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Posted to by Olivier Dessyn <> on 2001/03/21 09:48:23 UTC

Problem on the RPCRouter with "stockquote" example

I'm running under W2K, Tomcat, and this toolkit.
This web service has been deployed using "rcprouter admin console"
     ID                        urn:xmltoday-delayed-quotes
     Scope                 Application
     Provider Type     java
     Provider Class     samples.stockquote.StockQuoteService
     Use Static Class   false
     Methods               getQuote
     Type Mappings
     Default Mapping Registry Class
 I'm trying to use "stockquote" web service example (StockQuoteService)
 through GetQuote. Here is the command line input and output:
 > testit
 This test assumes a server URL of
 Deploying the stockquote service...
 Ouch, the call failed:
   Fault Code   = SOAP-ENV:Server.Exception:
   Fault String = java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
 Actually, run the following
   http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter action param" 
failed whatever the action is. Why ?
Help would be very much appreciated!