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Posted to by Darren Blackett <> on 2005/06/01 19:06:24 UTC

RE: RE:ASP.NET Blocking Problem


Sorry to reply from a different address but I'm at home now :-)


I'm logging to a sql database using the standard sql appender.  I can't use
the buffering as I need to guarantee that the entry has been posted to the
database before I move on to do the actual code (can't have the buffer being
cleared halfway through due to the app domain dying).  I'll be doing some
changes in the code to support this at some point in the future.


Appender config is.


    <appender name="HxAuditDBAppender" type="Logging.log4net.XXDBAppender,
Logging.log4net, Version=1.0 " >

        <param name="ConnectionString"
ID=xxxxxxxxxxxx;Password=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; " />

        <param name="BufferSize" value="1" />



The XXDBAppender just inherits form the sqlappender class and sets up some
stored proc parameters.


The problem doesn't actually seem to be that the database call is taking a
long time as it isn't.  It's just that when you've got 300 threads coming in
and all wanting to log the pile up in the call as it goes through the
appender code.



Could you post your <appender> node for us. What database are you
logging to? 
According the documentation for 1.2.9 beta, there is a property called
bufferSize which writes statements to the database in batches:
 <bufferSize value="100" />
A similiar property exists in 1.2.0 beta 8.
Its very common to declare your loggers like this:
private static readonly log4net.ILog log =
System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType );
I don't think creating a new instance of a logger for each request is
the most efficient way to do things.
--- wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using log4net in an application to log page hits to a
> database.  It's working really well, however, whilst recently doing
> some
> performance testing of 200+ clients I discovered that I was blocking
> which was seriously hitting my performance (halving the number of
> requests per second).  The block was in the lock in
> AppenderSkeleton.DoAppend.  It would appear that all of my
> requests are coming and hitting using the same instance of the logger
> which ultimately ends up waiting for the appenders to run through. 
> What
> is happening is that I'm creating a choke point around my database
> calls
> which is seriously costing me.
> I'm creating the logger in the standard fashion in a HTTP Module
> (although not into a static instance), although if I understand the
> code
> correctly I would always end up with the same logger objects as the
> wrappermap in the logmanager is static.  
> My question is; is there anyway of getting the logmanager to create
> me a
> new instance of my loggers?  Or of not sharing the loggers with every
> other thread in the appdomain?  I'm using quite an old version of
> log4net (1.2.0 beta8), however, I can't see any massive difference in
> the way the logmanager works in the latest version - however, if the
> answer is, go and try the latest version then this is something I'll
> have to think about :).
> Alternatively, have I done something really daft in the way I've
> instantiated this?  Is there something in the config which would
> solve
> my problem?
> Any help gratefully received.
> Cheers,
> Darren