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svn commit: r985757 - in /websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk: cgi-bin/ content/ content/eu/participate/index.html

Author: buildbot
Date: Fri Apr 15 17:06:50 2016
New Revision: 985757

Staging update by buildbot for ooo-site

    websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/cgi-bin/   (props changed)
    websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/   (props changed)

Propchange: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/cgi-bin/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Fri Apr 15 17:06:50 2016
@@ -1 +1 @@

Propchange: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Fri Apr 15 17:06:50 2016
@@ -1 +1 @@

Modified: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/participate/index.html
--- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/participate/index.html (original)
+++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/participate/index.html Fri Apr 15 17:06:50 2016
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 <link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title>Get Involved</title>
+<title>Parte hartu</title>
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
   <div id="content">
-    <h1 class="title">Get Involved</h1>
+    <h1 class="title">Parte hartu</h1>
     <style type="text/css">
 /* The following code is added by
    It was originally lifted from */
@@ -33,58 +33,58 @@
   visibility: hidden;
 h2:hover > .headerlink, h3:hover > .headerlink, h1:hover > .headerlink, h6:hover > .headerlink, h4:hover > .headerlink, h5:hover > .headerlink, dt:hover > .elementid-permalink { visibility: visible }</style>
-<h2 id="why-get-involved-with-the-openoffice-project">Why get involved with the OpenOffice project?<a class="headerlink" href="#why-get-involved-with-the-openoffice-project" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
-<p>There are many motivations for why volunteers participate in an open source project
-like OpenOffice.  Some of the more common ones include:</p>
+<h2 id="zergatik-hartu-parte-openoffice-proiektuan">Zergatik hartu parte OpenOffice proiektuan?<a class="headerlink" href="#zergatik-hartu-parte-openoffice-proiektuan" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
+<p>Askok Apache OpenOffice eta Apache Software Fundazioari laguntzeko 
+<a href="">dohaintza txiki bat egin</a>ez pozik badaude ere, (ekarpen guztiak eskertzen ditugu), 
+erabiltzaile batzuek zerbait gehiago egin gura dute eta haien denbora edo/eta  ezaguera eskaintzen dituzte proiektua aurrera eramateko.</p>
+<p>Boluntarioek zio askorengatik hartzen dute parte OpenOffice-ren moduko kode irekiko proiektu batean. 
+Hurrengoak dira ohikoenetariko batzuk:</p>
-<li>To help reduce the "digital divide" by ensuring continued access to free 
-high-quality free productivity applications world-wide.</li>
-<li>To help bring the benefits of OpenOffice to you country or region</li>
-<li>To "give back" to open source</li>
-<li>To learn or practice a new skill</li>
-<li>To enhance a résumé or portfolio, showcasing the work you've done in this project</li>
-<li>To support a customer or other commercial venture that relies on OpenOffice</li>
-<li>To develop credentials for consulting work related to OpenOffice</li>
-<li>To bring something to OpenOffice that you've always wanted to see done</li>
-<li>To have fun, working with a close-knit international team of volunteers working
-on one of the oldest and most famous open source projects around.</li>
+<li>"Banaketa digitala" gutxitzen laguntzeko, mundu guztian kalitate handiko doako produktibitate-aplikazioak lortzea ziurtatuz.</li>
+<li>Haien nazio edo eskualdeetara OpenOffice-ren onurak eramaten laguntzeko.</li>
+<li>"Itzultzeko" zerbait kode irekiko proiektuei.</li>
+<li>Gaitasun berri bat lortu edo areagotzeko.</li>
+<li>Curriculum edo aurkezpen bat hobetzeko, proiektuan egindako lana ezagutaraziz.</li>
+<li>OpenOffice erabiltzen duen bezero edo enpresa bati laguntzeko.</li>
+<li>OpenOffice-rekin lotutako aholkularitza lanetarako egiaztagiriak lortzeko.</li>
+<li>OpenOffice-n beti egina ikustea nahi izan den zerbait bertan sartzeko.</li>
+<li>Ondo pasatzeko, munduan ospetsuen eta zaharrenetariko den kode irekiko proiektu batean nazioarteko harreman estuko boluntario-talde batekin lan eginez.</li>
-<h2 id="a-multidisciplinary-open-source-project">A multidisciplinary open source project<a class="headerlink" href="#a-multidisciplinary-open-source-project" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
-<p>You don't need to be a programmer to contribute to Apache OpenOffice. Our project 
-involves a large range of different skills, levels of involvement and degrees of 
-technical expertise. So, if you want to get involved in Apache OpenOffice, there 
-is almost certainly a role for you. </p>
-<p>We are looking for people to:</p>
+<h2 id="jakintza-alor-anitzeko-kode-irekiko-proiektua">Jakintza-alor anitzeko kode irekiko proiektua<a class="headerlink" href="#jakintza-alor-anitzeko-kode-irekiko-proiektua" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
+<p>Ez duzu programatzailea izan behar Apache OpenOffice-n laguntzeko. 
+Gure proiektuak trebetasun, inplikazio-maila eta esperientzia teknikoren gradu askoko pertsonak behar ditu.
+Beraz, Apache OpenOffice-n parte hartu gura baduzu, badago, ia ziur, zuretzako eginkizun bat. </p>
+<p>Hurrengo eginkizunak beteko dituzten pertsonen bila gabiltza:</p>
-<li>Write or update documentation</li>
-<li>Help support new users</li>
-<li>Test the program and report bugs</li>
-<li>Fix bugs</li>
-<li>Code new features</li>
-<li>Design artwork and other marketing materials</li>
-<li>Translate to different languages</li>
-<li>Maintain the website and develop new materials</li>
-<li>Promote OpenOffice and help explain its benefits</li>
-<li>anything you can see that needs doing</li>
+<li>Dokumentazioa Idatzi edo eguneratu</li>
+<li>Erabiltzaile berriei lagundu</li>
+<li>Programa aztertu eta akatsen berri eman</li>
+<li>Akatsak konpondu</li>
+<li>Kodean baliabide berriak sartu</li>
+<li>Artelanak eta beste marketin-tresna batzuk diseinatu</li>
+<li>Testuak beste hizkuntza batzuetara itzuli</li>
+<li>Webgunea mantendu eta garatu</li>
+<li>OpenOffice bultzatu, eta bere onurak azaltzen lagundu</li>
+<li>Egin behar dela ikusten den edozein gauza egin</li>
-<p>All of these contributions help to keep a project active and strengthen 
-the community. We welcome and encourage participation, and try to make it 
-as easy as possible for people to get involved. </p>
-<h2 id="how-to-get-started">How to get started<a class="headerlink" href="#how-to-get-started" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
-<p>OpenOffice is a large, complex open source project, with a culture developed over 
-many years as an independent project, combined with our experience at Apache.  </p>
-<p>If you are familiar with Apache-style open source 
-development then you might just jump in.  Subscribe to a relevant project <a href="">mailing list</a>
-and introduce yourself.  We'll help you get started. </p>
-<p>If, however, you are new to Apache, or want a more methodical approach to getting started, then we have a set 
-of graduated <a href="">New Volunteer Orientation Modules</a> designed 
-for new volunteers that takes you through a number of background topics related to Apache OpenOffice and how 
-we do things.</p>
-<p>Which path you take is up to you and is a matter of personal preference.  You can even do both.</p>
-<p>We also maintain a list of specific areas where we need volunteers on our 
-<a href="">Help Wanted</a> page of the wiki.</p>
-<p>If you are a student, looking to contribute to the project as part of your school work, please also see
-our <a href="/students.html">Advice for Students</a> page.</p>
+<p>Ekarpen horiek guztiek proiektua aktibo mantentzen eta komunitatea indartzen laguntzen dute. 
+Parte-hartzea onartzen eta sustatzen dugu, eta jendeak parte hartzea ahalik eta errazena izatean saiatzen gara.</p>
+<h2 id="zelan-hasi">Zelan hasi<a class="headerlink" href="#zelan-hasi" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
+<p>OpenOffice kode irekiko proiektu handi eta konplexu bat da, urte askotan zehar proiektu independente gisa 
+garatutako kultura batekin, eta Apache-ren esperientziarekin konbinatuta.  </p>
+<p>Apache-ren moduko kode irekiko garapen-lanen ezagutza baduzu, zuzenean sar zaitezke, 
+proiektu garrantzitsu baten <a href="">posta-zerrenda</a>
+batean harpidetu, eta zeure burua aurkeztu. Lagunduko dizugu martxan jartzen. </p>
+<p>Ordea, Apache ezagutzen ez baduzu, edo hasteko modu metodikoagoa nahi baduzu, 
+baditugu mailaz mailako <a href="">Boluntario berriei orientatzeko modulu</a> sorta bat,
+boluntario berrientzat diseinatuta eta Apache OpenOffice-ri eta bertan 
+lan egiteko moduari buruz oinarrizko informazioa ematen duena.</p>
+<p>Zein bide hartu, zuk erabakitzen duzu, hobespen pertsonalen kontua da. 
+Biak ere, erabil ditzakezu.</p>
+<p>Mantentzen dugu, halaber, boluntarioak behar ditugun arloez osatutako zerrenda bat gure Wiki-ren 
+<a href="">Laguntza behar dugu</a> orrialdean.</p></p>
+<p>Zure eskolako lanaren zati gisa proiektuan laguntzea nahi duen ikaslea bazara, 
+mesedez begira gure <a href="/students.html">Ikasleentzako aholkuak</a> orria ere.</p>
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