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Posted to by Jani Averbach <> on 2004/03/08 11:06:31 UTC

svn log fails (invalid xml) when piped to less


I found following:

$ svn info
Path: .
URL: http://localhost:8080/svn/kym/trunk

svn log 2> /tmp/svn.err|less
$ cat /tmp/svn.err
svn: REPORT request failed on '/svn/kym/!svn/bc/882/trunk'
svn: The REPORT request returned invalid XML in the response: XML
parse error at line 971: Bytes: 0xEF 0x00 0x00 0x00
. (/svn/kym/!svn/bc/882/trunk)


$ svn log 2> /tmp/svn.err 
finished just fine.

Every time last thing what less will show is log for r772, I have
checked around that revision, and all of 770-774 show up ok with svn
log -rXXXX. This is prebuild svn, and neon-debug-mask does produce
nothing. I will try repoduce that later on my own machine.

This is:
svn --version
svn, version 1.0.0
   compiled Feb 27 2004, 18:02:47
(Installed from deb-packet)

The repository has been converted from cvs to svn by cvs2svn, and it
contains a lot of ÖÄöä chars, which show up uncorrectly whith svn
log, but that is another story. I will try dig this more during next
week, now I have to go to sleep. 

BR, Jani

Jani Averbach

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Re: svn log fails (invalid xml) when piped to less

Posted by Jani Averbach <>.
On 2004-03-09 00:05+0000, Julian Foad wrote:
> What can be the difference between those two invocations?  The pipe to 
> "less" can get broken if you quit from "less", but that normally gives a 
> different error so I assume you are scrolling to the end of the
> file.  


> If you pipe the output to a program like "tail" that reads all of
> the input but doesn't interact with the user, does the same happen?

No, nothing with tail, head, grep or sed. I used less following way:
"read" the first page, and after that start scrolling down with
space, until I reach revision 772 when this error happens. 

And if I checkout the repository out of via https:// the problem will
vanish. Also if I try that in my home machine, I could not reproduce
it. (The machine where this happens is Debian/woody, subversion has
been installed from here:

Also, if I convert that cvs repository with correct encoding,
converted svn-repo will behave ok.

svn produced this error message:

svn: REPORT request failed on '/svn/test/!svn/bc/883/trunk'
svn: The REPORT request returned invalid XML in the response: XML
parse error at line 971: Bytes: 0xEF 0x00 0x00 0x00

Here is ethereal trace (part) of troublesome connection:
    107 REPORT /svn/test/!svn/bc/883/trunk HTTP/1.1
    108 Host: localhost:8080
    109 User-Agent: SVN/1.0.0 neon/0.24.4
    110 Connection: TE
    111 TE: trailers
    112 Content-Length: 135
    113 Content-Type: text/xml
    114 Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    116 <S:log-report xmlns:S="svn:"><S:start-revision>883</S:start-revision><S:end-revision>1</S:end-revision><S:path></S:path></S:log-report>HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    117 Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 02:48:28 GMT
    118 Server: Apache/2.0.48 (Debian GNU/Linux) DAV/2 SVN/1.0.0 mod_ssl/2.0.48 OpenSSL/0.9.6c
    119 Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    120 Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
    122 1f43
    123 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    124 <S:log-report xmlns:S="svn:" xmlns:D="DAV:">
    125 <S:log-item>
(Log output will stop before r771, r772 is last one that I could see)
   1071 <S:log-item>
   1072 <D:version-name>771</D:version-name>
   1084   4. Ilmoittautumisj�rjestys. L�ht�aikojen ja joukkuenumeroiden jakamisen
   1085      j�lkeen ilmoittautuneet l�htev�t mahd. peruutuspaikoilla tai
   1086      viimeisen�.
   1087  -https://... <clear ascii data follows>

Line 1086 is '76 69 69 6d 65 69 73 65 6e ef bf bd 2e 0a'.

> It may be another story, but it may be related to this problem.  Are the 
> non-ASCII characters in log messages, in file names, or in file contents?

Both, in log messages and in file contents.

> As usual, if you could make a small reproduction recipe, that would be 
> great.  

I can't reproduce that myself elsewhere than in that particular
machine. =( So it seems that there is something wrong with interaction
between pipes, less and subversion in that machine. Any ideas where to
look or is this worth of digging more?


Jani Averbach

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Re: svn log fails (invalid xml) when piped to less

Posted by Julian Foad <>.
Jani Averbach wrote:
> svn log 2> /tmp/svn.err|less
> $ cat /tmp/svn.err
> svn: REPORT request failed on '/svn/kym/!svn/bc/882/trunk'
> svn: The REPORT request returned invalid XML in the response: XML
> parse error at line 971: Bytes: 0xEF 0x00 0x00 0x00
> . (/svn/kym/!svn/bc/882/trunk)
> However, 
> $ svn log 2> /tmp/svn.err 
> finished just fine.

What can be the difference between those two invocations?  The pipe to "less" can get broken if you quit from "less", but that normally gives a different error so I assume you are scrolling to the end of the file.  If you pipe the output to a program like "tail" that reads all of the input but doesn't interact with the user, does the same happen?  If not, how about "head" which will read a bit and then break the pipe?  One of those would be better than "less" in a reproduction recipe.

Another possible difference between stdout to a pipe and stdout to the console is, on Windows at least, they can be using different character encodings.  Are you running on Windows?

> The repository has been converted from cvs to svn by cvs2svn, and it
> contains a lot of ÖÄöä chars, which show up uncorrectly whith svn
> log, but that is another story.

It may be another story, but it may be related to this problem.  Are the non-ASCII characters in log messages, in file names, or in file contents?

> I will try dig this more during next
> week, now I have to go to sleep. 

As usual, if you could make a small reproduction recipe, that would be great.  Also, it might be helpful to capture a trace of the comms protocol.

- Julian

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