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[DAISY] Created: Migration guide

A new document has been created.

Document ID: 1409
Branch: main
Language: default
Name: Migration guide
Document Type: Cocoon Document
Created: 9/21/07 11:22:04 AM
Creator (owner): Grzegorz Kossakowski
State: publish


Mime type: text/xml
Size: 3485 bytes


<p>This document describes steps needed (or advised) to be made when upgrading
to Cocoon Databases 1.0.x.</p>

<p class="note">This guide assumes that you use cocoon-databases-impl artifact
with version at least <strong>1.0.0-RC2</strong>.</p>

<h1>Datasource declaration</h1>

<p class="note">Migration of datasources is not mandatory. You can leave
Avalon-style declaration of datasources untouched and use such declared database
connection in both Avalon and Spring components. Nevertheless, it's highly
recommended to migrate to Spring declarations because they will be the only one
actively supported in future versions of Cocoon Databases 1.0.x.</p>

<p>Consider you have following datasource declaration in <tt>cocoon.xconf</tt>

<pre> &lt;datasources&gt;
    &lt;jdbc logger="core.datasources.personnel" name="personnel"&gt;
      &lt;pool-controller max="10" min="5"/&gt;

<p>Then the only thing you have to do is to create file named
<tt>datasources.xml</tt> in <tt>META-INF/cocoon/spring</tt> folder of one of
your blocks with following contents:</p>

<pre>&lt;beans xmlns=""

    &lt;bean name="javax.sql.DataSource/personnel" class="org.apache.cocoon.databases.bridge.spring.avalon.SpringToAvalonDataSourceWrapper"&gt;

        &lt;property name="wrappedBean"&gt;
            &lt;bean class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource" &gt;
              &lt;property name="driverClassName" value="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"/&gt;
              &lt;property name="url" value="jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:3306/cocoondb"/&gt;
              &lt;property name="username" value="sa"/&gt;
              &lt;property name="password" value=""/&gt;



<p>When it comes to configuring DataSource it's all you have to do. What's
important datasource configured that way will be working just fine with old
Avalon components.</p>

<p class="warn">Configuration of wrapped bean uses DriverManagerDataSource class
that <strong>does not provide any support for connection pooling</strong>. You
may want to consider integration of external libraries.<br/>
<a href="">javadocs
comments</a> of DriverManagerDataSource class for details.</p>

<p class="note">When you don't plan to use your database connection in
Avalon-based components you can resign from declaring wrapping bean and only
declare wrapped bean on its own.</p>

<h1>Loading of driver class</h1>

<p>Thanks to new features of Cocoon 2.2 there is no need to patch
<tt>web.xml</tt> file. In order to load driver class create file
<tt></tt> in <tt>META-INF/cocoon/properties</tt>
with following contents:</p>


<p>And that's all! Cocoon will discover this file and load driver automatically.


The document belongs to the following collections: cdocs-databases