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Posted to by ASF IRC Services <> on 2013/02/12 10:36:33 UTC

Summary of IRC meeting in #apachemarmotta, Tue Feb 12 09:10:25 2013

Members present: julunggul, jfrank, westei, wastl, tkurz, Humbedooh, wikier

Meeting summary:

1. Preface

2. Stanbol integration

3. lucy demo

4. testing

5. aob

IRC log follows:

# 1. Preface #
09:10:26 [Humbedooh]: you don't need to use [off] when there's no meeting ;)
09:10:43 [wikier]: ok
09:10:48 [wikier]: topics?
09:11:03 [wikier]: for me ldp testing a bugs fixing
09:11:18 [tkurz]: for me memento
09:11:25 [wastl]: for me Stanbol integration and bug fixing
09:11:25 [wikier]: plus the (missing) web site
09:11:35 [wikier]: for jfrank also bug fixing
09:12:05 [wikier]: so I guess we actually don't need much discussion... ;-)
09:12:25 [wastl]: ok, but we should remain here to discuss bugs :)
09:12:35 [wastl]: only one topic then

# 2. Stanbol integration #
09:12:49 [wastl]: I will start with the Stanbol integration today
09:12:57 [wikier]: do we have a release?
09:13:03 [wastl]: but I'd like to know first what is the state of Stanbol
09:13:04 [wikier]: westei?
09:13:10 [wastl]: exactly, that's the question
09:13:33 [westei]: I have already started to update the current lmf-stanbol to the current stanbol versions
09:13:33 [wikier]: Fabian is not online to ask him directly
09:14:10 [westei]: Fabian was already working on the release of the Enhancers on Fr, but there was not a vote up to now
09:14:48 [westei]: Fabian is not online atm
09:16:03 [wikier]: how big could be the changes?
09:16:33 [westei]: in the LMF integration, or the released version=
09:17:10 [wastl]: both :)
09:17:48 [westei]: The release version of the Engines will not differ from the current trunk, as the branch was just created some days ago
09:18:20 [westei]: The integration will need some changes
09:18:35 [westei]: * new bundlelist (I am currently working on that)
09:18:55 [westei]: * configuration service: adaptions to create the new Enhancement Chains and Engine configurations
09:19:10 [westei]: * maybe embedded OSGI changes
09:19:26 [wastl]: ok, as soon as you have a snapshot, let me know
09:19:34 [westei]: * add support for RESTful NLP Analysis (for Freeling)
09:19:35 [wastl]: until then I work with the old stanbol-embedded.jar
09:19:48 [westei]: ok
09:19:55 [wikier]: ok
09:20:48 [wastl]: ok, other topics?

# 3. lucy demo #
09:20:57 [wikier]: I don't have so much experience with OSGi
09:21:05 [wastl]: just a minor issue
09:21:12 [wikier]: but I'd like to know a bit more about the integration details
09:21:25 [wikier]: jakob is comming...
09:21:33 [wastl]: ok, I can try to explain in a f2f meeting :)
09:21:40 [wikier]: ok
09:21:48 [wastl]: lucy demo: please check from time to time if the lucy demo works
09:22:03 [wastl]: it tests most features of the system quite thoroughly
09:22:33 [wastl]: and please report any errors you might encounter (even if they are just strange log messages)
09:23:03 [wastl]: otherwise, the lucy demo still needs a UI update
09:23:18 [wastl]: including the replacement icons that don't have license problems
09:23:33 [wastl]: Jakob?
09:23:42 [wikier]: I can help on that
09:23:48 [jfrank]: i'm on it
09:23:48 [wikier]: ok
09:25:04 [wastl]: ok great
09:25:18 [wastl]: next topic from my side: testing

# 4. testing #
09:25:50 [wastl]: I would suggest we define what we would like to test until the release on Friday
09:26:03 [wastl]: - Lucy Demo
09:26:06 [wastl]: - Installer
09:26:18 [wastl]: - changing database and reconnecting database
09:26:33 [wastl]: maybe we can collect such scenarios somewhere
09:26:40 [wikier]: - scenarios when possible
09:26:48 [wastl]: as long as we don't cover them in integration tests
09:27:03 [wikier]: - tools (refine, drupal, skosjs, etc)
09:28:10 [tkurz]: i can test skodjs, there is one bug to fix as long as i know
09:28:18 [wastl]: - integration / webservice tests (need to be revised/implemented)
09:28:40 [wastl]: and for a later point we should think about Selenium for testing SKOSjs etc
09:30:33 [wastl]: ok, anything more?
09:30:40 [wikier]: many things to do...
09:30:43 [wikier]: :-)

# 5. aob #
09:31:19 [julunggul]: about testing js - I rec. jasmine
09:31:33 [wikier]: still awaiting for infra and the site installation
09:31:50 [wikier]:
09:32:03 [wikier]: I didn't know it, julunggul 
09:32:11 [julunggul]: we (I) use it in Emp0wer
09:32:25 [julunggul]: I mean we == I
09:32:27 [wikier]: xD
09:32:34 [tkurz]: i know it. but it is not just about testing js but testing webservices and integration
09:32:40 [julunggul]: also consider phatomJS
09:32:58 [wikier]: tkurz: and the sparql coverage
09:33:10 [tkurz]: exactly
09:33:10 [julunggul]: then Selenium :)
09:33:26 [wastl]: julunggul: Jasmine has no maven integration
09:33:40 [wastl]: and we are mostly testing small Javascript things that call web services
09:34:55 [julunggul]: ok, agree, we have our own mvn tools (part of them home builded), but in your case I agree selenium is a better choice
09:35:18 [wastl]: ok, aob?
09:35:48 [wikier]: not from my side
09:35:55 [wikier]: let's work!