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[Myfaces Wiki] Update of "CoreRelease201" by LeonardoUribe

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The "CoreRelease201" page has been changed by LeonardoUribe.


  MyFaces Core is also available in the central Maven repository under Group ID "org.apache.myfaces.core".
  Release Notes - MyFaces Core - Version 2.0.1
+     * [MYFACES-2463] - CLONE -<f:param> violates the JSF spec
+     * [MYFACES-2569] - setResourceHandler, setViewHandler and setStateManager must throw illegalStateException if called after at least one request has been processed by the Lifecycle instance
+     * [MYFACES-2640] - (JSF.js) Ajax Render component problem, replace with whole fragment not one element.
-     * [MYFACES-2361] - Add missing component system event dispatches
-     * [MYFACES-2554] - myfaces's facelettaglibrary XSD incomplete
-     * [MYFACES-2615] - Conversion errors should add a FacesMessage instead of throwing a FacesException
-     * [MYFACES-2621] - BeanValidation does not work with Unified EL 2.2
-     * [MYFACES-2622] - BeanValidator has to handle CompositeComponentExpressionHolder when resolving the ValueExpression
-     * [MYFACES-2623] - validation-api and el-api 2.2 should be optional dependencies with scope compile in myfaces-api
-     * [MYFACES-2624] - Automatically add h:messages if ProjectStage is Development
-     * [MYFACES-2625] - TagLibrary using custom namespace fails to load composite component
-     * [MYFACES-2626] - Application.createResource does not trip extension from resource name when try to resolve composite component class automatically
-     * [MYFACES-2630] - HtmlBody 'onload' attribute encoding issues
-     * [MYFACES-2631] - javax.faces.Messages.zh lacks two properties.
-     * [MYFACES-2633] - Cannot set properties on custom composite component class when are implemented on getter/setter
-     * [MYFACES-2636] - Need to check for null ValueExpression in _BeanValidatorUELUtils.getUELValueReferenceWrapper()
-     * [MYFACES-2637] - Serious Bug! ajax cant work using multiple forms.
-     * [MYFACES-2639] - Make org.apache.myfaces.REFRESH_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_PSS param = auto the default
-     * [MYFACES-2641] - Use the application's ViewHandler to create the view in FaceletViewMetadata
-     * [MYFACES-2643] - Update Google App Engine APT Doc
-     * [MYFACES-2645] - The view state is saved before encodeAll() is called on every UIViewParameter in an AJAX request
-     * [MYFACES-2646] - Missing unit test for application.createComponent(FacesContext context, Resource componentResource)
      * [MYFACES-2647] - MyFacesContainerInitializer doesn't check for null class name
-     * [MYFACES-2649] - Ajax chokes on script triggered onchange if input has onchange=""
-     * [MYFACES-2650] - chaining ajax onchange with existing onchange creates syntax error
-     * [MYFACES-2654] - Trinidad ajax-branch does not work with MyFaces2
-     * [MYFACES-2656] - Use UINamingContainer.getSeparatorChar instead NamingContainer.SEPARATOR_CHAR
-     * [MYFACES-2657] - Already escaped apostrophes are double-escaped while building the ClientBehavior JavaScript
-     * [MYFACES-2659] - TagDecorator in IMPL and API ...
-     * [MYFACES-2661] - h:link render conversationContext param multiple times
+     * [MYFACES-2662] - setViewHandler(...) called from RESTORE_VIEW phase listener throws illegalStateException
+     * [MYFACES-2663] - NPE in UIParameter when value resolves to null
+     * [MYFACES-2664] - need to attach a UIViewRoot to FacesContext during startup/shutdown
+     * [MYFACES-2665] - Legacy ViewHandler doesn't work in back compatibility mode for JSP pages
+     * [MYFACES-2666] - Getting a full-page-refresh when running JSF's Ajax on the Trinidad 2 (trunk)
+     * [MYFACES-2667] - var values cause problems with ui:debug when creating the debug component tree
+     * [MYFACES-2668] - Rendering HTML elements inside a script section confuses HtmlResponseWriterImpl
+     * [MYFACES-2669] - UIData.invokeOnComponent does not use UINamingContainer.getSeparatorChar
+     * [MYFACES-2670] - Components on facets are not removed programatically by PSS algorithm
+     * [MYFACES-2671] - MYFACES-2633 regresses the ezcomp spinner example
+     * [MYFACES-2673] - Problems running with Java2 security on 2.0.0
+     * [MYFACES-2675] - BeanValidation does not work with composite components
+     * [MYFACES-2678] - Problems with navigation case ordering
+     * [MYFACES-2681] - Duplicate ResourceHandler register on DigesterFacesConfigUnmarshallerImpl
+     * [MYFACES-2682] - ResourceHandlerImpl.handleResourceRequest should call createResource getting the top ResourceHandler
+     * [MYFACES-2683] - Event processing should be enabled when bindings are set with pss enabled
+     * [MYFACES-2684] - UIComponentBase.saveAttachedState save transient elements as null values on List case
+     * [MYFACES-2685] - Cannot call invokeOnComponent on UIColumn without rowIndex
+     * [MYFACES-2686] - javax.faces.FacesException: java.lang.NumberFormatException while initializing if MANIFEST.MF version exceeds int value
+     * [MYFACES-2692] - Hidden field "javax.faces.encodedURL" should be rendered at begin of h:form
+     * [MYFACES-2695] - Save and restore scope values and current count when temporarily changing the current index of UIRepeat
+     * [MYFACES-2697] - BeanValidation class is annotated with @FacesValidator tag
+     * [MYFACES-2699] - UIComponent.broadcast should propagate events to all Behavior instances, not only to ClientBehavior
+     * [MYFACES-2700] - ajax usecase fails
+     * [MYFACES-2701] - jsf.getViewState(formElement) fails if it is called outside of jsf.request
+     * [MYFACES-2704] - <f:param> in <h:commandButton> not rendered properly
+     * [MYFACES-2705] - ClassCastException in HtmlAjaxBehaviorRenderer
+     * [MYFACES-2706] - Webkit auto eval issued one request too late
+     * [MYFACES-2707] - PPR auto eval fails on certain ie/dom structure combinations
+     * [MYFACES-2708] - setAttributes body broken
+     * [MYFACES-2710] - Cannot call UIComponent.getCurrentComponent() from UIComponent.restoreState() or UIComponent.saveState()
+     * [MYFACES-2711] - Application.createComponent(FacesContext,Resource) register listeners twice and call createComponent(String) directly
+     * [MYFACES-2717] - c:if and c:forEach cause jsf.js not beeing rendered when navigating to another view
+     * [MYFACES-2718] - h:commandButton does not take into account params when type="button"
+     * [MYFACES-2719] - faces-redirect=true lost the url parameters
+     * [MYFACES-2722] - can get class not found from BeanValidator
+     * [MYFACES-2724] - OutcomeTarget button and link should always add navigation case parameters
+     * [MYFACES-2725] - OutcomeTarget button and link do not render fragment
+     * [MYFACES-2726] - CommandLink renderer do not escape \ characters in generated javascript
+     * [MYFACES-2727] - h:outputScript / h:outputStylesheet bad relocation when pss is used and there is a refresh transient build
+     * [MYFACES-2728] - StateManagementStrategy should lookup ViewDeclarationLanguage on restoreView (does not assume possible wrapping)
+     * [MYFACES-2730] - FacesContext not available on application startup
+     * [MYFACES-2734] - Character encoding not set correctly before Restore View
+     * [MYFACES-2740] - MethodExpression wrapping of vdl.retargetMethodExpression does not take into account #{cc} resolution
+     * [MYFACES-2741] - h:link with bad outcome render value twice and does not end correctly
+     * [MYFACES-2742] - javax.faces.behavior.event = undefined
+     * [MYFACES-2744] - UIData.getClientId() should not append rowIndex, instead use UIData.getContainerClientId()
+     * [MYFACES-2745] - Cannot set property "_mfProto" of null to "null" error with new javascript
+     * [MYFACES-2747] - Auto attachment of debug version of jsf.js crashes the loading of a page under ie6
+     * [MYFACES-2748] - NPE in htmlunit when testing ajax rendering
+     * [MYFACES-2749] - Encrypted View State does not include Message Authentication Code (MAC)
+     * [MYFACES-2750] - Simplify PostRestoreStateEvent delivery requirements
+     * [MYFACES-2752] - Missing checkstyle-rules-2-SNAPSHOT is preventing the build of the current myfaces trunk
+     * [MYFACES-2754] - MyFaces can attempt to create a new session after the response has been committed
+     * [MYFACES-2755] - is undefined in jsf.ajax.request (regression from 2.0.0)
+     * [MYFACES-2758] - DebugPhaseListener tries to get value from unrendered component where value is unavailable
+     * [MYFACES-2760] - f:viewParam jsp tag and f:selectItem jsp tag does not implement new properties
+     * [MYFACES-2761] - PartialViewContextImpl does not respect isRenderAll()
+     * [MYFACES-2762] - Handling mutiple h:form and AJAX is broken
+     * [MYFACES-2763] - Example from MyFaces 2762 causes a white result page in ie6 and ie7 quirks mode
+     * [MYFACES-2765] - Dom findById fails on firefox with javax.faces.ViewState
+     * [MYFACES-2767] - _AjaxRequest.js adds an extra ampersand in request
+     * [MYFACES-2768] - jsf.js internal myfaces parameters do not work anymore
+     * [MYFACES-2771] - Javascript: Unit test for _Dom.findByStyleClass fails on IE8
+     * [MYFACES-2775] - StackOverflowError when adding componentResource with id=null
+     * [MYFACES-2776] - ViewState is not updated with ajax
+     * [MYFACES-2779] - PartialResponse bogus response on render all because of falsely positioned development stage script tag
+     * [MYFACES-2781] - Facelets double commenting embedded javascripts
+     * [MYFACES-2784] - NPE when I forget to add an interface to a composite component
+     * [MYFACES-2788] - setRowIndex still uses getClientId instead of getContainerClientId for saving and restoring row states
+     * [MYFACES-2791] - render view params not working for EL expressions
+     * [MYFACES-2792] - Redirect with include-view-params in faces-config.xml
+     * [MYFACES-2793] - jsf.ajax.request source should accept form element
+     * [MYFACES-2800] - navigation-case/redirect/include-view-params is not picked up and has a wrong default value
+     * [MYFACES-2801] - HtmlResponseWriterImpl needs to deal with <script> and <style> tags properly on both html and xhtml
+     * [MYFACES-2806] - possible bug in shared ClassLoader scenarios
+     * [MYFACES-2808] - jsf.js <error> tagged response causes hanging queue
+     * [MYFACES-2809] - Bug in navigation + ppr
+     * [MYFACES-2810] - jsf.js npe in user reported case
+     * [MYFACES-2819] - jsf.js race condition on webkit
+     * [MYFACES-2820] - jsf.js new auto eval detection does not entirely work out
+     * [MYFACES-2821] - jsf.js ajaxrequest encodes form values too early
+     * [MYFACES-2822] - Cannot get factory when tomcat is shutdown
-     * [MYFACES-2546] - Conversion rules for obtaing renderable String from the "value" property of SelectItem
-     * [MYFACES-2658] - Indicate a better error when using Facelet TAGs on JSP(X) pages
+     * [MYFACES-2679] - Use a constant to identify FacesCompositeELResolver.Scope value
+     * [MYFACES-2680] - Cache renderKit used
+     * [MYFACES-2689] - Add @JSFComponent "composite" and @JSFProperty "partialStateHolder" attributes
+     * [MYFACES-2690] - Do not create the view for a debug request
+     * [MYFACES-2691] - Enhance MessageUtils adding methods when custom library bundle should be scanned
+     * [MYFACES-2698] - Update myfaces-builder-plugin to deal with Behaviors and fix jsf 2.0 doc issues
+     * [MYFACES-2712] - Copy codehaus javascript plugin code and incorporate into myfaces-javascript-plugin
+     * [MYFACES-2714] - Include uncompressed jsf.js file and use it when development mode is used
+     * [MYFACES-2716] - Refactoring of the Javascript Codebase
+     * [MYFACES-2721] - Second part of the Javascript Refactoring
+     * [MYFACES-2723] - ee6 container initializer enhancements
+     * [MYFACES-2729] - Refactoring of the Javascript Codebase: Part 3. size improvement due to code optimizations
+     * [MYFACES-2737] - Cache FacesContext on UIComponentBase instances
+     * [MYFACES-2738] - Use isInstance() instead of iterating through the enum constants in EnumConverter
+     * [MYFACES-2739] - Pass through String values in EnumConverter.getAsString()
+     * [MYFACES-2743] - Organize renderBehaviorizedXXX method parameters and add new ones
+     * [MYFACES-2746] - Subdivide methods of HtmlTextRendererBase, HtmlTextareaRendererBase and HtmlSecretRendererBase into extendable parts
+     * [MYFACES-2757] - Provide a FacesContext instance during startup
+     * [MYFACES-2764] - Disable facelets reloading for PROJECT_STAGE=Production
+     * [MYFACES-2769] - Resource should expire immediately in javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE=Development
+     * [MYFACES-2770] - Improve <ui:debug> with information about the saved state
+     * [MYFACES-2772] - Javascript: Improve the unit testing and logging facilities
+     * [MYFACES-2773] - (JSF.js) Performance fixes
+     * [MYFACES-2777] - Remove VISITED_FACET_COUNT from component attributes map
+     * [MYFACES-2780] - MyFaces performance improvements for production
+     * [MYFACES-2786] - Fix foundation work for jsf 2.1 in the areas of pps, timeout, delay, queue control
+     * [MYFACES-2789] - add ASL headers to our poms
+     * [MYFACES-2794] - jsf.js: Replace some direct comparisons with equalsIgnoreCase
+     * [MYFACES-2795] - jsf.js:browser independend auto eval detection
+     * [MYFACES-2797] - jsf.js Performance of raw updates could need improvement compared to mojarra
+     * [MYFACES-2802] - Remove CompositeComponentResourceTagHandler.ATTACHED_OBJECT_HADLERS_KEY from Attributes Map
+     * [MYFACES-2804] - LifecycleImpl _firstRequestProcessed should be marked as volatile
+     * [MYFACES-2805] - Use synchronized blocks for ApplicationImpl _defaultValidatorsIds
+     * [MYFACES-2807] - Use specific Instruction for <body> end element
+     * [MYFACES-2814] - Implement "hidden" attribute for composite tags (spec rev A)
+     * [MYFACES-2816] - h:button must support the disabled attribute (spec rev A)
+     * [MYFACES-2818] - Add constructor to MyfacesConfig that assign all default values for testing
  New Feature
-     * [MYFACES-2116] - TODO 65: Partial View Lifecycle
-     * [MYFACES-2644] - IDE Tutorials for Myfaces 2 Google App Engine support
+     * [MYFACES-2735] - Javascript: Adding delegation as primary pattern for _Runtime.js moving the logging out from _Lang. into a debugging Lang.js
+     * [MYFACES-2766] - Check StartupFacesContextImpl in ApplicationImpl
-     * [MYFACES-2124] - Enforce new API on UIViewRoot
-     * [MYFACES-2183] - Integrate Facelets
-     * [MYFACES-2323] - Implement <f:ajax> tag handler
-     * [MYFACES-2329] - Add Facelet taglib 2.0 schema
-     * [MYFACES-2619] - FacesContext.validationFailed() must be called on validation errors in validate()
-     * [MYFACES-2648] - AbstractMyFacesListener is not needed anymore
-     * [MYFACES-2653] - Fix implee6 include on code and clean myfaces impl pom.xml
-     * [MYFACES-2660] - Review Facelets api usage
+     * [MYFACES-2334] - get ifnavigation sample working
+     * [MYFACES-2350] - All renderers of components that implements ClientBehaviorHolder should encode javascript attributes
+     * [MYFACES-2374] - UIViewRoot.getBeforePhaseListener() and UIViewRoot.getAfterPhaseListener() could be called on PhaseId.RESTORE_VIEW
+     * [MYFACES-2672] - Don't create more wrappers for _behaviorsMap than necessary
+     * [MYFACES-2677] - Adapt CompositeComponentAttributesMapWrapper to changes from MYFACES-2633
+     * [MYFACES-2687] - Make sure jsf.js is included if client behaviors are rendered
+     * [MYFACES-2693] - UIRepeat has to override visitTree() and invokeOnComponent()
+     * [MYFACES-2694] - FaceletTestCase should install MockVisitContextFactory
+     * [MYFACES-2702] - Implement composite:clientBehavior
+     * [MYFACES-2713] - UIRepeat.broadcast() has to push the component of the IndexedEvent target to the stack
+     * [MYFACES-2731] - <f:validateBean disabled="true" /> should only disable adding the validator as a default-validator
+     * [MYFACES-2732] - ValidatorTagHandlerDelegate should ignore binding, disabled and for on its MetaRuleset
+     * [MYFACES-2736] - Do not render CDATA section on UIDebug's JavaScript for partial requests
+     * [MYFACES-2759] - Clean up FacesContextImpl
+     * [MYFACES-2783] - Do not install DebugPhaseListener in AbstractFacesInitializer
+     * [MYFACES-2785] - Clean up initialization code and add tests for StartupServletContextListener and MyFacesServlet
+     * [MYFACES-2813] - Change Value to Length in LengthValidator message (spec rev A)
+     * [MYFACES-2815] - includeViewParams=true can also be faces-include-view-params=true (spec rev A)
+     * [MYFACES-2817] - name attribute of h:outputScript and h:outputStylesheet should be documented as required (spec rev A)
+ Test
+     * [MYFACES-2733] - Provide tests for <f:validateBean />
+ Wish
+     * [MYFACES-1353] - HtmlResponseWriterImpl - Prematurely Closes HTML Elements