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[27/51] [partial] incubator-geode git commit: Set aside hibernate cache docs until the corresponding code is mainstreamed.
diff --git a/geode-docs/images_svg/partitioned_data_buckets_1.svg b/geode-docs/images_svg/partitioned_data_buckets_1.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index a8cf406..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
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 er="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id7_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id8_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id9_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id10_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id11_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id12_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id13_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id14_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id18_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id19_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id21_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id22_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id23_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id24_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id25_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id26_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id27_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id28_Graphic" filter="url(#S
 hadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id29_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id33_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id34_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id36_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id37_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id38_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id39_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id40_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id41_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id44_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id45_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id46_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id47_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/></g><g id="id3_Graphic"><path d="M 114.66 252 L 281.34 252 C 285.01822 252 288 254.98178 288 258.66 L 288 389.34 C 288 393.01822 285.01822 396 281.34 396 L 114.66 396 C 110.981783 396 108 393.01822 108 389.34 L 108 258.66 C 108 254.98178 110.981783 252 114.66 252 Z" fill="
 url(#Obj_Gradient)"/><path d="M 114.66 252 L 281.34 252 C 285.01822 252 288 254.98178 288 258.66 L 288 389.34 C 288 393.01822 285.01822 396 281.34 396 L 114.66 396 C 110.981783 396 108 393.01822 108 389.34 L 108 258.66 C 108 254.98178 110.981783 252 114.66 252 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(112 256)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="14" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="87.993164" y="14" textLength="84.006836">Member (M1)</tspan></text></g><g id="id4_Graphic"><path d="M 132.66 288 L 263.34 288 C 267.01822 288 270 290.98178 270 294.66 L 270 380.34 C 270 384.01822 267.01822 387 263.34 387 L 132.66 387 C 128.98178 387 126 384.01822 126 380.34 L 126 294.66 C 126 290.98178 128.98178 288 132.66 288 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_2)"/><path d="M 132.66 288 L 263.34 288 C 267.01822 288 270 290.98178 270 294.66 L 270 380.34 C 270 384.01822 267.01822 387 263.34 387 L 132.66 387 C 128.981
 78 387 126 384.01822 126 380.34 L 126 294.66 C 126 290.98178 128.98178 288 132.66 288 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(128 290)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="30.973145" y="10" textLength="73.930664">Partition Region </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="104.356934" y="10" textLength="6.669922">A</tspan></text></g><rect x="146.25" y="306" width="22.5" height="72" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><g id="id6_Graphic"><path d="M 182.16 319.5 L 186.84 319.5 C 190.51822 319.5 193.5 322.48178 193.5 326.16 L 193.5 330.84 C 193.5 334.51822 190.51822 337.5 186.84 337.5 L 182.16 337.5 C 178.48178 337.5 175.5 334.51822 175.5 330.84 L 175.5 326.16 C 175.5 322.48178 178.48178 319.5 182.16 319.5 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_3)"/><path d="M 182.16
  319.5 L 186.84 319.5 C 190.51822 319.5 193.5 322.48178 193.5 326.16 L 193.5 330.84 C 193.5 334.51822 190.51822 337.5 186.84 337.5 L 182.16 337.5 C 178.48178 337.5 175.5 334.51822 175.5 330.84 L 175.5 326.16 C 175.5 322.48178 178.48178 319.5 182.16 319.5 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/></g><g id="id7_Graphic"><path d="M 155.16 319.5 L 159.84 319.5 C 163.51822 319.5 166.5 322.48178 166.5 326.16 L 166.5 330.84 C 166.5 334.51822 163.51822 337.5 159.84 337.5 L 155.16 337.5 C 151.48178 337.5 148.5 334.51822 148.5 330.84 L 148.5 326.16 C 148.5 322.48178 151.48178 319.5 155.16 319.5 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_4)"/><path d="M 155.16 319.5 L 159.84 319.5 C 163.51822 319.5 166.5 322.48178 166.5 326.16 L 166.5 330.84 C 166.5 334.51822 163.51822 337.5 159.84 337.5 L 155.16 337.5 C 151.48178 337.5 148.5 334.51822 148.5 330.84 L 148.5 326.16 C 148.5 322.48178 151.48178 319.5 155.16 319.5 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke
 -linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/></g><g id="id8_Graphic"><path d="M 182.16 344.25 L 186.84 344.25 C 190.51822 344.25 193.5 347.23178 193.5 350.91 L 193.5 355.59 C 193.5 359.26822 190.51822 362.25 186.84 362.25 L 182.16 362.25 C 178.48178 362.25 175.5 359.26822 175.5 355.59 L 175.5 350.91 C 175.5 347.23178 178.48178 344.25 182.16 344.25 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_5)"/><path d="M 182.16 344.25 L 186.84 344.25 C 190.51822 344.25 193.5 347.23178 193.5 350.91 L 193.5 355.59 C 193.5 359.26822 190.51822 362.25 186.84 362.25 L 182.16 362.25 C 178.48178 362.25 175.5 359.26822 175.5 355.59 L 175.5 350.91 C 175.5 347.23178 178.48178 344.25 182.16 344.25 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/></g><g id="id9_Graphic"><path d="M 155.16 344.25 L 159.84 344.25 C 163.51822 344.25 166.5 347.23178 166.5 350.91 L 166.5 355.59 C 166.5 359.26822 163.51822 362.25 159.84 362.25 L 155.16 362.25 C 151.48178 362.25 148.5 359.26822 148.5 355.59 L
  148.5 350.91 C 148.5 347.23178 151.48178 344.25 155.16 344.25 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_6)"/><path d="M 155.16 344.25 L 159.84 344.25 C 163.51822 344.25 166.5 347.23178 166.5 350.91 L 166.5 355.59 C 166.5 359.26822 163.51822 362.25 159.84 362.25 L 155.16 362.25 C 151.48178 362.25 148.5 359.26822 148.5 355.59 L 148.5 350.91 C 148.5 347.23178 151.48178 344.25 155.16 344.25 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/></g><g id="id10_Graphic"><path d="M 236.16 312.75 L 240.84 312.75 C 244.51822 312.75 247.5 315.73178 247.5 319.41 L 247.5 324.09 C 247.5 327.76822 244.51822 330.75 240.84 330.75 L 236.16 330.75 C 232.48178 330.75 229.5 327.76822 229.5 324.09 L 229.5 319.41 C 229.5 315.73178 232.48178 312.75 236.16 312.75 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_7)"/><path d="M 236.16 312.75 L 240.84 312.75 C 244.51822 312.75 247.5 315.73178 247.5 319.41 L 247.5 324.09 C 247.5 327.76822 244.51822 330.75 240.84 330.75 L 236.16 330.75 C 232.48178 330.75 22
 9.5 327.76822 229.5 324.09 L 229.5 319.41 C 229.5 315.73178 232.48178 312.75 236.16 312.75 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/></g><g id="id11_Graphic"><path d="M 209.16 319.5 L 213.84 319.5 C 217.51822 319.5 220.5 322.48178 220.5 326.16 L 220.5 330.84 C 220.5 334.51822 217.51822 337.5 213.84 337.5 L 209.16 337.5 C 205.48178 337.5 202.5 334.51822 202.5 330.84 L 202.5 326.16 C 202.5 322.48178 205.48178 319.5 209.16 319.5 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_8)"/><path d="M 209.16 319.5 L 213.84 319.5 C 217.51822 319.5 220.5 322.48178 220.5 326.16 L 220.5 330.84 C 220.5 334.51822 217.51822 337.5 213.84 337.5 L 209.16 337.5 C 205.48178 337.5 202.5 334.51822 202.5 330.84 L 202.5 326.16 C 202.5 322.48178 205.48178 319.5 209.16 319.5 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/></g><g id="id12_Graphic"><path d="M 236.16 335.25 L 240.84 335.25 C 244.51822 335.25 247.5 338.23178 247.5 341.91 L 247
 .5 346.59 C 247.5 350.26822 244.51822 353.25 240.84 353.25 L 236.16 353.25 C 232.48178 353.25 229.5 350.26822 229.5 346.59 L 229.5 341.91 C 229.5 338.23178 232.48178 335.25 236.16 335.25 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_9)"/><path d="M 236.16 335.25 L 240.84 335.25 C 244.51822 335.25 247.5 338.23178 247.5 341.91 L 247.5 346.59 C 247.5 350.26822 244.51822 353.25 240.84 353.25 L 236.16 353.25 C 232.48178 353.25 229.5 350.26822 229.5 346.59 L 229.5 341.91 C 229.5 338.23178 232.48178 335.25 236.16 335.25 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/></g><g id="id13_Graphic"><path d="M 209.16 344.25 L 213.84 344.25 C 217.51822 344.25 220.5 347.23178 220.5 350.91 L 220.5 355.59 C 220.5 359.26822 217.51822 362.25 213.84 362.25 L 209.16 362.25 C 205.48178 362.25 202.5 359.26822 202.5 355.59 L 202.5 350.91 C 202.5 347.23178 205.48178 344.25 209.16 344.25 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_a)"/><path d="M 209.16 344.25 L 213.84 344.25 C 217.51822 344.25 220.5 
 347.23178 220.5 350.91 L 220.5 355.59 C 220.5 359.26822 217.51822 362.25 213.84 362.25 L 209.16 362.25 C 205.48178 362.25 202.5 359.26822 202.5 355.59 L 202.5 350.91 C 202.5 347.23178 205.48178 344.25 209.16 344.25 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/></g><g id="id14_Graphic"><path d="M 236.16 357.75 L 240.84 357.75 C 244.51822 357.75 247.5 360.73178 247.5 364.41 L 247.5 369.09 C 247.5 372.76822 244.51822 375.75 240.84 375.75 L 236.16 375.75 C 232.48178 375.75 229.5 372.76822 229.5 369.09 L 229.5 364.41 C 229.5 360.73178 232.48178 357.75 236.16 357.75 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_b)"/><path d="M 236.16 357.75 L 240.84 357.75 C 244.51822 357.75 247.5 360.73178 247.5 364.41 L 247.5 369.09 C 247.5 372.76822 244.51822 375.75 240.84 375.75 L 236.16 375.75 C 232.48178 375.75 229.5 372.76822 229.5 369.09 L 229.5 364.41 C 229.5 360.73178 232.48178 357.75 236.16 357.75 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" str
 oke-width=".72000003"/></g><rect x="173.25" y="306" width="22.5" height="72" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><rect x="200.25" y="306" width="22.5" height="72" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><rect x="227.25" y="306" width="22.5" height="72" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><g id="id18_Graphic"><path d="M 312.66 252 L 479.34 252 C 483.01822 252 486 254.98178 486 258.66 L 486 389.34 C 486 393.01822 483.01822 396 479.34 396 L 312.66 396 C 308.98178 396 306 393.01822 306 389.34 L 306 258.66 C 306 254.98178 308.98178 252 312.66 252 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_c)"/><path d="M 312.66 252 L 479.34 252 C 483.01822 252 486 254.98178 486 258.66 L 486 389.34 C 486 393.01822 483.01822 396 479.34 396 L 312.66 396 C 308.98178 396 306 393.01822 306 389.34 L 306 258.66 C 306 254.98178 308.98178 252 312.66 252 Z" stroke="#252525" s
 troke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(310 256)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="14" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="87.993164" y="14" textLength="84.006836">Member (M2)</tspan></text></g><g id="id19_Graphic"><path d="M 330.66 288 L 461.34 288 C 465.01822 288 468 290.98178 468 294.66 L 468 380.34 C 468 384.01822 465.01822 387 461.34 387 L 330.66 387 C 326.98178 387 324 384.01822 324 380.34 L 324 294.66 C 324 290.98178 326.98178 288 330.66 288 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_d)"/><path d="M 330.66 288 L 461.34 288 C 465.01822 288 468 290.98178 468 294.66 L 468 380.34 C 468 384.01822 465.01822 387 461.34 387 L 330.66 387 C 326.98178 387 324 384.01822 324 380.34 L 324 294.66 C 324 290.98178 326.98178 288 330.66 288 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(326 290)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-w
 eight="500" fill="black" x="30.973145" y="10" textLength="73.930664">Partition Region </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="104.356934" y="10" textLength="6.669922">A</tspan></text></g><rect x="344.25" y="306" width="22.5" height="72" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><g id="id21_Graphic"><path d="M 380.16 319.5 L 384.84 319.5 C 388.51822 319.5 391.5 322.48178 391.5 326.16 L 391.5 330.84 C 391.5 334.51822 388.51822 337.5 384.84 337.5 L 380.16 337.5 C 376.48178 337.5 373.5 334.51822 373.5 330.84 L 373.5 326.16 C 373.5 322.48178 376.48178 319.5 380.16 319.5 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_e)"/><path d="M 380.16 319.5 L 384.84 319.5 C 388.51822 319.5 391.5 322.48178 391.5 326.16 L 391.5 330.84 C 391.5 334.51822 388.51822 337.5 384.84 337.5 L 380.16 337.5 C 376.48178 337.5 373.5 334.51822 373.5 330.84 L 373.5 326.16 C 373.5 322.48178 376.48178 319.5 380.16 319.5 Z" stroke="#252525" strok
 e-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/></g><g id="id22_Graphic"><path d="M 353.16 319.5 L 357.84 319.5 C 361.51822 319.5 364.5 322.48178 364.5 326.16 L 364.5 330.84 C 364.5 334.51822 361.51822 337.5 357.84 337.5 L 353.16 337.5 C 349.48178 337.5 346.5 334.51822 346.5 330.84 L 346.5 326.16 C 346.5 322.48178 349.48178 319.5 353.16 319.5 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_f)"/><path d="M 353.16 319.5 L 357.84 319.5 C 361.51822 319.5 364.5 322.48178 364.5 326.16 L 364.5 330.84 C 364.5 334.51822 361.51822 337.5 357.84 337.5 L 353.16 337.5 C 349.48178 337.5 346.5 334.51822 346.5 330.84 L 346.5 326.16 C 346.5 322.48178 349.48178 319.5 353.16 319.5 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/></g><g id="id23_Graphic"><path d="M 380.16 344.25 L 384.84 344.25 C 388.51822 344.25 391.5 347.23178 391.5 350.91 L 391.5 355.59 C 391.5 359.26822 388.51822 362.25 384.84 362.25 L 380.16 362.25 C 376.48178 362.25 373.5 359.26822 373.5 
 355.59 L 373.5 350.91 C 373.5 347.23178 376.48178 344.25 380.16 344.25 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_10)"/><path d="M 380.16 344.25 L 384.84 344.25 C 388.51822 344.25 391.5 347.23178 391.5 350.91 L 391.5 355.59 C 391.5 359.26822 388.51822 362.25 384.84 362.25 L 380.16 362.25 C 376.48178 362.25 373.5 359.26822 373.5 355.59 L 373.5 350.91 C 373.5 347.23178 376.48178 344.25 380.16 344.25 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/></g><g id="id24_Graphic"><path d="M 353.16 344.25 L 357.84 344.25 C 361.51822 344.25 364.5 347.23178 364.5 350.91 L 364.5 355.59 C 364.5 359.26822 361.51822 362.25 357.84 362.25 L 353.16 362.25 C 349.48178 362.25 346.5 359.26822 346.5 355.59 L 346.5 350.91 C 346.5 347.23178 349.48178 344.25 353.16 344.25 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_11)"/><path d="M 353.16 344.25 L 357.84 344.25 C 361.51822 344.25 364.5 347.23178 364.5 350.91 L 364.5 355.59 C 364.5 359.26822 361.51822 362.25 357.84 362.25 L 353.16 362.25 C 349.48178
  362.25 346.5 359.26822 346.5 355.59 L 346.5 350.91 C 346.5 347.23178 349.48178 344.25 353.16 344.25 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/></g><g id="id25_Graphic"><path d="M 434.16 312.75 L 438.84 312.75 C 442.51822 312.75 445.5 315.73178 445.5 319.41 L 445.5 324.09 C 445.5 327.76822 442.51822 330.75 438.84 330.75 L 434.16 330.75 C 430.48178 330.75 427.5 327.76822 427.5 324.09 L 427.5 319.41 C 427.5 315.73178 430.48178 312.75 434.16 312.75 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_12)"/><path d="M 434.16 312.75 L 438.84 312.75 C 442.51822 312.75 445.5 315.73178 445.5 319.41 L 445.5 324.09 C 445.5 327.76822 442.51822 330.75 438.84 330.75 L 434.16 330.75 C 430.48178 330.75 427.5 327.76822 427.5 324.09 L 427.5 319.41 C 427.5 315.73178 430.48178 312.75 434.16 312.75 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/></g><g id="id26_Graphic"><path d="M 407.16 319.5 L 411.84 319.5 C 415.51822 319.5 418.5 32
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  387 201.66 L 387 350.34 C 387 354.01822 384.01822 357 380.34 357 L 249.66 357 C 245.98178 357 243 354.01822 243 350.34 L 243 201.66 C 243 197.98178 245.98178 195 249.66 195 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_5)"/><path d="M 249.66 195 L 380.34 195 C 384.01822 195 387 197.98178 387 201.66 L 387 350.34 C 387 354.01822 384.01822 357 380.34 357 L 249.66 357 C 245.98178 357 243 354.01822 243 350.34 L 243 201.66 C 243 197.98178 245.98178 195 249.66 195 Z" stroke="#323232" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(247 199)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="14" font-weight="500" x="22.981445" y="13" textLength="113.018555">GemFire Member B</tspan></text></g><rect x="81" y="320.99997" width="108" height="17.76375" stroke="#323232" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(83 322.99997)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="10" font-weight="500" x="29.
 357422" y="10" textLength="47.285156">Application</tspan></text><g id="id6_Graphic"><path d="M 87.66 231 L 362.34 231 C 366.01822 231 369 233.98178 369 237.66 L 369 269.34 C 369 273.01822 366.01822 276 362.34 276 L 87.66 276 C 83.981783 276 81 273.01822 81 269.34 L 81 237.66 C 81 233.98178 83.981783 231 87.66 231 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_6)"/></g><g id="id7_Graphic"><path d="M 87.66 231 L 182.34 231 C 186.01822 231 189 233.98178 189 237.66 L 189 269.34 C 189 273.01822 186.01822 276 182.34 276 L 87.66 276 C 83.981783 276 81 273.01822 81 269.34 L 81 237.66 C 81 233.98178 83.981783 231 87.66 231 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_7)"/><path d="M 87.66 231 L 182.34 231 C 186.01822 231 189 233.98178 189 237.66 L 189 269.34 C 189 273.01822 186.01822 276 182.34 276 L 87.66 276 C 83.981783 276 81 273.01822 81 269.34 L 81 237.66 C 81 233.98178 83.981783 231 87.66 231 Z" stroke="#323232" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(83 233)" fil
 l="black"><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="10" font-weight="500" x="15.668457" y="10" textLength="5.9179688">R</tspan><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="10" font-weight="500" x="21.391113" y="10" textLength="45.927734">eplicated R</tspan><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="10" font-weight="500" x="67.123535" y="10" textLength="23.208008">egion</tspan></text></g><g id="id8_Graphic"><path d="M 121.41 249 L 135.34 249 C 139.01822 249 142 251.98178 142 255.66 L 142 264.84 C 142 268.51822 139.01822 271.5 135.34 271.5 L 121.41 271.5 C 117.73178 271.5 114.75 268.51822 114.75 264.84 L 114.75 255.66 C 114.75 251.98178 117.73178 249 121.41 249 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_8)"/><path d="M 121.41 249 L 135.34 249 C 139.01822 249 142 251.98178 142 255.66 L 142 264.84 C 142 268.51822 139.01822 271.5 135.34 271.5 L 121.41 271.5 C 117.73178 271.5 114.75 268.51822 114.75 264.84 L 114.75 255.66 C 114.75 251.98178 117.73178 249 121.41 249 Z" stroke="red" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejo
 in="round" stroke-width="1.20000005"/><text transform="translate(118.75 249.25)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="9" font-weight="500" x="6.9970703" y="9" textLength="7.057617">X </tspan><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="9" font-weight="500" x="2.0290527" y="20" textLength="15.1918945">(A3)</tspan></text></g><g id="id9_Graphic"><path d="M 267.66 231 L 362.34 231 C 366.01822 231 369 233.98178 369 237.66 L 369 269.34 C 369 273.01822 366.01822 276 362.34 276 L 267.66 276 C 263.98178 276 261 273.01822 261 269.34 L 261 237.66 C 261 233.98178 263.98178 231 267.66 231 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_9)"/><path d="M 267.66 231 L 362.34 231 C 366.01822 231 369 233.98178 369 237.66 L 369 269.34 C 369 273.01822 366.01822 276 362.34 276 L 267.66 276 C 263.98178 276 261 273.01822 261 269.34 L 261 237.66 C 261 233.98178 263.98178 231 267.66 231 Z" stroke="#323232" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(263 233)" fill=
 "black"><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="10" font-weight="500" x="15.668457" y="10" textLength="5.9179688">R</tspan><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="10" font-weight="500" x="21.391113" y="10" textLength="45.927734">eplicated R</tspan><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="10" font-weight="500" x="67.123535" y="10" textLength="23.208008">egion</tspan></text></g><rect x="261" y="320.99997" width="108" height="17.76375" stroke="#323232" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(263 322.99997)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="10" font-weight="500" x="29.357422" y="10" textLength="47.285156">Application</tspan></text><rect x="441" y="320.99997" width="108" height="17.76375" stroke="#323232" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(443 322.99997)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="10" font-weight="500" x="29.357422" y="10" t
 extLength="47.285156">Application</tspan></text><g id="id21_Graphic"><path d="M 308.035 249 L 321.965 249 C 325.64322 249 328.625 251.98178 328.625 255.66 L 328.625 264.84 C 328.625 268.51822 325.64322 271.5 321.965 271.5 L 308.035 271.5 C 304.35678 271.5 301.375 268.51822 301.375 264.84 L 301.375 255.66 C 301.375 251.98178 304.35678 249 308.035 249 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_a)"/><path d="M 308.035 249 L 321.965 249 C 325.64322 249 328.625 251.98178 328.625 255.66 L 328.625 264.84 C 328.625 268.51822 325.64322 271.5 321.965 271.5 L 308.035 271.5 C 304.35678 271.5 301.375 268.51822 301.375 264.84 L 301.375 255.66 C 301.375 251.98178 304.35678 249 308.035 249 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.20000005"/><text transform="translate(305.375 249.25)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="9" font-weight="500" x="6.9970703" y="9" textLength="7.057617">X </tspan><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="9" font-weight="500" x="2.1520
 996" y="20" textLength="2.6982422">(</tspan><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="9" font-weight="500" x="4.4987793" y="20" textLength="12.599121">C2)</tspan></text></g><g id="id22_Graphic"><path d="M 488.035 249 L 501.965 249 C 505.64322 249 508.625 251.98178 508.625 255.66 L 508.625 264.84 C 508.625 268.51822 505.64322 271.5 501.965 271.5 L 488.035 271.5 C 484.35678 271.5 481.375 268.51822 481.375 264.84 L 481.375 255.66 C 481.375 251.98178 484.35678 249 488.035 249 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_b)"/><path d="M 488.035 249 L 501.965 249 C 505.64322 249 508.625 251.98178 508.625 255.66 L 508.625 264.84 C 508.625 268.51822 505.64322 271.5 501.965 271.5 L 488.035 271.5 C 484.35678 271.5 481.375 268.51822 481.375 264.84 L 481.375 255.66 C 481.375 251.98178 484.35678 249 488.035 249 Z" stroke="red" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.20000005"/><text transform="translate(485.375 249.25)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="9" font-weight="500" x
 ="6.9970703" y="9" textLength="7.057617">X </tspan><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="9" font-weight="500" x="2.411377" y="20" textLength="2.6982422">(</tspan><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="9" font-weight="500" x="4.7580566" y="20" textLength="12.0805664">C3)</tspan></text></g><g id="id23_Graphic"><path d="M 137.28501 295.14005 L 141.96501 295.14005 C 145.64322 295.14005 148.62501 298.12183 148.62501 301.80005 L 148.62501 306.48005 C 148.62501 310.15826 145.64322 313.14005 141.96501 313.14005 L 137.28501 313.14005 C 133.60679 313.14005 130.62501 310.15826 130.62501 306.48005 L 130.62501 301.80005 C 130.62501 298.12183 133.60679 295.14005 137.28501 295.14005 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_c)"/><path d="M 137.28501 295.14005 L 141.96501 295.14005 C 145.64322 295.14005 148.62501 298.12183 148.62501 301.80005 L 148.62501 306.48005 C 148.62501 310.15826 145.64322 313.14005 141.96501 313.14005 L 137.28501 313.14005 C 133.60679 313.14005 130.62501 310.15826 130.62501 306.48005 L 13
 0.62501 301.80005 C 130.62501 298.12183 133.60679 295.14005 137.28501 295.14005 Z" stroke="#c00000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.20000005"/><text transform="translate(134.62501 298.64005)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="9" font-weight="500" x="2.3720703" y="9" textLength="5.2558594">X</tspan></text></g><path d="M 125.750015 320.64001 L 126.05844 305.60025 C 126.05981 305.5334 126.06017 305.46653 126.05953 305.39967 L 125.87595 286.3075" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker)" stroke="#323232" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><g id="id33_Graphic"><path d="M 512.035 295.5 L 516.715 295.5 C 520.3932 295.5 523.375 298.48178 523.375 302.16 L 523.375 306.84 C 523.375 310.51822 520.3932 313.5 516.715 313.5 L 512.035 313.5 C 508.35678 313.5 505.375 310.51822 505.375 306.84 L 505.375 302.16 C 505.375 298.48178 508.35678 295.5 512.035 295.5 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_d)"/><path d="M 512.035 295.5 L 51
 6.715 295.5 C 520.3932 295.5 523.375 298.48178 523.375 302.16 L 523.375 306.84 C 523.375 310.51822 520.3932 313.5 516.715 313.5 L 512.035 313.5 C 508.35678 313.5 505.375 310.51822 505.375 306.84 L 505.375 302.16 C 505.375 298.48178 508.35678 295.5 512.035 295.5 Z" stroke="#c00000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.20000005"/><text transform="translate(509.375 299)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Corbel" font-size="9" font-weight="500" x="2.3720703" y="9" textLength="5.2558594">X</tspan></text></g><path d="M 500.5 320.99997 L 500.80842 305.9602 C 500.8098 305.89336 500.81016 305.82649 500.8095 305.75962 L 500.62593 286.66745" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker)" stroke="#323232" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/></g></g></svg>