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Posted to by Ken Williams <> on 2000/11/05 05:51:13 UTC

ANNOUNCE: Apache::Filter


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/K/KW/KWILLIAMS/Apache-Filter-1.013.tar.gz
  size: 25569 bytes
   md5: e022ef5a8c526e04d0f25f9efe7de8ba

I decided that Apache::Filter had to change its interface or be forever
stuck against the roadblocks it's been stuck against for a while.  So
there's a big implementation change in this version, and a small
interface change.

Version: 1.013  Date: 2000/11/05 04:37:10
   Cleaned up new implementation begun in 1.012.  Revised documentation
   Added overloaded method for $r->print().

Version: 1.012  Date: 2000/09/07 05:17:27
   (not released publically)
   Major reorganization of code in Apache::Filter.  Now Apache::Filter is
   a subclass of Apache, which allows much smoother overriding of the
   functionality that needs to be changed for filtering.  In particular,
   send_http_headers() and send_fd() behave well now.
   Added new filter_register() method, which must always be called.
   filter_input() isn't necessary anymore when you don't actually need
   the input filehandle it returns.

Thanks much to Geoffrey Young, who helped discuss ideas for the code
changes and helped prod me along when I dragged my feet. =)

  -------------------                            -------------------
  Ken Williams                             Last Bastion of Euclidity                            The Math Forum