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Posted to by "alamb (via GitHub)" <> on 2023/10/03 13:50:38 UTC

Re: [PR] Optimize "ORDER BY + LIMIT" queries for speed / memory with special TopK operator [arrow-datafusion]

alamb commented on code in PR #7721:

@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

Review Comment:
   this file probably at least needs to be renamed to topk.slt or something other than my initials (`AAL` 😆 )
   I am also not sure it is the best test of the topk coverage -- I had this for quickly iterating during development

@@ -2673,14 +2673,14 @@ SELECT
   LEAD(inc_col, -1, 1001) OVER(ORDER BY ts DESC RANGE BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING and 10 FOLLOWING) AS leadr1,
   LEAD(inc_col, 4, 1004) OVER(ORDER BY ts DESC ROWS BETWEEN 10 PRECEDING and 1 FOLLOWING) as leadr2
   FROM annotated_data_finite
+  ORDER BY ts DESC, fv2
   LIMIT 5;
-289 269 305 305 305 283 100 100 99 99 86 86 301 296 301 1004 305 305 301 301 1001 1002 1001 289
-289 266 305 305 305 278 99 99 99 99 86 86 296 291 296 1004 305 305 301 296 305 1002 305 286
-289 261 296 301 NULL 275 98 98 98 98 85 85 291 289 291 1004 305 305 296 291 301 305 301 283
-286 259 291 296 NULL 272 97 97 97 97 84 84 289 286 289 1004 305 305 291 289 296 301 296 278
-275 254 289 291 289 269 96 96 96 96 83 83 286 283 286 305 305 305 289 286 291 296 291 275
+264 289 266 305 305 305 278 99 99 99 99 86 86 296 291 296 1004 305 305 301 296 305 1002 305 286

Review Comment:
   added ts to show that the first two values are tied, and that the output is correct ✅ 

@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+//! TopK: Combination of Sort / LIMIT
+use arrow::{
+    compute::interleave,
+    row::{RowConverter, Rows, SortField},
+use std::{cmp::Ordering, collections::BinaryHeap, sync::Arc};
+use arrow_array::{Array, ArrayRef, RecordBatch};
+use arrow_schema::SchemaRef;
+use datafusion_common::Result;
+use datafusion_execution::{
+    memory_pool::{MemoryConsumer, MemoryReservation},
+    runtime_env::RuntimeEnv,
+use datafusion_physical_expr::PhysicalSortExpr;
+use hashbrown::HashMap;
+use crate::{stream::RecordBatchStreamAdapter, SendableRecordBatchStream};
+use super::metrics::{BaselineMetrics, Count, ExecutionPlanMetricsSet, MetricBuilder};
+/// Global TopK
+/// # Background
+/// "Top K" is a common query optimization used for queries such as
+/// "find the top 3 customers by revenue". The (simplified) SQL for
+/// such a query might be:
+/// ```sql
+/// SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM 'sales.csv' ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
+/// ```
+/// The simple plan would be:
+/// ```sql
+/// > explain SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM sales ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// | plan_type    | plan                                   |
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// | logical_plan | Limit: 3                               |
+/// |              |   Sort: revenue DESC NULLS FIRST       |
+/// |              |     Projection: customer_id, revenue   |
+/// |              |       TableScan: sales                 |
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// ```
+/// While this plan produces the correct answer, it will fully sorts the
+/// input before discarding everything other than the top 3 elements.
+/// The same answer can be produced by simply keeping track of the top
+/// N elements, reducing the total amount of required buffer memory.
+/// # Structure
+/// This operator tracks the top K items using a `TopKHeap`.
+pub struct TopK {
+    /// schema of the output (and the input)
+    schema: SchemaRef,
+    /// Runtime metrics
+    metrics: TopKMetrics,
+    /// Reservation
+    reservation: MemoryReservation,
+    /// The target number of rows for output batches
+    batch_size: usize,
+    /// sort expressions
+    expr: Arc<[PhysicalSortExpr]>,
+    /// row converter, for sort keys
+    row_converter: RowConverter,
+    /// scratch space for converting rows
+    scratch_rows: Rows,
+    /// stores the top k values and their sort key values, in order
+    heap: TopKHeap,
+impl TopK {
+    /// Create a new [`TopK`] that stores the top `k` values, as
+    /// defined by the sort expressions in `expr`.
+    // TOOD: make a builder or some other nicer API to avoid the
+    // clippy warning
+    #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
+    pub fn try_new(
+        partition_id: usize,
+        schema: SchemaRef,
+        expr: Vec<PhysicalSortExpr>,
+        k: usize,
+        batch_size: usize,
+        runtime: Arc<RuntimeEnv>,
+        metrics: &ExecutionPlanMetricsSet,
+        partition: usize,
+    ) -> Result<Self> {
+        let reservation = MemoryConsumer::new(format!("TopK[{partition_id}]"))
+            .register(&runtime.memory_pool);
+        let expr: Arc<[PhysicalSortExpr]> = expr.into();
+        let sort_fields: Vec<_> = expr
+            .iter()
+            .map(|e| {
+                Ok(SortField::new_with_options(
+                    e.expr.data_type(&schema)?,
+                    e.options,
+                ))
+            })
+            .collect::<Result<_>>()?;
+        let row_converter = RowConverter::new(sort_fields)?;
+        let scratch_rows = row_converter.empty_rows(
+            batch_size,
+            20 * batch_size, // guestimate 20 bytes per row
+        );
+        Ok(Self {
+            schema: schema.clone(),
+            metrics: TopKMetrics::new(metrics, partition),
+            reservation,
+            batch_size,
+            expr,
+            row_converter,
+            scratch_rows,
+            heap: TopKHeap::new(k, batch_size, schema),
+        })
+    }
+    /// Insert `batch`, remembering it if any of its values are among
+    /// the top k seen so far.
+    pub fn insert_batch(&mut self, batch: RecordBatch) -> Result<()> {
+        // Updates on drop
+        let _timer = self.metrics.baseline.elapsed_compute().timer();
+        let sort_keys: Vec<ArrayRef> = self
+            .expr
+            .iter()
+            .map(|expr| {
+                let value = expr.expr.evaluate(&batch)?;
+                Ok(value.into_array(batch.num_rows()))
+            })
+            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
+        // reuse existing `Rows` to avoid reallocations
+        let rows = &mut self.scratch_rows;
+        rows.clear();
+        self.row_converter.append(rows, &sort_keys)?;
+        // TODO make this algorithmically better?:
+        // 1. only check topk values in rows
+        // 2. only do one update through top_k
+        let mut batch_entry = self.heap.register_batch(batch);
+        for (index, row) in rows.iter().enumerate() {
+            match self.heap.max() {
+                // heap has k items, and the new row is greater than the
+                // current max in the heap ==> it is not a new topk
+                Some(max_row) if row.as_ref() >= max_row.row() => {}
+                // don't yet have k items or new item is lower than the currently k low values
+                None | Some(_) => {
+                    self.heap.add(&mut batch_entry, row, index);
+                    self.metrics.row_replacements.add(1);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        self.heap.insert_batch_entry(batch_entry);
+        // conserve memory
+        self.heap.maybe_compact()?;
+        // update memory reservation
+        self.reservation.try_resize(self.size())?;
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    /// Returns the top k results broken into `batch_size` [`RecordBatch`]es, consuming the heap
+    pub fn emit(self) -> Result<SendableRecordBatchStream> {
+        let Self {
+            schema,
+            metrics,
+            reservation: _,
+            batch_size,
+            expr: _,
+            row_converter: _,
+            scratch_rows: _,
+            mut heap,
+        } = self;
+        let _timer = metrics.baseline.elapsed_compute().timer(); // time updated on drop
+        let mut batch = heap.emit()?;
+        metrics.baseline.output_rows().add(batch.num_rows());
+        // break into record batches as needed
+        let mut batches = vec![];
+        loop {
+            if batch.num_rows() < batch_size {
+                batches.push(Ok(batch));
+                break;
+            } else {
+                batches.push(Ok(batch.slice(0, batch_size)));
+                let remaining_length = batch.num_rows() - batch_size;
+                batch = batch.slice(batch_size, remaining_length);
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(Box::pin(RecordBatchStreamAdapter::new(
+            schema,
+            futures::stream::iter(batches),
+        )))
+    }
+    /// return the size of memory used by this operator, in bytes
+    fn size(&self) -> usize {
+        std::mem::size_of::<Self>()
+            + self.row_converter.size()
+            + self.scratch_rows.size()
+            + self.heap.size()
+    }
+struct TopKMetrics {
+    /// metrics
+    pub baseline: BaselineMetrics,
+    /// count of how many rows were replaced in the heap
+    pub row_replacements: Count,
+impl TopKMetrics {
+    fn new(metrics: &ExecutionPlanMetricsSet, partition: usize) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            baseline: BaselineMetrics::new(metrics, partition),
+            row_replacements: MetricBuilder::new(metrics)
+                .counter("row_replacements", partition),
+        }
+    }
+/// This structure keeps at most the *smallest* k items, using the
+/// [arrow::row] format for sort keys. While it is called "topK" for
+/// values like `1, 2, 3, 4, 5` the "top 3" really means the
+/// *smallest* 3 , `1, 2, 3`, not the *largest* 3 `3, 4, 5`.
+/// Using the `Row` format handles things such as ascending vs
+/// descending and nulls first vs nulls last.
+/// It doesn't use `BinaryHeap` in the Rust standard library because
+/// it is important to check the current minimum value in the heap
+/// prior to creating a new value to insert.

Review Comment:
   I think this comment is out of date (and mostly due to my misunderstanding of how the BinaryHeap worked 😆 )

@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+//! TopK: Combination of Sort / LIMIT
+use arrow::{
+    compute::interleave,
+    row::{RowConverter, Rows, SortField},
+use std::{cmp::Ordering, collections::BinaryHeap, sync::Arc};
+use arrow_array::{Array, ArrayRef, RecordBatch};
+use arrow_schema::SchemaRef;
+use datafusion_common::Result;
+use datafusion_execution::{
+    memory_pool::{MemoryConsumer, MemoryReservation},
+    runtime_env::RuntimeEnv,
+use datafusion_physical_expr::PhysicalSortExpr;
+use hashbrown::HashMap;
+use crate::{stream::RecordBatchStreamAdapter, SendableRecordBatchStream};
+use super::metrics::{BaselineMetrics, Count, ExecutionPlanMetricsSet, MetricBuilder};
+/// Global TopK
+/// # Background
+/// "Top K" is a common query optimization used for queries such as
+/// "find the top 3 customers by revenue". The (simplified) SQL for
+/// such a query might be:
+/// ```sql
+/// SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM 'sales.csv' ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
+/// ```
+/// The simple plan would be:
+/// ```sql
+/// > explain SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM sales ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// | plan_type    | plan                                   |
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// | logical_plan | Limit: 3                               |
+/// |              |   Sort: revenue DESC NULLS FIRST       |
+/// |              |     Projection: customer_id, revenue   |
+/// |              |       TableScan: sales                 |
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// ```
+/// While this plan produces the correct answer, it will fully sorts the
+/// input before discarding everything other than the top 3 elements.
+/// The same answer can be produced by simply keeping track of the top
+/// N elements, reducing the total amount of required buffer memory.
+/// # Structure
+/// This operator tracks the top K items using a `TopKHeap`.
+pub struct TopK {
+    /// schema of the output (and the input)
+    schema: SchemaRef,
+    /// Runtime metrics
+    metrics: TopKMetrics,
+    /// Reservation
+    reservation: MemoryReservation,
+    /// The target number of rows for output batches
+    batch_size: usize,
+    /// sort expressions
+    expr: Arc<[PhysicalSortExpr]>,
+    /// row converter, for sort keys
+    row_converter: RowConverter,
+    /// scratch space for converting rows
+    scratch_rows: Rows,
+    /// stores the top k values and their sort key values, in order
+    heap: TopKHeap,
+impl TopK {
+    /// Create a new [`TopK`] that stores the top `k` values, as
+    /// defined by the sort expressions in `expr`.
+    // TOOD: make a builder or some other nicer API to avoid the
+    // clippy warning
+    #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
+    pub fn try_new(
+        partition_id: usize,
+        schema: SchemaRef,
+        expr: Vec<PhysicalSortExpr>,
+        k: usize,
+        batch_size: usize,
+        runtime: Arc<RuntimeEnv>,
+        metrics: &ExecutionPlanMetricsSet,
+        partition: usize,
+    ) -> Result<Self> {
+        let reservation = MemoryConsumer::new(format!("TopK[{partition_id}]"))
+            .register(&runtime.memory_pool);
+        let expr: Arc<[PhysicalSortExpr]> = expr.into();
+        let sort_fields: Vec<_> = expr
+            .iter()
+            .map(|e| {
+                Ok(SortField::new_with_options(
+                    e.expr.data_type(&schema)?,
+                    e.options,
+                ))
+            })
+            .collect::<Result<_>>()?;
+        let row_converter = RowConverter::new(sort_fields)?;
+        let scratch_rows = row_converter.empty_rows(
+            batch_size,
+            20 * batch_size, // guestimate 20 bytes per row
+        );
+        Ok(Self {
+            schema: schema.clone(),
+            metrics: TopKMetrics::new(metrics, partition),
+            reservation,
+            batch_size,
+            expr,
+            row_converter,
+            scratch_rows,
+            heap: TopKHeap::new(k, batch_size, schema),
+        })
+    }
+    /// Insert `batch`, remembering it if any of its values are among
+    /// the top k seen so far.
+    pub fn insert_batch(&mut self, batch: RecordBatch) -> Result<()> {
+        // Updates on drop
+        let _timer = self.metrics.baseline.elapsed_compute().timer();
+        let sort_keys: Vec<ArrayRef> = self
+            .expr
+            .iter()
+            .map(|expr| {
+                let value = expr.expr.evaluate(&batch)?;
+                Ok(value.into_array(batch.num_rows()))
+            })
+            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
+        // reuse existing `Rows` to avoid reallocations
+        let rows = &mut self.scratch_rows;
+        rows.clear();
+        self.row_converter.append(rows, &sort_keys)?;
+        // TODO make this algorithmically better?:

Review Comment:
   I like the suggestion to try and filter earlier. However, I think it should be driven by profiling and benchmarks. Maybe put that idea in comments as a "Potential future improvement" ?

@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

Review Comment:
   this file probably at least needs to be renamed to topk.slt or something other than my initials (`AAL` 😆 )
   I am also not sure it is the best test of the topk coverage -- I had this for quickly iterating during development

@@ -2673,14 +2673,14 @@ SELECT
   LEAD(inc_col, -1, 1001) OVER(ORDER BY ts DESC RANGE BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING and 10 FOLLOWING) AS leadr1,
   LEAD(inc_col, 4, 1004) OVER(ORDER BY ts DESC ROWS BETWEEN 10 PRECEDING and 1 FOLLOWING) as leadr2
   FROM annotated_data_finite
+  ORDER BY ts DESC, fv2
   LIMIT 5;
-289 269 305 305 305 283 100 100 99 99 86 86 301 296 301 1004 305 305 301 301 1001 1002 1001 289
-289 266 305 305 305 278 99 99 99 99 86 86 296 291 296 1004 305 305 301 296 305 1002 305 286
-289 261 296 301 NULL 275 98 98 98 98 85 85 291 289 291 1004 305 305 296 291 301 305 301 283
-286 259 291 296 NULL 272 97 97 97 97 84 84 289 286 289 1004 305 305 291 289 296 301 296 278
-275 254 289 291 289 269 96 96 96 96 83 83 286 283 286 305 305 305 289 286 291 296 291 275
+264 289 266 305 305 305 278 99 99 99 99 86 86 296 291 296 1004 305 305 301 296 305 1002 305 286

Review Comment:
   added ts to show that the first two values are tied, and that the output is correct ✅ 

@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+//! TopK: Combination of Sort / LIMIT
+use arrow::{
+    compute::interleave,
+    row::{RowConverter, Rows, SortField},
+use std::{cmp::Ordering, collections::BinaryHeap, sync::Arc};
+use arrow_array::{Array, ArrayRef, RecordBatch};
+use arrow_schema::SchemaRef;
+use datafusion_common::Result;
+use datafusion_execution::{
+    memory_pool::{MemoryConsumer, MemoryReservation},
+    runtime_env::RuntimeEnv,
+use datafusion_physical_expr::PhysicalSortExpr;
+use hashbrown::HashMap;
+use crate::{stream::RecordBatchStreamAdapter, SendableRecordBatchStream};
+use super::metrics::{BaselineMetrics, Count, ExecutionPlanMetricsSet, MetricBuilder};
+/// Global TopK
+/// # Background
+/// "Top K" is a common query optimization used for queries such as
+/// "find the top 3 customers by revenue". The (simplified) SQL for
+/// such a query might be:
+/// ```sql
+/// SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM 'sales.csv' ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
+/// ```
+/// The simple plan would be:
+/// ```sql
+/// > explain SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM sales ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// | plan_type    | plan                                   |
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// | logical_plan | Limit: 3                               |
+/// |              |   Sort: revenue DESC NULLS FIRST       |
+/// |              |     Projection: customer_id, revenue   |
+/// |              |       TableScan: sales                 |
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// ```
+/// While this plan produces the correct answer, it will fully sorts the
+/// input before discarding everything other than the top 3 elements.
+/// The same answer can be produced by simply keeping track of the top
+/// N elements, reducing the total amount of required buffer memory.
+/// # Structure
+/// This operator tracks the top K items using a `TopKHeap`.
+pub struct TopK {
+    /// schema of the output (and the input)
+    schema: SchemaRef,
+    /// Runtime metrics
+    metrics: TopKMetrics,
+    /// Reservation
+    reservation: MemoryReservation,
+    /// The target number of rows for output batches
+    batch_size: usize,
+    /// sort expressions
+    expr: Arc<[PhysicalSortExpr]>,
+    /// row converter, for sort keys
+    row_converter: RowConverter,
+    /// scratch space for converting rows
+    scratch_rows: Rows,
+    /// stores the top k values and their sort key values, in order
+    heap: TopKHeap,
+impl TopK {
+    /// Create a new [`TopK`] that stores the top `k` values, as
+    /// defined by the sort expressions in `expr`.
+    // TOOD: make a builder or some other nicer API to avoid the
+    // clippy warning
+    #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
+    pub fn try_new(
+        partition_id: usize,
+        schema: SchemaRef,
+        expr: Vec<PhysicalSortExpr>,
+        k: usize,
+        batch_size: usize,
+        runtime: Arc<RuntimeEnv>,
+        metrics: &ExecutionPlanMetricsSet,
+        partition: usize,
+    ) -> Result<Self> {
+        let reservation = MemoryConsumer::new(format!("TopK[{partition_id}]"))
+            .register(&runtime.memory_pool);
+        let expr: Arc<[PhysicalSortExpr]> = expr.into();
+        let sort_fields: Vec<_> = expr
+            .iter()
+            .map(|e| {
+                Ok(SortField::new_with_options(
+                    e.expr.data_type(&schema)?,
+                    e.options,
+                ))
+            })
+            .collect::<Result<_>>()?;
+        let row_converter = RowConverter::new(sort_fields)?;
+        let scratch_rows = row_converter.empty_rows(
+            batch_size,
+            20 * batch_size, // guestimate 20 bytes per row
+        );
+        Ok(Self {
+            schema: schema.clone(),
+            metrics: TopKMetrics::new(metrics, partition),
+            reservation,
+            batch_size,
+            expr,
+            row_converter,
+            scratch_rows,
+            heap: TopKHeap::new(k, batch_size, schema),
+        })
+    }
+    /// Insert `batch`, remembering it if any of its values are among
+    /// the top k seen so far.
+    pub fn insert_batch(&mut self, batch: RecordBatch) -> Result<()> {
+        // Updates on drop
+        let _timer = self.metrics.baseline.elapsed_compute().timer();
+        let sort_keys: Vec<ArrayRef> = self
+            .expr
+            .iter()
+            .map(|expr| {
+                let value = expr.expr.evaluate(&batch)?;
+                Ok(value.into_array(batch.num_rows()))
+            })
+            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
+        // reuse existing `Rows` to avoid reallocations
+        let rows = &mut self.scratch_rows;
+        rows.clear();
+        self.row_converter.append(rows, &sort_keys)?;
+        // TODO make this algorithmically better?:
+        // 1. only check topk values in rows
+        // 2. only do one update through top_k
+        let mut batch_entry = self.heap.register_batch(batch);
+        for (index, row) in rows.iter().enumerate() {
+            match self.heap.max() {
+                // heap has k items, and the new row is greater than the
+                // current max in the heap ==> it is not a new topk
+                Some(max_row) if row.as_ref() >= max_row.row() => {}
+                // don't yet have k items or new item is lower than the currently k low values
+                None | Some(_) => {
+                    self.heap.add(&mut batch_entry, row, index);
+                    self.metrics.row_replacements.add(1);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        self.heap.insert_batch_entry(batch_entry);
+        // conserve memory
+        self.heap.maybe_compact()?;
+        // update memory reservation
+        self.reservation.try_resize(self.size())?;
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    /// Returns the top k results broken into `batch_size` [`RecordBatch`]es, consuming the heap
+    pub fn emit(self) -> Result<SendableRecordBatchStream> {
+        let Self {
+            schema,
+            metrics,
+            reservation: _,
+            batch_size,
+            expr: _,
+            row_converter: _,
+            scratch_rows: _,
+            mut heap,
+        } = self;
+        let _timer = metrics.baseline.elapsed_compute().timer(); // time updated on drop
+        let mut batch = heap.emit()?;
+        metrics.baseline.output_rows().add(batch.num_rows());
+        // break into record batches as needed
+        let mut batches = vec![];
+        loop {
+            if batch.num_rows() < batch_size {
+                batches.push(Ok(batch));
+                break;
+            } else {
+                batches.push(Ok(batch.slice(0, batch_size)));
+                let remaining_length = batch.num_rows() - batch_size;
+                batch = batch.slice(batch_size, remaining_length);
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(Box::pin(RecordBatchStreamAdapter::new(
+            schema,
+            futures::stream::iter(batches),
+        )))
+    }
+    /// return the size of memory used by this operator, in bytes
+    fn size(&self) -> usize {
+        std::mem::size_of::<Self>()
+            + self.row_converter.size()
+            + self.scratch_rows.size()
+            + self.heap.size()
+    }
+struct TopKMetrics {
+    /// metrics
+    pub baseline: BaselineMetrics,
+    /// count of how many rows were replaced in the heap
+    pub row_replacements: Count,
+impl TopKMetrics {
+    fn new(metrics: &ExecutionPlanMetricsSet, partition: usize) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            baseline: BaselineMetrics::new(metrics, partition),
+            row_replacements: MetricBuilder::new(metrics)
+                .counter("row_replacements", partition),
+        }
+    }
+/// This structure keeps at most the *smallest* k items, using the
+/// [arrow::row] format for sort keys. While it is called "topK" for
+/// values like `1, 2, 3, 4, 5` the "top 3" really means the
+/// *smallest* 3 , `1, 2, 3`, not the *largest* 3 `3, 4, 5`.
+/// Using the `Row` format handles things such as ascending vs
+/// descending and nulls first vs nulls last.
+/// It doesn't use `BinaryHeap` in the Rust standard library because
+/// it is important to check the current minimum value in the heap
+/// prior to creating a new value to insert.

Review Comment:
   I think this comment is out of date (and mostly due to my misunderstanding of how the BinaryHeap worked 😆 )

@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+//! TopK: Combination of Sort / LIMIT
+use arrow::{
+    compute::interleave,
+    row::{RowConverter, Rows, SortField},
+use std::{cmp::Ordering, collections::BinaryHeap, sync::Arc};
+use arrow_array::{Array, ArrayRef, RecordBatch};
+use arrow_schema::SchemaRef;
+use datafusion_common::Result;
+use datafusion_execution::{
+    memory_pool::{MemoryConsumer, MemoryReservation},
+    runtime_env::RuntimeEnv,
+use datafusion_physical_expr::PhysicalSortExpr;
+use hashbrown::HashMap;
+use crate::{stream::RecordBatchStreamAdapter, SendableRecordBatchStream};
+use super::metrics::{BaselineMetrics, Count, ExecutionPlanMetricsSet, MetricBuilder};
+/// Global TopK
+/// # Background
+/// "Top K" is a common query optimization used for queries such as
+/// "find the top 3 customers by revenue". The (simplified) SQL for
+/// such a query might be:
+/// ```sql
+/// SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM 'sales.csv' ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
+/// ```
+/// The simple plan would be:
+/// ```sql
+/// > explain SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM sales ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// | plan_type    | plan                                   |
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// | logical_plan | Limit: 3                               |
+/// |              |   Sort: revenue DESC NULLS FIRST       |
+/// |              |     Projection: customer_id, revenue   |
+/// |              |       TableScan: sales                 |
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// ```
+/// While this plan produces the correct answer, it will fully sorts the
+/// input before discarding everything other than the top 3 elements.
+/// The same answer can be produced by simply keeping track of the top
+/// N elements, reducing the total amount of required buffer memory.
+/// # Structure
+/// This operator tracks the top K items using a `TopKHeap`.
+pub struct TopK {
+    /// schema of the output (and the input)
+    schema: SchemaRef,
+    /// Runtime metrics
+    metrics: TopKMetrics,
+    /// Reservation
+    reservation: MemoryReservation,
+    /// The target number of rows for output batches
+    batch_size: usize,
+    /// sort expressions
+    expr: Arc<[PhysicalSortExpr]>,
+    /// row converter, for sort keys
+    row_converter: RowConverter,
+    /// scratch space for converting rows
+    scratch_rows: Rows,
+    /// stores the top k values and their sort key values, in order
+    heap: TopKHeap,
+impl TopK {
+    /// Create a new [`TopK`] that stores the top `k` values, as
+    /// defined by the sort expressions in `expr`.
+    // TOOD: make a builder or some other nicer API to avoid the
+    // clippy warning
+    #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
+    pub fn try_new(
+        partition_id: usize,
+        schema: SchemaRef,
+        expr: Vec<PhysicalSortExpr>,
+        k: usize,
+        batch_size: usize,
+        runtime: Arc<RuntimeEnv>,
+        metrics: &ExecutionPlanMetricsSet,
+        partition: usize,
+    ) -> Result<Self> {
+        let reservation = MemoryConsumer::new(format!("TopK[{partition_id}]"))
+            .register(&runtime.memory_pool);
+        let expr: Arc<[PhysicalSortExpr]> = expr.into();
+        let sort_fields: Vec<_> = expr
+            .iter()
+            .map(|e| {
+                Ok(SortField::new_with_options(
+                    e.expr.data_type(&schema)?,
+                    e.options,
+                ))
+            })
+            .collect::<Result<_>>()?;
+        let row_converter = RowConverter::new(sort_fields)?;
+        let scratch_rows = row_converter.empty_rows(
+            batch_size,
+            20 * batch_size, // guestimate 20 bytes per row
+        );
+        Ok(Self {
+            schema: schema.clone(),
+            metrics: TopKMetrics::new(metrics, partition),
+            reservation,
+            batch_size,
+            expr,
+            row_converter,
+            scratch_rows,
+            heap: TopKHeap::new(k, batch_size, schema),
+        })
+    }
+    /// Insert `batch`, remembering it if any of its values are among
+    /// the top k seen so far.
+    pub fn insert_batch(&mut self, batch: RecordBatch) -> Result<()> {
+        // Updates on drop
+        let _timer = self.metrics.baseline.elapsed_compute().timer();
+        let sort_keys: Vec<ArrayRef> = self
+            .expr
+            .iter()
+            .map(|expr| {
+                let value = expr.expr.evaluate(&batch)?;
+                Ok(value.into_array(batch.num_rows()))
+            })
+            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
+        // reuse existing `Rows` to avoid reallocations
+        let rows = &mut self.scratch_rows;
+        rows.clear();
+        self.row_converter.append(rows, &sort_keys)?;
+        // TODO make this algorithmically better?:
+        // 1. only check topk values in rows
+        // 2. only do one update through top_k
+        let mut batch_entry = self.heap.register_batch(batch);
+        for (index, row) in rows.iter().enumerate() {
+            match self.heap.max() {
+                // heap has k items, and the new row is greater than the
+                // current max in the heap ==> it is not a new topk
+                Some(max_row) if row.as_ref() >= max_row.row() => {}
+                // don't yet have k items or new item is lower than the currently k low values
+                None | Some(_) => {
+                    self.heap.add(&mut batch_entry, row, index);
+                    self.metrics.row_replacements.add(1);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        self.heap.insert_batch_entry(batch_entry);
+        // conserve memory
+        self.heap.maybe_compact()?;
+        // update memory reservation
+        self.reservation.try_resize(self.size())?;
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    /// Returns the top k results broken into `batch_size` [`RecordBatch`]es, consuming the heap
+    pub fn emit(self) -> Result<SendableRecordBatchStream> {
+        let Self {
+            schema,
+            metrics,
+            reservation: _,
+            batch_size,
+            expr: _,
+            row_converter: _,
+            scratch_rows: _,
+            mut heap,
+        } = self;
+        let _timer = metrics.baseline.elapsed_compute().timer(); // time updated on drop
+        let mut batch = heap.emit()?;
+        metrics.baseline.output_rows().add(batch.num_rows());
+        // break into record batches as needed
+        let mut batches = vec![];
+        loop {
+            if batch.num_rows() < batch_size {
+                batches.push(Ok(batch));
+                break;
+            } else {
+                batches.push(Ok(batch.slice(0, batch_size)));
+                let remaining_length = batch.num_rows() - batch_size;
+                batch = batch.slice(batch_size, remaining_length);
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(Box::pin(RecordBatchStreamAdapter::new(
+            schema,
+            futures::stream::iter(batches),
+        )))
+    }
+    /// return the size of memory used by this operator, in bytes
+    fn size(&self) -> usize {
+        std::mem::size_of::<Self>()
+            + self.row_converter.size()
+            + self.scratch_rows.size()
+            + self.heap.size()
+    }
+struct TopKMetrics {
+    /// metrics
+    pub baseline: BaselineMetrics,
+    /// count of how many rows were replaced in the heap
+    pub row_replacements: Count,
+impl TopKMetrics {
+    fn new(metrics: &ExecutionPlanMetricsSet, partition: usize) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            baseline: BaselineMetrics::new(metrics, partition),
+            row_replacements: MetricBuilder::new(metrics)
+                .counter("row_replacements", partition),
+        }
+    }
+/// This structure keeps at most the *smallest* k items, using the
+/// [arrow::row] format for sort keys. While it is called "topK" for
+/// values like `1, 2, 3, 4, 5` the "top 3" really means the
+/// *smallest* 3 , `1, 2, 3`, not the *largest* 3 `3, 4, 5`.
+/// Using the `Row` format handles things such as ascending vs
+/// descending and nulls first vs nulls last.
+/// It doesn't use `BinaryHeap` in the Rust standard library because
+/// it is important to check the current minimum value in the heap
+/// prior to creating a new value to insert.
+struct TopKHeap {
+    /// The maximum number of elemenents to store in this heap.
+    k: usize,
+    /// The target number of rows for output batches
+    batch_size: usize,
+    /// Storage for up at most `k` items using a BinaryHeap. Reverserd
+    /// so that the smallest k so far is on the top
+    inner: BinaryHeap<TopKRow>,
+    /// Storage the original row values (TopKRow only has the sort key)
+    store: RecordBatchStore,
+    /// The size of all owned data held by this heap
+    owned_bytes: usize,
+impl TopKHeap {
+    fn new(k: usize, batch_size: usize, schema: SchemaRef) -> Self {
+        assert!(k > 0);
+        Self {
+            k,
+            batch_size,
+            inner: BinaryHeap::new(),
+            store: RecordBatchStore::new(schema),
+            owned_bytes: 0,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Register a [`RecordBatch`] with the heap, returning the
+    /// appropriate entry
+    pub fn register_batch(&mut self, batch: RecordBatch) -> RecordBatchEntry {
+    }
+    /// Insert a [`RecordBatchEntry`] created by a previous call to
+    /// [`Self::register_batch`] into storage.
+    pub fn insert_batch_entry(&mut self, entry: RecordBatchEntry) {
+    }
+    /// Returns the largest value stored by the heap if there are k
+    /// items, otherwise returns None. Remember this structure is
+    /// keeping the "smallest" k values
+    fn max(&self) -> Option<&TopKRow> {
+        if self.inner.len() < self.k {
+            None
+        } else {
+            self.inner.peek()
+        }
+    }
+    /// Adds `row` to this heap. If inserting this new item would
+    /// increase the size past `k`, removes the previously smallest
+    /// item.
+    fn add(
+        &mut self,
+        batch_entry: &mut RecordBatchEntry,
+        row: impl AsRef<[u8]>,
+        index: usize,
+    ) {
+        let batch_id =;
+        batch_entry.uses += 1;
+        assert!(self.inner.len() <= self.k);
+        let row = row.as_ref();
+        // Reuse storage for evicted item if possible
+        let new_top_k = if self.inner.len() == self.k {
+            let prev_min = self.inner.pop().unwrap();
+            // Update batch use
+            if prev_min.batch_id == {
+                batch_entry.uses -= 1;
+            } else {
+      ;
+            }
+            // update memory accounting
+            self.owned_bytes -= prev_min.owned_size();
+            prev_min.with_new_row(row, batch_id, index)
+        } else {
+            TopKRow::new(row, batch_id, index)
+        };
+        self.owned_bytes += new_top_k.owned_size();
+        // put the new row into the heap
+        self.inner.push(new_top_k)
+    }
+    /// Returns the values stored in this heap, from values low to
+    /// high, as a single [`RecordBatch`], resetting the inner heap
+    pub fn emit(&mut self) -> Result<RecordBatch> {
+        Ok(self.emit_with_state()?.0)
+    }
+    /// Returns the values stored in this heap, from values low to
+    /// high, as a single [`RecordBatch`], and a sorted vec of the
+    /// current heap's contents
+    pub fn emit_with_state(&mut self) -> Result<(RecordBatch, Vec<TopKRow>)> {
+        let schema =;
+        // generate sorted rows
+        let topk_rows = std::mem::take(&mut self.inner).into_sorted_vec();
+        if {
+            return Ok((RecordBatch::new_empty(schema), topk_rows));
+        }
+        // Indices for each row within its respective RecordBatch
+        let indices: Vec<_> = topk_rows
+            .iter()
+            .enumerate()
+            .map(|(i, k)| (i, k.index))
+            .collect();
+        let num_columns = schema.fields().len();
+        // build the output columns one at time, using the
+        // `interleave` kernel to pick rows from different arrays
+        let output_columns: Vec<_> = (0..num_columns)

Review Comment:
   This is like `interleave` but for `RecordBatches`. @wjones127  was asking about something similar for `take` for `RecordBatches` as well. Maybe it would be a helpful API to add 🤔 

@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+//! TopK: Combination of Sort / LIMIT
+use arrow::{
+    compute::interleave,
+    row::{RowConverter, Rows, SortField},
+use std::{cmp::Ordering, collections::BinaryHeap, sync::Arc};
+use arrow_array::{Array, ArrayRef, RecordBatch};
+use arrow_schema::SchemaRef;
+use datafusion_common::Result;
+use datafusion_execution::{
+    memory_pool::{MemoryConsumer, MemoryReservation},
+    runtime_env::RuntimeEnv,
+use datafusion_physical_expr::PhysicalSortExpr;
+use hashbrown::HashMap;
+use crate::{stream::RecordBatchStreamAdapter, SendableRecordBatchStream};
+use super::metrics::{BaselineMetrics, Count, ExecutionPlanMetricsSet, MetricBuilder};
+/// Global TopK
+/// # Background
+/// "Top K" is a common query optimization used for queries such as
+/// "find the top 3 customers by revenue". The (simplified) SQL for
+/// such a query might be:
+/// ```sql
+/// SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM 'sales.csv' ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
+/// ```
+/// The simple plan would be:
+/// ```sql
+/// > explain SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM sales ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// | plan_type    | plan                                   |
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// | logical_plan | Limit: 3                               |
+/// |              |   Sort: revenue DESC NULLS FIRST       |
+/// |              |     Projection: customer_id, revenue   |
+/// |              |       TableScan: sales                 |
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// ```
+/// While this plan produces the correct answer, it will fully sorts the
+/// input before discarding everything other than the top 3 elements.
+/// The same answer can be produced by simply keeping track of the top
+/// N elements, reducing the total amount of required buffer memory.
+/// # Structure
+/// This operator tracks the top K items using a `TopKHeap`.
+pub struct TopK {
+    /// schema of the output (and the input)
+    schema: SchemaRef,
+    /// Runtime metrics
+    metrics: TopKMetrics,
+    /// Reservation
+    reservation: MemoryReservation,
+    /// The target number of rows for output batches
+    batch_size: usize,
+    /// sort expressions
+    expr: Arc<[PhysicalSortExpr]>,
+    /// row converter, for sort keys
+    row_converter: RowConverter,
+    /// scratch space for converting rows
+    scratch_rows: Rows,
+    /// stores the top k values and their sort key values, in order
+    heap: TopKHeap,
+impl TopK {
+    /// Create a new [`TopK`] that stores the top `k` values, as
+    /// defined by the sort expressions in `expr`.
+    // TOOD: make a builder or some other nicer API to avoid the
+    // clippy warning
+    #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
+    pub fn try_new(
+        partition_id: usize,
+        schema: SchemaRef,
+        expr: Vec<PhysicalSortExpr>,
+        k: usize,
+        batch_size: usize,
+        runtime: Arc<RuntimeEnv>,
+        metrics: &ExecutionPlanMetricsSet,
+        partition: usize,
+    ) -> Result<Self> {
+        let reservation = MemoryConsumer::new(format!("TopK[{partition_id}]"))
+            .register(&runtime.memory_pool);
+        let expr: Arc<[PhysicalSortExpr]> = expr.into();
+        let sort_fields: Vec<_> = expr
+            .iter()
+            .map(|e| {
+                Ok(SortField::new_with_options(
+                    e.expr.data_type(&schema)?,
+                    e.options,
+                ))
+            })
+            .collect::<Result<_>>()?;
+        let row_converter = RowConverter::new(sort_fields)?;

Review Comment:
           // TODO there is potential to add special cases for single column sort fields
           // to improve performance
           let row_converter = RowConverter::new(sort_fields)?;

@@ -765,7 +766,12 @@ impl DisplayAs for SortExec {
                 let expr: Vec<String> = self.expr.iter().map(|e| e.to_string()).collect();
                 match self.fetch {
                     Some(fetch) => {
-                        write!(f, "SortExec: fetch={fetch}, expr=[{}]", expr.join(","))
+                        write!(
+                            f,
+                            // TODO should this say topk?

Review Comment:
   I think in general it would be good to be able to tell what operator was going to be used from looking at the plan. However, I think we can do so as a follow on PR -- I can file a ticket. 

@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+//! TopK: Combination of Sort / LIMIT
+use arrow::{
+    compute::interleave,
+    row::{RowConverter, Rows, SortField},
+use std::{cmp::Ordering, collections::BinaryHeap, sync::Arc};
+use arrow_array::{Array, ArrayRef, RecordBatch};
+use arrow_schema::SchemaRef;
+use datafusion_common::Result;
+use datafusion_execution::{
+    memory_pool::{MemoryConsumer, MemoryReservation},
+    runtime_env::RuntimeEnv,
+use datafusion_physical_expr::PhysicalSortExpr;
+use hashbrown::HashMap;
+use crate::{stream::RecordBatchStreamAdapter, SendableRecordBatchStream};
+use super::metrics::{BaselineMetrics, Count, ExecutionPlanMetricsSet, MetricBuilder};
+/// Global TopK
+/// # Background
+/// "Top K" is a common query optimization used for queries such as
+/// "find the top 3 customers by revenue". The (simplified) SQL for
+/// such a query might be:
+/// ```sql
+/// SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM 'sales.csv' ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
+/// ```
+/// The simple plan would be:
+/// ```sql
+/// > explain SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM sales ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// | plan_type    | plan                                   |
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// | logical_plan | Limit: 3                               |
+/// |              |   Sort: revenue DESC NULLS FIRST       |
+/// |              |     Projection: customer_id, revenue   |
+/// |              |       TableScan: sales                 |
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// ```
+/// While this plan produces the correct answer, it will fully sorts the
+/// input before discarding everything other than the top 3 elements.
+/// The same answer can be produced by simply keeping track of the top
+/// N elements, reducing the total amount of required buffer memory.
+/// # Structure
+/// This operator tracks the top K items using a `TopKHeap`.
+pub struct TopK {
+    /// schema of the output (and the input)
+    schema: SchemaRef,
+    /// Runtime metrics
+    metrics: TopKMetrics,
+    /// Reservation
+    reservation: MemoryReservation,
+    /// The target number of rows for output batches
+    batch_size: usize,
+    /// sort expressions
+    expr: Arc<[PhysicalSortExpr]>,
+    /// row converter, for sort keys
+    row_converter: RowConverter,
+    /// scratch space for converting rows
+    scratch_rows: Rows,
+    /// stores the top k values and their sort key values, in order
+    heap: TopKHeap,
+impl TopK {
+    /// Create a new [`TopK`] that stores the top `k` values, as
+    /// defined by the sort expressions in `expr`.
+    // TOOD: make a builder or some other nicer API to avoid the
+    // clippy warning
+    #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
+    pub fn try_new(
+        partition_id: usize,
+        schema: SchemaRef,
+        expr: Vec<PhysicalSortExpr>,
+        k: usize,
+        batch_size: usize,
+        runtime: Arc<RuntimeEnv>,
+        metrics: &ExecutionPlanMetricsSet,
+        partition: usize,
+    ) -> Result<Self> {
+        let reservation = MemoryConsumer::new(format!("TopK[{partition_id}]"))
+            .register(&runtime.memory_pool);
+        let expr: Arc<[PhysicalSortExpr]> = expr.into();
+        let sort_fields: Vec<_> = expr
+            .iter()
+            .map(|e| {
+                Ok(SortField::new_with_options(
+                    e.expr.data_type(&schema)?,
+                    e.options,
+                ))
+            })
+            .collect::<Result<_>>()?;
+        let row_converter = RowConverter::new(sort_fields)?;
+        let scratch_rows = row_converter.empty_rows(
+            batch_size,
+            20 * batch_size, // guestimate 20 bytes per row
+        );
+        Ok(Self {
+            schema: schema.clone(),
+            metrics: TopKMetrics::new(metrics, partition),
+            reservation,
+            batch_size,
+            expr,
+            row_converter,
+            scratch_rows,
+            heap: TopKHeap::new(k, batch_size, schema),
+        })
+    }
+    /// Insert `batch`, remembering it if any of its values are among
+    /// the top k seen so far.
+    pub fn insert_batch(&mut self, batch: RecordBatch) -> Result<()> {
+        // Updates on drop
+        let _timer = self.metrics.baseline.elapsed_compute().timer();
+        let sort_keys: Vec<ArrayRef> = self
+            .expr
+            .iter()
+            .map(|expr| {
+                let value = expr.expr.evaluate(&batch)?;
+                Ok(value.into_array(batch.num_rows()))
+            })
+            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
+        // reuse existing `Rows` to avoid reallocations
+        let rows = &mut self.scratch_rows;
+        rows.clear();
+        self.row_converter.append(rows, &sort_keys)?;
+        // TODO make this algorithmically better?:
+        // 1. only check topk values in rows
+        // 2. only do one update through top_k
+        let mut batch_entry = self.heap.register_batch(batch);
+        for (index, row) in rows.iter().enumerate() {
+            match self.heap.max() {
+                // heap has k items, and the new row is greater than the
+                // current max in the heap ==> it is not a new topk
+                Some(max_row) if row.as_ref() >= max_row.row() => {}
+                // don't yet have k items or new item is lower than the currently k low values
+                None | Some(_) => {
+                    self.heap.add(&mut batch_entry, row, index);
+                    self.metrics.row_replacements.add(1);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        self.heap.insert_batch_entry(batch_entry);
+        // conserve memory
+        self.heap.maybe_compact()?;
+        // update memory reservation
+        self.reservation.try_resize(self.size())?;
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    /// Returns the top k results broken into `batch_size` [`RecordBatch`]es, consuming the heap
+    pub fn emit(self) -> Result<SendableRecordBatchStream> {
+        let Self {
+            schema,
+            metrics,
+            reservation: _,
+            batch_size,
+            expr: _,
+            row_converter: _,
+            scratch_rows: _,
+            mut heap,
+        } = self;
+        let _timer = metrics.baseline.elapsed_compute().timer(); // time updated on drop
+        let mut batch = heap.emit()?;
+        metrics.baseline.output_rows().add(batch.num_rows());
+        // break into record batches as needed
+        let mut batches = vec![];
+        loop {
+            if batch.num_rows() < batch_size {
+                batches.push(Ok(batch));
+                break;
+            } else {
+                batches.push(Ok(batch.slice(0, batch_size)));
+                let remaining_length = batch.num_rows() - batch_size;
+                batch = batch.slice(batch_size, remaining_length);
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(Box::pin(RecordBatchStreamAdapter::new(
+            schema,
+            futures::stream::iter(batches),
+        )))
+    }
+    /// return the size of memory used by this operator, in bytes
+    fn size(&self) -> usize {
+        std::mem::size_of::<Self>()
+            + self.row_converter.size()
+            + self.scratch_rows.size()
+            + self.heap.size()
+    }
+struct TopKMetrics {
+    /// metrics
+    pub baseline: BaselineMetrics,
+    /// count of how many rows were replaced in the heap
+    pub row_replacements: Count,
+impl TopKMetrics {
+    fn new(metrics: &ExecutionPlanMetricsSet, partition: usize) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            baseline: BaselineMetrics::new(metrics, partition),
+            row_replacements: MetricBuilder::new(metrics)
+                .counter("row_replacements", partition),
+        }
+    }
+/// This structure keeps at most the *smallest* k items, using the
+/// [arrow::row] format for sort keys. While it is called "topK" for
+/// values like `1, 2, 3, 4, 5` the "top 3" really means the
+/// *smallest* 3 , `1, 2, 3`, not the *largest* 3 `3, 4, 5`.
+/// Using the `Row` format handles things such as ascending vs
+/// descending and nulls first vs nulls last.
+/// It doesn't use `BinaryHeap` in the Rust standard library because
+/// it is important to check the current minimum value in the heap
+/// prior to creating a new value to insert.
+struct TopKHeap {
+    /// The maximum number of elemenents to store in this heap.
+    k: usize,
+    /// The target number of rows for output batches
+    batch_size: usize,
+    /// Storage for up at most `k` items using a BinaryHeap. Reverserd
+    /// so that the smallest k so far is on the top
+    inner: BinaryHeap<TopKRow>,
+    /// Storage the original row values (TopKRow only has the sort key)
+    store: RecordBatchStore,
+    /// The size of all owned data held by this heap
+    owned_bytes: usize,
+impl TopKHeap {
+    fn new(k: usize, batch_size: usize, schema: SchemaRef) -> Self {
+        assert!(k > 0);
+        Self {
+            k,
+            batch_size,
+            inner: BinaryHeap::new(),
+            store: RecordBatchStore::new(schema),
+            owned_bytes: 0,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Register a [`RecordBatch`] with the heap, returning the
+    /// appropriate entry
+    pub fn register_batch(&mut self, batch: RecordBatch) -> RecordBatchEntry {
+    }
+    /// Insert a [`RecordBatchEntry`] created by a previous call to
+    /// [`Self::register_batch`] into storage.
+    pub fn insert_batch_entry(&mut self, entry: RecordBatchEntry) {
+    }
+    /// Returns the largest value stored by the heap if there are k
+    /// items, otherwise returns None. Remember this structure is
+    /// keeping the "smallest" k values
+    fn max(&self) -> Option<&TopKRow> {
+        if self.inner.len() < self.k {
+            None
+        } else {
+            self.inner.peek()
+        }
+    }
+    /// Adds `row` to this heap. If inserting this new item would
+    /// increase the size past `k`, removes the previously smallest
+    /// item.
+    fn add(
+        &mut self,
+        batch_entry: &mut RecordBatchEntry,
+        row: impl AsRef<[u8]>,
+        index: usize,
+    ) {
+        let batch_id =;
+        batch_entry.uses += 1;
+        assert!(self.inner.len() <= self.k);
+        let row = row.as_ref();
+        // Reuse storage for evicted item if possible
+        let new_top_k = if self.inner.len() == self.k {
+            let prev_min = self.inner.pop().unwrap();
+            // Update batch use
+            if prev_min.batch_id == {
+                batch_entry.uses -= 1;
+            } else {
+      ;
+            }
+            // update memory accounting
+            self.owned_bytes -= prev_min.owned_size();
+            prev_min.with_new_row(row, batch_id, index)
+        } else {
+            TopKRow::new(row, batch_id, index)
+        };
+        self.owned_bytes += new_top_k.owned_size();
+        // put the new row into the heap
+        self.inner.push(new_top_k)
+    }
+    /// Returns the values stored in this heap, from values low to
+    /// high, as a single [`RecordBatch`], resetting the inner heap
+    pub fn emit(&mut self) -> Result<RecordBatch> {
+        Ok(self.emit_with_state()?.0)
+    }
+    /// Returns the values stored in this heap, from values low to
+    /// high, as a single [`RecordBatch`], and a sorted vec of the
+    /// current heap's contents
+    pub fn emit_with_state(&mut self) -> Result<(RecordBatch, Vec<TopKRow>)> {
+        let schema =;
+        // generate sorted rows
+        let topk_rows = std::mem::take(&mut self.inner).into_sorted_vec();
+        if {
+            return Ok((RecordBatch::new_empty(schema), topk_rows));
+        }
+        // Indices for each row within its respective RecordBatch
+        let indices: Vec<_> = topk_rows
+            .iter()
+            .enumerate()
+            .map(|(i, k)| (i, k.index))
+            .collect();
+        let num_columns = schema.fields().len();
+        // build the output columns one at time, using the
+        // `interleave` kernel to pick rows from different arrays
+        let output_columns: Vec<_> = (0..num_columns)

Review Comment:
   This is like `interleave` but for `RecordBatches`. @wjones127  was asking about something similar for `take` for `RecordBatches` as well. Maybe it would be a helpful API to add 🤔 

@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+//! TopK: Combination of Sort / LIMIT
+use arrow::{
+    compute::interleave,
+    row::{RowConverter, Rows, SortField},
+use std::{cmp::Ordering, collections::BinaryHeap, sync::Arc};
+use arrow_array::{Array, ArrayRef, RecordBatch};
+use arrow_schema::SchemaRef;
+use datafusion_common::Result;
+use datafusion_execution::{
+    memory_pool::{MemoryConsumer, MemoryReservation},
+    runtime_env::RuntimeEnv,
+use datafusion_physical_expr::PhysicalSortExpr;
+use hashbrown::HashMap;
+use crate::{stream::RecordBatchStreamAdapter, SendableRecordBatchStream};
+use super::metrics::{BaselineMetrics, Count, ExecutionPlanMetricsSet, MetricBuilder};
+/// Global TopK
+/// # Background
+/// "Top K" is a common query optimization used for queries such as
+/// "find the top 3 customers by revenue". The (simplified) SQL for
+/// such a query might be:
+/// ```sql
+/// SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM 'sales.csv' ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
+/// ```
+/// The simple plan would be:
+/// ```sql
+/// > explain SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM sales ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// | plan_type    | plan                                   |
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// | logical_plan | Limit: 3                               |
+/// |              |   Sort: revenue DESC NULLS FIRST       |
+/// |              |     Projection: customer_id, revenue   |
+/// |              |       TableScan: sales                 |
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// ```
+/// While this plan produces the correct answer, it will fully sorts the
+/// input before discarding everything other than the top 3 elements.
+/// The same answer can be produced by simply keeping track of the top
+/// N elements, reducing the total amount of required buffer memory.
+/// # Structure
+/// This operator tracks the top K items using a `TopKHeap`.
+pub struct TopK {
+    /// schema of the output (and the input)
+    schema: SchemaRef,
+    /// Runtime metrics
+    metrics: TopKMetrics,
+    /// Reservation
+    reservation: MemoryReservation,
+    /// The target number of rows for output batches
+    batch_size: usize,
+    /// sort expressions
+    expr: Arc<[PhysicalSortExpr]>,
+    /// row converter, for sort keys
+    row_converter: RowConverter,
+    /// scratch space for converting rows
+    scratch_rows: Rows,
+    /// stores the top k values and their sort key values, in order
+    heap: TopKHeap,
+impl TopK {
+    /// Create a new [`TopK`] that stores the top `k` values, as
+    /// defined by the sort expressions in `expr`.
+    // TOOD: make a builder or some other nicer API to avoid the
+    // clippy warning
+    #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
+    pub fn try_new(
+        partition_id: usize,
+        schema: SchemaRef,
+        expr: Vec<PhysicalSortExpr>,
+        k: usize,
+        batch_size: usize,
+        runtime: Arc<RuntimeEnv>,
+        metrics: &ExecutionPlanMetricsSet,
+        partition: usize,
+    ) -> Result<Self> {
+        let reservation = MemoryConsumer::new(format!("TopK[{partition_id}]"))
+            .register(&runtime.memory_pool);
+        let expr: Arc<[PhysicalSortExpr]> = expr.into();
+        let sort_fields: Vec<_> = expr
+            .iter()
+            .map(|e| {
+                Ok(SortField::new_with_options(
+                    e.expr.data_type(&schema)?,
+                    e.options,
+                ))
+            })
+            .collect::<Result<_>>()?;
+        let row_converter = RowConverter::new(sort_fields)?;
+        let scratch_rows = row_converter.empty_rows(
+            batch_size,
+            20 * batch_size, // guestimate 20 bytes per row
+        );
+        Ok(Self {
+            schema: schema.clone(),
+            metrics: TopKMetrics::new(metrics, partition),
+            reservation,
+            batch_size,
+            expr,
+            row_converter,
+            scratch_rows,
+            heap: TopKHeap::new(k, batch_size, schema),
+        })
+    }
+    /// Insert `batch`, remembering it if any of its values are among

Review Comment:
       /// Insert `batch`, remembering if any of its values are among

@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+//! TopK: Combination of Sort / LIMIT
+use arrow::{
+    compute::interleave,
+    row::{RowConverter, Rows, SortField},
+use std::{cmp::Ordering, collections::BinaryHeap, sync::Arc};
+use arrow_array::{Array, ArrayRef, RecordBatch};
+use arrow_schema::SchemaRef;
+use datafusion_common::Result;
+use datafusion_execution::{
+    memory_pool::{MemoryConsumer, MemoryReservation},
+    runtime_env::RuntimeEnv,
+use datafusion_physical_expr::PhysicalSortExpr;
+use hashbrown::HashMap;
+use crate::{stream::RecordBatchStreamAdapter, SendableRecordBatchStream};
+use super::metrics::{BaselineMetrics, Count, ExecutionPlanMetricsSet, MetricBuilder};
+/// Global TopK
+/// # Background
+/// "Top K" is a common query optimization used for queries such as
+/// "find the top 3 customers by revenue". The (simplified) SQL for
+/// such a query might be:
+/// ```sql
+/// SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM 'sales.csv' ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
+/// ```
+/// The simple plan would be:
+/// ```sql
+/// > explain SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM sales ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// | plan_type    | plan                                   |
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// | logical_plan | Limit: 3                               |
+/// |              |   Sort: revenue DESC NULLS FIRST       |
+/// |              |     Projection: customer_id, revenue   |
+/// |              |       TableScan: sales                 |
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// ```
+/// While this plan produces the correct answer, it will fully sorts the
+/// input before discarding everything other than the top 3 elements.
+/// The same answer can be produced by simply keeping track of the top
+/// N elements, reducing the total amount of required buffer memory.

Review Comment:
   /// K=3 elements, reducing the total amount of required buffer memory.

@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+//! TopK: Combination of Sort / LIMIT
+use arrow::{
+    compute::interleave,
+    row::{RowConverter, Rows, SortField},
+use std::{cmp::Ordering, collections::BinaryHeap, sync::Arc};
+use arrow_array::{Array, ArrayRef, RecordBatch};
+use arrow_schema::SchemaRef;
+use datafusion_common::Result;
+use datafusion_execution::{
+    memory_pool::{MemoryConsumer, MemoryReservation},
+    runtime_env::RuntimeEnv,
+use datafusion_physical_expr::PhysicalSortExpr;
+use hashbrown::HashMap;
+use crate::{stream::RecordBatchStreamAdapter, SendableRecordBatchStream};
+use super::metrics::{BaselineMetrics, Count, ExecutionPlanMetricsSet, MetricBuilder};
+/// Global TopK
+/// # Background
+/// "Top K" is a common query optimization used for queries such as
+/// "find the top 3 customers by revenue". The (simplified) SQL for
+/// such a query might be:
+/// ```sql
+/// SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM 'sales.csv' ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
+/// ```
+/// The simple plan would be:
+/// ```sql
+/// > explain SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM sales ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// | plan_type    | plan                                   |
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// | logical_plan | Limit: 3                               |
+/// |              |   Sort: revenue DESC NULLS FIRST       |
+/// |              |     Projection: customer_id, revenue   |
+/// |              |       TableScan: sales                 |
+/// +--------------+----------------------------------------+
+/// ```
+/// While this plan produces the correct answer, it will fully sorts the
+/// input before discarding everything other than the top 3 elements.
+/// The same answer can be produced by simply keeping track of the top
+/// N elements, reducing the total amount of required buffer memory.
+/// # Structure
+/// This operator tracks the top K items using a `TopKHeap`.
+pub struct TopK {
+    /// schema of the output (and the input)
+    schema: SchemaRef,
+    /// Runtime metrics
+    metrics: TopKMetrics,
+    /// Reservation
+    reservation: MemoryReservation,
+    /// The target number of rows for output batches
+    batch_size: usize,
+    /// sort expressions
+    expr: Arc<[PhysicalSortExpr]>,
+    /// row converter, for sort keys
+    row_converter: RowConverter,
+    /// scratch space for converting rows
+    scratch_rows: Rows,
+    /// stores the top k values and their sort key values, in order
+    heap: TopKHeap,
+impl TopK {
+    /// Create a new [`TopK`] that stores the top `k` values, as
+    /// defined by the sort expressions in `expr`.
+    // TOOD: make a builder or some other nicer API to avoid the
+    // clippy warning
+    #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
+    pub fn try_new(
+        partition_id: usize,
+        schema: SchemaRef,
+        expr: Vec<PhysicalSortExpr>,
+        k: usize,
+        batch_size: usize,
+        runtime: Arc<RuntimeEnv>,
+        metrics: &ExecutionPlanMetricsSet,
+        partition: usize,
+    ) -> Result<Self> {
+        let reservation = MemoryConsumer::new(format!("TopK[{partition_id}]"))
+            .register(&runtime.memory_pool);
+        let expr: Arc<[PhysicalSortExpr]> = expr.into();
+        let sort_fields: Vec<_> = expr
+            .iter()
+            .map(|e| {
+                Ok(SortField::new_with_options(
+                    e.expr.data_type(&schema)?,
+                    e.options,
+                ))
+            })
+            .collect::<Result<_>>()?;
+        let row_converter = RowConverter::new(sort_fields)?;
+        let scratch_rows = row_converter.empty_rows(
+            batch_size,
+            20 * batch_size, // guestimate 20 bytes per row
+        );
+        Ok(Self {
+            schema: schema.clone(),
+            metrics: TopKMetrics::new(metrics, partition),
+            reservation,
+            batch_size,
+            expr,
+            row_converter,
+            scratch_rows,
+            heap: TopKHeap::new(k, batch_size, schema),
+        })
+    }
+    /// Insert `batch`, remembering it if any of its values are among
+    /// the top k seen so far.
+    pub fn insert_batch(&mut self, batch: RecordBatch) -> Result<()> {
+        // Updates on drop
+        let _timer = self.metrics.baseline.elapsed_compute().timer();
+        let sort_keys: Vec<ArrayRef> = self
+            .expr
+            .iter()
+            .map(|expr| {
+                let value = expr.expr.evaluate(&batch)?;
+                Ok(value.into_array(batch.num_rows()))
+            })
+            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
+        // reuse existing `Rows` to avoid reallocations
+        let rows = &mut self.scratch_rows;
+        rows.clear();
+        self.row_converter.append(rows, &sort_keys)?;
+        // TODO make this algorithmically better?:
+        // 1. only check topk values in rows
+        // 2. only do one update through top_k
+        let mut batch_entry = self.heap.register_batch(batch);
+        for (index, row) in rows.iter().enumerate() {
+            match self.heap.max() {
+                // heap has k items, and the new row is greater than the
+                // current max in the heap ==> it is not a new topk
+                Some(max_row) if row.as_ref() >= max_row.row() => {}
+                // don't yet have k items or new item is lower than the currently k low values
+                None | Some(_) => {
+                    self.heap.add(&mut batch_entry, row, index);
+                    self.metrics.row_replacements.add(1);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        self.heap.insert_batch_entry(batch_entry);
+        // conserve memory
+        self.heap.maybe_compact()?;
+        // update memory reservation
+        self.reservation.try_resize(self.size())?;
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    /// Returns the top k results broken into `batch_size` [`RecordBatch`]es, consuming the heap
+    pub fn emit(self) -> Result<SendableRecordBatchStream> {
+        let Self {
+            schema,
+            metrics,
+            reservation: _,
+            batch_size,
+            expr: _,
+            row_converter: _,
+            scratch_rows: _,
+            mut heap,
+        } = self;
+        let _timer = metrics.baseline.elapsed_compute().timer(); // time updated on drop
+        let mut batch = heap.emit()?;
+        metrics.baseline.output_rows().add(batch.num_rows());
+        // break into record batches as needed
+        let mut batches = vec![];
+        loop {
+            if batch.num_rows() < batch_size {
+                batches.push(Ok(batch));
+                break;
+            } else {
+                batches.push(Ok(batch.slice(0, batch_size)));
+                let remaining_length = batch.num_rows() - batch_size;
+                batch = batch.slice(batch_size, remaining_length);
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(Box::pin(RecordBatchStreamAdapter::new(
+            schema,
+            futures::stream::iter(batches),
+        )))
+    }
+    /// return the size of memory used by this operator, in bytes
+    fn size(&self) -> usize {
+        std::mem::size_of::<Self>()
+            + self.row_converter.size()
+            + self.scratch_rows.size()
+            + self.heap.size()
+    }
+struct TopKMetrics {
+    /// metrics
+    pub baseline: BaselineMetrics,
+    /// count of how many rows were replaced in the heap
+    pub row_replacements: Count,
+impl TopKMetrics {
+    fn new(metrics: &ExecutionPlanMetricsSet, partition: usize) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            baseline: BaselineMetrics::new(metrics, partition),
+            row_replacements: MetricBuilder::new(metrics)
+                .counter("row_replacements", partition),
+        }
+    }
+/// This structure keeps at most the *smallest* k items, using the
+/// [arrow::row] format for sort keys. While it is called "topK" for
+/// values like `1, 2, 3, 4, 5` the "top 3" really means the
+/// *smallest* 3 , `1, 2, 3`, not the *largest* 3 `3, 4, 5`.
+/// Using the `Row` format handles things such as ascending vs
+/// descending and nulls first vs nulls last.
+/// It doesn't use `BinaryHeap` in the Rust standard library because
+/// it is important to check the current minimum value in the heap
+/// prior to creating a new value to insert.
+struct TopKHeap {
+    /// The maximum number of elemenents to store in this heap.
+    k: usize,
+    /// The target number of rows for output batches
+    batch_size: usize,
+    /// Storage for up at most `k` items using a BinaryHeap. Reverserd
+    /// so that the smallest k so far is on the top
+    inner: BinaryHeap<TopKRow>,
+    /// Storage the original row values (TopKRow only has the sort key)
+    store: RecordBatchStore,
+    /// The size of all owned data held by this heap
+    owned_bytes: usize,
+impl TopKHeap {
+    fn new(k: usize, batch_size: usize, schema: SchemaRef) -> Self {
+        assert!(k > 0);
+        Self {
+            k,
+            batch_size,
+            inner: BinaryHeap::new(),
+            store: RecordBatchStore::new(schema),
+            owned_bytes: 0,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Register a [`RecordBatch`] with the heap, returning the
+    /// appropriate entry
+    pub fn register_batch(&mut self, batch: RecordBatch) -> RecordBatchEntry {
+    }
+    /// Insert a [`RecordBatchEntry`] created by a previous call to
+    /// [`Self::register_batch`] into storage.
+    pub fn insert_batch_entry(&mut self, entry: RecordBatchEntry) {
+    }
+    /// Returns the largest value stored by the heap if there are k
+    /// items, otherwise returns None. Remember this structure is
+    /// keeping the "smallest" k values
+    fn max(&self) -> Option<&TopKRow> {
+        if self.inner.len() < self.k {
+            None
+        } else {
+            self.inner.peek()
+        }
+    }
+    /// Adds `row` to this heap. If inserting this new item would
+    /// increase the size past `k`, removes the previously smallest
+    /// item.
+    fn add(
+        &mut self,
+        batch_entry: &mut RecordBatchEntry,
+        row: impl AsRef<[u8]>,
+        index: usize,
+    ) {
+        let batch_id =;
+        batch_entry.uses += 1;
+        assert!(self.inner.len() <= self.k);
+        let row = row.as_ref();
+        // Reuse storage for evicted item if possible
+        let new_top_k = if self.inner.len() == self.k {
+            let prev_min = self.inner.pop().unwrap();
+            // Update batch use
+            if prev_min.batch_id == {
+                batch_entry.uses -= 1;
+            } else {
+      ;
+            }
+            // update memory accounting
+            self.owned_bytes -= prev_min.owned_size();
+            prev_min.with_new_row(row, batch_id, index)
+        } else {
+            TopKRow::new(row, batch_id, index)
+        };
+        self.owned_bytes += new_top_k.owned_size();
+        // put the new row into the heap
+        self.inner.push(new_top_k)
+    }
+    /// Returns the values stored in this heap, from values low to
+    /// high, as a single [`RecordBatch`], resetting the inner heap
+    pub fn emit(&mut self) -> Result<RecordBatch> {
+        Ok(self.emit_with_state()?.0)
+    }
+    /// Returns the values stored in this heap, from values low to
+    /// high, as a single [`RecordBatch`], and a sorted vec of the
+    /// current heap's contents
+    pub fn emit_with_state(&mut self) -> Result<(RecordBatch, Vec<TopKRow>)> {
+        let schema =;
+        // generate sorted rows
+        let topk_rows = std::mem::take(&mut self.inner).into_sorted_vec();
+        if {
+            return Ok((RecordBatch::new_empty(schema), topk_rows));
+        }
+        // Indices for each row within its respective RecordBatch
+        let indices: Vec<_> = topk_rows
+            .iter()
+            .enumerate()
+            .map(|(i, k)| (i, k.index))
+            .collect();
+        let num_columns = schema.fields().len();
+        // build the output columns one at time, using the
+        // `interleave` kernel to pick rows from different arrays
+        let output_columns: Vec<_> = (0..num_columns)
+            .map(|col| {
+                let input_arrays: Vec<_> = topk_rows
+                    .iter()
+                    .map(|k| {
+                        let entry =
+                  "invalid stored batch id");
+                        entry.batch.column(col) as &dyn Array
+                    })
+                    .collect();
+                // at this point `indices` contains indexes within the
+                // rows and `input_arrays` contains a reference to the
+                // relevant Array for that index. `interleave` pulls
+                // them together into a single new array
+                Ok(interleave(&input_arrays, &indices)?)
+            })
+            .collect::<Result<_>>()?;
+        let new_batch = RecordBatch::try_new(schema, output_columns)?;
+        Ok((new_batch, topk_rows))
+    }
+    /// Compact this heap, rewriting all stored batches into a single
+    /// input batch
+    pub fn maybe_compact(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+        // we compact if the number of "unused" rows in the store is

Review Comment:
   @Dandandan  did you review this heuristic -- I remember I tried it on our high cardinality tracing usecase and it seemed to work well (basically it is needed for large N with random-ish inputs)

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