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+<h1 id="gremlinnet">Gremlin.Net</h1>
+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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+<p><a href="">Apache TinkerPop™</a> is a graph computing framework for both graph databases (OLTP) and graph analytic systems
+(OLAP). <a href="">Gremlin</a> is the graph traversal language of TinkerPop. It can be described as a functional,
+data-flow language that enables users to succinctly express complex traversals on (or queries of) their application's
+property graph.</p>
+<p>Gremlin.Net implements Gremlin within the C# language. It targets .NET Standard and can therefore be used on different
+operating systems and with different .NET frameworks, such as .NET Framework and .NET Core.</p>
+<pre><code class="lang-bash">nuget install Gremlin.Net
+<p>The Gremlin language allows users to write highly expressive graph traversals and has a broad list of functions that
+cover a wide body of features. The <a href="">Reference Documentation</a> describes these functions and other aspects of the
+TinkerPop ecosystem including some specifics on <a href="">Gremlin in .NET</a> itself. Most of the examples found in the
+documentation use Groovy language syntax in the <a href="">Gremlin Console</a>. For the most part, these examples
+should generally translate to C# with <a href="">some logical modification</a>. Given the strong correspondence
+between canonical Gremlin in Java and its variants like C#, there is a limited amount of C#-specific
+documentation and examples. This strong correspondence among variants ensures that the general Gremlin reference
+documentation is applicable to all variants and that users moving between development languages can easily adopt the
+Gremlin variant for that language.</p>
+<p><strong>NOTE</strong> that versions suffixed with &quot;-rc&quot; are considered release candidates (i.e. pre-alpha, alpha, beta, etc.) and thus
+for early testing purposes only.</p>
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+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.ConnectionPoolSettings.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.ConnectionPoolSettings.html",
+    "title": "Class ConnectionPoolSettings | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Class ConnectionPoolSettings Holds settings for the Gremlin.Net.Driver.ConnectionPool . Inheritance System.Object ConnectionPoolSettings Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ToString() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Driver Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class ConnectionPoolSettings Properties MaxInProcessPerConnection Gets or sets the maximum number of in-flight requests that can occur on a connection. Declaration public int MaxInProcessPerConnection { get; set; } Property Value Type Description System.Int32 Remarks The default value is 32. A is thrown if this limit is reached on all connections when a new request comes in. Exceptions Type Condition System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException The specified number is less than or equal to zero. PoolSi
 ze Gets or sets the size of the connection pool. Declaration public int PoolSize { get; set; } Property Value Type Description System.Int32 Remarks The default value is 4. Exceptions Type Condition System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException The specified pool size is less than or equal to zero. ReconnectionAttempts Gets or sets the number of attempts to get an open connection from the pool to submit a request. Declaration public int ReconnectionAttempts { get; set; } Property Value Type Description System.Int32 Remarks The driver always tries to reconnect to a server in the background after it has noticed that a connection is dead. This setting only specifies how often the driver will retry to get an open connection from its pool when no open connection is available to submit a request. These retries give the driver time to establish new connections to the server that might have been unavailable temporarily or that might have closed the connections, e.g., because they were idle for some tim
 e. The default value is 4. A is thrown if the server can still not be reached after this many retry attempts. Setting this to zero means that the exception is thrown immediately when no open connection is available to submit a request. The driver will however still try to reconnect to the server in the background for subsequent requests. Exceptions Type Condition System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException The number of attempts specified is less than zero. ReconnectionBaseDelay Gets or sets the base delay used for the exponential backoff for the reconnection attempts. Declaration public TimeSpan ReconnectionBaseDelay { get; set; } Property Value Type Description System.TimeSpan Remarks The driver employs an exponential backoff strategy that uses this base delay for its reconnection attempts. With a base delay of 100 ms for example, retries happen after 100 ms, 200 ms, 400 ms, 800 ms, and so on, assuming that enough ReconnectionAttempts are configured. The default value is 1 second. Exceptio
 ns Type Condition System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException The specified delay is negative or zero."
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions.ConnectionPoolBusyException.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions.ConnectionPoolBusyException.html",
+    "title": "Class ConnectionPoolBusyException | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Class ConnectionPoolBusyException The exception that is thrown when all connections in the pool have reached their maximum number of in-flight requests. Inheritance System.Object System.Exception NoConnectionAvailableException ConnectionPoolBusyException Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception Inherited Members System.Exception.GetBaseException() System.Exception.ToString() System.Exception.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) System.Exception.GetType() System.Exception.Message System.Exception.Data System.Exception.InnerException System.Exception.TargetSite System.Exception.StackTrace System.Exception.HelpLink System.Exception.Source System.Exception.HResult System.Exception.SerializeObjectState System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.MemberwiseClone()
  System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class ConnectionPoolBusyException : NoConnectionAvailableException, ISerializable, _Exception Constructors ConnectionPoolBusyException(Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the ConnectionPoolBusyException class. Declaration public ConnectionPoolBusyException(int poolSize, int maxInProcessPerConnection) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 poolSize System.Int32 maxInProcessPerConnection Properties MaxInProcessPerConnection Gets the maximum number of in-flight requests that can occur on a connection. Declaration public int MaxInProcessPerConnection { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Int32 PoolSize Gets the size of the connection pool. Declaration public int PoolSize { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Int32 Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception"
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions.html",
+    "title": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions Classes ConnectionPoolBusyException The exception that is thrown when all connections in the pool have reached their maximum number of in-flight requests. NoConnectionAvailableException The exception that is thrown when no connection is available to service a request. ResponseException The exception that is thrown when a response is received from Gremlin Server that indicates that an error occurred. ServerUnavailableException The exception that is thrown when no connection is available to the GremlinServer ."
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions.NoConnectionAvailableException.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions.NoConnectionAvailableException.html",
+    "title": "Class NoConnectionAvailableException | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Class NoConnectionAvailableException The exception that is thrown when no connection is available to service a request. Inheritance System.Object System.Exception NoConnectionAvailableException ConnectionPoolBusyException ServerUnavailableException Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception Inherited Members System.Exception.GetBaseException() System.Exception.ToString() System.Exception.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) System.Exception.GetType() System.Exception.Message System.Exception.Data System.Exception.InnerException System.Exception.TargetSite System.Exception.StackTrace System.Exception.HelpLink System.Exception.Source System.Exception.HResult System.Exception.SerializeObjectState System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() Syste
 m.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class NoConnectionAvailableException : Exception, ISerializable, _Exception Constructors NoConnectionAvailableException() Initializes a new instance of the NoConnectionAvailableException class. Declaration public NoConnectionAvailableException() NoConnectionAvailableException(String) Initializes a new instance of the NoConnectionAvailableException class. Declaration public NoConnectionAvailableException(string message) Parameters Type Name Description System.String message NoConnectionAvailableException(String, Exception) Initializes a new instance of the NoConnectionAvailableException class. Declaration public NoConnectionAvailableException(string message, Exception inner) Parameters Type Name Description System.String message System.Exception inner Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception"
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions.ResponseException.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions.ResponseException.html",
+    "title": "Class ResponseException | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Class ResponseException The exception that is thrown when a response is received from Gremlin Server that indicates that an error occurred. Inheritance System.Object System.Exception ResponseException Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception Inherited Members System.Exception.GetBaseException() System.Exception.ToString() System.Exception.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) System.Exception.GetType() System.Exception.Message System.Exception.Data System.Exception.InnerException System.Exception.TargetSite System.Exception.StackTrace System.Exception.HelpLink System.Exception.Source System.Exception.HResult System.Exception.SerializeObjectState System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.O
 bject) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class ResponseException : Exception, ISerializable, _Exception Constructors ResponseException(ResponseStatusCode, IReadOnlyDictionary<String, Object>, String) Initializes a new instance of the ResponseException class. Declaration public ResponseException(ResponseStatusCode statusCode, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> statusAttributes, string message) Parameters Type Name Description ResponseStatusCode statusCode The status code returned by the server. IReadOnlyDictionary < System.String , System.Object > statusAttributes The status attributes from the gremlin response. System.String message The error message string. Properties StatusAttributes Gets the status attributes from the gremlin response Declaration public IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> StatusAttributes { get; } Property Value Type Description IReadOnlyDictionary < System.String , System.Object > StatusCode Gets the status code 
 returned from the server. Declaration public ResponseStatusCode StatusCode { get; } Property Value Type Description ResponseStatusCode Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception"
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions.ServerUnavailableException.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions.ServerUnavailableException.html",
+    "title": "Class ServerUnavailableException | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Class ServerUnavailableException The exception that is thrown when no connection is available to the GremlinServer . Inheritance System.Object System.Exception NoConnectionAvailableException ServerUnavailableException Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception Inherited Members System.Exception.GetBaseException() System.Exception.ToString() System.Exception.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) System.Exception.GetType() System.Exception.Message System.Exception.Data System.Exception.InnerException System.Exception.TargetSite System.Exception.StackTrace System.Exception.HelpLink System.Exception.Source System.Exception.HResult System.Exception.SerializeObjectState System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System
 .Object, System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Driver.Exceptions Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class ServerUnavailableException : NoConnectionAvailableException, ISerializable, _Exception Constructors ServerUnavailableException() Initializes a new instance of the ServerUnavailableException class. Declaration public ServerUnavailableException() Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception"
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.GremlinClient.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.GremlinClient.html",
+    "title": "Class GremlinClient | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Class GremlinClient Provides a mechanism for submitting Gremlin requests to one Gremlin Server. Inheritance System.Object GremlinClient Implements IGremlinClient System.IDisposable Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ToString() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Driver Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class GremlinClient : IGremlinClient, IDisposable Constructors GremlinClient(GremlinServer, GraphSONReader, GraphSONWriter, String, ConnectionPoolSettings, Action<ClientWebSocketOptions>, String) Initializes a new instance of the GremlinClient class for the specified Gremlin Server. Declaration public GremlinClient(GremlinServer gremlinServer, GraphSONReader graphSONReader = null, GraphSONWriter graphSONWriter = null, string mimeType = null, Connect
 ionPoolSettings connectionPoolSettings = null, Action<ClientWebSocketOptions> webSocketConfiguration = null, string sessionId = null) Parameters Type Name Description GremlinServer gremlinServer The GremlinServer the requests should be sent to. GraphSONReader graphSONReader A instance to read received GraphSON data. GraphSONWriter graphSONWriter a instance to write GraphSON data. System.String mimeType The GraphSON version mime type, defaults to latest supported by the server. ConnectionPoolSettings connectionPoolSettings The ConnectionPoolSettings for the connection pool. System.Action < ClientWebSocketOptions > webSocketConfiguration A delegate that will be invoked with the object used to configure WebSocket connections. System.String sessionId The session Id if Gremlin Client in session mode, defaults to null as session-less Client. Fields DefaultMimeType Defines the default mime type to use. Declaration public const string DefaultMimeType = \"application/vnd.gremlin-v3.0+json\" 
 Field Value Type Description System.String GraphSON2MimeType The GraphSON2 mime type to use. Declaration public const string GraphSON2MimeType = \"application/vnd.gremlin-v2.0+json\" Field Value Type Description System.String Properties NrConnections Gets the number of open connections. Declaration public int NrConnections { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Int32 Methods Dispose() Declaration public void Dispose() Dispose(Boolean) Releases the resources used by the GremlinClient instance. Declaration protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) Parameters Type Name Description System.Boolean disposing Specifies whether managed resources should be released. SubmitAsync<T>(RequestMessage) Submits a request message as an asynchronous operation. Declaration public async Task<ResultSet<T>> SubmitAsync<T>(RequestMessage requestMessage) Parameters Type Name Description RequestMessage requestMessage The to send. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < ResultSet
  <T>> A ResultSet<T> containing the data and status attributes returned from the server. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the expected results. Exceptions Type Condition ResponseException Thrown when a response is received from Gremlin Server that indicates that an error occurred. Implements IGremlinClient System.IDisposable"
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.GremlinClientExtensions.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.GremlinClientExtensions.html",
+    "title": "Class GremlinClientExtensions | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Class GremlinClientExtensions Provides extension methods for the IGremlinClient interface. Inheritance System.Object GremlinClientExtensions Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ToString() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Driver Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public static class GremlinClientExtensions Methods SubmitAsync(IGremlinClient, RequestMessage) Submits a request message as an asynchronous operation without returning the result received from the Gremlin Server. Declaration public static async Task SubmitAsync(this IGremlinClient gremlinClient, RequestMessage requestMessage) Parameters Type Name Description IGremlinClient gremlinClient The IGremlinClient that submits the request. RequestMessage requestMessage The to send. Returns Type Descript
 ion System.Threading.Tasks.Task The task object representing the asynchronous operation. Exceptions Type Condition ResponseException Thrown when a response is received from Gremlin Server that indicates that an error occurred. SubmitAsync(IGremlinClient, String, Dictionary<String, Object>) Submits a request message that consists of a script with bindings as an asynchronous operation without returning the result received from the Gremlin Server. Declaration public static async Task SubmitAsync(this IGremlinClient gremlinClient, string requestScript, Dictionary<string, object> bindings = null) Parameters Type Name Description IGremlinClient gremlinClient The IGremlinClient that submits the request. System.String requestScript The Gremlin request script to send. Dictionary < System.String , System.Object > bindings Bindings for parameters used in the requestScript. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task The task object representing the asynchronous operation. Exceptions T
 ype Condition ResponseException Thrown when a response is received from Gremlin Server that indicates that an error occurred. SubmitAsync<T>(IGremlinClient, String, Dictionary<String, Object>) Submits a request message that consists of a script with bindings as an asynchronous operation. Declaration public static async Task<ResultSet<T>> SubmitAsync<T>(this IGremlinClient gremlinClient, string requestScript, Dictionary<string, object> bindings = null) Parameters Type Name Description IGremlinClient gremlinClient The IGremlinClient that submits the request. System.String requestScript The Gremlin request script to send. Dictionary < System.String , System.Object > bindings Bindings for parameters used in the requestScript. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < ResultSet <T>> A ResultSet<T> containing the data and status attributes returned from the server. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the expected results. Exceptions Type Condition ResponseException
  Thrown when a response is received from Gremlin Server that indicates that an error occurred. SubmitWithSingleResultAsync<T>(IGremlinClient, RequestMessage) Submits a request message as an asynchronous operation where only a single result gets returned. Declaration public static async Task<T> SubmitWithSingleResultAsync<T>(this IGremlinClient gremlinClient, RequestMessage requestMessage) Parameters Type Name Description IGremlinClient gremlinClient The IGremlinClient that submits the request. RequestMessage requestMessage The to send. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task <T> A single result received from the Gremlin Server. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the expected result. Remarks If multiple results are received from Gremlin Server, then only the first gets returned. Use SubmitAsync<T>(IGremlinClient, String, Dictionary<String, Object>) instead when you expect a collection of results. Exceptions Type Condition ResponseException Thrown when a respo
 nse is received from Gremlin Server that indicates that an error occurred. SubmitWithSingleResultAsync<T>(IGremlinClient, String, Dictionary<String, Object>) Submits a request message that consists of a script with bindings as an asynchronous operation where only a single result gets returned. Declaration public static async Task<T> SubmitWithSingleResultAsync<T>(this IGremlinClient gremlinClient, string requestScript, Dictionary<string, object> bindings = null) Parameters Type Name Description IGremlinClient gremlinClient The IGremlinClient that submits the request. System.String requestScript The Gremlin request script to send. Dictionary < System.String , System.Object > bindings Bindings for parameters used in the requestScript. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task <T> A single result received from the Gremlin Server. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the expected result. Remarks If multiple results are received from Gremlin Server, then only the fir
 st gets returned. Use SubmitAsync<T>(IGremlinClient, String, Dictionary<String, Object>) instead when you expect a collection of results. Exceptions Type Condition ResponseException Thrown when a response is received from Gremlin Server that indicates that an error occurred."
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.GremlinServer.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.GremlinServer.html",
+    "title": "Class GremlinServer | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Class GremlinServer Represents a Gremlin Server. Inheritance System.Object GremlinServer Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ToString() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Driver Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class GremlinServer Constructors GremlinServer(String, Int32, Boolean, String, String) Initializes a new instance of the GremlinServer class with the specified connection parameters. Declaration public GremlinServer(string hostname = \"localhost\", int port = 8182, bool enableSsl = false, string username = null, string password = null) Parameters Type Name Description System.String hostname The hostname of the server. System.Int32 port The port on which Gremlin Server can be reached. System.Boolean enableSsl Specifies whether SSL should be
  enabled. System.String username The username to submit on requests that require authentication. System.String password The password to submit on requests that require authentication. Properties Password Gets the password to submit on requests that require authentication. Declaration public string Password { get; } Property Value Type Description System.String Uri Gets the URI of the Gremlin Server. Declaration public Uri Uri { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Uri The WebSocket System.Uri that the Gremlin Server responds to. Username Gets the username to submit on requests that require authentication. Declaration public string Username { get; } Property Value Type Description System.String"
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.html",
+    "title": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Driver | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Driver Classes ConnectionPoolSettings Holds settings for the Gremlin.Net.Driver.ConnectionPool . GremlinClient Provides a mechanism for submitting Gremlin requests to one Gremlin Server. GremlinClientExtensions Provides extension methods for the IGremlinClient interface. GremlinServer Represents a Gremlin Server. ResultSet<T> A ResultSet is returned from the submission of a Gremlin script to the server and represents the results provided by the server. ResultSet includes enumerable data and status attributes. Tokens String constants used to configure a . Interfaces IGremlinClient Provides a mechanism for submitting Gremlin requests."
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.IGremlinClient.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.IGremlinClient.html",
+    "title": "Interface IGremlinClient | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Interface IGremlinClient Provides a mechanism for submitting Gremlin requests. Inherited Members System.IDisposable.Dispose() Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Driver Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public interface IGremlinClient : IDisposable Methods SubmitAsync<T>(RequestMessage) Submits a request message as an asynchronous operation. Declaration Task<ResultSet<T>> SubmitAsync<T>(RequestMessage requestMessage) Parameters Type Name Description RequestMessage requestMessage The to send. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < ResultSet <T>> A ResultSet<T> containing the data and status attributes returned from the server. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the expected results. Exceptions Type Condition ResponseException Thrown when a response is received from Gremlin Server that indicates that an error occurred."
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Messages.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Messages.html",
+    "title": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Driver.Messages | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Driver.Messages Classes RequestMessage The model for a request message sent to the server. RequestMessage.Builder Allows to build RequestMessage objects. Enums ResponseStatusCode Represents the various status codes that Gremlin Server returns."
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Messages.RequestMessage.Builder.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Messages.RequestMessage.Builder.html",
+    "title": "Class RequestMessage.Builder | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Class RequestMessage.Builder Allows to build RequestMessage objects. Inheritance System.Object RequestMessage.Builder Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ToString() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Driver.Messages Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class Builder Methods AddArgument(String, Object) Adds and argument to the RequestMessage . Declaration public RequestMessage.Builder AddArgument(string key, object value) Parameters Type Name Description System.String key The key of the argument. System.Object value The value of the argument. Returns Type Description RequestMessage.Builder The RequestMessage.Builder . Create() Creates the RequestMessage given the settings provided to the RequestMessage.Builder . Declaration public RequestMessage Creat
 e() Returns Type Description RequestMessage The built RequestMessage . OverrideRequestId(Guid) Overrides the request identifier with a specified one, otherwise the RequestMessage.Builder will randomly generate a System.Guid . Declaration public RequestMessage.Builder OverrideRequestId(Guid requestId) Parameters Type Name Description System.Guid requestId The request identifier to use. Returns Type Description RequestMessage.Builder The RequestMessage.Builder . Processor(String) If this value is not set in the builder then the Processor defaults to the standard op processor (empty string). Declaration public RequestMessage.Builder Processor(string processor) Parameters Type Name Description System.String processor The name of the processor. Returns Type Description RequestMessage.Builder The RequestMessage.Builder ."
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Messages.RequestMessage.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Messages.RequestMessage.html",
+    "title": "Class RequestMessage | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Class RequestMessage The model for a request message sent to the server. Inheritance System.Object RequestMessage Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ToString() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Driver.Messages Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class RequestMessage Properties Arguments Gets arguments of the RequestMessage . Declaration public Dictionary<string, object> Arguments { get; } Property Value Type Description Dictionary < System.String , System.Object > Operation Gets the name of the operation that should be executed by the Gremlin Server. Declaration public string Operation { get; } Property Value Type Description System.String The name of the \"operation\" to execute based on the available OpProcessor configured in the Gremlin Server.
  This defaults to \"eval\" which evaluates a request script. Processor Gets the name of the OpProcessor to utilize. Declaration public string Processor { get; } Property Value Type Description System.String The name of the OpProcessor to utilize. This defaults to an empty string which represents the default OpProcessor for evaluating scripts. RequestId Gets the ID of this request message. Declaration public Guid RequestId { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Guid A UUID representing the unique identification for the request. Methods Build(String) Initializes a RequestMessage.Builder to build a RequestMessage . Declaration public static RequestMessage.Builder Build(string operation) Parameters Type Name Description System.String operation The name of the OpProcessor to utilize. Returns Type Description RequestMessage.Builder A RequestMessage.Builder to build a RequestMessage ."
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Messages.ResponseStatusCode.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Messages.ResponseStatusCode.html",
+    "title": "Enum ResponseStatusCode | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Enum ResponseStatusCode Represents the various status codes that Gremlin Server returns. Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Driver.Messages Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public enum ResponseStatusCode Fields Name Description Authenticate A challenge from the server for the client to authenticate its request. InvalidRequestArguments The request message was parseable, but the arguments supplied in the message were in conflict or incomplete. Check the message format and retry the request. MalformedRequest The request message was not properly formatted which means it could not be parsed at all or the \"op\" code was not recognized such that Gremlin Server could properly route it for processing. Check the message format and retry the request. NoContent The server processed the request but there is no result to return (e.g. an Iterator with no elements) there are no messages remaining in this stream. PartialContent The server successfully returned some content, but there is more
  in the stream to arrive - wait for a SUCCESS to signify the end of the stream. ScriptEvaluationError The script submitted for processing evaluated in the ScriptEngine with errors and could not be processed. Check the script submitted for syntax errors or other problems and then resubmit. ServerError A general server error occurred that prevented the request from being processed. ServerSerializationError The server was not capable of serializing an object that was returned from the script supplied on the request. Either transform the object into something Gremlin Server can process within the script or install mapper serialization classes to Gremlin Server. ServerTimeout The server exceeded one of the timeout settings for the request and could therefore only partially responded or did not respond at all. Success The server successfully processed a request to completion - there are no messages remaining in this stream. Unauthorized The request attempted to access resources that the r
 equesting user did not have access to."
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Remote.DriverRemoteConnection.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Remote.DriverRemoteConnection.html",
+    "title": "Class DriverRemoteConnection | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Class DriverRemoteConnection A implementation for Gremlin Server. Inheritance System.Object DriverRemoteConnection Implements System.IDisposable Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Driver.Remote Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class DriverRemoteConnection : IRemoteConnection, IDisposable Constructors DriverRemoteConnection(IGremlinClient) Initializes a new using \"g\" as the default remote TraversalSource name. Declaration public DriverRemoteConnection(IGremlinClient client) Parameters Type Name Description IGremlinClient client The IGremlinClient that will be used for the connection. Exceptions Type Condition System.ArgumentNullException Thrown when client is null. DriverRemoteConnection(IGremlinClient, String) Initializes a new . Declaration public DriverRemoteConnection(IGremlinClient client, string traversalSource) Parameters Type Name Description IGremlinClient client The IGremlinClient that will be used for the connection. System.String traversalSource The name o
 f the traversal source on the server to bind to. Exceptions Type Condition System.ArgumentNullException Thrown when client is null. DriverRemoteConnection(String, Int32) Initializes a new using \"g\" as the default remote TraversalSource name. Declaration public DriverRemoteConnection(string host, int port) Parameters Type Name Description System.String host The host to connect to. System.Int32 port The port to connect to. Exceptions Type Condition System.ArgumentNullException Thrown when client is null. DriverRemoteConnection(String, Int32, String) Initializes a new . Declaration public DriverRemoteConnection(string host, int port, string traversalSource) Parameters Type Name Description System.String host The host to connect to. System.Int32 port The port to connect to. System.String traversalSource The name of the traversal source on the server to bind to. Exceptions Type Condition System.ArgumentNullException Thrown when client is null. Methods Dispose() Declaration public void 
 Dispose() SubmitAsync<S, E>(Bytecode) Submits for evaluation to a remote Gremlin Server. Declaration public async Task<ITraversal<S, E>> SubmitAsync<S, E>(Bytecode bytecode) Parameters Type Name Description Bytecode bytecode The to submit. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < ITraversal <S, E>> A allowing to access the results and side-effects. Type Parameters Name Description S E Implements System.IDisposable"
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Remote.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Remote.html",
+    "title": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Driver.Remote | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Driver.Remote Classes DriverRemoteConnection A implementation for Gremlin Server."
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.ResultSet-1.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.ResultSet-1.html",
+    "title": "Class ResultSet<T> | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Class ResultSet<T> A ResultSet is returned from the submission of a Gremlin script to the server and represents the results provided by the server. ResultSet includes enumerable data and status attributes. Inheritance System.Object ResultSet<T> Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Driver Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public sealed class ResultSet<T> : IReadOnlyCollection<T> Type Parameters Name Description T Type of the result elements Constructors ResultSet(IReadOnlyCollection<T>, IReadOnlyDictionary<String, Object>) Initializes a new instance of the ResultSet class for the specified data and status attributes. Declaration public ResultSet(IReadOnlyCollection<T> data, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> attributes) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyCollection <T> data IReadOnlyDictionary < System.String , System.Object > attributes Properties Count Declaration public int Count { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Int32 StatusAttributes Gets or sets the st
 atus attributes from the gremlin response Declaration public IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> StatusAttributes { get; } Property Value Type Description IReadOnlyDictionary < System.String , System.Object > Methods GetEnumerator() Declaration public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() Returns Type Description IEnumerator <T>"
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Tokens.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Driver.Tokens.html",
+    "title": "Class Tokens | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Class Tokens String constants used to configure a . Inheritance System.Object Tokens Inherited Members System.Object.Equals(System.Object) System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object) System.Object.GetHashCode() System.Object.GetType() System.Object.MemberwiseClone() System.Object.ToString() System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object) Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Driver Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class Tokens Fields ArgsAggregateTo argument that describes how side-effect data should be treated. Declaration [Obsolete(\"As of release 3.3.8, not replaced, prefer use of cap()-step to retrieve side-effects as part of traversal iteration\", false)] public static string ArgsAggregateTo Field Value Type Description System.String ArgsAliases Argument name that allows definition of alias names for Graph and TraversalSource objects on the remote system. Declaration public static string ArgsAliases Field Value Type Description System.String ArgsBa
 tchSize Argument name that allows the definition of the number of items each ResponseMessage should contain from a particular result - overrides the resultIterationBatchSize server setting. Declaration public static string ArgsBatchSize Field Value Type Description System.String ArgsBindings Argument name that allows definition of a map of key/value pairs to apply as variables in the context of the Gremlin request sent to the server. Declaration public static string ArgsBindings Field Value Type Description System.String ArgsEvalTimeout Argument name that allows the override of the server setting that determines the maximum time to wait for a request to execute on the server. Declaration public static string ArgsEvalTimeout Field Value Type Description System.String ArgsGremlin Argument name that corresponds to the Gremlin to evaluate. Declaration public static string ArgsGremlin Field Value Type Description System.String ArgsLanguage Argument name that allows definition of the flav
 or of Gremlin used (e.g. gremlin-groovy) to process the request. Declaration public static string ArgsLanguage Field Value Type Description System.String ArgsSasl Argument name for the response to the server authentication challenge. This value is dependent on the SASL authentication mechanism required by the server. Declaration public static string ArgsSasl Field Value Type Description System.String ArgsSession Argument name that allows to define the id of session. Declaration public static string ArgsSession Field Value Type Description System.String ArgsSideEffect Argument name that allows to specify the unique identifier for the request. Declaration [Obsolete(\"As of release 3.3.8, not replaced, prefer use of cap()-step to retrieve side-effects as part of traversal iteration\", false)] public static string ArgsSideEffect Field Value Type Description System.String ArgsSideEffectKey Argument name that allows to specify the key for a specific side-effect. Declaration [Obsolete(\"As
  of release 3.3.8, not replaced, prefer use of cap()-step to retrieve side-effects as part of traversal iteration\", false)] public static string ArgsSideEffectKey Field Value Type Description System.String ArgsUserAgent Argument name that allows a value that is a custom string that the user can pass to a server that might accept it for purpose of identifying the kind of client it came from. Declaration public static string ArgsUserAgent Field Value Type Description System.String OpsAuthentication Operation used by the client to authenticate itself. Declaration public static string OpsAuthentication Field Value Type Description System.String OpsBytecode Operation used for a request that contains the Bytecode representation of a Traversal. Declaration public static string OpsBytecode Field Value Type Description System.String OpsClose Operation used to get all the keys of all side-effects as produced by a previously executed Traversal. Declaration public static string OpsClose Field 
 Value Type Description System.String OpsEval Operation used to evaluate a Gremlin script provided as a string. Declaration public static string OpsEval Field Value Type Description System.String OpsGather Operation used to get a particular side-effect as produced by a previously executed Traversal. Declaration [Obsolete(\"As of release 3.3.8, not replaced, prefer use of cap()-step to retrieve side-effects as part of traversal iteration\", false)] public static string OpsGather Field Value Type Description System.String OpsKeys Operation used to get all the keys of all side-effects as produced by a previously executed Traversal. Declaration [Obsolete(\"As of release 3.3.8, not replaced, prefer use of cap()-step to retrieve side-effects as part of traversal iteration\", false)] public static string OpsKeys Field Value Type Description System.String ProcessorSession Session OpProcessor. Declaration public static string ProcessorSession Field Value Type Description System.String Process
 orTraversal Default OpProcessor. Declaration public static string ProcessorTraversal Field Value Type Description System.String RequestId The key for the unique identifier of the request. Declaration public static string RequestId Field Value Type Description System.String"
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Remote.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Remote.html",
+    "title": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Process.Remote | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Namespace Gremlin.Net.Process.Remote Classes RemoteStrategy Reconstructs a by submitting it to a remote server via an IRemoteConnection instance. Interfaces IRemoteConnection A simple abstraction of a \"connection\" to a \"server\"."
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Remote.IRemoteConnection.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Remote.IRemoteConnection.html",
+    "title": "Interface IRemoteConnection | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Interface IRemoteConnection A simple abstraction of a \"connection\" to a \"server\". Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Process.Remote Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public interface IRemoteConnection Methods SubmitAsync<S, E>(Bytecode) Submits to a server and returns a . Declaration Task<ITraversal<S, E>> SubmitAsync<S, E>(Bytecode bytecode) Parameters Type Name Description Bytecode bytecode The to send. Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task < ITraversal <S, E>> The with the results and optional side-effects. Type Parameters Name Description S E"
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Remote.RemoteStrategy.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Remote.RemoteStrategy.html",
+    "title": "Class RemoteStrategy | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",
+    "keywords": "Class RemoteStrategy Reconstructs a by submitting it to a remote server via an IRemoteConnection instance. Inheritance System.Object RemoteStrategy Namespace : Gremlin.Net.Process.Remote Assembly : cs.temp.dll.dll Syntax public class RemoteStrategy : ITraversalStrategy Constructors RemoteStrategy(IRemoteConnection) Initializes a new instance of the RemoteStrategy class. Declaration public RemoteStrategy(IRemoteConnection remoteConnection) Parameters Type Name Description IRemoteConnection remoteConnection The IRemoteConnection that should be used. Methods Apply<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E>) Declaration public void Apply<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E> traversal) Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal <S, E> traversal Type Parameters Name Description S E ApplyAsync<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E>) Declaration public async Task ApplyAsync<S, E>(ITraversal<S, E> traversal) Parameters Type Name Description ITraversal <S, E> traversal Returns Type Description System.Threading.Tasks.Task Ty
 pe Parameters Name Description S E"
+  },
+  "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.__.html": {
+    "href": "api/Gremlin.Net.Process.Traversal.__.html",
+    "title": "Class __ | Apache TinkerPop - Gremlin.NET API Docs",

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