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Posted to by Daniel Hägg <> on 2002/09/18 13:24:31 UTC

WSDL2Java namespace problem

[Re-posted with new subject]

I am trying to develop a client for an existing SOAP server using Axis RC1.
I have a problem with complex return values. They all end up as null.

I have developed the client by trying to write a valid WSDL file and
running WSDL2Java. The SOAP server was invented before WSDL,
so I am making the WSDL file up as I go along.

When I step inside the binding stub (generated by WSDL2Java) I find that
the return value has been successfully decoded. It is contained in the Map
returned by _call.getOutputParams(). However, the binding stub uses an 
namespace when it tries to look up the return value in the Map, and the
return value is stored with the namespace "" as key. The 
result is that
the return value is not found and null is returned to my client 

How can I make the binding stub use the correct namespace?

The start of my WSDL file looks like this:

xmlns:http= ""
xmlns:soap= ""
xmlns:s= ""
xmlns:soapenc= ""
xmlns= "" >

<s:schema targetNamespace="">
  <s:complexType name="Entry">
  <s:element name="time" type="s:dateTime"/>
  <s:element name="configuration" type="s:string"/>

<message name="RequestBook">
<part name="Entry" type="s0:Entry"/>

<message name="BookResponse">
<part name="Entry" type="s0:Entry"/>

The SOAP response looks like this:

xmlns:xsd= ""
xmlns:xsi= ""
xmlns:SOAP-ENV= "" >
xmlns:SOAP-ENC= ""
SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle= "" >
 <Entry xsi:type="DAB:Entry">
  <time xsi:type="xsd:dateTime">2002-09-11T13:14:24Z</time>
  <configuration xsi:type="xsd:string"><![CDATA[Kalle]]></configuration>

Is there something wrong with the WSDL or is it a bug in WSDL2Java ?

/ Daniel