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Posted to by Jave-Chen <> on 2020/02/23 01:52:02 UTC

re: [CI][Discussion] discussion on Merge PR failed notification

Hi, all
Because sending mail in workflow requires hardcode mail account password
which is insecurity, so I filed a INFRA ticket[1] to ask whether INFRA can configure
GitHub notification for ds dev list.&nbsp;
Probably because I didn't make it clear, as a reslut, INFRA said "please have one of&nbsp;
your Mentors open a new Infra ticket with the specific changes DolphinScheduler
&nbsp;would like made".

It seems like we need more discussions. And as an alternative, you can wath
the ds repo at github, and when CI failed your mail box will receive a&nbsp;


发件人:&nbsp;"lidong dai"<;;
发送时间:&nbsp;2020年2月9日(星期天) 下午2:52

主题:&nbsp;Re: [CI][Discussion] discussion on Merge PR failed notification

hi ,

good idea,&nbsp; mail to dev list!

Best Regards
DolphinScheduler(Incubator) PPMC
Lidong Dai 代立冬

Jave-Chen <; 于2020年2月9日周日 上午11:55写道:

&gt; Hi all,Sometimes merge PR to dev branch will cause GitHub actioin failed,
&gt; and now there isn't any notifications.
&gt; So is it needed to create a notification in this case? For example send
&gt; a mail to dev mail list.