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Posted to by Andrew Grieve <> on 2014/06/26 16:51:44 UTC

Chrome App Developer Tool for Mobile

Chrome team has a new toy if anyone wants to try it out!

Chrome App Developer Tool is a downstream version of cordova-app-harness

Any mobile Chrome App or Cordova app that uses CCA plugins or core Cordova
plugins should work with it.

Instructions are here:

Notable cool things:
- Uses Crosswalk on Android! Great way to try out the new webview.
- Incremental pushes take ~200ms on average
- Relaunching your app does not cause remote web inspector to close
- Use "cca push --watch" to auto-push on changes (doesn't run prepare for
you for Cordova projects though)

Pre-built apks for Android, but for iOS you'll need to build it yourself.
