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[GitHub] [beam] reuvenlax commented on a change in pull request #10767: Document Beam Schemas

reuvenlax commented on a change in pull request #10767: Document Beam Schemas

 File path: website/src/documentation/
 @@ -1970,7 +1976,1076 @@ records.apply("WriteToText",
 See the [Beam-provided I/O Transforms]({{site.baseurl }}/documentation/io/built-in/)
 page for a list of the currently available I/O transforms.
-## 6. Data encoding and type safety {#data-encoding-and-type-safety}
+## 6. Schemas {#schemas}
+Often, the type of records being processed have an obvious structure. Common Beam sources produce
+JSON, Avro, Protocol Buffer, or database row objects; all of these types have well defined structures, 
+structures that can often be determined by examining the type. Even within a pipeline, Simple Java POJOs 
+(or  equivalent structures in other languages) are often used as intermediate types, and these also have a
+ clear structure that can be inferred by inspecting the class. By understanding the structure of a pipeline’s 
+ records, we can provide much more concise APIs for data processing.
+### 6.1. What is a schema {#what-is-a-schema}
+Most structured records share some common characteristics: 
+* They can be subdivided into separate named fields. Fields usually have string names, but sometimes - as in the case of indexed
+ tuples - have numerical indices instead.
+* There is a confined list of primitive types that a field can have. These often match primitive types in most programming 
+ languages: int, long, string, etc.
+* Often a field type can be marked as optional (sometimes referred to as nullable) or required.
+In addition, often records have a nested structure. A nested structure occurs when a field itself has subfields so the 
+type of the field itself has a schema. Fields that are  array or map types is also a common feature of these structured 
+For example, consider the following schema, representing actions in a fictitious e-commerce company:
+  <thead>
+    <tr class="header">
+      <th><b>Field Name</b></th>
+      <th><b>Field Type</b></th>
+    </tr>
+  </thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <td>userId</td>
+      <td>STRING</td>      
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>itemId</td>
+      <td>INT64</td>      
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>shippingAddress</td>
+      <td>ROW(ShippingAddress)</td>      
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>cost</td>
+      <td>INT64</td>      
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>transactions</td>
+      <td>ARRAY[ROW(Transaction)]</td>      
+    </tr>                  
+  </tbody>
+  <thead>
+    <tr class="header">
+      <th><b>Field Name</b></th>
+      <th><b>Field Type</b></th>
+    </tr>
+  </thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <td>streetAddress</td>
+      <td>STRING</td>      
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>city</td>
+      <td>STRING</td>      
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>state</td>
+      <td>nullable STRING</td>      
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>country</td>
+      <td>STRING</td>      
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>postCode</td>
+      <td>STRING</td>      
+    </tr>                  
+  </tbody>
+  <thead>
+    <tr class="header">
+      <th><b>Field Name</b></th>
+      <th><b>Field Type</b></th>
+    </tr>
+  </thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <td>bank</td>
+      <td>STRING</td>      
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>purchaseAmount</td>
+      <td>DOUBLE</td>      
+    </tr>                  
+  </tbody>
+Purchase event records are represented by the aove purchase schema. Each purchase event contains a shipping address, which
+is a nested row containing its own schema. Each purchase also contains a list of credit-card transactions 
+(a list, because a purchase might be split across multiple credit cards); each item in the transaction list is a row 
+with its own schema.
+This provides an abstract description of the types involved, one that is abstracted away from any specific programming 
+Schemas provide us a type-system for Beam records that is independent of any specific programming-language type. There
+might be multiple Java classes that all have the same schema (for example a Protocol-Buffer class or a POJO class),
+and Beam will allow us to seamlessly convert between these types. Schemas also provide a simple way to reason about 
+types across different programming-language APIs.
+A `PCollection` with a schema does not need to have a `Coder` specified, as Beam knows how to encode and decode 
+Schema rows.
+### 6.2. Schemas for programming language types {#schemas-for-pl-types}
+While schemas themselves are language independent, they are designed to embed naturally into the programming languages
+of the Beam SDK being used. This allows Beam users to continue using native types while reaping the advantage of 
+having Beam understand their element schemas.
+ {:.language-java}
+ In Java you could use the following set of classes to represent the purchase schema.  Beam will automatically  
+ infer the correct schema based on the members of the class.
+public class Purchase {
+  public String getUserId();  // Returns the id of the user who made the purchase.
+  public long getItemId();  // Returns the identifier of the item that was purchased.
+  public ShippingAddress getShippingAddress();  // Returns the shipping address, a nested type.
+  public long getCostCents();  // Returns the cost of the item.
+  public List<Transaction> getTransactions();  // Returns the transactions that paid for this purchase (returns a list, since the purchase might be spread out over multiple credit cards).
+  @SchemaCreate
+  public Purchase(String userId, long itemId, ShippingAddress shippingAddress, long costCents, 
+                  List<Transaction> transactions) {
+      ...
+  }
+public class ShippingAddress {
+  public String getStreetAddress();
+  public String getCity();
+  @Nullable public String getState();
+  public String getCountry();
+  public String getPostCode();
+  @SchemaCreate
+  public ShippingAddress(String streetAddress, String city, @Nullable String state, String country,
+                         String postCode) {
+     ...
+  }
+public class Transaction {
+  public String getBank();
+  public double getPurchaseAmount();
+  @SchemaCreate
+  public Transaction(String bank, double purchaseAmount) {
+     ...
+  }
+Using JavaBean classes as above is one way to map a schema to Java classes. However multiple Java classes might have
+the same schema, in which case the different Java types can often be used interchangeably. For example, the above
+`Transaction` class has the same schema as the following class:
+public class TransactionPojo {
+  public String bank;
+  public double purchaseAmount;
+So if we had two `PCollection`s as follows
+PCollection<Transaction> transactionBeans = readTransactionsAsJavaBean();
+PCollection<TransactionPojos> transactionPojos = readTransactionsAsPojo();
+Then these two `PCollection`s would have the same schema, even though their Java types would be different. This means
+for example the the following two code snippets are valid:
+transactionBeans.apply(ParDo.of(new DoFn<...>() {
+   @ProcessElement public void process(@Element TransactionPojo pojo) {
+      ...
+   }
+transactionPojos.apply(ParDo.of(new DoFn<...>() {
+   @ProcessElement public void process(@Element Transaction row) {
+    }
+EEven though the in both cases the `@Element` parameter differs from the the `PCollection`'s Java type, since the
+schemas are the same Beam will automatically make the conversion. The built-in `Convert` transform can also be used
+to translate between Java types of equivalent schemas, as detailed below.
+### 6.3. Schema definition {#schema-definition}
+The schema for a `PCollection` defines elements of that `PCollection` as an ordered list of named fields. Each field
+has a name, a type, and possibly a set of user options. The type of a field can be primitive or composite. The following
+are the primitive types currently supported by Beam:
+  <thead>
+    <tr class="header">
+      <th>Type</th>
+      <th>Description</th>
+    </tr>
+  </thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <td>BYTE</td>
+      <td>An 8-bit signed value</td>
+    </tr>
+     <tr>
+       <td>INT16</td>
+       <td>A 16-bit signed value</td>
+     </tr>
+     <tr>
+       <td>INT32</td>
+       <td>A 32-bit signed value</td>
+     </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>INT64</td>
+       <td>A 64-bit signed value</td>
+     </tr>
+     <tr>
+       <td>DECIMAL</td>
+       <td>An arbitrary-precision decimal type</td>
+     </tr>
+     <tr>
+       <td>FLOAT</td>
+       <td>A 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point number</td>
+     </tr>
+     <tr>
+       <td>DOUBLE</td>
+       <td>A 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point number</td>
+     </tr>
+     <tr>
+       <td>STRING</td>
+       <td>A string</td>
+     </tr>
+     <tr>
+       <td>DATETIME</td>
+       <td>A timestamp represented as milliseconds since the epoch</td>
+     </tr>  
+     <tr>
+       <td>BOOLEAN</td>
+       <td>A boolean value</td>
+     </tr>
+     <tr>
+       <td>BYTES</td>
+       <td>A raw byte array</td>
+     </tr>             
+  </tbody>
+A field can also reference a nested schema. In this case, the field will have type ROW, and the nested schema will 
+be an attribute of this field type.
+Three collection types are supported as field types: ARRAY, ITERABLE and MAP:
+* **ARRAY** This represents a repeated value type, where the repeated elements can have any supported type. Arrays of 
+nested rows are supported, as are arrays of arrays.
+* **ITERABLE** This is very similar to the array type, it represents a repeated value, but one in which the full list of 
+items is not known until iterated over. This is intended for the case where an iterable might be larger than the 
+available memory, and backed by external storage (for example, this can happen with the iterable returned by a 
+`GroupByKey`). The repeated elements can have any supported type.
+* **MAP** This represents an associative map from keys to values. All schema types are supported for both keys and values.
+ Values that contain map types cannot be used as keys in any grouping operation.
+### 6.4. Logical types {#logical-types}
+Users can extend the schema type system to add custom logical types that can be used as a field. A logical type is 
+identified by a unique identifier and an argument. A logical type also specifies an underlying schema type to be used 
+for storage, along with conversions to and from that type. As an example, a logical union can always be represented as 
+a row with nullable fields, where the user ensures that only one of those fields is ever set at a time. However this can
+be tedious and complex to manage. The OneOf logical type provides a value class that makes it easier to manage the type
+as a union, while still using a row with nullable fields as its underlying storage. Each logical type also has a 
+unique identifier, so they can be interpreted by other languages as well. More examples of logical types are listed 
+#### 6.4.1. Defining a logical type {#defining-a-logical-type}
+To define a logical type you must specify a Schema type to be used to represent the underlying type as well as a unique
+identifier for that type. A logical type imposes additional semantics on top a schema type. For example, a logical 
+type to represent nanosecond timestamps is represented as a schema containing an INT64 and an INT32 field. This schema
+alone does not say anything about how to interpret this type, however the logical type tells you that this represents
+a nanosecond timestamp, with the INT64 field representing seconds and the INT32 field representing nanoseconds.
+Logical types are also specified by an argument, which allows creating a class of related typed. For example, a 
+limited-precision decimal type would have an integer argument indicating how many digits of precision are represented.
+The argument is represented by a schema type, so can itself be a complex type.
+ {:.language-java}
+In Java, a logical type is specified as a subclass of the `LogicalType` class. A custom Java class can be specified to 
+represent the logical type and conversion functions must be supplied to convert back and forth between this Java class
+and the underlying Schema type representation. For example, the logical type representing nanosecond timestamp might
+be implemented as follows
+// A Logical type using java.time.Instant to represent the logical type.
+public class TimestampNanos implements LogicalType<Instant, Row> {
+  // The underlying schema used to represent rows.
+  private final Schema SCHEMA = Schema.builder().addInt64Field("seconds").addInt32Field("nanos").build();
+  @Override public String getIdentifier() { return "timestampNanos"; }
+  @Override public FieldType getBaseType() { return schema; }
+  // Convert the representation type to the underlying Row type. Called by Beam when necessary.
+  @Override public Row toBaseType(Instant instant) {
+    return Row.withSchema(schema).addValues(instant.getEpochSecond(), instant.getNano()).build();
+  }
+  // Convert the underlying Row type to and Instant. Called by Beam when necessary.
+  @Override public Instant toInputType(Row base) {
+    return Instant.of(row.getInt64("seconds"), row.getInt32("nanos"));
+  }
+     ...
+#### 6.4.2. Useful logical types {#built-in-logical-types}
+##### **EnumerationType**
+EnumerationType allows creating an enumeration type consisting of a set of named constants.
+Schema schema = Schema.builder()
+               …
+     .addLogicalTypeField(“color”, EnumerationType.create(“RED”, “GREEN”, “BLUE”))
+     .build();
+The value of this field is stored in the row as an INT32 type, however the logical type defines a value type that lets 
+you access the enumeration either as a string or a value. For example:
+EnumerationType.Value enumValue = enumType.valueOf(“RED”);
+enumValue.getValue();  // Returns 0, the integer value of the constant.
+enumValue.toString();  // Returns “RED”, the string value of the constant
+Given a row object with an enumeration field, you can also extract the field as the enumeration value.
+EnumerationType.Value enumValue = row.getLogicalTypeValue(“color”, EnumerationType.Value.class);
+Automatic schema inference from Java POJOs and JavaBeans automatically converts Java enums to EnumerationType logical 
+##### **OneOfType**
+OneOfType allows creating a disjoint union type over a set of schema fields. For example:
+Schema schema = Schema.builder()
+               …
+     .addLogicalTypeField(“oneOfField”, 
+        OneOfType.create(Field.of(“intField”, FieldType.INT32),
+                         Field.of(“stringField”, FieldType.STRING),
+                         Field.of(“bytesField”, FieldType.BYTES)))
+      .build();
+The value of this field is stored in the row as another Row type, where all the fields are marked as nullable. The 
+logical type however defines a Value object that contains an enumeration value indicating which field was set and allows
+ getting just that field:
+// Returns an enumeration indicating all possible case values for the enum.
+// For the above example, this will be 
+// EnumerationType.create(“intField”, “stringField”, “bytesField”);
+EnumerationType oneOfEnum = onOfType.getCaseEnumType();
+// Creates an instance of the union with the string field set.
+OneOfType.Value oneOfValue = oneOfType.createValue(“stringField”, “foobar”);
+// Handle the oneof
+switch (oneOfValue.getCaseEnumType().toString()) {
+  case “intField”:  
+    return processInt(oneOfValue.getValue(Integer.class));
+  case “stringField”:
+    return processString(oneOfValue.getValue(String.class));
+  case “bytesField”:
+    return processBytes(oneOfValue.getValue(bytes[].class));
+In the above example we used the field names in the switch statement for clarity, however the enum integer values could
+ also be used.
+### 6.5. Creating Schemas {#creating-schemas}
+In order to take advantage of schemas, your `PCollection`s must have a schema attached to it. Often, the source 
+itself will attach a schema to the PCollection. For example, when using `AvroIO` to read Avro files, the source can
+automatically infer a Beam schema from the Avro schema and attach that to the Beam `PCollection`. However not all sources 
+produce schemas. In addition, often Beam pipelines have intermediate stages and types, and those also can benefit from
+the expressiveness of schemas.
+#### 6.5.1. Inferring schemas {#inferring-schemas}
+Beam is able to infer schemas from a variety of common Java types. The `@DefaultSchema` annotation can be used to tell
+Beam to infer schemas from a specific type. The annotation takes a `SchemaProvider` as an argument, and `SchemaProvider` 
+classes are already built in for common Java types. The `SchemaRegistry` can also be invoked programmatically for cases 
+where it is not practical to annotate the Java type itself.
+##### **Java POJOs**
+A POJO (Plain Old Java Object) is a Java object that is not bound by any restriction other than the Java Language 
+Specification. A POJO can contain member variables that are primitives, that are other POJOs, or are collections maps or
+arrays thereof. POJOs do not have to extend prespecified classes or extend any specific interfaces.
+If a POJO class is annotated with `@DefaultSchema(JavaFieldSchema.class)`, Beam will automatically infer a schema for 
+this class. Nested classes are supported as are classes with `List`, array, and `Map` fields.
+For example, annotating the following class tells Beam to infer a schema from this POJO class and apply it to any 
+public class TransactionPojo {
+  public final String bank;
+  public final double purchaseAmount;
+  @SchemaCreate
+  public TransactionPojo(String bank, double purchaseAmount) {
+ = bank.
+    this.purchaseAmount = purchaseAmount;
+  }
+// Beam will automatically infer the correct schema for this PCollection. No coder is needed as a result.
+PCollection<TransactionPojo> pojos = readPojos();
+The `@SchemaCreate` annotation tells Beam that this constructor can be used to create instances of TransactionPojo, 
+assuming that constructor parameters have the same names as the field names. `@SchemaCreate` can also be used to annotate
+static factory methods on the class, allowing the constructor to remain private. If there is no `@SchemaCreate`
+ annotation then all the fields must be non-final and the class must have a zero-argument constructor.
+There are a couple of other useful annotations that affect how Beam infers schemas. By default the schema field names 
+inferred will match that of the class field names. However `@SchemaFieldName` can be used to specify a different name to
+be used for the schema field. `@SchemaIgnore` can be used to mark specific class fields as excluded from the inferred
+schema. For example, it’s common to have ephemeral fields in a class that should not be included in a schema 
+(e.g. caching the hash value to prevent expensive recomputation of the hash), and `@SchemaIgnore` can be used to
+exclude these fields.
+In some cases it is not convenient to annotate the POJO class, for example if the POJO is in a different package that is
+not owned by the Beam pipeline author. In these cases the schema inference can be triggered programmatically in 
+pipeline’s main function as follows:
+ pipeline.getSchemaRegistry().registerPOJO(TransactionPOJO.class); 
+##### **Java Beans**
+Java Beans are a de-facto standard for creating reusable property classes in Java. While the full 
+standard has many characteristics, the key ones are that all properties are accessed via getter and setter classes, and 
+the name format for these getters and setters is standardized. A Java Bean class can be annotated with 
+`@DefaultSchema(JavaBeanSchema.class)` and Beam will automatically infer a schema for this class. For example:
+public class TransactionBean {
+  public TransactionBean() { … } 
+  public String getBank() { … }
+  public void setBank(String bank) { … }
+  public double getPurchaseAmount() { … }
+  public void setPurchaseAmount(double purchaseAmount) { … }
+// Beam will automatically infer the correct schema for this PCollection. No coder is needed as a result.
+PCollection<TransactionBean> beans = readBeans();
+The `@SchemaCreate` annotation can be used to specify a constructor or a static factory method, in which case the 
+setters and zero-argument constructor can be omitted.
+public class TransactionBean {
+  @SchemaCreate
+  Public TransactionBean(String bank, double purchaseAmount) { … }
+  public String getBank() { … }
+  public double getPurchaseAmount() { … }
+`@SchemaFieldName` and `@SchemaIgnore` can be used to alter the schema inferred, just like with POJO classes.
+##### AutoValue
+Java value classes are notoriously difficult to generate correctly. There is a lot of boilerplate you must create in 
+order to properly implement a value class. AutoValue is a popular framework for easily generating such classes by i
+mplementing a simple abstract base class.
+Beam can infer a schema from an AutoValue class. For example:
+public abstract class TransactionValue {
+  public abstract String getBank(); 
+  public abstract double getPurchaseAmount();
+This is all that’s needed to generate a simple AutoValue class, and the above `@DefaultSchema` annotation tells Beam to
+infer a schema from it. This also allows AutoValue elements to be used inside of `PCollection`s.
+`@SchemaFieldName` and `@SchemaIgnore` can be used to alter the schema inferred.
+### 6.6. Using Schemas {#using-schemas}
+A schema on a `PCollection` enables a rich variety of relational transforms. The fact that each record is composed of
+named fields allows for simple and readable aggregations that reference fields by name, similar to the aggregations in
+a SQL expression. 
+#### 6.6.1. Field selection syntax
+The advantage of schemas is that they allow referencing of element fields by name. Beam provides a selection syntax for
+referencing fields, including nested and repeated fields. This syntax is used by all of the schema transforms when 
+referencing the fields they operate on. The syntax can also be used inside of a DoFn to specify which schema fields to
+Addressing fields by name still retains type safety as Beam will check that schemas match at the time the pipeline graph
+is constructed. If a field is specified that does not exist in the schema, the pipeline will fail to launch. In addition,
+if a field is specified with a type that does not match the type of that field in the schema, the pipeline will fail to
+##### **Top-level fields**
+In order to select a field at the top level of a schema, the name of the field is specified. For example, to select just
+the user ids from a `PCollection` of purchases one would write (using the `Select` transform)
+##### **Nested fields**
+Individual nested fields can be specified using the dot operator. For example, to select just the postal code from the
+ shipping address one would write
+##### **Wildcards**
+The * operator can be specified at any nesting level to represent all fields at that level. For example, to select all
+shipping-address fields one would write
+##### **Arrays**
+An array field, where the array element type is a row, can also have subfields of the element type addressed. When 
+selected, the result is an array of the selected subfield type. For example
+Will result in a row containing an array field with element-type string, containing the list of banks for each 
+While the use of  [] brackets in the selector is recommended, to make it clear that array elements are being selected, 
+they can be omitted for brevity. In the future, array slicing will be supported, allowing selection of portions of the 
+##### **Maps**
+A map field, where the value type is a row, can also have subfields of the value type addressed. When selected, the 
+result is a map where the keys are the same as in the original map but the value is the specified type. Similar to 
+arrays, the use of {} curly brackets in the selector is recommended, to make it clear that map value elements are being 
+selected, they can be omitted for brevity. In the future, map key selectors will be supported, allowing selection of 
+specific keys from the map.
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