fo"
+    description="DEPRECATED: Generate FO for all sdocbooks in 
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:generate-fo-simple"/>
+  </goal>
+  <goal
+    name="docbook:generate-fo-simple"
+    prereqs="docbook:init-simple"
+    description="Generate FO for all sdocbooks in 
+    <j:set var="stylesheet" 
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:prepare-filesystem"/>
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:do-generate-fo"/>
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:move"/>
+  </goal>
+  <goal
+    name="docbook:generate-fo-full"
+    prereqs="docbook:init-full"
+    description="Generate FO for all docbooks in ${maven.docbook.src.dir}">
+    <j:set var="stylesheet" 
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:prepare-filesystem"/>
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:do-generate-fo"/>
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:move"/>
+  </goal>
+  <goal
+    name="docbook:generate-fo-from-chunked"
+    prereqs="docbook:init-chunk"
+    description="Generate fo from a chunked docbook at 
+    <j:set var="stylesheet" 
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:prepare-filesystem"/>
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:do-generate-fo"/>
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:move"/>
+  </goal>
+  <goal
+    name="docbook:do-generate-fo"
+    description="This actually calls the processor.  CAUTION: Do not 
assert this goal directly.">
+    <!-- create target directory for generated FO -->
+    <mkdir dir="${}"/>
+    <delete>
+      <fileset dir="${}" includes="**/*.fo"/>
+     </delete>
+    <j:forEach var="file" items="${scanner.iterator()}">
+      <echo>Processing ${file.absolutePath}</echo>
+      <!-- strip the extension from the file name -->      
+      <j:set var="index" value="${'.')}"/>
+      <j:set var="basename" value="${,index)}"/>
+      <java dir="${}" 
classname="org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process" fork="yes">
+        <classpath>
+          <pathelement location="${plugin.getDependencyPath('xalan')}"/>
+          <pathelement 
+          <pathelement location="${plugin.getDependencyPath('xml-apis')}"/>
+        </classpath>
+        <arg value="-in"/>
+        <arg value="${file.absolutePath}"/>
+        <arg value="-out"/>
+        <arg value="${}/${basename}.fo"/>
+        <arg value="-xsl"/>
+        <arg value="${stylesheet}"/>
+      </java>
+    </j:forEach>
+  </goal>
================================================================== -->
-  <!-- S I M P L E   D O C B O O K   D O C U M E N T A T I O 
N            -->
+  <!-- G E N E R A T E  P D 
F                                             -->
================================================================== -->
+    name="docbook:generate-pdf"
+    description="Generate PDF for all .fo in ${}">
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:prepare-filesystem"/>
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:do-generate-pdf"/>
+  </goal>
+  <goal
+    name="docbook:do-generate-pdf"
+    description="Generate PDF for all *.fo">
+    <!-- create target directory for generated PDF -->
+    <mkdir dir="${}"/>
+    <!-- get all *.xml and *.sgml -->  
+    <fileScanner var="scanner">
+      <fileset dir="${}" includes="**/*.fo"/>
+    </fileScanner>
+    <j:forEach var="file" items="${scanner.iterator()}">
+      <echo>Processing ${file.absolutePath}</echo>
+      <!-- strip the extension from the file name -->
+      <j:set var="index" value="${'.')}"/>
+      <j:set var="basename" value="${,index)}"/>
+      <!-- Run FOP to transform FO into PDF -->
+      <java classname="org.apache.fop.apps.Fop" fork="yes">
+        <classpath>
+          <pathelement location="${plugin.dir}/jars/jimi.jar"/>
+          <pathelement 
+          <pathelement location="${plugin.getDependencyPath('batik')}"/>
+          <pathelement location="${plugin.getDependencyPath('fop')}"/>
+          <pathelement location="${plugin.getDependencyPath('logkit')}"/>
+          <pathelement location="${plugin.getDependencyPath('xalan')}"/>
+          <pathelement 
+          <pathelement location="${plugin.getDependencyPath('xml-apis')}"/>
+        </classpath>
+        <arg line="-fo ${file.absolutePath} -pdf 
+      </java>
+    </j:forEach>
+    <attainGoal name="docbook:move"/>
+  </goal>
+  <!-- 
================================================================== -->
+  <!-- M O V 
E                                                            -->
+  <!-- 
================================================================== -->
+  <goal
+    name="docbook:move"
+    description="Move the generated HTML and PDF into doc">
+    <!-- create target directory for generated files -->
+    <mkdir dir="${}"/>
+    <mkdir dir="${}/html"/>
+    <mkdir dir="${}/pdf"/>
+    <move todir="${}/html" filtering="no">
+      <fileset dir="${}">
+        <include name="**/*.html"/>
+      </fileset>
+    </move>
+    <move todir="${}/html" filtering="no">
+      <fileset dir="${maven.docbook.src.dir}">
+        <include name="**/*.html"/>
+      </fileset>
+    </move>
+    <move todir="${}/pdf" filtering="no">
+      <fileset dir="${}">
+        <include name="**/*.pdf"/>
+      </fileset>
+    </move>
+  </goal>
+  <!-- 
================================================================== -->
+  <!-- D O C B O O K   T O   X D O 
C                                      -->
+  <!-- 
================================================================== -->
+  <goal
     description="Transform any docbook-simple source into xdocs for 
later use">
@@ -38,6 +313,47 @@
+  </goal>
+  <!-- 
================================================================== -->
+  <!-- J A V A D O C   E N T I T Y   L I S 
T                              -->
+  <!-- 
================================================================== -->
+  <goal
+    name="docbook:javadoc"
+    prereqs="javadoc:generate,docbook:prepare-filesystem"
+    description="Create an entity list that will insert direct links to 
a javadoc API.">
+    <fileScanner var="scanner">
+      <fileset dir="${maven.docbook.javadoc.dir}" includes="**/*.html"/>
+    </fileScanner>
+    <echo file="${}/JavadocLinks.xml" 
message="&lt;!-- &#xA;
+  Provides a common place to define entities that are links to API and 
other external &#xA;
+  documentation.  You will probably need to fix the ApiRoot entity 
below to match your &#xA;
+  actual javadoc API root directory. &#xA;--&gt;"/>
+    <!-- Insert an entity pointing to the root of the javadocs -->
+    <j:set var="javadocRoot" 
+    <!-- Make sure any '\' get changed to '/' -->
+    <util:replace oldChar="\" newChar="/" var="javadocRoot" 
+    <echo file="${}/JavadocLinks.xml" append="true"
+      message="&#xA;&#xA;&lt;!ENTITY ApiRoot 
+    <j:forEach var="file" items="${scanner.iterator()}">
+      <!-- strip the extension from the file name -->
+      <j:set var="index" value="${'.')}"/>
+      <j:set var="basename" value="${,index)}"/>
+      <!-- strip off maven.docbook.javadoc.dir so we can make the links 
go to the proper directory -->
+      <j:set var="javadocDirLength" 
+      <j:set var="path" value="${file.getPath()}"/>
+      <j:set var="relpath" value="${path.substring(javadocDirLength)}"/>
+      <!-- pull the old switcheroo on the slashes -->
+      <util:replace oldChar="\" newChar="/" var="relpath" 
+      <echo file="${}/JavadocLinks.xml" 
append="true" message="&#xA;&lt;!ENTITY ${basename} '&lt;ulink 
+    </j:forEach>
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2
---    28 Jan 2003 04:12:16 -0000    1.2
+++    31 May 2003 16:14:46 -0000
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
-# P L U G I N  P R O P E R I E S
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------
-# DocBook plugin.
+# Default properties for the DocBook plugin
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
+maven.docbook.src.dir      = ${basedir}/docbook
+  = ${}/docbook-temp/html    = ${}/docbook-temp/fo   = ${}/docbook-temp/pdf
+   = ${}/docbook
+maven.docbook.javadoc.dir  = ${}/docs/apidocs
\ No newline at end of file
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2
---    10 Feb 2003 08:25:00 -0000    1.2
+++    31 May 2003 16:14:46 -0000
@@ -1,7 +1,2 @@
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------
-# P R O J E C T  P R O P E R T I E S
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+maven.repo.remote =
\ No newline at end of file
Index: project.xml
RCS file: /home/cvspublic/maven/src/plugins-build/docbook/project.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 project.xml
--- project.xml    27 May 2003 23:26:27 -0000    1.9
+++ project.xml    31 May 2003 16:14:46 -0000
@@ -1,18 +1,23 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-  <extend>${basedir}/../project.xml</extend>
+<!--  <extend>${basedir}/../project.xml</extend>-->
-  <name>Maven DocBook Plug-in</name>
-  <currentVersion>1.1-SNAPSHOT</currentVersion>
-  <shortDescription>Java Project Management Tools</shortDescription>
+  <name>Maven DOCBOOK Plug-in</name>
+  <currentVersion>2.0</currentVersion>
+  <shortDescription>Maven Plugin for Docbook</shortDescription>
+  <siteAddress></siteAddress>
+  <package>org.apache.maven</package>
       <name>dIon Gillard</name>
@@ -24,6 +29,24 @@
+      <name>Siegfried Goeschl</name>
+      <id>wdsgoe</id>
+      <email></email>
+      <organization>IT20one</organization>
+      <roles>
+        <role>SQA Consultant</role>
+      </roles>
+    </developer>
+    <developer>
+      <name>Gabriel Sjoberg</name>
+      <id>TheLibrar</id>
+      <email></email>
+      <organization></organization>
+      <roles>
+        <role>Feature Meister</role>
+      </roles>
+    </developer>
+    <developer>
       <name>Jason van Zyl</name>
@@ -34,6 +57,7 @@
@@ -48,14 +72,82 @@
-    </dependency>
+    </dependency>  
+    <dependency>
+      <id>avalon-framework</id>
+      <version>4.0</version>
+      <url></url>      
+      <properties>
+        <classloader>maven.root</classloader>
+      </properties>  
+    </dependency>        
+    <dependency>
+      <id>batik</id>
+      <version>1.1.1</version>
+      <url></url>      
+      <properties>
+        <classloader>maven.root</classloader>
+      </properties>  
+    </dependency>      
+    <dependency>    
+      <id>fop</id>
+      <version>0.20.5-rc3-alpha</version>
+      <url></url>      
+      <properties>
+        <classloader>maven.root</classloader>
+      </properties>  
+    </dependency>        
+    <dependency>    
+      <id>logkit</id>
+      <version>1.0.1</version>
+      <url></url>      
+      <properties>
+        <classloader>maven.root</classloader>
+      </properties>  
+    </dependency>        
-      <version>2.3.1</version>
-      <url></url>
+      <version>2.5.0</version>
+      <url></url>      
-        <classloader>root</classloader>
-      </properties>
-    </dependency>
+        <classloader>maven.root</classloader>
+      </properties>  
+    </dependency>      
+    <dependency>
+      <id>xerces:xercesImpl</id>
+      <version>2.4.0</version>
+      <url></url>
+      <properties>
+        <classloader>maven.root</classloader>
+      </properties>  
+    </dependency>      
+    <dependency>
+      <id>xml-apis</id>
+      <version>1.0.b2</version>
+      <url></url>
+      <properties>
+        <classloader>maven.root</classloader>
+      </properties>  
+    </dependency>      
+  <build>
+    <resources>
+      <resource>
+        <directory>${basedir}/src/plugin-resources</directory>
+        <targetPath>plugin-resources</targetPath>
+      </resource>
+      <resource>
+        <directory>${basedir}</directory>
+        <includes>
+          <include>plugin.jelly</include>
+          <include></include>
+          <include></include>
+          <include>project.xml</include>
+        </includes>
+      </resource>
+    </resources>
+  </build>
cvs server: Diffing src
cvs server: Diffing src/plugin-resources
cvs server: Diffing src/test
cvs server: Diffing src/test/xslt
cvs server: Diffing xdocs
Index: xdocs/changes.xml
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 changes.xml
--- xdocs/changes.xml    27 May 2003 23:27:29 -0000    1.2
+++ xdocs/changes.xml    31 May 2003 16:14:46 -0000
@@ -17,5 +17,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Index: xdocs/goals.xml
RCS file: /home/cvspublic/maven/src/plugins-build/docbook/xdocs/goals.xml,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 goals.xml
--- xdocs/goals.xml    24 Jan 2003 03:45:09 -0000
+++ xdocs/goals.xml    31 May 2003 16:14:47 -0000
@@ -14,6 +14,127 @@
           Transform any docbook-simple source into xdocs for later use
+      <goal>
+        <name>docbook:prepare-filesystem</name>
+        <description>
+          Prepares the proper directory structure
+        </description>
+      </goal>
+      <goal>
+        <name>docbook:init-simple</name>
+        <description>
+          Init for processing sdocbooks
+        </description>
+      </goal>
+      <goal>
+        <name>docbook:init-full</name>
+        <description>
+          Init for processing full docbooks
+        </description>
+      </goal>
+      <goal>
+        <name>docbook:init-chunk</name>
+        <description>
+          Init for processing chunked docbooks
+        </description>
+      </goal>
+      <goal>
+        <name>docbook:generate-html</name>
+        <description>
+          DEPRECATED: Generate HTML for all sdocbooks in 
+        </description>
+      </goal>
+      <goal>
+        <name>docbook:generate-html-simple</name>
+        <description>
+          Generate HTML for all sdocbooks in ${maven.docbook.src.dir}
+        </description>
+      </goal>
+      <goal>
+        <name>docbook:generate-html-chunk</name>
+        <description>
+          Generate chunked HTML for docbook at ${maven.docbook.chunk.base}
+        </description>
+      </goal>
+      <goal>
+        <name>docbook:generate-html-full</name>
+        <description>
+          Generate HTML for all full docbooks in ${maven.docbook.src.dir}
+        </description>
+      </goal>
+      <goal>
+        <name>docbook:do-generate-html</name>
+        <description>
+          This actually calls the processor.  CAUTION: Do not assert 
this goal directly.
+        </description>
+      </goal>
+      <goal>
+        <name>docbook:generate-fo</name>
+        <description>
+          DEPRECATED: Generate FO for all sdocbooks in 
+        </description>
+      </goal>
+      <goal>
+        <name>docbook:generate-fo-simple</name>
+        <description>
+          Generate FO for all sdocbooks in ${maven.docbook.src.dir}
+        </description>
+      </goal>
+      <goal>
+        <name>docbook:generate-fo-chunk</name>
+        <description>
+          Generate chunked FO for docbook at ${maven.docbook.chunk.base}
+        </description>
+      </goal>
+      <goal>
+        <name>docbook:generate-fo-full</name>
+        <description>
+          Generate FO for all full docbooks in ${maven.docbook.src.dir}
+        </description>
+      </goal>
+      <goal>
+        <name>docbook:do-generate-fo</name>
+        <description>
+          This actually calls the processor.  CAUTION: Do not assert 
this goal directly.
+        </description>
+      </goal>
+      <goal>
+        <name>docbook:generate-PDF</name>
+        <description>
+          Generate PDF for all .fo in ${}
+        </description>
+      </goal>
+      <goal>
+        <name>docbook:do-generate-PDF</name>
+        <description>
+          Generate PDF for all *.fo.  CAUTION: Do not assert this goal 
+        </description>
+      </goal>
+      <goal>
+        <name>docbook:move</name>
+        <description>
+          Move the generated HTML and PDF into doc
+        </description>
+      </goal>
+      <goal>
+        <name>docbook:javadoc</name>
+        <description>
+          Create an entity list that will insert direct links to a 
javadoc API.
+        </description>
+      </goal>
- </body>
+  </body>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: xdocs/index.xml
RCS file: /home/cvspublic/maven/src/plugins-build/docbook/xdocs/index.xml,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 index.xml
--- xdocs/index.xml    24 Jan 2003 03:45:09 -0000
+++ xdocs/index.xml    31 May 2003 16:14:47 -0000
@@ -2,19 +2,23 @@
-    <title>Maven Docbook Plug-in</title>
-    <author email="">Jason van Zyl</author>
+    <title>Maven Simplified DOCBOOK Plug-in</title>
+    <author email="">Siegfried Goeschl</author>
     <section name="Maven Docbook Plug-in">
-        This plugin allows you to write your project documentation in the
-        Docbook format.
-      </p>
+         This plugin uses Apache Xalan to create HTML and Apache FOP to 
create PDF
+         from Docbook directly, i.e. without creating an
+         intermediate XDOC file as it was done with the previous
+         DocBook plugin.  NOTE: This plugin retains the ability to do this.
+      </p>      
-        <strong>Warning: </strong> This plugin has had limited testing
-      </p>
+        Some of the style sheets used in this plugin are taken from the
+        <a href="">
+        DocBook Open Repository</a> project on SourceForge
+      </p>      
- </body>
+  </body>
Index: xdocs/navigation.xml
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 navigation.xml
--- xdocs/navigation.xml    19 Mar 2003 05:54:20 -0000    1.2
+++ xdocs/navigation.xml    31 May 2003 16:14:47 -0000
@@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<project name="Maven DocBook Plugin">
-  <title>Maven DocBook Plugin</title>
+  <title>Java Simplified DocBook Plugin</title>
-    <links>
-      <item name="Maven"      href=""/>
-      <item name="Simple DocBook"
-        href=""/>
-    </links>
     <menu name="Overview">
+      <item name="Front Page" href="/index.html"/>
       <item name="Goals"      href="/goals.html" />
       <item name="Properties" href="/properties.html" />
+    <links>
+      <item name="Maven"      href=""/>
+      <item name="Simple DocBook"
+        href=""/>
+      <item name="Full DocBook"
+        href=""/>
+    </links>    
Index: xdocs/properties.xml
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 properties.xml
--- xdocs/properties.xml    27 May 2003 23:25:55 -0000    1.2
+++ xdocs/properties.xml    31 May 2003 16:14:47 -0000
@@ -2,24 +2,52 @@
-    <title>Maven DocBook Plugin Properties</title>
-    <author email="">dIon Gillard</author>
+    <title>Properties</title>
+    <author email="">Siegfried Goeschl</author>
-    <section name="Maven DocBook Plugin Settings">
+    <section name="Property Settings">
+        <tr><th>Property</th><th>Optional?</th><th>Description</th></tr>
-          <th>Property name</th>
-          <th>Optional?</th>
-          <th>Description</th>
+          <td>maven.sdocbook.src.dir</td>
+          <td>No</td>
+          <td>
+            The location were the XML documents are found. It defaults
+            to "${basedir}/sdocbook"
+          </td>
-          <td>maven.src.docbook-simple</td>
-          <td>Yes</td>
+          <td></td>
+          <td>No</td>
+          <td>
+            Target directory for the created HTML documents. It defaults
+            to ${}/docbook-html
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td></td>
+          <td>No</td>
+          <td>
+            Target directory for the created FO documents. It defaults
+            to ${}/docbook-fo
+          </td>
+        </tr>        
+        <tr>
+          <td></td>
+          <td>No</td>
+          <td>
+            Target directory for the created PDF documents. It defaults
+            to ${}/docbook-pdf
+          </td>
+        </tr>        
+        <tr>
+          <td></td>
+          <td>No</td>
-            Defaults to <code>${maven.src.dir}/sdocbook</code>. This is the
-            source directory for the simple docbook xml files
+            Target directory for the created documents.  It defaults
+            to ${}/docbook
@@ -36,4 +64,4 @@

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