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[48/51] [partial] incubator-sdap-nexus git commit: SDAP-1 Import all code under the SDAP SGA
diff --git a/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/ b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc4d654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/
@@ -0,0 +1,709 @@
+import StringIO
+import csv
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+import numpy as np
+from decimal import Decimal
+from pytz import timezone, UTC
+import config
+import geo
+from webservice.NexusHandler import NexusHandler as BaseHandler
+from webservice.webmodel import NexusResults
+EPOCH = timezone('UTC').localize(datetime(1970, 1, 1))
+ISO_8601 = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z'
+    from osgeo import gdal
+    from osgeo.gdalnumeric import *
+except ImportError:
+    import gdal
+    from gdalnumeric import *
+from netCDF4 import Dataset
+import tempfile
+class BaseDomsQueryHandler(BaseHandler):
+    def __init__(self):
+        BaseHandler.__init__(self)
+    def getDataSourceByName(self, source):
+        for s in config.ENDPOINTS:
+            if s["name"] == source:
+                return s
+        return None
+    def _does_datasource_exist(self, ds):
+        for endpoint in config.ENDPOINTS:
+            if endpoint["name"] == ds:
+                return True
+        return False
+class DomsEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
+    def __init__(self, **args):
+        json.JSONEncoder.__init__(self, **args)
+    def default(self, obj):
+        # print 'MyEncoder.default() called'
+        # print type(obj)
+        if obj == np.nan:
+            return None  # hard code string for now
+        elif isinstance(obj, datetime):
+            return long((obj - EPOCH).total_seconds())
+        elif isinstance(obj, Decimal):
+            return str(obj)
+        else:
+            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
+class DomsQueryResults(NexusResults):
+    def __init__(self, results=None, args=None, bounds=None, count=None, details=None, computeOptions=None,
+                 executionId=None, status_code=200):
+        NexusResults.__init__(self, results=results, meta=None, stats=None, computeOptions=computeOptions,
+                              status_code=status_code)
+        self.__args = args
+        self.__bounds = bounds
+        self.__count = count
+        self.__details = details
+        self.__executionId = str(executionId)
+    def toJson(self):
+        bounds = self.__bounds.toMap() if self.__bounds is not None else {}
+        return json.dumps(
+            {"executionId": self.__executionId, "data": self.results(), "params": self.__args, "bounds": bounds,
+             "count": self.__count, "details": self.__details}, indent=4, cls=DomsEncoder)
+    def toCSV(self):
+        return DomsCSVFormatter.create(self.__executionId, self.results(), self.__args, self.__details)
+    def toNetCDF(self):
+        return DomsNetCDFFormatterAlt.create(self.__executionId, self.results(), self.__args, self.__details)
+class DomsCSVFormatter:
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(executionId, results, params, details):
+        csv_mem_file = StringIO.StringIO()
+        try:
+            DomsCSVFormatter.__addConstants(csv_mem_file)
+            DomsCSVFormatter.__addDynamicAttrs(csv_mem_file, executionId, results, params, details)
+            csv.writer(csv_mem_file).writerow([])
+            DomsCSVFormatter.__packValues(csv_mem_file, results)
+            csv_out = csv_mem_file.getvalue()
+        finally:
+            csv_mem_file.close()
+        return csv_out
+    @staticmethod
+    def __packValues(csv_mem_file, results):
+        writer = csv.writer(csv_mem_file)
+        headers = [
+            # Primary
+            "id", "source", "lon", "lat", "time", "platform", "sea_water_salinity_depth", "sea_water_salinity",
+            "sea_water_temperature_depth", "sea_water_temperature", "wind_speed", "wind_direction", "wind_u", "wind_v",
+            # Match
+            "id", "source", "lon", "lat", "time", "platform", "sea_water_salinity_depth", "sea_water_salinity",
+            "sea_water_temperature_depth", "sea_water_temperature", "wind_speed", "wind_direction", "wind_u", "wind_v"
+        ]
+        writer.writerow(headers)
+        for primaryValue in results:
+            for matchup in primaryValue["matches"]:
+                row = [
+                    # Primary
+                    primaryValue["id"], primaryValue["source"], str(primaryValue["x"]), str(primaryValue["y"]),
+                    primaryValue["time"].strftime(ISO_8601), primaryValue["platform"],
+                    primaryValue.get("sea_water_salinity_depth", ""), primaryValue.get("sea_water_salinity", ""),
+                    primaryValue.get("sea_water_temperature_depth", ""), primaryValue.get("sea_water_temperature", ""),
+                    primaryValue.get("wind_speed", ""), primaryValue.get("wind_direction", ""),
+                    primaryValue.get("wind_u", ""), primaryValue.get("wind_v", ""),
+                    # Matchup
+                    matchup["id"], matchup["source"], matchup["x"], matchup["y"],
+                    matchup["time"].strftime(ISO_8601), matchup["platform"],
+                    matchup.get("sea_water_salinity_depth", ""), matchup.get("sea_water_salinity", ""),
+                    matchup.get("sea_water_temperature_depth", ""), matchup.get("sea_water_temperature", ""),
+                    matchup.get("wind_speed", ""), matchup.get("wind_direction", ""),
+                    matchup.get("wind_u", ""), matchup.get("wind_v", ""),
+                ]
+                writer.writerow(row)
+    @staticmethod
+    def __addConstants(csvfile):
+        global_attrs = [
+            {"Global Attribute": "Conventions", "Value": "CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "title", "Value": "DOMS satellite-insitu machup output file"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "history",
+             "Value": "Processing_Version = V1.0, Software_Name = DOMS, Software_Version = 1.03"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "institution", "Value": "JPL, FSU, NCAR"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "source", "Value": ""},
+            {"Global Attribute": "standard_name_vocabulary",
+             "Value": "CF Standard Name Table v27, BODC controlled vocabulary"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "cdm_data_type", "Value": "Point/Profile, Swath/Grid"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "processing_level", "Value": "4"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "project", "Value": "Distributed Oceanographic Matchup System (DOMS)"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "keywords_vocabulary",
+             "Value": "NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords"},
+            # TODO What should the keywords be?
+            {"Global Attribute": "keywords", "Value": ""},
+            {"Global Attribute": "creator_name", "Value": "NASA PO.DAAC"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "creator_email", "Value": ""},
+            {"Global Attribute": "creator_url", "Value": ""},
+            {"Global Attribute": "publisher_name", "Value": "NASA PO.DAAC"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "publisher_email", "Value": ""},
+            {"Global Attribute": "publisher_url", "Value": ""},
+            {"Global Attribute": "acknowledgment", "Value": "DOMS is a NASA/AIST-funded project. NRA NNH14ZDA001N."},
+        ]
+        writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, sorted(next(iter(global_attrs)).keys()))
+        writer.writerows(global_attrs)
+    @staticmethod
+    def __addDynamicAttrs(csvfile, executionId, results, params, details):
+        platforms = set()
+        for primaryValue in results:
+            platforms.add(primaryValue['platform'])
+            for match in primaryValue['matches']:
+                platforms.add(match['platform'])
+        global_attrs = [
+            {"Global Attribute": "Platform", "Value": ', '.join(platforms)},
+            {"Global Attribute": "time_coverage_start",
+             "Value": params["startTime"].strftime(ISO_8601)},
+            {"Global Attribute": "time_coverage_end",
+             "Value": params["endTime"].strftime(ISO_8601)},
+            # TODO I don't think this applies
+            # {"Global Attribute": "time_coverage_resolution", "Value": "point"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "geospatial_lon_min", "Value": params["bbox"].split(',')[0]},
+            {"Global Attribute": "geospatial_lat_min", "Value": params["bbox"].split(',')[1]},
+            {"Global Attribute": "geospatial_lon_max", "Value": params["bbox"].split(',')[2]},
+            {"Global Attribute": "geospatial_lat_max", "Value": params["bbox"].split(',')[3]},
+            {"Global Attribute": "geospatial_lat_resolution", "Value": "point"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "geospatial_lon_resolution", "Value": "point"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "geospatial_lat_units", "Value": "degrees_north"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "geospatial_lon_units", "Value": "degrees_east"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "geospatial_vertical_min", "Value": params["depthMin"]},
+            {"Global Attribute": "geospatial_vertical_max", "Value": params["depthMax"]},
+            {"Global Attribute": "geospatial_vertical_units", "Value": "m"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "geospatial_vertical_resolution", "Value": "point"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "geospatial_vertical_positive", "Value": "down"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_matchID", "Value": executionId},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_TimeWindow", "Value": params["timeTolerance"] / 60 / 60},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_TimeWindow_Units", "Value": "hours"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_depth_min", "Value": params["depthMin"]},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_depth_min_units", "Value": "m"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_depth_max", "Value": params["depthMax"]},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_depth_max_units", "Value": "m"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_platforms", "Value": params["platforms"]},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_SearchRadius", "Value": params["radiusTolerance"]},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_SearchRadius_Units", "Value": "m"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_bounding_box", "Value": params["bbox"]},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_primary", "Value": params["primary"]},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_match-up", "Value": ",".join(params["matchup"])},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_ParameterPrimary", "Value": params.get("parameter", "")},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_time_to_complete", "Value": details["timeToComplete"]},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_time_to_complete_units", "Value": "seconds"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_num_matchup_matched", "Value": details["numInSituMatched"]},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_num_primary_matched", "Value": details["numGriddedMatched"]},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_num_matchup_checked",
+             "Value": details["numInSituChecked"] if details["numInSituChecked"] != 0 else "N/A"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "DOMS_num_primary_checked",
+             "Value": details["numGriddedChecked"] if details["numGriddedChecked"] != 0 else "N/A"},
+            {"Global Attribute": "date_modified", "Value": datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=UTC).strftime(ISO_8601)},
+            {"Global Attribute": "date_created", "Value": datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=UTC).strftime(ISO_8601)},
+        ]
+        writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, sorted(next(iter(global_attrs)).keys()))
+        writer.writerows(global_attrs)
+class DomsNetCDFFormatter:
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(executionId, results, params, details):
+        t = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="doms_", suffix=".nc")
+        tempFileName = t[1]
+        dataset = Dataset(tempFileName, "w", format="NETCDF4")
+        dataset.matchID = executionId
+        dataset.Matchup_TimeWindow = params["timeTolerance"]
+        dataset.Matchup_TimeWindow_Units = "hours"
+        dataset.time_coverage_start = datetime.fromtimestamp(params["startTime"] / 1000).strftime('%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S')
+        dataset.time_coverage_end = datetime.fromtimestamp(params["endTime"] / 1000).strftime('%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S')
+        dataset.depth_min = params["depthMin"]
+        dataset.depth_max = params["depthMax"]
+        dataset.platforms = params["platforms"]
+        dataset.Matchup_SearchRadius = params["radiusTolerance"]
+        dataset.Matchup_SearchRadius_Units = "m"
+        dataset.bounding_box = params["bbox"]
+        dataset.primary = params["primary"]
+        dataset.secondary = ",".join(params["matchup"])
+        dataset.Matchup_ParameterPrimary = params["parameter"] if "parameter" in params else ""
+        dataset.time_coverage_resolution = "point"
+        bbox = geo.BoundingBox(asString=params["bbox"])
+        dataset.geospatial_lat_max = bbox.north
+        dataset.geospatial_lat_min = bbox.south
+        dataset.geospatial_lon_max = bbox.east
+        dataset.geospatial_lon_min = bbox.west
+        dataset.geospatial_lat_resolution = "point"
+        dataset.geospatial_lon_resolution = "point"
+        dataset.geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north"
+        dataset.geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east"
+        dataset.geospatial_vertical_min = 0.0
+        dataset.geospatial_vertical_max = params["radiusTolerance"]
+        dataset.geospatial_vertical_units = "m"
+        dataset.geospatial_vertical_resolution = "point"
+        dataset.geospatial_vertical_positive = "down"
+        dataset.time_to_complete = details["timeToComplete"]
+        dataset.num_insitu_matched = details["numInSituMatched"]
+        dataset.num_gridded_checked = details["numGriddedChecked"]
+        dataset.num_gridded_matched = details["numGriddedMatched"]
+        dataset.num_insitu_checked = details["numInSituChecked"]
+        dataset.date_modified ='%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S')
+        dataset.date_created ='%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S')
+        DomsNetCDFFormatter.__addNetCDFConstants(dataset)
+        idList = []
+        primaryIdList = []
+        DomsNetCDFFormatter.__packDataIntoDimensions(idList, primaryIdList, results)
+        idDim = dataset.createDimension("id", size=None)
+        primaryIdDim = dataset.createDimension("primary_id", size=None)
+        idVar = dataset.createVariable("id", "i4", ("id",), chunksizes=(2048,))
+        primaryIdVar = dataset.createVariable("primary_id", "i4", ("primary_id",), chunksizes=(2048,))
+        idVar[:] = idList
+        primaryIdVar[:] = primaryIdList
+        DomsNetCDFFormatter.__createDimension(dataset, results, "lat", "f4", "y")
+        DomsNetCDFFormatter.__createDimension(dataset, results, "lon", "f4", "x")
+        DomsNetCDFFormatter.__createDimension(dataset, results, "sea_water_temperature_depth", "f4",
+                                              "sea_water_temperature_depth")
+        DomsNetCDFFormatter.__createDimension(dataset, results, "sea_water_temperature", "f4", "sea_water_temperature")
+        DomsNetCDFFormatter.__createDimension(dataset, results, "sea_water_salinity_depth", "f4",
+                                              "sea_water_salinity_depth")
+        DomsNetCDFFormatter.__createDimension(dataset, results, "sea_water_salinity", "f4", "sea_water_salinity")
+        DomsNetCDFFormatter.__createDimension(dataset, results, "wind_speed", "f4", "wind_speed")
+        DomsNetCDFFormatter.__createDimension(dataset, results, "wind_direction", "f4", "wind_direction")
+        DomsNetCDFFormatter.__createDimension(dataset, results, "wind_u", "f4", "wind_u")
+        DomsNetCDFFormatter.__createDimension(dataset, results, "wind_v", "f4", "wind_v")
+        DomsNetCDFFormatter.__createDimension(dataset, results, "time", "f4", "time")
+        dataset.close()
+        f = open(tempFileName, "rb")
+        data =
+        f.close()
+        os.unlink(tempFileName)
+        return data
+    @staticmethod
+    def __packDataIntoDimensions(idVar, primaryIdVar, values, primaryValueId=None):
+        for value in values:
+            id = hash(value["id"])
+            idVar.append(id)
+            primaryIdVar.append(primaryValueId if primaryValueId is not None else -1)
+            if "matches" in value and len(value["matches"]) > 0:
+                DomsNetCDFFormatter.__packDataIntoDimensions(idVar, primaryIdVar, value["matches"], id)
+    @staticmethod
+    def __packDimensionList(values, field, varList):
+        for value in values:
+            if field in value:
+                varList.append(value[field])
+            else:
+                varList.append(np.nan)
+            if "matches" in value and len(value["matches"]) > 0:
+                DomsNetCDFFormatter.__packDimensionList(value["matches"], field, varList)
+    @staticmethod
+    def __createDimension(dataset, values, name, type, arrayField):
+        dim = dataset.createDimension(name, size=None)
+        var = dataset.createVariable(name, type, (name,), chunksizes=(2048,), fill_value=-32767.0)
+        varList = []
+        DomsNetCDFFormatter.__packDimensionList(values, arrayField, varList)
+        var[:] = varList
+        if name == "lon":
+            DomsNetCDFFormatter.__enrichLonVariable(var)
+        elif name == "lat":
+            DomsNetCDFFormatter.__enrichLatVariable(var)
+        elif name == "time":
+            DomsNetCDFFormatter.__enrichTimeVariable(var)
+        elif name == "sea_water_salinity":
+            DomsNetCDFFormatter.__enrichSSSVariable(var)
+        elif name == "sea_water_salinity_depth":
+            DomsNetCDFFormatter.__enrichSSSDepthVariable(var)
+        elif name == "sea_water_temperature":
+            DomsNetCDFFormatter.__enrichSSTVariable(var)
+        elif name == "sea_water_temperature_depth":
+            DomsNetCDFFormatter.__enrichSSTDepthVariable(var)
+        elif name == "wind_direction":
+            DomsNetCDFFormatter.__enrichWindDirectionVariable(var)
+        elif name == "wind_speed":
+            DomsNetCDFFormatter.__enrichWindSpeedVariable(var)
+        elif name == "wind_u":
+            DomsNetCDFFormatter.__enrichWindUVariable(var)
+        elif name == "wind_v":
+            DomsNetCDFFormatter.__enrichWindVVariable(var)
+    @staticmethod
+    def __enrichSSSVariable(var):
+        var.long_name = "sea surface salinity"
+        var.standard_name = "sea_surface_salinity"
+        var.units = "1e-3"
+        var.valid_min = 30
+        var.valid_max = 40
+        var.scale_factor = 1.0
+        var.add_offset = 0.0
+        var.coordinates = "lon lat time"
+        var.grid_mapping = "crs"
+        var.comment = ""
+        var.cell_methods = ""
+        var.metadata_link = ""
+    @staticmethod
+    def __enrichSSSDepthVariable(var):
+        var.long_name = "sea surface salinity_depth"
+        var.standard_name = "sea_surface_salinity_depth"
+        var.units = "m"
+        var.scale_factor = 1.0
+        var.add_offset = 0.0
+        var.coordinates = "lon lat time"
+        var.grid_mapping = "crs"
+        var.comment = ""
+        var.cell_methods = ""
+        var.metadata_link = ""
+    @staticmethod
+    def __enrichSSTVariable(var):
+        var.long_name = "sea surface temperature"
+        var.standard_name = "sea_surface_temperature"
+        var.units = "c"
+        var.valid_min = -3
+        var.valid_max = 50
+        var.scale_factor = 1.0
+        var.add_offset = 0.0
+        var.coordinates = "lon lat time"
+        var.grid_mapping = "crs"
+        var.comment = ""
+        var.cell_methods = ""
+        var.metadata_link = ""
+    @staticmethod
+    def __enrichSSTDepthVariable(var):
+        var.long_name = "sea surface temperature_depth"
+        var.standard_name = "sea_surface_temperature_depth"
+        var.units = "m"
+        var.scale_factor = 1.0
+        var.add_offset = 0.0
+        var.coordinates = "lon lat time"
+        var.grid_mapping = "crs"
+        var.comment = ""
+        var.cell_methods = ""
+        var.metadata_link = ""
+    @staticmethod
+    def __enrichWindDirectionVariable(var):
+        var.long_name = "wind direction"
+        var.standard_name = "wind_direction"
+        var.units = "degrees"
+        var.scale_factor = 1.0
+        var.add_offset = 0.0
+        var.coordinates = "lon lat time"
+        var.grid_mapping = "crs"
+        var.comment = ""
+        var.cell_methods = ""
+        var.metadata_link = ""
+    @staticmethod
+    def __enrichWindSpeedVariable(var):
+        var.long_name = "wind speed"
+        var.standard_name = "wind_speed"
+        var.units = "km/h"
+        var.scale_factor = 1.0
+        var.add_offset = 0.0
+        var.coordinates = "lon lat time"
+        var.grid_mapping = "crs"
+        var.comment = ""
+        var.cell_methods = ""
+        var.metadata_link = ""
+    @staticmethod
+    def __enrichWindUVariable(var):
+        var.long_name = "wind u"
+        var.standard_name = "wind_u"
+        var.units = ""
+        var.scale_factor = 1.0
+        var.add_offset = 0.0
+        var.coordinates = "lon lat time"
+        var.grid_mapping = "crs"
+        var.comment = ""
+        var.cell_methods = ""
+        var.metadata_link = ""
+    @staticmethod
+    def __enrichWindVVariable(var):
+        var.long_name = "wind v"
+        var.standard_name = "wind_v"
+        var.units = ""
+        var.scale_factor = 1.0
+        var.add_offset = 0.0
+        var.coordinates = "lon lat time"
+        var.grid_mapping = "crs"
+        var.comment = ""
+        var.cell_methods = ""
+        var.metadata_link = ""
+    @staticmethod
+    def __enrichTimeVariable(var):
+        var.long_name = "Time"
+        var.standard_name = "time"
+        var.axis = "T"
+        var.units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 0:00"
+        var.calendar = "standard"
+        var.comment = "Nominal time of satellite corresponding to the start of the product time interval"
+    @staticmethod
+    def __enrichLonVariable(var):
+        var.long_name = "Longitude"
+        var.standard_name = "longitude"
+        var.axis = "X"
+        var.units = "degrees_east"
+        var.valid_min = -180.0
+        var.valid_max = 180.0
+        var.comment = "Data longitude for in-situ, midpoint beam for satellite measurements."
+    @staticmethod
+    def __enrichLatVariable(var):
+        var.long_name = "Latitude"
+        var.standard_name = "latitude"
+        var.axis = "Y"
+        var.units = "degrees_north"
+        var.valid_min = -90.0
+        var.valid_max = 90.0
+        var.comment = "Data latitude for in-situ, midpoint beam for satellite measurements."
+    @staticmethod
+    def __addNetCDFConstants(dataset):
+        dataset.bnds = 2
+        dataset.Conventions = "CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3"
+        dataset.title = "DOMS satellite-insitu machup output file"
+        dataset.history = "Processing_Version = V1.0, Software_Name = DOMS, Software_Version = 1.03"
+        dataset.institution = "JPL, FSU, NCAR"
+        dataset.source = ""
+        dataset.standard_name_vocabulary = "CF Standard Name Table v27", "BODC controlled vocabulary"
+        dataset.cdm_data_type = "Point/Profile, Swath/Grid"
+        dataset.processing_level = "4"
+        dataset.platform = "Endeavor"
+        dataset.instrument = "Endeavor on-board sea-bird SBE 9/11 CTD"
+        dataset.project = "Distributed Oceanographic Matchup System (DOMS)"
+        dataset.keywords_vocabulary = "NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords"
+        dataset.keywords = "Salinity, Upper Ocean, SPURS, CTD, Endeavor, Atlantic Ocean"
+        dataset.creator_name = "NASA PO.DAAC"
+        dataset.creator_email = ""
+        dataset.creator_url = ""
+        dataset.publisher_name = "NASA PO.DAAC"
+        dataset.publisher_email = ""
+        dataset.publisher_url = ""
+        dataset.acknowledgment = "DOMS is a NASA/AIST-funded project.  Grant number ####."
+class DomsNetCDFFormatterAlt:
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(executionId, results, params, details):
+        t = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="doms_", suffix=".nc")
+        tempFileName = t[1]
+        dataset = Dataset(tempFileName, "w", format="NETCDF4")
+        dataset.matchID = executionId
+        dataset.Matchup_TimeWindow = params["timeTolerance"]
+        dataset.Matchup_TimeWindow_Units = "hours"
+        dataset.time_coverage_start = datetime.fromtimestamp(params["startTime"] / 1000).strftime('%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S')
+        dataset.time_coverage_end = datetime.fromtimestamp(params["endTime"] / 1000).strftime('%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S')
+        dataset.depth_min = params["depthMin"]
+        dataset.depth_max = params["depthMax"]
+        dataset.platforms = params["platforms"]
+        dataset.Matchup_SearchRadius = params["radiusTolerance"]
+        dataset.Matchup_SearchRadius_Units = "m"
+        dataset.bounding_box = params["bbox"]
+        dataset.primary = params["primary"]
+        dataset.secondary = ",".join(params["matchup"])
+        dataset.Matchup_ParameterPrimary = params["parameter"] if "parameter" in params else ""
+        dataset.time_coverage_resolution = "point"
+        bbox = geo.BoundingBox(asString=params["bbox"])
+        dataset.geospatial_lat_max = bbox.north
+        dataset.geospatial_lat_min = bbox.south
+        dataset.geospatial_lon_max = bbox.east
+        dataset.geospatial_lon_min = bbox.west
+        dataset.geospatial_lat_resolution = "point"
+        dataset.geospatial_lon_resolution = "point"
+        dataset.geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north"
+        dataset.geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east"
+        dataset.geospatial_vertical_min = 0.0
+        dataset.geospatial_vertical_max = params["radiusTolerance"]
+        dataset.geospatial_vertical_units = "m"
+        dataset.geospatial_vertical_resolution = "point"
+        dataset.geospatial_vertical_positive = "down"
+        dataset.time_to_complete = details["timeToComplete"]
+        dataset.num_insitu_matched = details["numInSituMatched"]
+        dataset.num_gridded_checked = details["numGriddedChecked"]
+        dataset.num_gridded_matched = details["numGriddedMatched"]
+        dataset.num_insitu_checked = details["numInSituChecked"]
+        dataset.date_modified ='%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S')
+        dataset.date_created ='%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S')
+        DomsNetCDFFormatterAlt.__addNetCDFConstants(dataset)
+        satelliteGroup = dataset.createGroup("SatelliteData")
+        satelliteWriter = DomsNetCDFValueWriter(satelliteGroup)
+        insituGroup = dataset.createGroup("InsituData")
+        insituWriter = DomsNetCDFValueWriter(insituGroup)
+        matches = DomsNetCDFFormatterAlt.__writeResults(results, satelliteWriter, insituWriter)
+        satelliteWriter.commit()
+        insituWriter.commit()
+        satDim = dataset.createDimension("satellite_ids", size=None)
+        satVar = dataset.createVariable("satellite_ids", "i4", ("satellite_ids",), chunksizes=(2048,),
+                                        fill_value=-32767)
+        satVar[:] = [f[0] for f in matches]
+        insituDim = dataset.createDimension("insitu_ids", size=None)
+        insituVar = dataset.createVariable("insitu_ids", "i4", ("insitu_ids",), chunksizes=(2048,),
+                                           fill_value=-32767)
+        insituVar[:] = [f[1] for f in matches]
+        dataset.close()
+        f = open(tempFileName, "rb")
+        data =
+        f.close()
+        os.unlink(tempFileName)
+        return data
+    @staticmethod
+    def __writeResults(results, satelliteWriter, insituWriter):
+        ids = {}
+        matches = []
+        insituIndex = 0
+        for r in range(0, len(results)):
+            result = results[r]
+            satelliteWriter.write(result)
+            for match in result["matches"]:
+                if match["id"] not in ids:
+                    ids[match["id"]] = insituIndex
+                    insituIndex += 1
+                    insituWriter.write(match)
+                matches.append((r, ids[match["id"]]))
+        return matches
+    @staticmethod
+    def __addNetCDFConstants(dataset):
+        dataset.bnds = 2
+        dataset.Conventions = "CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3"
+        dataset.title = "DOMS satellite-insitu machup output file"
+        dataset.history = "Processing_Version = V1.0, Software_Name = DOMS, Software_Version = 1.03"
+        dataset.institution = "JPL, FSU, NCAR"
+        dataset.source = ""
+        dataset.standard_name_vocabulary = "CF Standard Name Table v27", "BODC controlled vocabulary"
+        dataset.cdm_data_type = "Point/Profile, Swath/Grid"
+        dataset.processing_level = "4"
+        dataset.platform = "Endeavor"
+        dataset.instrument = "Endeavor on-board sea-bird SBE 9/11 CTD"
+        dataset.project = "Distributed Oceanographic Matchup System (DOMS)"
+        dataset.keywords_vocabulary = "NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords"
+        dataset.keywords = "Salinity, Upper Ocean, SPURS, CTD, Endeavor, Atlantic Ocean"
+        dataset.creator_name = "NASA PO.DAAC"
+        dataset.creator_email = ""
+        dataset.creator_url = ""
+        dataset.publisher_name = "NASA PO.DAAC"
+        dataset.publisher_email = ""
+        dataset.publisher_url = ""
+        dataset.acknowledgment = "DOMS is a NASA/AIST-funded project.  Grant number ####."
+class DomsNetCDFValueWriter:
+    def __init__(self, group):
+        self.latVar = DomsNetCDFValueWriter.__createDimension(group, "lat", "f4")
+        self.lonVar = DomsNetCDFValueWriter.__createDimension(group, "lon", "f4")
+        self.sstVar = DomsNetCDFValueWriter.__createDimension(group, "sea_water_temperature", "f4")
+        self.timeVar = DomsNetCDFValueWriter.__createDimension(group, "time", "f4")
+ = []
+        self.lon = []
+        self.sst = []
+        self.time = []
+    def write(self, value):
+        self.lon.append(value["x"])
+        self.time.append(value["time"])
+        self.sst.append(value["sea_water_temperature"])
+    def commit(self):
+        self.latVar[:] =
+        self.lonVar[:] = self.lon
+        self.sstVar[:] = self.sst
+        self.timeVar[:] = self.time
+    @staticmethod
+    def __createDimension(group, name, type):
+        dim = group.createDimension(name, size=None)
+        var = group.createVariable(name, type, (name,), chunksizes=(2048,), fill_value=-32767.0)
+        return var
diff --git a/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/ b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a08517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+from webservice.NexusHandler import NexusHandler as BaseHandler
+from webservice.webmodel import StatsComputeOptions
+from webservice.NexusHandler import nexus_handler
+from webservice.NexusHandler import DEFAULT_PARAMETERS_SPEC
+from webservice.webmodel import NexusResults, NexusProcessingException, DatasetNotFoundException, cached
+import BaseDomsHandler
+import datafetch
+import config
+import requests
+import json
+import values
+import traceback
+class DomsDatasetListQueryHandler(BaseDomsHandler.BaseDomsQueryHandler):
+    name = "DOMS Dataset Listing"
+    path = "/domslist"
+    description = ""
+    params = {}
+    singleton = True
+    def __init__(self):
+        BaseHandler.__init__(self)
+    def getFacetsForInsituSource(self, source):
+        url = source["url"]
+        params = {
+            "facet": "true",
+            "stats": "true",
+            "startIndex": 0,
+            "itemsPerPage": 0
+        }
+        try:
+            r = requests.get(url, params=params)
+            results = json.loads(r.text)
+            depths = None
+            if "stats_fields" in results and "depth" in results["stats_fields"]:
+                depths = results["stats_fields"]["depth"]
+            for facet in results["facets"]:
+                field = facet["field"]
+                for value in facet["values"]:
+                    value["value"] = values.getDescByListNameAndId(field, int(value["value"]))
+            return depths, results["facets"]
+        except: # KMG: Don't eat the exception. Add better handling...
+            traceback.print_exc()
+            return None, None
+    def getMetadataUrlForDataset(self, dataset):
+        datasetSpec = config.getEndpointByName(dataset)
+        if datasetSpec is not None:
+            return datasetSpec["metadataUrl"]
+        else:
+            # KMG: NOT a good hack
+            if dataset == "JPL-L4_GHRSST-SSTfnd-MUR-GLOB-v02.0-fv04.1" or dataset == "JPL-L4_GHRSST-SSTfnd-MUR-GLOB-v02.0-fv04.1_CLIM":
+                dataset = "MUR-JPL-L4-GLOB-v4.1"
+            elif dataset == "SMAP_L2B_SSS":
+                dataset = "JPL_SMAP-SSS_L2_EVAL-V2"
+            elif dataset == "AVHRR_OI_L4_GHRSST_NCEI" or dataset == "AVHRR_OI_L4_GHRSST_NCEI_CLIM":
+                dataset = "AVHRR_OI-NCEI-L4-GLOB-v2.0"
+            return ""%dataset
+    def getMetadataForSource(self, dataset):
+        try:
+            r = requests.get(self.getMetadataUrlForDataset(dataset))
+            results = json.loads(r.text)
+            return results
+        except:
+            return None
+    @cached(ttl=(60 * 60 * 1000))  # 1 hour cached
+    def calc(self, computeOptions, **args):
+        satellitesList = self._tile_service.get_dataseries_list(simple=True)
+        insituList = []
+        for satellite in satellitesList:
+            satellite["metadata"] = self.getMetadataForSource(satellite["shortName"])
+        for insitu in config.ENDPOINTS:
+            depths, facets = self.getFacetsForInsituSource(insitu)
+            insituList.append({
+                "name" : insitu["name"],
+                "endpoint" : insitu["url"],
+                "metadata": self.getMetadataForSource(insitu["name"]),
+                "depths": depths,
+                "facets": facets
+            })
+        values = {
+            "satellite" : satellitesList,
+            "insitu" : insituList
+        }
+        return BaseDomsHandler.DomsQueryResults(results=values)
diff --git a/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/ b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc92ebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+Copyright (c) 2016 Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
+California Institute of Technology.  All rights reserved
+import ConfigParser
+import logging
+import pkg_resources
+from cassandra import InvalidRequest
+from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
+from cassandra.policies import TokenAwarePolicy, DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy
+from webservice.NexusHandler import nexus_initializer
+class DomsInitializer:
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    def init(self, config):
+        log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+        domsconfig = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+        domsconfig.readfp(pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__, "domsconfig.ini"), filename='domsconfig.ini')
+        cassHost = domsconfig.get("cassandra", "host")
+        cassKeyspace = domsconfig.get("cassandra", "keyspace")
+        cassDatacenter = domsconfig.get("cassandra", "local_datacenter")
+        cassVersion = int(domsconfig.get("cassandra", "protocol_version"))
+"Cassandra Host(s): %s" % (cassHost))
+"Cassandra Keyspace: %s" % (cassKeyspace))
+"Cassandra Datacenter: %s" % (cassDatacenter))
+"Cassandra Protocol Version: %s" % (cassVersion))
+        dc_policy = DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy(cassDatacenter)
+        token_policy = TokenAwarePolicy(dc_policy)
+        with Cluster([host for host in cassHost.split(',')], load_balancing_policy=token_policy,
+                     protocol_version=cassVersion) as cluster:
+            session = cluster.connect()
+            self.createKeyspace(session, cassKeyspace)
+            self.createTables(session)
+    def createKeyspace(self, session, cassKeyspace):
+        log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+"Verifying DOMS keyspace '%s'" % cassKeyspace)
+        session.execute(
+            "CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS %s WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 };" % cassKeyspace)
+        session.set_keyspace(cassKeyspace)
+    def createTables(self, session):
+        log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+"Verifying DOMS tables")
+        self.createDomsExecutionsTable(session)
+        self.createDomsParamsTable(session)
+        self.createDomsDataTable(session)
+        self.createDomsExecutionStatsTable(session)
+    def createDomsExecutionsTable(self, session):
+        log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+"Verifying doms_executions table")
+        cql = """
+            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS doms_executions (
+              id uuid PRIMARY KEY,
+              time_started timestamp,
+              time_completed timestamp,
+              user_email text
+            );
+                """
+        session.execute(cql)
+    def createDomsParamsTable(self, session):
+        log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+"Verifying doms_params table")
+        cql = """
+            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS doms_params (
+              execution_id uuid PRIMARY KEY,
+              primary_dataset text,
+              matchup_datasets text,
+              depth_tolerance decimal,
+              depth_min decimal,
+              depth_max decimal,
+              time_tolerance int,
+              radius_tolerance decimal,
+              start_time timestamp,
+              end_time timestamp,
+              platforms text,
+              bounding_box text,
+              parameter text
+            );
+        """
+        session.execute(cql)
+    def createDomsDataTable(self, session):
+        log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+"Verifying doms_data table")
+        cql = """
+            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS doms_data (
+              id uuid,
+              execution_id uuid,
+              value_id text,
+              primary_value_id text,
+              is_primary boolean,
+              x decimal,
+              y decimal,
+              source_dataset text,
+              measurement_time timestamp,
+              platform text,
+              device text,
+              measurement_values map<text, decimal>,
+              PRIMARY KEY (execution_id, is_primary, id)
+            );
+        """
+        session.execute(cql)
+    def createDomsExecutionStatsTable(self, session):
+        log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+"Verifying doms_execuction_stats table")
+        cql = """
+            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS doms_execution_stats (
+              execution_id uuid PRIMARY KEY,
+              num_gridded_matched int,
+              num_gridded_checked int,
+              num_insitu_matched int,
+              num_insitu_checked int,
+              time_to_complete int
+            );
+        """
+        session.execute(cql)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fa5d8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+import math
+import uuid
+from datetime import datetime
+import numpy as np
+import utm
+from nexustiles.model.nexusmodel import get_approximate_value_for_lat_lon
+from scipy import spatial
+import BaseDomsHandler
+import ResultsStorage
+import datafetch
+import fetchedgeimpl
+import geo
+import workerthread
+from webservice.NexusHandler import nexus_handler
+class CombinedDomsMatchupQueryHandler(BaseDomsHandler.BaseDomsQueryHandler):
+    name = "Experimental Combined DOMS In-Situ Matchup"
+    path = "/domsmatchup"
+    description = ""
+    params = {}
+    singleton = True
+    def __init__(self):
+        BaseDomsHandler.BaseDomsQueryHandler.__init__(self)
+    def fetchData(self, endpoints, startTime, endTime, bbox, depth_min, depth_max, platforms):
+        boundsConstrainer = geo.BoundsConstrainer(asString=bbox)
+        threads = []
+        for endpoint in endpoints:
+            thread = workerthread.WorkerThread(datafetch.fetchData,
+                                               params=(endpoint, startTime, endTime, bbox, depth_min, depth_max))
+            threads.append(thread)
+        workerthread.wait(threads, startFirst=True, poll=0.01)
+        data2 = []
+        for thread in threads:
+            data, bounds = thread.results
+            data2 += data
+            boundsConstrainer.testOtherConstrainer(bounds)
+        return data2, boundsConstrainer
+    def __parseDatetime(self, dtString):
+        dt = datetime.strptime(dtString, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+        epoch = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
+        time = (dt - epoch).total_seconds() * 1000.0
+        return time
+    def calc(self, computeOptions, **args):
+        primary = computeOptions.get_argument("primary", None)
+        matchup = computeOptions.get_argument("matchup", None)
+        startTime = computeOptions.get_argument("s", None)
+        endTime = computeOptions.get_argument("e", None)
+        bbox = computeOptions.get_argument("b", None)
+        timeTolerance = computeOptions.get_float_arg("tt")
+        depth_min = computeOptions.get_float_arg("depthMin", default=None)
+        depth_max = computeOptions.get_float_arg("depthMax", default=None)
+        radiusTolerance = computeOptions.get_float_arg("rt")
+        platforms = computeOptions.get_argument("platforms", None)
+        if primary is None or len(primary) == 0:
+            raise Exception("No primary dataset specified")
+        if matchup is None or len(matchup) == 0:
+            raise Exception("No matchup datasets specified")
+        start = self._now()
+        primarySpec = self.getDataSourceByName(primary)
+        if primarySpec is None:
+            raise Exception("Specified primary dataset not found using identifier '%s'" % primary)
+        primaryData, bounds = self.fetchData([primarySpec], startTime, endTime, bbox, depth_min, depth_max, platforms)
+        primaryContext = MatchupContext(primaryData)
+        matchupIds = matchup.split(",")
+        for matchupId in matchupIds:
+            matchupSpec = self.getDataSourceByName(matchupId)
+            if matchupSpec is not None:  # Then it's in the in-situ configuration
+                proc = InsituDatasetProcessor(primaryContext, matchupSpec, startTime, endTime, bbox, depth_min, depth_max,
+                                              platforms, timeTolerance, radiusTolerance)
+                proc.start()
+            else:  # We assume it to be a Nexus tiled dataset
+                '''
+                Single Threaded at the moment...
+                '''
+                daysinrange = self._tile_service.find_days_in_range_asc(bounds.south, bounds.north, bounds.west,
+                                                                        bounds.east, matchupId,
+                                                                        self.__parseDatetime(startTime) / 1000,
+                                                                        self.__parseDatetime(endTime) / 1000)
+                tilesByDay = {}
+                for dayTimestamp in daysinrange:
+                    ds1_nexus_tiles = self._tile_service.get_tiles_bounded_by_box_at_time(bounds.south, bounds.north,
+                                                                                          bounds.west, bounds.east,
+                                                                                          matchupId, dayTimestamp)
+                    # print "***", type(ds1_nexus_tiles)
+                    # print ds1_nexus_tiles[0].__dict__
+                    tilesByDay[dayTimestamp] = ds1_nexus_tiles
+                primaryContext.processGridded(tilesByDay, matchupId, radiusTolerance, timeTolerance)
+        matches, numMatches = primaryContext.getFinal(len(matchupIds))
+        end = self._now()
+        args = {
+            "primary": primary,
+            "matchup": matchupIds,
+            "startTime": startTime,
+            "endTime": endTime,
+            "bbox": bbox,
+            "timeTolerance": timeTolerance,
+            "depthMin": depth_min,
+            "depthMax": depth_max,
+            "radiusTolerance": radiusTolerance,
+            "platforms": platforms
+        }
+        details = {
+            "timeToComplete": (end - start),
+            "numInSituRecords": primaryContext.insituCount,
+            "numInSituMatched": primaryContext.insituMatches,
+            "numGriddedChecked": primaryContext.griddedCount,
+            "numGriddedMatched": primaryContext.griddedMatched
+        }
+        with ResultsStorage.ResultsStorage() as resultsStorage:
+            execution_id = resultsStorage.insertResults(results=matches, params=args, stats=details, startTime=start,
+                                                        completeTime=end, userEmail="")
+        return BaseDomsHandler.DomsQueryResults(results=matches, args=args, details=details, bounds=None, count=None,
+                                                computeOptions=None, executionId=execution_id)
+class MatchupContextMap:
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    def add(self, context):
+        pass
+    def delete(self, context):
+        pass
+class MatchupContext:
+    def __init__(self, primaryData):
+ = str(uuid.uuid4())
+        self.griddedCount = 0
+        self.griddedMatched = 0
+        self.insituCount = len(primaryData)
+        self.insituMatches = 0
+        self.primary = primaryData
+        for r in self.primary:
+            r["matches"] = []
+ = []
+        for s in primaryData:
+            u = utm.from_latlon(s["y"], s["x"])
+            v = (u[0], u[1], 0.0)
+        if len( > 0:
+            self.tree = spatial.KDTree(
+        else:
+            self.tree = None
+    def getFinal(self, minMatchesToInclude):
+        matched = []
+        ttlMatches = 0
+        for m in self.primary:
+            if len(m["matches"]) >= minMatchesToInclude:
+                matched.append(m)
+                ttlMatches += len(m["matches"])
+        return matched, ttlMatches
+    def processGridded(self, tilesByDay, source, xyTolerance, timeTolerance):
+        for r in self.primary:
+            foundSatNodes = self.__getSatNodeForLatLonAndTime(tilesByDay, source, r["y"], r["x"], r["time"],
+                                                              xyTolerance)
+            self.griddedCount += 1
+            self.griddedMatched += len(foundSatNodes)
+            r["matches"].extend(foundSatNodes)
+    def processInSitu(self, records, xyTolerance, timeTolerance):
+        if self.tree is not None:
+            for s in records:
+                self.insituCount += 1
+                u = utm.from_latlon(s["y"], s["x"])
+                coords = np.array([u[0], u[1], 0])
+                ball = self.tree.query_ball_point(coords, xyTolerance)
+                self.insituMatches += len(ball)
+                for i in ball:
+                    match = self.primary[i]
+                    if abs(match["time"] - s["time"]) <= (timeTolerance * 1000.0):
+                        match["matches"].append(s)
+    def __getValueForLatLon(self, chunks, lat, lon, arrayName="data"):
+        value = get_approximate_value_for_lat_lon(chunks, lat, lon, arrayName)
+        return value
+    def __checkNumber(self, value):
+        if isinstance(value, float) and (math.isnan(value) or value == np.nan):
+            value = None
+        elif value is not None:
+            value = float(value)
+        return value
+    def __buildSwathIndexes(self, chunk):
+        latlons = []
+        utms = []
+        indexes = []
+        for i in range(0, len(chunk.latitudes)):
+            _lat = chunk.latitudes[i]
+            if isinstance(_lat,
+                continue
+            for j in range(0, len(chunk.longitudes)):
+                _lon = chunk.longitudes[j]
+                if isinstance(_lon,
+                    continue
+                value = self.__getChunkValueAtIndex(chunk, (i, j))
+                if isinstance(value, float) and (math.isnan(value) or value == np.nan):
+                    continue
+                u = utm.from_latlon(_lat, _lon)
+                v = (u[0], u[1], 0.0)
+                latlons.append((_lat, _lon))
+                utms.append(v)
+                indexes.append((i, j))
+        tree = None
+        if len(latlons) > 0:
+            tree = spatial.KDTree(utms)
+        chunk.swathIndexing = {
+            "tree": tree,
+            "latlons": latlons,
+            "indexes": indexes
+        }
+    def __getChunkIndexesForLatLon(self, chunk, lat, lon, xyTolerance):
+        foundIndexes = []
+        foundLatLons = []
+        if "swathIndexing" not in chunk.__dict__:
+            self.__buildSwathIndexes(chunk)
+        tree = chunk.swathIndexing["tree"]
+        if tree is not None:
+            indexes = chunk.swathIndexing["indexes"]
+            latlons = chunk.swathIndexing["latlons"]
+            u = utm.from_latlon(lat, lon)
+            coords = np.array([u[0], u[1], 0])
+            ball = tree.query_ball_point(coords, xyTolerance)
+            for i in ball:
+                foundIndexes.append(indexes[i])
+                foundLatLons.append(latlons[i])
+        return foundIndexes, foundLatLons
+    def __getChunkValueAtIndex(self, chunk, index, arrayName=None):
+        if arrayName is None or arrayName == "data":
+            data_val =[0][index[0]][index[1]]
+        else:
+            data_val = chunk.meta_data[arrayName][0][index[0]][index[1]]
+        return data_val.item() if (data_val is not and data_val.size == 1 else float('Nan')
+    def __getSatNodeForLatLonAndTime(self, chunksByDay, source, lat, lon, searchTime, xyTolerance):
+        timeDiff = 86400 * 365 * 1000
+        foundNodes = []
+        for ts in chunksByDay:
+            chunks = chunksByDay[ts]
+            if abs((ts * 1000) - searchTime) < timeDiff:
+                for chunk in chunks:
+                    indexes, latlons = self.__getChunkIndexesForLatLon(chunk, lat, lon, xyTolerance)
+                    # for index in indexes:
+                    for i in range(0, len(indexes)):
+                        index = indexes[i]
+                        latlon = latlons[i]
+                        sst = None
+                        sss = None
+                        windSpeed = None
+                        windDirection = None
+                        windU = None
+                        windV = None
+                        value = self.__getChunkValueAtIndex(chunk, index)
+                        if isinstance(value, float) and (math.isnan(value) or value == np.nan):
+                            continue
+                        if "GHRSST" in source:
+                            sst = value
+                        elif "ASCATB" in source:
+                            windU = value
+                        elif "SSS" in source:  # SMAP
+                            sss = value
+                        if len(chunks) > 0 and "wind_dir" in chunks[0].meta_data:
+                            windDirection = self.__checkNumber(self.__getChunkValueAtIndex(chunk, index, "wind_dir"))
+                        if len(chunks) > 0 and "wind_v" in chunks[0].meta_data:
+                            windV = self.__checkNumber(self.__getChunkValueAtIndex(chunk, index, "wind_v"))
+                        if len(chunks) > 0 and "wind_speed" in chunks[0].meta_data:
+                            windSpeed = self.__checkNumber(self.__getChunkValueAtIndex(chunk, index, "wind_speed"))
+                        foundNode = {
+                            "sea_water_temperature": sst,
+                            "sea_water_salinity": sss,
+                            "wind_speed": windSpeed,
+                            "wind_direction": windDirection,
+                            "wind_u": windU,
+                            "wind_v": windV,
+                            "time": ts,
+                            "x": self.__checkNumber(latlon[1]),
+                            "y": self.__checkNumber(latlon[0]),
+                            "depth": 0,
+                            "sea_water_temperature_depth": 0,
+                            "source": source,
+                            "id": "%s:%s:%s" % (ts, lat, lon)
+                        }
+                        foundNodes.append(foundNode)
+                timeDiff = abs(ts - searchTime)
+        return foundNodes
+    def __getSatNodeForLatLonAndTime__(self, chunksByDay, source, lat, lon, searchTime):
+        timeDiff = 86400 * 365 * 1000
+        foundNodes = []
+        for ts in chunksByDay:
+            chunks = chunksByDay[ts]
+            # print chunks
+            # ts = calendar.timegm(chunks.start.utctimetuple()) * 1000
+            if abs((ts * 1000) - searchTime) < timeDiff:
+                value = self.__getValueForLatLon(chunks, lat, lon, arrayName="data")
+                value = self.__checkNumber(value)
+                # _Really_ don't like doing it this way...
+                sst = None
+                sss = None
+                windSpeed = None
+                windDirection = None
+                windU = None
+                windV = None
+                if "GHRSST" in source:
+                    sst = value
+                if "ASCATB" in source:
+                    windU = value
+                if len(chunks) > 0 and "wind_dir" in chunks[0].meta_data:
+                    windDirection = self.__checkNumber(self.__getValueForLatLon(chunks, lat, lon, arrayName="wind_dir"))
+                if len(chunks) > 0 and "wind_v" in chunks[0].meta_data:
+                    windV = self.__checkNumber(self.__getValueForLatLon(chunks, lat, lon, arrayName="wind_v"))
+                if len(chunks) > 0 and "wind_speed" in chunks[0].meta_data:
+                    windSpeed = self.__checkNumber(self.__getValueForLatLon(chunks, lat, lon, arrayName="wind_speed"))
+                foundNode = {
+                    "sea_water_temperature": sst,
+                    "sea_water_salinity": sss,
+                    "wind_speed": windSpeed,
+                    "wind_direction": windDirection,
+                    "wind_uv": {
+                        "u": windU,
+                        "v": windV
+                    },
+                    "time": ts,
+                    "x": lon,
+                    "y": lat,
+                    "depth": 0,
+                    "sea_water_temperature_depth": 0,
+                    "source": source,
+                    "id": "%s:%s:%s" % (ts, lat, lon)
+                }
+                isValidNode = True
+                if "ASCATB" in source and windSpeed is None:
+                    isValidNode = None
+                if isValidNode:
+                    foundNodes.append(foundNode)
+                timeDiff = abs(ts - searchTime)
+        return foundNodes
+class InsituDatasetProcessor:
+    def __init__(self, primary, datasource, startTime, endTime, bbox, depth_min, depth_max, platforms, timeTolerance,
+                 radiusTolerance):
+        self.primary = primary
+        self.datasource = datasource
+        self.startTime = startTime
+        self.endTime = endTime
+        self.bbox = bbox
+        self.depth_min = depth_min
+        self.depth_max = depth_max
+        self.platforms = platforms
+        self.timeTolerance = timeTolerance
+        self.radiusTolerance = radiusTolerance
+    def start(self):
+        def callback(pageData):
+            self.primary.processInSitu(pageData, self.radiusTolerance, self.timeTolerance)
+        fetchedgeimpl.fetch(self.datasource, self.startTime, self.endTime, self.bbox, self.depth_min, self.depth_max,
+                            self.platforms, pageCallback=callback)
+class InsituPageProcessor:
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4161166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+from webservice.NexusHandler import NexusHandler as BaseHandler
+from webservice.webmodel import StatsComputeOptions
+from webservice.NexusHandler import nexus_handler
+from webservice.NexusHandler import DEFAULT_PARAMETERS_SPEC
+from webservice.webmodel import NexusResults, NexusProcessingException, DatasetNotFoundException
+import BaseDomsHandler
+import datafetch
+import config
+import requests
+import json
+class DomsMetadataQueryHandler(BaseDomsHandler.BaseDomsQueryHandler):
+    name = "DOMS Metadata Listing"
+    path = "/domsmetadata"
+    description = ""
+    params = {}
+    singleton = True
+    def __init__(self):
+        BaseHandler.__init__(self)
+    def calc(self, computeOptions, **args):
+        dataset = computeOptions.get_argument("dataset", None)
+        if dataset is None or len(dataset) == 0:
+            raise Exception("'dataset' parameter not specified")
+        metadataUrl = self.__getUrlForDataset(dataset)
+        try:
+            r = requests.get(metadataUrl)
+            results = json.loads(r.text)
+            return BaseDomsHandler.DomsQueryResults(results=results)
+        except:
+            raise DatasetNotFoundException("Dataset '%s' not found")
+    def __getUrlForDataset(self, dataset):
+        datasetSpec = config.getEndpointByName(dataset)
+        if datasetSpec is not None:
+            return datasetSpec["metadataUrl"]
+        else:
+            # KMG: NOT a good hack
+            if dataset == "JPL-L4_GHRSST-SSTfnd-MUR-GLOB-v02.0-fv04.1" or dataset == "JPL-L4_GHRSST-SSTfnd-MUR-GLOB-v02.0-fv04.1_CLIM":
+                dataset = "MUR-JPL-L4-GLOB-v4.1"
+            elif dataset == "SMAP_L2B_SSS":
+                dataset = "JPL_SMAP-SSS_L2_EVAL-V2"
+            return ""%dataset
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2755aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import BaseDomsHandler
+import mapplot
+import scatterplot
+import histogramplot
+from webservice.NexusHandler import nexus_handler
+class PlotTypes:
+    SCATTER = "scatter"
+    MAP = "map"
+    HISTOGRAM = "histogram"
+class DomsResultsPlotHandler(BaseDomsHandler.BaseDomsQueryHandler):
+    name = "DOMS Results Plotting"
+    path = "/domsplot"
+    description = ""
+    params = {}
+    singleton = True
+    def __init__(self):
+        BaseDomsHandler.BaseDomsQueryHandler.__init__(self)
+    def calc(self, computeOptions, **args):
+        id = computeOptions.get_argument("id", None)
+        parameter = computeOptions.get_argument('parameter', 'sst')
+        plotType = computeOptions.get_argument("type", PlotTypes.SCATTER)
+        normAndCurve = computeOptions.get_boolean_arg("normandcurve", False)
+        if plotType == PlotTypes.SCATTER:
+            return scatterplot.createScatterPlot(id, parameter)
+        elif plotType == PlotTypes.MAP:
+            return mapplot.createMapPlot(id, parameter)
+        elif plotType == PlotTypes.HISTOGRAM:
+            return histogramplot.createHistogramPlot(id, parameter, normAndCurve)
+        else:
+            raise Exception("Unsupported plot type '%s' specified." % plotType)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bc1cbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import uuid
+import BaseDomsHandler
+import ResultsStorage
+from webservice.webmodel import NexusProcessingException
+from webservice.NexusHandler import nexus_handler
+class DomsResultsRetrievalHandler(BaseDomsHandler.BaseDomsQueryHandler):
+    name = "DOMS Resultset Retrieval"
+    path = "/domsresults"
+    description = ""
+    params = {}
+    singleton = True
+    def __init__(self):
+        BaseDomsHandler.BaseDomsQueryHandler.__init__(self)
+    def calc(self, computeOptions, **args):
+        execution_id = computeOptions.get_argument("id", None)
+        try:
+            execution_id = uuid.UUID(execution_id)
+        except:
+            raise NexusProcessingException(reason="'id' argument must be a valid uuid", code=400)
+        simple_results = computeOptions.get_boolean_arg("simpleResults", default=False)
+        with ResultsStorage.ResultsRetrieval() as storage:
+            params, stats, data = storage.retrieveResults(execution_id, trim_data=simple_results)
+        return BaseDomsHandler.DomsQueryResults(results=data, args=params, details=stats, bounds=None, count=None,
+                                                computeOptions=None, executionId=execution_id)
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index 0000000..c8d40f0
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+++ b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+Copyright (c) 2016 Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
+California Institute of Technology.  All rights reserved
+import ConfigParser
+import logging
+import uuid
+from datetime import datetime
+import numpy as np
+import pkg_resources
+from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
+from cassandra.policies import TokenAwarePolicy, DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy
+from cassandra.query import BatchStatement
+from pytz import UTC
+class AbstractResultsContainer:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+"Creating DOMS Results Storage Instance")
+        self._session = None
+    def __enter__(self):
+        domsconfig = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+        domsconfig.readfp(pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__, "domsconfig.ini"), filename='domsconfig.ini')
+        cassHost = domsconfig.get("cassandra", "host")
+        cassKeyspace = domsconfig.get("cassandra", "keyspace")
+        cassDatacenter = domsconfig.get("cassandra", "local_datacenter")
+        cassVersion = int(domsconfig.get("cassandra", "protocol_version"))
+        dc_policy = DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy(cassDatacenter)
+        token_policy = TokenAwarePolicy(dc_policy)
+        self._cluster = Cluster([host for host in cassHost.split(',')], load_balancing_policy=token_policy,
+                                protocol_version=cassVersion)
+        self._session = self._cluster.connect(cassKeyspace)
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+        self._cluster.shutdown()
+    def _parseDatetime(self, dtString):
+        dt = datetime.strptime(dtString, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+        epoch = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
+        time = (dt - epoch).total_seconds() * 1000.0
+        return int(time)
+class ResultsStorage(AbstractResultsContainer):
+    def __init__(self):
+        AbstractResultsContainer.__init__(self)
+    def insertResults(self, results, params, stats, startTime, completeTime, userEmail, execution_id=None):
+        if isinstance(execution_id, basestring):
+            execution_id = uuid.UUID(execution_id)
+        execution_id = self.insertExecution(execution_id, startTime, completeTime, userEmail)
+        self.__insertParams(execution_id, params)
+        self.__insertStats(execution_id, stats)
+        self.__insertResults(execution_id, results)
+        return execution_id
+    def insertExecution(self, execution_id, startTime, completeTime, userEmail):
+        if execution_id is None:
+            execution_id = uuid.uuid4()
+        cql = "INSERT INTO doms_executions (id, time_started, time_completed, user_email) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)"
+        self._session.execute(cql, (execution_id, startTime, completeTime, userEmail))
+        return execution_id
+    def __insertParams(self, execution_id, params):
+        cql = """INSERT INTO doms_params
+                    (execution_id, primary_dataset, matchup_datasets, depth_min, depth_max, time_tolerance, radius_tolerance, start_time, end_time, platforms, bounding_box, parameter)
+                 VALUES
+                    (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
+        """
+        self._session.execute(cql, (execution_id,
+                                    params["primary"],
+                                    ",".join(params["matchup"]) if type(params["matchup"]) == list else params[
+                                        "matchup"],
+                                    params["depthMin"] if "depthMin" in params.keys() else None,
+                                    params["depthMax"] if "depthMax" in params.keys() else None,
+                                    int(params["timeTolerance"]),
+                                    params["radiusTolerance"],
+                                    params["startTime"],
+                                    params["endTime"],
+                                    params["platforms"],
+                                    params["bbox"],
+                                    params["parameter"]
+                                    ))
+    def __insertStats(self, execution_id, stats):
+        cql = """
+           INSERT INTO doms_execution_stats
+                (execution_id, num_gridded_matched, num_gridded_checked, num_insitu_matched, num_insitu_checked, time_to_complete)
+           VALUES
+                (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
+        """
+        self._session.execute(cql, (
+            execution_id,
+            stats["numGriddedMatched"],
+            stats["numGriddedChecked"],
+            stats["numInSituMatched"],
+            stats["numInSituRecords"],
+            stats["timeToComplete"]
+        ))
+    def __insertResults(self, execution_id, results):
+        cql = """
+           INSERT INTO doms_data
+                (id, execution_id, value_id, primary_value_id, x, y, source_dataset, measurement_time, platform, device, measurement_values, is_primary)
+           VALUES
+                (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
+        """
+        insertStatement = self._session.prepare(cql)
+        batch = BatchStatement()
+        for result in results:
+            self.__insertResult(execution_id, None, result, batch, insertStatement)
+        self._session.execute(batch)
+    def __insertResult(self, execution_id, primaryId, result, batch, insertStatement):
+        dataMap = self.__buildDataMap(result)
+        result_id = uuid.uuid4()
+        batch.add(insertStatement, (
+            result_id,
+            execution_id,
+            result["id"],
+            primaryId,
+            result["x"],
+            result["y"],
+            result["source"],
+            result["time"],
+            result["platform"] if "platform" in result else None,
+            result["device"] if "device" in result else None,
+            dataMap,
+            1 if primaryId is None else 0
+        )
+                  )
+        n = 0
+        if "matches" in result:
+            for match in result["matches"]:
+                self.__insertResult(execution_id, result["id"], match, batch, insertStatement)
+                n += 1
+                if n >= 20:
+                    if primaryId is None:
+                        self.__commitBatch(batch)
+                    n = 0
+        if primaryId is None:
+            self.__commitBatch(batch)
+    def __commitBatch(self, batch):
+        self._session.execute(batch)
+        batch.clear()
+    def __buildDataMap(self, result):
+        dataMap = {}
+        for name in result:
+            value = result[name]
+            if name not in ["id", "x", "y", "source", "time", "platform", "device", "point", "matches"] and type(
+                    value) in [float, int]:
+                dataMap[name] = value
+        return dataMap
+class ResultsRetrieval(AbstractResultsContainer):
+    def __init__(self):
+        AbstractResultsContainer.__init__(self)
+    def retrieveResults(self, execution_id, trim_data=False):
+        if isinstance(execution_id, basestring):
+            execution_id = uuid.UUID(execution_id)
+        params = self.__retrieveParams(execution_id)
+        stats = self.__retrieveStats(execution_id)
+        data = self.__retrieveData(execution_id, trim_data=trim_data)
+        return params, stats, data
+    def __retrieveData(self, id, trim_data=False):
+        dataMap = self.__retrievePrimaryData(id, trim_data=trim_data)
+        self.__enrichPrimaryDataWithMatches(id, dataMap, trim_data=trim_data)
+        data = [dataMap[name] for name in dataMap]
+        return data
+    def __enrichPrimaryDataWithMatches(self, id, dataMap, trim_data=False):
+        cql = "SELECT * FROM doms_data where execution_id = %s and is_primary = false"
+        rows = self._session.execute(cql, (id,))
+        for row in rows:
+            entry = self.__rowToDataEntry(row, trim_data=trim_data)
+            if row.primary_value_id in dataMap:
+                if not "matches" in dataMap[row.primary_value_id]:
+                    dataMap[row.primary_value_id]["matches"] = []
+                dataMap[row.primary_value_id]["matches"].append(entry)
+            else:
+                print row
+    def __retrievePrimaryData(self, id, trim_data=False):
+        cql = "SELECT * FROM doms_data where execution_id = %s and is_primary = true"
+        rows = self._session.execute(cql, (id,))
+        dataMap = {}
+        for row in rows:
+            entry = self.__rowToDataEntry(row, trim_data=trim_data)
+            dataMap[row.value_id] = entry
+        return dataMap
+    def __rowToDataEntry(self, row, trim_data=False):
+        if trim_data:
+            entry = {
+                "x": float(row.x),
+                "y": float(row.y),
+                "source": row.source_dataset,
+                "time": row.measurement_time.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
+            }
+        else:
+            entry = {
+                "id": row.value_id,
+                "x": float(row.x),
+                "y": float(row.y),
+                "source": row.source_dataset,
+                "device": row.device,
+                "platform": row.platform,
+                "time": row.measurement_time.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
+            }
+        for key in row.measurement_values:
+            value = float(row.measurement_values[key])
+            entry[key] = value
+        return entry
+    def __retrieveStats(self, id):
+        cql = "SELECT * FROM doms_execution_stats where execution_id = %s limit 1"
+        rows = self._session.execute(cql, (id,))
+        for row in rows:
+            stats = {
+                "numGriddedMatched": row.num_gridded_matched,
+                "numGriddedChecked": row.num_gridded_checked,
+                "numInSituMatched": row.num_insitu_matched,
+                "numInSituChecked": row.num_insitu_checked,
+                "timeToComplete": row.time_to_complete
+            }
+            return stats
+        raise Exception("Execution not found with id '%s'" % id)
+    def __retrieveParams(self, id):
+        cql = "SELECT * FROM doms_params where execution_id = %s limit 1"
+        rows = self._session.execute(cql, (id,))
+        for row in rows:
+            params = {
+                "primary": row.primary_dataset,
+                "matchup": row.matchup_datasets.split(","),
+                "depthMin": row.depth_min,
+                "depthMax": row.depth_max,
+                "timeTolerance": row.time_tolerance,
+                "radiusTolerance": row.radius_tolerance,
+                "startTime": row.start_time.replace(tzinfo=UTC),
+                "endTime": row.end_time.replace(tzinfo=UTC),
+                "platforms": row.platforms,
+                "bbox": row.bounding_box,
+                "parameter": row.parameter
+            }
+            return params
+        raise Exception("Execution not found with id '%s'" % id)
diff --git a/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/ b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fae8639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+from webservice.NexusHandler import NexusHandler as BaseHandler
+from webservice.webmodel import StatsComputeOptions
+from webservice.NexusHandler import nexus_handler
+from webservice.NexusHandler import DEFAULT_PARAMETERS_SPEC
+from webservice.webmodel import NexusResults, NexusProcessingException
+import BaseDomsHandler
+import datafetch
+class DomsStatsQueryHandler(BaseDomsHandler.BaseDomsQueryHandler):
+    name = "DOMS In-Situ Stats Lookup"
+    path = "/domsstats"
+    description = ""
+    params = {}
+    singleton = True
+    def __init__(self):
+        BaseHandler.__init__(self)
+    def calc(self, computeOptions, **args):
+        source = computeOptions.get_argument("source", None)
+        startTime = computeOptions.get_argument("s", None)
+        endTime = computeOptions.get_argument("e", None)
+        bbox = computeOptions.get_argument("b", None)
+        timeTolerance = computeOptions.get_float_arg("tt")
+        depth_min = computeOptions.get_float_arg("depthMin", default=None)
+        depth_max = computeOptions.get_float_arg("depthMax", default=None)
+        radiusTolerance = computeOptions.get_float_arg("rt")
+        platforms = computeOptions.get_argument("platforms", None)
+        source1 = self.getDataSourceByName(source)
+        if source1 is None:
+            raise Exception("Source '%s' not found"%source)
+        count, bounds = datafetch.getCount(source1, startTime, endTime, bbox, depth_min, depth_max, platforms)
+        args = {
+            "source": source,
+            "startTime": startTime,
+            "endTime": endTime,
+            "bbox": bbox,
+            "timeTolerance": timeTolerance,
+            "depthMin": depth_min,
+            "depthMax": depth_max,
+            "radiusTolerance": radiusTolerance,
+            "platforms": platforms
+        }
+        return BaseDomsHandler.DomsQueryResults(results={}, args=args, details={}, bounds=bounds, count=count, computeOptions=None)
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a0f8af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+from webservice.NexusHandler import NexusHandler as BaseHandler
+from webservice.webmodel import StatsComputeOptions
+from webservice.NexusHandler import nexus_handler
+from webservice.NexusHandler import DEFAULT_PARAMETERS_SPEC
+from webservice.webmodel import NexusResults, NexusProcessingException
+import BaseDomsHandler
+import datafetch
+from pytz import timezone, UTC
+from datetime import datetime
+EPOCH = timezone('UTC').localize(datetime(1970, 1, 1))
+class DomsValuesQueryHandler(BaseDomsHandler.BaseDomsQueryHandler):
+    name = "DOMS In-Situ Value Lookup"
+    path = "/domsvalues"
+    description = ""
+    params = {}
+    singleton = True
+    def __init__(self):
+        BaseHandler.__init__(self)
+    def calc(self, computeOptions, **args):
+        source = computeOptions.get_argument("source", None)
+        startTime = computeOptions.get_start_datetime()
+        endTime = computeOptions.get_end_datetime()
+        bbox = computeOptions.get_argument("b", None)
+        timeTolerance = computeOptions.get_float_arg("tt")
+        depth_min = computeOptions.get_float_arg("depthMin", default=None)
+        depth_max = computeOptions.get_float_arg("depthMax", default=None)
+        radiusTolerance = computeOptions.get_float_arg("rt")
+        platforms = computeOptions.get_argument("platforms", "")
+        source1 = self.getDataSourceByName(source)
+        if source1 is None:
+            raise Exception("Source '%s' not found"%source)
+        values, bounds = datafetch.getValues(source1, startTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'), endTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'), bbox, depth_min, depth_max, platforms, placeholders=True)
+        count = len(values)
+        args = {
+            "source": source,
+            "startTime": startTime,
+            "endTime": endTime,
+            "bbox": bbox,
+            "timeTolerance": timeTolerance,
+            "depthMin": depth_min,
+            "depthMax": depth_max,
+            "radiusTolerance": radiusTolerance,
+            "platforms": platforms
+        }
+        return BaseDomsHandler.DomsQueryResults(results=values, args=args, bounds=bounds, details={}, count=count, computeOptions=None)
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2016 Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
+California Institute of Technology.  All rights reserved
+import BaseDomsHandler
+import config
+import datafetch
+import DatasetListQuery
+import DomsInitialization
+import fetchedgeimpl
+import geo
+import MatchupQuery
+import MetadataQuery
+import ResultsPlotQuery
+import ResultsRetrieval
+import ResultsStorage
+import StatsQuery
+import values
+import ValuesQuery
+import workerthread
+import insitusubset
+import subsetter
diff --git a/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/ b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff97e4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+    {
+        "name": "samos",
+        "url": "",
+        "fetchParallel": True,
+        "fetchThreads": 8,
+        "itemsPerPage": 1000,
+        "metadataUrl": ""
+    },
+    {
+        "name": "spurs",
+        "url": "",
+        "fetchParallel": True,
+        "fetchThreads": 8,
+        "itemsPerPage": 25000,
+        "metadataUrl": ""
+    },
+    {
+        "name": "icoads",
+        "url": "",
+        "fetchParallel": True,
+        "fetchThreads": 8,
+        "itemsPerPage": 1000,
+        "metadataUrl": ""
+    },
+    {
+        "name": "spurs2",
+        "url": "",
+        "fetchParallel": True,
+        "fetchThreads": 8,
+        "itemsPerPage": 25000,
+        "metadataUrl": ""
+    }
+import os
+    env = os.environ['ENV']
+    if env == 'dev':
+        ENDPOINTS = [
+            {
+                "name": "samos",
+                "url": "",
+                "fetchParallel": True,
+                "fetchThreads": 8,
+                "itemsPerPage": 1000,
+                "metadataUrl": ""
+            },
+            {
+                "name": "spurs",
+                "url": "",
+                "fetchParallel": True,
+                "fetchThreads": 8,
+                "itemsPerPage": 25000,
+                "metadataUrl": ""
+            },
+            {
+                "name": "icoads",
+                "url": "",
+                "fetchParallel": True,
+                "fetchThreads": 8,
+                "itemsPerPage": 1000,
+                "metadataUrl": ""
+            },
+            {
+                "name": "spurs2",
+                "url": "",
+                "fetchParallel": True,
+                "fetchThreads": 8,
+                "itemsPerPage": 25000,
+                "metadataUrl": ""
+            }
+        ]
+except KeyError:
+    pass
+def getEndpointByName(name):
+    for endpoint in ENDPOINTS:
+        if endpoint["name"].upper() == name.upper():
+            return endpoint
+    return None
diff --git a/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/ b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eee6b51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import fetchedgeimpl
+def getCount(endpoint, startTime, endTime, bbox, depth_min, depth_max, platforms=None):
+    return fetchedgeimpl.getCount(endpoint, startTime, endTime, bbox, depth_min, depth_max, platforms)
+def __fetchSingleDataSource(endpoint, startTime, endTime, bbox, depth_min, depth_max, platforms=None):
+    return fetchedgeimpl.fetch(endpoint, startTime, endTime, bbox, depth_min, depth_max, platforms)
+def __fetchMultipleDataSource(endpoints, startTime, endTime, bbox, depth_min, depth_max, platforms=None):
+    data = []
+    for endpoint in endpoints:
+        dataSingleSource = __fetchSingleDataSource(endpoint, startTime, endTime, bbox, depth_min, depth_max, platforms)
+        data = data + dataSingleSource
+    return data
+def fetchData(endpoint, startTime, endTime, bbox, depth_min, depth_max, platforms=None):
+    if type(endpoint) == list:
+        return __fetchMultipleDataSource(endpoint, startTime, endTime, bbox, depth_min, depth_max, platforms)
+    else:
+        return __fetchSingleDataSource(endpoint, startTime, endTime, bbox, depth_min, depth_max, platforms)
+def getValues(endpoint, startTime, endTime, bbox, depth_min, depth_max, platforms=None, placeholders=False):
+    return fetchedgeimpl.getValues(endpoint, startTime, endTime, bbox, depth_min, depth_max, platforms, placeholders)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    pass
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/domsconfig.ini b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/domsconfig.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e113c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/webservice/algorithms/doms/domsconfig.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@