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[GitHub] zihaolucky closed pull request #9195: [WIP]NCE loss gluon

zihaolucky closed pull request #9195: [WIP]NCE loss gluon

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diff --git a/example/gluon/sampler/ b/example/gluon/sampler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0e5ebe5923c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/gluon/sampler/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# coding: utf-8
+# pylint: skip-file
+import mxnet.ndarray as nd
+import numpy as np
+from mxnet.test_utils import verify_generator
+class AliasMethodSampler(object):
+    """ The Alias Method: Efficient Sampling with Many Discrete Outcomes.
+    Can be use in NCELoss.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    K : int
+        Number of events.
+    probs : array
+        Probability of each events, corresponds to K.
+    References
+    -----------
+    """
+    def __init__(self, F, K, probs):
+        if K != len(probs):
+            raise ValueError("K should be equal to len(probs). K:%d, len(probs):%d" % (K, len(probs)))
+        self.K = K
+        self.prob = F.zeros(K)
+        self.alias = F.zeros(K).astype('int32')
+        # Sort the data into the outcomes with probabilities
+        # that are larger and smaller than 1/K.
+        smaller = []
+        larger = []
+        for kk, prob in enumerate(probs):
+            self.prob[kk] = K * prob
+            if self.prob[kk] < 1.0:
+                smaller.append(kk)
+            else:
+                larger.append(kk)
+        # Loop though and create little binary mixtures that
+        # appropriately allocate the larger outcomes over the
+        # overall uniform mixture.
+        while len(smaller) > 0 and len(larger) > 0:
+            small = smaller.pop()
+            large = larger.pop()
+            self.alias[small] = large
+            self.prob[large] = (self.prob[large] - 1.0) + self.prob[small]
+            if self.prob[large] < 1.0:
+                smaller.append(large)
+            else:
+                larger.append(large)
+        for last_one in smaller + larger:
+            self.prob[last_one] = 1
+    def draw(self, F, n):
+        """Draw N samples from multinomial
+        """
+        samples = F.zeros(n, dtype='int32')
+        kk = F.floor(F.random.uniform(0, self.K, n)).astype('int32')
+        rand = F.random.uniform(0, 1, n)
+        prob = self.prob[kk]
+        alias = self.alias[kk]
+        for i in xrange(n):
+            if rand[i] < prob[i]:
+                samples[i] = kk[i]
+            else:
+                samples[i] = alias[i]
+        return samples
+def speed():
+    # use numpy
+    import time
+    import numpy.random as npr
+    K = 500
+    N = 10000
+    # Get a random probability vector.
+    probs = npr.dirichlet(np.ones(K), 1).ravel()
+    # Construct the table.
+    elaps = []
+    F = nd
+    alias_method_sampler = AliasMethodSampler(F, K, probs)
+    for i in range(100):
+        start = time.time()
+        X = alias_method_sampler.draw(F, N)
+        time_elaps = time.time() - start
+        elaps.append(time_elaps)
+    print(
+        'Use NDArray. Avg:%.2f ms, Min:%.2f ms, Max:%.2f ms, Std:%.2f ms'
+        % (np.average(elaps), np.min(elaps), np.max(elaps), np.std(elaps)))
+    # Construct the table.
+    elaps = []
+    F = nd
+    alias_method_sampler = AliasMethodSampler(F, K, probs)
+    for i in range(100):
+        start = time.time()
+        X = alias_method_sampler.draw(F, N)
+        time_elaps = time.time() - start
+        elaps.append(time_elaps)
+    print(
+        'Use Numpy. Avg:%.2f ms, Min:%.2f ms, Max:%.2f ms, Std:%.2f ms'
+        % (np.average(elaps), np.min(elaps), np.max(elaps), np.std(elaps)))
+def chi_square_test():
+    probs = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.05, 0.15, 0.2]
+    buckets = list(range(6))
+    F = np
+    alias_method_sampler = AliasMethodSampler(F, len(probs), probs)
+    generator_mx = lambda x: alias_method_sampler.draw(F, x)
+    verify_generator(generator_mx, buckets, probs)
+    generator_mx_same_seed = \
+        lambda x: np.concatenate(
+            [alias_method_sampler.draw(F, x // 10) for _ in range(10)]
+        )
+    verify_generator(generator=generator_mx_same_seed, buckets=buckets, probs=probs)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    speed()
+    chi_square_test()
diff --git a/python/mxnet/gluon/data/ b/python/mxnet/gluon/data/
index 66d6cfb2979..0dcdbc76c0f 100644
--- a/python/mxnet/gluon/data/
+++ b/python/mxnet/gluon/data/
@@ -18,9 +18,11 @@
 # coding: utf-8
 # pylint: disable=
 """Dataset sampler."""
-__all__ = ['Sampler', 'SequentialSampler', 'RandomSampler', 'BatchSampler']
+__all__ = ['Sampler', 'SequentialSampler', 'RandomSampler', 'BatchSampler', 'AliasMethodSampler']
 import random
+from ... import nd
 class Sampler(object):
     """Base class for samplers.
@@ -136,3 +138,74 @@ def __len__(self):
         raise ValueError(
             "last_batch must be one of 'keep', 'discard', or 'rollover', " \
             "but got %s"%self._last_batch)
+class AliasMethodSampler(object):
+    """ The Alias Method: Efficient Sampling with Many Discrete Outcomes.
+    Can be use in NCELoss.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    K : int
+        Number of events.
+    probs : array
+        Probability of each events, corresponds to K.
+    References
+    -----------
+    """
+    def __init__(self, K, probs):
+        if K != len(probs):
+            raise ValueError("K should be equal to len(probs). K:%d, len(probs):%d" % (K, len(probs)))
+        self.K = K
+        self.prob = nd.zeros(K)
+        self.alias = nd.zeros(K, dtype='int32')
+        # Sort the data into the outcomes with probabilities
+        # that are larger and smaller than 1/K.
+        smaller = []
+        larger = []
+        for kk, prob in enumerate(probs):
+            self.prob[kk] = K*prob
+            if self.prob[kk] < 1.0:
+                smaller.append(kk)
+            else:
+                larger.append(kk)
+        # Loop though and create little binary mixtures that
+        # appropriately allocate the larger outcomes over the
+        # overall uniform mixture.
+        while len(smaller) > 0 and len(larger) > 0:
+            small = smaller.pop()
+            large = larger.pop()
+            self.alias[small] = large
+            self.prob[large] = (self.prob[large] - 1.0) + self.prob[small]
+            if self.prob[large] < 1.0:
+                smaller.append(large)
+            else:
+                larger.append(large)
+        for last_one in smaller+larger:
+            self.prob[last_one] = 1
+    def draw(self, n):
+        """Draw N samples from multinomial
+        """
+        samples = nd.zeros(n, dtype='int32')
+        kk = nd.floor(nd.random.uniform(0, self.K, shape=n), dtype='int32')
+        rand = nd.random.uniform(shape=n)
+        prob = self.prob[kk]
+        alias = self.alias[kk]
+        for i in xrange(n):
+            if rand[i] < prob[i]:
+                samples[i] = kk[i]
+            else:
+                samples[i] = alias[i]
+        return samples
diff --git a/python/mxnet/gluon/ b/python/mxnet/gluon/
index 614025cd35e..c9413f369bd 100644
--- a/python/mxnet/gluon/
+++ b/python/mxnet/gluon/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 from .. import ndarray
 from ..base import numeric_types
 from .block import HybridBlock
+from .data import AliasMethodSampler
 def _apply_weighting(F, loss, weight=None, sample_weight=None):
     """Apply weighting to loss.
@@ -696,3 +697,85 @@ def hybrid_forward(self, F, pred, positive, negative):
                      axis=self._batch_axis, exclude=True)
         loss = F.relu(loss + self._margin)
         return _apply_weighting(F, loss, self._weight, None)
+class NoiseContrastiveEstimationLoss(Loss):
+    r"""Calculates the noise contrastive estimation loss:
+    The central idea of NCE is to perform a nonlinear logistic regression to
+    discriminate between the observed data and some artificially generated
+    noise data. So basically it based on one positive and
+    .. math::
+        pred = class_embedding * activation
+        prob = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-{pred})}
+        L = - \sum_i {label}_i * \log({prob}_i) +
+            (1 - {label}_i) * \log(1 - {prob}_i)
+    where `pred` is a scalar result from inner product of `class_embedding` vector
+    and an `activation` vector, they have the same dimension. For positive class,
+    `label` is 1, for sampled negative classes, their label are 0.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    num_sampled : int
+        Number of sampled noise targets for NCE calculation.
+    num_classes : int
+        Number of classes.
+    noise_distribution : list of float or NDArray
+        Distribution of corresponding classes, for generating noisy targets.
+    Inputs:
+        - **weight**: The class embeddings. Type: Embedding, Shape (num_classes, dim).
+        - **inputs**: Forward activation tensor of the network. Shape (batch_size, dim).
+        - **targets**: truth tensor. Shape (batch_size, ).
+    Outputs:
+        - **loss**: loss tensor with shape (batch_size,). Dimenions other than
+          batch_axis are averaged out.
+    References
+    ----------
+        `Noise-contrastive estimation: A new estimation principle for
+        unnormalized statistical models
+        <>`_
+    """
+    def __init__(self, num_sampled, num_classes, noise_distribution, **kwargs):
+        super(NoiseContrastiveEstimationLoss, self).__init__(num_sampled, num_classes, **kwargs)
+        self.sigmoid_binary_ce_loss = SigmoidBinaryCrossEntropyLoss(**kwargs)
+        self.alias_method_sampler = AliasMethodSampler(num_classes, noise_distribution)
+        self._num_sampled = num_sampled
+    def hybrid_forward(self, F, weights, inputs, targets, **kwargs):
+        preds, labels = self._compute_sampled_values(F, weights, inputs, targets)
+        return self.sigmoid_binary_ce_loss(preds, labels, **kwargs)
+    def _compute_sampled_values(self, F, weights, inputs, targets):
+        """Sample negative targets and compute activations"""
+        # (batch_size, dim)
+        targets_embedding = weights(targets)
+        targets_pred = F.broadcast_mul(targets_embedding, inputs)
+        targets_pred = F.sum(data=targets_pred, axis=1)
+        # Sample the negative labels.
+        batch_size = inputs.shape[0]
+        sampled_negatives = self.alias_method_sampler.draw(batch_size * self._num_sampled)
+        # shape:[batch_size, num_sampeld]
+        negatives_embedding = weights(sampled_negatives)
+        negatives_embedding = F.reshape(negatives_embedding, (batch_size, self._num_sampled, -1))
+        _inputs = F.reshape(inputs, (batch_size, 1, -1))
+        negatives_pred = F.broadcast_mul(_inputs, negatives_embedding)  # shape:(batch_size, num_sampled, embed_size)
+        negatives_pred = F.sum(negatives_pred, axis=2)
+        negatives_pred = F.reshape(negatives_pred, (-1, ))
+        preds = F.concat(targets_pred, negatives_pred, dim=0)
+        labels = F.concat(F.ones_like(targets_pred), F.zeros_like(negatives_pred), dim=0)
+        return preds, labels


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