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Posted to by on 2002/06/04 11:36:07 UTC

Caching problem with

Hi all

we need to get some nls-resource out of a db. to implement this I started with 
a own subclass of
org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources and the factroy class.

for the beginning, I just overwrote the following method: 

	public String getMessage(Locale locale, String key) 
		System.out.println("MyMessageResource::getMessage : "+key+", for 

		// simulating some real dynamic message
		if( key.equals("test") )
			// in future this would be a dbaccess
			return (new Date()).toString();
			return super.getMessage(locale, key);

on my test page I can set 2 locales dynamicly (en and de). the method above is 
only called once for each <bean:message key="key"> tag and locale. this means:
- first time access to the jsp with de => method will be called with a output 
like "MyMessageResource::getMessage : test, for de". on the page the actual 
Date object is shown
- i change the locale to en => method will be called again with a output like 
"MyMessageResource::getMessage : test, for en". again the actual Date object 
(newer than befor) is shown.

after this, the method is never called again, even
- not, when i change locale (it changes between the english and german page, 
but do not call the method)
- not, when i reload the page

my jsp contains following lines to avoid caching
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">

the change of locale is a link to an action, which sets the locale and forwards 
to the same jsp back.

when I start another browser (I had nescape and started opera afterthat); I see 
the old date object created when I accessed the page from the other browser.
this looks like there is some caching on the serverside ?? 

any ideas about that ?



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