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svn commit: r289293 - in /incubator/roller/branches/roller_2.0: src/org/roller/presentation/ src/org/roller/presentation/velocity/ web/WEB-INF/classes/comments.vm

Author: agilliland
Date: Thu Sep 15 12:18:45 2005
New Revision: 289293

new comments architecture.

we've defined a new CommentServlet which only handles posted comments.  the old CommentServlet has been rewritten to forward/redirect requests as appropriate.  the comments.vm macros have been updated with new links.


Added: incubator/roller/branches/roller_2.0/src/org/roller/presentation/
--- incubator/roller/branches/roller_2.0/src/org/roller/presentation/ (added)
+++ incubator/roller/branches/roller_2.0/src/org/roller/presentation/ Thu Sep 15 12:18:45 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+package org.roller.presentation;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.ResourceBundle;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.TreeSet;
+import javax.mail.MessagingException;
+import javax.mail.Session;
+import javax.naming.InitialContext;
+import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
+import javax.servlet.ServletException;
+import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
+import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
+import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
+import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
+import org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils;
+import org.roller.RollerException;
+import org.roller.config.RollerConfig;
+import org.roller.config.RollerRuntimeConfig;
+import org.roller.model.IndexManager;
+import org.roller.model.RollerFactory;
+import org.roller.model.WeblogManager;
+import org.roller.pojos.CommentData;
+import org.roller.pojos.UserData;
+import org.roller.pojos.WeblogEntryData;
+import org.roller.pojos.WebsiteData;
+import org.roller.presentation.pagecache.PageCacheFilter;
+import org.roller.presentation.velocity.CommentAuthenticator;
+import org.roller.presentation.weblog.formbeans.CommentFormEx;
+import org.roller.util.CommentSpamChecker;
+import org.roller.util.MailUtil;
+import org.roller.util.StringUtils;
+ * The CommentServlet handles all incoming weblog entry comment posts.
+ * 
+ * We validate each incoming comment based on various comment settings and
+ * if all checks are passed then the comment is saved.
+ * 
+ * Incoming comments are tested against the MT Blacklist. If they are found
+ * to be spam, then they are marked as spam and hidden from view.
+ *
+ * If email notification is turned on, each new comment will result in an
+ * email sent to the blog owner and all who have commented on the same post.
+ * 
+ * @author Allen Gilliland
+ *
+ * @web.servlet name="CommentServlet"
+ * @web.servlet-mapping url-pattern="/comment/*"
+ */
+public class CommentServlet extends HttpServlet {
+    private static final String EMAIL_ADDR_REGEXP = "^.*@.*[.].{2,}$";
+    private static final String COMMENT_SPAM_MSG =
+            "Your comment has been recognized as "
+            + "<a href=''>"
+            + "Comment Spam</a> and rejected.";
+    private transient ResourceBundle bundle =
+            ResourceBundle.getBundle("ApplicationResources");
+    private static Log mLogger = 
+            LogFactory.getFactory().getInstance(CommentServlet.class);
+    /**
+     * Handle incoming http GET requests.
+     *
+     * The CommentServlet is not meant to handle GET requests, so we just
+     * redirect these request to the root of the webapp.
+     */
+    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
+        throws IOException, ServletException {
+        // we should never get any GET requests, but just in case
+        response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Service incoming POST requests.
+     *
+     * Here we handle incoming comment postings.  We will collect the data,
+     * validate it, and save it.
+     */
+    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
+        throws IOException, ServletException {
+        boolean preview = false;
+        String error = null;
+        String message = null;
+        String entry_permalink = request.getContextPath();
+        String method = request.getParameter("method");
+        if(method == null)
+            method = "post";
+        else if (method.equals("preview"))
+            preview = true;
+        RollerRequest rreq = RollerRequest.getRollerRequest(request);
+        HttpSession session = request.getSession();
+        try {
+            // Get weblog entry object
+            WeblogEntryData entry = rreq.getWeblogEntry();
+            if (entry == null || entry.getId() == null) {
+                throw new RollerException("Unable to find WeblogEntry for "+ 
+                        request.getParameter(RollerRequest.WEBLOGENTRYID_KEY));
+            }
+            // we know what our weblog entry is, so setup our permalink url
+            entry_permalink = entry.getPermaLink();
+            mLogger.debug("Doing comment posting for entry = "+entry_permalink);
+            if (!entry.getWebsite().getAllowComments().booleanValue() ||
+                    !entry.getCommentsStillAllowed())
+                throw new Exception("Comments not allowed");
+            WebsiteData website = entry.getWebsite();
+            // Construct our Comment object from the submitted data
+            WeblogManager mgr = RollerFactory.getRoller().getWeblogManager();
+            CommentFormEx cf = new CommentFormEx();
+            CommentData comment = new CommentData();
+            RequestUtils.populate(cf, request);
+            cf.copyTo(comment, request.getLocale());
+            comment.setWeblogEntry(entry);
+            comment.setRemoteHost(request.getRemoteHost());
+            comment.setPostTime(new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
+            cf.setWeblogEntry(entry);
+            cf.setPostTime(new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
+            request.setAttribute("commentForm", cf);
+            request.setAttribute("blogEntry", entry);
+            if(preview) {
+                message = "This is a comment preview only";
+                request.setAttribute("previewComments", "dummy");
+                mLogger.debug("Comment is a preview");
+            } else if(!commentSpam(comment)) {
+                // this is a real comment posting.
+                // lets authenticate it then save
+                CommentAuthenticator commentAuth = 
+                        RollerContext.getCommentAuthenticator();
+                if (commentAuth.authenticate(comment, request)) {
+                    mLogger.debug("Comment is valid ... saving it");
+          ;
+                    RollerFactory.getRoller().commit();
+                    reindexEntry(entry);
+                    // Refresh user's entries in page cache
+                    PageCacheFilter.removeFromCache(request, website);
+                    // Send email notifications
+                    sendEmailNotification(request, rreq, entry, comment);
+                } else {
+                    error = bundle.getString("error.commentAuthFailed");
+                    mLogger.debug("Comment failed authentication");
+                }
+            } else {
+                error = COMMENT_SPAM_MSG;
+                mLogger.debug("Comment marked as spam");
+            }
+        } catch (RollerException re) {
+            mLogger.error("ERROR posting comment", re);
+            error = re.getMessage();
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            error = e.getMessage();
+        }
+        // the work has been done, now send the user back to the entry page
+        if(error != null)
+            session.setAttribute(RollerSession.ERROR_MESSAGE, error);
+        else if(message != null)
+            session.setAttribute(RollerSession.STATUS_MESSAGE, message);
+        if(error == null && message == null && !preview) {
+            entry_permalink = request.getContextPath()+entry_permalink;
+            mLogger.debug("comment complete, redirecting to "+entry_permalink);
+            response.sendRedirect(entry_permalink);
+        } else {
+            mLogger.debug("more work needed, forwarding to "+entry_permalink);
+            RequestDispatcher dispatcher = 
+                request.getRequestDispatcher(entry_permalink);
+            dispatcher.forward(request, response);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Re-index the WeblogEntry so that the new comment gets indexed.
+     */
+    private void reindexEntry(WeblogEntryData entry) 
+        throws RollerException {
+        IndexManager manager = RollerFactory.getRoller().getIndexManager();
+        // remove entry before (re)adding it, or in case it isn't Published
+        manager.removeEntryIndexOperation(entry);
+        // if published, index the entry
+        if (entry.isPublished()) {
+            manager.addEntryIndexOperation(entry);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test CommentData to see if it is spam.
+     */
+    private boolean commentSpam(CommentData cd) {
+        CommentSpamChecker checker = new CommentSpamChecker();
+        checker.testComment(cd);
+        if (cd.getSpam().booleanValue())
+            return true;
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Send email notification of comment.
+     *
+     * TODO: Make the addressing options configurable on a per-website basis.
+     */
+    private void sendEmailNotification(HttpServletRequest request,
+                        RollerRequest rreq,
+                        WeblogEntryData entry,
+                        CommentData cd) 
+            throws MalformedURLException {
+        RollerContext rc = RollerContext.getRollerContext(request);
+        ResourceBundle resources = ResourceBundle.getBundle(
+                "ApplicationResources",LanguageUtil.getViewLocale(request));
+        WebsiteData site = entry.getWebsite();
+        UserData user = entry.getCreator();
+        // Send e-mail to owner and subscribed users (if enabled)
+        boolean notify = RollerRuntimeConfig.getBooleanProperty("users.comments.emailnotify");
+        if (notify && site.getEmailComments().booleanValue()) {
+            mLogger.debug("Comment notification enabled ... preparing email");
+            // Determine message and addressing options from init parameters
+            boolean separateMessages =
+                    RollerConfig.getBooleanProperty("comment.notification.separateOwnerMessage");
+            boolean hideCommenterAddrs =
+                    RollerConfig.getBooleanProperty("comment.notification.hideCommenterAddresses");
+            //------------------------------------------
+            // --- Determine the "from" address
+            // --- Use either the site configured from address or the user's address
+            String from =
+                    (StringUtils.isEmpty(site.getEmailFromAddress()))
+                    ? user.getEmailAddress()
+                    : site.getEmailFromAddress();
+            //------------------------------------------
+            // --- Build list of email addresses to send notification to
+            List comments = null;
+            try {
+                WeblogManager wMgr = RollerFactory.getRoller().getWeblogManager();
+                comments = wMgr.getComments(entry.getId());
+            } catch(RollerException re) {
+                // should never happen
+                comments = new ArrayList();
+            }
+            // Get all the subscribers to this comment thread
+            Set subscribers = new TreeSet();
+            for (Iterator it = comments.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
+                CommentData comment = (CommentData);
+                if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(comment.getEmail())) {
+                    // If user has commented twice,
+                    // count the most recent notify setting
+                    if (comment.getNotify().booleanValue()) {
+                        // only add those with valid email
+                        if (comment.getEmail().matches(EMAIL_ADDR_REGEXP)) {
+                            subscribers.add(comment.getEmail());
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        // remove user who doesn't want to be notified
+                        subscribers.remove(comment.getEmail());
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // Form array of commenter addrs
+            String[] commenterAddrs = (String[])subscribers.toArray(new String[0]);
+            //------------------------------------------
+            // --- Form the messages to be sent -
+            // For simplicity we always build separate owner and commenter messages even if sending a single one
+            // Determine with mime type to use for e-mail
+            StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer();
+            StringBuffer ownermsg = new StringBuffer();
+            boolean escapeHtml = RollerRuntimeConfig.getBooleanProperty("users.comments.escapehtml");
+            if (!escapeHtml) {
+                msg.append("<html><body style=\"background: white; ");
+                msg.append(" color: black; font-size: 12px\">");
+            }
+            if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(cd.getName())) {
+                msg.append(cd.getName() + " "
+                        + resources.getString("email.comment.wrote")+": ");
+            } else {
+                msg.append(resources.getString("email.comment.anonymous")+": ");
+            }
+            msg.append((escapeHtml) ? "\n\n" : "<br /><br />");
+            msg.append(cd.getContent());
+            msg.append((escapeHtml) ? "\n\n----\n"
+                    : "<br /><br /><hr /><span style=\"font-size: 11px\">");
+            msg.append(resources.getString("email.comment.respond") + ": ");
+            msg.append((escapeHtml) ? "\n" : "<br />");
+            String rootURL = rc.getAbsoluteContextUrl(request);
+            if (rootURL == null || rootURL.trim().length()==0) {
+                rootURL = RequestUtils.serverURL(request) + request.getContextPath();
+            }
+            // Build link back to comment
+            StringBuffer commentURL = new StringBuffer(rootURL);
+            commentURL.append("/comments/");
+            commentURL.append(user.getUserName());
+            org.roller.pojos.Template page = rreq.getPage();
+            if (page == null) {
+                commentURL.append("?entry=");
+            } else {
+                commentURL.append("/").append(page.getLink()).append("/");
+            }
+            commentURL.append(entry.getAnchor());
+            if (escapeHtml) {
+                msg.append(commentURL.toString());
+            } else {
+                msg.append("<a href=\""+commentURL+"\">"+commentURL+"</a></span>");
+            }
+            ownermsg.append(msg);
+            // add link to weblog edit page so user can login to manage comments
+            ownermsg.append((escapeHtml) ? "\n\n----\n" :
+                "<br /><br /><hr /><span style=\"font-size: 11px\">");
+            ownermsg.append("Link to comment management page:");
+            ownermsg.append((escapeHtml) ? "\n" : "<br />");
+            StringBuffer deleteURL = new StringBuffer(rootURL);
+            deleteURL.append("/editor/"+entry.getId());
+            if (escapeHtml) {
+                ownermsg.append(deleteURL.toString());
+            } else {
+                ownermsg.append(
+                        "<a href=\"" + deleteURL + "\">" + deleteURL + "</a></span>");
+                msg.append("</Body></html>");
+                ownermsg.append("</Body></html>");
+            }
+            String subject = null;
+            if ((subscribers.size() > 1) ||
+                    (StringUtils.equals(cd.getEmail(), user.getEmailAddress()))) {
+                subject= "RE: "+resources.getString("email.comment.title")+": ";
+            } else {
+                subject = resources.getString("email.comment.title") + ": ";
+            }
+            subject += entry.getTitle();
+            //------------------------------------------
+            // --- Send message to email recipients
+            try {
+                javax.naming.Context ctx = (javax.naming.Context)
+                new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env");
+                Session session = (Session)ctx.lookup("mail/Session");
+                boolean isHtml = !escapeHtml;
+                if (separateMessages) {
+                    // Send separate messages to owner and commenters
+                    sendMessage(session, from,
+                            new String[]{user.getEmailAddress()}, null, null, subject, ownermsg.toString(), isHtml);
+                            if (commenterAddrs.length > 0) {
+                                // If hiding commenter addrs, they go in Bcc: otherwise in the To: of the second message
+                                String[] to = hideCommenterAddrs ? null : commenterAddrs;
+                                String[] bcc = hideCommenterAddrs ? commenterAddrs : null;
+                                sendMessage(session, from, to, null, bcc, subject, msg.toString(), isHtml);
+                            }
+                } else {
+                    // Single message.  User in To: header, commenters in either cc or bcc depending on hiding option
+                    String[] cc = hideCommenterAddrs ? null : commenterAddrs;
+                    String[] bcc = hideCommenterAddrs ? commenterAddrs : null;
+                    sendMessage(session, from, new String[]{user.getEmailAddress()}, cc, bcc, subject,
+                            ownermsg.toString(), isHtml);
+                }
+            } catch (javax.naming.NamingException ne) {
+                mLogger.error("Unable to lookup mail session.  Check configuration.  NamingException: " + ne.getMessage());
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                mLogger.warn("Exception sending comment mail: " + e.getMessage());
+                // This will log the stack trace if debug is enabled
+                if (mLogger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+                    mLogger.debug(e);
+                }
+            }
+            mLogger.debug("Done sending email message");
+        } // if email enabled
+    }
+    /*
+     * This is somewhat ridiculous, but avoids duplicating a bunch of logic 
+     * in the already messy sendEmailNotification.
+     */
+    private void sendMessage(Session session, String from, String[] to, String[] cc, String[] bcc, String subject,
+            String msg, boolean isHtml) throws MessagingException {
+        if (isHtml)
+            MailUtil.sendHTMLMessage(session, from, to, cc, bcc, subject, msg);
+        else
+            MailUtil.sendTextMessage(session, from, to, cc, bcc, subject, msg);
+    }

Modified: incubator/roller/branches/roller_2.0/src/org/roller/presentation/velocity/
--- incubator/roller/branches/roller_2.0/src/org/roller/presentation/velocity/ (original)
+++ incubator/roller/branches/roller_2.0/src/org/roller/presentation/velocity/ Thu Sep 15 12:18:45 2005
@@ -1,590 +1,95 @@
 package org.roller.presentation.velocity;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.ResourceBundle;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.TreeSet;
-import javax.mail.MessagingException;
-import javax.mail.Session;
-import javax.naming.InitialContext;
+import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
+import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
-import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
-import javax.servlet.jsp.JspFactory;
-import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;
 import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
 import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
-import org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils;
-import org.apache.velocity.Template;
-import org.apache.velocity.context.Context;
-import org.roller.RollerException;
-import org.roller.config.RollerConfig;
-import org.roller.config.RollerRuntimeConfig;
-import org.roller.model.IndexManager;
-import org.roller.model.Roller;
-import org.roller.model.RollerFactory;
-import org.roller.model.UserManager;
-import org.roller.model.WeblogManager;
-import org.roller.pojos.CommentData;
-import org.roller.pojos.WeblogTemplate;
 import org.roller.pojos.WeblogEntryData;
-import org.roller.pojos.WebsiteData;
-import org.roller.presentation.LanguageUtil;
-import org.roller.presentation.RollerContext;
 import org.roller.presentation.RollerRequest;
-import org.roller.presentation.RollerSession;
-import org.roller.presentation.pagecache.PageCacheFilter;
-import org.roller.presentation.weblog.formbeans.CommentFormEx;
-import org.roller.util.CommentSpamChecker;
-import org.roller.util.MailUtil;
-import org.roller.util.StringUtils;
- * Extend PageServlet to do special handling needed to support viewing and 
- * posting of comments. Handles in-page comments and popup-style comments.
- * <p />
- * This servlet overrides the VelocityServlet's handleRequest method so that 
- * the correct comments page template can be loaded for popup comments.
- * If this servlet is called with the request paramteter 'popup' 
- * defined, then it will load the user's _popupcomments page and if no such
- * page is found it will use /popupcomments.vm which looks just like the old
- * pre-0.9.9 popup comments page. 
- * <p />
- * This servlet also overrides doPost() to handle review and posting of new
- * comments. If the request paramter 'method' is set to 'preview' then the 
- * posted comment will be previewed, otherwise if it will be posted.
- * <p />
- * Incoming comments are tested against the MT Blacklist. If they are found
- * to be spam, then they are marked as spam and hidden from view.
- * <p />
- * If email notification is turned on, each new comment will result in an 
- * email sent to the blog owner and all who have commented on the same post.
+ * This is the old Roller CommentServlet which used to extend the PageServlet
+ * and do some page rendering.  This was replaced by the new version ...
+ * org.roller.persentation.CommentServlet which does not do any rendering.
- * @web.servlet name="CommentServlet" 
+ * This servlet is left in place to maintain old urls and redirect them to
+ * their proper new location.
+ *
+ * @web.servlet name="CommentsServlet"
  * @web.servlet-mapping url-pattern="/comments/*"
- * @web.servlet-init-param name="" 
- * 		                  value="/WEB-INF/"
- * @author Dave Johnson 
+ * @author Allen Gilliland
-public class CommentServlet extends PageServlet 
-    private static final String COMMENT_SPAM_MSG = 
-              "Your comment has been recognized as "
-            + "<a href=''>"
-            + "Comment Spam</a> and rejected.";
-    private transient ResourceBundle bundle = 
-        ResourceBundle.getBundle("ApplicationResources");
-    private static Log mLogger = 
-        LogFactory.getFactory().getInstance(CommentServlet.class);
+public class CommentServlet extends HttpServlet {
+    private static Log mLogger =
+            LogFactory.getFactory().getInstance(CommentServlet.class);
-    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * Override VelocityServlet so we can pick the right page and stick
-     * the right stuff into the VelocityContext before page execution.
-     */
-    public Template handleRequest( HttpServletRequest request,
-                                   HttpServletResponse response,
-                                   Context ctx ) throws Exception
-    {
-        Template template = null;
-        if (request.getParameter("popup") == null)
-        {
-            // Request does not specify popup, so normal return
-            template = super.handleRequest(request, response, ctx); 
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            PageContext pageContext =
-                JspFactory.getDefaultFactory().getPageContext(
-                    this, request, response,"", true, 8192, true);
-            RollerRequest rreq= RollerRequest.getRollerRequest(pageContext);
-            UserManager userMgr = RollerFactory.getRoller().getUserManager();
-            WebsiteData website = rreq.getWebsite();
-            // Request specifies popup
-            org.roller.pojos.Template page = null;
-            Exception pageException = null;
-            try 
-            {
-                // Does user have a popupcomments page?
-                page = website.getPageByName("_popupcomments");
-            }
-            catch(Exception e )
-            {
-               pageException = e;
-               response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
-            }
-            if (pageException != null)
-            {
-                mLogger.error("EXCEPTION: in RollerServlet", pageException);
-                request.setAttribute("DisplayException", pageException);
-            }
-            // User doesn't have one so return the default
-            if (page == null) 
-            {
-                page = new WeblogTemplate("/popupcomments.vm", website, "Comments", 
-                    "Comments", "dummy_link", "dummy_template", new Date());
-            }
-            rreq.setPage(page);
-            template = prepareForPageExecution(ctx, rreq, response, page);
-        }
-        return template;
-    }
-    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-     * Handle POST from comment form, then hand off to super for page rendering.
-     */
-    public void doPost(
-            HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
-            throws IOException, ServletException
-    {
-        if (request.getParameter("method") != null 
-            && request.getParameter("method").equals("preview"))
-        {
-            doPreviewPost(request, response);
-            return;
-        }
+     * Handle GET requests.
+     *
+     * This method just responds to all GET requests with a 301 redirect 
+     * because these old comment servlet urls are deprecated now.
+     */
+    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
+        throws IOException, ServletException {
+        // a GET request means that this client is trying to use this old
+        // comment servlet as a form of permalink for rendering an entry.
+        // we want to discourage this, so we send a 301 response which means
+        // this url has been permanently moved.
+        String forward = request.getContextPath();
+        // calculate the location of the requested permalink
         RollerRequest rreq = RollerRequest.getRollerRequest(request);
-        HttpSession session = request.getSession();
-        try
-        {
-            // Get weblog entry object, put in page context
-            WeblogEntryData entry = rreq.getWeblogEntry();
-            WebsiteData website = entry.getWebsite();
-            if (entry == null || entry.getId() == null)
-            {
-                throw new RollerException(
-                    "Unable to find WeblogEntry for "
-                    + request.getParameter(RollerRequest.WEBLOGENTRYID_KEY));
-            }
-            if (   !entry.getWebsite().getAllowComments().booleanValue()
-                || !entry.getCommentsStillAllowed())
-            {
-                throw new RollerException("ERROR comments not allowed");
-            }
-            request.setAttribute("blogEntry", entry);
-            // TODO: A hack to be replaced by Object.canEdit()
-            request.setAttribute(RollerRequest.OWNING_WEBSITE, website);
-            // Save comment
-            WeblogManager mgr = RollerFactory.getRoller().getWeblogManager();
-            CommentFormEx cf = new CommentFormEx();
-            CommentData cd = new CommentData();
-            RequestUtils.populate(cf, request);
-            cf.copyTo(cd, request.getLocale());
-            cd.setWeblogEntry(entry);
-            cd.setRemoteHost(request.getRemoteHost());
-            cd.setPostTime(new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
-            if (!testCommentSpam(cd, request)) 
-            {
-                if (RollerContext.getCommentAuthenticator().authenticate(cd, request))
-                {
-          ;
-                    RollerFactory.getRoller().commit();
-                    reindexEntry(RollerFactory.getRoller(), entry);
-                    // Refresh user's entries in page cache
-                    PageCacheFilter.removeFromCache(request, website);
-                    // Put array of comments in context
-                    List comments = mgr.getComments(entry.getId());
-                    request.setAttribute("blogComments", comments);
-                    // MR: Added functionality to e-mail comments
-                    sendEmailNotification(request, rreq, entry, cd, website, comments);
-                    super.doPost(request, response);
-                    return;
-                }
+        WeblogEntryData entry = rreq.getWeblogEntry();
+        if (entry != null) {
+            forward += entry.getPermaLink();
+            // make sure to propogate popup requests
+            if(request.getParameter("popup") != null) {
+                if(forward.indexOf("?") == -1)
+                    forward += "?popup=true";
-                {
-                    request.getSession().setAttribute(
-                        RollerSession.ERROR_MESSAGE, 
-                        bundle.getString("error.commentAuthFailed"));
-                }
+                    forward += "&popup=true";
-            doPreviewPost(request, response);
-        }
-        catch (Exception e)
-        {
-            mLogger.error("ERROR posting comment", e);
-            // Noted: this never gets back to the user.  Not sure why it is being set.
-            session.setAttribute(RollerSession.ERROR_MESSAGE, e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * Load comment and blog entry objects and forward to either the popup
-     * or the in-page comment page for comment preview.
-     */
-    public void doPreviewPost(
-        HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
-        throws IOException, ServletException
-    {
-        RollerRequest rreq = RollerRequest.getRollerRequest(request);
-        try
-        {
-            WeblogEntryData wd = rreq.getWeblogEntry();
-            if (wd == null || wd.getId() == null)
-            {
-                throw new RollerException(
-                   "Unable to find WeblogEntry for "
-                   + request.getParameter(RollerRequest.WEBLOGENTRYID_KEY));
-            }
-            request.setAttribute("blogEntry", wd);
-            // TODO: A hack to be replaced by Object.canEdit()
-            request.setAttribute(RollerRequest.OWNING_WEBSITE, wd);
-            CommentFormEx cf = new CommentFormEx();
-            RequestUtils.populate(cf, request);
-            cf.setWeblogEntry(wd);
-            cf.setPostTime(new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
-            request.setAttribute("commentForm", cf);
-            request.setAttribute("previewComments","dummy");
-        }
-        catch (Exception e)
-        {
-            // TODO: error message for browser and log
-            mLogger.error(e);
-        }
-        super.doPost(request, response);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Re-index the WeblogEntry so that the new comment gets indexed.
-     * @param entry
-     */
-    private void reindexEntry(Roller roller, WeblogEntryData entry) 
-    throws RollerException
-    {
-        IndexManager manager = roller.getIndexManager();
-        // remove entry before (re)adding it, or in case it isn't Published
-        manager.removeEntryIndexOperation(entry);
-        // if published, index the entry
-        if (entry.isPublished());
-        {
-            manager.addEntryIndexOperation(entry);
+        mLogger.debug("forwarding to "+forward);
+        // send an HTTP 301 response
+        response.setStatus(response.SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY);
+        response.setHeader("Location", forward);
-    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * Test CommentData to see if it is spam, if it is set it's spam property
-     * to true and put a RollerSession.ERROR_MESSAGE message in the session.
-     * @param cd CommentData to be tested.
-     */
-    private boolean testCommentSpam(CommentData cd, HttpServletRequest req)
-    {
-        boolean ret = false;
-        CommentSpamChecker checker = new CommentSpamChecker();
-        checker.testComment(cd);
-        if (cd.getSpam().booleanValue())
-        {
-           HttpSession session = req.getSession();
-           session.setAttribute(
-              RollerSession.ERROR_MESSAGE, COMMENT_SPAM_MSG);
-          ret = true;
-        }        
-        return ret;
-    }
-    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Email notification
-    // agangolli: Incorporated suggested changes from Ken Blackler, with server-wide 
-    // configurable options
-    // TODO: Make the addressing options configurable on a per-website basis.
-    private static final String EMAIL_ADDR_REGEXP = "^.*@.*[.].{2,}$";
-    // Servlet init params that control how messages are addressed server-wide.  
-    // These default to false for old behavior
-    // Controls whether the owner and commenters get separate messages (owner's 
-    // message contains a link to the entry edit page).
-    private static final String SEPARATE_OWNER_MSG_PARAM = 
-        CommentServlet.class.getName() + ".separateOwnerMessage";
-    // Controls whether the commenters addresses are placed in a Bcc header or 
-    // a visible address field
-    private static final String HIDE_COMMENTER_ADDRESSES_PARAM = 
-        CommentServlet.class.getName() + ".hideCommenterAddresses";
-     * Send email notification of comment.
-     */
-    private void sendEmailNotification(
-        HttpServletRequest request,
-        RollerRequest rreq, 
-        WeblogEntryData wd,
-        CommentData cd,
-        WebsiteData website, 
-        List comments) throws MalformedURLException
-    {
-        RollerContext rc = RollerContext.getRollerContext(request);
-        ResourceBundle resources = ResourceBundle.getBundle(
-            "ApplicationResources",LanguageUtil.getViewLocale(request));
-        UserManager userMgr = null;
-        WebsiteData site = null;
-        try
-        {
-            userMgr = RollerContext.getRoller(request).getUserManager();
-            site = wd.getWebsite();
-        }
-        catch (RollerException re)
-        {
-            re.printStackTrace();
-            mLogger.error(
-              "Couldn't get UserManager from RollerContext", re.getRootCause());
-        }
-        // Send e-mail to owner and subscribed users (if enabled)
-        boolean notify = RollerRuntimeConfig.getBooleanProperty(
-                "users.comments.emailnotify");
-        if (notify && site.getEmailComments().booleanValue())
-        {
-            mLogger.debug("Comment notification enabled ... preparing email");
-            // Determine message and addressing options from init parameters
-            boolean separateMessages = 
-                    RollerConfig.getBooleanProperty(
-                            "comment.notification.separateOwnerMessage");
-            boolean hideCommenterAddrs = 
-                    RollerConfig.getBooleanProperty(
-                            "comment.notification.hideCommenterAddresses");
-            //------------------------------------------
-            // --- Determine the "from" address
-            // --- Use either the site configured from address or the user's address
-            String from = 
-               (StringUtils.isEmpty(site.getEmailFromAddress())) 
-                  ? website.getEmailAddress() 
-                  : site.getEmailFromAddress();
-            //------------------------------------------
-            // --- Build list of email addresses to send notification to
-            // Get all the subscribers to this comment thread
-            Set subscribers = new TreeSet();
-            for (Iterator it = comments.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
-            {
-                CommentData comment = (CommentData);
-                if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(comment.getEmail()))
-                {
-	                // If user has commented twice, 
-	                // count the most recent notify setting
-	                if (comment.getNotify().booleanValue())
-	                {
-	                    // only add those with valid email
-	                    if (comment.getEmail().matches(EMAIL_ADDR_REGEXP))
-	                    {
-	                        subscribers.add(comment.getEmail());
-	                    }
-	                }
-	                else
-	                {
-	                    // remove user who doesn't want to be notified
-	                    subscribers.remove(comment.getEmail());
-	                }
-                }
-            }
-            // Form array of commenter addrs
-            String[] commenterAddrs = (String[])subscribers.toArray(new String[0]);
-            //------------------------------------------
-            // --- Form the messages to be sent -
-            // For simplicity we always build separate owner and commenter messages 
-            // even if sending a single one
-            // Determine with mime type to use for e-mail
-            StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer();
-            StringBuffer ownermsg = new StringBuffer();
-            boolean escapeHtml = 
-                RollerRuntimeConfig.getBooleanProperty("users.comments.escapehtml");
-            if (!escapeHtml)
-            {
-                msg.append("<html><body style=\"background: white; ");
-                msg.append(" color: black; font-size: 12px\">");
-            }
-            if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(cd.getName()))
-            {
-                msg.append(cd.getName() + " " 
-                           + resources.getString("email.comment.wrote")+": ");
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                msg.append(resources.getString("email.comment.anonymous")+": ");
-            }
-            msg.append((escapeHtml) ? "\n\n" : "<br /><br />");
-            msg.append(cd.getContent());
-            msg.append((escapeHtml) ? "\n\n----\n"
-                    : "<br /><br /><hr /><span style=\"font-size: 11px\">");
-            msg.append(resources.getString("email.comment.respond") + ": ");
-            msg.append((escapeHtml) ? "\n" : "<br />");
-            String rootURL = rc.getAbsoluteContextUrl(request);
-            if (rootURL == null || rootURL.trim().length()==0)
-            {
-            	rootURL = RequestUtils.serverURL(request) + request.getContextPath();
-            }
-            // Build link back to comment
-            StringBuffer commentURL = new StringBuffer(rootURL);
-            commentURL.append("/comments/");
-            commentURL.append(site.getHandle());
-            org.roller.pojos.Template page = rreq.getPage();
-            if (page == null)
-            {
-                commentURL.append("?entry=");
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                commentURL.append("/").append(page.getLink()).append("/");
-            }
-            commentURL.append(wd.getAnchor());
-            if (escapeHtml) 
-            {
-                msg.append(commentURL.toString());
-            } 
-            else 
-            {
-             msg.append("<a href=\""+commentURL+"\">"+commentURL+"</a></span>");
-            }
-            ownermsg.append(msg);
-             // add link to weblog edit page so user can login to manage comments
-            ownermsg.append((escapeHtml) ? "\n\n----\n" :
-                    "<br /><br /><hr /><span style=\"font-size: 11px\">");
-            ownermsg.append("Link to comment management page:");            
-            ownermsg.append((escapeHtml) ? "\n" : "<br />");
-            StringBuffer deleteURL = new StringBuffer(rootURL);
-			deleteURL.append("/editor/"+wd.getId());            
-            if (escapeHtml) 
-            {
-                 ownermsg.append(deleteURL.toString());
-            } 
-            else 
-            {
-                 ownermsg.append(
-                  "<a href=\"" + deleteURL + "\">" + deleteURL + "</a></span>");
-                 msg.append("</Body></html>");
-                 ownermsg.append("</Body></html>");
-            }
-            String subject = null;
-            if ((subscribers.size() > 1) || 
-                (StringUtils.equals(cd.getEmail(), website.getEmailAddress())))
-            {
-                subject= "RE: "+resources.getString("email.comment.title")+": ";
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                subject = resources.getString("email.comment.title") + ": ";
-            }
-            subject += wd.getTitle();
-            //------------------------------------------
-            // --- Send message to email recipients
-            try
-            {
-                javax.naming.Context ctx = (javax.naming.Context)
-                    new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env");
-                Session session = (Session)ctx.lookup("mail/Session");
-                boolean isHtml = !escapeHtml;
-                if (separateMessages)
-                {
-                    // Send separate messages to owner and commenters
-                    sendMessage(session, from,
-                        new String[]{website.getEmailAddress()}, 
-                        null, null, subject, ownermsg.toString(), isHtml);
-                    if (commenterAddrs.length > 0)
-                    {
-                        // If hiding commenter addrs, they go in Bcc: otherwise in 
-                        // the To: of the second message
-                        String[] to = hideCommenterAddrs ? null : commenterAddrs;
-                        String[] bcc = hideCommenterAddrs ? commenterAddrs : null;
-                        sendMessage(session, from, to, null, bcc, 
-                                subject, msg.toString(), isHtml);
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // Single message.  User in To: header, commenters in either cc 
-                    // or bcc depending on hiding option
-                    String[] cc = hideCommenterAddrs ? null : commenterAddrs;
-                    String[] bcc = hideCommenterAddrs ? commenterAddrs : null;
-                    sendMessage(session, from, 
-                        new String[]{website.getEmailAddress()}, cc, bcc, subject,
-                        ownermsg.toString(), isHtml);
-                }
-            }
-            catch (javax.naming.NamingException ne)
-            {
-                mLogger.error("Unable to lookup mail session.  Check configuration.  NamingException: " + ne.getMessage());
-            }
-            catch (Exception e)
-            {
-                mLogger.warn("Exception sending comment mail: " + e.getMessage());
-                // This will log the stack trace if debug is enabled
-                if (mLogger.isDebugEnabled())
-                {
-                    mLogger.debug(e);
-                }
-            }
-            mLogger.debug("Done sending email message");
-        } // if email enabled
+     * Handle POST requests.
+     *
+     * POST requests to this old CommentServlet are simply dispatched to the
+     * new CommentServlet inside our servlet container.  We log these requests
+     * in the log file with a WARN so that site admins can track which users
+     * have hard coded the use of the old comment servlet and hopefully those
+     * users can be contacted about udating their templates.
+     */
+    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
+        throws IOException, ServletException {
+        mLogger.warn(request.getHeader("referer")+
+                " is posting to the OLD CommentServlet");
+        // just dispatch to new CommentServlet
+        RequestDispatcher dispatch = request.getRequestDispatcher("/comment");
+        dispatch.forward(request, response);
-    // This is somewhat ridiculous, but avoids duplicating a bunch of logic in the 
-    // already messy sendEmailNotification
-    private void sendMessage(Session session, String from, String[] to, String[] cc, 
-            String[] bcc, String subject,
-            String msg, boolean isHtml) throws MessagingException
-    {
-        if (isHtml)
-            MailUtil.sendHTMLMessage(session, from, to, cc, bcc, subject, msg);
-        else
-            MailUtil.sendTextMessage(session, from, to, cc, bcc, subject, msg);
-    }
-    /* old method not used anymore -- Allen G
-    private boolean getBooleanContextParam(String paramName, boolean defaultValue) {
-        String paramValue = getServletContext().getInitParameter(paramName);
-        if (paramValue == null) return defaultValue;
-        return Boolean.valueOf(paramValue).booleanValue();
-    }
-    */

Modified: incubator/roller/branches/roller_2.0/web/WEB-INF/classes/comments.vm
--- incubator/roller/branches/roller_2.0/web/WEB-INF/classes/comments.vm (original)
+++ incubator/roller/branches/roller_2.0/web/WEB-INF/classes/comments.vm Thu Sep 15 12:18:45 2005
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 #macro( showCommentsLink $entry )
     #set( $commentCount = $pageModel.getCommentCount($entry.Id) )
     #if (($entry.commentsStillAllowed && $website.allowComments) || $commentCount > 0)
-        #set( $link = "$ctxPath/comments/$userName/$$utilities.encode($entry.anchor)?popup=true#comments" )
+        #set( $link = "$ctxPath$entry.permaLink&popup=true#comments" )
         <a href="$link " onclick="'$link', 'comments',
             'width=480,height=480,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,resizable'); return false;"
             class="entrycommentslink">$text.get( "macro.weblog.comments" ) [$commentCount]</a>
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 #macro( showCommentsPageLink $entry )
     #set( $commentCount = $pageModel.getCommentCount($entry.Id) )
     #if (($entry.commentsStillAllowed && $website.allowComments) || $commentCount > 0)
-        #set( $link = "$ctxPath/comments/$userName/$$utilities.encode($entry.anchor)#comments" )
+        #set( $link = "$ctxPath$entry.permaLink#comments" )
         <a href="$link" class="entrycommentslink">$text.get( "macro.weblog.comments" ) [$commentCount]</a>
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
         <div class="comments" id="comments">
             <div id="commentTwisty$entry.Id" class="commentTwisty"
                 onclick="toggleComments('$entry.Id', '$ctxPath/page/$userName'); return false;">
-            <a href="$ctxPath/comments/$userName/$$utilities.encode($entry.anchor)" class="plain">
+            <a href="$ctxPath$entry.permaLink" class="plain">
             #if($commentCount == 0)
                 $text.get( "macro.weblog.addcomment" )
             #elseif($commentCount == 1)
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
         $text.get( "macro.weblog.postedbywebsite", [$comment.url, $comment.url] )
     #if( $showPermalink )
-    <a href="${ctxPath}/comments/${userName}/${}/${entry.anchor}#comment${velocityCount}"
+    <a href="${ctxPath}${entry.permaLink}#comment${velocityCount}"
        title="$text.get( "macro.weblog.commentpermalink.title" )">#</a>
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
         #set($content = $utilities.encodeEmail($comment.content))
         #set($content = $utilities.addNofollow($content))
         <li class="commentsListItem"><a
-           href="${ctxPath}/comments/${userName}/${}/${comment.weblogEntry.anchor}#comments"
+           href="${ctxPath}${comment.weblogEntry.permaLink}#comments"
            title="$text.get( "macro.weblog.commentpermalink.title" ) to
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
 #macro( showCommentForm $entry )
     <div class="comments-form">
     <div class="comments-head">$text.get("macro.weblog.postcommentHeader")</div><br/>
-    <form method="post" action="$ctxPath/comments" focus="name"
+    <form method="post" action="$ctxPath/comment" focus="name"
         name="form" onsubmit="fixURL(this); return validateComments(this)">
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
   <div style="display: none" class="comments">
     <div id="commentBoxTemplate" class="commentBox">
     <form class="commentFormBox" id="commentForm"
-        method="post" action="$ctxPath/comments"
+        method="post" action="$ctxPath/comment"
         onsubmit="onSubmitComments(this.entryid.value);fixURL(this);return validateComments(this)">