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Posted to by Areek Zillur <> on 2014/02/05 23:04:10 UTC

Re: SOLR suggester with highlighting

This can be achieved using payloads in the suggester dictionary. The
suggester based on spellcheck component does not support payloads in
You can use the new suggester component (, which allows you to
highlight and return payloads.
The payload can only be one field from your search index (or you could also
use the file-based dictionaries).
Here is a solrconfig snippet that might be similar to what you want:

<searchComponent class="solr.SuggestComponent"
    <lst name="suggester">
      <str name="name">highlighting_suggester</str>
<!-- suggester with highlighting support -->
      <str name="dictionaryImpl">DocumentDictionaryFactory</str> <!--
allows suggester to be built from the search index itself -->
      <str name="field">autocomplete</str> <!-- name of the field that the
suggestions will be based on -->
      <str name="weightField">relevance</str> <!-- (optional) weight used
for suggestions -->
      <str name="payloadField">group_info</str> <!-- payload field that
will be in the suggest results (this field can be something like
groupid:groupuser) -->
      <str name="suggestAnalyzerFieldType">text</str> <!-- field type
defined in schema that will be used to do index and query time processing
on the suggestions -->
      <!-- Suggester properties -->
      <!-- <str name="minPrefixChars">4</str>  -->

NOTE: currently the matched words are highlighted by  <b></b> tags

Hope that helps,