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Posted to by "Darryl L. Pierce" <> on 2011/07/11 14:43:15 UTC

[PATCH 09/11] Created the Connection class and its unit tests.

From: "Darryl L. Pierce" <>

The Connection class is packaged as follows:

 qpid/cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/lib/qpid.rb            |    1 +
 qpid/cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/lib/qpid/connection.rb |  134 ++++++++++
 .../cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/test/test_connection.rb |  257 ++++++++++++++++++++
 qpid/cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/test/ts_bindings.rb    |    1 +
 4 files changed, 393 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 qpid/cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/lib/qpid/connection.rb
 create mode 100644 qpid/cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/test/test_connection.rb

diff --git a/qpid/cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/lib/qpid.rb b/qpid/cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/lib/qpid.rb
index 65e6393..1f00c13 100644
--- a/qpid/cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/lib/qpid.rb
+++ b/qpid/cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/lib/qpid.rb
@@ -25,4 +25,5 @@ require 'qpid/message'
 require 'qpid/sender'
 require 'qpid/receiver'
 require 'qpid/session'
+require 'qpid/connection'
diff --git a/qpid/cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/lib/qpid/connection.rb b/qpid/cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/lib/qpid/connection.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c56c1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qpid/cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/lib/qpid/connection.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+require 'cqpid'
+module Qpid
+  module Messaging
+    # Connection allows for establishing connections to a remote endpoint.
+    class Connection
+      # The following general options are supported (as strings or symbols):
+      #
+      # username::
+      # password::
+      # heartbeat::
+      # tcp_nodelay::
+      # sasl_mechanism::
+      # sasl_service::
+      # sasl_min_ssf::
+      # sasl_max_ssf::
+      # transport::
+      #
+      # The following options specifically control reconnection behavior:
+      #
+      # reconnect:: *true* or *false*; indicates whether to attempt reconnections
+      # reconnect_timeout:: the number of seconds to attempt reconnecting
+      # reconnect_limit:: the number of retries before reporting failure
+      # reconnect_interval_min:: initial delay, in seconds, before attempting a reconnecting
+      # reconnect_interval_max:: number of seconds to wait before additional reconnect attempts
+      # reconnect_interval:: shorthand for setting box min and max values
+      # reconnect_urls:: a list of alternate URLs to use for reconnection attempts
+      def initialize(url, options = {}, connection_impl = nil)
+        @url = url
+        @connection_impl = connection_impl
+        @options = options
+      end
+      def connection_impl # :nodoc:
+        @connection_impl
+      end
+      # Opens the connection.
+      def open
+        @connection_impl =, convert_options)
+      end
+      # Reports whether the connection is open.
+      def open?; false || (@connection_impl.isOpen if @connection_impl); end
+      # Closes the connection.
+      def close; @connection_impl.close if open?; end
+      # Creates a new session.
+      #
+      # If :transactional => true then a transactional session is created.
+      # Otherwise a standard session is created.
+      def create_session(args = {})
+        name = args[:name] || ""
+        if open?
+          if args[:transactional]
+            session = @connection_impl.createTransactionalSession name
+          else
+            session = @connection_impl.createSession name
+          end
+          return
+        else
+          raise "No connection available."
+        end
+      end
+      # Returns a session for the specified session name.
+      def session name
+        session_impl = @connection_impl.getSession name
+ session_impl if session_impl
+      end
+      # Returns the username used to authenticate with the connection.
+      def authenticated_username; @connection_impl.getAuthenticatedUsername if open?; end
+      # inherited from Handle
+      # Returns whether the underlying handle is valid; i.e., not null.
+      def valid?
+        @connection_impl.isValid
+      end
+      # Returns whether the underlying handle is null.
+      def null?
+        @connection_impl.isNull
+      end
+      # Swaps the underlying connection handle.
+      def swap connection
+        @connection_impl.swap connection.connection_impl
+      end
+      private
+      def convert_options
+        result = {}
+        # map only those options defined in the C++ layer
+        # TODO when new options are added, this needs to be updated.
+        unless @options.nil? || @options.empty?
+          @options.each_pair {|key, value| result[key.to_s] = value.to_s}
+        end
+        return result
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/qpid/cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/test/test_connection.rb b/qpid/cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/test/test_connection.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..648fb05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qpid/cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/test/test_connection.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib")
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'flexmock/test_unit'
+require 'cqpid'
+require 'qpid/connection'
+class TestConnection < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def setup
+    @connection_impl       = flexmock("connection_impl")
+    @other_connection      = flexmock("other_connection")
+    @other_connection_impl = flexmock("other_connection_impl")
+    @cqpid_connection      = flexmock(Cqpid::Connection)
+    @session      = flexmock("session")
+    @session_name = "test-session"
+    @url     = "localhost"
+    @options = {}
+    @connection =, @options, @connection_impl)
+  end
+  def test_create_with_username_and_password
+    @cqpid_connection.
+      should_receive(:new).
+      once.with("localhost",
+                {"username" => "username",
+                  "password" => "password"}).
+      and_return(@connection_impl)
+    @connection_impl.
+      should_receive(:open).
+      once
+    result ="localhost",
+                                             :username => "username",
+                                             :password => "password")
+    assert_same @connection_impl, result.connection_impl
+  end
+  def test_create_with_hostname
+    result ="localhost")
+    assert_not_nil result
+  end
+  def test_open
+    @cqpid_connection.
+      should_receive(:new).
+      once.
+      with(@url, {}).
+      and_return(@connection_impl)
+    @connection_impl.
+      should_receive(:open).
+      once
+    assert_same @connection_impl, @connection.connection_impl
+  end
+  def test_check_open_when_open
+    @connection_impl.
+      should_receive(:isOpen).
+      once.
+      and_return(true)
+    assert
+  end
+  def test_check_open_before_connection
+    result ="hostname")
+    assert !
+  end
+  def test_check_open_when_closed
+    @connection_impl.
+      should_receive(:isOpen).
+      once.
+      and_return(false)
+    assert !
+  end
+  def test_close_an_unopened_session
+    @connection_impl.
+      should_receive(:isOpen).
+      once.
+      and_return(false)
+    @connection.close
+  end
+  def test_close
+    @connection_impl.
+      should_receive(:isOpen).
+      once.
+      and_return(true).
+      should_receive(:close).
+      once
+    @connection.close
+  end
+  def test_create_session_without_name
+    @connection_impl.
+      should_receive(:isOpen).
+      once.
+      and_return(true).
+      should_receive(:createSession).
+      once.
+      with("").
+      and_return(@session)
+    result = @connection.create_session
+    assert_not_nil result
+    assert_same @session, result.session_impl
+  end
+  def test_create_session
+    @connection_impl.
+      should_receive(:isOpen).
+      once.
+      and_return(true).
+      should_receive(:createSession).
+      once.
+      with(@session_name).
+      and_return(@session)
+    result = @connection.create_session :name => @session_name
+    assert_not_nil result
+    assert_same @session, result.session_impl
+  end
+  def test_create_session_raises_exception_when_closed
+    @connection_impl.
+      should_receive(:isOpen).
+      once.
+      and_return(false)
+    assert_raise(RuntimeError) {@connection.create_session @session_name}
+  end
+  def test_create_transactional_session
+    @connection_impl.
+      should_receive(:isOpen).
+      once.
+      and_return(true).
+      should_receive(:createTransactionalSession).
+      once.
+      with("").
+      and_return(@session)
+    result = @connection.create_session :transactional => true
+    assert_not_nil result
+    assert_same @session, result.session_impl
+  end
+  def test_authenticated_username_when_not_connected
+    @connection_impl.
+      should_receive(:isOpen).
+      once.
+      and_return(false)
+    result = @connection.authenticated_username
+    assert_nil result
+  end
+  def test_authenticated_username
+    @connection_impl.
+      should_receive(:isOpen).
+      once.
+      and_return(true).
+      should_receive(:getAuthenticatedUsername).
+      once.
+      and_return("farkle")
+    result = @connection.authenticated_username
+    assert_equal "farkle", result
+  end
+  def test_get_session_with_invalid_name
+    @connection_impl.
+      should_receive(:getSession).
+      once.
+      with(@session_name).
+      and_return(nil)
+    result = @connection.session @session_name
+    assert_nil result
+  end
+  # APIs inherited from Handle
+  def test_is_valid
+    @connection_impl.
+      should_receive(:isValid).
+      once.
+      and_return(true)
+    assert @connection.valid?
+  end
+  def test_is_null
+    @connection_impl.
+      should_receive(:isNull).
+      once.
+      and_return(false)
+    assert !@connection.null?
+  end
+  def test_swap
+    @other_connection.
+      should_receive(:connection_impl).
+      once.
+      and_return(@other_connection_impl)
+    @connection_impl.
+      should_receive(:swap).
+      once.
+      with(@other_connection_impl)
+    @connection.swap @other_connection
+  end
diff --git a/qpid/cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/test/ts_bindings.rb b/qpid/cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/test/ts_bindings.rb
index 4d3b906..7aa410c 100644
--- a/qpid/cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/test/ts_bindings.rb
+++ b/qpid/cpp/bindings/qpid/ruby/test/ts_bindings.rb
@@ -26,4 +26,5 @@ require 'test_message'
 require 'test_sender'
 require 'test_receiver'
 require 'test_session'
+require 'test_connection'

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation